Crazy Doritos Flavors (Game)

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(rooster crowing) (lion growling) - Welcome to "Good Mythical More." Let's explore the most unbelievable Doritos flavors ever known to man. - But first (taps counter), let's check our voicemail! (Link gasps in delight) - [Caller] Hey, Rhett and Link. Did you know that when ducks migrate they can set half their brain asleep and the other half set to flying? So they can basically sleep while they're flying. - I didn't know that, but I do that while driving all the time, I feel like. Your mind blown? It makes sense. It's a duck tapping into his reptile brain. - Well, no, no. Okay, I think it has something to do with this. A lot of animals, their sides of their brain are not connected in the ways that are ours are. I was actually on Reddit and I saw a dolphin brain next to a human brain, and the human brain, the dolphin brain seemed like it might actually be bigger in mass than the human brain, but the lobes were much more pronounced and different. And somebody started, some guy who knew everything about dolphins, started talking about it- - Dolphin-lover. - and was like, basically dolphins are constantly moving to different sides of their brain, depending on what eye they're looking out, but the- - What eye they're looking out? - Yeah. - It's like there's a little man inside of a dolphin head looking out windows. - What thing they're concentrating on, and it's switching between their brains. But it's a completely different, I'm probably getting all of this wrong, but the thing that was mind blowing about this was that basically dolphins never sleep. There's always a side of their brain that is completely awake, which is what I always thinking about these ducks. Which makes, again, not to be a downer, which makes the idea that these incredibly intelligent animals who are always awake are like- (paddle clunks loudly) down in San Diego in a tank. You know what I'm saying? - Not anymore. Didn't we succeed at getting rid of all this? - I think they still got dolphins down there. - Yeah, they probably do. - [Stevie] Wow! - So just a little- - Let's make it, can we lighten it up with some Doritos flavors? - [Stevie] Yeah, please, let's erase that. - And by the way, we just went through the Snackiverse with you guys. I'm still looking for some nut buttermilk to just be by my side constantly. In or out of an udder. - Just a cup of it. - Join quarterly or annual 3rd Degree of the Mythical Society by March 31st to get this. If you wanna have it on your shelf, take your... Take your lunch in it, or- - [Stevie] I opened up the studio fridge in the alternate dimension. - Yeah, of course, of course. - [Stevie] And the milk box was in there, and I was like, "Whoa, what's this?" And then I read it, and then I was like, "Oh, okay." I got excited by how large of a box was in the fridge for some reason. - Yeah, well, milk boxes are exciting. - [Stevie] Yeah, it sounds like I should've been excited. - You remember the milk bags at the college cafeteria? - Yes! - And it would run out? It was a metal container with a thing on it and there was a giant milk bag, and then they would be like, "Oh, they're outta milk", and I loved watching the guy bring the milk back. - But it was like, hold that right there. This would be here, wait, move it that way so they... This would be here and this would be, picture this as a metal bowl. And in order to get drink, what you would, hold this one too. - Get drink. (in rough voice) In order to good drink. - You would put your glass under here and you would go like this. You remember that? - Oh, yeah, the lift! - You would have to lift up this heavy- - And it went (mimics liquid gushing) out of the thing. - I mean, you tell me, but something's not right about that. - Why? You don't wanna lift and squirt? - Lift and gush. - Ah, man. - I think that in a lot of countries, milk comes in bags instead of in curtains. - Yeah, yeah, I prefer the bags. - [Stevie] Yeah. Do you wanna hear some weird Doritos flavors that either exist or we made up? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay, cool. - What do we win? Doritos? - [Stevie] M-hm, yeah. You totally win that. Winter crab pizza flavored Doritos. - Can this be in any country on earth? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Winter crab? - [Stevie] It's not just that you, at Ralph's down the street. - That sounds good. - I assume they haven't had winter crab pizza at the Ralph's. - I've never had crab on a pizza, but that sounds, I would do that. I've had shrimp on a pizza. - This is so specific that I feel like it has to be true. - [Stevie] It is real. It was introduced in Japan around 2008 and the packaging boasts all the tastes and toppings you want on a pizza straight from our oven to your door. - Plus crab. - Winter crab. Where do they go in the summertime? - I wanna look up winter crab. Is that a specific kind of crab? - You've got snow, what is it called? - [Stevie] Snow crab. - Snow crabs are actually really, really good. The crab legs from a snow crab, better than a king crab. A lot of times you can choose between snow crab and king crab if you go down to the beach in North Carolina and go to one of those next to the road crab stands. I think the sweet meat on the snow crab is better than the sweet meat on the king crab. It's also easier to get into. Maybe that's what a winter crab is. - [Stevie] Yeah, I think it's, I searched for winter crab and I think it's, yeah, it's a translation thing. I think they mean snow crab? But did you just say that at North Carolina beaches you got snow crab? - Yes. - [Stevie] Really? 'Cause I always got blue crab. - No, so blue crab is like your classic crab, right? - [Stevie] Yeah. - So my wife's family, my family didn't do crab at all. I don't know, they just weren't into crab. So I didn't have any idea. I've seen commercials with people eating giant, orange crabs and I was always kind of a little bit freaked out by it. And then I the first time I ever went to the beach with her family, they were like, "We're gonna have a crab boiled!" I was like, no idea what that meant. And then her father-in-law's like, "Let's go get the crab", and they go to this thing and there's these frozen crabs and they pick them up. And the body's this big, and the legs are this long. A king crab is that big too, but there's long skinny legs and they just boiled them up, and then they showed me how to crack them and I was like, "Where has this been all my life?" But yeah, snow crab is what they would get and they would get it on like Emerald Isle. - I'ma get some tonight. - Let's get some snow crab. - And Doritos. Hit it. - Spicy red pepper hummus. - That's it? You sounded like you were gonna keep going. - Hummus? - [Stevie] Well, there is the question- - Pizza winter crab. - [Stevie] No. Just spicy red pepper hummus Doritos. - Spicy red pepper, maybe, but add the hummus, nah. - But spicy red pepper hummus is a type of hummus. - Yeah. - But I don't think Doritos did it. I'm in agreement here, Dorit-no. - [Stevie] Nah. - Okay. But if they did... - Now, Stevie, question for you. - [Stevie] Yes? - If you get hummus from the grocery store, do you just get straight hummus or do you get the hummus that has something else on top of it or something else mixed into it? - [Stevie] I've stopped getting hummus because it's a item that goes uneaten in my fridge and it really bothers me when things go uneaten. But you know where I usually get hummus from is if we get a Zancou order, like a Zancou roasted rotisserie chicken order and it comes with the most giant tub of hummus of all time and there's no need to purchase other hummus. - And it lasts, it does last quite a while. - [Stevie] Yeah. - All right, hit me. - [Stevie] Link, you're a big hummus guy, no? - I like hummus. Yeah, hummus is what gets the veggies in me. - [Stevie] Olives, which you're not a fan of. Olive-flavored Doritos. - Ooh! That sounds incredible and weird and I love it. I want it to be real, so I'm gonna say yes. - No. - It's real. - Okay, where do we get these? - It's in France. - Gout olives? - Yeah, it gives you gout. - [Link] Dang, huh? - Can we get those for me? - (in childish voice) Can we get those for me? - (in childish voice) Can we get those for me, dad? - Looks like they sell them in a liquor store. - Yeah. - [Stevie] I just saw Chase. He has a pen and he wrote with it, so maybe he's making a note. - Yes, Chase! Olive Doritos. Yeah. - Gout. - [Stevie] Yogurt and mint. - Yogurt and mint, now mint yogurt is a thing. - Like an Indian food situation? - A mint, yeah, yeah, uh-huh. Oh, yeah. - That's at least the first way that I think of it. - Yeah, for real. - I don't think that works. - But the problem with it is the mint part on a savory... You know what? - You want mint and yogurt with something spicy, but. - I agree with you, but we've been agreeing the whole time, so I'm gonna say this is real. - [Stevie] It is real. (Link groans) In Turkey in the early 2010s. Who's that man? - [Rhett] If you've ever been to- - Oh, it's a finalist. This was like a submission from a fan. That dude down there- - Came up with it. Hazar came up with it. Now, listen. You ever been in, a Middle Eastern restaurant in LA and they usually have, if it's a small enough restaurant, they've got a little refrigerator that you can see different drinks in? And they've got that, basically liquid yogurt? - Oh yeah. - The yogurt drink? - [Stevie] The fermented, fermented and sparkly? - Yeah, but yeah, it's not kiefer, which I like; it's thinner than kiefer. It's more of a drink. I feel like I need more of that in my life. I feel like I only had it three times in my life, but I really like it. - I didn't like the carbonated- - Do you like kiefer? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. But the carbonation with it was a bit was a bit too much. - [Stevie] It's like sometimes you just want something that tastes bad, you know? - You don't like it? - Let's say unexpected. - No, I agree. It's like kombucha or some apple cider vinegar. - What did they call it? Taste masochism? What did an episode about it, whatever, okay. - [Stevie] Tiramisu. - Oh, Doritos? No. - I think they have a policy. I think there is a Doritos policy. - No-sweet policy. - No sweet. Dorit-no. - [Stevie] I don't know about the policy, but yeah, these are not real. Late Night Tacos at Midnight. - Late night tacos at midnight. - Why so many words? - Why can't we just go with midnight tacos or late night tacos? - Right. - But you know what, I'm gonna go- - You know what? Let's have some late night tacos - At midnight? - at midnight. - Yeah, yeah. - [Stevie] After the crab you'll be having? - Technically, that's in the morning. - I'm gonna, I'm gonna s- - We've gotta get up and see the winter crabs at sunset. - No. - Sunrise. - The titling hasn't gone through rigor. - [Stevie] So, I guess this was a little series called the Late Night series, and they had Tacos at Midnight, All-nighter Cheeseburger, and Last Call Jalapeno Poppers from 2008. - [Rhett] Oh, I remember those bags! I never bought it though. Late Night Tacos at Midnight. Wow. - Okay. - That's a good bag. - Late Night is the title, is the subtitle of a series. That's what got me. - Do you remember the chip, Krunchers!? (Link sighs) That came and there was a black bag of them and they were so offensively crunchy? They were like, can somebody look these up? - Google that, Zack. - Krunchers!? - Is with a K? - Krunchers! chips. - I think it is with a K. Jay's Krunchers!, kettle-cooked. - Yeah, those. See the black bag, that's what made me think of it. - Were they the first kettle-cooked on the market? - They were- - 'Cause they probably weren't any crunchier than a kettle-cooked now. It's just you weren't ready for it. - I had not adjusted. - You were not ready for that crunch! - Yeah. - [Stevie] Soft Lay's. (Rhett chuckles) - Sweet, oh yeah, and that Sweet Hawaiian Onion Krunchers! Gosh, they still sell them. - [Stevie] Philly cheese steak. - Oh, that's a, ooh. - I'm sticking with real on that one. - That seems good. - Why would you not have Doritos (mumbling)? - Ooh, give me some of that. - [Stevie] It's not real. - Well, it should be! - [Stevie] Yeah. - How could that not be real? - So hold on, so Jay is selling these on Amazon for $12 a bag? Come on, Jay. I mean, that's... I guess if you're gonna sell it on Amazon you gotta hike up the price a little bit. Maybe you can go straight to Jay. - Hold on, was there more- - Hot stuff. - Hold on, there was a 25 pack. 25 pack, no, that's smaller ones. Go back. That's just one eight ounce bag for 11,75. - Yeah, that's a dollar 50 an ounce. I mean, that's- - Good gracious. - I mean, they are good though. - Okay. I'd like to see Jay and Miss Vickie get into it. - What if Jay and Miss Vickie got married? - We could combine our crunchy fortunes! - Sounds like a bad movie (chuckling). Okay, we got more? - [Stevie] Mountain Dew. - Mountain Dew flavor? No, the sweet rule. Sweet rule can't happen. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's real. - [Rhett] No! What?! - It might take a few months before you can sample these Doritos though, because they're found in Australia. I don't know that means that- - They're eventually coming here or- - [Stevie] (chuckling) Yeah. - Well, they're on a ship, right? - [Stevie] (chuckling) They're on a ship. - If you're right, they're on a canoe. (Link chuckles) - It's like someone is personally rolling them across. - Mountain Dew chip? Okay, so that breaks our rule. Huh? - Look at that, limited edition Mountain Dew. I want to try one, 'cause it just is intriguing. So intriguing. - [Stevie] Spotted dick. - Okay, so... So you got this British canned fish situation? - It's not a canned fish. - It's a can of something. - It's a dessert. Isn't it? Spotted dick as a dessert, I'm pretty sure we had it. - I thought it was a fish. - Yeah. - Sordid food day. - [Stevie] It's like bread pudding, it's like a steamed pudding in a can. - It is in a can, right? Bread pudding. - [Stevie] Well, it's not all that way. I think that's basically what we get over here, at least, is in a can. - Yeah. - All I gotta say is see a dermatologist. I'm saying no. - I think it's probably a urologist. If you have- - Or your own dermatologist. - If you've got spots on your-, you go to the urologist or the dermatologist? - The dermatologist. - No you don't, I think the fact that it's the thing. - It's still skin, dude. - Yeah, well, I mean... Okay. I think you go to the urologist. - [Stevie] I vote dermatologist as well, sorry. - Here's why I'm gonna go to the urologist. - I don't have one though. - Because the urologist sees these things all day long and it's not as embarrassing. - What? Okay. - [Stevie] Well, it'll be doubly embarrassing when you have to then go to the dermatologist. (Rhett laughs) - Exactly right. - I disagree, it's a urologist. Okay. - [Stevie] That'll go great for our game. Is it a urologist or a dermatologist? - My regular doctor does dermatology check-ups, so I went in for one of those and... I stripped down to my underwear. - Yeah. - 'Cause I was asking you, is he gonna look in my underwear? - Yeah, 'cause I get my urologist to look at my whole body every single year, yeah. - No, Rhett was kind of telling me that- - He says, "Now, why are you coming here for me to look at your whole body? And I'm like, "Well, sometimes I can be a dick." (chuckles lamely) (woman chuckles distantly) - I was telling a story, but that's okay. I'm glad you derailed it for that joke. (woman chuckles distantly) - Tell me the story. I really wanna know, 'cause I was actually gonna ask you, are you okay? Is it- - I have skin cancer. - Because the thing is - Screw you, man. - is you went there and you were like, "I gotta get something looked at." And then you never came back and told me you were okay. - Exactly! And then you're like, you know what? "You know what? You might have skin cancer, but I got a really good dick joke." - No, it wasn't skin, I knew that it wasn't skin cancer. - No, no, I'm fine. - Did he say it was nothing? - He didn't look in my underpants. - Did he say it was all in your head? - [Stevie] When you say looked at your underpants? - I said in, in, he didn't look in my underpants. - 'Cause I told Link that that's what will happen. - [Stevie] That he will? - Well, okay, so my dermatologist, and I go for a full body, I'm a moly man, so I go for a full body checkup. So when it's the main doctor, who's a dude, what he'll do is he'll just do, he's looking everywhere and then when it gets to the point where he's gonna check the stuff, he just does a quick, like he pulls it back, does a peek and that's it, right? I don't even know, I think he's doing it for my benefit just so I feel like he's looked. But the last time I went, it was a female doctor, and she basically just asked me, she says, "Do you have anything of concern down there?" (Rhett and Link laugh) And I was like, "Well, that depends on what you mean." - Oh, no, don't. - I didn't say anything, I said, no, I just said no, and so she didn't look at all. - My doctor, when he found any mole in question on my body, there's one on my shoulder, I think; he had a digital camera with a blue light and he took a picture. He took a picture and then he took a picture right up against it. And it came up on a screen as he was taking it, so I could see the picture he was taking. But I'm just thinking if I had a spot down there, then he would've been putting a camera on it. - Yeah, they don't do that at urologist. - And taking a picture. That would've been really weird. - They don't take any pictures at the urologist - I mean, it's one thing to take a photo, - Cameras not allowed. - but it's another thing to put the camera on something and take a picture. - Yeah, right, right on it. - [Stevie] They're fake, it's fake. Spotted dick Doritos don't exist. - Okay, all right. You know what? We've got a podcast, it's called Ear Biscuits. It has its very own channel on YouTube. - Yeah, this dermatologist, this is- - This is kinda thing we talk about on Ear Biscuits. - It's something that we would talk about. If you wanna hear more of this, we'd probably talk about it for another 20 minutes in our podcast. - Think of that! - Ear Biscuits. - [Stevie] Okay, I'm gonna, I'll do two more. There's two more that interest me. Cooler ranch. - Cooler ranch? - Oh! - Definitely a great idea, and I think they did it. - Nope. How could it be cooler? - It just means it's got more spice on it. - Oh, really? Okay, then yeah. - [Stevie] Yeah, they're real. They were introduced in 1994, but they are the traditional Cool Ranch Doritos you know today, so the name was eventually shortened to simply Cool Ranch, but originally they were Cooler Ranch. - That's a fun fact to take home. - You're calling me that when they first came up - Cool Ranch - with it- - used to be called- - [Stevie] They were called Cooler, and here's another fun fact. Ranch doesn't always translate overseas, so it's called Cool American in some European countries. - Yeah, the cool Americans? - I'm gonna eat a cool American. - [Stevie] Okay, this is the last one. Cheese and Almond. - Cheese and Almond, that sounds- - Have you ever had cheese and almond together? - [Stevie] Heck, yeah! - I think I've had- - I guess on a charcuterie plate? - I've had a cheese ball that was lying in sliced almonds, so I'm gonna say it is real. Boy, I miss those cheese balls. - I think it's a good idea, but I don't think it happened. - [Stevie] It is real! It's exclusive to Japan, it was introduced in the early 2010s. - It looks like the chip itself is made out of almonds, I will say that. It's a special chip. - It doesn't seem like a Dorito. It's a Dorito that's been smoothed off. (upbeat retro music) - But the brand name is right there on it. - Well, Doritos don't have to be triangles. They can be bells. - Yeah. Are you a member of the Mythical Society? Well, you want an even easier way to dig into content like Behind the Mythicality and Rhett and Link React? 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Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,552,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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