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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello and welcome back to three stupid games i hope you're distracting me i hope you're ready [Music] ah first game on the chopping block is something called chasing the static and i absolutely adore this style this is just a demo for it i saw it on steam and i i just love it it looks like the blair witch project which is one of my favorite horror movies of all time let's see what options we got wow we got a lot cool cool cool cool cool cool cool love options new game why not no baby oh that's lettering you shouldn't do that the vibes in here are immaculate right now look at that rain effect damn you pulled out all the stops in this game oh am i playing oh i'm over here admiring visuals as always when i should be playing the game um headlights gear stick what if we just grind our gears can i use the headlights well i need to get into the car to do it wait are the headlights are off okay they're off now wait maybe i should maybe i should have them on uh gear stick i don't think that's how gears work oh coffee cup yes indeedy don't mind if i yes that's been out for a while and it's stone cold at this point but luckily coffee tastes good cold or hot that's right i just realized i'm not paying attention to the road i'm over here staring at the passenger seat being like wow i really wish i had a friend right now [Music] so what am i supposed to do hit something do something kill somebody can i can i drive let's turn the headlights off let's make it some risky business you know if i'm going to hit something i don't want to see it it'll just make me feel bad oh the glove box hold on i have to get my let's get my road map ah yes this is safe how did i survive the horror in this game is me oh france and germany whoa oh god have we driven into like silent hill or something last stop dude this is awesome i absolutely love these sort of like vhse looking games stop by for another bit of coffee can i open up the glove box let me just get on my mobile [Music] dear samantha it's been several years since we've been together i still think about you all the time whenever the rain lands on my window whenever time just seems to slow down for a moment they think of us and that don't truck the ass you had wow that's uh that's pretty creepy dude the only other thing i heard on those rainy mornings was the clap of those cheeks as they really filled the room with excitement all right let's get out what are we doing so this is going to be a full game eventually and i'm very excited for it looks cool now you ride the bike travel down the street who needs a car when you go to break look at the trash find yourself oh christ alive you almost gave me a heart attack sorry let me guess got lost in the storm let me guess solid snake face war has changed oh choices are you still open it's been a long day i'm headed east are you slow sorry to barge in you're still open right uh kitchen's closed but we have all the coffee you could want gosh that's all a lad needs i don't sound like you're from around here no i'm from ireland i mean i used to be a long time guy dude he looks like me that guy is my twin he loves coffee he drives a car and he has a beard conversation is normally a two-way thing oh god sorry i was busy talking to the people at home sorry i was conversing with them not you it's rude i'm uh headed east oswestry oh so do you want the good news or the bad news first uh bad news please always i love a good bit of bad news again i'm irish ah okay go on hit me with the bad news first venus i like it well you missed the turning it's like half an hour back the way you came now good news is i know the way we'll be headed that way myself soon anyway hang about and i'll show you the way if i can buy my left oh sure uh to be honest i'm gonna do with the company i don't know if i wasn't looking forward to cycling in this rain anyway oh it's your bike nothing creepy though okay kiddos if you try anything i'm just relieved to be off that road where are we anyway welcome to the last stop cafe best coffee this side of the a5 don't get a lot of customers these days though maybe because you're in the bum [ __ ] nowhere oh yeah help yourself to coffee i'll be done in five and maybe because you're giving away the coffee for free uh tips so i never caught your name uh stephen oh i wasn't tipping i was stealing your money anyway i work here now um some tips would be nice you're just gonna sit here conversing all day you know it's not a [ __ ] library coffee's done ah nice cop with the black stuff huh i sold cop with the bro well those tables are looking lovely and clean you're doing an absolute [ __ ] blinder of a job oh could you deal with that just mess with the dial until it finds a signal again samantha every time i hear the static i think of you drinking this cup of warm good dirty black beans reminds me of the time we used to go hiking out west you and your hot pants and me in my overalls because my fashion sense was just terrible i'm always thinking of you samantha sorry you must love cleaning tables the radio said burn the non-believers what should i what should that mean [Applause] actually boys are on am i supposed to do something more with it let me go behind the counter because i work here this is lovely i don't know if i can use this music but i'm liking it just whatever music is playing in the rain i don't know the song but i knew the lyrics maybe if we get further away the copyright police won't catch me no again that's the second time this week thank god you're still alive i thought i was gonna turn around and you were just gonna like turn to me here somewhere a lighter i had a tomb raider interview inventory this whole time interview oh my father's journal and i had to read in the dark isn't it oh never mind i have subtitle vision to whom it may concern packed into the pages of this book you will find my life's work a means with no end a fruitless garden 30 years of questions with no answers i fear that these questions juxtaposed with concepts so far and they can drive a man insane we'll never find their answers much like my own hollow ambition some things never come to fruition i only hope that these tattered pages may serve to prove that we are more than ourselves and that our perception of reality is merely a veil over our own ideals and hunger to understand this world i have many regrets the garden is not one of them okay there's a lot of reading i can't do it all in that voice it'll get annoying the first day i remember the first day like it was only yesterday and tomorrow much like it was today and next week was kind of like last year so full of ambition and wonder the opportunity to work on something truly life-changing are we going to get some like sci-fi eldritch truth lovecraft kind of stuff going on in this game because i'm all for that we were grouped into three research teams where i was heading up field team one the second field team by dr williams and the third team were based in the facility with dr kuznetsov at the hell the site carried an air of apprehension to its grounds a feeling of helplessness in the face of the unknown but we were people of science specialists in our field and it just so happened that field was one of sudden marshland in northern wales precautions were in place appropriate fail-safe measures established and for all intents and purposes we were safe for now shelter the concrete hive of ambition a bitter sweet turnaround from what was once gleamed as the town's last vestige should the war turn sour we kept the door ajar for the first few weeks the overbearing stench of fresh masonry paint did no favors for the already dank corridors and stagnant air rooted under the lens like a great oak the bunker sprawled across the containment zone the perfect halfway house between affected sites some of the world's greatest scientific minds were here now confined to steel desks in a tomb of cinder oh my god there's so much to read it wasn't long before the first incident my heart hangs heavy for those we have lost there's nothing or there's something about this place that weighs on you a creeping sense of dread slowly bleeding into despair after the second incident the institute must have recognized something was wrong fresh boxes of supplies arrived days after the water was somewhat sweeter than before we thought nothing of it of course we were naive i know now the supplies are laced with lithium just enough to take the edge off but not to cloud our judgment should i tell them is that responsible it's been two weeks since it's been one week since you looked at me since last incident maybe this is for the best the village of hearth hearth was like a time capsule a once thriving village turned ghost town in a matter of weeks sorry i'm just reading my dad's journal here for a second i know the lights are out but we'll get there eventually what are you gonna do something in the dark a fitting descriptor with a little histrionic our team has had more sightings there here than any other likely due to the unholy amount of lives that lost the contamination we talking about [ __ ] ghosts not [ __ ] ghosts that's quite hard although the ectoplasm does make it quite easy but an impurity of the mind that's what we call it the same sickness that has now taken the lives of three of my proteges it spread like wildfire fueled by the close-minded culture of this village had bred through generations money did not heed the warnings money refused to leave some of they're still here you can feel them jesus christ how okay we have two more pages to go uh bravo site there's something about this room a chill that washes over you as you step through the door situating the oldest building in the village there's history here a lot of it these glimpses into time echoes of past conversations they tell a story of our narrative fractured like a house no more okay alpha the outlier of the three sites the alpha site has been our most reliable source of quantitative data with frequent almost predictable readings across the board a once bustling roadside cafe now our forgotten memory bro we're in a cafe right now i'm not i'm not out here trying to catch ghosts all right i just wanted a cup of coffee this'll do nicely i'm just looking for a cup of coffee in the way home i don't want ghosts uh anyway sorry to keep you waiting uh my dad like to write a lot uh all right lighter that's better i love smokers you wouldn't mind taking a look would you fuse boxes in the back uh okay i guess last time i was waiting four hours for an electrician if i die it's all your fault you better not go back to cleaning tables all right if i'm not back in fight are you the ghost if i'm not back in five minutes just wait longer so what am i looking for here kitchen right maybe take a [ __ ] first before i [ __ ] my pants i this is phasmaphobia all over again i'll walk in here and i'll just hear adult kill i'm out here trying to [ __ ] catch a death i don't want to wake up dead in the morning lights only okay left and right hey neira a bunch of these fuses are fried do you want to come out and help me at all at all oh screwdriver out of the inventory but i love how old school this feels some of you didn't even play games this old it's jammed luckily i've got a handy screwdriver that i found i call him flathead nice i love that sound effect all right anira a pharah uh wherever you are i'm not gonna do this now the fuse is dead that's why he said i could take out the third one who needs power to everything else who needs heating who needs coffee who needs fridge all i care about are lights hey uh no need to thank me or anything an era why do i suddenly feel like jumanji is happening oh oh god oh god that's much much much worse than i expected what the hell oh that gave me the creepies all in my gps no i hate this game uh last stop cafe hello i'm sorry i don't speak demon [ __ ] man this got way scarier than i was expecting it to i thought i'd come in and she'd be like hi did you fix them [ __ ] up in the roof contorting like a [ __ ] britain's got talent contestant hello i would like to get the [ __ ] out of here please what are you summoning how weird [ __ ] are you into oh i thought i was picking up a camera apparently i'm going out the door is her bike gone missing ah lads somebody took the [ __ ] wheel off the bike so wait you might as well just take the chain off or something this is a lot of shot lights that's not hard now it's just mean can i go further on foot oh i can i can i shouldn't than i am maybe i should just leave in the car [Music] this is a bad idea [Applause] where are you no answer oh this this is bad siren head gonna come out and kill me walking down and all you hear then it's you know how siren head be left right left right well you know what to say if you're not right you're wrong i don't want to be here anymore i would like to go home through the door what is that hello my trusty lighter will help me i'll burn you i'll breathe secondhand smoke on you and then in 50 years you're really gonna regret it is that third head oh you're summoning something you're into some weird [ __ ] hanira i don't know much about the cosmology and the the haunted mansions and the ghosty paranormalities but i know enough to know that this is creepy [ __ ] thunder lightning my light are still alive in the middle of all of the rain that's coming down which is astonishing actually i have a feeling that we're gonna find like cthulhu in the woods [Music] oh no no no ah no i've played enough of these games i've watched enough movies i've shot enough pants to know that no that's bad that's in there no i probably should just leave no big gamer man jack spedicy here to do the business i'm going in lads cover me die haters [Music] you don't like it oh we're in different timelines all the time all right i regret it i don't want to be here follow the luminous shrooms or take a few it'll probably make it better before we go to the scary cabin of death let's take the boat and go home an old row boat the oars are missing i'm sorry thor i don't want to be here either ectoplasm that's a ghost for sure yeah tastes like ass no i would know this is good right are you full of shrooms oh it's [ __ ] pentagrams in the ground lights oh that smell i told you the ectoplasm the scared note researcher dr nisha baines following strong displacement singular source clear audible charter further study about modern space from two stars weak space and two sources huh okay what if i just get attacked by a giant mushroom i'm back this is a really smart idea i'm a very clever person this definitely isn't going to end badly for me you know when you're driving down the street and you're trying to look for some place and then you find a cafe and then girls crawl on the rooftop and there's like coffee coming up from the ground and then you go into the woods you find a bunker and you go inside yeah me neither because nobody does that that's weird most people would leave not my problem i recite out of mind oh come on i was just getting into the good bits look at this so cool chasing static [ __ ] yeah i'm super excited for the rest of this come out the full game will feature professional voice acting i like the voice acting it it felt very real uh two hours of original music and an engrossing story complemented by non-linear exploration across multiple open environments to keep up to date with development you can follow us at the links below back yeah let's go want to play that game when it's out that was really really good that was genuinely very impressive i'm super excited to see more of that game i can't wait to play the full thing i don't know how long it's going to be or anything like that i just thought there was a demo out and it looked really fun i like the style of it a lot um and it genuinely was freaking me out so good job excellent but if you thought that that was scary you're not even ready for the sheer terror that's about to come next [Music] the terror that is sponge massacre what's up sponge robert what are you doing in the corner there what's going on please don't kill me i'm a goofy goober spongebob hasn't gone to work in a very long time he's been acting suspicious bikini bottom police got a call from mr krabs he reported strange noise coming from his home the next day patrick squidward and sandy were reported missing bikini bottom police decided to raid spongebob's house you play as one of the police officers of the bikini bottom police finally a game for me i've always wanted to be a bikini bottom police officer let's go [Music] oh god oh sorry misfire misfire i i had a long day uh the stress is getting to me i i misclicked i have terrible trigger to split i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i i'm sorry oh jesus christ i'm sorry did you guys even put any bullets in my gun am i a joke to you people come on all right sponge roberts come out with your pants up find seven krabby patties to open the secret door in the kitchen could you guys come in with me please i don't want to be here oh god why is your house so much bigger than i thought are these uh these are krabby patties right oh god a triple x flower why'd you have kinky flower in your kitchen spongebob don't do it spongebob down to the ground sorry this is my stomach i had a big lunch okay let it be known that a spongebob came at me in a corridor i would have no trouble putting 700 bullets in him i'm a goofy goober yeah gary gary you gotta get out of here man he hasn't got any pants on all right oh jesus christ sorry gary get out of here gary you gotta [ __ ] run man you gotta [ __ ] ruin spongebob's going crazy patrick are you okay we were once for yes and twice for no [Music] patrick either maybe it's the way you're dressed what's wrong with the way i dress patrick the [ __ ] is wrong with you i'm here to help ah a covered shrine bunch bob oh god why is your house a maze patrick oh god he's left there's a little puddle on the ground what does it look like it's got the homer simpson's face in it ah that's the last thing i want to hear before i die isn't it spongebob don't do it spongebob i have a family where can i get this one oh well jesus i'm strong you see that you see that ah oh come here me spongebob i'll do this to you too yeah yeah it's right now right now spongebob thought not [ __ ] i'm a goofy goober yeah no squidward no that's not you no god barnacle boy what did he do to you please no if particle boy got got got what happened to me spongebob i'm just making sure you never know in these circumstances you could be a zombie what's down there spongebob it's me your friends for dicing nobody make a smell oh this is so scary oh jesus he's massacring spongebob why did you kill sandy spongebob i'm not nervous are those my shitty thoughts getting out oh no plankton break them down [Music] [Music] i'll get him guys don't you worry that sponge is gonna wish he was a mop okay that's what five four six the sponge could be around any [ __ ] corner don't worry plankton i'll save you oh i think you're already dead but next time put them up now i've been playing a lot of valorant i know to hold an angle is that the sound of spongebob sawing off someone's legs no squidward [Music] why is it playing without you oh no he's dead oh is that the boat down there i thought it was some like beefy dude i'll get him squidward spongebob why are you killing all of your beloved friends okay oh god [Music] holy [ __ ] i actually thought i wasn't supposed to look around you were murdered and your body was found by officer nancy nine days later three more people were missing and police decided not to intervene with the sponge interfere excuse me i would like a rerun of that because i feel like that was unfair i'm not afraid of you this time you can [ __ ] jumanji me all you want i'm getting these krabby patties and i'm going home and i'm gonna shoot you in the face okay there's two patrick it's okay i'll shoot you first so i'll put you out of your misery there you go good job i ain't afraid yeah i ain't afraid of anything this time i'm gonna boss some caps in your knees spongebob do you even have knees we're about to find out if they go pop nice one more to go and then i'm turning around and i'm shooting the first sponge i see cam down plankton what if i get it backwards oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] am i just supposed to die i did all that again just to look foolish bravo mr sponge bravo now you got me you got me i am the fool here i'm the one look see this let's face someone who looks foolish right now ending one of two how do i get the other ending guys i figured it out that's five that's six and this is seven i get the crowbar and i go back i don't even go to the final one that's an 8th krabby patty that's the bait and switch krabby patty i just got to get the crowbar next to squid man and then i can get out i can go to the secret door that's bait that's bait don't go for that one don't go for that one a little gamer pro tip i have no idea what happens now though we gotta be vigilant for the sponge oh what does it say on the wall don't try to leave oh i'm a try oh i'm a try spongebob what are you doing with that shotgun spongebob why do you have a shotgun spongebob oh god mr squarepants i'm afraid you're under arrest what am i being framed for the murder i want to go home i want to go home oh god you left spongebob's house confused and scared spongebob got what he deserved he killed nine people in four days never thought this would happen i guess the demons got to him spongebob patrick's and squidward's houses were abandoned bikini bottom is traumatized [Music] i'm not the only ones i remember going to the sport about the same way ever again oh god the terror continues scared yet well you're about to be because here comes two of the scariest things ever imaginable you've heard of five nights at freddy's and you've heard of among us welcome to five nights among us who is gonna be sus who's gonna survive among us among us we're going to find out okay what do i do uh hello hello hello uh hello crewmate and welcome to your first day on the job at the skeld international security system thank you your work today will be done at the shkeld a ship in outer space the skeleton a red imposter has been spotted on the ship and legend has it that he will come into your office and suss on you he's an electrical sister oh god no he's not just that you close the doors to stop him from successfully engine if you would like to track the imposter through the [ __ ] [Laughter] that happened so fast what are you doing you haven't even finished the [ __ ] phone call yet whoa listen buddy a red imposter has been sparked on the ship i see him yeah and legend has it okay there we go there we go is he gone now you close the doors to stop him from obsessing on you good luck there's an emergency meeting happen should i be there no no reactor's going off i messed up my sounds bro okay he can't get to me through there he has to go right there i got this i played longest before number one iq man here that means he left right oh there he is oh he's in storage all right where'd he go oh he's still in storage all right pen back faster guys gun shite shite shite okay he's an electrical he's an electrical he's doing wires he's doing wires he's doing the three spinny things maybe he'll vent out and kill somebody in med bay huh maybe i sure do hope he's not suss in a mongoose looking a little sauce bro oh he's in lower engine that means the next move is to come straight from my [ __ ] don't do it oh dude my [ __ ] precious halfway there baby among us among us among us take a while to bang on that door there sir it'll be fine just let the timer bleed out just stay there at the door open sauce i thought i saw your wires bro but turns out you're lower engine you're not where you said you were a little sauce man is he still there no you got now lads he's all over the okay 4 a.m 4 a.m eyes cause i'm slowly falling to the imposter that is sauce right now come on i got this i'm so good at five nights at freddy's they call me mr flaff when i go outside get free starbucks for that also they call me the among us man okay and storage buddy likely story what were you doing i didn't see he goes to the top fuel and he disappears from here he's coming straight for me i can feel it every time every time you can't go to lower engine i want to know where you are man can i call an emergency meeting and vote them out okay some storage again all right 5 am here we go victory bells are coming in by ease please still be there nope he's in electrical he must have vented i saw him on cams what does that mean hello what the hell did that mean is he in storage again i don't know where he is no cafeteria oh he's in lower engine again oh he's moving fast ah we got 10 seconds left 10 seconds left we can do this come on seven six five four three two one oh we voted him out oh crewmate victory damn it feels good to be a gangster well that was five nights mongus i don't think there's a whole lot more to it that i could do um that and i don't like the stress that's gonna do it for me i hope you guys spooked there's some fun games in that one as always i'm gonna leave all of these games down in the description so if you guys want to go play them for yourselves if you want to be sus or not sus then you can go click on those also apparently 40 of the people who watch my videos aren't subscribed so if you want to hit that subscribe button down below it's free and you can always unsubscribe whenever you want it but these are fun i'm glad i'm back playing three scary games recommend me some games and as always stay spooky as we depart here today we find ourselves wondering what is in the unknown going forward when will we ever be safe again blessed dreams
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,395,865
Rating: 4.9712048 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, try not to get scared, indie horror, horror game, scary story, 5 nights among us, 5 nigths, chasing static, spongebob
Id: HXWpaUuwKoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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