TAC GADGETS NEED TO BE STOPPED | Jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos

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laughs laugh laughs well lance's time again for another funniest home videos from jacksepticeye your main man himself trying to find the funniest videos on the internet now we found some good stuff last time we found ronnie now and i don't know what any of that means but granny's got her try his ronnie sullivan not ronnie sullivan what was his name my name is ronnie neville and ronnie neville of course from mukhla good old ronnie i don't even know if he's fully irish but then again neither am i apparently i'm only 62 percent so i want to go back and see some of these extra videos i want to see what's going on we saw attack glasses and everything last night there is a plethora of amazing things on this website on this yeah youtube yeah of course there are so many different versions of tack things nothing ruins your natural night vision faster than glaring light and that can be deadly in a dangerous situation that's just a driver who's got his headlights on he shouldn't have we don't have night vision nick bolton here with the solution we call him night vision tech glasses i like how he kind of turned to himself like take it away other me night vision attack glasses no problem me they're amazing these just look like glasses that you wear to stop the screen from burning your eyes inspired by the glasses worn by elite military units night vision attack glasses block blinding glare so well invisible objects suddenly become visible so you can see clearly when it matters the most so there's just anti-glare glasses really that's about all they are soldiers have to use lenses like these because missing even a small detail can be deadly in a tactical situation there's no way they work like that this isn't even real life your eyeballs don't work like that this is a camera unless i smear vaseline all over my eyes i'm not going to look like this i'm upset this is supposed to be funniest home videos not rage quit angry videos what's our slogan laugh well you can't even see that lord jesus it's all gone off the rails in season three but you don't have to be in a war zone to face a life-threatening moment night vision attack glasses improve i don't know man i'd say traffic in new york is probably a war zone let's move on from nick bolton and his [ __ ] glasses technology that he's trying to sell to the masses and let's move on to the egg pot if you love hard-boiled eggs but hate watching water boil then tediously peeling off shells you need eggpod a new kind of microwave egg cooker guys i might actually want it i'm worried there's nothing i hate more than watching water boil oh if nothing gets my blood boiling more it's water boiling it is a pain in the ass takes shell off efforts but if they're done right it's not really that hard this person looked like they were like taking it apart with sandpaper fresh eggs go in perfectly cooked eggs come out with the shells detached from the egg just slide and enjoy simply add just slide and enjoy that's a slogan i've heard for other things other than eggs simply shake in the egg pod and the shell slides right off the secret is the microwave-safe design that creates steam convection so your eggs cook evenly and consistently then as you shake the texture dome gently you still have to peel them look at that thing you're still peeling the eggs you made it sound like the egg just comes out without the shell on look at that i have to peel this i also just smacked my monitor for no reason no broken egg whites oh come on are you taking these apart with a pair of [ __ ] bear claws it's like those videos where people trying to like pour milk better and they're trying to open up a carton of milk and it's like they just smashed the whole thing and it's like oh god there's got to be a better way now you can easily make hard-boiled eggs for a delicious egg salad or slice them for a hearty chef salad that also looks good prepare tasty deviled eggs with ease god now i'm just hungry all right so your egg pod is great so your egg pod actually does what it's marketed to do but what about the safe and sound thanks to digital cameras and smartphones precious memories the moment they happen the problem is where you keep all those memories on your computer just one crash away from being her face it's my face and i've recorded a video and then i realized that all the files are corrupted i age 100 years whenever that happens from being lost forever you need safe and sound the fast and easy way to back up your digital photos fancy backup drives are expensive and it's are you trying to build a [ __ ] husband or something what is going on with all of this [ __ ] you don't need any of this but using safe and sound couldn't be easier all you do is plug it into your computer click the start button and you're done no software to install no manual to read it automatically finds and saves your priceless photos so you can rest easy knowing your most precious memories are secure it's a usb drive i have one of those in the floor right now do you want this you can have this one for free you don't even have to pay for it and for those who have a little more technical know-how safe and sound can be customized in more advanced ways like having it transfer old photos from memory cards or cd-roms a cd who in the right mind is using cds anymore are you using cds at home if you're using cds there's a bigger problem than trying to get your pictures off of it onto a usb drive okay you just need to negate that all together how many there's this meme going around recently that people didn't know what burning a cd was anymore and for good reason because you shouldn't have to do that shite anymore if you're going out putting a cd into your macbook you've much bigger problems than trying to put them onto something that's safe oh so it makes it safe i could lose this and then all my nudes are on it psymark i think that your channel is full of shite other than ronnie ronnie's great bring back ronnie i want more runny i don't want any of your tack glasses and your motion brights and your atomic charge wallet boom touch what the heck is a boom touching where are we in the 70s playing music used to be easy you'd put on a record or put in a new cd but these days it can be a real hassle yeah playing music has never been harder trying to figure out how to play those damn vinyl records in a more convenient fashion has never been more difficult than it has been in 2021 hold on it's not connecting god derek i'm over here and i want you to dance with me however we going to make a baby if we don't dance together god i'm leaving you for gym introducing boom touch the amazing speaker that only has to touch your music player to work that's right no bluetooth no wires you just lay it down for amazing booming sound the secret is magnetic field induction which isolates and amplifies the audio signal when of course i i thought it was all [ __ ] until he said magnetic field induction and i'm sold now oh my gosh wait really dude that's amazing right there there's no no plugins you don't have to bluetooth or anything wow how is that possible are they on a green screen [Music] they're just pretending to be in a mall and they're actually in a green screen i want it i want one i want one now well luckily for you they're just about to tell us how to get one for 19.99 and not just there they're gonna throw in an extra boombox for a second room at a low low price of the same but wait order now and you can 14.99 you do get two of them these amazing speakers i had the price wrong but it was damn right on what was actually happening oh my god magnetic feel and ducks technology no speakers loud enough to hear the amount of [ __ ] coming out of this here are the levels when connected to a typical speaker and now we lay the same device on the boom touch speaker as you can hear and now see the levels are even stronger i call absolute shenanigans on this could pay more than one hundred dollars for a blue what who's paying 130 dollars for a bluetooth speaker are you out of your absolute [ __ ] brain bluetooth speaker 30 pound 23 pound 23 pound the 34 39 pound i can't [ __ ] read 55 pound and they're using it while they're working out the exact same thing is your [ __ ] picture i can get this one for 80 night actually that's pretty [ __ ] expensive gbl what the hell and simply lay it down for amazing that's that's absolute horseshit i don't care i am so upset by this this is an absolute scam cowboys ted they're a bunch of cowboys god ring the bell i'm alerting you to the scam in front of you scam i don't know why that has so viscerally upset me let's see what else shite they're doing the attack amplifier in the field what you need every tactical advantage like high tech put on your tackle you'll see [ __ ] nothing what about your hearing nick bolton here with the latest and smallest tactical innovation for bell howell guy's nick's back and he's got something better and smaller than ever before lord knows it isn't him look at the size of him jesus christ you could build walls out of this lad attack amplifier place attack amplifier in your ear for enhanced hearing like you've never experienced before you can ah choose a smaller boost but when you want to stay on general alert the attack amplifier is a red camera no one will even know you're wearing it and that makes it perfect for indoor use as well now you can listen to lectures and sermons at a volume that's perfect for you it's a hearing aid that's all it is it's a hearing aid but you're selling it are you gonna tell me that the military uses these now that when they're out in the field they're gonna have to listen to everything the sound is coming up you never know if an insurgent is coming up behind tired of people complaining about the volume of the tv she's sleeping with attack amplifier you could turn the tv down low and turn your hearing up high oh my god look it's a hearing aid i'm not trying to diminish the the uses that this can have for people who are hard of hearing but you're trying to tell me that people just every day are using this thing as tactical amplification it's like yeah now you can hear the tv but if sandra wants to ask you a question she's gonna blow your eardrums out because she's much louder i mean there's just nothing like it on the market today there are many many many things like it on the market today hundreds of thousands of them i'd imagine also if you're listening to the tv and you want to hear it better but don't want to wake the baby maybe put the baby in the bedroom instead of actually on the couch right next to the tv but also maybe just get a set of bluetooth headphones and now even hearing aids have to be tactical yeah it's a hearing aid they have multiple very good uses in the real world you don't have to call them attack amplifier little shorties what are these i am so excited to figure out where the little shorties are let's go your house is full of high-tech equipment the problem is those big bulky adapters take up so much space they've blocked multiple outlets frustrating waste introducing little shorties the perfect little solution to your big adapter from [ __ ] jesus christ you saw this as you told me that my house is just full of big bulky plugs and cables and then this is your solution what are you [ __ ] apple it's like we're not selling you a charger anymore but with this handy 15 plug adapter you can charge your phone now like an extension cord only several feet less i love that they try and sell it as something that's absolutely imperative to the home but then they're like it's like an extension cord except several feet less it's just it's a mini extension cord it's like an extension cord only several feet less so you won't have to look at a big tangled mess little shorties are certified by underwriters laboratories the gold standard wait can we get a a rewind on that one let's just hear what he said and then let's look at what the result was it's like an extension cord only several feet less so you won't have to look at a big tangled mess little shorties are certified granted it's not tangled but that is an absolute atrocity on the eyeball senses call now to get three little shorties for the special low price of just ten dollars okay the special price is ten dollars for three but how many extra am i getting for that exact same price it has to be at least two we'll even include five reusable cable ties in assorted colors to help you take control of cable clutter yours absolutely free but wait call right now and we'll double the offer and give you three it's [ __ ] six there's six of them that's insane i was saying at least two and they double that and with cable ties now granted the fact that they said that you're not going to have a cluttered mess anymore but then they sell you cable ties to go along with your little shorties to tidy up your cables it makes no sense but i'll forgive them for the fact that they're giving me three extra little short he's more like a little scam lads hold on there's attack visor now the tac mender pumping chop what are these what's the type of visor am i going to be able to see into the future with this thing everybody has a visor in their car but a visor in the wrong place can actually make it harder to see i'm here with the latest from bell howell let's look at the road tack visor inspired by the face shields used by our american fighter pilots tag visor can do things no ordinary visor can do like block blinding glare without blocking your view so invisible dangers suddenly become visible jesus luckily that truck was actually on the right side of the road and so were you so you were never in any fear of ever hitting it nothing to see right but look again as we hold up our tack visor our colorful american eagle is revealed amazing god damn it if that's not patriotism also why wouldn't you just wear the tack glasses that they were trying to sell us before instead of buying attack visor that looks like a cheap piece of plastic hanging down for i don't get this frozen steak frozen chicken you need to defrost that meat so your hungry family can eat they're [ __ ] starving they're gonna die unless you defrost that chicken never mind the fact that there's a pie right there don't go to extremes bye megan gunning here for the defrost wonder the a mako to extreme oh [ __ ] what are you doing even you don't know what you're doing right now oh she should be wearing tech glasses because they're worn by the military and they could probably stop traveling the amazing defrosting tray that draws the cold out of anything frozen in just minutes and steak in just 30 minutes fish or burgers in 15 minutes what and chicken in only 12 minutes watch this ice melts like butter on a hot pan while the same size ice doesn't melt at all on this plate i say that's melting like ice on a room temperature pen but but how there's there's got to be a catch guys the secret is the special conductive metal that absorbs all the cold and defrosts your food in minutes so you're always ready to cook without having to wait hours for food to thaw look at these two steaks in less than 30 minutes the one on the defrost wonder is completely thawed while the other one is still frozen solid you know it's good when they had to edit between them instead of doing a time lapse for that one it's like look at this drink in 30 minutes it's gone oh my stomach this is the most skeptical one for me well is it no not really but i want to know how many of them i'm getting free for the low low price of 14.99 it better be at least one 14.99 in just minutes it perfectly thaws everything from thin fillets to the thickest steaks sure and when you're done it goes right in the dishwasher for easy cleanup but wait order right now and you can get a second defrost wonder as a bonus just basically processing and handling it's almost like all of these are [ __ ] and you're selling these for an exorbitant price that it actually cost you less than this to make two of them in the first place oh yeah the tack shaver baby see now i'm somebody that has facial hair and i need to keep a trim and i need to sometimes trim it up and like cut underneath and everything just like make the line look good what up looking good right but i would like to know what the tax shaver is all about you need to get a razor and lather up for a quick shave on the go you need to settle for an electric but what if you really want bow [Music] nick bolton here with the newest addition to our tap nick i am so happy to see you and your nipples back again the bell howell tax shaver designed with the needs of our military in mind tax shaver gives you a quick razor smooth shave whether you're at home or on the go it even has a built-in trimmer for sideburns and beards and it works wet or dry for a great shape and even the harshest conditions so if you're in [ __ ] moose to fire getting ready to take on vader you can shave your beard as well it's the same as every other shaver go [ __ ] yourself nick maybe that's a little harsh maybe i shouldn't have said that i'm very sensitive right now nick all right i just learned how to defrost meat 30 minutes quicker than ever before the pumpkin chop what's this going to be about i have no idea anymore i'm so upset by everything that i'm seeing fresh salad is a great way to eat healthy the problem is the slicing and the chopping and all that cleanup afterwards you're cutting up onions and carrots you're not trying to carve up a body what is the spicing and the chopping god these damn knee joints are just so hard to cut through granny lou here for pump and chop granny lou sell it to me baby i'm so excited all with just two fingers i like cucumber tomato and fresh lettuce pop on the lid attach the plunger pump pump pump inside the blade swirl with every pump chopping up the ingredients and mixing no pretty soon it's done don't you dare try and copy what vince did years ago prefer homemade dressing no problem just replace the chopping blades with the whipping blades add your ingredients and using just two fingers okay that's different but it's the exact same as the crank chop you guys remember the crank chop right hey it's vince with crank chop the chocolate that's going to chop all your food in a matter of seconds let's get cranking blades are at the bottom food goes in peppers onion pam close the lid one two three seconds and you're so easy so much easier this lady pulled out the tower of eisenguard and put it on top and had to plunge the whole thing down whereas vince is just charging up his mambo the crank chop was so badass that i actually bought one myself that is a genuine crank chop yeah not only that but vince convinced me to buy the slap chop there it is folks i've been talking about reviewing this bad boy for so long i bought this after that video and it's been years and i just haven't gotten around to do it but you better believe it that this video is coming soon i'm moving soon and i feel like it's a lot easier to record in the kitchen that i'm moving to so i'm going to do it there god bless vince you can mix up a batch in no time granny lou is an absolute thief well it fell over now and fell apart but look how much bigger and more cumbersome that is how are you gonna fit that in a cupboard a part of my brain loves trying to guess what these things are before i actually figure out what they are the snap and soothe what is that i don't know it's some sort of like spanking paddle that eases your brain to me that's what it is anyone who suffers from chronic pain knows the instant relief a heating pad can bring right the problem is that ordinary heating pads need to stay plugged in so you end up stuck in one place darn it well not really if i actually buy the little shorty right are you actually going against your own products now and contradicting each other i this i need to get into the cymac multiverse and see what's going on because you're really starting to pit product against product now there's snap and soothe the amazing new pet himself you just snapped the metal disc and as oh my god yes it self heats to an amazing 128 degrees okay that's fahrenheit and fahrenheit is absolutely [ __ ] it's just changed to the metric system it's so much easier but i remember when i went to korea i there they that was the first place i ever saw that they had like heating pads like the ones that you heat up in a microwave or stuff like this where you'd like put them on your hands or your wrists during winter i'd never seen them before and then this one showed up and i had one of these and it was absolutely insane because you click this disc and then a chemical reaction happens within the material in it and it instantly gets hot okay now i sound like i'm trying to sell you the snap and soothe but it really does work it's insane it was the first time i've ever seen something that would like a proper like crazy chemical reaction maybe i actually saw something in school and i'm just too stupid to remember it but seeing it happen in real time and seeing these like crystals form i was like how is it hot it must be magnets or something or zeus himself has come down and zapped my hand it was insane and then i could put this into boiling water again and it would melt all the crystals and then you could do it again granted there was diminishing returns on it but it was nuts in just minutes snap and soothe resets so you can re-snap for hundreds of hundreds of uses stiff neck from a long day of stress just snap and you can relax lower back acting up again just snap and you can have immediate relief immediate relief it's lower back pain well i am done reacting to sightmarks videos for today let me know if there's any there's a bunch of these here go through it pause the video if you want to there are a ton of these things out there let me know if there's any of these you want to see again or just let me know down in the comments if there's anything else you want to see in funniest home videos because it seems like we just have a million and one things that we can actually look at now are they actually funny yes are they a scam absolutely a lot of these things are just like regular items that people are trying to sell you at a different price but putting a snappy name on it like tack glasses and snap and sooth and the spank and dump but i have an incredible time reacting to them regardless but anyway thank you guys so much for watching this episode of jacksepticeye's funniest home videos don't forget to hey robin can you put in like the sound effect giraffe see it's like i never even got up out of my chair but if you enjoyed the series and enjoyed this video please don't forget to leave a like and also subscribe because it's free and you'll be updated when we're uploading another one of these videos but yeah definitely leave me a suggestion down in the comments what you guys want to see in the next one if it's any of these or any just any other videos or if you found a channel that you think would be good for this as well please let me know um but that's going to do it for this episode i bid you all farewell bid you all farewell why do i end the video like that i have no idea just buy my coffee
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,552,398
Rating: 4.9737172 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try not to laugh, funny videos jacksepticeye, funny video reaction jacksepticeye, funniest home videos jacksepticeye, reaction, funny videos, try not to laugh impossible, funny videos 2019, jacksepticeye's funniest home videos, dr phil meme, funniest home videos, funny reactions, try not to laugh challenge, try not to laugh jacksepticeye, funny, funniest videos
Id: 95xJGyxzdUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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