Treasure Hunter Simulator

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to treasure hunter simulator i'm assuming this is the type of game where we go around the world and we take things that weren't ours and call it treasure that's how imperialism works anyway or it's buried treasure that's long forgotten and it's totally ours to take story mode let's go story mode i want to know exactly what i'm doing here and why i'm doing it welcome to treasure hunter this is a tutorial level and this will teach you how to play and find treasures quickly and effectively am i in some kind of a war am i gonna oh no no oh no what am i digging up what soldier's tomb am i am i about oh oh wow now that's really something that's a slice of something special yeah this looks like sacred ground the kind that i shouldn't be tampering with then again national treasure is a national treasure of a movie so i can't really criticize it so if this is me breaking into the lincoln memorial or something i guess it wouldn't be too bad you know they just discovered that there's a whole chamber beneath the lincoln memorial or maybe they didn't just discover it i just discovered that so i'm going to be exploring down there no pda [Music] here you'll find a top-down view of your current location with important landmarks marked the map will update with locations that you managed to find a treasure is there a treasure right there do i spy a treasure by this sacred monument do i spy oh oh oh i'm really finding something okay we're close oh yeah baby oh yeah it's gonna be like some gold teeth from a skull here here isn't it here got it mine oh mine who cares about this sacred battleground that was fought and bled upon this treasure is mine i'll take that please what is this oh an old necklace it looks val is this a locket does it have like someone's dearly beloved that they wrote a very somber message to dearly beloved i pray that war ends soon and that i find myself in your arms again hopefully some schmuck a hundred years from now doesn't take this from me should i die today oh yeah spray that spray it was a beautiful gift for a beloved girl she's dead now or the love is broken which in case this is mine now either way condition is tolerable all right cool first steps man man i feel good about this said there was something over here right yeah someone over here maybe not maybe not there are no treasures nearby yeah you're right about that oh what are these tombstones i bet they have something special over here this feels skeezy this feels key [Music] am i detecting something oh yes oh no hang on hang on we're on to something oh it's here somewhere oh oh oh oh nice i hope it's another locket of lost love what is this what is that oh what is that identify it's a ruined iron button great well metal other you mean iron buttons have been already in use in ancient rome but there are older examples like around china in 2000 who made the first button man they had been on to something along with the wheel and fire oh mama whoa mama whoa mama whoa mama got some some groundskeeper is going to come by just like a bunch of holes dug oh look it's the key from a heist with markiplier identify spraying these horrible chemicals onto the field here killing all the grass i feel good about me it's a key all right good oh boy more oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh where was it where was it i found it i saw it it's mine dibs nibs dibs on this dibs on this dibs on the memories oh how did i find this is this a needle what is that there's a needle all right i really did it guys guys i did it oh i got it apparently all right cool how more can i deface this lovely park how more how more can i i'm already at the peak just yes yes yes i feel it i feel it i feel it i'm really gonna hit the big one this time [Music] i'll take that a coin was that is it a coin no no no an old medallion depicting the blessed virgin mary well i mean that's pretty cool it's gold it's only worth 10 but it's gold sounds pretty good to me 10 bucks a bunch of baloney i guess i just oh legendary each zone you visit will also have a special treasure called a legendary these items are very rare and can only be found if you get some tips where to look once found identified and stored a legendary item will greatly increase your prestige within the treasure hunter society there's a society that's a society oh boy is that to do with the uh the this here i should have known by the big obelisk here well i might as well you know i might as well but dib harder this is a bullet casing no that was yeah it's a bullet casing hmm the police will be interested in about this all right good now there's something over here maybe i should just there are no treasures nearby are you sure about that you said that there would be a legendary treasure and i'm here to find it something right here oh no historical object okay whatever okay how did you say i could go return to office here we go large spaces you can walk freely around the office and you'll find a pc and collections to interact with ah yes my collection this is quite an office this is god this is such an office where do i live what kind of castle ass castle do i live in sometimes i just like to walk around my office and look at all of my possessions hmm look at this coins yes my wealth all mine i got it fair and square hmm okay so i i still need to collect obviously those are empty but someday they'll be surging with wondrous treasures from around the world around the world all right bavarian lake travel cost free in what world is travel free all right whatever what's this uh good morning my name is johanns schmidt i'm writing you as a representative of the willpower inheritance company we regret to form you that your uncle sir richard clapperton it's not funny very sad has deceased i am sending this message to inform you that we are starting the inheritance case following sir richard's wishes i am also providing your email address to a selected number of contacts that will follow a different set of rules provided in the last will what rules are you talking about one year from now these contacts will be asked to provide a full review of your actions and based on them we'll be able to wire the part of your inheritance that sir richard wished to give you what kind of puzzle-ass puzzle oh rumors of it being the resting place of hitler's gold something tells me i don't want hitler's gold because something tells me it might not have been hitler's you know what i mean okay jobs cleaning up a thousand prestige well that's nice what am i doing i'm just cleaning is this what i'm all right you know what i'll do it i guess i'm looking for hitler's gold i guess that's what i am doing today i didn't wake up thinking that i would be looking for hitler's gold but here i am all right let's get a lay of the land here wow oh yeah this is cool i mean very pretty well the water's looking a little 2005 but you know it's okay it's all right it's still look at that that's still pretty okay oh apparently i'm in a children's mystery novel oh wait what do we have here some goodies oh oh oh oh where was that oh man it's these spots are tiny is this hitler's gold what is this what is it a metal fastener was attached to a frame of folding chairs oh i found a folding chair part uh am i gonna find hitler's gold is it you know that would be quite the story you know someone just came out here to clean up not for much money but you know prestige and uh just happened to stumble upon hitler's gold okay this must be a sign you look at h there's no i but there's an i in team so together you look beyond the left and the right and you go straight forward hitler's gold oh my god oh my god oh my god hitler's gold i'm not excited about it i swear gosh i'm not excited about it oh oh i found it i found it i found the gold [Music] it's a button well that was fun you know i had a good time with that what's with the there must be a clue yes is a clue is a clue where the light of the sun doth shine like gold shall you find the resting place oh so old and when all of the legends we're told that is where your soul is sold because it's cursed because it's a it's cursed hitler no okay it's probably just going to be trash because i'm guessing that this mission is going to lock me into just finding nothing but well garbage yeah garbage okay once you find a button upon the ground only then can it be found so good dibs on this probably garbage considering it's on the path i'm just going to assume that it's garbage oh it's a bullet casing okay without a doubt a 9 by 19 millimeter a luger german world war one not quite world war after world war one who's screaming flowers oh follow the screams they'll lead you there but don't but but what but be careful you best beware lixian make that seem cohesive okay cool make it seem like i actually can rhyme you know i can rhyme you know we all know i can rhyme right well i mean they will all know when i do rhyme i hate to say it but i'm actually having a good time you know what i mean it's kind of satisfying i guess oh my god how much useless crap is there here okay i did my quest is there any other point of me being here i don't know there's like like actual things here but i don't think i'm gonna fight guys i hate to say it but i don't think i'm gonna find hitler's gold so i'm just gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna call this a day well done all right you know i was kind of having fun but also i start i'm starting to realize that oh find a lead musket bullet in good condition in the gettysburg oh that was gettysburg oh [Laughter] good good good good good you know now i'm gonna go for hitler's goal i got a real good feeling about this time guys i was thinking up some more rhymes that were really gonna get me where i needed to go cross the bridge where the woodnot creek take a look take a peek over the hills and through the woods there you'll find people who are up to no goods nazis that was about nazis i'm assuming i mean poems are up to interpretation sometime but i'm going to assume them in nazis you can never know you never know you never know he'll lose gold in the shadow of the hill there you'll find the way to pay my bills oh mama when i don't see anything i see nothing i see absolutely nothing oh it's a bottle cap if you wait until 2077 it might okay cool okay this is going to be the one guys this is i can feel it in my voice when you feel it in your bones you will be able to buy all of the scones what do you think this guy's like family history really was who is this uncle does he actually have any sort of inheritance because i don't seem to make pretty much anything a very old gold coin oh i said what did i say a ghbr rearrange the letters and what do you get maybe not hitler's gold but hey a gold coin that's pretty good 120 bucks i'm gonna assume that this is better than hitler's gold because it's not hitler's remains of old what did i do what have i been told did i find hitler's gold i'm cursed and cursed forever everyone and cursed oh boy a bottle cap okay all right cool well that's great what is with these this is the path of gold could it be look deep within the lush of brush don't tell a soul nary a hush uh and that's the end of the rhyme oh i don't see anything i see literally nothing but i saw nothing oh it's a key okay whatever so what is with this what is with this is this the road to go oh wait there's a circle on that one okay but what's with this okay what's with this oh i found it and it's uh pop tab by the looks of it looks like a pop tab looks like the top of them [Music] oh my god literally i'm just digging up the trash that beat these people threw out oh boy you find one piece of hitler's gold and you think you're gonna find the rest it's my fault for not looking where i found the first piece of gold you know my fault my fault what is that rifle cartridge rifle cartridge all right i've identified it world war ii we're getting closer bling i found bling okay you this there's something here oh there's a treasure nearby all right i'm detecting a hint of gold give me your gold open the door where's hitler's gold i don't know hitler is that you in there oh it's you isn't it oh you can't run [Applause] forever [Applause] by the dock it's a lock something you could fit inside your sock that's a needle 10 bucks for a needle you can bend a needle out of shape and go to someone to be like hey i found this needle it'll point you in the direction of hitler's goal what is this about something's going on here so okay some something's going on here whenever there's an x it means treasure you can always know you always know you always know coin coin or button is it a coin or a button pointer button ah it's a blah it's a button hitler's button nah it's out just a damn button okay whatever so this has got to mean something this has to mean something this this like has to there's no way that doesn't mean something it either means like it's dead ahead or something or oh i can't even go that way oh it's all blocked off or that's just like a symbol telling construction crews to maybe you know no x's mean treasure treasure hello dragonfall i if this is in hitler's gold i will give up my treasure hunting days forever well wasn't hitler's gold okay well i'm good i'm going back to the office i think i did my job here find the picklehob the picklehub of course the secret name for hitler's gold the helmet all right one last travel to the bavarian lake one last trip okay so it was at the back of some house but i'm betting it's not these i'm betting it's this one i'm ignoring everything until i get to the helmet nope i'm ignoring it i'm ignoring you oh oh oh there's some kind of bear up there a bear a bear look for the bear there you'll find if you dare the the gold the gold it's been told everyone knows the gold is so cool yes yes the butterflies the flutterbyes where the butterflies do flutter by it's that seems improbable wow look at that spike look at it oh wow it's pristine holy oh look at that what is that spray priceless i really do wonder was this practical like did people you know i mean did people you know you know like you know sorry lixian please yes i did it sorry uh hitler i guess we're done and there's the helmet great that's good glad that's on my desk so anyway thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to go treasure hunting links in the description maybe you'll have better luck than i but i had incredible luck so i doubt you'll ever beat me because i'm amazing so thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,336,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunter simulator, markiplier, simulator games, sim games, simulation, funny games, grave robbing, gaming, gameplay
Id: pWfWYQrpUB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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