I HATE SPIDERS | Kill It With Fire

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[Music] uh where is it where is it [Music] i know you're out here somewhere [Music] i can smell you i know you're [Music] are you in here i found you holy [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] here baby i love this music but i also love that tank because something got to do with killing things with fire this is exactly what i like to do baby this is so loud anyway we played this game a little while ago before but it was only in demo format and now the entire game is out and i'm not about this wishy-washy talky walkie i'm getting right in oh god the flick of a finger is going to send me into a spiral ah there we go ship benji samantha oh i remember you i remember the heartbreak that you brought us this is your house you bought all the furniture i'm gonna destroy it all where's the spiders at huh where's the spiders excuse amanda i smell you i know you're in there come on out dad get him kill him what can i do oh my god yeah yeah go go go get him get him get him i don't want anything to do with this i'm out i'm out i don't want to anymore genuinely freak me out and curl up my toes i'll play at a distance now i played this level already why am i still scared of it oh i see where you went [Music] under the cabinets you can't hide forever first blood kill a spider don't mind if i yes come here come here boy okay he's not on this where'd he go what killed him dead no spiders in my house still gross ooh gross oh he's in my hair he's in my hair ah god kill up kill em all oh my beautiful ikea ha ha ha come here i'm coming [Music] where you at i know you're in here somewhere find more firepower yes die get out of my house you don't even pay rent kill him dead kill him all why is my house infested with peter parker's open my back out of my way xbox he was on the xbox get him i don't like the sounds i don't like that are you on this or are you just oh lord yeah boy now i can go into the bathroom it's time to do it [Music] let me get hairspray i'm going to burn this continent to the ground this seems fine this seems fine this is not an overreaction at all this seems perfectly adequately reactive oh the worst the worst when you're trying to drop a deuce and spider comes up staring at your [ __ ] that's uncool bro on cool [Music] oh it's over for you now you thought that hairspray and fire was too much revolver [ __ ] are there any spiders left [Music] where is he a 44 magnum will do the job ah damn it samantha why did you leave me i was good to you feel like my job here is done i feel like i handled that pretty well you know as someone who doesn't like spiders i think that that was okay a protein shake fitness isn't just a hobby it's a lifestyle throw objects further costs three i'm a save oh i can refund my points this music is dare i say fire all right we did this level as well in the demo but i'm gonna do it again because you never know what might have changed oh i get to keep this stuff oh hell yeah right between the eyes samantha just like you shot my heart right between the eyes [Music] where are you i hear you i'm not letting you slide this time they're everywhere geyser everywhere what do i do can i get in the vents are they in the fence oh he's got a newspaper a race to pass shatter picture frames i hate this house this house stinks ha where where ah sit down you can't come at me jack a boy got that slicky they call me clint beastwood sorry granny's ashes sorry whoops sorry i'm making sure spiders behind everything the spiders could be inside the ball they could be in the plant they could even be inside you let us go into the master bedroom there's going to be so many spiders in here huh combat roll i'm uh you're about to catch these spider-killing hands bro where where where where the game is called kill it with fire i'm not overreacting you are screw you granny hey my mother-in-law i hate nature spiders you can wait i have picture frames to be killed no you can't die you ain't legging spawn of satan so what do i do check for skeletons open the closet door power up find batteries erase the past sport of evil kill knight to kill ten spiderlings i'm nine out of ten for that can i i don't know if i want to go in there i don't know if i want to drench up the pass like this what could be in there anything open up it's the spider police any skeletons in here fight if i see a spider [Music] that's the [ __ ] worst where they all go oh god oh god oh oh god they're everywhere they're taking over oh whoo heebies and jeebies engaged maybe if i stay up here ow ow ow ow okay that was a bad idea baby [Applause] oh this is how we take care of spiders in this household i can buy new furniture but i can't buy sanity there he is got him lads oh he never even stood a chance to be done okay let's not let's not let this power go to our head yet i see him i see him this is gonna require some big boys you're trying to get some mouthwash trying to keep your breath fresh oh god he survived it get him ah call an ambulance but not for me give me some hairspray will ya oh thank god oh it's over for you [ __ ] now it is over for you now boys are you hiding huh where'd you go oh are you alive [Music] we got him we got him we got him boys we got him all right let's just step through the flames for a second oh we got the other one in the drawer good work good work today lads good work oh i can get two spiders of one shotgun blast let's try and do that oh gamer alert hold on guys we got a streamer in here pogchamp am i right have you been hiding spiders in here son oh yeah oh yeah cheese pots are good don't they like attract them come on cheese puff num num [ __ ] maybe i'm ready cut look i'm a streamer oh pog champ uh kick w look oh i uh fortnite what i am a streamer and a let's player why was that so hard for me to come up with a joke around oh what is this key for hello let me just hold on a chimney where do you think you going where do you think you're going oh damn i have to reload [Music] you're going straight to hell that's where you're going secret room do you work on some of this wait what's the key for what the heck oh oh okay there's a lot of stuff in here shotgun shells bullets documents gifts oh my god we can blow this wide open kill two spiders with one shotgun blast i don't even think i can do that anymore no i don't even think there's more there's two spiders left in the game all right this doesn't work we're going to come back to this level we're going to try and figure this out because a lot of stuff broke in here and it's telling me that i don't have the pictures done when i've destroyed every single picture so we'll just tap out on that one i don't want to see any more spiders oh i got a spider like a radar but for spiders i want to equip this let's see what that's able to do um are we on the next level domestic duty so this is a new level we haven't seen this one i'm excited to kill spiders all over the place kill jumping spiders they jump nah oh well that's much nicer much much nicer oh camouflage camouflage these nuts okay where are you guys at huh hiding up here [Music] i see you i see you i see it don't be jumping don't be jumping please don't jump i hate it i hate it they're on my back are they on my back it feels like they're on my back have a little pb and j that does the dishes real nice hey mom i'm doing the dishes like you asked i did them can i play ass backs now oh god oh the jumping ones suck stay a safe distance away from me sir oh that's the worst that's the worst [Applause] get him get him cheeto cheeto cheeto them yeah you like cheetos [Music] i washed huh spider out god there's just never anything to eat is there every time i go to the fridge there's just nothing in there come here no extra damage on that one nice get all this out of here what is this candy bars all right the fridge is clear wait where the hell is my oh oh you have five seconds to comply five i never learned how to count ah look at you camouflage spiders huh think you can hide from me the number one spider detective [Music] killing spiders is what i do hit me up if you want me to come to your house oh you guys having a party up in here spiders everywhere spiders for days what's y'all much enough you fell for the old snack and smack huh fools what a vacuum oh what the heck [Applause] okay can i hello [Music] oh yeah i got this one the pump and dump it eat it oh oh there are so many places for spiders to hide in here not a fan of this not a fan of this no god i put a dent in my car it's okay i can buff that right out i could buff oh god i put another one i it i can just buff it back the other way just buff it back no i can fix it i can i can fix i can i can fix it it's fine it's not too bad let's have another look i thought i had it there for a second better where are you going does that get bigger when it explodes off of you was he on that he wasn't that jesus the mistakes were made and look the laundry machine now i wonder what nice surprises i have inside this is it my underwear because i could do with a clean set gel insoles maybe i'll run faster that'd be nice i'm not falling for this again that's one way to deal with spiders in your house explosives i'm actually a lovely little man i'm that does not go there i'm just putting everything back stanley knife you yep that goes there oh she does there's another one no right we need some some trowels a hacksaw oh i thought that was beer but it's molotov's even better baby where are you at where are you at i don't even need to find where you are this is going to solve all of my problems this place is a mess just clean it up a little bit put the rakes and the shovels and everything in there yep yep yep that works that works that makes perfect sense damn it man i don't know where the other tools went i think i exploded them thick i only needed two so close what else can i do fiji's supposed to spiders uh [Music] i think i killed them all i don't think there's a single spider oh left in this house hey but at least the garage is clean right oh [ __ ] it anyway all right that's time to head out i'd say that's another job well done we did it lads we cleared the house of spiders and we burnt down another property in the meantime ooh allows sprinting yes yes yes yes and tracker upgrades sigma module displays total number of remaining spiders yes all right my lovely spider haters i'm going to leave this episode here i know it's sad that we can't play any more of it right now but i'll be back very very soon because this is super fun so we did the first three levels and we have five more to go excellent we've got a vault we've got a rent fair is that japan we've got a ton of stuff coming up and i for one i'm very excited if you are going to smash like on this one because it really helps out and it lets me know that you guys are into this video if you actually genuinely liked it but also don't forget to subscribe to be notified for when the next one comes out and i am going to leave this one here just let the music soothe you i'm gonna leave you with this [Music] you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,893,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, kill it with fire, kill it with fire game, spider game, spiders
Id: wvcyPbNKOnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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