Crazy LEGO Builds (Guess In 10 Seconds Or Less)

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I think the countdown games are starting to become my favorite game they play. The "where in the world" game is still my all time fave, but this one has really become a close second lately. :-)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wacky_wombat61 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Someone on here posted that they have no idea why, but they always root for Rhett to win.

Now, personally I root for Link, but I think this episode was the perfect explanation of why Rhett winning is so entertaining - because they make a show of it afterwards; Link puts on his sore loser face and Rhett makes fun of him just like a lifelong friend would. When Link wins they treat it like "hey, nice job buddy!", but when Rhett wins you get slow motion hip thrusting haha

Also, totally agree with Rhett: "Legos". @ me, idc

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatdani πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I played along: 8, 6, 8, 6, 0, 6, 0, 10, 0, 0. Total: 44.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Recount! Swiss family Robinson tree is a tree house, no?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VV1N73RMVT3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'd like to give a shoutout to Mythical Beast u/JitiltheJitil. He's been pushing since January on the LEGO Ideas forum to get an official GMM LEGO set produced; but he needs 10,000 votes, and he only has about 460. If you go to this link, you can vote:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

i can’t BELIEVE link has yet again blow his early lead🀣but then again it’s link so i can believe it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gcahoon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

link is a professional loser

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sissinou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Can we predict the future of Legos? - Let's talk about that. (electronic music) Good mythical morning. - Now, Link, it is well established that you're a human child - (laughs) Okay. - So you play with Legos, right? - Well I prefer the verb "assemble" Legos for self expression purposes. - Oh, okay that's nice, well it is not a simple process to create-- - No. - a Lego masterpiece. - It's a big commitment, it can take time, it can take focus, which is why we're gonna play a game about Lego masterpieces that somebody else created. It is time for mystery countdown theater Lego edition. - All the clips that we're gonna be enjoying today are supplied by the amazing YouTube channel "All New Bricks." Here's an example of one video "Stranger Things: The Upside Down." All of their stop motion is very mesmerizing, and if you're into Lego, if you're into snappy edits, subscribe to their channel - So here's what we're gonna do with these videos, we're gonna watch them, time lapse, and we're going to, you know how this game works, we're trying to guess exactly what is being built as the time passes. - Yeah, the point value decreases as time goes on. When you guess, you get the number of points on the board, if you get wrong the other guy gets a turn, the other guy's locked out. What's the prize at the end of this thing? - The loser-- - A Lego set? - The loser has to walk barefoot, time lapse walk barefoot over Legos, I use the "S" okay? I say Legos, I know some people don't do that - Well-- - And the winner gets to do a time lapse dance. - The right people don't do that - Okay here's the thing, right people, last time, Link, you blew the biggest lead in the history of Good Mythical Morning - I did. - I'm just letting you know, it's up to you to win this. - My confidence is back. - [Rhett] All right, here we go. - [Link] Ooh it's some sh-- Big base here. - [Rhett] (Mumbles) - [Link] Lots of things coming together. - [Rhett] Whoa! - [Link] It's a steering wheel. - [Rhett] I'm confused! - [Link] Oh gosh, this is quicker than they normally go - [Rhett] What could this, I have no-- - (both shouting) (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Link. - God, I know what it is. - The Batmobile. - Yes, dang it. We realized at the same time and you got it a little bit. - [Announcer] Correct. - There was a lot of colors in there. That's what-- - It was the fenders, the fender bits - Led me away from Batmobile-ness. - The fenders. - See the whole thing here. Yeah, when they add their clickity clickities that's when it really comes together. - [Rhett] Okay true to form, Link. - [Link] Ooh, look at that. - [Rhett] True to form, you got an early lead. (laughs) - It's the 1989 version. - The best version. - All right, let's see another one. Okay, this is greener. - [Rhett] Lot of greenery. - [Link] Greener Batmobile, Green Lantern-mobile. (whispering) What is this? Some sort of uh... (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Link. - Uh, a Ferris wheel? - [Announcer] Link! Correct! - (laughs) I tell ya man! - You know how I got it? I saw some support struts and then I saw a little wheel and I, every time I ride a Ferris wheel, I'm fixated on the little wheel that turns the big Ferris wheel, and I watch that thing all the time and when I saw it I was like, I'm scared, why? - Wow you're really putting the pressure on it. - Let's watch it. - [Rhett] Am I gonna have to come back again? - [Link] See, there's little wheels, the little wheels turn the big wheel. - [Rhett] I would have gotten it by then. (laughs) - [Link] And I wonder if this thing is probably motorized, yeah. - [Rhett] It's perpetual motion machine, defying all laws of physics. - Yeah, Lego figured that out. - (sighs) Oh God. Here we go. - I'm still sweating 'cause I'm not going to get cocky. I know you're gonna take a risk on this one and buzz in early. - [Rhett] Oh, I'm not buzzing until I know what it is, man. - [Link] Oh, okay so that's, see that's totally covered that was interesting. (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Rhett. - That early? - Nintendo! - What? - [Announcer] You're correct. - (laughs) - Hang on, how did you know? - The re-- it's, look at that, the black line down the middle and then there was red. - [Link] Aww! - [Rhett] (laughs) - [Link] You didn't say classic though, so-- - [Rhett] Well, I was gonna say NES but you know - [Link] It's minus a point, a little to broad. - [Rhett] If it happened to be a Super Nintendo I didn't wanna be penalized. - Hey that's a good guess, man. - Maybe I should have waited a little bit. (laughs) - Give me another one. (exhales) the stress, man. (shouting) Um. (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Link. - Oh wow, okay really early here, eight points. - Uh, pyramid. - [Announcer] Incorrect. (buzzer sounds) - (laughs) Uh, Uh, okay. - I'm locked out, so-- (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Rhett. - I believe that is the Empire State Building. - [Announcer] Incorrect. - (screams and laughs) (bell sounds) - Okay. - [Announcer] Link. - Uh, the Statue of Liberty. - [Announcer] Correct! - Yes. - (frustrating shout) - That's the base, baby! I've been there, you been there? - [Rhett] Uh, no, I was uh, Shepherd was sick that day. - [Link] Oh yeah, 'cause-- - [Rhett] I had to stay home with him. - [Link] Yeah, 'cause we were both there and then you didn't go. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] But your family went, minus you and Shepherd. Oh, man. - Dang it! - I should have wore antiperspirant today. - I should have waited until I, well I wouldn't have known until I saw the, uh, the color change. All right, next one. - [Link] Still building. - [Rhett] They always start from the bottom, don't they? - [Link] Uh, this one's hollow. (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Link. - Damn Link! - Master Yoda. - [Announcer] Correct. (bell chimes) - (singing) A little bit of green and a lot of brown is what a Yoda is made of - You're cheating man, you've watched this channel. You've watched this channel, that's the only explanation. - I only watched the Stranger Things thing and then yeah, I was very tempted and I'm gonna be watching this channel, but I promise that I didn't. I just, I know the set, I saw the, I saw the version - It's okay. - The giant version of this Yoda. Go ahead and play this entire Yoda here. I saw the giant version of this Yoda on display in a mall, like right when we moved to L.A. - [Rhett] Still wouldn't have known. - [Link] And I, I think I put a picture on my Instagram of me - [Rhett] I still wouldn't have known. - [Link] and Lillian Lincoln. - [Rhett] Still wouldn't have known. I would know there! Two points! I would have gotten two points. - [Link] So this thing is taller than me and left quite an impression. I was eye level with the part that I-- - [Rhett] You've seen this in real life at a larger scale? - That's, - That's cheating. - Yeah, that's what I was telling you. - (laughs) (crew laughs) Okay wow, you're really really setting the bar high - It's 20 to six. - Okay before we do this next round, we wanna let you know that mythical chef Josh is cooking up - Ooh ooh I know. - Two-- - A new series? - Yes! - Yes - Called? - Past Food? - Yeah, (mumbles) yeah, right. - It's like food from the past that's like discontinued that people have a, have like a fond memory of-- - Yes. - And then he makes it again for the first time on the internet? - Yeah, all on the Mythical Kitchen channel. Go check it out. - Oh, oh, and click that bell. - He's gonna, you know what he's gonna break it and if he breaks it, he's disqualified and I win automatically, okay? For the record. - Did I break it, Morgan? Morgan's on my side, he's the one who gave me all the answers ahead of time. - (laughs) (crew laughs) - [Rhett] Okay. - [Link] Ooh this one's clear. (bell sounds) - Okay I gotta-- - It's a little curvy. - I gotta take a risk. I'm gonna say pirate ship. - [Announcer] I can't accept-- (buzzer sounds) - Dang it. - [Announcer] that answer but, but... - But but? - [Announcer] I will let you revise your answer because you were very close. - Well let's see-- - The Black Pearl. (buzzer sounds) - Oh gosh. - [Announcer] No. - [Rhett] Okay, I have to take a risk. - [Link] See, it's on ice, not water. That's the thing. If you want more specifics, I gotta wait. I don't know. What is that? What? (bell sounds) Oh. - [Announcer] Link. - It's a, a ship in a bottle. - Yup. - [Announcer] Correct. (bell sounds) - I did not know that was a set. Let's see this thing, that is cool. I've always been so skeptical about ships in a bottle. (crew laughs) you know? I mean it's like, this was a, you see how they did it? They built the ship then built the bottle around it. I'm like there's a glass blower involved. They're building the bottle second. - No no no no, you know how it's done? You build it-- - Obviously not. - You fold it down, you push it in, and then you pull a string and then all the sails come up. (whistles) - But sometimes the ship itself-- - I've seen that YouTube video. - Sometimes the like, ship itself has to get bigger. - Well that's like those little tablets, the dinosaurs that you put in water. (crew laughs) I've done that version as well. Those are much easier, actually. - Yeah, I can kinda tell what's happening there. - I don't know if I can, I don't, this may be, hold on, this may actually be the insurmountable lead. If you lose now-- - I'm, nope, I'm not, I'm not even listening (speaking over each other) I'm not cocky, I'm not celebrating, I'm not self-deprecating, I'm just playing. I'm just having a good time. Now, that's a good set. I think you would like that on your mantelpiece. - I would like to see the next clip. - Okay. Okay. (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Rhett. - Taj Mahal. - (clicks tongue) That was my guess. Is that right? - [Announcer] Correct. - (shouts and laughs) - Well, that was also my guess. - (laughs) Okay. - I was just a little bit behind-- - Play the rest of it. Okay, it had the little-- - [Link] I'm saying I knew it was the Taj Mahal. I'm just saying. - [Rhett] Okay, all right, well why didn't you guess it? - [Link] I was pressing really hard. I'm like that guy in Jeopardy. - [Rhett] "My buzzer's not working!" - [Link] "My buzzer!" - [Rhett] Man, I mean this is almost hard for me to just watch, much less do. - [Link] Ooh, that is impressive. If I had to go back to the beginning of quarantine I would have bought a whole bunch of like, huge sets. - Link you can always go back to the beginning of quarantine. (crew laughs) (laughs) - Just go home, right? - Yeah. - Just go home, yeah, yeah what's keeping me from building more Lego sets? - Okay, next. - [Link] Some sort of apparatus. (bell sounds) - [Announcer] Rhett. - Hmm, okay. - It is a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton. - [Announcer] Correct. - (shouting) No! No! - (laughs) This is, let me tell you, this isn't scripted, okay? This game is not scripted. We don't script this. - How many points? He's just taking the lead? - (laughs) (crew laughs) - And, see I knew-- - I think I may have come back too fast too early. - (whispers) I got this, I got this. Let's see it, let's see the rest of this T-rex, which was gonna be my guess - [Rhett] (laughs) - [Link] as well. - [Rhett] (groans) - [Link] With those feet. - [Rhett] I knew it was a dinosaur, but I knew that Stevie was gonna be like, "Be more specific," and I was like, "T-rex!" - [Link] (sighs) It was also a Tyrannosaurus and a Pterodactyl. - [Rhett] What do you call that other thing? - A skeleton. - A stegosaurus? - Triceratops. - Triceratops, there you go. (bell sounds) - Do I get a point? - No points. - Oh, sorry. - Okay, two more rounds Link. (cheering) It's any man's game at this point. - [Link] (whispering) Oh gosh, what... (bell sounds) - [Stevie] Link. - Oh shoot, this is a huge tree but I know it's gotta be more specific than that. It's just freaking... How specific do I need-- I mean, huge tree, I need to be more specific right? - [Stevie] Yes. - Fine don't tell, okay? Swiss Family Robinson tree? - [Stevie] Incorrect. (buzzer sounds) - I was thinking that was a really good guess. - (whispering) Crap. - Okay. - [Link] Crap! - [Rhett] Okay, what am I gonna say here? - [Link] What is this? What is this? We're going all the way down to zero points, that's fun. (bell sounds) - [Stevie] Rhett. - Is it a Winnie the Pooh tree? - [Announcer] Incorrect, you're both going too specific. (bell sounds) Link. - Treehouse. - [Stevie] Correct. - Oh come on! We both knew that from the beginning. - Oh three points, oh gosh, okay. That's almost a negligible lead, tit-for-tat here heading into the-- that's a beautiful treehouse - Yeah. - that I don't actually care about because I'm finding myself competitive. - (laughs) - This is a weird feeling. - Hey you're always competitive, man! - This is a weird feeling. - You're always competitive! Just embrace it. - I don't, what is that, what do you, what do you mean by that? I don't know what you're getting at. - [Stevie] Okay guys this is the final round. This determines everything. - Everything. - [Stevie] The point total, your lives, everything. - (groans) I am very nervous. - [Stevie] Are you ready? Okay, here we go. (mumbling) (bells sounding twice) - No! Is it a tie? - [Stevie] Oh no, Rhett, Rhett's light. - I was first, mine came on first. - Can you let a judge say that? - [Stevie] I'm sorry, I'm sorry but yes, Rhett's did come on a second. - I heard your buzzer go first. - [Stevie] Yep. - Ah, you know I hate to say it but I do believe that that is the Good Mythical Morning logo. - [Stevie] You are... Correct. - (laughs) Oh! I am sorry man, I mean, I just, I saw it and oh there's us! We're in it! - [Link] Aw look at that! - [Rhett] We're in it. - [Link] Are we entombed in it? (crew laughs) [Link] That is cool. - [Rhett] Look at that. - [Link] Ooh. - [Rhett] We're hidden inside. - [Link] And then you turn it around, oh, there is an exit. Great. (crew laughs) [Link] We're not trapped. - [Rhett] That looks like it could be turned into a wicked guitar. - Yeah, you already have one of those, actually. - I do. Okay, Link. - Oh man, so close! Like, I heard your click right before my click. (bell sounds) Dang it! - You know what that's just, you know what, it's just great entertainment. That's what it is. It's just great entertainment. (laughs) - So what do you want me to do, you want me to do a stop motion walk on Legos? - He needs to throw some Legos. Here's some Legos, throw them down and walk over them barefoot and I'm gonna do a stop-motion victory dance. - 'Kay. I'm gonna stay like this and just like, you know? Ow! (crew laughs) (Legos hitting floor) It's like I'm sli-- Ow! It's like I'm sliding. And for the record, I hate you. (crew laughs) Ow! - Thanks. For. Subscribing. And. Click. That. Bell. - You know what time it is. - [Parker] Today we're made of Lego, let's talk about that. but first, I'm Parker from Arkansas and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - (chuckling) Nice job, Parker. - Parker we're gonna stop motion. - Click the top link to watch us compete in a speed Lego building challenge in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. (crunching) - Does this look like mayonnaise yet? - Yeah yeah, it's getting there. - Does this look like mayonnaise yet? This is what happens in the back of every McDonald's.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,131,160
Rating: 4.9498463 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: dC6SOF60-rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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