Prison Simulator

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to prison simulator ever wanted to go to prison that's not what this game is about this is where you're going to discipline the prisoners that are in your prison you got to make sure that they don't kill you apparently welcome to the prisoner creator here you can choose in the appearance of your convicts on the right there are options to customize your i love this i love this hi no ivan this is crongo that's congols i love him this is crongo okay how do i go back oh man i thought i wasn't going to get it in the first time all right uh-huh i almost don't want to change him ah wow this is plumbing uh plumbing gordon all right locked you know they're perfect you know i don't really have to do anything about it [Music] i love these guys perfect [Music] all right we got our we've got our prisoners i'm actually shocked in the gang creator you choose who joins one of the three gangs you can oh man there's a lot of customization uh squirrels fox's beers all right go for it whoa well that's not a squirrel that's not a fox and let's go back to the all right we got the squirrels get the foxes look at the bears okay i'm ready game automatically saves at the end of the day i'm gonna need a lot more saves than that because i'm not gonna do well on this i can already say that right now i'm not gonna do well i'm gonna get murdered immediately main task is to carry out the routines assigned to you for the day check their list in the journal jay during their day react to the prisoners bad behavior either by talking to them or by using force and between routines you can use your free time to enjoy the fun of it most of your actions are evaluated by other guards and prisoners which affects your level of respect the overall level of respect bottom left corner is the average of your individual relationships with the prisoners during your free time you can relax by playing minigames or doing side quests more of these activities will be available in the future okay cool all right i don't have a lot of respect i'll take this excuse me excuse me excuse me hates wrinkles dunkel i mean i get that man good old wrinkles reporting for duty relax call me dick we're on duty but we don't stick to yes sirs that much are you holding up feeling the pressure of your first day of work a little bit there's nothing to worry about you'll feel right at home here i can guarantee that just like all the prisoners feel like this is right at home for them by the way on the first day of work everyone has a meeting with the warden and he expects the same from you the warden you say is this happy trails penitentiary not really check the map or if you change something your settings you have to find it by yourself you know what this is suddenly keep your eyes peeled to prison through something that's going on in the prison i don't know exactly what watch yourself okay enough of that come on follow me okay this seems important employees of the month oh most contraband found oh hi hello hello sir i mean kenneth since we're good friends new guy how good to see you it's how do you like it here [Music] oh where's the toilet uh you got some songs of your murder that's so [ __ ] hilarious that's the funniest thing i've heard all day you'll find it you're a big boy moving on what was i talking about it's very good to be honest we're having a lucky streak high subsidies the prisoners are content and there are no currently outstanding issues from my duties you will have plenty of them but let's start with what you're doing today let me look at the documents today you have a longer shift get a new prisoner take care of them check all documents everything you can if they're legit send them off to a cell block keep your eyes on the boy in the yard block b can really stir [ __ ] up so be careful in the afternoon a new delivery of items from the prisoner's relatives arrives inspect them you can't even imagine what their wives try to smuggle understand don't interrupt me i finally get it okay rude need ever make sure they don't [ __ ] around we need every penny we can make to renovate the prison buy new equipment take a break drink some coffee and work out with the guys at the gym or something everything i almost forgot go to the guys in the guards room in the afternoon they'll instruct you on some skills that are worth knowing while you're here okay you can go you have a lot to do oh i do okay go to the search room okay i'm fast i'm fast i am so speedy okay committing new prisoners to start accepting prisoners call the waiting person with the microphone check the fingerprints name and id number if everything's okay confirm the document otherwise reject the application the application the application to the prison to be a prisoner they gotta apply search other prisoners without blurs no belongings take out a bliss and black all the items also remember to blurt the blizzard himself okay cool oh carefully check every single item for contraband okay basically welcome to prison welcome to welcome to prison hey how do i get rid of this goddamn hey hey whoa all right this is a bit much all right let's let's tone it down a bit no no no let's tone it down listen hey hey hey hey hey come on come on i'm i apologize i apologize i apologize i apologize can i get some help i can't leave without a rush help me he's trying to kill me oh ow oh this god there's no cleave damage reject him reject him reject you're rejected very violent please leave me alone please please please oh my god i'm gonna die to attack [ __ ] assign oh all right um okay here we go wow he's good okay and uh one for good measure okay um oh he's getting up he's resisting bang okay well oh god sorry you were you were i apologize i apologize all right yeah get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here all right that went well next hey how's it going friend how you doing all right that's a little rude okay a little aggressive okay looks like fingerprints are all matched up there block a that's great leo just check compliance correctness of the name data okay leo jones 409025 american looks good wait a minute there's a discrepancy oh wait no that's just when they were taken never mind um looks good to me approved um [Laughter] okay check the person's belongings okay what are your belongings what is this heart pills for broken hearts and other heart problems i don't know if i believe that but man let's open the item okay if you search everything from the list all right that looks like pills i guess all right searching searching searching searching [Music] okay well i think we're all done here hold after i just did take the supplies for a prisoner by pressing e and also give him with the key there you go all right [Music] all right be nice be good i did it i uh did my job well when you know someone has an exclamation point i do not want to take a quest from this guy no offense to this guy's face but this guy's face is insulting to my existence all right good i did it i did a thing hello nap i could nap i don't want to nap i don't want to work out what's the gun icon do what do we have here the shooting range what is this what is that is that my hand is that what it looks like clean weapon okay disassemble a weapon and clean it that's a strange thing to have in this game what what what what i see okay i disassembled what is what okay i'll start with this i guess splash it's like the uh the uh freaking uh excavation grave robbing game it's just like that i'm not sure if this is doing anything okay i'm gonna rub this whoa that's a rub okay that's clean i think swabbies i'm swapping i'm swarming i swabbed it i don't understand what i'm swapping oh oh oh oh oh my god okay all right i really came in here for shooting something i feel like i've been extremely lied to this is nowhere near as satisfying as power washing simulator i will give it that much okay well that was great good job boy i can't wait to do the next part here i go i guess [Music] done squiggity squeaky squeak well that was great that was good stuff [Music] excellent let me shove a rod down in this thing [Music] d s-a-s-s-s-w-d-d w w d d w a a a d a s w s d a double okay [Applause] and rag done look at that bad boy put that bad boy on that bad boy and then this bad boy there and that bad boy then that bad boy do i get to shoot it now hey a gun okay let's we'll see when those unruly prisoners get a little uppity with me bang bang bang bang that one guy had a thick skull a clock i mean that's kind of fun not gonna lie kind of fun i mean i did terribly but not gonna lie kind of fun i haven't been doing a lot of prison handling i haven't really been like prisonating anything i feel like i'm doing all the wrong you know what i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna exit this activity because i have not i've not been doing what i need to do which is like go to the prison yard i forget i'm forgetting my true purpose here which is to manage the prisoners of which i'm off to a bad start oh yes please i need that thank you can i have some nachos this is exactly how i heal myself nachos inventory inventory nachos eat eat eat eat okay i'm not showed up i did not heal at all hey what's going on guys on the prison yard your main task is to look for suspicious situations react accordingly warning direct force disciplinary punishment paying attention to inappropriate behavior and other infractions like sneaking fighting suspicious behaviors destroying property or urinating no pissing in my yard if it's calm enough you can relax but there's a chance you won't notice the wrong situations pay attention to the time to end the routine properly you'd have to let the prisoners be outside for the minimum in time if you let them stay longer your respect level will increase okay spitting on you well you're not you look quite okay maybe you want to get some money hmm depends on what you want as i know packages will come to the prison tomorrow and you check what's inside is it possible to turn a blind eye to one package there would be a needle let's say i really need everything from this package i'll reward you of course i'm so sorry there's no free ride ah what's the worst could happen great take half now 25 and again when the package will be in my hands everything what i need hey how's it going hey you good you can improve your statistics i don't even know what my statistics are hi what's up want to play play what prisoners is what walkie talkie am i fighting bet with timed barbell lists 15 times hey hey hey [Music] that's what you get that's what you get that's what you get puro hey whoa whoa wait schmongo oh yeah wait no you are you the guy that i alright yeah yeah yeah you better you better watch yourself you better watch yourself you better watch yourself i'm watching you i'm watching you you better watch yourself okay i don't know 50 bucks 50 bucks says i can't okay okay alternate too too fast what do you mean too fast what do you mean too fast what come on okay i know i got it i got it i don't have time for injured prisoners right now i'm doing a push-up con a bench press contest it's very important that i win 50 bucks on the line i do not get paid enough to deal with not winning get out of my way i am going to win this come on come on come on i did it i win i won respect me you respect me crongo you respect me huh what about you george who the hell is george okay well first day man i did good i feel good i am good i am justice in this place fair beautiful brown is there anything that can help me heal heals 700 hp a nut bar give me a goddamn nut bar oh hell yeah nut me up okay i'm nutted a briefing room oh hey how's it going barry already are we done for today yes it's over oh i made money and i got respects that's pretty impressive i did it i d that was the most horrible first day that i ever could have and yet i still got respect that's how good i am at this job all right day two hey what's up scott all right bye scott hey what's up my bros you wanna play some darts you know i do i don't know what uh what is baseball i don't just give me some money uh okay i don't know what this is all about miss what do you mean miss what is baseball runs number on the board that corresponds to the current inning oh oh what [Music] what [Music] what what perfect there we go [Music] this is my jam this is my chance this is my chance this is my time to shine this is my time to shine i've whoa yeah what are you going for the oh you're going for the bullseye there idiot what's stupid you being stupid the answer is yes ah this is my time to shine okay now i've got it took me a second to get there but now i got it and i'm absolutely crushing you in every way possible you're gonna be so embarrassed to go home to your wife and tell her how bad you lost all right once again i feel like i have not been doing much in the way of actual prison aiding donut hello uh ready to learn some tricks from us do they teach anything other than beating prisoners more effectively i'd be careful with such jokes especially in the presence of prisoners they're nothing more than skills that will help you survive in here which by the way should be very useful presenters are twitchy try to solve conflicts by talking first i can teach you but you need two things first skill points and money feel skill points every time you level up and you level up after you gain some experience each day when you're at certain level you have enough skill points and of course the right money you can buy a skill which will help you do your job better and more easily yes i think you're going to get you're ready to get your first skill how much does it cost first one's on the house it'll cost you only a skill point which you should have at least one by now because you're new and you should be getting a little more sense right away we'll start from the very beginning see for yourself searching intimidating search 25 faster i don't even know where the cells are i've never even seen this set what what cells all i've done is i shoot gun play darts and i lifted some weights sounds like i'm at a bar hello ah right package search ah harmless marmless herder interesting okay let's take a look at this shibbity whoop forget me not very famous author eh uh-huh okay [Music] oh what is this what is this okay i'm going to take it oh i t i meant to oh [ __ ] [Music] oh what is this what is this drugs let's see what is in here candy i'm taking that all right we've done it checked i think uh okay oh my god toothpaste huh okay okay chicken tits okay okay oh no no no mine okay stone peeling okay i mean to be honest if the worst is just there's a joint in here it's not it's not the worst thing in the world but at the same time can't have it on my watch very strict around here very strict okay what do we have candy nice nice nice oh look would you look at that i'm gonna leave that there oh there's another what is my god okay leaving the needles apparently oh hi damn there's a lot of needles this is just a lot of needles my guys there's a lot of needles all right good i did it okay what for what's the problem over at least one responsible person in this [ __ ] some jerk lost prison keys and not just one pair of them take a quick stroll around and find the [ __ ] as soon as you can before some prisoner finds it don't slack off we don't have much time okay um what do i do about that hello oh well that's candy oh no one would have found that we were totally fine the whole time you had me panicked for nothing wait oh there's more that oh my god how many keys okay no never mind some people are dumb as hell this is a problem hey what's up didn't really think you would succeed maybe talk time just look after your [ __ ] talking to an officer watch your tone overnight wait damn you found our you found four pairs of keys right no i only found three i'm [ __ ] pairs missing probably one of those idiots lost somewhere back at work okay yeah i'll forget about that yeah it's not a big deal what's up brian oh this is nice oh be careful with that oh here are the cells oh interesting hey what's up flint better go and check where you should be i don't know where i should be i have free time you want to get one in the snout uh you know i'm okay thank you this is actually pretty good honestly like i kind of went into this being more jokey because you know you never know what's gonna happen but honestly it's this isn't bad it's surprisingly detailed there's a lot going on here what was this oh i think this is where the entrance is yeah i can see how you could definitely make a whole routine of going through this place and taking care of the prisoners stopping riders all that stuff this is kind of fun anyway where's p-o-e anybody saying p-o-e basketball okay five hoops in a minute okay let's go 50. oh timer's on now oh god oh god timer's on one oh i gotta stay behind the free throw line one for all the throwing of things in uh all the throwing of things in um paranormal perperon pepper poltergeist para i really can't remember what the name of it was fantasma phobia fan phantasmophobia phantasmophobia go to the cell block evening attendance oh okay all the throwing of things into the thing from anyway hey what's going on man i gotta work on my stamina hey what's going on in here oh you pooping okay uh sorry you'd be pooping at that moment this routine is a little different from the morning one now you have to make sure all the prisoners return to their cells they should be in front of them as soon as you show up use the clicker to cross the prisoner off the list somebody isn't standing under his cell and just walks around bring him out it's best to remind him who's charge all right get ready i was wondering what this is for all right plum b all right that's good you're good all right we got krungo over here we got pee oi hey i got uh all right good yeah krungo you're good uh we got puro we got sug nut [Music] all right you get to your freaking thing all right merfathu okay we got smungo good we got a marmless herder what are you doing stew man you got a job okay you go yourself try me stooch [Music] yeah that's what you get what are you doing crongo what are you doing yeah you better get to yourself chrono i'm telling you one thing you gotta get in there immediately pen what the hell happened here holy [ __ ] chrongo you get in your cell right now i don't want to hear a single excuse all right good job guys well done everybody well disciplined people beautiful people actually you sleep good you sleep good you sleep good you all sleep good hello hi how you doing done for the day yeah i'm done that's a lot of lost respect probably because i beat the ever loving [ __ ] out of the prisoners i don't know how to be nicer i'm not a nice guy so it kinda is difficult oh [ __ ] reporter for duty with the riot whole prison but call for help next take a look around go the yard try to get some of these idiots to stand down what about weapons what you expect me to do [Applause] okay what's next find the keys we're short you're not invincible there's death in those corridors if you lose consciousness one is nice but trying to get yourself killed okay okay oh boy oh boy okay so i did i keep that all right let's get the taser out first try to be no no no no no no no no you go you go hey stop it zai said stop it i've been pepper sprayed before you don't want it you don't want it all right do i have handcuffs do i have anything to no i don't okay all right you stay down oh my god where's my fire extinguisher holy [ __ ] this is kind of nuts [Music] why do i gotta put out all the fires why is this my job and but i mean it's awesome and i like it but why is it my job and holy hell they rioted like like nobody's business i didn't know that riot meant zombie apocalypse here some of the doors in prison can become damaged pick the lock i gotta pick a lock [Music] oh it's just like cleaning perfect easy boink doink doink easy easiest thing in the world oh my god what the hell why did i want to go in here oh here we go rioting i'm gonna see if they destroy what's the situation it's hard to say fire and chaos okay thank you all right i gotta get this prison yard under control and that means one thing my riot gun [Music] don't make me i'm gonna pepper spray the [ __ ] out of you christopher robinson how could you hey hey hey watch it don't even think about it down on the ground wham okay okay okay okay okay yep yep that's what you get right in the nog all right i gotta get this oh i gotta get this situation under control i'm gonna pepper spray everybody what's it hey [Applause] [Music] oh wow wow come on i don't want to shoot you but i might okay you're all down that's good that's good that's good look you got to respect me for being able to take all of you guys down right you guys respect that right oh my god i hope it's a rubber bullet hey run the dick it is it must be it seems like a rubber bullet hey no no no no no no stop it stop it hey you stop it right i gotta put this i guess good was this because i let that guy have needles i think it might be because i let that guy have needles i don't think this is gonna put something tells me this ain't gonna put why is there like artillery strikes happening can i put this out at least no that's okay i didn't want it anyway all right time to shoot more people in the face oh wait i missed something here i thought i already cleared out the canteen ah keys of course ah sorry bud hey trying to ambush me it shan't work bang boom i gotta admit the gun play is pretty good here i'm kind of surprised god i hope these are just rubber bullets hello boinkpoint hey you guys are my guys no you're not who are you what happened to my dudes ah they're too well behaved for this they would never never in a million years all right i gotta take over the workshop they were so nice in the workshop are you telling me that they're riding in the workshop but they were lovely they were absolutely delightful hey no all right it's time to go back to what he's got a weapon that's a lot of people who wants some that's right help me buddy no not the counter i want to count how many times i'm going to whap you in the skull there we go easy wow not on my watch baby not on my watch looks like uh justice has been served were you just standing here the whole time you did well the boys from the assault team are on their way want to call for transport and end the day or do you want to search the prison a little bit more i'm tired let's end this say i shot a lot of prisoners oops all right so that is uh person simulator prologue just the demo this game isn't fully out yet but there's a lot of potential here there actually is like normally with things like this it's always kind of janky even if those other games that i played were like they had mechanics in there but this one's got mechanics and also like intricacies to it that's very nice i like that i like it i like it it's about as close as i want to get to prison but i like it it's not bad so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to check out other simulator games that i've played there's links in the description or probably if you look at the suggested videos over there-ish you can find more on my channel thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,121,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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