Try Not To Twitch Challenge

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A surprise to be sure

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/guevara148 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Can we not twitch? - Let's talk about that. (funky electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning! - Let's give a Good Mythical welcome to YouTuber, Twitch streamer, and all-around gamin' wizard, Myth! (clapping) - Welcome to the show, man! - Thank you! - Yeah, give us one of these? - One of these? - Bam! - There we go. - Look at that. - Is that how you do it? - Yeah, that's how we do it! - So, how fast are your thumbs? - My thumbs? - Yeah, you know, them gamer thumbs. - Medium speed, but I typically use my indexes more for like keyboard and mouse. - Okay, oh yeah, oh yeah, well, let's see that. Lemme see that speed. Oh dang. (laughing) - Oh, that is very impressive. But it has absolutely nothing to do with what we're gonna do today! - No? - Because we're going to attempt to not twitch on YouTube because that's a lot easier than trying to not YouTube on Twitch. Basically, we're gonna be doin' an extra special edition of our try not to flinch challenge. It's time for Which One of Us Will Never Twitch and Which One of Us is a Little Baby? - Ho, watch out now! Okay, so the Mythical crew has prepared several twitch-inducing challenges for us to enjoy, I'll say, I don't know what they are. But our challenge is to not twitch or flinch as much as humanly possibly. - Okay. - And whoever is able to twitch the least wins the round, whoever winds the most rounds will get the great honor of a gentle finger massage from Myth. You're gonna do it to yourself if you win, be prepared. - Okay. - All right, let's play! (light whimsical music) - Welcome to the Try Not to Twitch zone, and for this first round, we're gonna play a game that we just learned called Concentration 64. Elly just taught us this, but apparently it's popular amongst people who like to do concentration versions of patty cake. - Right. - We haven't practiced nearly enough in order to-- - We're gonna be great, man! - Confidently not twitch. - We're gonna be great! - How are you feelin'? - Pff, well listen, we did some practice runs, and pff, they don't know, but it, I mean, it ain't go too hot. - It doesn't matter. - David Hill is gonna be doin' something. Probably something to induce a twitch. (laughing) - There here is. - Morning, gentlemen. - Good morning. - Good morning. - You makin' me really nervous right now, David Hill. - [Myth] Yeah, he's got that bop like that. - I can't see him and he's-- - He's got a bop to it. Yeah, he, David always has a bop. - To him, you guys ready to do the thing? - Yeah. - Okay, here we go. Three, two, one, go. Concentration. (clapping) - [Trio] 64. (clapping) - No repeats. (clapping) - [Trio] No hesitations. (clapping) - I'll go first. (clapping) - Okay. - With states! (clapping) Nebraska! (clapping) - Michigan. (clapping) - Oklahoma. (clapping) - Wait, that's not how it works, man! You gotta wait for the part! (clapping) - Oklahoma! - North Carolina! (clapping) North Carolina! - South Carolina. (clapping) - Vermont, Vermont! (laughing) - Georgia. (clapping) - Tennessee. (clapping) - Georgia. (clapping) - Florida! (clapping) - California. (clapping) - Nebraska. (clapping) - Alabama. (clapping) - New York. (clapping) - Mississippi. (clapping) - Texas. (air horn) (air horn) (laughing) - Wha, what? I forgot totally about the not flinch part. - [Stevie] Yeah, it strangely, it made you win the round, though, 'cause you didn't flinch. (ding) (laughing) - Me? - [Stevie] Yeah! (laughs) - I was like-- (laughing) I thought that was a flinch. - [Stevie] We started easy with you guys, it's only gonna get worse from here. - Oh, can I ask, what did you, what did you guys do? - I think I went-- - I thought I flinched. (laughing) - [Stevie] Oh yeah, the name of the game is not to flinch, guys. - Yeah, I flinched. - Honestly, I'm not gonna lie, I completely forgot that this was a not flinch challenge. - I know. - And I was just, I was just like in the game. - Yeah, you were thinkin' of states. - Yeah, yeah, I was thinking-- - I had a map of the US in my mind, and I was like, the biggest one, Texas, yeah! And you said Nebraska, you said, you only repeated, the reason he won is because he doesn't understand Concentration. (laughing) (light whimsical music) Okay, apparently this one is very simple. All we have to do is watch this balloon fill up with air and then not flinch when it pops. But for some reason, we have on goggles. (laughing) - [Stevie] You guys ready? - You feelin' it? - I'm feelin' it. - As long as I don't have to do something rhythmic anymore. - [Stevie] Okay, here we go. Three, two, one-- (hissing) (tense rhythmic music) - [Myth] That's a big balloon! - Gettin' bigger. I aIn't flinchin'. (pop) Oh. (pop) Oh. Oh. But I did flinch. - [Stevie] Wow, myth, this one goes to you. (ding) - That one hurt me in my balls! Like, it, my balls flinched! (laughing) And I'm not even lyin', like, aw, all of a sudden, it's like, I'm feelin' like nauseous. Man, you didn't flinch? - A little, but like, I think, well, I guess I was the least out of us three. - I didn't think I did much, but apparently I did more than I thought. - Did your jewels react? - No, my jewels did not react. - Yeah, I don't know, mine didn't either. - My jewels about jumped out of my pants! - Man, I don't think my jewels are that well connected! (light whimsical music) - I don't know if you noticed, but there's three huge boxes in front of us. Myth, what's your guess as to what might be in one or all of these boxes? - A bike. - Oh, you want a bike? - A bike. I really want a bike, so I'm hoping that there is a bike. - I was thinkin' like wolves. (laughing) You think they could get wolves? - Three wolves? - Like, three wolves. I know I have trouble saying wolves, so I'm really concentrating on hitting the L. Wolves. Oh, you know what? I'm gonna say it the way I want to, wuh-ves! There's wuh-ves in here! - You say wooves? - Wooves, yeah. - [Link] He says wooves. - Wolves? - Wolves. - Oh. - Wooves. - That's a first. - I'm from Buies Creek, man. - You know, honestly, like, I think, you know, with your aesthetic, I'm gonna just say wooves from now, like, you're a wolf person. - All right, I like that. - All right, well. (sighs) - [Stevie] You feelin' good? - No, I feel horrible. - Go for it. - [Stevie] Okay, let's start. - Ain't goin' to flinch. ("Pop Goes the Weasel") Okay. Oh gosh. - It's a classic. - I hate, I've always hated jack-in-the-boxes. - Here it comes. Ohp. It hasn't yet! Here we go! - I don't like when it gets to the pop part. (laughs) - [Link] Here we go! - They're really lettin' it run. - Nothing's gonna happen, guys. - Is that your prediction? - Mmhmm. (laughing) - Nothing still? - It's just a never ending episode. - You know, I'm glad to be a part of it, honestly. - Seriously? (laughing) - It's not gonna happen on the pop part. - Yeah, it's gonna happen somewhere else. - Yeah. - It's tough to get wolves to behave. (laughs) - I hope it's a bike! (laughing) (crashes) (screaming) (laughing) (screams) (crashes) (screaming) (laughing) (screams) Was that a bike? (laughing) Was that it? - Nah, I don't think that was a bike. - I don't think it was wolves either. - [Stevie] Yeah, I'm trying to analyze, I myself, my heart rate increased, and I wasn't paying as much attention to you, which is my job, so I'm gonna need to review playback on that one. Link, sit the eff down! (laughing) - There is a guy in there! - [Stevie] Link, you have completely lost the game! You are no longer in the game, sir! You have ruined things! - Wait, is there? Is there actually? (screams) Actually? (screams) (laughing) I thought it was over! - [Stevie] Exactly! - Didn't you think it was over? - I thought it was over! - [Stevie] My goodness! - I was lookin' for the bike! - [Stevie] That is negative 15 points for Link (buzzer) on this round! I don't need to watch playbacks! - He couldn't help himself. - Wow. (light whimsical music) - Okay, after reviewing the replay, it turns out I flinched the least on that last round, so I got a point, (ding) so we're tied. - And I flinched the most. - Yeah, and you're way behind. You can't win, this is-- - Yeah. - This is either me or Myth at this point. - All right, so I bow out because-- No, I'm not gonna bow out 'cause this seems like fun! 'Cause there are nuts dangling above us and they're gonna be dropped at point of which we don't know onto our nuts. But I'm told that they're gonna stop just shy of our nuts, but I don't know, I may have turned people here against me by opening Chase's box, (laughing) so I'm a little afraid. (laughing) - My nuts don't work anymore, so I'm okay! - Well, mine definitely do, (laughing) so I am afraid. - Sorry, Myth. - [Stevie] All right, you guys ready? - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, it could happen at any time. - I just think we should have like a casual conversation to take our minds off of it. - Yeah, what are you guys doing this weekend? - I'm probably gonna nap a lot after this. - You gonna enjoy any nuts? - I hope not. Oh gosh. (laughing) - I'm just playing games, man, always. - Yeah. - [Link] Playing games always? - [Myth] Mmhmm. - Is anybody streaming Contra now? - Conch? - Contra. - Contra. - Contra? What's Contra? - Up, down, left, right, what is it-- What was it, Link? - It's a awesome game where like, it's like a sidescroller shooter but sometimes it's forward-scrolling. - Ah, when did it come out? (clack) (clack) - Oh, you flinched! (laughing) You flinched. - I flinched so hard. - And yours didn't even come close. - It seemed like it was gonna hit you, though. - Can I have this bag of nuts? Shoot. - Yeah, it's a snack. - Yeah, that's your-- - Okay. - That's your parting gift. - Okay. (clicking) Ohp! - Wow! (clicking) - Ohp! - Nerves of steel on this man. (laughing) - I'm tellin' ya, they don't work. It's just, I don't, I don't care! Link, we all know it's gonna fall. (laughing) You gonna flinch? - He gonna flinch. (laughing) He gonna flinch. C'mon, flinchy. (laughing) You know you wanna flinch, right? - Not gonna flinch. - Ain't your name flinchy, boy? (laughing) - No, my name's not flinchy boy. - You know what? You should just completely relax. - Don't I look relaxed? - No. (laughing) If relaxed was like, I don't know, cryo-frozen turkey-- (clicking) (clicking) (laughing) - That was pretty-- - I didn't flinch, right? - It was pretty minimal, but your whole head shook! (grunts) Like that. - I saw my, with all this bobbly hair, mm. Can we? (plastic rustling) There's a lot of layers to my nutsacks here. - Extra protection. - [Stevie] Okay, I gotta say, Link, you got off pretty easy because those nuts were supposed to hit your nuts, and so, you, sir-- - I knew you wanted these nuts to hit my nuts! - What? - [Stevie] Even though you have less points, I just want you to count your blessings. (laughing) And of course, Rhett, you flinched the least, which means you have won. (ding) - And that means that I win a finger massage from Myth! - By yours truly. - Go for it. - I got a real, I'm so tight. - Wait, am I massaging him up there? - So stressed, right there. - You seeing it? Okay, I'm just gonna get back there and-- - No, just, just, just, just your fingers. - Oh, just the fingers. - Just the fingers. - Just the fingers. Oh, okay. I thought I was gonna massage his fingers! - [Stevie] Yeah, so did we. (laughing) - Okay. - Do you want a finger massage? I mean, come on, do that. Here you go, buddy. (laughing) - [Rhett] Make me a good gamer! - Wow, you have beautiful hands! - Oh, no one's ever said that! (laughing) - No, like-- Has anybody ever complimented your cuticles? - Oh no, but I'd like to hear it from you. - You have like, you have like no cuticle, like, residue. - Oh, I have no cuticle residue! I'm the winner! - Be sure to check out Myth on Twitch and YouTube. (laughing) And be sure to subscribe and click that bell. - Now you say, you know what time it is. - You know what time it is! - [Tanner] I'm Gregory and I was build by Tanner-- - [Zach] And Zach! - [Tanner] And we're in Mammoth California. - [Kids] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! (screaming) (laughing) - I'll tell ya, this episode has really gotten my goat. (laughing) - Click the top link to watch us guess prank or product in Good Mythical More! (rattling) - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land! - Did you flinch? Wear a bean on your beanie with a Mythical rubber patch bean-ie. Available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,387,665
Rating: 4.8880272 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Try Not To Twitch Challenge, myth, gaming, iamthetacticalmyth, challenge, twitching, scare, reflex
Id: gYKbIC8Y9kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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