I Broke EVERY BONE In My Body In Skate 3

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I'm not sure. It might be too recent of a game. My guess would be it's either Goat Simulator, Far Cry 3 or maybe even BeamNGDrive. And if he really wants to bring a lot of nostalgia, maybe even a VR rollercoaster, tho I'm sure that's pretty unlikely xD idk, let's just wait and see

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/moretrashthanhuman 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
except I and welcome back to skate three of course nostalgia week keeps going nostalgia week is the week that just keeps on givin and many of you predicted that skate 3 would be back and I've actually been meaning to get back to skate 3 for the longest time I wasn't even gonna put it in histology week I was just going to do an episode on it man it's good to be back I completely hold forget toe can I can I grind a really thingy can I can I hell yeah I can cuz I'm a legend and the legend never forgets just like an elephant go my way [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah oh oh no of course gate 3 you had to show up in nostalgia week it was one of my favorite games that I've played on the channel and it's so many episodes of it let's see if I still got the skills let's see if I still got the moves all right over the shark and far away jackaboy comes to play ah oh alright alright yo yo hold on hold on there Baldy locks yes no no God you suck get better jeans I'm not talking about what you're wearing on your legs I mean actual genetics get easy does it easy does it just a whisper just a whisper down this thing yeah baby Oh God oh Jesus my solar plexus broken and bloody that's Hawaii like my men huh that's done but that was pretty dope though that was tight cannonball yeah oh my ankle very beautiful people doing - that's not high-five my friends hello be my friend be my friend this is how I make friends I'm just swinging fists you're the one walking into them oh oh it was just a bunch of the face whoa that dude was legendary are we friends with him he's still my dog you so mad you know in my country we have a word for people who push people over there called [ __ ] Brewer the cool places to go in this game whoa God the ground apparently who can flip out over that easily to a flip that was sick but that's not what I wanted to do yeah baby safety first safety first that's how you make it down watch out dude you're gonna get yourself killed this is my favorite thing to do I spared from pulling off sick flips cuz I was really good at those hey watch out watch out lady Christ the year is 2020 skateboarders rule the streets cars are no match anymore only one man stands between cool and uncool his name is the coffin right if I wanted a taxi I call for one you know what you're getting this no oh Jesus huh nice take that society break all your rules oh yeah this awesome Hill oh I'm gonna get to the top and do some mad moves off this come on dude you can make it I need a know what yeah it's there you go I'm not even running and I'm tired the [ __ ] out it away yeah purple pant wearing [ __ ] oh yes go coughing this is a little fast this is a little too fast if you ask sir Oh christ almighty move a sight yeah yo [ __ ] skateboarding is not a young man's game anymore it's all about the veterans the golden oldies we know how the tricks work okay okay keep it going keep it steady ah greatness is built upon scares and hardship bruises are just the landmarks of greatness yeah baby my face looks like it just went 19 rounds of Mike Tyson skatepark baby time to show these young pups what a legend can do [ __ ] out of my zone watch this kids to call this one the pop shuvit hell yeah this one's called the gnarly grab this was calling [ __ ] your mom almost [ __ ] sexy so they say every morning when I look in the mirror and again I'm genuinely just really having a good time okay all the flips are sick grind up the paper it's not the first time I've heard grind up the pipe and knife flip over the sweet sexy skate titty every time someone hits me they're fine and I end up like a sack of potatoes on the ground [Laughter] hella tight' is it hella tight oh I am weighing over my head already I don't know if I should be doing this it's awesome I'm ain't just gonna keep going forever no ramps there's a ramp a ramp at the end of this somewhere I can feel it they can feel it in me testes here we go a big rap [Music] that's salt how much you guys dare me to go with on this oh you think I won't Oh what is scary though do a ton of tricks Oh Lord I am going to end up as paste oh I didn't even make it onto the board oh yeah drop in on a grommet give him the old Steak and Shake rules are for babies yeah Oh be like Hank Hank constantly gets himself into bad situations breaks all his bones [ __ ] himself up looks humiliated its run over by cars but he still gets back in the board I think a Hall of meet just opened up that's good these are the ones I want to do these are my favorite ones to do where you just kill your character as many ways possible yeah for now great this is a death race this is not at all what I wanted once I'm gonna kick your asses I grinded this before look at me go wait no you're faster than me how is this even possible you can't do that no it's all about me get low to the ground low center of gravity knees I'll never catch it Oh God traffic are the nightmare of skaters Hey [ __ ] second place no you don't I don't do well in second place its first place or it's nothing excuse me thank you yes all the way to the finish line yes don't mind that part my face might look like a bag of bruised peaches but at least a heavy-haul of meat haul of meat haul of meat what's the point of even playing this game if you're not doing Hall of meat challenges and it's just right and it's just right huh yes I am the bowling ball oh yeah I can jump I forgots thinking jump so [ __ ] fun huh you got it though spread-eagle is the way honey I'm trash yes yes hit the railing hit the railing I'm coming in hot I'm coming oh no I'm not I [ __ ] it up don't make it yes just like happy reels the skills never left me look majestic eagle boy this looks like a good one this is a great place to break some bones feet the target score I can do that with my eyes black woods even fall off nice keep going keep going I have more fight left in me coach I've more fight left in me I can keep going oh yeah oh yeah the breaks break some bones to pull out the big guns oh yes exactly what I need that was even worse I'm a gonna have to pull out my might magnum opus yes I am cuz nothing else is getting the job dude I did it I broke every bone in my body but it was for the greater good it was for science look at that majestic man they needed a champion they needed a hero they needed me back in the saddle skate three is gotten without broken bones for a very long time but I'm back baby 50,000 points in one bail all I need to do is channel my inner Christian here looks like a good place no no no that counts that counts please have me that counts never even stood a chance I did 60,000 points it's so [ __ ] funny actually I just want to be here I don't care about the challenge I'm gonna [ __ ] around in this place this is the best place in the whole game right in the edge of life and death no you're absolutely dead oh this is the place with the awesome drop Oh oh you really only broke your ankles out of all that you're driving seventy-nine kilometers an hour no ow ow ow how to flip that's not a flip right it's good enough keep going you got it you're looking sexy that was a flip but I what cost okay step out onto this easy does it oh my god this character just do anything by half oh nice nice why is it so funny why okay again oh oh oh I live here now oh this is it yes that's the speed I know a need clip why don't you flip for me ever [ __ ] I will kill your firstborn that was awesome and again and again yes and again when I get up higher oh yeah oh no they say that's fun and all jumping from there but I'm very limited I'm limited in what I can do I have Mort again yeah from up here seems good it seems like a great idea oh no I'll get right on that oh no I need me to do that I love no I love hitting this immediately the mission is to bail for 12 seconds I think that I am a master of my craft at this point oh no oh no oh no oh god seven Jesus I'm much better than this I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it okay and then get your feet off the ground get your feet off the ground come come on dude you're making us look bad here buddy yes yes now keep going yes down it's only eight seconds the secret is all in the bounce it's all in the it's all in the bounce numbnuts yes keep going keep going you're a regular [ __ ] I did it the greatest bone breaker the world has ever seen well you know what Hank you may have bruised bones body and organs but nothing hurts more than a bruised ego well that's gonna do it for my skate three adventures for today what a great game to bring back for a nostalgia week I had so much fun playing I hope you guys said how you suck I hope you guys had just as much fun watching it it's been so awesome going back to all these old games that's where you can playing them all and reminiscing and seeing what it's like to play them now I every time I pray them I'm like yeah this is why these are such a big series in such big videos on the channel because there's just so much goddamn phone baura coming close to the end of nostalgia week there's only one game left to do what do you think it's gonna be write down in the comments tell me I'm very curious because there's a lot of games that are left out that people really wanted to see but hopefully you can understand why I've picked the ones that I have because they were not only formative for the channel but formative for me because there was a lot of decisions behind playing some of these games than just the games themselves like I said I almost didn't even played this game I almost didn't play happy who else at all I asked people on Facebook before I uploaded happy who else official player or not and the majority of people said no and imagine if I had never done that if I had never played those games maybe I would have come back to them later but who knows all I know is that I am very glad that I played them and I'm very glad that I came back to them now because they have such a warm place in my heart but until next time Hank and I are going to say au revoir [Music] [Applause] Hank get up you're making us look stupid
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,911,380
Rating: 4.9637685 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, skate 3, skate 3 game, skate 3 gameplay, skate 3 jacksepticeye, skate 3 funny moments, hall of meat, skate 3 tricks, skate 3 montage, skate 3 multiplayer, funny moments, skate 3 dlc, skate 3 cheats, silly stuff, glitches, skate 3 single player, funny, skate 3 funtage, nostalgia week, flips, back flips, compilation, best, gameplay, skate 3 mods, skateboarding game, skate 4, skate 3 funny jacksepticeye, skate 3 gameplay jacksepticeye
Id: ID-UX-qF0jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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