Blindly Gripping Food With Force (Game)

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I loved the David Hill appearance!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xxBeefkiller527xx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is goona sound strange, but link kept smiling in a way that made me think of another celebrity but I can’t place my finger on who - anybody else notice that? Does anyone know who I’m thinking of?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LonelyHouse_Plant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Geez, Louise, what did we squeeze? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat synth music) (ice rattles) (explosion booms) (fire whooshes) (fire crackles) "Good Mythical Morning." - Let's stick our nose in a weird corner of the internet, shall we? - Okay. - There's this trend on Twitter and Instagram where people squeeze the living daylights out of food. You've seen this. - Mmm, yeah. - Have you've seen this? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's pretty funny. Take a look at these before and after photos from the Twitter account, Gripping Food With Force. - [Rhett] Wow, you really gotta grip a pumpkin pie with force in order to make that happen to it. - [Link] As you can see on the left, there is a pumpkin pie pre-gripped with force. - This feels like an over explanation. - That pumpkin pie has been gripped with force. - [Rhett] Oh, dragon fruit. Ooh, look, get that dragon, it's very messy. - [Link] You know, he's in burst mode 'cause you never know when the best Gripping Food With Force frame is. - [Rhett] Oh, that's a juicy wiener. Look at that. Look how big that man's fingers are. - [Link] No, one of those is the wiener. (Rhett laughs) Oh, this is my favorite. - Ooh. Ah, yes. - [Link] I mean, look at how that peanut butter is, I mean. - [Rhett] And when you release, does it all go back in? - It might. - I don't know. This looks fun and very important. We should do it. It's time for Today We Fulfill the Internet's Number One Wish: To Grip Food in Our Hands and Go Squish, Squish, Squish. All right, we're about to be blindfolded. - Yes. - And then we'll each be handed the same food item. Well, we'll each be handed a food item that is the same. - Yeah. Two different versions - Two different versions. - Of the same food item. - And then on Stevie's cue, we're gonna grip the food with force. - Force! - And then, based purely on the feel from our forceful grip, we'll compete to guess what we just gripped with force. - If we guess correctly, we get four points. If we can't guess it, neither one of us. Then, we'll move on to the lifeline rounds. Those are as follows, touch it, snuff it, and tongue it. And they'll be worth three, two, and one points, respectively. - Okay. All right, and then the winner gets a cupcake from David Hill. Okay. - And hopefully, we will create some still images that will be worthy of submission to. - [Both] Gripping Food With Force. - As you can see, we can't see. - Or smell. - Or smell. - [Stevie] You guys ready to grip though? - Oh, I've got so much force built up. - Yeah, I got my gripper in the right space. - [Stevie] Okay, loosen your grippers. - 'Kay. - And let's place the first item on your palms. - Yeah. Rhett, you can't be doing any feeling. - Yeah, right now, my palm is completely open. - [Stevie] Okay, I'm gonna give you a countdown to the grippage. Here we go. Three, two, one. (Link grunts) - Oh! (Link slowly grunts) - Oh! - Oh my goodness. - All right. I've got a guess. - Wow. - [Stevie] Okay, we're gonna guess. Three, two, one. - Tomato! - Rotten apple. (Rhett laughs) - Or a tomato. - Rhett is correct. You can remove your blindfolds. It is a tomato. - Oh, he was correct. - Rotten apple. (laughs) It had to be soft for some reason. - Yeah, I'm still gripping with force. I should relax now. - Well, so much juice came out that I stopped. - Whoa, it came out on your face, dude. - It went right at my face. And then so I stopped gripping. - I thought because of the skin being so tight, I felt sure it was a rotten apple. (Rhett chuckles) I've gripped 'em a million times with force. - Oh, gosh. Okay, I gotta clean up a little bit. - Glad I got this so I don't smell it. (camera clicks) (cheery game show music) - [Stevie] Okay, so you guys like, you get it now. You've gripped once. - Oh, I get it. I got it before that, Stevie. - You don't think we got it before? What's not to get? - Well, I feel like you needed to really experience it. Okay. Here we go. We're gonna place- - Oh, I understand. Do we get it viscerally? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - No, not yet. - Okay, so loosen your palms and place. - Oh, it's warm. - Oh, that's got- - [Stevie] And here we go to grip in three, two, one. (Link grunts) (Link slowly grunts) - Yeah! - And we're gonna guess in three, two, one. - Meatloaf. - Boneless chicken. (crew laughs) I forgot I had to guess. - Okay! Okay, we're gonna move on to touch. So, feel free to touch more than you were touching before. Touch all around. I'm only gonna give you a certain amount of time to touch. - Oh, I know what this is. - There's a skin on it. - [Stevie] Here we go in three, two, one. - Baked tater. - [Stevie] Yeah. I'll give it to you. - Yeah. - [Stevie] I mean, I'll give it to you. It's a loaded baked potato, but yeah. - You didn't have a- - I didn't have a guess. - Oh, all of mine squished out. (crew giggles) I was just feeling a tater. - It was a nice, warm feeling. - What was your guess? - Meatloaf! (chuckles) - Oh. (camera clicks) (cheery game show music) - We've got a podcast, it's called "Ear Biscuits." We do it every week and we do it without these nose plugs on, so we sound slightly different and I think probably better. - We share our lives with each other and with you. - Every week, it's both video and audio. - Everywhere podcasts are found. Join us. #EarBiscuits. - [Stevie] Okay. Loosen your, yep, mkay. Link. (laughs) (Link groans) - She keeps saying, "loosen the grip." Does that mean that Link always starts with a balled up fist? - No, I don't know why she's telling. - He does some exercises. I just mean like stay still and like open your palm. - Okay, 'cause I'm opened palmed at the very beginning. - Yeah, you're fine. - Every time. - You're good. Okay. And place. And we're gonna grip in- - Oh, it's tiny. - [Stevie] Three, two, one, grip. (Link grunts) - Oh, yeah! I know what that is. - [Link] I don't know what that is. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Cadbury cream egg. - Chocolate covered walnut. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's a Cadbury cream egg. - Yeah. - I knew it was hard. - I had to move it to the right spot in order to grip it. When I started it was over here, and I couldn't do it. I couldn't break it. - That's so nice. That yolk in there is so sugary! - [Stevie] What if that's how we ate food? Like instead of on a plate with a fork, you put it in your hand and squeezed it and then licked it off your palm. - I don't taste anything because I can't smell. It's like I got a cold. (camera clicks) (cheery game show music) - [Stevie] Okay. - I'm getting it now, Stevie. - I'm relaxed. - Okay, good. - This is fun. - [Stevie] You guys are really good at this. - I'm getting it. - [Stevie] Okay, let's place. - Oh! That's cold! - Three. - (laughs) Cold. - Two, one. Squeeze. (Link grunts) (Link slowly grunts) - It's warm. - Oh, gosh. - And three. - That is not pleasant. - Two, one. - Spam? - Jello salad? - [Stevie] Both incorrect. We're gonna go to touching now. Touch it all up. - Now you can only touch what's still in your hand, right? - [Stevie] I don't think that rule exists. Touch whatever you want. - I mean, can you pinch it or is it just one finger? - [Stevie] I think you can pinch it. Pinch it away. But you're gonna have to guess what it is. - [Rhett] Oh, what is that? - [Stevie] In three, two, one. - Cornbread soaked in water. (laughs) - I don't know. That is strange. - [Stevie] Okay, we're moving on to snuff it. - It's so loafy. - [Stevie] So you can remove your- - So we can kill it. - [Stevie] Yeah. Oh, Rhett's already going in, Link. Rhett's going in. - Well, no. I still have to wait for it. - Oh! Gosh! - It doesn't smell great. But it's not that bad. - Smells like old furniture. - It just smells like nothing. - [Stevie] All right. We're gonna try and guess. - Like thrift store furniture. - [Stevie] In three. - What is that? - What? - [Stevie] Two, one. - Like a wet cushion. - It's a loaf of sorts. (crew laughs) - [Stevie] Okay. We're moving all the way to tongue, which I know you wanna do after describing it in that way. - I mean, this is so scary. This is such big- - Put it in your mouth. - It's food, it's Gripping Food With Force. - Put in your mouth. - It's always food. - I know, I'm scared of what food it is. Okay. - Hold on. - [Stevie] You can eat it, Link, you don't have to just lick it, you can- - I don't want to. - Okay. - All right, is it a three, two, one? - Okay. Three, two, one. - Tofu square. - Oh, that's what it is. Tofu. - Yeah, you got, Link. - I was like, it has no flavor at all. - That was a visceral experience. I don't recommend that to anyone. Don't squeeze tofu with force. - I'm like trying to invent like a kind of food that would've been formed like this that was like something you'd put on a plate and eat, not just a block of tofu. - [Stevie] When was the last time you had tofu? - Just about 17 seconds ago. (camera clicks) (cheery game show music) - Okay, I gotta come on strong for this one. I'm down four. Oh, we're round in the final bend soon. - This one's taken more for them to get it in our hands. - Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, and- - Hold on, is there something in my hand already? - [Stevie] What? No. - Oh, yeah. It's in my hand, it's just very light. - There's something in my hand? - [Stevie] No! No, no, no. - Yeah, there's something in your hand. - I don't feel anything. Are you joking? - It's there. It's in your hand, dude. - Okay. - Okay. - And place the item. - Ohh, there it is. - (laughs) Oh. - [Stevie] Three, two, one, grip! (Link grunts) (Link slowly grunts) - Oh, weird! - [Stevie] And we're gonna guess in three, two, one. - Hotdog? - Corn dog. - [Stevie] Incorrect. Go ahead and touch it. Touch it all you want. - What is that? Oh, okay. - It's crunchy on the outside. - I got it. - Here we go in three, two, one. - Egg roll! - Meatball sub! - It's a meatball sub. - What? - Yeah. - I guess I'm afraid to touch things. (Rhett laughs) 'Cause I'm like, ohh. I felt the end of that sub and I thought it was an egg roll. - Well, I picked up a meatball. - See, it's not called picking up. It's touching, like picking up I feel like is cheating, but. - Well, I mean, okay. I mean, I was just touching it. - Look at that. - I touched a meatball. - Look at that. This right here, you could keep as like a artwork. - Well, what happened was, I squeezed it and it felt like a snake with eggs inside of it. - Eww! - And then I was like, they wouldn't give us that. (laughs) - I just birthed a snake baby. - Hold on, they gave me... Hold on, y'all went to the trouble of feeding a snake three eggs, twice. - Oh, I thought they were the snake's babies. - Gave one to you, gave one to me. (camera clicks) (cheery game show music) Okay, Link. You can't win according to the rules at this point, but- - But I still get to squeeze something. - What if this. What if this. (chuckles) If you can guess the item when it is placed on your palm, without squeezing, you win the whole game. - Oh, well, okay. No, you know what? Know what? I don't want to do that. I'll do that. All right. And I'll do it. - Okay. So- - How many guesses do I get? Seven. - Probably one. - Three. - Three. - Okay. - Three guesses. - All right. - [Stevie] Okay, this one's slightly different 'cause I'm gonna need you to like hold the thing that we're gonna place. - Hold the thing. - [Stevie] But I don't want you to grip it at all. So it's like minimum amount of grippage. So like, turn your hands as if you're gonna be like holding a cylindrical situation. - Like this? - Yeah. - Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, let's place. And remember, lightly, very, very lightly. Okay. - Well, okay, so now you want me to guess? I mean, it's in- - What's in this container that we're holding? (laughs) - It's a container. - Hold on, but hold on. It's cold. There's context. - A jello. What about- - Oh, I forgot, for some reason I was like, well Rhett knows the answer. - Is the answer jello? - No. No, no. - Did I win the game? - [Stevie] No, no, no. No. - Okay, second guess. - I don't think it would just be liquid. I think it's jellyfish. - [Stevie] You think it's jellyfish? - Jellyfishes. - Jello and then jellyfish. All right, what's your third guess? - Kerosene. - Kerosene. (crew giggles) Are any of those three guesses right? They're all great guesses, first of all. Especially the last one. - [Stevie] It's keros, no. All right, you ready to grip? - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one, grip. Ooh! (Link grunts) Ooh! (Link slowly grunts) - [Rhett] Okay. - I'm just glad it didn't go on me. - All right, I think I have a guess. - 'Kay, guess, three, two, one. - Slime! - Cottage cheese! - [Stevie] Wow. - If it's cottage cheese. - It's cottage cheese. - Are you serious? - Oh, obvious. That's my jam! - Yeah, dude, you love cottage cheese! - I should have known that! From the moment! - You've been touching this, I mean, it came out onto my hand and I felt the little nodules. - Oh, gosh! Dang it. I love this stuff. - [Rhett] Look at that, man. Just like that. - What's in this cottage cheese? It's got pineapple in it? - I was about to say, what's it got the little yellow, oh, it comes with, did you know they got this and it comes with fruit in it already? - I did not know that you could get fruit in it. - [Stevie] I know that cottage cheese with pineapple is really exciting, but Rhett you did win a cupcake from David Hill, so. - Congratulations. - Well, I can't outdo this cottage cheese with pineapple but I'll see. - Man, I totally shoulda gotten this, man. - David Hill, can you place it in my hand? - Enjoy. Link, I guess this is how the cupcake squishes. - Ohh! - Womp, womp. (Rhett laughs) - I've missed you, David Hill. - Wow, look at that. - Thank you for coming in here and squeezing my cupcake. - But I really wanna grip my cupcake in the same way. - Oh, it's nice, Rhett. - Can I do it? Oh, I got a little cottage cheese mixed in with it. - All right, Gripping Food With Force. - (laughs) Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - [Both] You know what time it is. - I'm Dan. - And I'm Brooklyn. And we're at Blacktail Ski Resort. - In Lakeside, Montana. And it's. - [Both] Time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - That is a father and a daughter. (chuckles) - Yeah, it is. (chuckles) - Click the top link to watch us do a misshapen foods taste test in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Grab some discontinued items before they're gone forever. Check out our last chance section at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,895,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 62XTPxjuTSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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