WHAT'S BEHIND THE MASK? | Sally Face - Chapter 1

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(high five) Top of the morning to you laddies, my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called ''Sally Face,'' which I assume this is Sally over here wearing a blank mask that just says ''Sally Face''. This is a game that very much reminiscent of games like Fran Bow, And it was recommended to me... ...I think when I played Fran Bow ages ago? I can't remember how old this game actually is, it might come out after it. But I remember it was being suggested to me at one point, ages and ages ago and, I completely forgot all about the game And then, somebody came along recently and said: "Hey Jack! Would you play Sally Face? It's very much like Fran Bow." And I was like: "Oh my God YEAH! I forgot about that!" So here we are. New game: Sally Face! Apparently it's not very long either. [Creepy Girl Voice aka Sally]: It was just like the last time. [Sally]: only this time, it started in a hospital... Oh Jesus that's a fucking violent phone ring! Woooah... Why am I all covered up? Sally...? Who are you and what's wrong with your face? 'Answer phone!' [Sally]: Hello? [Caller]: It's okay, Sal... [Caller]: Everything is going to be okay now... [Caller]: Come and see... ''Who is this?'', ''What are you talking about?'' and ''Where am I?'' Who is this? [Caller]: Sal, come and find me... [Sally]: Weird, sounded like my dad. I'm- I'm just doing the same voice as I did for Fran for this girl because I have one go-to girl voice and that's it. Push. Damn, I'm strong! *mimics pushing and makes a grunting sound* [Sally]: Looks like something's there but it's too dark to see... Okay. Then let us mosey on down over here and turn on the lights *light flickers and buzzes momentarily* There we go! Look at you, Sal! What the hell happened? Look like I got face surgery. The table's all bloody as well Oh! It's a key! [Sally]: A key! Sweeeeet, what can I use the key on? Just to get out of the room? That seems a little obvious. The music's really cool as well! *Jack makes sounds imitating music* *door knob turning and clicking, door creaks open* Whhaaat?! I was just it that room and now it's a brick wall! Okay... Open the D! This game is weirding me out already! I don't like it! The art style is really cool though!- -Ooooooh crap I went through the D and I came out near the B Oh! There's a ''3'' here! Is that- Ohhh-kay Is there another number down here? No. Okay. So maybe I actually have to write down numbers I should get my- my trusty little notebook here I'm just gonna write down a little ''3'' Just like that... So I don't have to remember Okay, so that was wrong. Okay, it seems like there's a sequence So 3 is in there; let's go through P... That's wrong... Let's go through O...? There we go. Went through O, do we have another number down here? No. So I might have been writing down numbers for no reason Um, D, O....O, R? DOOR? DOG? It spelled out ''DOG'' because the dog was on the picture in the room I woke up in. That's smart. This is cool. Am I at my own funeral? God, I am TINY compared to these people! [whispering]: What? [Sally]: Who's a good doggy? [Sally]: Who's a good boy?! [Dog]: I buried her alive, kid. You tell me. Umm... [Shouts away from the mic]: Somebody own this dog? [Dog]: Go see for yourself. [giggling] Oho-kay.... Oh, there's a ''6'' up there! I got it! I'm writing down the numbers! I've got my little notepad right here! This is where- Oh, God- This is where I write down all my games. Diane Fisher 1948-198... 4? Okay... Beloved mother and wife... [whispering]: Where the fuck am I? I don't even know what is going on! There's a ''4'' right here I feel like I might have missed some numbers though... Damn it.. Batteries not included. Okay.. So Imma write down... 3 6 4 And... Enter. YES! I did it! Haha! Thank you! *kisses notepad* Thank you, notepad! We got through it together! Okay, now this shit's getting weird... I don't re- I don't know who I am, What I'm looking for, What the hell is going on? Hey, dude- I am an absolutely miniscule person! [Sally]: Dad? [Dad]: You are not my son. [Dad]: My son is not a murderer... [giggling] Whahahat? 'THIS IS YOUR FAULT' WHAT is going on?! [Quietly]: Everythin' got quiet, I don't like this.. [Sally]: Mom? ....Are you? Ugh OH! That's not nice! [Sally]: And that's when I woke up. Oh, it was a dream! Oh, thank God! Just tell your dream to Mr. Butt-chin there. [Dr. Enon]: Hmm, yes, it's an interesting dream. I think we should come back to that dream later, but for now, can you tell me... more about the body? The body? [Sally]: Whi-Which one? [Dr. Enon]: The second one, the one from the apartment... [Sally]: Dad and I had just moved in. [Sally]: (And) I had a weird feeling about that place right away.. 'Episode One: Strange Neighbors' Oh, it's an episodic thing! Didn't know that. Aww, there we go! There's the Sally we know! [Dad]: This will be our new beginning. [Dad]: We can finally leave what happened in New Jersey behind us now... [Dad]: Why don't you go explore the building and make some friends while I finish unpacking? Will do, daddy-o! I look awesome! I'm not gonna leave right now. Sal's room, Dad's room- Let's go in Dad's room. These are big ass rooms Hi Daddy! [Dad]: Hey, kiddo. Decided to take a break from unpacking? [Dad]: That's not a bad idea, we've been at it for a while now. [Dad]: Maybe I'll take a break myself. [Dad]: It may not be as nice as our old house, but we'll make the best of things. [Dad]: As long as we have each other, I think we can make a real home here. [Sally]: I miss Jersey. [Dad]: I know ya do, but- Oh. I've been given them wrong voices all-uh...all along [Dad]: I know ya do, bud, but please try to give it a chance. [Dad]: School will start up in a couple weeks and then you'll be able to make all new friends. [Sally]: Yeah, I guess so... I don't know why my daughter's British and he's- whatever. [Dad]: I know so! Anyway- wh- An- Anyone would be lucky to have a friend as you, Sal. [Sally]: Thanks, dad. [Dad]: Mmhmm. [Sally]: I miss mom. [Dad]: Yeah... [Dad]: Me too, buddy. Me too... He has...blue hair, and blue eyes! [Dad]: Try not to get into too much trouble. See ya later, daddy! Imma heading out! Imma go do cocaine, and all sorts of drugs- *gasps* Mr. Midnight! Gizmo! That's the name of my old family's dog! [Sally]: I see you've made yourself at home already, Gizmo. Must be nice. Meow! SHUT THE FUCK UP GIZMO! A Gear Boy! [Sally]: I was wondering where that was! [Sally]: My Gear Boy! Looks like it needs new batteries though. That's a Game Boy! But you called it a Gear Boy 'cause of copyright You can't do that. Well I guess you can, but... hehe This is cool, I like this! Bathroom? Not yet. Can I look at the fridge? [Sally]: Just some stuff Dad got from the store. Nothing important. What about some beef jerky? I would love some beef jerky right now! I got some beef jerky downstairs. Imma eat that soon. 'Sleep aid'? [Sally]: Dad still has trouble sleeping at night, after.. Her had just bobbles around when I'm talking! What happened to Mom? She get sick? Cos we saw her in the hospital bed... Maybe she got sick. '402' Officer! [Sally]: Hello [Sally]: Why are you standing here? [Officer]: I am protecting nosey little freaks like you from seeing what they ought not to see. [Officer]: Now scram. I don't get paid to babysit. [Sally]: Who are you? [Officer]: I'm your fairy fucking godmother, what does it look like? [Officer]: I'm an officer of the law, so you better show me some respect. I had to press F to get rid of it, so... press F to pay respects. [Sally]: What happened in that room? Police business, kid. Why don't you run along back to your parents? [Sally]: I wish I could... [Dad]: What was that, wise ass? [Sally]: Nothing. [Officer]: That's what I thought. Stupid, weirdo kid... grumble, grumble.... *laughs* Ah, crap, I didn't mean to talk again. So, somebody... died in that room? [Sally]: No one's home. [Sally]: I guess I gotta make friends some other way. Oh, God, I'm on 4 right now. Let's go up to 5. 'This floor is currently being renobated- renovated. For your safety please make your way to the nearest exit." Hello? [Sally]: Sorry, I didn't think anyone lived up here. [Sally]: Hello? Sir? Are you okay? [Man]: You shouldn't have come here. [Sally]: I'm sorry, I was just trying to get to know my new neighbors, and- [Man]: A dark place. [Man]:This building. [Man]: Horrible things happen. [Sally]: Are you... sure you're okay? Hello? [Sally]: What the... Oh, God, he's gone! Am I seeing ghosts? Feel like I'm seeing ghosts... [Sally]:That's weird, the bathroom door is locked. But it has... handprints all over it... This is getting weird. Very much like Fran Bow, especially with all the weird shit going on That's locked as well... That has no number on it... Oh, 501 - it's on the ground. Okay, back down we go! Let's check all the floors. 'Caution: Wet floor' I ain't see no wetness. [Sally]: No one's home. Hello! [Sally]: Hey. [Lisa]: Oh my! [Lisa]: Sorry, you just startled me a little. You must be one of the new guys from 402, yeah? [Lisa]: With all the exitement going on today, I haven't had a chance to stop in and say ''Hi''. That's not a female's voice at all. [Sally]: Yeah, it's just me and my dad. My name is Sal. [Lisa]: Pleasure to meet ya, Sal. I'm Lisa. I take care of this place. Keep things up and runnin'. [Lisa]: So if ya ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay? [Sally]: Sure, thanks. [Lisa]: You're quite welcome. She was nice! I like Lisa! I wish she could be my new mom. No one's home. [Charley]: Yeah? Who's there? [Sally]: Hello, I'm new in the building. Just wanted to introduce myself to the neighbors. [Charley]: Okay, come in. Ohhh, God. That is not the right voice for you... You collect My little Ponies and Pop! Vinyls? [Sally]: Hi, my name is Sal. I just moved in today with my dad. [Charley]: What the hell is with your face, child? [Charley]: Oh, I know. Young teens, a new generation of self expression. I was young once myself. I get it. [Charley]: Just so long as you're okay- not in gang or anything. You're not in gang are you? Are you in a gang? You can tell me if you're in a gang. I'm not in a gang. I'm in a gang of awesome. [Sally]: No, no, it's nothing like that. [Charley]: Wonderful. Well, I'm Charley. Don't mess with my stuff and we'll be okay. I'm a collector, you see. [Charley]: I collect many things. [Charley]: These things are like my family, so if you mess with my collections, [Charley]: you're messing with my family. Got it? [Sally]: Yes, sir. Not a problem. I won't be giving you any troubles. [Charley]: Good to hear. [Sally]: Sooo... [Charley]: Yep. I know. You're speechless because you've never seen such an awesome collection of toys. [Sally]: Yeeaaahh... [Charley]: Don't worry, any time I'm home, you can stop by and take it all in again. [Sally]: Nice place you've got. [Charley]: It's my own chunk of heaven. Just me and my stuff. [Sally]: Do you live here alone? [Charley]: Alone? Look around you! I have all the company I could ever need... [Charley]: Well, it is nice to have a visitor from time to time, I suppose... [Sally]: Um.. I'll be right back. I'm going to go ahead and uhh... leave... Actually, I'm gonna look at your toys. [Charley]: Bask in the glory of my complete set of Glitter Ponies. A great accomplishment it is to have this full set. You can look all you want, but don't even think about touching them. [Sally]: What's a Glitter Pony? [Charley]:*War flash backs to the Pony war of '98 . . * [Jack]: Haha! He looks on in disbelief [Charley]: My god, child. Have you never seen, ''My Glitter Ponies: Rainbow Spectacular"? [Charyley]: It's only the greatest television show ever produced! [Charley]: It's got drama, action, romance, comedy, everything you could want! [Charley]: And the ponies, OH, the ponies! Don't even get me started! Mmm, yeah. [Sally]: Um.. I guess I missed that one. I'll have to look for it on TV. [Charley]: Yes you will! Trust me, you won't regret it. His fucking face just like: "...You don't know what My Little Glitter ponies is?" [Whispering]:"How fucking dare you..." *more laughter* I like that dude! [Sally]: No one's home. [Sally]: Hmm, I guess no one's home. Did just hear a- I heard a goat, I heard an electricity, I heard a fucking saw... Down the floor 2! [Sally]: No one's home. That's the same thing again! Wait, am I- It's this dude's house! Am I already on floor 2? Oh! I was already just here! Did I go to floor 3? Oh yeah I did. Okay, floor 1 I thought I skipped one there for a second. 'Addison' [Addison]: Oh dear! What a frightful- uh- pardon me. Let's start over. [Addison]: Hello, young sir, new resident of Addison Apartments, room 402. How may I be of service? [Sally]: How do you know who I am? [Addison]: I know all that takes place within these walls, sir. You'll do a good- You'll do good to remember that. [Sally]: Can I come in? [Addison]: Heavens no. I'm afraid that I'm quite particular about my privacy. I'm sure you understand. [Sally]: Sure. [Sally]: Bye [Addison]: Farewell, friend. Bye. I guess. No one's home Hello! [Sally]: What's going on? [Detective]: Hello, young man. You just moved in today, correct? [Sally]: Yes, sir. [Detective]: I already spoke with your father, seems you two were out of state when everything happened last night. [Detective]: Story checks out, that's good. Try not to get in our way for now, okay? We're investigating a serious crime. [Sally]: Was it murder? [Detective]: I can't talk about that. [Sally]: Bye [Detective]: So long. Okay. Seems like somebody got "el murd-ayed" No one's home Oh hello! [Gibbson]: Yeah, what do you want? A little early for trick or treating, isn't it? Ah.. [Gibbson]: Errr. Stupid good-for-nothing kids. Grumble, grumble. I like that, when you see like a playwright or something or screenplay and it Oh, let's go down to the lobby I don't have a card! Did I have a card in my room somewhere? I like when you say it like 'long pause' or 'grumble grumble' or stuff like that I like actually saying them out loud cos it makes no sense Is there a key card around somwhere or I have to get it from my dad? To my room Nothing. Hello, Gizmo! Oh, so adorable! I want to pet Gizmo Dad's room? There's cards right there! Hi dad! [Dad]: Hey kiddo. Okay What? I don't have a-a key card! There's a coin on the ground. Can I have that? That might work So what do I do then? I went to all the floors, didn't I? Hello again Can't say anything new to you I broke the game! I talked to Lisa and now I can't move! Oh nooo! Don't tell me I have to quit Game auto saves on scene changes. Can I just go back- Oh, thank god okay, let's talk to Lisa again [Sally]: Hi Lisa [Lisa]: Hey, Sal! What's up? "Is there anything to do for fun around here?" "Is this building haunted?" [Sally]: How long have you been working here? [Lisa]: Actually, I don't just work here. I live here too. I'm on call 24/7 [Lisa]: for any urgent maintenance needs. [Lisa]: Despite what you may hear from others, this is a lovely building. [Lisa]: I'm happy to call it home, goin' on 10 years now. [Sally]: What do others say about the building? [Lisa]: Oh, all kinds of stuff, I'm sure... This building is well over a 100 years old, ya know? [Lisa]: People are always complainin' about one thing or another. [Lisa]: But you'll hear no complaints from me! I'm a woman of action. [Lisa]: If I see a problem, I fix it. I like Lisa That's my kind of attitude If you see a problem - go up, get at it and get it done. [Sally]: Yeah, most people seem to complain a lot about the small things. [Lisa]: You can't sweat the small stuff, Sal. It's just no way to live, ya know? Fucking preach, girls! Oh, man! [Sally]: You're right. [Lisa]: Take it from me, focus on the good stuff. [Lisa]: Focus on what makes ya happy in this life. Put your energy into that. That's good advice. Take that, people! [Sally]: It seems like a nice place. [Lisa]: You betchya! Okay, so it didn't break this time [Sally]: So, do you know anything about what happened in 403? [Lisa]: It's a shame you and your dad had this crummy first impression. [Lisa]: I promise things aren't typically so gruesome around here... [Lisa]: Poor Mrs. Sanderson... [Sally]: Who's Mrs. Sanderson? [Lisa]: Oh, never mind that. Best not to set your mind on such dreadful things. [Sally]: Is here anything to do for fun around here? [Lisa]: Ya know what? [Lisa]: I have a son around your age. I think you two would get along great! [Lisa]: He's downstairs in your apar- in OUR apartment, you should go introduce yourself! [Sally]: Sure, I'll go say he- say hi. [Lisa]: His name is Larry, he'll be in the basement, tell him I sent you down. [Lisa]: You'll need a key card to access. Yes! Key card get! Nice! That's what I needed. Just needed to talk to good ol' Lisa again. Ha-ha! Down to the basement we go. Laundry [Sally]: Gee, I'm sure looking forward to using this... not. Sally? more like SASSY Is he down here? Vending machine! [Sally]: Lots of tasty junk food. I'm not really hungry though. You're always hungry for junk food! At least I am Hello? So you live... down in the basement? Awww... poor Lisa! She seems to like it, though. That's up to her. There he is! I see him in he picture. I wanna look around first. Your bathroom is the same as mine except you don't have sleep aid because your dad doesn't wanna drain.... (static) WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! (Sally) What the hell was that?! - I said the same thing, just a LOT worse. This place is haunted, son! What the fuck? Larry, did you see that? [Larry]: Yeah? [Sally]: Hey, uh, Larry? Your mom said I should come say hi. I just moved into 402... [Larry]: Oh hey, come on in. Door's open That's a NICE picture. Ohhh! You're one of THOSE guys! [Larry]: Whoa, nice mask! Ima gonna be a angsty teen for this. It says "Dead Things" on the wall. Heh. "Your soul will be destroyed, The Fear Within, Zombie Everthing, All The Time, Odens Blood. Creeeeeeeepeeeerrrr! That is a nice mask. [Sally]: It's a pros... prosthetic. Ohhh, something happened to my face! [Larry]: Oh shit. Sorry, man. [Sally]: It's cool. I'm used to much worse by now. So I'm glad you like it. [Larry]: So uhh... do you, like, have any- no face under there? What happened?! [Sally]: I'd... rather not... talk about that. [Larry]: Okay, change of subject. I'm Larry. [Larry]: I live down here with my mom. [Sally]: I'm Sal. My friends call me Sally Face. I just moved here with my dad from New Jersey. [Larry]: Sally Face? [Sally]: I guess I didn't really have any decent friends, to be honest. [Sally]: So once they started calling me that, I figured I- if I owned the name then the assholes couldn't use it against me. This game is sending ALL really great meesages. That was something I always said online as well that.... whatever people say about you, if they say shitty things about you, just own up to them. either brush them off or just take them as part of yourself and be like: "Y'know what? Who cares? If you think that about me, I don't care! I'm gonna make fun of what you think is weird about me." Like... as Tyrion in "Game of Thrones" would say was like: "Make it a piece of your armor" Then you get like- bad guys can't use it against you anymore. So if you if you take criticism, the criticism the people have against you and you take it on board and you either work on it or you just wear it as part of yourself, then nobody can use it against you as like to hurt you anymore. At least that's my philosophy. [Larry]: You're a complicated dude, aren't you, Sal? You're pretty strange. I like you. We're gonna get along great. So everyone keeps calling me a "dude" and "young man" and everything, but I thought I was a little girl. [Sally]: Ha, that's what your mom said too. [Larry]: "Mother knows best." [Sally]: Why do you live in the basement? [Larry]: My mom always says it's 'cause we gotta guard the place from rats. [Larry]: But I'm pretty sure she gets this room rent free with the maintenance gig. [Larry]: It's cool though, I don't mind it. I get to listen to music as loud as I want when she's not around. [Sally]: Nice. Am I even a girl or am I a little dude? Cos all this time I was just going on the pretence that it was a little girl cos the name "Sally"... and the hair... Was I... was I assuming genders? Was I... was I doing a bad thing? [Larry]: Yeah, it's like my own little bat cave. [Sally]: I like your shit. [Larry]: Thanks. It stands for... Sally Face! Heh. What? [Sally]: I do have my own clothing line, so. [Larry]: Haha. It's actually for this metal band called Sanity's Fall. Do you like Metal? Hell fuckin' yeah I do! In real life that is. [Sally]: I don't know. [Larry]: Oh, that's gotta change. Check out this song. [Larry]: It's their first single. The full album comes out in a few months. [ insert metal music ] Now we're talkin' about it. [ ...more metal music ] YEAH! Fuck yeah dude rock it out! WOO! Now we're both fuckin' head bangin'! YEAH METAL! Oh I love it! I think Sally likes it. Ohhh the SF... Sally Face..Sanity's Fall OOHHH Oh we can- We just keep headbanging all we want if we want! Satan is calling! Darkness is my soul! Okay I wanna progress the game "What happened in 403?" [Larry]: Shhh! Not so loud, man. [Sally]: What? What is it? [Larry]: The killer is still in the building! Was that who I saw in the room?! [Sally]: How do you know that? [Larry]: I saw it happen, dude. [Sally:] Are you high right now? [Larry]: I wish I was, man. This was some scary shit. [Sally]: What happened? [Larry]: Okay, so I was helping Mrs. Sanderson with a clogged toilet. I was just finishing up when I heard him burst in, yelling like a lunatic. [Larry]: "I know what you've done! Herman told me everything, you stupid bitch! [Larry]: She tried to calm him down but before she could even- get even a few words out, he was cutting her throat wide open! Ugh... [Larry]: I was shocked, I couldn't move. I was frozen by fear, man! [Larry]: Just peeking through the crack in the bathroom door. [Larry]: Anyways, it all happened so fast and then he cleaned up quickly and left. [Larry]: I don't know how, but, he didn't even see me. [Larry]: I haven't really told anyone yet, not even my mom, but I trust you. [Jack, imitating Larry]: "I just met you, but we headbanged to heavy metal. That means I trust you, man." [Sally]: You know who did it? [Larry]: Yeah, it was definitely Charley. Big creeper from 204. Not Charley! He was the little pony dude! [Larry]: He was wearing gloves, so, I don't think they got any prints or anything. [Sally]: Shouldn't you tell the cops? [Larry]: I actually tried to talk to that detective, but he won't listen to me without some kind of evidence. [Larry]: Like my word isn't enough. Hrmph. Okay... [Sally]: What's up with the guy in 103? [Larry]: That's Mr. Addison, he owns the place. I don't think I've ever seen him leave his room always- he always talks through his little weird mail slot. He didn't say weird there but I just added it in. Flavour text! Improv! [Larry]: He's a nice dude, just real strange. [Larry]: Oh yeah, if you say "Addison Tea, please and thank you," to him, he'll give you a cup of his famous tea. [Larry]: I hate the stuff myself, but the adults seem to love it. Okay, well, see ya. Good rockin' out, dude! Good heavy metal-ing! [Sally]: I like your paintings. [Larry]: Thanks, dude. It's my passion. [Jack, impersonating Larry]: "I like to draw paintings of-" Of my fuckin' dreams, apparently! That's- Ugh- That's where I was, that's the dog I saw, and that's the family! [Sally]: What is this thing? [Larry]: That's, uh, a police scanner. I can listen in on local cop chatter. [Sally]: How the hell did you get this thing? [Larry]: That's a story for another day my dude, but hey! Just give me- - you just gave me a great idea! [Larry]: If I make a fake call, maybe I can distract them long enough for you to sneak into 403. [Larry]: Maybe we can find some kind of evidence, you know? To show that detective. Something they were looking for. WEREN'T looking for [Sally]: Pretty... Pretty quick to sign me up for a break in. [Larry]: Well, I gotta make the call down here, and- [Sally]: I'm just messing with you, I'm totally up for this! Been wanting to peek into that room anyways! I'm totally up for it! Yeah, let's break some rules! [Larry]: Sweet. [Sally]: So what's the plan? [Larry]: I'll call in a bank robbery or some sort of hostage situation or something, [Larry]: and that should clear up all the cops for sure. [Larry]: I'm guessing that'll buy us a few minutes until they figure out it wasn't real. [Larry]: You gotta be upstairs when I do that, so you can make those minutes count. [Larry]: We can use my walkie-talkies to communicate during the whole thing. [Larry]: Then I can give you, like, a heads-up or whatever, dude, once I get the cops are coming back down here. [Jack, impersonating Larry]: I- I'm making up a bunch of words that aren't actually in the sentences. [Jack, impersonating Larry]: But that's fuckin' cool dude. [Sally]: Sounds pretty solid to me... [Sally]: Maybe just switch the bank robbery with armed robbery, [Sally]: at like a gas station or drug store. [Sally]: Make it a little more believable. [Larry]: Hmm, yeah, I guess you're right little dude. [Larry]: Good call, Sally! Here, take this, head to your room, and let me know when you're ready and shit dude. [Larry]: Just press that "Shift" button there to call me. Niiice! Okay! Let's head on out, and head up to our room. We gotta figure out what's goin' on. Who killed that dude, and why was I seeing a ghost? Uhm... Yeah I'll go back up to my room. I don't think talkin' to Charley right now-... Ohh, wait! Is it '2', or '1'...? '1'. That Addison was on. I wanna get a cup of his famous tea! "Coming right up!" I forgot what voice I gave him. [Addison]: There you are sir, please enjoy! I got tea! Could I... drink it? "Addison's Tea. It has a funny smell to it. Definitely not drinking this stuff." O-kay? Whatever. Let's go up to my room! Coolio. Hi! Fuck you. Right. [Sally]: Okay, I'm in my room. [Larry]: Sweeeet dude! Alright let's do this! [Larry]: I'm gonna make the call, just give me a second. [Larry]: Okay, it's done. I heard a bunch of hustling upstairs so... I think it worked! [Larry]: Good to see if- Go see if you can get into 403 now. Hell yeah! [Yelling away from the mic]: Don't worry dad, I'm making friends! Here we go! Let's go a tiny bit further... Cos I couldn't get into any of these. Okay. See fuckin' claw marks on the door. Woah! [Whispered] What the fuck? [Sally]: There's a broken coffee table with some books. [Larry]: Look like anything important? [Sally]: Just looks like junk to me. [Larry]: Alright, keep looking then. There's gotta be something else. [Sally]: Man, this is pretty twisted. [Larry]: Tell me about it dude. The fuckin' pony things! [Sally]: There's these little figures. Looks like one is missing. [Sally]: I can see a small clearing in the blood. [Larry]: Hmm... That's it! I know how we can get him! [Larry]: Get out of here- there and come back down to the basement. You fuckin' got it dude. [Larry]: Sanderson and Charley both collected those weird toys. [Larry]: They're nuts over those things. [Larry]: Mrs. Sanderson got this pretty rare one or something. [Larry]: She was telling me about it that day I was fixin' her toilet. [Larry]: Anyways dude, I bet you Charley couldn't resist taking it. [Larry]: In fact dude, I wouldn't be surprised if that's why he offed her in the first place little dude. [Larry]: That dude always gave me the creeps dude. [Larry]: Just something unsettling about him, you know dude? [Sally]: Wow, this is crazy! This guy definitely needs to get caught! [Sally]: We can't live in a building with a murderer. [Larry]: Exactly, dude. That's why you gotta get into Charley's room, and see if you can find that toy little dude. [Sally]: Wait, why do I have to do it? I snuck into 403! [Larry]: Charley isn't too fond of me. There's no way he'd let me in. [Larry]: He accused me of stealing snacks from his room. Snacks! Fuckin' fatty, dude. [Sally]: Alright, alright, I'll do it! Won't be able to sleep at night otherwise. [Larry]: Cool. You're the man, Sally dude! [Larry]: Here, take this baggie. You can slip the toy in without touching it. [Sally]: Why do I get the feeling you've done this before? [Larry]: Hah, nah dude. Haha, naaah dude. Heh, suh dude. [Larry]: Hah, I just watch too much TV. I definitely didn't- hah- I definitely didn't use it for, like, weed and shit dude. Haha, naaah dude. I just love that stoner-type voice. It's so much fun to do. Charley was in 2, right? No one's home... This one? Heeey, Charley duuude. [Charley]: Ooh, is that Addison Tea I smell? [Sally]: Yeah, I just got some from- [Charley]: Oh, I just love Addison Tea! Give it here! What fuckin' freak, you weirdo [Charley]: Ahh, so tasty, so relaxing. Ohh-kay. [Charley]: Ah, most have dozed off for a second there! [Charley]: I hope you weren't thinking about touching my ponies while I was sleeping, Sal. [Charley]: I was starting to like you. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. If you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS, and... high fives all around! (high fives) and thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO! ("I'm Everywhere" plays) YEAHHH!!!!! METAL!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 9,796,573
Rating: 4.9550743 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, sally face, sally face game, fran bow, 2D game, videogame, walkthrough, playthrough, episode 1, sally face episode 1, sally face jacksepticeye, puzzle game, horror game, thriller, lets play, let's play, dialogue, characters, story, mystery, scary game, game, ending, full episode, solution, puzzle solution, voice, jacksepticeye voices
Id: WQ1V2kDhwYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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