Testing Weird Couples Products

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- Should these couples products exist? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Now, few things give me the anxiety that trying to figure out what to get my wife for Valentine's Day gives me. It really started when I got her a potted plant early in our marriage for a Valentine's Day gift and it didn't go over well, and I've just been gun shy ever since. What are you getting your wife? - I was hoping you would help me with that. (both laugh) It's a little late, innit? - How about a potted plant? - Uh, yeah- - She really likes potted plants. - I was thinking a potted plant. It might work. - Okay, well, if you're looking for ideas online I got news for you. The internet is full of terrible products designed for couples in love, but how do we know if these products are truly bad unless we experienced them ourselves as a couple? Well, that's what we're going to do today. And you know what, most of these products never even made it into production until now. It's time for our, are these ridiculous couples products from the internet more embarrassing than Tom Hanks' son Chet? - Could it get that bad? Well, we'll find out, because we've done some digging around online looking for couples products and what we discovered was actually pretty strange. There are a lot of really weird products designed for couples, but the thing is, a lot of these products never go into production. They only exist on the internet as an idea. Nothing more than a photo on a random article. - Right, so in order to determine if these products are in fact a good idea, our amazing art department, the Creationeers, that's what they want me to call them now, instead of the Inventioneers, they insisted. They took these products and brought them to life. Just so we could test them out today. - Yeah, so we're gonna test these things out and then we're going to decide whether this product is worthy to bring into existence and sell to the public. In other words, is it a sweet nothing or a sweet something? - Let's get it on. (romantic music) - You ever wished there was a product for a lover with a wandering eye? Well, we found something professing to do just that on trendhunter.com, it's called the AUGE. It is the eyeglasses for lovers. According to the site, these eccentric spectacles are to be worn by two people at once. And these chic black frames will keep two sweethearts in a perpetual lip lock. Offering little in terms of fine tuned vision beyond a two centimeter distance, the AUGE eyeglasses for lovers direct a very narrow focus. - Now, as you can see, we have recreated our own version here. First of all, they're just kind of cool just to wear by yourself. - Yeah, just imagine if you saw somebody walking down the street with that- - Well, I feel like this- - It invites- - It's a physical distancing thing. It's also like late at night, so you don't bump your head into things. Like if you've gotta go take a wee-wee in the middle of the night. - A what? - A wee-wee. - A wee-wee. - I gotta take a wee-wee. Now, but the real test is can it keep two people focused on one another? Now, I've gotta be honest with you, Link, sometimes your mind is in someplace else and if it's not directed at me I can have a tough time holding your attention. So I think that this- - Curse your feelings. - This could be a good way for us to have meetings. Just so you understand, this is just a meeting, okay? This is just gonna be a meeting between business partners. Don't get any ideas. - Right. - Just a meeting between business partners. We're gonna see if we can have one of our typical meetings. - I don't know why I was licking my lips. (audience laughs) - And deal with some of the distractions that we typically deal with and, of course, I brought chocolate strawberries to this meeting. Pay no mind to that. - And you're spreading your legs. - How you want me to- - Don't spread your legs. Yeah, keep both knees that way. - You want me to side saddle? - Yeah, so no matter what happens, we can remain in focus. All right, you could come halfway. Oh gosh, I'm going to get... - You can use your hands. - I don't wanna use my hands. - You would just use your hands to grab the... - Turn this way. - Use your hands to grab... No, use your hands, man! - I don't wanna use my hands. - Okay, come on in. - I have to use the... (groans) - Okay. - I don't want to talk. - Okay. - Why are you? - This is a good meeting. - Okay, we call it the order the meeting. - What? What are you doing? You're crazy, man. - You know how I like to feed you the strawberries at the meetings. - Hey, guys. - Did you want some of it? - No, no, no. I don't want it from you. Feed it to me. Now I feel like I'm can really focus on you. I don't know. - I don't see anything else happening. - [Chase] Your eyes aren't wandering at all? - I think there's something going on out there, but I don't... It's not distracting at all. - Don't yell at me. - What do you think about the quarterly reports? - Oh god, come on, man. You freaking quarterly reported that chocolate under my chin, man. - I've never once said the word quarterly reports in any of our meetings. - I know. - Just so you know, I was just playing along. - Now I got them. (Rhett sighs) - Let's try again. - Yeah. It's funny how you don't want to use your hands. When you see it, you just wanna go like this. (Rhett vocalizing) Oh! (Rhett laughs) - That's good, that's some fun. - Coming up? Coming up? (Rhett vocalizing) - And then let me (indistinct). Let me dock again, 'cause I didn't do it full hands free. (both vocalizing) Nope. Nope, don't turn! Don't tilt. Come a little closer. (Rhett vocalizing) (champagne popping) Oh, you always time that good. - I almost timed it good? - Yeah, you did. - Hey, I think these are great. You know I had so much fun doing it with Link, I think I'd prefer doing it with my wife. But the double sided spectacles. We're saying they're a- - [Both] Sweet something! (romantic music) - Okay, this is the My Other Half wine glass set. - Here it is. - Trendhunter.com, our favorite website must really hate romance because they describe it as being designed for clingy couples, ew. - [Link] The thing here is that, if one of us drinks- - Liquid seeks its own level. It seeks its own level. - Or the same level, a level. - Now this thing was made by... Well, this one was made by our crew. Yeah, right. - But the one on the website was made by award-winning British designer, Jim Rokos. - Yeah and it cost 480 bucks. - But it was created pretty much as a one-off art piece rather than a functional product. But I do think it's functional. - And this is Gatorade, by the way. It's not the new trending orange one. - I'll give a drink here. - Give it a second. Give it a second. - Or do we have to... 'Cause I have more in mine. Just go all the way. - This is breaking the laws of physics. - Is it not connected? - Well, it's breaking the laws of physics. Set it down, set it down. This is like magic. - Gatorade doesn't seek- - Oh no, no, no, no. Look, look, look. - [Both] There it goes. - It just took a second. - Just sit it down because, hey, look at the DJ, he's doing little jig and then you bring it back. - It's a dancing DJ? Oh, it was one of those. (Link vocalizing) It's one of those parties. - All right. Didn't drink anything again. Oh, look, it's like bubbling up. Bubbling up. - Well, how do I get all of it from the tube into my mouth? - Again, if I'm taller than you... - Get taller. - I'm tall. (Rhett sighs) Get it all! (Link laughs) See now, this is a party trick. (audience laughs) What's happening up there? Suck it! (Link gasps) You want me to blow on that end? Yeah. (Rhett laughs) - No, I don't want you to blow. (audience laughs) Wow, well that worked! - That's a party trick! - It definitely worked. - We finally found the coolest thing that this thing does. - It may have broken the microphone. I think it went everywhere but on the microphone. - Hello? We still good? - All right, we declare the My Other Half wine glasses a- - [Both] Sweet something! (romantic music) Before we get too snugly, we want to introduce you to our all-new redesigned and expanded grooming collection! It's got all the stuff that we've already had in our grooming collection, but redesigned with some new products. - And look at this bag! First of all, the bag comes with it, and Rhett, tell 'em about that. - We've got some all new mythical hand lotion. Subtly scented but soothing with a nice little scent. - We've got the original pomade and now we've got the brand new Mythical Clay Pomade. This is the one that I use on my hair. It's lighter, firmer hold. - But that's not all. - You also got the beard balm. - So we've still got the beard oil, but now we've updated it with also having the beard bomb, which gives you a little bit more hold on your wiry beard, if you've got one like me. - Yeah. Open this up. You gotta show the people. - Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll open it up, you keep going. You keep going. - And look at this. There's a brush! You wanna brush your nice luscious locks? - [Stevie] Yup! - Stevie does. Stevie, you like this brush. This is like a legit... - [Stevie] Yeah, we designed the brush to be the exact right brush for long hair. So it is perfect. - And of course we're still selling two packs of the peanut butter peppermint lip balm. Peculiarly perfect. - But there's also a new flavor, candy milk. It's like when you put a fruity cereal in the milk and then you drink the milk, we got a lip balm that's flavored that way. - Yeah, there it is right there. Candy milk. And last, but not least, super excited about this. I don't think this exists anywhere on the market. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the world's first musical comb. - And what do we mean by musical comb? Well, check this out. You know that good old, whoa- - You knocked over our crap! - I got a Snuggie on, I'm sorry. You know the GMM theme song? Well, check it out. (theme song playing) Whoa! - Shop the entire collection now at mythical.com and it's also at Amazon, amazon.com/mythical. - Okay. - Yeah! - A lot of stuff- - Lots of goodies there. We'll put it back in the bag later. All right, let's get to this Snuggie. Now, the Snuggie's never really been cool, but a Snuggie made for two, that's pretty hot. And even the dog knows it. Oh, it's like, well, am I gonna be embarrassed? What's gonna happen under that Snuggie? This supersized, 100% polyester blanket comes with roomy sleeves and pockets for easy access to snacks and your TV remote, which is the most sexy accessory in my house. (Link laughs) - I haven't gotten a close up of your remote. - So the double Snuggie is the perfect accessory for snuggling on the couch with your boo. And versions of the couples Snuggie actually do exist on Amazon, but we thought there was room for improvement. So we would be pleased to present to you right now, the thrupple Snuggie. - Oh, Chase. Yeah, Chase is here. - Oh, hop in! - Oh, thanks. Thank you. - Oh wow. Here we are. Here we are, guys. - Three guys. - Just enjoying the game. - One Snuggie. - You know like we do. - We're all in this together. If one of us farts, we all get warm. - Let's just test this out. Let's just say that we're together. We're together like we always are on the weekends. The three of us eating popcorn together. Watching the game. Woo! - Boo! - Oh and what if I'm like, whoa, yeah! Oh, it still works. - Doing the wave? Lots of room. Yeah, we can do a wave. (Link vocalizing) (Chase laughs) - It's falling down a little bit. - [Stevie] Sexy. - How far does this thing stretch? - I've got some Milk Duds in here. - [Rhett] Look how far this thing stretches. Come back. We're gonna probably tip some stuff over here. - Look how big this things is! (Link laughs) - There's stuff in the pockets here. - Oh, look what I found. - Why is there a tater tot? Like an uncooked tater tot in my pocket. - I got your corn and some spaghetti. - Fart and that'll cook the tater tot. - [Rhett] Oh Link, here you go, take that to your wife. It's the remote. - She loves these. (group laughs) - All right, the thrupples Snuggie. So you can't get away from each other when you need to use the restroom. - All right, yeah. The thrupple Snuggie. I think it's a- - [Link And Rhett] Sweet nothing. (romantic music) - Okay, it may be hard to imagine that we would want more privacy after everything that we've been through, just on this episode, but the Veasyble Privacy Dome promises to help lovers with a fear of PDA make out in public with absolutely no shame. Look at this photo. - [Link] Absolutely ridiculous looking. It's like- - [Rhett] It looks like a snail doing a trick. (Rhett laughs) - A tote bag turns into like a disguise you would wear in a power plant. - Yeah, well, here's what the Veasyble website says. It says the Veasyble is a set of wearable accessories that can be converted at a touch into a means of isolation. - It also brings you one step closer to achieving your dream of becoming a hamster. - Well, yeah. Okay. Or maybe a hermit crab. - But we have our version. - Yeah, we do. - And let's try it. Let's test some privacy. - So, now you may be realizing why we have these cameras on, because you won't be able to see us when we're having our private moments. - Ours is orange! - So why don't you get in first? Pull it up. We could probably make this into a tote bag. - Now, Stevie, once you get in this thing, in order to see if we can really be private, we're gonna see if you can guess what we're doing in here. - [Stevie] Okay. (plastic rustling) (audience laughs) - Hey! - Hey! - It's just you and me, buddy. - All right, Stevie, what are we doing? - [Stevie] You wouldn't stand out to me, if you were in the middle of a restaurant, or a crowd, or party, or anything, it's like you're not even there. (Rhett growling) (Link growling) - [Rhett] What are we doing now, Stevie? - [Stevie] You're making silly noises at each other? - More specific! - [Stevie] Oh, you're throwing the more specific at me? - We were being dinosaurs! - We were being dinosaurs? - We were being dinosaurs. There's Link, he's in here too. - Yeah. All right, one more try. - You're gonna get this one. Oh gosh. - It's just me and you, man. - Hey, you heard about Stevie? - Yeah. She sucks. - Yeah, Stevie really sucks. - Stevie is such a bad person. - She's bad, yeah. - She's got an attitude. - [Rhett] Yeah, let's stop talking to her for a little bit. Let's do that thing where we just ignore when she comes around, we'll be like, where's Stevie? - [Link] She's not here. - Oh, is that her? No, she must be gone. - [Stevie] Guys. - [Rhett] What are we doing now? - [Stevie] It's not soundproof. - [Rhett] What were we doing? - [Stevie] You're talking smack. You're talking straight up smack. (audience laughs) (Link yells) - We were talking smack. We were talking smack about Stevie. - [Stevie] That honestly looks so fun. It actually looks like a lot of fun (laughs). - Can you tell? I look like I had some fun? - [Stevie] Where's Link? - He's still in there. He's crawling out. Listen. - Stevie sucks. (Rhett laughs) She's a jerkwad. - That might be some of he most fun I've ever had on this show. - Yeah, so, for this one, we're calling this- - [Both] A sweet something. - Well, there you go. We made some somethings today. - Good luck with your love life. We've been the best example we can be. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, Rhett and Link, I'm Vince. - And I'm Hannah and we're from Fort Wayne, Indiana. - And I just got back from a record breaking deployment on board the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. - [Both] And now it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - Thank you for your service and for being your mythical best. - I wish your reunion the best, as well. You know what I'm saying? - Click the top link to learn or actually just to watch us settle some lover spats in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where The Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Our grooming collection is growing. Shop the expanded Mythical Grooming Collection now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,074,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: KvluhKLTw08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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