Who Can Make The Loudest Noise? (Challenge)

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- It's about to get loud in here. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic intro music) (whooshing) - Good Mythical Morning - Rhett, what's the loudest sound that your body's ever made, and where did it come out of? - Well, if I were a dad, who made dad jokes, I would say that it was a fart, that came from my anus. - And that would be a joke? - Yeah. Right. - Oh... (studio crew giggling) - But I'm not, I'm not that guy, I'm not gonna to say that. - Alright. - So, probably I yelled loud, one time. - Okay. Well, I was actually talking to my family, the other night about what's the- what's the name that you can say in- the loudest. And I determined that that name was "Mick". (shouting,) Mick! That was, that's- - Whoa, whoa... - That's loud, right? - (shouting) Mick! - (louder shouting) Mick! - I don't think I can say Mick, as loud. - I'm sayin' Mick so loud, right now. - (shouting) Mick! - (shouting) Mick! - (shouting) Link! - (shouting) Mick! - (shouting) Rhett! - See? - (shouting) Mick! - (shouting) Mick! - Mick! - It's up in here. - Wow, you gotta loud Mick. - (chuckling) Alright. We're gonna make louder sounds than that, hopefully. But this planet is full of louder sounds, than his dad-farts, or my Micking. A snapping-shrimp's claws can get up to 200 decibels. - Wow. - A sperm-whale's- I was gonna say a sperm. - Sperm-whale sperm, - that's a little wow! (chuckling) - (laughing) That, that's- if you've gotta a loud sperm, then that's, that's problems (laughing). - See a doctor. - A sperm-whale's call can reach 230 decibels, and my dad's snore can reach a million decibels, if his lazy-boy's angled just right. - Hmm, I don't believe that. - Mm, (hands softly clapping) Yeah, okay. I made that up. Scientists have said that the loudest sound ever recorded, was the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia, in 1883. - Yes. The sound of the explosion was apparently so great, it traveled around the globe, multiple times, and there are records of people hearing it from thousands of miles away. And today, we're going to make the noises so loud, they can be heard all the way from- the Smosh side of the studio. Maybe they'll hear us, for once. (Link sniggering) (punchy electronic music) It's time for: let's hit things together, and make a big noise, (whooshing) so loud that they hear us in Decatur, Illinois. Special shout-out to Decatur! Welcome to the not-so-quiet zone. - Yeah. In this zone, we are gonna bang strange things against each other, in order to create the loudest sound that we can, according to our official decibel-meter. - Very official. Okay, and to determine who gets to pick a mystery item first, - Okay. - We're going to see who can make the louder noise. I am assuming you're going with Mick. - Ah, yeah. I, I'm going to Mick. - We'll see how loud you can Mick. - Shh... - (shouting) Mick! - (both together) 53.2 decibels. - See if you can top that. - I can't do Mick, I gotta come up with another one, and I don't know, lemme see, ah... (shouting) Ralph! - (laughing) Yay! 55.8 decibels! - 55 point meh. - I got you with Ralph! - (shouting) Mick! - Yeah. - If I had three Micks... Alright, you get to choose. - Ah, I'm go- I... - You cannot uncover it. I feel like this is a gong, because of the frame, 'cause I love gongs, - Hear you. - and I'm guessing this is a gong, and gongs seem loud, so I'm going with this. I might be wrong, but it could be a gong. - I'm goin' for this one, because it looks like a gong that's laid down. So now we, we look over here, to see what we're going to strike this hidden item with. - And you actually get to pick first, for this. - Yeah, We each have 1,000- - a 1,000 Deci-bills. - Deci-bills, to spend. I can spend $100 on a minion, I could spend $225 on a gavel, or R350 on a cane. I am going to spend- $225 (sliver triangle ringing) on the gavel. - Yeah, that's a smart choice. And I just don't think that minion can do anything for me, so I'm gonna have to be the big spender, (whooshing) and go with- (silver triangle ringing) the cane, okay. - Okay, let's- - Now, we reveal- - let's reveal - our items. - what we're going to bang. (cloth rustling) Aah... (Rhett laughing) - Well, I was right, it's a gong, and that is a floatie (laughing). - Otherwise known as- not-a-gong. - Now a couple of rules here- - Forget the rules, I'm gonna spend 50 more dollars. (studio-crew laughing) - Okay. Alright. - To, to purchase this one. - You know what? And here's... I have the option of spending more, and we can see who wants to spend more, - If you want to. - but I'm happy with mine, so go for it, $50 for that. (silver triangle tinging) (whooshing) (cloth rustling) - [Link] Oh, cowbell, cowbell. - Ha! Cowbell. You can strike any part of this, with any part of this that you want, but you cannot- make dad-noises, and grunt, and (shouted vocalizing), play Ralph, becau- And if you do, it's a 50 decibel- demerit. - And you can only strike it once. - Ready? (gong clanging) 59.7 decibels. - 59.7, wow. Pretty strong, that's louder than your Ralph. - Louder than my Ralph (laughing) (Stevie laughing) - Alright, so... Ready? (cowbell ringing) - Oh! - That felt louder! - Well, it was almost as loud, but you're actually in the lead, because you spent less on the gavel. You have 1,274, (silver triangle ringing) I've got 1,247. (silver triangle ringing) - The same numbers, though, - Yeah. - Just re-arranged. (whooshing) - Let's just see how loud we can get this, this to happen. - Okay, yeah, do it. (cane thwacking) - Wow. - 53.3! (punchy electronic music) (whooshing) - Okay, Rhett, you're losing. - Yep. - So you get to choose, first. - Well, this is another, like, wood-framed thing, so... - Mhmn. - But they wouldn't go gong twice, you never go gong, twice. This looks like a pillow. This looks like a, like a giant Vienna sausage. I'm goin' with this. - Well, I'm gonna select this one, because maybe it is a gong. And I'm going to spend some more bucks. Alright, for $100, we have a salami, which... You know I can break an urn with that. - And I mean, maybe you can make some noise with it? (battle-cry shouting) (salami thumping) (ceramic shards clattering) (slow-mo battle-cry roaring) (salami thumping) (ceramic shards clattering) - Or I can make a lot of noise, with that clarinet for $350, and there's also a blunt sword, for $400. - [Rhett] Mhmn. - I gotta go with the clarinet. - Okay, you're going clarinet, (whooshing) I'm definitely- (silver triangle ringing) aah... - Clarinet. - I don't know how to handle that salami. So, I'm gonna go with the sword. Again, I'm the big spender, (whooshing) this time. (silver triangle ringing) Alright, let's reveal our items. - Okay. Oh, I got chimes. - [Rhett] It's a mailbox, which is not a Vienna sausage. - Ah, that is- That is money, man, there's an... Okay, there's no way... - I'm not going, I, I'm not switching. - I'm not going for that, mushy-mushy, I'm gonna to stick, with my- ♪ Chimes ♪ - Ah, okay. Who, who... D'you wanna go first? - I'm gonna to play, and hit at the same time. (clarinet tuneless honking) (crashing chimes ringing) (both laughing) - 53.1, not bad. - Pretty good, huh? - [Rhett] Pretty artistic. (chimes softly jingling) Okay, man, may I... This is taking me back to my younger days. When I used to hit mailboxes with swords. No, I never was that guy! Don't get any ideas. Okay. The main challenge for me, is doing this without grunting. Gotta be honest with you. (postbox dull clanking) - 52.5. - [Link] Oh I got you! I have $1,555, (silver triangle ringing) but you only got- $1,372, (silver triangle ringing) total. - Well, let's see what the third item was. (cloth rustling) It was a pillow! - [Link] It was a pillow, (indistinct) - And it was a pillow, with, ah, your face on it, I think. Alright, hit it with that wiener, and see what happens. (studio-crew laughing) Hit your face with that wiener. I'm glad it's you doing this. (studio-crew softly giggling) (pillow dully thumping) (salami clunking) - Whoops! I lost ma grip. 34. - 34 decibels! Okay. (whooshing) (punchy electronic music) (whooshing) - Quick point of clarification. This is Danny DeVito. - Yeah. - Not Link, on the pillow, from the previous round. - But, upside down, I guess, Danny and I kinda look the same. - Common mistake, - Yeah. - I've done it. - But you know what? This is what Link looks like. And this is what Links hair looks like. - Wow. How do you get your hair to look like that, Link? - Just look like this, with Mythical Clay Pomade, the newest addition to the Mythical Grooming Collection, to join the original pomade. - [Rhett] Cool, man. - It's fierce, but flexible, and gives you a Mythical style. Available- - Where do you get it? at mythical.com. - [Rhett] Awesome. Okay. I'm down by 183 Deci-bills. - Yep. - Ah, just... We didn't say this at the top, but here's what's at stake. Whoever has the most Deci-bills at the end of this round, is going to get to make the loudest noise, that we are legally allowed to make, in Burbank. - Or even break the noise ordinance, in Burbank. - Maybe! - One of us gets to do that. Okay, because you're losing, you get to go first, but, we're really determining that, going second gives you a slight advantage, because you can make a more informed decision, about- - About this. - what's on the wall. - Yeah. - So, I'm gonna go first, here, - Okay. - to give you that advantage. - Alright. We got something else, on a- frame. We've got somethin' that's like, drum-like. - Mhmn. - And then we got somethin, that's like- - Just a mound. - [Link] Giant hamster-like. I'm gonna to go- with the drum-like thing. - [Rhett] (whispering) That's no, that's gone, that's good, that's what I wanted to go with. - What are you going to go with, here? - Aah... The things that have been low-lying, in every round, have not been good. - So choose this. And, then purchase from the wall. - But! - With $1,372? - But, reverse-reverse psychology, - Oh... - They may have put something super-dinky, hanging from this, that's just like funny. - [Link] They're so funny. - So I'm going with this- Y'all can't get me! - All right, now make your- - And! - Wall purchase. - Alright, now, first of all, obviously, the thing that would make the loudest noise of any of these things, is the frying pan, but it's 400 Deci-bills. If I spend that much money, I can't come back. This could be a dumb move, but I gotta do something drastic, at this point. I'm going for the flyswatter, for a hundred. (whooshing) (silver triangle ringing) (Rhett breath swishing) (whooshing) - Okay. And I'm going to take advantage of my lead, and I'm going to purchase- this saucepan. (whooshing) Alright, let's see what - Let's reveal what we've got. - we've got, here. (silver triangle ringing) (whooshing) (cloth rustling) - It is a drum! (Rhett wry chuckling) And yours is, what is that, a ham? - It's a ham. (studio-crew chuckling) How loud do you think I can make a ham-slap? - [Link] Well, do you wanna, (studio-crew laughing) do you wanna to spend more money, on what's mounted over here? - I would like to spend- one Deci-bill. You can spend more on it, - Oh, you, you- - if you want. (laughing) - Oh, I see what you're doin', here. - Um, shoot. - I got ya. (laughing) I got you. - Alright. I'm gonna spend, ah- 50- for this. - Okay. Then I'm gonna do the drum. Is that how it works? - You have- - (laughing) How do I do it? - to go back to the ham. I have to go back to the ham? - [Link] You have to go back to the ham. - Aah, shoot. - Wanna spend more than 50? - Ah, I know, I don- I see, I feel like I need to know, where the math stands at this point. Um, I think I might be able to really slap this ham. Bam! I can slap that ham. (studio crew giggling) - Alright. You stickin' with it? - Yes! - All right, let's see what I'm- - I'm slappin' the ham. (silver triangle ringing) - see what I'm gonna bang, here. - [Rhett] Oh, man, you're gonna, that's gonna get loud. - A suspended wood block. What does it say? - That, ey- that could get really loud. - Gran... I can't read upside-down. (studio-crew chuckling) Grandma's house, Grandma's rules! - Oh man, you're gonna- - Grandma doesn't like noise! - You're gonna make such a loud noise with that, but listen, I don't think I could have done much with this, and I couldn't have done anything with the traffic-cone. - Ready? - Yeah. (saucepan dully clanging) (wood on floor clattering) Oh, the loudest sound so far, 60.2! - Watch out, Nick! (studio-crew giggling) - Oh... - [Link] Oops! - Wow. - Boy, this really got close to the- - Oh wow, okay. - To the crew! - So, I've gotta get, I have got to get almost 50 decibels (snorts laughing), In order to win, I gotta slap the heck out of this ham. - Drum-roll, please. (fingers on drum tapping) - That's not gonna help me. (flyswatter cracking) (both laughing) (Stevie loudly laughing) Whoa! 41.5! - I mean, he got 41.5 decibels. - [Stevie] I feel like that was partially how loud I laughed at the moment, but- (background giggling) Still. - Was that Stevie's laugh? - [Stevie] I've, my laugh- - The 45.7 was my laugh. - Oh, okay, we gotta, we gotta do it again, because we had some, we had some peanut-gallery laughter. - [Stevie] I'm sorry... When you slap a ham with a fly-swatter, I cannot help it, and he looked so- serious. - Stevie, you what I think you just earned? I think you just earned a Stevie reprimand. - [Stevie] Stevie, I can not believe you have laughed during the slapping of that ham, and now your punishment must be to watch Rhett slap that ham again. - Yeah. - But to shut your mouth. (hands clapping) - Love it! - Now, I'm go- Can I slap the ham differently, I'm gonna slap it with the handle this time. There's no way it's gonna win! There's no way. - Okay. - I am serious. I'm glad you noticed. (studio-crew giggling) (swatter handle loudly cracking) Oh 46.7, that's gonna be close! Do the math! (drum roll) (sliver triangle ringing) I did it! (laughing) I did it! I pulled it out! I pulled it out by just a teeny-tiny little bit, man! - Because Stevie! - Yeah! Thank you, Stevie! Hey! I will share this sound with you. I get to make the loudest sound know to Burbank. (laughing) Not known to Burbank, a lou- - This is just... - I'm sorry, man, this is a travesty. - Eat 'em up in the comments, y'all. - It, it's a travesty. (studio-crew faintly giggling) - Okay, so I'm gonna turn this on. (vacuum-cleaner shrieking) I'm gonna... (blender roaring) (pencil-sharpener clattering) (shouting) Ralph! Ralph! - Mick. - [Rhett] (shouting) Ralph! - Mick. - (shouting) Ralph! - Mick. - (shouting) Ralph! - Mick. (appliances noise continuing) - (shouting) Alright, I'm over it. Thanks for subscribin', and clickin' that bell! (appliances noise continuing) - (voice raising) Do you know what time it is? (shouting) Ralph! - Hi, I'm Adam, from Scranton, Pennsylvania (melodic piano outro music) And it is time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - It's beautiful. - Beautiful. - Sounds like John Brickman, remember that guy? - No. (chuckling) - Lift the pianist. (upbeat electronic music) Clifford Thor'd like to watch us learn how to- Jim Brickman, to get loudly musical with wine-glasses, in Good Mythical Morning. (spinning wheel clattering) - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Our Grooming Collection is growing! Shop the expanded Mythical Grooming Collection now, at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,807,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: NoM16trVLMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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