Perfectly Cut Screams #2

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making my way downtown walking fast faces pass ah it's no secret that I'm loud I like to scream a lot there's a lot going on in my brain at any given time and some would call me the loudest man to have ever existed that's fine because funny things to me are loud things so we're back looking at some perfectly cut screams and what better place to go then - good old lady this is really funny to do last time I had a great time watching it because I just like this subreddit anyway and I like puffy perfectly cut scream compilations I watch them all the time Sykes me up gets me in the mood so I thought why not do another one people have been asking for it I need videos here we go don't forget to clean the dost under your fridge there's a Ledge it like fight or flight response er me oh I was worried it was going to be spiders oh that would have been so often imagine I just have million spiders came out from under the fridge oh alright remote isn't that bad the carry diseases might end up killing you but spiders will kill us all wait what oh no that definitely is I've seen a couple of those go around - tick tock or is thang dad come in here the toilets smoking and then to put toilet paper in a roll in its mouth very funny very harmless joke and I like it a lot so we're about to find out if kookaburras like a pasta your kookaburras outside your house yes look at my hand ah they don't like fingers they think they're worms how many videos have you seen of people doing this to birds and they go over and they knob on them dude I went to his poo the birds outside my house I did see a jaybird outside my house yesterday I was sitting here recording and it just landed on the wall outside it was really cool and then I kill them at a time for Brett what's out naked in front of my roommate challenge did you did you really I don't even care I don't even care if it's fake or not it's still funny you do exactly what's going to happen you know they're just gonna scream at it and that's it and that's it cut off but it's still really funny are they gonna shock each other whoa no does that work no what no doesn't fake the light bulb was a paid actor damn it everything any internet is fake I knew it what did I just watch I [Music] want a whole movie like that can we get a whole low-budget spider-man movie oh wait is that a speaker is it gonna be that song that everybody plays that I actually don't know what the name of is now god if anyone woke me up like this I would hate them and then love them but an [ __ ] move [Music] wait that's the Monsters Inc theme really after all this time looking for the song and not knowing what it was it was the Monsters Inc theme I need to want to rewatch Monsters Inc it's been so long screaming hamster just look at this thing hi now see that's me when you try to wake me up when I'm in bed in the morning I don't like going to bed but then when I'm in bed you better not come anywhere near me who's so fast ping-pong legend Tommy Lee Jones versus an amateur challenge the great one what is it about this that makes it so funny oh yes screaming Huskies are so [ __ ] funny oh we got a look at more screaming Huskies I played this one before probably in this series as well I play this often [Laughter] what is wrong with them oh do you like any choice all right I've made that one before but have I told you guys that I met the person who made the video they came and met me a pax I probably did but I knew it there you go I'm consistent of nothing else oh my god oh I don't know this guy is but that's Michael Lilly and fed Meister because observe a simple summary and then she says thank you Tier three saw God the comedic timing is really damn good fish Jesus Oh Oh God for a second there I thought the fish was gonna come out through the screen at me I was getting a little scared these never go well why do you do these come on is he gonna fall forward yeah there it is can't fool me I've been on the internet for a while I've been in this game Oh a love story in seven seconds see this is why fightin was popular because you get so much information in such a short amount of time I love you bro but Stan the hearts you hit him with the heart back a bonding friendship take it away at a moment's notice is this is this the love of my life Ryan Reynolds right now did you guys know that I love him have I talked about Ryan rounds before way too much I don't think so let's keep talking about him cuz he's dreamy and awesome eighteen years old and in the middle of the dinner once like I I grabbed the camera and I went in the bathroom and I just took a picture of my penis and I just warned Rosie if he would naturally edit these photos at some point yeah so I think there's one day I hope it doesn't happen but I there's a there's a penis picture of mine floating around some well guess why we found it do you imagine if they just showed his dick to everybody a lot of people would be very happy but also that's a private nono area hell no I've never taken a dick pic at least not that I can remember maybe I should just do it get it out there just put it out for the world to see and then no one can really get you with it like if they're going to be like I got your dick picking and posting it he's like okay well I'll just post a better one cuz the one I can probably pose for a pony be better who am I talking about that's oh a good James scream I love me a good James I think I've seen this yeah this is Ross's level I remember this youtuber is super hex or Nova funny one was wondering easily the most consistent youtuber in terms of just fun videos especially with the early creatures slash cow chop videos yeah James is an absolute legend James is an OG from all the way back he was the guy who started the whole happy wheels thing no this is a chainsaw and a beer No No oh that's some raw talent right there it was I could do that if I tried to do that to probably saw my own foot off no [Laughter] don't call me off gasps OH long live the king summoning the tiger King all you gotta do is say Carol baskets three times in a mirror she won't show up the Tiger king well I think we should just chant for Joe exotic oh okay that's good stuff I like that I will definitely watch more from this channel this is from a hog-calling contest like pigs [Music] Oh God I heard this before but the pigs actually respond to here piggies yeah hell yeah boy yeah get there pigs ran up boy I like at the start of it sounded like a siren about to go off [Music] hello I told you I am the son of siren head that's where that comes from oh my god I've heard that sounds so many times I didn't know it was this video you learn something new every day they do these things with dolls occasionally where they give them a hard plastic realistic hey yeah weird floppy bodies and it all ends up frankly a little bit more disturbing this one talks if you remember and utters one of his amazing catchphrases like that wasn't even a good recording of that either that's so cute I would be terrified of my dogs jumping out of the car if I did that and I have a dog or a care but if I did I would not let them just hang out at the window like that have you seen that tick tock where the dogs actually jump out and then they go around at the parking or the stoplight and just check out everybody else's cars I'd be so scared Oh minecraft I've had quite a few times where I could have a perfectly cut screaming minecraft spider spawner alright we're gonna deal with in this episode we're gonna do creepers are gonna show up for sure scared as we are of it it's more scared of us than it is of it's more scared of us than we are of it yeah always you gotta watch out for creepers man as soon as you hear that sizzle you best get running I got my umbrella but I know I'm gonna go with look our street is starting to flood holy crap that was epic I hope no one got hurt the best lightning that I have ever seen was not for ik lightning like that that comes out in histogram it was just sheet lightning in the clouds at night time when I lived in the cabins and I was in my my brother's little cabin that he had which ever strongest wind came the whole thing was gone and lightning happened and the entire field lit up like daytime I had never seen it so bright at night time like that before and then the thunder that came after it you could literally hear it go left to right across the sky and feel it vibrate left to right under the ground and me and my brother looked at each other like well we had a good one I'll see you up there oh man I've been really getting into these types of videos lately were people roleplay stuff in VR and it's super funny to watch I've watched people play that onward game I think that that's what this is juicy juicy remember do you want these people to come into your nono square no I do not then take the no nose no no yeah I did this is Molly yeah I've watched that's what I was saying I was watching some of their videos on on words before and it's so goddamn funny it makes me want to do it myself I want to get some friends together and do roleplay in VR stuff I really want to get into VR chat again I'm gonna do that and role play around in that because that's so fun oh my god that's amazing Oh comedy doesn't get any better than that folks you know what we're just ending it they're branding it there that's all the only reason that I made this video was because I wanted to just have a little bit of fun get in react to some things have a laugh at it and just feel good and now I do I feel great after all that I hope you do too hope this injected a little bit of fun into your day a little bit of distraction a little bit of energy and a little bit of laughs if it did don't forget to go ahead and leave a like on this video please do it I'm not just saying that for the good of my health just just do it okay I don't forget [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but you didn't see that coming yeah I'm somewhat of a professional
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,523,541
Rating: 4.9801288 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, perfectly cut screams, funny, reddit, funny reddit, reaction, laugh, funny scream, meme, memes, meme video, jacksepticeye screaming, funny jacksepticeye
Id: wbYfBi1SsWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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