BEECOME THE BEE | Bee Simulator

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the honeybee a tiny hero in a big world honeybees are the most important pollinators pollinating almost a hundred crops [Music] making it the most fruitful job in the world but without them life as we know it will end holy [ __ ] and bees are in trouble guys pay the [ __ ] attention this is important years millions of bee colonies have been lost all around the world [Music] besides their natural enemies like birds or parasites bees must deal with new dangers pesticides low nutrition and viruses which all weaken our natural pollinators [Music] so listen to our story of the bee hero to see how even the smallest slides can matter it's like the starfish story you can be the change need another e in there you ever wanted to be a [ __ ] bee sorry welcome to b simulator where you can be the be all you can be you can be all you can be be you can be the bee that all you can be you can be the bee with all you can be you can be this is a peaceful game i don't know why you're yelling i'm gonna pick a profile give me hard give it to me hard and also yes everything that they were saying about the bees being uh like in danger is true watch out for the bees bees are lovely bees are so cute bees are so harmless most of the time anyway let's be a bee let's be all the bee that we can be let's be the bee that we can be let's be all be that we can be let's be the be it's b time hello am i baby b my sweet baby b am i a sweet delightful baby oh are those my arms are those my little baby arms or my mouth or my antennae wake up i'm awake wait god god flashbacks to damien hello hi oh was that me hello you hi me hive sweet finally here this looks amazing a new hatchling hi little one what's your name oh biscuit god that's too goddamn cute that's so goddamn cute well first things first let's do this fly like a bee okay go on let's get those wings moving all right thanks for you my mom kind be alice oh wsda wow that was something now get to the construction room the what room the what room follow the golden markers they always show the way whoa [Music] i'm a freaking uh how do i rotate oh god oh wow that is slow rotation okay i'm in it to win it how do i rotate let's have a little more mouse sensitivity i think oh there we go need a lot more mouth sensitivity we have a special place where you can learn how to be a bee just fly through this crack no need to tell me twice what crack what crack crack crack that crack oh oh my i need way more sensitivity on this bam give me all of it oh that's better [Music] wow oh it's beautiful oh my god i'm so used to playing simulator games that are just pure jank i didn't expect this to actually be amazing [Music] we this out we this is walcott right we are family all right okay oh oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow i've never wanted to be a bee so badly in my life i want to be the best bee i want to make my family very proud of me god to have a place in society oh my god they have a purpose oh my god this is way too fast i love this my god i love it i've never loved anything more in my life than this in this moment in this instance i can never be happier than i am right now i have never been happier i will never be happier than freaking collecting pollen as a bee look how freaking beautiful this is what is this oh oh i oh i deposited oh that was a that was a hive i thought i came from the hive but apparently that was so it's a depository hive flowers do i have any kind of bee vision that might oh is that sting i don't think i want to do that i'm pretty sure that ends with my demise hi snail hi sting get your that's right you run you hide oh there we go [Music] there we are alice i did it alice i did it the world is filled with different flowers which our vision sees in different colors use b vision to identify flower quality white flowers are common green uncommon yellow rare and red epic purple are legendary activate b vision you got it oh oh yeah oh yeah i'm gonna want these green o's i want the red boys [Music] oh purple up there i see you oh wow wait hey hey hey oh clicked ow it specifically wants red well whatever that's kind of dumb i think i know what's best for the colony this alice doesn't know what's going on doesn't know the real needs of the bees not like me i know exactly what it's called now you're full of beetroot i'm full of what we use as a power up to fly faster try it out you'll feel like a rocket what vitro is a special b speed boost the arrow indicator on the bottom left shows your beetro energy fill it up by collecting pollen from several flowers of an identical type in a row or by eating humans throughout the park vitro it's not shift i changed that okay watch this it's q now why is it q shut up that's why wow how [Music] that's pretty good that's pretty good i'm not gonna lie that's pretty good and there's this i've unlocked the sweet flower in the glossary i love that for me all right what am i doing talk to alice bam i love this game i love this game so much never say wowzers to me ever again alice a proper knows how to deposit her collected pollen i already did i'm way ahead of you sis go on give it a try i already did it jeez god looks like this place needs some new management around here all of their problems come down to bad leadership look at my flower power look at it then look at yours and then weep how ow okay okay there we go you will automatically drop your pollen when you're close to a hexagonal wall you can't collect polymer while your honey pot is full my what my what find the golden marker and get a new task from alice why what am i getting from this alice follow the tunnel to return to the hive all right you oh this way well i didn't come from that way but whatever vitro go bam honey was found in the tombs of egyptian pharaohs from thousands of years ago and it was still edible god damn that's some good honey oh hello red portal of ominous dude all the basics i'm ready to start on my new tasks am i talking to myself queen damaris well you must be very eager to get to work mom where's mom i am but i don't know what i should be doing there are many different jobs in the hive scouts guards nannies but most of us are honeybees like me okay wow i get to choose my job oh no silly you must go see her okay all right i like it destiny queen mom mom i had a bad dream that was a wee mom i can't i don't have any bitro in here whoa whoa mom you're big holy crap mom what have you been eating mom mom wow i'm really dancing okay why do you approach our queen uh well hush my gods let my newest child approach me hi hi mom okay looking a little high and mighty there mom seems like we need a change of leadership here you are a honeybee now oh i don't get to talk about it into the world collect pollen for the hive anyway ma i love you i'm just going to give you a little summer will soon be over don't tilly dally hi [Music] come on come on make me queen make me the queen if i do this a hundred times i bet i bet it i bet it gives me i bet it gives it to me wham all right fine bye i guess i'll just go work until i die thanks mom thank you i really feel the purpose i'll probably feel better once i'm outside you know i don't see the forest for the trees while i'm inside though [Music] man the insect world is probably terrifying from the perspective of an insect ooh bees give directions by dance i can dance that's news to me oh my god it is beautiful oh hi dear wow look at that i guess i'm on my own now i guess i just live out my days as a bee oh i'm trying not to die i suppose it said that this was hard mode and i don't even know exactly what that means hmm i wonder if i could just fly off into the city all right anyway oh hi bees i hope you're bees oh hi okay oh okay ow ow hey what the hell okay well this world sucks it was once filled with beauty and splendor about traffic i need to be more careful you need to be more careful all right let's gather some pollen okay whoa why do i have such a limited amount of time what is that all about all right whatever i'm just gonna go gather and i'll sting that moose and i'll get on with my day and maybe mom will be impressed with me then well this is nice it's really nice this is nice faster this is nice faster faster speed speed speed speed speed speed yes yes yes yes this is the greatest game i've ever played in my life skip not today you're not gonna get me like that i'm gonna get the sequence i'm full i collect four yellows oh i can do that i guess oh i'm dead now oh there is a bee over there and she doesn't look well where did you freaking hurt that bee i'll kill you i'll kill you right on your freaking eye bro i'm gonna stab you in your goddamn eyes [Music] this is my figure picnic you idiots all right anyway let's see what this bee's doing hey why are you being lazy mom's gonna be real disappointed in you hello are you all right do you need help getting back to the hive oh what i don't feel so good yeah i know i could see that spinning you leave me alone okay well all right i'll leave you follow the other bee try not to miss the colored rings watch out for obstacles apparel well this seems strange oh where'd you go oh okay well good thing i'm known for my incredible speed you can't miss lose me i think ah oh got it power-ups bistro [Music] hey come back [Music] yeah i know i'm trying to help you you idiot oh this is dopazil oh [Music] [Music] did i do it [Music] that kid really is dancing must be filming a tick tock really proud of that kid oh [ __ ] you nosy little bee okay no need to be a vih you will pay for disturbing my meal okay well i could kick your ass you know oh yeah we'll see yeah we will see attacked and defend by choosing the correct direction with the attacker block buttons when the opportunity arrives use the special blocking maneuvers and attacks the yellow indicator shows up when you can perform a special dodge or special attack okay so i don't know what this is i'm just gonna guess sure i've got you okay ha ha [Music] wow you kind of suck ha ha i get it now countered [ __ ] yeah yeah that's what i thought haha oh god haha your defenses are broken and i'm going to kick your ass that's what you get oh you're dead now you're literally dead a friend i'm dead dude because i know how bees work anyway kicked your ass i like that i could kick its ass i thought i'd have to run away just you wait yes you wait my friends are gonna come and find you i killed them it says you come out now you can go home uh i remember now good i ate a piece of a rotten apple it tastes really funny oh i feel so sick we're all family every one of us one big family sweets humans leave a lot of food lying around and then there's fruit too you can gain vitro energy by munching on them nice that's a good day's work time to go home that's a good day's work wait i'm not done my my pollination is not full [Music] okay i'm full now i'm going home i'm gushing it with the bistro hey what are you doing hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey humans they've never come this close before hey what do you want with our tree hey freaking not know what to do with your neck i kicked a wasp's ass i could kick your ass fine whatever [Music] honeycomb is a collection of wax cells built by worker bees oh i don't like a cinematic cinematic with ominous music kinda seems bad [Music] hi mom hush oh humans are trying to destroy our tree they give up for now but they will be back soon to take away our home [Music] do not be afraid from this day on all of the scouts but only them are obliged to search for a new place for us to live as for the rest get back to your duties you got it mom i love it the authority i love the authority although i feel like i could be better authority on the compass you will always find the hive and quest location symbols challenge symbols are only visible when you're nearby ooh i need to drop off pollen you're god damn right i do work we still need more epic pollen for the winter we need more epic paul and you got it but epic pollen is hard to find not for me we have a library what what do you mean we have a library listen i might know not know a lot about bees and i might be incredibly high but i'm pretty sure that bees do not have libraries i'm fairly certain about that oh this reminds me of oh my god i just got a weird flashback to uh black and white the game god i love that game it had a uh it had a library like this inside the temple man i had the weirdest flash i haven't thought about that game in so long i love that game i kind of want to play it again now weird i should i don't even know what that said and i'll honestly i don't even care i'm gonna go fly outside now goodbye everybody good luck i'm gonna start my own hive with blackjack and hookers you'll all see you puny bees i'm gonna be a better queen than you ever were mom what's up shut up [ __ ] shut up shut up i don't have time for you i'm too important supposedly if you kill the bee the visitor won't be pleasant yeah that sounds right in the library oh my god okay old b jamie let me tell you something oh my god shut up old bj me uh [Music] [Music] sure you will grandma sure you will oh god oh no okay i'll remember it simon says [Music] got it [Music] how did that transfer any kind of information is that true is that accurate to bees that's crazy may the pollen be with each knowledge point by completing the moment okay all right how about i do none of that i just want to gather pollen it's like minecraft all i want to do is just dig i just want to dig a hole in the ground that's all i've ever wanted to do can i have this cupcake i hope you weren't going for it kid cause it is mine that's some good stuff and away i go now those are big animals yeah they are if the old bee was right i should be getting close now hmm the old b might have been an idiot you ever think about that the old b might have been insane driven to be madness by the herbicides i'll take that ma'am i'll take that ma'am thanks ma'am what a beautiful place so many animals and humans but i must focus and find the flower lady i think i found her pretty sure i found her pretty sure excuse me wow i can smell some vampire yeah i kind of got it already guys oh no no now oh just when i was learning to live my be life i was just finding my wings oh god damn i was actually having a great time oh well got well i found that those legendary flowers hit too hard they just hit real hard hit like a goddamn truck oh i'm back yes that is good my god time froze for a while there are other bees around in the right direction nah nah screw them oh fast b jordan i don't want to talk to fast b jordan fast b jordan's a dick hey do you know any rare flowers around here sure one race if you catch me i'll tell you about the flower oh my god i don't want to race you i just want to collect pollen all right whatever i'll kick your ass i'll kick your ass i'll kick your ass i'll kick your ass you want me to kick your ass i'll kick your ass hey i'll kick your ass hey don't worry about it i'll kick your ass oh god where are you going where are you going where are you going ow where are you going [Music] i'll kick your ass i'll kick your ass you want me kick your ass i'll kick your ass oh good race you got me i got you hey i don't know how i got you but i got you flowers in the traffic zone oh my god the tropic zone thank you thank you for nothing no i won't listen i don't care what you have to say i'm not listening i'm gonna go find these flowers and you're gonna shut up forever [Music] whoa is this the tropic zone oh whoa wow what an amazing place and i can already smell the flowers i sure can [Music] okay red flowers not exactly what i was hoping for but i'll take it okay cool got him oh i'm clear i can just collect flowers now excellent excellent whoa hey whatever whoa easy there bucko hey kid you won't be stung on the eyeball bam run the eyeball all right well that was great wow kid you go you go with your fortnite dances this has been b simulator you know being a b not the worst thing in the world i kind of love it i almost wish there was a lot less objective based like things i get that there's a lot to learn but i almost feel like the magic of being a bee is just being out in the world and exploring and you find the objectives along the way but at the same time you know you can't have too much fun being a bee yeah you better be scared yeah you should be scared hope you're not allergic anyway thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed this video uh if you want more simulator games i got a playlist full of them down in the description below thank you again and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,807,638
Rating: 4.9730487 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, bee simulator, bee simulator game, simulator, simulation, sim, sim game, simulator game, simulation game, funny sim
Id: wHBikjSGfaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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