Hide And Seek Across The Earth!

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today we are playing hide and seek for a ten thousand dollar fridge they can hide all across the planet server dropped the gate oh my gosh i gotta go hide oh god uh they can hide in america asia europe africa wherever they want it's the statue of liberty look at that it's so beautiful i'm going to japan what if i just follow spiffy the entire time this is literally terrifying we have to check the entire planet how are we gonna find them that's gonna take forever this is my hiding spot right here probably not that clutch this is perfect there's no way wait this might be very good yo nice spot dude i'm making a grass skin oh that's so clever yes this will win this will win this this team is op if i just go like this this is see this seems really good do i find the best spot i'm between two trees oh is this good okay in japan let's go we're hiding right here for now all right i'm in my spot it's not very good please don't say anything ten nine skip a feud one let's go well they're going oh my god they're speeding to us they're heading to europe they're heading to europe we're good it's not every day you just get to destroy the eiffel tower take that france tecto is anyone in antarctica how many fridges are you willing to pay me for this information i'll throw in a 5 000 fridge if you win yo double fridge yeah there's no one there there's no one there at all oh my god oh my god chris you just found me oh did i i was just telling that chandler i don't know i suck you're in this area no yeah let's go bomb the area what you have bombs yeah baby oh chris you'll never find me i saw you you you cheater are you dead yet no wait did you oh die die die you're not getting the fridge you're stuck with your moldy fridge baby you just blew me up [Music] you guys want to sell some people out for me russia is kind of stacked i guess i'm pillaging russia on my own let's see is anyone in this building this is kind of terrifying wait can you hear my snowballs oh my god you got me wait i killed you yep totally oh it just popped up on my chat you were in that building yeah i was i'm quitting i'm quitting we are now at the giant fridge in the middle of antarctica help me it's freezing and chandler you were the first person to die so i screwed myself so got some word on the street fundies in canada uh i heard new zealand streets popping that's just a straight up lie actually i don't know why you would believe him let's just see if new zealand's popping off right now jimmy if i don't get the freeze no i'm done this is australia let's just blow up the opera thing just to check where's new zealand is this new zealand what does this sign say something lord of the rings related so this has got to be new zealand or is new zealand above it where is new zealand oh he passed right over me oh my god chandler i lived all right i just realized you guys could see where me and chris are on your maps that's not very fair in five minutes we're gonna just completely delete asia off the map wait wait what oh god oh my god good thing i was never hiding there i've been in canada with fundy the whole time i'm going to canada oh boy oh boy oh no no oh hey wildcat what's going on man i'm a migrant pig i'm migrating oh no they're so close okay this okay guys all right that's cool that's fine no fridge for wildcats [Music] should have gone there oh what'd you see chris i think you missed something down here oh wait wait wait wait wait give me a second here i wanna i have a cool trick that i can show you guys all right clean your case so basically what i'd like sage you'll never catch me alive wait this is awkward i'm trying to negotiate with you get on top of this stupid boat negotiations okay currently two of the 10 people have been found we could kill you right now or you could rat out two people and we let you go scot-free are you willing to sacrifice two people so you stay in yo can i get an extra boat as well here we'll give you one extra boat tell us where two people are right now or we're gonna kill you i see just verb and spiffy up there where's up there here you tell us where if we're going the right direction chris come with me okay mr beast is pretty much going the right way i'm not gonna lie i feel like they were hiding in a building we already blew up oh oh oh oh no it's chris act like you don't see him act like you don't see him i bet you he's freaking out right now oh no oh no i'm gonna jump down in front of him let's see what he does oh my god he doesn't think we see him chris watch it 360. i thought he didn't see me are we confident techno couldn't escape from that prison yeah we should probably check actually he's really good at stuff like that come on have a little bit of faith how'd you get out you don't have blocks is he out what i i just jumped and placed the boat outside and then got in the boat outside chris i was just being nice i'm sorry i'm a nice guy there are now three prisoners he can row a boat uh attention everybody i wanted to let you know that the prisoners are now gonna help me find a few people don't worry one of them's chandler so there's really only two prisoners helping uh no hard feelings just verb about uh earlier all right fundy same plan we got this chris and chandler i'm deploying you to the north america wildcat and verb i'm deploying you guys to africa i'm gonna go hunt europe okay chandler let's go this way oh god they're all flying oh my god on the move they're on the move they're on the move they can all fly oh god feels like they're breathing down on x it's worrying [Music] yeah i really don't think there's anybody here oh god they're destroying africa we can move but i think we have an obligation to like come back at some point you know i should probably move now i'm a gamer i got to go freaking fast though enemy i see 130 above no small hat what happened i have one in the end you fell right into our trap mr smalling you wanted to ride out one of your comrades there's someone in alaska that's all i'll say in alaska okay and now they go and find a rambu and now that half the people have been found this is a perfect time to shrink the border again so the borders are now shrinking to north and south america i had to travel right away from japan and i made it all the way here gentlemen i want you guys to put your trihard pants on and take some fridges from people all right there we go i got my trihard pants on and this is carl hi and i really have to poop so carl take over for 10 minutes hello it's me jimmy hey jimmy you got shorter you can't even tell it's a face camp oh i just heard nukes yeah they're nuking welcome to america are there any holes an a hollow tree perhaps maybe like uh maybe like underneath a birch tree run run ramboo my plot armor go go go snowball snowball snowballs snowballs oh he's going oh he's it get out of there go go no i snowballed you so hard ranbu i definitely wasn't next to ranboo you know what rainbow you get a 500 taco bell gift card cause i'm mr beast rambu if you give us the location of somebody i'll make sure you get a fridge uh california i really hope they find them i really want this fridge oh no oh wait i found him no chris spiffy no spiffy spiffy he's so close to me please bye they got him i got a fridge spiffy almost killed me but i'm still here oh my god do they see me hey mr beast i just promised rambo a fridge wait so do i get both the fridge and the taco bell gift card i guess so because mr beast can't lie [Music] that was a good poop yes this border is getting kind of small this pretty is kind of getting small i'm kind of scared where are you no more trees techno definitely is a tryhard so he probably changed his skin to blend in oh who's that there's no one no no mr puns i'll spare you if you sell out someone right at the center of the border you're going to find some people nice nice thank you i lied about sparing you all right three remaining wait wait is this all right guys i'll make a deal with you if i tell you where i am i get five thousand dollars yeah i bet you will if i get five thousand dollars i'll tell you where technoblade is lead us to techno right now i already know where he is wait wait wait wait wait i was right here fundy's on the top left right now you guys should go after him where oh techno is down to remain oh god he's gone oh all right i got him that is funny he's the i'm a winner block baby this is the person that just won a 10 000 fruit yes boo you have five seconds fundy what do you have to say ha
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 15,165,839
Rating: 4.9469767 out of 5
Id: Xqamnbm-ZLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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