Ethan Klein vs Trisha Paytas

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we made this video there's a subreddit called Instagram versus reality which I love and I frequent where they take pictures of social media celebrities and compare them to candid photos to ship to show you what a ridiculous difference there is and some of them are just breathtaking I mean it's kind of mind-blowing and that was my reaction at first when you started showing me some of those submissions on that subreddit yeah and and their mega these are mega celebs I'm talking about like the Kardashians first of all there's some that they just look horrid I mean the Kardashians there's something weird to happen with the Kardashians we're like 10 years ago everyone's like oh [ __ ] the Kardashians they're a bunch of fake-ass clay mows they're destroying society but now somehow like they've persisted and people forgot that they're fake-ass lame-o's they're destroying society and we started accepting them again like Kim Kardashian is somehow like an ambassador now and she's like a pop icon and her sisters like this billionaire mogul that people are saying she's self-made and respecting I mean they started this whole look that now you see so many girls looking like them right like I mean I see it a lot the big ass the pseudo ethnic do you know what I mean like the pseudo ethnic white girl look it's kind of yep yeah it's like what wrong is makeup I don't know well no they they they're like white girls that try to look at ya and and so that's yeah I think that is that the movement they started maybe that is to move it know a lot of just a lot of plastic surgery yeah lip implants fake boilers fake tits obviously fake tits yeah I can't stand fake tits on a personal note I've seen Kim Kardashian's boobs and they just they suck on my part that's just not my personal preference I think that it looks ridiculous like fake boobs like that because they just look like I mean it no longer looks like a sexual organ to me it just looks there's so much shoved a bunch of crap in your and under your skin and there's like stretch marks and [ __ ] and it looks the thing is it looks good and clothing for girls it's just the whole subject is so complicated because they feel so insecure when you are kind of flat or whatever you know so for some girls it can make them more confident I get that I can total it's a really tough subject for women but I think this whole new phenomenon of like the whole body just looking like complete just so far from reality like the huge bot the tiny weight and what do you call it waist yeah and then huge boobs and like the facial features like huge lips all of sudden yeah super long hair extensions just everything is fake oh the whole look yeah and I first so I wasn't really aware of that until recently a couple years ago we were I don't know when it was but we're hanging out with a female friend of ours in Israel mm-hmm and she kinda has like the same features as me just skinny right come she's not voluptuous not curvy but she's very pretty yeah she's a beautiful she's beautiful just like you I mean you're both very pretty girls grated cheese yeah yeah and so she said to ela we were talking about Instagram and she goes I hate Instagram it makes me feel so insecure I feel awful when I go in there all the time and I was like what why would that why I'm because I was like why will I don't understand that at all and then you were like oh yeah I totally know what you mean and I was just be I didn't even think about that mm-hmm but I guess what you guys mean is that there's this beauty norm now where everyone has these impossibly voluptuous bodies yeah and features and for some reason only especially on Instagram it's like everyone it looks like that yeah but so and so to hear her say that which I thought she was like a pretty and confident girl and so that kind of blew me away because to really affect her and so what you realized through this Instagram versus reality phenomenon is that these girls are look just like you right or in many cases even worse but I'm not here to judge the thing is I'm only judging them because they're the ones to put themselves out there as these beauty as absolutely unrealistic picture of themselves I don't know like the representation of something that couldn't even exist unless you just go modify your body a million times yeah it's not even possible to achieve but like there's one of Tanna where she's in the ocean and her body looks like perfect she's got like a perfect ABS big round butt huge boobs but it looks all natural and she looks like funk like oh this girl's in phenomenal shape and then you see it like a shot from an insta story that somebody took and she's like I said she looks like she went from a mermaid to a manatee and of course you know I'm trying to be funny that's my primary objective here so but but I consider her fair game because she is the one that's photoshopping herself putting it out there I don't think that girls with those bodies are manatees but I think that thank anyone who took it that way it's just look it's obviously a main joke yeah it's a joke at her expense obviously but not every girl who's watching this I'm testing symbole we're not the ones who's got a problem with how she looks naturally exactly has the problem and apparently everyone in the world lately I don't know cuz all these girls have like a hundred million followers right right that's true even Tana like any girl who's doing this is just blowing up and everyone's loving it it's weird who's consuming it cuz if the girls hate it it makes them insecure I guess they're their fans at the same time they hate where you know is this weird ambivalent thing so in my opinion calling a Tana a manatee versus a mermaid is first of all a funny joke and second of all I've considered her fair game for four shopping that so again if you want to try to have a 300 like if you just saw Tanner looking naturally without Dada picture you would be like oh look at this man never of course not never yeah exactly thank you so everyone with the 300 IQ was like you're being hypocritical and I was like well that's true you do have a 300 IQ I didn't I possibly consider the fact that it may be that it mean that it didn't maybe come off that way so congratulations saw the Mensa members out there they pointed that out I think I did see some comments where people were saying those the the the real pictures were like from her Instagram story though so I guess to be somewhat fair to her like she if she's personally putting out the pictures of herself where she doesn't like photoshopped as well wait are you talking about I don't even know this is true I'm just saying they were commenting about Trish I know let's talk about Anna specifically yes so I think it's maybe from like videos right so like a makeup video or like in a video or a livestream I don't know right where they can't they can't Photoshop it yeah that makes sense but the pictures that she personally uploads are all looking and saying right first of all there's a side-by-side comparison you can see it's like one girl is like really out of shape normal totally normal-looking body we're like and then the other one is like supermodel nobody is saying that she understood it we don't I don't know if but I mean it doesn't change the fact that that's the photo that she puts out I don't know but I again I don't know if that's true or not yeah I don't either is just these are the same 300 IQ moments but regardless so anyway that's the video and there's some drama but then what really came of this is is this girl Trisha a poser named [ __ ] like haters haters I didn't know who she was to be honest with you but I guess she's a she's actually quite a big youtuber she has like 5 million followers or something and so we put her in the thumbnail because her comparison was just so epic to me and nothing personal about her I don't know anything about her see but I guess she has a knack for dramatics somebody predicted in the comments or on Twitter but before she responded he says you know she already clicked bait a 20 minute bit of her crying calling it now so that was so anyway so here's the response sure with a tweet she tweet there was like so many there was like hundreds of tweets I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna bother to go through because there's literally like 50 tweets but this was my favorite one she says please ela client do not raise your child to be as ignorant as your husband I would divorce him ASAP as he was causing so much damage to young women it's actually sickening I've never been more disgusted that you stand by him is even more disgusting so I guess is what's better for our child is to be raised by a divorced parent actually but again I mean I acknowledge that the jokes were made at her expense like her personally but on the whole my methen who watched the video is gonna feel so much better I saw so many comments were saying I feel so much better after watching it thank you and that was my my secondary goal to making home I think just to focus on the those two jokes that will obviously mean it is just like you're missing the whole point and also can we all lighten up like actually if you want to talk about raising children I'd rather raise a kid that can laugh at themselves mm-hmm it's like full I mean we don't need to be like okay no one can make fun of anyone anymore her profile her Twitter account is like blocked for being nude she's like a pornographer I don't think you should I just want to show her picture because I I saw that tweet and I wasn't gonna say anything but obviously when people attack ela it's mask off and I saw her profile pic and I go who was this rude person I don't recognize her from her profile picture does anyone know her and then she responded suicide suicide from bowling it's [ __ ] real I pray to God you never know anyone first hand to answer life from that [ __ ] it's not a joke it's [ __ ] real you sicko oh man yeah she took it really she took it to the max but I actually think that um I think she enjoys it I think this is her thing and she I actually do think I don't I don't think she was actually offended I think she is enjoying this because she made a response video of her cry and afters like I predicted crying on her kitchen floor of all places and I have never seen her video so when I first open house that guy damn like first my five a lot of questions first is why are you on your kitchen floor there's got to be a better setting for this but I feel like she's framed it up to be like as most just like the saddest sight possible yeah oh my kitchen cold floor tiles in front of my refrigerator yeah here let me show you the beginning real fast a tree trees harm feeding girls is the title and of course the downvote ratio is brutal as actually a epic collab because she linked my video and above the fold and I guess she thought people were gonna come hate on me this video needs to be deleted if he has any sort of defense sense he will and she linked to my video but I saw I think she she really got us a lot of new fans because it's a good crossover I don't think a lot of people of her fans would ever watch our videos but I saw tons of comments of people being like I came here to hate on you after seeing her video but this is videos awesome and she's totally over the top or she totally missed the point yeah a lot of comments like that I don't think she even watched the video because I'll show you evidence of that but so I think this was such an epic collab that she linked the video like that fantastic so here's the here she is morning I really didn't get a lot of sleep last night before before well you can't blame me for that one I just made this video [Laughter] going through it and you know trying to contain and reel in my emotions password I'm such a big platform and like shaving these women like yeah I did fast-forward to my part I didn't really watched the other people you talk about Chloe and then right after me talked about Hannah's body like her photo versus her reality I mean he literally on one of my photos says she went from beating me into a monster I literally didn't say that a bad wait I didn't say that like come on I'm more insulted that I think my jokes were were pretty good at least quote what I said I think of her I said she went from from Coachella to open-casket funeral yeah no one really got me or from Coachella to McDonald's throwing down a McDonald's parking lot to him yes we see the WWF yes you went from Coachella w-was it that was so no but it's like but she's making it sound like just lighten up it's and stupid jokes like and such a well the yeah and the truth is that I don't think anyone is actually upset except her and I think she's doing it because she enjoys it and I'd like also to announce that our videos number one pings suggested on our video yeah but here this part was funny that Zack spotted I don't feel like that is what doing the Lord's work here on YouTube late well she just said he's Catholic she's saying she's saying damn you just have to look take one look at my face and know that I'm not she was like oh he's a hypocrite I guess cuz he's Catholic and he's making fun of people yeah well sorry lady Jews can say whatever the hell we want yeah funny stuff she's a character she's the character that was an epic Club I totally didn't anticipate it like this came so out of left field but I think I I think deep down she enjoyed it as well I've got lots of nice messages um my mom liked the video and the messy mom we got moms like when you get a break me break yeah so there you have it that's about it oh and then there was this fantastic follow up but this kind of underlies the whole that's not it I can't show you guys that no I can't believe I like that instead of what I wanted to I'll find it there was a joke that was too cruel we cut it and I'm not an Evo forbid me to repeat it but that's it that's proof that I censor myself there was a joke that was too mean I thought it was very funny but we looked over it when we were planning the vid and we decided you know what this is to me yeah of course I totally got Ella's approval on all those jokes going out I mean sound cruel sound then we thought about together well ela was was yeah she was more on the yeah but I definitely got you as approval before blessing that out because as the you know but anyway this what I was trying to show you guys this is reality versus Instagram for you now this is so it's so much like me it's so much not like me like imagine you're meeting a tinder date and the guy on the right is who you're expecting and the guy on the left is who shows up you know it's so uncanny it's so much like me and so much unlike me isn't it so bizarre yeah man I can't get over it they like fixed my jawline I guess well I guess he would be considered more like if you're trying to just [ __ ] some dumb you know some dumb dumbs on Instagram then he would definitely fetch more you have to admit that probably yeah nothing wrong with him I'd [ __ ] him it's a lot of people on the subreddit say the Chad version of you looks like Kobe person yeah this Kobe and I [ __ ] that version of me it's definitely more handsome but I don't know what it is it is come on give me a break but it's like a different person it is I almost feel like I you'd be cheating I'm starting like to imagine his personality same guy it's chad klein but it is it sam it's the same nose the same eyes same eyebrows he the same lips or maybe he made the lips fuller he fixed the jawline that's the big one he he removed no gray hair yeah no double neck he smoothed out my skin oh and by the way I was trying to show you guys in the video itself like looking at my skin now it looks like I have good skin but when you look up close and I did in stories I have so many blackheads my skin is so disgusting I'm telling you up close we are all monsters that was one of the underlying things that I think the 300 IQ people missed as well they were too busy calculating the density of the black hole of the center of our galaxy to appreciate the message that we're all monsters we all have blackheads we all have pores and wrinkles and cellulite it's disgusting you know so that's that this guy probably has a bigger dick though let's be honest on the right Chad Klein yeah could just be compensating you know no check line is stacked [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,415,806
Rating: 4.8320704 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, trisha paytas, trisha, instagram vs reality, photoshopped pictures, fake instagram pictures, trisha paytas h3h3, trisha h3h3, trisha h3
Id: nFBOffPKjGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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