* IMPOSSIBLE * Try Not To Laugh

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what did I do I know what you're thinking just the same old jack just the same old type of video just the same old thing over and over again what if I told you sexy Irish Steve Jobs you guys were awful just absolutely terrible at making me laugh last time so I've decided all right you ready I'm not laughing we're not doing this today nobody nope not having it a little better a little better than what you came up with still not that funny though funny right No it isn't I am a dancer that is to say a conduit I don't define movement movement defines me every dance tells a story exploration oh thank God that didn't go on any longer ho oh you can't be I can't be thrown told it myself like that especially sexy toad look at these legs come on over and wrap those legs around me ah not funny what sea lion sound like underwater [Applause] [Applause] nah nah nah nah I'm not laughing this time no I'm holding that all in sight it's not happening whether they all sound like Tie Fighters that's what I thought the sound was at first you were just messing around hi laughing laughing and passed it and passed it it's not funny it's not funny at all it was just incredibly cute I'm doing great it's the turtleneck it's giving me power I'm not laughing at a single one of these it's never gonna happen I have rid laughter from my lexicon I've read laughter from my throat and my mind you lose you can't be doing this to the man then the force behind it oh my god legend runs down my bow all right no more that's one one strike baby no more we're not getting them oh come on turtleneck powers come on it feels like it's choking me I feel like I'm into some sort of like weird BDSM in my own room all right that's one that's fine we can live for one just I said okay go away mate it's just a little giggle well I'll have a little giggle a little chinwag hey dude I made this pretty cool meme I wanted to show it to you oh that's so funny how'd you make it well you see first I had this really colorful background have been this really funny cartoon of a salamander and then this text asked for a water cup and fill it with soda I call it sneaky salamander oh you want to know how to make a fresh me well let me show you first you take an oversaturated hallway fill it with shadow demons and then add some tacks like me and the boys at you am looking for babies right that's all it is if you have enough of a following on the internet you could probably just say any word and turn it into a meme now watch this would make a new meme right now look it's just a bell just a barrel on its own nothing else that's it it's just a bell that's the mean that's the whole meme now the Internet will take that and do whatever the hell it wants with it [Music] okay that one was so bad oh lordy I almost accidentally laugh all the time just because I like Internet videos I like memes what is something that you believe the president has done well I I I just I'm not really sure is I just supportive oh oh no I know this clip oh god this is okay this is Neil Breen who makes the most amazing movies of all time think the room but worse this is an actual scene from one of his movies I'm gonna shoot this Jim Amy you killed him [Laughter] Dino Ted Ted Ted dad come on how do you put this in a movie and think that you're doing a great thing it gets it gets even better himself call 9-1-1 again Jim yeah call 9-1-1 no Neil take the acting away how could you have done this Jim I can't believe you committed suicide I cannot believe you committed suicide how could you have done this how could you have committed suicide I can't help you out of this one Jim how do you take such a seriously sensitive topic like that and just completely [ __ ] it all up also what did you do this Jim what's he doing it's like he wants to sniff it and then put it on his face and then backs out like it and then suddenly it's everywhere dude look like he stuck his face in a bowl of tomato soup all right that one was unfair what Neil brain into this is just completely unfair I'm never not gonna laugh with that it's so stupid disclaimer I'm not laughing at the subject matter of what's going on obviously I would never ever do that I'm laughing at the complete lack of self-awareness that was in that clip the complete lack of any sort of wherewithal at all we're fine we're good we just need to I just need a break you get myself back to centre okay think about the new iPhone think about the new iPhone alright are you ready for more can you do it have you not laughed at all yet are you dead inside because I should just pretend like I am but I can't help but laugh for 20 things sometimes you just have to take a risk [Music] hello my hear what that just came out of nowhere what's up that is a cow never think out there's a laugh of surprise not a laugh out of how funny it was [Music] oh come on man hey now now that Largo is gone we can play the forbidden music no no no no I'm not even giving it a chance copyright no no no now Batman what happens if you photocopy water what break the photocopier [Music] all right okay it's gonna happen [Music] that was clever I seen this one I feel like I've seen this one but miss for a dollar name a woman name a woman yeah who your name a woman named a yoga a woman please turn me down is staged it has to be right there's no way you can't think of a woman's name you're going to have some women in your life your mother say your mother's name she just got so flustered she almost gave him the yoga bag she was just listening to him yelling and got scared he's very scary I I would never yell at you ever there's no I I know how scary that can be I would never ever yell at you ba ba a oh teri [ __ ] going on no no no no nope no I haven't at that nope I almost did so when you put your shirt inside your pants you're tucking in your shirt into your pants right so when your shirt is out of your pants does that mean that your pants is tucked into your shirt no it doesn't right no no I realize that whenever I'm trying not to laugh I just get angry I want I want to be able to laugh at things it goes against my nature to try not laugh it's uncomfortable it's unnatural I don't like it e ii ii ii ii escaped I watched it was so crap e-e-e-e me where's my brain my brain go haha hi I'm Kermit I'm a frog [Laughter] I'm not even trying anymore this is lame [ __ ] wrong with me God it really is that thing where once you bust the damn all the pee comes out yell fire I don't really notice his name shout out to you baby and I'm sorry that your grandma died rip grandma grandma you're dead now um it's okay you're dead nothing can hurt you you're dead for free mom right grandma grandma grandma grandma's dead nail her grandma what the [ __ ] is wrong with that rip grandma don't do that I just did it for demonstration purposes so you know now what to do what not to whatever so alright the game anime did it anything look at the guy next to him laughs Adam but it's me playing the exact same game I'm with this guy if you're gonna play the game you might as well play it right live it to its max potential everybody else being like I play my blue-eyes White Dragon you're dead all your life points gone this dudes over here living the game my jack no retards Kaiba that's how you gotta play it man get in there live it cuz when you lose you don't just lose you're getting sent to the Shadow Realm you gotta fight for your life and you do [Music] okay everyone hey Peter Parker you got something for me had to beat an old lady with a stick too good how much for foot play I'll tell you how much hi welcome in skeleton ever say was that's right do you want to see full play I've got the solution for you now for just a small fee of 1995 plus shipping and handling I'm gonna tell you to get [ __ ] gainful finish out of my chat get it right out of my childhood I want it take it away right now let's get a flute okay thank you guys it was great oh my god absolutely [ __ ] roasted sheer that cogs and ready to go damn you know that she gets asked that a lot or at least similar stuff so much that they had to make a whole set improvisational scene around it oh sweet Jesus gamers are the [ __ ] worst health care more like who cares [Applause] okay all right I'm not even trying anymore I'm just this turned into a Funniest Home Videos ever try not to laugh just one of those days man you know when you want to sit down and you don't really know what to do you just want to laugh at things you just want to have a good time you want to watch stuff that lifts your spirits and makes you feel happy I hope that this has done it for you I don't forget what sexy Irish Steve Jobs always says hit the like button or I'm gonna come into your room at night and lick your toes do you want to see full play I've got the solution to you absolutely subscribe button bro bring that Bell yeah see you on the next one stop laughing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] son of a
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,373,110
Rating: 4.9627185 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, try not to laugh jacksepticeye, try not to laugh tik tok, try not to laugh tik tok impossible, try not to laugh impossible, you laugh you lose, laughing, tik tok, tiktok, tik tok compilation, funny videos, funny, tik tok memes, funny tik tok videos, jacksepticeye laugh, laugh, jacksepticeye try not to laugh, tik tok jacksepticeye, impossible challenge, vine, vine videos, vine compilations
Id: SuE9pyBjrwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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