Choose The Wrong Answer, Eat The Nasty Food (Game)

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The Oreo part of GMMore was gold.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Let's Talk About That" returning warms my heart.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheAwkwardBanana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

These moral puzzles were fun at first, but now I'm feeling like Rhett and Link aren't thinking things through as though they were actually real.

Well, they don't have to; they're not real; these are all clearly fantasy situations, so you can answer in a fantasy-like way.

But if these situations were reality? I have real trouble thinking either Rhett or Link would actually [SPOILER] toss the kid over.
Nor do I think Rhett could actually handle several nights in a row of horrifying, true nightmares about terrible crimes being committed, very well. I mean, just trying to film Buddy System while doing three types of GMM episodes a day was too much for him (and naturally so; it was an outrageously busy schedule). So, not even one good night of sleep ever again? In reality, that's going to affect him. His heroism will result in his mental unmaking.

But that's if it were real.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone direct me to the tweet , that Stevie mentioned in this ep πŸ˜‡

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lazy_CJ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don’t know if anyone’s watched it, but I like the little Moral Orel reference at the beginning. It’s a really weird show on adult swim

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlikTripz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know where the twitter post is where they posed the questions? I can't seem to find it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GoodHunter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wish I could show these to Chidi on the good place.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/studmuffffffin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we're putting our morals in our orals. - Let's talk about that. (electronic music) Good Mythical Morning! - Happy November 3rd, y'all! It's election day. Or as we now like to call it, Vote Like a Beast day. - Yeah, many of you have already mailed in your ballots or participated in early voting in your states, but if you're planning on voting in person today, can help you find your polling place. - And listen to this, if you haven't even registered yet, if you haven't even registered yet, you can still register today and vote today in the following states, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. So there are no excuses if you're in one of those states. Go register today and vote today. - I like how you say Vermont. Vermont. - Vermont! - Thank you for voting and being your Mythical best. Positivity in the comments, please. Thank you, thank you. - That's what you were trying to get to? - Thank you. I'm also asking for that. - All right, and in honor of voting like a beast, today we're gonna put our morals and our molars to the test to guess how y'all voted on some ethical dilemmas. It's time for, Chews Wisely. We put a survey out there to see what you would do in a wide range of hypothetical moral dilemmas. And now we have to guess what the majority of you answered. And each answer is gonna represented by an identical looking iconic food from a US swing state. - And to make our choice, we must eat the food thinks corresponds to the right answer. And if we pick the wrong dish, or ballot box bellies are gonna feel the burn, or whatever nasty sensation is associated with it. Let's play. - All right, Rhett, let's see what our first dilemma is. To clone or not to clone. Your are abducted by aliens and they say you have to go back to their home planet and you will never see your family again. Would you rather the aliens replace you with a clone that is like you in every way but is not you, and your family will never be able to tell the difference, or would you rather just disappear without a trace? - Wow, let's see what our choices are. To clone or not to clone. - So we've got to clone or not to clone. And we've got some Wisconsin cheese curds here. - Man, I love cheese curds. - [Link] They smell good, but I know one them is nasty. - I don't wanna get this wrong. - It's either your family knows the truth, or they have an experience of continuing to love and enjoy and relate to you forever, well, not forever. - For me, this is pretty simple, because yeah, you get to give them the experience as if you never left, but you also get, not the benefit I guess, you got abducted, but you have the experience of going to be with aliens, but they are interacting with, I know scientifically a clone isn't gonna have your experiences, but in this stated dilemma, this clone is a clone of you in your entirety, including all your experiences and memories. - It's like you in every way. - Like you in every way. So they're gonna experience it as you. - It's also a question of truth. So when you don't give them a clone, you're giving them the truth. - A lie. - And then hey, they might think I'm rescued, so there's a sliver of hope. - That's all true, but if feels like it's thinking about it too deeply. - My gut said just give them the clone and take it on the chin, so we're agreeing with each other. - Which means the only way to find out. That's just a cheese curd, y'all. - Oh, that tastes good. - Oh, man. - That's one of the greatest things on the planet, I think. - [Stevie] So 59% of the Mythical Beasts said that they would choose to clone themselves, so you were right. - Only 59%? - What did we miss out on? - Yeah, it was a close one. - What'd y'all do to those cheese curds? - [Stevie] Oh, you wanna taste it and find out? - No. - [Stevie] Oh, okay. - It smells the same. - [Stevie] It's something you've had before. Oh. - Oh my gosh, it's so bitter. All I did was bite it. - I'll eat another real one. - It gushed bitter. - Yeah, I'm gonna need some help with that. - All right, our next dilemma is you receive a pair of magic glasses in the mail. - Yes! - But they come with a warning. - Oh. - If you put the glasses on you will see one future crime per day which you'll be able to stop from happening, but every night, you will dream about one way worse crime that you weren't able to stop. Do you put the glasses on? - Every crime fighter is tortured by something, but this is quite a torture, to know that there's something that's even worse than what you're solving every day, every night you're tortured by not being able to solve it. - Well, let's see what we might be eating. Oh, we're eating some buckeyes from The Buckeye State. - Chocolate peanut butter balls from Ohio. - Okay, it feels to me, that again, this is a question of are you gonna be selfish or not be selfish, right? Because if you put the glasses on, you are now helping a lot of people and you're making a sacrifice of having to experience basically the news of a bad crime, which you might otherwise see anyway, if you just read the news. But the other thing would just be a purely selfish decision to be like, I don't wanna be involved in that and I don't wanna have bad dreams every night even for the sake of humanity. - Well, let's talk about boundaries for a second, personal boundaries. So each person who we asked to vote might say, you know what, I don't have the capacity to dream every single night of a heinous crime that I have no ability to help. So even if you wanna help with the stuff in the daytime, it might dismantle your psyche over time. - I think it's the burden of a hero. And I think most Mythical Beasts would gladly accept the burden of the hero. - But what I'm saying is you're not necessarily a villain because you understand, hey, this is not the life I wanna live. - It doesn't make you a bad person. - There's a different between being a hero and being a crime fighter. - Actually it's more about magic glasses. (laughs) So I'm saying put the glasses on. - I'm saying morally, don't feel bad, if you say don't put the-- You know what, screw it. - Well, then eat it if you feel that way about it. - Yeah, I do feel that way. It's okay to decide not to put the glasses on even though-- - And you gotta eat the whole thing, this isn't take a bite, this is just put the whole thing in your mouth. - I'm being an example here even thought I think most of you voted for this, I'm sticking up for the minority. - That's really salty. (crew laughs) - I was wrong about the minority, this tastes good, most of you guys, how many, Stevie? - [Stevie] Yeah, so you were right, Link. 67% of the Mythical Beasts said that they would choose not to put on the glasses. - Do you think it's for the reason I gave or is there some reason I'm missing? - [Stevie] No, I think it's pretty obvious that if you can't live with the burden of dreaming about that crime, then those magic glasses ain't for you. - And that's okay. - But what about all the people who are gonna suffer just because you don't wanna have bad dreams. Wah, wah, wah, you can be a hero. - Our next ethical dilemma is as follows, psychopath versus best friend. You befriend a powerful elf who has the ability to make every evil psychopath in the world feel empathy for the first time. Thereby changing their evil ways for the better. However, in order for the elf to make this happen, he must turn one person into a full-blown psychopath, you guessed it, your best friend. What do you do? Powerful elf. - This is basically a trolley problem on steroids, right? Because it's are you going to the most for humanity at the expense of someone who's very close to you. So if you're just a robot that's just judging moral decisions, this is incredibly easy. Of course you replace, even the one troublesome psychopath who is now your best friend, with all the people who are not psychopaths anymore. That's super, super obvious from just a strict moral standpoint. - Yeah, but what if you have strong suspicions that your best friend is a psychopath? - Well then you have nothing to lose at all. And it's easy for you. This would be an easy decision for you. (Link chuckles) But you're the one who can't smell, so you're technically more of a psychopath. - I'm just into the powerful elf of this. - What are we about to eat, first of all? - Yeah, we always forget. Now this is a Sonoran Dog representing Arizona. - I think enough of you recognize the large scale ramifications of this decision, and you're gonna take the sacrifice and turn your best friend into a psychopath. - I agree with that. Because you can make such a positive change. Who needs a best friend? - I'm gonna pull back the nipple of the bolillo just a little bit. Just to get that out the way so I can go deep. - Rip off the nip. That's good. - That taste good to me. - [Stevie] Wait, are you sure that tastes good? - Actually, no. It is very sour now that you... I thought I was just tasting a lot of mayo. - I don't think I got into it yet. - It's hitting really hard now. At the moment you were saying that I was like, I'm wrong. - [Stevie] This one was really close, because 55% of the Mythical Beasts said that they would turn their friend. - I'm learning some things about you, Beasties. I'm learning some things. I can't trust you. I can't trust the peace of the entire world, it's not safe in your hands. - Well, we got three cloches this time as if it needed to be more complicated. - All right, final dilemma. Hot air disaster. A drone flies and rips through a hot air balloon carrying three people, a man, a woman, and a child. Two people can be saved if someone jumps to their death. The woman knows how to safely fly the balloon. The man knows how to end world hunger. Okay, all right. - Okay. - And the young child is totally innocent, who should jump? All right, let's not forget to open the cloches. Like we do every time. - What do we have here? - We got the man, the woman, and I'm assuming the child. - What is this dish? (cloches banging) - [Stevie] Oh boy. This is peach cobbler and it looks beautiful. Representing Georgia, The Peach State. - [Link] But one of them is not beautiful. - [Stevie] You guys drive by that big peach ever in Georgia? - Yes, South Carolina. - [Stevie] Oh yeah, sure. - First of all, the woman can safely pilot the balloon, but the man maybe he can unsafely pilot the balloon if the woman jumps. - And the man can end world hunger, but he may not choose to. You know what I'm saying? - So he's an A-hole. - It says the man knows how to end world hunger. Now if it says, the man will end world hunger. - Let's say he will. - No, I'm trying to get into their minds. Here's how I would do this, just straight up, I always analyze this the same way. - Well, let's just push the kid over. - No, listen. I'm pushing the kid over. Unfortunately, this kid is the one who has to go, because the man has the potential and the intention, I guess to end world hunger. The woman can ensure the safety of the man. - What's the child gonna do? - And the child hasn't really even lived that much life yet. Just get rid of them. (laughs) - The child represents potential and innocence. But if the child is old enough to make the decision to jump themselves, then I'm all for that. If the child's like, you know what, I will jump. (crew laughs) - I think everyone's making the decision for themselves. But the children, again, it kind of falls back on itself, because the children are the ones everybody cares about, so nobody wants to throw the kid over. It's just like, who cares if the guy can get rid of hunger? He's a man, throw him overboard, right? - I know you want the kid, right? Just go ahead and grab it. You wanna kill the kid. You want to kill the innocent child. - Yeah, I do. Because I want to end world hunger. But two times in a row, the Mythical Beasts have not chosen what is the greatest moral good. They've chosen incorrectly, so I don't think I can go with the kid. But I can't make an argument for either other person, I can't make it. - Here it is. The person who knew how to pilot it, jumped, but that person, man or woman, just happened to say, hey, just grab these two things and go like that. I haven't wanted to tell anybody that 'cause I've been charging for this service. - I like this answer. The woman gives a quick tutorial and then jumps. All right. - It only takes a few seconds. - I'm on team woman. Let's get rid of the woman. - I don't think anybody wants to kill a child, but I'm on team child. - Oh, really? - Yep, yep. - You know what, it's definitely the right answer, but that's not what we're trying to decide. - [Link] It's the right answer. - Oh, this is hot. - This is good. - [Stevie] Yeah. - This is spicy. - Yes! - You guys made the right decision. - [Stevie] Yeah, so 47% of the Mythical Beasts would have the child jump. And boy, the comments on this tweet if you go to our Mythical Twitter are quite entertaining. - Oh yeah? - [Stevie] Highly recommend. - You know what it was? - I've never been so happy to see a child plummet. - Here's what happened. When we divided it into three different choices, it skewed the numbers in a way that made that choice actually a viable choice. - [Link] Your left eye is crying. - What is in that? What makes it so hot? - [VOICE] Ghost pepper. - Ghost pepper? - Oh, I'm so glad I didn't go there. Good work, guys. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell, Little Beasties. - You know what time it is. - [Stevie] It's time to vote! - Vote! - Time to vote! - Hey, Rhett and Link, it's Adam from Toledo, Ohio, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Man, you gotta put some clips on those weights, you're gonna end up in a world of hurt, man. - I was nervous for the guy. - Click the top link to watch us guess which things are heavier than others in "Good Mythical More". - And to find our where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Make your voice heard and vote like a beast. Visit for all your voting needs.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,216,329
Rating: 4.9408607 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: -qc0JnXyBAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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