Try Not To Break It Challenge

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Those dad grunts during the limbo.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/studmuffffffin 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was such a fun ep and the more was great too! Such a relief after yesterday's kind of meh show. I love physical challenges etc.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/rachel_of_oz 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

LOVED this episode. Rhett was getting so excited. :)

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Rhett is in great shape. I was afraid he'd hurt his back, but he seemed totally fine. I love the episodes that make Rhett laugh that squinty giggle laugh.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/jamsau38 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was a really really GREAT episode.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/wlmwlc 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

They had a great dynamic during this episode. It was a great way for me to start my day!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/physicsty 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

TIL Link does not know how to jump rope. 🤣

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/katzenjammer360 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was hilarious. I love when they do unique challenges like this.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/quincium 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
- If you break it, you lose. - Let's talk about that. (mellow electronic music) Good mythical morning. - Today, we're gonna try to not, I repeat, not break some stuff in a series of bizarre challenges specially designed to make us, well, break stuff. - And if you clicked on this video thinking that we were gonna entertain you by destroying a ton of things, well, you're in luck, because we most likely will, but the real question is, which one of us will destroy more? It's time for Breaking Stuff on Purpose Can Feel like a Thrill, but Being a Careful Boy Requires More Skill. Okay, we're about to compete head to head in a series of challenges where the goal is to do whatever we can to not break some very breakable breakables, and whoever wrecks, ruins, shatters, splats, cracks, breaks, for smashes the most items in play loses the round. - In the end, the winner's gonna be named Mr. Unbreakable, and the loser of the game must suffer a broken promise in Good Mythical More. - Let's break out our first challenge. (glass shatters) (intense hiphop music) Welcome to the Tough Break Zone. - We have put on these hazmat suits of sorts. - Well, kind of. - Because there's gonna be butter and oil involved, and we don't wanna get our clothes oily, plus, we look so fashionable, right, Stevie? - [Stevie] That's right. This is gonna be a good old-fashioned T-rex piggy bank toss, which, if a piggy bank is a pig, but this is a T-rex, and then you say T-rex piggy? - Tiggy rex bank. - [Stevie] Sure. So, you know what's gonna happen. You're gonna toss the little piggy T-rex back and forth, throwing it higher and higher with each toss. Whoever drops and breaks it first loses the round, but, of course, to make things interesting, we've greased up that piggy T-rex in Vaseline, and you see those bowls in front of you? The one that Link is grabbing rapidly into without knowing what it is? That is butter, and I'm gonna need you to do exactly what you just did. - Oh, this is butter? - It's true. - It didn't know what that was. - [Stevie] It is true. - Are you sure it's not Country Crock? - [Stevie] It might be, but it looks like butter, and it's gonna act like butter, and it's gonna make your job a whole lot harder, so. - Well, man, we went really hard on this. - Just wanna tell you- - Nope, nope, nope. - [Link] Okay, all right. - Who's throwing the thing first? - [Stevie] I was gonna let you guys figure that out. I don't know- - There's a coin here. - Okay, you flip it, I call it. - All right. - Heads. - Oh. (Link laughs) Did you see it, just when I? - I think it went to tails. - Nope, that's heads. - No, it's heads. Okay, all right, so that means I'm gonna throw it to you first, 'cause that gives me a slight advantage. Whoa, this thing's slick, Rick. (Rhett laughs) Whew, doggy. I mean, I don't know if we're gonna make it. - Whew, doggy. - I don't know if we're gonna make it past this round. Okay, usually, when we play this game, you're on a team. - So, yeah, the toss. - [Rhett] Like the egg toss. - The tosses have to be tricky. - The tosses are not tricky, I'm just trying to get it right to you. - All right. - (sighs) Here we go, ready? - Yeah. Oh, that is slick. (people laugh) I thought I cracked it by catching it, but I'm not that strong. - I don't believe so, I don't believe so. (drums rumble) Okay, okay, all right. Now, I'm gonna go a little bit higher. (drums rumble) - Oh. See, the thing is, you gotta watch it into your hand like a receiver. - That's what I was thinking. I was thinking about being a receiver. - Because I tend to just, like, look through it, or look at you when it's in the air. Okay, a little higher. (drums rumble) - Whoa, okay. - All right, come on. - Little bit higher? - Yeah. (drums rumble) Whoa. (Rhett laughs) - Okay, okay. Whoa, okay. - [Stevie] Okay, okay, as much as I'm enjoying this, I do wanna up the ante a little bit, and there's that other bowl over there that looks like it has vegetable oil in it, so let's do a little dunkaroo in there as well, and take it up. - Dunkaroo? Oh, you wanna dunk him in there? - [Stevie] Sure, make it even more difficult. - Okay, and I had it, so I'll have it again, and toss it back to you, okay. All right, this is slick. This is slick. All right, and I'm going a little bit higher, okay? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (drums rumble) Oh. (Rhett laughs) You threw me back, man. - Whoa, okay. - So, now, speed. - It's gonna be spinning as it comes to you. - Okay. (drums rumble) (Rhett laughs) - Whoa. Now I'm really gonna spin it. (Rhett groans) (Link shouts) (Rhett laughs) (Rhett groans) - You almost lost it. - Okay, I mean, I'm about to hit the ceiling now. Get as high as I can. (metal clangs) (piggy bank shatters) - All right, I knew I threw it bad earlier, but that sucked. - All right, I lose that round. - Oh, look, check it out, check it out, hold out your hand. - Beans. (people laugh) (glass shatters) (intense hiphop music) I'd like to take a moment to ask you a question. Do you have the GMM travel mug? - I do. (Rhett chuckles) - Well, you need its companion, the Mythical travel mug. Same form factor, new, cool design. Get it now at How was that, Stevie? - [Stevie] That was great. How cool are those mugs? - Oh, they're so cool. - Nice. - Very cool. - I love it. - Can't wait to travel. - [Stevie] You guys may have guessed this via the fact that there's a jump rope on the ground. This is the jump rope round. So you're each gonna take turns jumping rope while trying not to break a fragile sugar glass that's taped to the bottom of one of your shoes. - Oh, that's what this is? - Sugar glass. - Yes. So you will be jump roping on one foot, and Rhett, because you have yours taped to your foot already, that means you're up first. - Okay, so I've gotta stand up and get over there. - You need a hand? - Up, up, up, up, up. Oh, that doesn't count as a jump. - Okay. - All right, Chase. - Oh, gosh. - Everyone ready? - I mean, your glass is awfully close to the ground. - Yeah, okay, gotta keep it up. - [Chase] All right, one, two, three. (dramatic orchestral music) - Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, 13, 14, faster, 15, 16, 17, 18. (glass shatters) (Rhett and Link groan) (Rhett groans) - 17 jumps. - [Chase] 17. - Sorry about that, your glass. I feel like I have to apologize when I break something, like I'm at somebody's house. Sorry about your glass. - The interesting thing is, the rope itself broke the glass. - It did, it's weak. Yeah, it's weak glass. - It's my fault, I should apologize. - Oh, what did I get, 17? - 17. - 17. - Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, Link. - Look what I found. - [Stevie] Hop up and hop in. - A sugar glass under my foot. - You did the same thing. - [Link] Hop-a-do. - All right, you ready? Oh, wait, we are not doing the rope yet. Don't waste that leg energy. Okay. - All right, one. - [Chase and Rhett] Two, three. (dramatic orchestral music) - One, two, three, four. (Rhett laughs) - What are you laughing at? Wait, that's a half break, keep going. Give me another time. - (laughs) Okay, here we go. And four, five. (glass shatters) (Rhett and Chase laugh) Man, I thought you were about to collapse. There was some collapsing happening. (Rhett laughs) - Yeah, like, my hip, my hip. - Like, I'm worried about you right now. - Man, look, I couldn't even jump rope if there wasn't a glass. - A sugar foot. I couldn't jump rope if there wasn't a sugar foot. That's what it sounded like you were about to say. (Rhett laughs) - You blew me out of the water, and all points being equal points. - I just win the round, that's it. (glass shatters) (intense hiphop music) What's going on here? - [Stevie] This is the limbo round, or should I say hat limbo. Rather than lowering the bar after every turn, which is so 2020, in each round, you must put on larger and larger hats, and whoever breaks the most objects total after limboing with all of the hats loses the round. Okay, mad hatter Chase, go ahead and reveal hat number one. - Okay, so. - Oh, it's a graduation hat. - Leprechaun graduation. Now, you're gonna limbo first. - And of course, you know, I've always been great at the limbo. (Rhett laughs) It's kinda what I'm known for. - I think I have the distinct advantage in this game, but I think, in the next game, the tables may be turned. All right, graduating leprechaun. (soft steel drum music) Okay. (Rhett groans) Oh my goodness. Pretty good technique. (Rhett whimpers) Don't stand up too quick or you'll knock it off. (Rhett groans) All right. - Okay. - You made it. How did that feel? - Not great. (Rhett chuckles) - Yeah, limbo is not something that I wake up in the middle of the night thinking that I wanna do the next day. - But you know what? You look great. - Okay. (soft steel drum music) - [Rhett] Well, you're getting a little close. Oh, oh, okay, all right, okay. Oh, easy. I mean, like, you got so much clearance there. - And there you have it. - That limbo bar ain't got nothing on us. - [Stevie] All right, Chase, let's reveal hat number two. Now, for this one, guys, you're going to have to stack this hat on top of hat number one. - Okay, so Rhett, you're a graduating leprechaun who's moving on to piracy. - Okay, this is gonna be tough because- - It's tilted forward. - I'm barely clearing. (soft steel drum music) (Rhett groans) - Oh my gosh. Oh, oh, oh. (glass shatters) (buzzer buzzes) It broke on your chest. (Rhett groans) - [Stevie] I feel the need to clarify that this is sugar glass, for people watching, so it's not just, like, straight up glass. - Your chest broke a vase. - Yeah, 'cause I'm thick. I'm a thick daddy. - Come on over here. Oh, Chase, thank you, a replacement. (glass crumbles) I'm gonna put the bigger part in front. Yeah, you just hold it in place and let me do this. - Uh-huh. Yeah, all right, you're good. I want you to not be able to breathe. - Okay, so, okay, we got this thing. - Okay, you're good. This is gonna be problematic. - This is harder. (Rhett laughs) - Okay, hey, I believe in you though. (soft steel drum music) You can get that hat under there. You can do it. (Link groans) Whoa, he did it. (Link groans) (bells ding) - I did it? I did it. - You did it. - [Stevie] Well, I guess it's time to move on to hat three then, since you guys are so good at hat one and two, let's see what we got under here. - [Link] Oh my. - This has still gotta go on top. - I obviously, I wanna account for the advantage here, of height. - Or, if I just did this. This might work. (Rhett groans) (Chase laughs) Do I need more? - No. - Thank you. (Rhett laughs) Thank you for that. (soft steel drum music) Okay. (Rhett groans) You just gotta commit to it. Oh. - Well, you didn't break anything. - You just gotta commit. - Part of his own body. - Sometimes, I over-commit. Sometimes, you just gotta commit. (Rhett shouts) - [Link] Oh, they're teetering. - Whoa, I did it, I made it through. - But they didn't fall, ha. - I don't know how I made it through. Okay, all right, so now, we gotta three-stack you. - I'm-a give it a shot. - That goes on top. Okay. - [Link] Yeah. - This one. - So I'm taking on an extra hat to account for the height difference. - Okay. (Link grunts) Oh, there you go, there you go. Okay, maybe. - (laughs) Yeah. (Link sighs) - I'm ready. - You look great. - How tall do I? Oh, gosh. - You're taller than me, at this point. (Chase laughs) - Okay. (soft steel drum music) Plus, this has gotten lower, somehow. (Chase chuckles) (Link groans) - Uh-huh, uh-huh. (Link groans) Uh-huh, uh-huh. You got it, you got it. He did it, he did it. - Oh. (Rhett laughs) (buzzer buzzes) - Well, I lost a hat. - I tried to bait you a little bit there. You weren't quite through, but all that broke was a little. - Yeah, screw you, man. - Little LEGO. (glass shatters) (intense hiphop music) - [Stevie] Welcome to the fencing round, boys. - Thank you for having us. Thank you for giving us vests that look like we have puppy dog mama mammaries. - [Stevie] You're welcome. - Whoa. - [Stevie] Unlike before, where you guys were trying not to break stuff, this round, we want you to try and stop your opponent from breaking, A.K.A. popping your balloons. It's simple, whoever has all of his own balloons popped first loses. - And just to clarify, for those of you confused by the toilet paper roll on the end of our swords at home, basically, we have these vests with prickly little thumbtacks all around, so, if you push one of your dude's balloons, it's going to pop, and a surprise is going to come out. Whoever pops all the balloons first wins. - I think a surprise already came out, 'cause half your beard is purple. - Yeah, it happened in testing. (Rhett chuckles) - I challenge you to a dual. - I challenge you to a dual, or I accept your challenge. - Well, you can do both. - And I promise you that, if I win, I will not slather peanut butter all over your goozle in Good Mythical More. (Rhett chuckles) - Well, I promise you that, when I win this dual, I will not slather peanut butter all over your goozle, once I find it. - Okay. How do you, like, start like gentlemen? Do you touch tips? - Yeah, touch tips. - Touch tips. (dramatic orchestral music) (foils click) - Oh, gosh. You slapped the crap out of my. - I'm slipping a bunch. - Oh. (Rhett grunts) - Got him, got him, got him, got him. Oh, we're slipping all over the place. - Hey, you whacked me in the neck, man. (Link grunts) - Yeah, with a toilet. - Am I a little angry? Am I a little keyed up? - You got a little something right there. (Link spits) - Yeah. (Rhett laughs) - Ah, well, okay, well, that was fun. - You should've promised not to whack me in the goozle. - Hey, you know what, I promise I won't try to soothe your goozle with peanut butter in Good Mythical More. - All right, you won, but if only because you hurt me. (Rhett sighs) - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. (heavy metal music) - Hi, I'm Jost Morsel, oh, and. ♪ It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality ♪ (Rhett chuckles) - That was great. - I have no words. I love everything about that. Click the top link to watch us try to match the shattered dream to the crew member in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Add to your Mythical drinkware collection with the new Mythical travel mug, available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,344,490
Rating: 4.9428449 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 1EUlpBS7xsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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