Keemstar Takes the L & Retires😂

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yeah do you hear the news well hold on hold on uh let me okay here it is social media personality keemstar says he's retiring all right i'll first of all i'll believe it when i see it look i know a lot of people let me just watch this um yeah i mean obviously i mean nobody cares and everyone thinks he's a creep which he is he's exposed himself in the most like crazy like like i said before he exposed himself like nobody ever could oh here's a clip of ours oh that's you love it yeah i still think he's trolling because he's definitely trolling i don't believe it i don't buy it but he's still kind of roasting himself because he he's never gotten that many likes on a tweet before true yeah yeah and he's trending or and the comments are great here's a video i'll show it look i know but uh well here ethan where you at yeah i know here here's the video look i know a lot of people think i'm trolling a lot of people think it's just bait that i'm retiring but i am retiring i know i've said a million times i'm never leaving the internet that i'm never retiring a week ago a week ago he's like [ __ ] all you haters i will always be here i will never be defeated you all think you can cancel me i will win in 30 years everyone will realize that being racist and anti-semitic and homophobic will be back in defamation will be back in and everyone will remember that i'm the king um i'm going to have a statement today on dramaalert to talk about it briefly um you know things need to be explained right like why i'm leaving nope nope just leave nobody needs an explanation bro we get it oh drama alert is out oh this is from 2018 with the first time he got like mega canceled after dude he had he like idubbbz made the video and then his two buddies uh grade a and leafy both turned on him and started me it was cr it was pretty [ __ ] [Music] even when that was happening though i in a way felt bad for keemstar and that it was like leafy and grade a because he really thought they were friends and like i was like damn those guys really are pieces of [ __ ] like even the keemstar who i [ __ ] despise as a person and he and he reaped what he sowed but that was some high level like uh julius caesar brutus backstabbing [Music] i [ __ ] up you follow that ap you remember that or i do yeah i do was that around the time you went on baited or was that no no no no no no that was after that okay yeah wait bring back the tweet i didn't read it like two years after the drama you're describing so you're saying i'm officially retiring from youtube i'm not going to upload videos and get 50 less views because of broken youtube that's exactly what he said what he's bitching about now the video last night is only 400k lol that's [ __ ] impossible for my channel easy one mil by now buy hoes okay well people loved it then 35 000 likes probably is most like tweet ever and guess what his views are just as [ __ ] now because uh he canceled him when he exposed himself for not only being a creep but also being uh extremely cringe bye-bye yeah the biggest crime that you can do on the internet and ross aiden ross the chosen one aidan ross nobody gives a [ __ ] balance to the fourth yes yeah adam ross did what no one else could my friends yeah i thought it was immediately a troll or it's about his views he's going to leave for a little bit and then come back hoping that it helps or have another excuse as to why he's not doing good i know he always keeps talking about getting a new host on drama i hope he does that it'll be such a disaster i think i can hear its video uh what's going to happen to the future of dramaalert uh nobody cares about what i'm gonna do in retirement all the time i'm the only one that cares i'm the only one that's interested i know somebody upset yeah i am very interested in his uh very happy and excited to see my ass go congrats to you shut up um and i know others will be sad um but you know 13 years not many uh january next year will be 14 years it's been a long time and i started my youtube career when i was like 27. it's late to get into the game so um yeah what did um danny do or what did uh john peshi say in his famous song joe pesci joe pesci eat out my ass no no it's the what it's the what's that'll get you it's a [ __ ] it's the [ __ ] that'll get you he played around with these young girls and they ruined him man look at it that's i do disagree though i think it's the aidan thing 100 i don't know it's everything i mean it's like like he has been absolutely domed by by criticism like like the aiden thing is one thing that hit at the heart of his fans true but the young girl like the amount of press and rounds that made around social media has one about like 36 year old women uh nice try all these ugly girls no not in the chat that's true that one i saw all over the place in places especially are totally outside of like youtube yeah he's he's [ __ ] yeah and like not to mention that one of the girls who he clowned on for being ugly is it was actually like someone murdered by their spouse and a missing right you know i think two of them were missing yeah yeah two of them were missing so you know oh man yeah obviously i have a lot of choice words for keemstar but i don't want to like if he's really retiring i'll definitely be giving a eulogy but uh let's see because i like wait and see yeah exactly yeah we'll get through it but you said that drum alert was up didn't you love yeah but he just deflected and said he's gonna do a full video on it tomorrow yeah you want a eulogy now look i know a lot of people think i'm trolling i was no because there's like ninety percent sure though and then it's like goddamn [ __ ] guard him let's see here let's read some comments wait and see wait and see the world after keemstar retired careful about yeah does this really help what it looked like is this really what it looked like this oh okay oh yeah because yeah that's a good point people post very not safe for work things in the replies to keep starting face blaze who the [ __ ] face blaze spank too many phases too many phases i'm going carefully yeah so you i'll give you like uh i don't know if this is going to occur here let me encourage you to leave the internet keemstar um you are without a doubt one of if not the worst person i've ever known on or off the internet i thought you were going to go the opposite reverse psychology route and say please please stay no because if you if you're saying this i feel like this pushes him towards not well i don't care i mean it's content for me also his fingers on the trigger he's waiting to report yeah well [ __ ] him he can report all he wants dude i'll give a [ __ ] about him or anything he does at this point he's a little [ __ ] neutered [ __ ] he's just a nobody and that's why he's leaving if he had anything he'd stay so you are one of the worst people i've ever known uh you treat the news as your personal um attack show you know you have you there's something seriously wrong with you dude like the smallest slight turns into a personal vendetta that you will go to any lengths to ruin that person um you know lying about me being a a scammer has has consequences reverberated throughout the years throughout my career even those guys that made the jordan peterson h3 made fun of jordan peterson uh uh trigger video we're saying about how i stole fupa money wait really yeah that's what abs right yeah yeah yeah and that's what i'm saying it's like god that's the immortal and jamari said it too his video was old to be fair to him everyone was saying it back then i suppose that's true um you've you've literally ruined lives from etika one of the most horrendous ways i've ever seen anybody uh treated in the history of the internet i hope that you carry guilt and shame for the rest of your life [ __ ] i mean like absolute [ __ ] like shame and disgust like just horrific shame um shame bash reverse literally destroyed that man and then made fun of him after he died and when he recently died of covid i mean uh you basically tap dance on his grave yeah which is i mean you you you know back all the way to when you falsely accused tony of being a pedophile um and just uh and just even all the small ones that we don't talk about on a weekly basis you just um you're just malicious you're a malicious person and the only and i do feel like the only reason people are nice or tolerate you is because they don't want you to go after them and try to ruin their life um you harassed me and my wife you said my wife looks like a horse and you encouraged all of your little goon squads to harass her in the same way you harassed abs wife called her a witch when he only had a few hundred followers um i'm busted you're just really not a good dude i hate to tell you this and i have said it before but i i genuinely think that at this point in time keemstar this is the best thing for you to do is step away and you know we won't even notice you're gone that's the thing except for me because i you know i enjoy the [ __ ] show we hate keemstar and also you're gonna want to change this to l king because here it says one king so you're going to change that to l king since you're leaving like a little [ __ ] you you look you lose sir big l on my part um you and and maybe just shape just start over shave your beard maybe get a hair transplant become a new person he's been banned from youtube like five times i don't know how he still has a channel and uh basically i'm basically hitler um you know he's he's and also frankly i have a better hairline than you i didn't ask for this okay it's just what god gave me [Music] now if that's gonna make you upset here let me take off my beanie look at that [ __ ] it's godly that's a god-tier hairline my dude i didn't ask for this and i just find it ironic too because keemstar would always go on and on like when all the drama he would harass me the dmz just tore him at me and be like one of you someone he was obsessed with this notion of someone someone's gonna leave there's not enough space on youtube it's either gonna be you me or leafy or pyro and he was always obsessed with like someone's gonna [ __ ] leave and get canceled and their channel's gonna die and i don't care about any of that [ __ ] i'm just out here doing my thing but it looks like you're the one that [ __ ] in the end is taking the l [Music] uh damn except probably not because it's probably just a troll yeah well he's still taking the l because like i mean let's be honest his views are way down and even when he click-baited that he was going to be retiring he's still not getting any views i mean he gets good views [Music] oh what happened here let me just downvote this real fast yeah so anyway yeah i and you know there's not many people in the world that i dislike like genuinely he might be one of the only that i can genuinely say like yeah this this is just a bad dude but at least if you leave the inner you can go date 18 year olds in peace you know although they won't have much of a reason to be with you keemstar shut up unless you buy them stuff and give them money which is a good reason i guess with him over with his charming personality perhaps anyway let's see what he has to say but yeah keemstar is a piece of [ __ ] and uh we'd all be better if he was off the internet in fact i wouldn't even be opposed to a court order of uh you know how sometimes you see the court says no internet access so i wouldn't even be a poster what yeah ruger stone style oh roger some can't use the internet maybe he can now but he was he was ordered off the internet that's awesome yeah he's basically yeah they do that to predators sometimes too like oh no internet for you so i'd be interested in exploring that option too if you want [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 179,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, keemstar, retire, last video, end, drama alert
Id: GB-VcFmiH0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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