Extreme Smelling Bee Challenge

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One of my all time favorite GMM games. Did not disappoint.

Also, from GMMore, Link has truly embraced his "white suburban dad-ness"

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/thatdani 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Rhett using that life line when he didn’t need it was hilarious.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/SwaggiiP 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

We haven’t had a smelling bee in a long time!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/SwaggiiP 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was hoping for this during the live stream. Glad we have it again.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love a good smelling bee! In GMM More all I could think was that Rhett must have been rather ripe covered in poop and mayo!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/rachel_of_oz 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Link's reaction to Rhett's mayo dumpage was perfection.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's confirmed that it's all fake and due to Rhett being a hologram (proof is on Mythical IG) ;)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SwaggyVINCE 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today, we think about words that stink. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning. - And to everybody celebrating in America, Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful. - Happy Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for you making us a part of your daily routine. - I am ready to smell and spell today. And this is going to be a fun one 'cause we haven't done this in a while. Did you take a shower this morning? You gotta check? - Yeah, I did. I did. - Oh, you did? - I think I did. - Well one or both of us are gonna have to take another one 'cause it's time for - [Both] The Third Kinda Sorta Annual Burbank Invitational Smelling Bee. - Welcome to the stank station. - The rules of the smelling bee are as follows. We will take turns here at the stank bar smelling each of these jars. If we guess a smell correctly, the first letter of that smell will be revealed on the board. And after we've finished smelling everything at the stank bar, we'll try to guess the full word on the board which represents something that will be dumped on somebody, either the smeller, if he guesses wrong or the other guy, if he gets guesses right. - And we've got the two classic smelling bee lifelines in effect. One is a contestant can ask for the origin of a smell or they can ask for the smell to be used in a sentence. And each lifeline may only be used once throughout the game. Let's get to sniffing. (upbeat music) - Mr. McLaughlin, you may begin smelling. - That's me. - Smelling? - Smelling, yes. - Do I just insert the straws in my nose? - Yes, Mr. McLaughlin. - I know the rules. I'm just trying to be talkative. - Be sniff-ative. - Coffee. - I'm gonna give you another chance. - It's very savory. A latte? (chuckles) I mean, am I in the right family? - I'll give you one more go at it. - Soy sauce? - Move on. (Rhett laughs) - It just smelled exactly like coffee. Let me see if these do as well. Oh gosh, that smells like a... like a vapor rub kind of thing you put on yourself. - I would go down that path, but I'd go a little more granular. - Menthol. Whatever is in vapor rub is what's making it smell the same way, right? - I would go, I'd go more natural. - Hmm, it wouldn't start with M because it's a second letter in a word. So it's not mint. It probably is a vowel. What starts with a vowel? Aftershave? (laughing) - I'll say everything you said is correct, except for your guesses. Move on. - Okay, so I'm just gonna go with general vowel there. That'll narrow it down. Oh, that's a fruit. It's almost a rotten fruit though. - You're on the right track except for the rotten part. - Forget that. - It's citrus-y. It's not a citrus-y. It's citrus-y? - I'm not giving you a facial expression. - Lemons. - I'll give you one more shot. - Limes. - All right, I'll give you this one. That is correct. - Oh, hey! It is limes? - Limes. - Oh, wow. This is hard, man. You wait until you get your nostrils over here. - I'm giving you hints, man. - Oh, that comes from the sea. (crew laughs) It could be clams. It could be oysters. It could be fish. Have I said it yet? - I'm not telling. - I'm going with oysters or clams. It's a shellfish. - I need a final answer. And I wouldn't choose either one of those. (laughing) - It's just fish then. - Be more specific. - A little fish. Tuna. - Is tuna a little fish? - Oh, oh, oh. - Oh, I didn't say it was a little fish, you did. - Sardines. - I mean, I'll give it to you. (Rhett laughs) - Yeah! - [Link] I know this is difficult. - Yeah! - So listen, you know, with my help, you have gotten 50% of this word. Mr. McLaughlin, why don't you step into the kiddie pool zone in order to solve and spell your way into getting dumped on, hopefully. - Okay, so that... phew. Bulls, eels, pals, (chuckles). Pills. (laughs) Gels, I'm going to get some gels put on me. (chuckles) Cells. - Why you making that voice? - I don't know! I don't know what it is. - Cells. - I can't come up with another word besides pals. (laughs) I can't think of another word that could fit here. That's what's happening in my brain right now. - Spell it. - Okay. (crew laughs) The word is pals, P-A-L-S, pals. - Sorry, Rhett, the word is eels. - Oh! - Two E's. - Two E's, Rhett. - Two E's What is it? - [Both] Espresso. - Eucalyptus. - [Rhett] Oh, come on. - And eels all over you. - Thank you. - [Link] Oh my gosh! - Good God. - Are they pieces of eels? - What in the world kind of eel is that? - Pick up that big chunk there, Rhett. - This eel... First of all- - Back to your right. - Oh, there's eel. - When you were sounding out, the first thing you said was eels. You said eels like at least four times. - Well, eels are my friends. They're my pals. I won! (laughing) (upbeat music) - Mr. Neil. - Yes. - Proceed to smell your first item. - I can tell you, all I can smell right now are eels. - Yeah, eels. - [Link] It stinks in here. - You mean my pals? - Ah, I can't tell if this stinks or not, but I think it stinks. It's like bad bread. Well, is that I guess? - I smell yeast. Is it nasty? - I think this is a little, it's a little bit divisive. This is a divisive, polarizing thing. - Shoot, 'cause I was going to say dirty socks. - Some people like those. - Or toe nails. - Is that your guess? - Yeah, toe nails. - Sorry, you're pretty far off. Just keep that in mind as you move on, and that it's not close to toenails, in my opinion. - Okay, whatever. Ooh! - [Rhett] You like that? - Mm, smells like fruit punch. Smells like Hawaiian punch to me, man. - Okay, it's not Hawaiian punch, and you like these. - I like these. - There's more than one of this thing in there. - What's the hint? Give me a hint. - Hawaiian punch wouldn't be healthy, but these sure would be. - These are healthy. What kind of fruit is in fruit punch? - [Rhett] I might even go as far as to say- - Tropical. - A handful of them would be healthy. - A handful of nuts is a healthy snack. I don't smell nuts. - All right, sir, I'm gonna need a guess. I'm giving you strong hints. - Oranges. - No. - I mean, I just can't get over it. It's citrus to me. Alright. Savory. - [Rhett] Mm-hmm. - Smells like sour gravy. (Rhett laughs) - Sour gravy, is that your guests? - [Link] No, I think it's fermented. - Fermented, sour, and savory all makes sense to me in this context. - Like a red wine? - Can I give you another hint? - [Link] Yeah. - You've already said this word while up here. - I've already guessed this? - You said this word earlier. - Crap, I can't remember what I said. I don't listen to myself when I talk. - [Rhett] This is the last- - It's not my job. - Here's the last hint. You said this while smelling the first item. - It smells like bread now. Now, I'm in a yeast area? - I need a guest, my friend. - I can't remember what I said. (laughing) This is driving me crazy. I hate it. I hate knowing that I've said it. (laughing) Is it dough? I'm sorry, that's incorrect. - I got nothing! (Rhett laughs) - Moving to the last item. (crew laughs) Now, Link, this is a very polarizing thing that you have very strong opinions about. - I'm smelling it. Olives. - You got it, Mr. Neil. That's right! - I got one! Your word ends in- - [Link] Shoot man. - O. - This is... this is, oh. - Sorry, my pals are in my pool with me. - Oreo. (Rhett laughs) Please drop Oreos on me, Rhett. Fine, I have to use a lifeline. - [Rhett] Okay. - I would like the origin of the word. - Okay, the origin of the smell of this thing is an old jar in your mom's fridge. - What could it be? It could be a... Oh my gosh. I feel like an idiot. (Rhett laughs) Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. (crew laughs) La, la, la, la, la, la, la, limo! Limo would fit. - I feel like this, it might be cheating. I don't know, but- Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, mayo. - Are you gonna let me go through the whole alphabet? - I'm going to guess mayo, M-A-Y-O, mayo. - Link, you're correct. (Link yells) And let me tell you, I'm doing what you did (laughing) in my next round. - [Link] What do you mean? - I'm going to go through the entire alphabet until I get the word. (Rhett and Link both yell) (Link yelling) - Ah! Oh, man. It ended in O. That was the best letter to get. - I'm sorry I'm so tall, Chase. - Wow. - I forgive you. - Mayo all over you man. (crew laughs) Dang, son. (upbeat music) Mr. McLaughlin, smell it up. - I will, but first I wanna let you know about the Black Friday sale at mythical.com. Up to 40 percent off select items! What? - 40% off select items? Can we do that? Yes, we can. Okay, you know what I'm smelling right now? - Mayo. - Mayonnaise and eels. - Okay, yeah. Put your nose over that to get an isolated scent. Ooh, what's he- - Bubblegum. - Dang, son. - I mean, there's nothing else in the world that smells like that. - I mean, there's other words for it. And I would've given you a hit, but like- - Hey! - You didn't even need another word. You got the B at the beginning of a word, and that's powerful. - Maybe my fortunes are shifting. What is... The tide is turning? What is the saying? - The fortunes are shifting. - Oh, oh, oh, apple sauce. - No, but you're as close as you can be. - Oh, okay. Apple pie. - Yeah. I mean, I don't... (Rhett laughs) Dang. - Yeah. - Son. (Rhett cheering) I know how hard this is- - I don't know what's happening. - You're making it seem easy all of a sudden. - I think my soul just got crushed, and now my nose is turned on. - Oh, this is how you get turned on, by getting draped in it mayo and eels? - You know, sometimes when I just get into a pool full of my pals- - We don't want to know. - Oh, okay. That's Irish Spring. (laughing) - Dang, son! I would hate you right now, except I feel so bad about you getting mayo all over you. - I'm going to go ahead and tell you, before this round is over, you're getting bait on you. (laughs) But let me see what word this is that starts with a T. (laughing) Now, I'm having fun. Now, we're having fun when the fortune's shifted. (crew laughing) - Tabasco sauce. (Rhett laughing) - Get over here. - Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on. Put it up there. Just put it- - I'm standing in mayo! - Can you just put it up there for me? I don't know how I just... I mean, I don't know what just happened, but I felt like I just had a supernatural connection. But listen, I mean, I really want- - Spell it! - I would like to use a lifeline. (crew laughs) Can you use it in a sentence for me? - Boy, I can't wait to get bait dumped all over me. - The word is bait, B-A-I-T, bait. - Seriously? - And you got some in your glasses there. - Oh my gosh. What is it? An insect? - That would have been quite a combination to have mayo and then bait, but thankfully, I did not get tarred and feathered. - Oh gosh. (upbeat music) Mr. Neil, proceed with your smelling. It stinks in here, man. - Yeah, it's coming from this region right here. - Oh, this has got to be pickles. - Uh, oh, it looks like you've shifted your fortunes as well. - Yes. It's good to get that first letter. Okay. This is either shaving cream or aftershave. Shaving cream. - No. - Okay, that's not my final yet. Aftershave. - I'm going to need you to be- - I'm gonna nee nee. - Specific. - Oh, Aqua Net? (Rhett laughing) - Aqua Net. - Allspice, no, I mean Old Spice. Old Spice. - You know what, it was actually Aqua Net. You're right. - [Link] Old Spice. - It's Old Spice, yeah. - Don't call it a comeback! - I think this is going to be a clean sweep for you as well- - I've been here for years. - On this one. That's my theory at least. - Ooh, woo, that's strong. That's like... It's like I'm at a steak house. - Okay. - [Link] What is this? - [Rhett] I'm giving you- - I know what this is. I know it's food. - I'm giving you one guess for the last two. - Steak. - No. - I gotta clear my sinuses. It's fragrant. That's woody. It's like a pine scent. - I'm going to need to guess. - Cedar. - Nope. - [Link] Ah! (Rhett laughs) - Come on over. - Okay, so Come on over. - it's some sort of wood. Come on over and make your guesses. - P-O, if it was, I was gonna guess pine. If it's P-O (grunts) P, polyp. (Rhett laughs) Poop, is it, oh, freak. It could be poop. - [Rhett] Could be. - They could totally throw a poop on somebody. - Wouldn't be the first time. - Poor, po-, po- - We're going to need an answer, Mr. Neil. - Poop, P-O-O-P, poop. - Of course that's what it is. - Oh, it is? Because what were the other things? Oh, onions, pine needles! Okay, pine. See, the pine's what got me. (laughs) Oh my gosh. So is that like maneuver fertilizer situation? - Oh gosh, that's horse. That's horse. Straight from a horse. - I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. But one of us, one of us had to do it. I know it takes you longer to shampoo than me, but I'm sorry, man. I had to go for it. (Rhett coughs) I should be celebrating but I feel absolutely- - You should feel guilty. - Vindicated. (Rhett coughs) Wow. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. It's time for me to take a shower. - I'm Pai. - I'm John from the Philippines. We have watched nothing but GMM during lock down and it's now time to - [Both] Spin the the Wheel of Mythicality! - Well, there's a lot to watch. - Nothing but GMM. - But you could mix it up a little bit. Click the top link to watch us - Or don't. try to spell the winning words from the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Hey, check out our Black Friday sale with exclusive items and up to 40% off store wide at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,078,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 0Nb8eaFp3_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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