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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I heard the Homo Hee Hoo still exists today. Someone caught footage of it running through the forest last year. It was majestic, but I can't find the footage now :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dark512 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello welcome my name is Markiplier monkey me a monkey okay so this is ancestors right the humankind Odyssey I don't know if this game is about evolving from early [Music] oh what's the word isn't there a word for like old ancestor Apes not Apes not monkeys the ones back in the day the common ancestor is that the word I'm looking for I don't know I don't know if they're this game is all about going from that to this but it sounds like it lineage name Homo [Laughter] as opposed to Homo sapiens you idiots choose level of assistance total useful immersive riveting I kind of want a riveting experience I don't know if that means I will be riveted into the dirt starting character gender let's roll the dice why not homohihu first time hidden waterfall Oasis female Clan sized medium species I don't know I don't know what this is gonna be inspired by the truth I don't know if these events are going to be inspired by true events worlds and characters you will encounter are not men are meant to represent archetypes of a place in a moment not the exact depiction of what happens latest scientific discoveries were used as guidelines and I'm gonna really Bend those guidelines you got guidelines I've got bending to do am I going to have to engage in crazy monkey sex is that like a main feature of this game I'm not opposed to it but just wondering what to prepare myself for to use your body sense his mind and voice to guide your voyages gain strength in numbers and advanced species ape together strong good luck we won't help you much I hope not at all this is a lot farther out than I thought we'd start [Music] well this is interesting oh my God laser was that a laser in the sky what was that man Nature's messed up man oh my God that's terrifying oh my God oh my God holy crap okay so the moral of the story is everything dies and your death is inopportune no way get him Gator should have paid attention I suppose there it goes man that poor fish I can yeah all right I'm getting it and then do it unless you need so I'm about to die a lot volume one before us Ben is that my baby my monkey baby don't worry kid you're gonna eat good tonight I found a fish delicious whoa [Music] I don't think I needed to go that far foreign holy [ __ ] oh my God holy crap oh my God oh I'm the baby I get it mom yeah as I've learned dude what the hell is that oh my God holy crap horrible oh my God I'm gonna die I mean I it makes sense yeah if you just the monkey out in the middle of nowhere with no parental figure you're gonna uh be at the mercy of the whims of the Jungle and I am currently at the mercy of the whims the whims have me in their clutches where do I go what do I do oh should I climb I guess I might want to climb do I just grab on and go for it uh that feels like a good first instinct I'm going for it okay climbing I'm climbing oh my God this is the scariest game I've ever played in my life all right I'm up in it what are you doing over there sure wish the experience wasn't quite so riveting okay well I guess up high isn't guaranteed to be safe I'm jumping for it jumping oh [ __ ] oh my God I just remembered my whole mom got at by bird so you know cue this Lion King soundtrack is this a circle of life I don't want to make it I'm gonna make it oh my God I'm alive my poor baby bones I'm just gonna go for it and these these [ __ ] don't know what's ready for him which is me and they they're they have no idea what's coming for them for all my fear of the Jungle there sure ain't much happening kind of empty now that I'm looking at it it's pretty whole lot nothing kind of actually just like nothing oh what oh what's happening did I make it am I somewhere good am I somewhere bad where am I got a call oh I can hear I'm learning I'm communicating together strong if only my mom didn't go so far away to heat up previously chewed fish maybe I wouldn't be coming back alone hello family cousins yep family whoa where are you okay they're definitely up there but how in the world how in the world I hear a mystical thanks monkey butt I hear a mystical something oh is that food I find food num nums oh num nums how do I eat it how do I eat it do I eat it do I not eat it oh there's like a path oh man maybe I shouldn't have this coconut but I can't seem to drop it anymore so I'm just gonna hold on to it oh yeah they don't like that oh I can climb the mountain oh well that's easier okay well that makes my life a lot easier can I eat this can I eat can I eat eat what did I do what what what what wait sorry run that by me again I didn't know I had supervision how did I well I don't have adult supervision but I didn't what no don't lie to me you you did that I dropped the coconut but it said they were like down there were they down there am I stupid how stupid am I let me look I'm stupid there you are incoming sploosh well hell mom's dead what can you do time for it hey friend hey how you doing good to see you I'm assuming this is sad emotions more remorse and regret and loss and pain and I'm getting that ah yes hello everybody hi what's up hey what's going on hey how you doing oh why I what happened oh I'm on your back now uh I guess you're my new mom question mark dad hard to say parental figure okay oh that's how you do that okay you go Q mode and then you go e mode okay there's some going on there some weirds happening there that's that's bizarre oh it's like a threat like it could be a monster huh it must be me smelling you know it must be sniffing I gotta be sniffs nothing I don't know oh I got a leaf hey kid I gotta leave you jealousy yeah you should be let me sniff sniffing hello how are you listen anyone ever tell you ape together strong it's true it's very true how you doing over here hey how you doing what's up how you doing hey what's going on hey how you doing you want a leaf all right good talk okay so what would a monkey want right food I'm guessing number one priority has got to be like food or something so there's got to be a button to drop unless I want to take this leaf with me Leaf no Bush thorn bush some diamonds over there I don't know what that's about whoa I don't know what is it what is this Wham I don't know what's that hominid what about you let me give you a sniff oh no yeah hominid okay all right hominid I'm gonna go to the diamond because I don't see much else to do gotta be something cool down there right whoa let me grab on oh grab on oh God very scary r okay navigating uh jumps oh my God I'm so good at everything what are you doing you playing tag oh all right whatever hmm what is that Splunk hiding spot oh really oh wow oh hi hello this is my spot what are you doing there hey what's going on excuse my butt how you doing you uh having a good time what am I doing what am I doing I don't know what's happening what what was that oh I changed my sensation okay I think this must be hearing right this must be my ear balls ah and this must be smell-o-vision wow oh there's both of you hi okay great oh oh your name is ooh hi single you're single are you I don't know what I am so technically I'm the one on the back but whatever what is that frog get get it it's a frog get the goddamn frog it's a freaking frog can I have it I got a leaf I can't possibly have a frog let me go to the hiding spot maybe that'd be pretty cool over there somewhere get my shoes wet oh God [ __ ] is this it why do I hear drums why do I Your Boss music oh hi hello are you still following me I help you What's your deal oh wait did I like summon them before when I was in Camp are those are the ones that like I was oh interesting it was that what is that oh hi oh you're a pig oh my God no am I dead I'm alive you will never you will never stop me well if I had any sort of spear I could have done something about that probably oh my knee oh my leg is my leg or uh your leg not technically my leg giant warthog metradio Taurus wow oh hi hello YouTube how are you doing you you good guys I don't know if you're following me I really have led you astray I know I have natural charismatic qualities but I am vampirically commanding this ape through its back so uh I'm actually the baby sorry yeah you're fine let's get back let's get back to Camp successful Mission guys successful Mission oh I know a coconut tree by the way hey treats on me nuts on me guys nuts on me you want nuts I know a place I know the hookup all right let's get this nut pretty tough to climb one-handed but I managed to make it look easy oh yeah yeah look good look good yeah looking good excuse me go get your nuts guys go get them I eat this how do I I don't know how to do anything in this game I I should have added like a HUD or something the riveting experience is a little too riveting what is happening am I what was going on I seem to be Delirious man I am not doing good we are this baby is cursed hey guess who's bad yeah did you miss me hi I'm back okay time for a nice nap have we discovered fire yet is there a way to can I oh here we go okay hold space to Sprint what I'm guessing I can't do that because I'm all like you know injured oh I'm picking up speed broken bones be damned BAM [ __ ] get out of my way oh yeah you wish you wish you wish you could be a surprise me my legs broke and screw you all right how do I eat this can I eat this smash it up against a rock or something you know what you know what I'm going I'm going full HUD I'm not gonna go tutorial even though I should I don't know why I did whoa whoa I pressed q a million times new food discovery Cocos Coco drupa great and now I know out of control man instantaneously I feel so much more connected to this goddamn game Focus remember I remember I remember that I'm remembering what Dad hominid I will remember that oh that must be uh uh uh you know uh uh Mom let's go pay Mama visit I'm coming more maybe I could have rescued you at some point around in the past but I didn't oh it's you're in the nest I probably shouldn't whoa oh I probably shouldn't be here hello ah yes there you are all right I hope I catch that okay well that's really sad identify matured my my nerves [Music] [Applause] you know now that I think about that that makes sense is that baby like coming back or what what let's see let's engage these brain bundles wait what am I I'm a female coupled with poo with poo I'm yeah coupled with poo hey don't mind me just giving a good sniff are you I can't tell it not looking at you well I mean it's looking at you and not your I grabbed a stick nah oh Bureau where's poohoo you running off with that would not you you where's blue there you are God damn it take this stick it's yours now I'm gonna groom you how do I groom I'm grooming you you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome am I eating bugs is that what I'm doing I'm eating I'm eating bugs we got an endless supply of food if we just eat each other's bugs if you think about it if you really put your brain to it and I am now all my brain is 100 capacity right now just eating these bugs but if you think about it hey what the hell this moment neurons have matured okay all right you're happy now uh oh my vision's getting nice and cloudy okay I'm gonna I'm gonna memorize this because I wanna not forget where we is and I'm gonna memorize you poo so I don't forget I know I keep looking at your face and I don't really remember is that poo okay I'm memorizing your face okay husband I've remembered you lie down this this is a problem you have to hold things I didn't realize that was like a like an ordeal I'm sleeping now where'd that baby go oh Yana Rama anyway I'm up and Adam time to attack the day hey wanna make babies I don't know whatever shut up go away I'm gonna get some nuts so what about my whole neuron thing hominid without dopamine risks his sanity when facing fears hysteria is waiting wow that's true across all time check up and try to get the body again there were eggs in that Nest you know probably some pretty tasty eggs so what's up with this bush right this bush Okay I'm analyzing this bush painful very prickly you know you know what I mean very prickly no not that frequently apparently I thought it might be a little more than that I'm hungry where are those coconuts I want to go nuts for Cocoa nuts you know what I mean whoa buddy oh my God my leg ow I have a terrible ape I'm terrible I'm fat I'm a [ __ ] State my God I'm not doing okay what's wrong with me help just gonna get a coconut and I'm gonna go go nut out of here oh my God now there's two dead up there interesting two oh twos up there wait what oh my God the baby's still up there oh my broken leg I gotta go get that baby I will rescue you there you are okay I'm focused I'm gonna memorize a bam oh the way baby okay I just gotta go up that that tree actually oh oh no not again not again not again oh my God you know what the whole jumping to treat a tree thing probably not the best move I need to In and Out I can't have three dead Apes in this nest if we can't be over three on this for the sake of the species we really gotta get moving on this I mean this broken bone is uh definitely ain't good but you know we'll be fine oh wow the wrong tree actually that was I was actually incorrect about this one all right don't worry I'm priming the jump missed it by that much oh my God good God my green circle is really blonking hard inside my not green well that's now the Green's gone it's my like grip strength about to fall or something I don't like the idea of that okay let's take a breather take a breather wow okay we're gonna drop this screw that all right baby don't worry rescue on the way the bees the bees I'm gonna grab it I got it that baby's just sitting there aren't you all right I'll be right there yeah oh my God okay in and out in and out real quick real quick baby come here baby now now is the time now jump into my arms if you can jump just jump jump baby please we gotta go we gotta go like yesterday we gotta go literally yesterday come here handle no piggyback how do I no no don't rename I'm not worried about the name right now oh my God what do I do oh I'm running away God I panicked the first thing about life in the jungle is not to panic okay this time we're gonna get in swoop in not rename the baby okay now we've got it this time we are definitely in it to win okay baby let's go baby let's go okay piggyback piggyback okay we're out of here yes okay Mission successful eat it well don't eat it bird idiot man I feel full-on monkey now and I got a beehive question mark you know today was a good day don't know if you guys knew this day good day good day today hey I got us a new kid some floozy with my poo I am dying I don't know what is how am I starving hungry I will eat the thing in your hand I don't know hey po are you with this floozy are you with Lucy is that is that you I I honestly I don't really remember faces too much sure wish I could tell what you are from the proper distance who are you who the hell are you analyze it's blue God you could have just said so you know you could have said so I'ma lay down how do I get this goddamn kid off my back whoo man just be sure wish I could do anything can I how do I inspect this I'm so trying to inspect what's in my hand but I will never do it for as long as I live I will never do it I refuse it is just that important that I don't I want everyone to know this I'm declaring it actually I will never know what's in my hand I refuse to use my intelligence at all let's try this again let's try this again okay okay all right let's try this again okay we're going to total random start just because I need to get my foot in the door somehow I would love to bash my head again so you know what [Applause] my this is what it's all about people oh don't you get get out I'm going back you almost got me game you almost got me you almost got me but I will not be swayed because me and big smart all I need to do is think about how it would really be I don't need anyone to explain this game because that's not what this is about no known that's not what this is this is about is embracing what it was to be an early soon to be human don't move it to stay in intelligence look around dismiss I don't need it okay who am I what I'm different now Avatar's Vitality this is is that it's because I turned the tutorial on this that's very helpful God damn that that is helpful okay reduces poison that is limited by Avatar's age okay that's very helpful and updates after sleeping of for one hour more hinges on a healthy lifestyle wow that's super yeah neuronal energy having children nearby allows the accumulation of nude I gotta suck the energy right out of you more children around means more accumulation sure I would have figured that out just by playing the game definitely intelligence could be used practical items and to visualize things the things you have identified a very a very helpful God damn that's helpful evolution oh my God this is so helpful wow look at this I'm gonna pump on my neurons oh oh [ __ ] my neurons are pumping dude my neurons are blump baby genetic potential two has an increased capacity to metabolize food nice this is great it's great oh you call me yeah poo get over here okay don't rush or anything whoa [Music] oh so the ceiling is really interesting well that was great new records three seconds good job man uh let me just all right we cranked that out I gotta crank out my neurons and the neuron can't be initiated because you don't have neuronal energy carrying kids while performing actions is the only way to generate sure is everyone knows this does that mean I gotta have a kid on my back while we uh mate hey you who are you who the hell doesn't matter come here you all right let's go get some neuronal energy let me sucking some neurons there I don't know what that is all about sucking the neurons or neurons suckage Wham oh look at the dead bodies oh the kid is still up there okay how do I get this goddamn kid off my back get this goddamn kid off my back old cue to inspect well that's funny hold Q hold Q hold Q Rock hold cue new tool yeah new tool oh obsidian I know the difference between a rock and obsidian apparently I don't know what exactly to do about oh I can use this to bash open to Coconut all right I'm turning off tutorials because I now officially know exactly everything that I need to play this game to its fullest potential get out of here [ __ ] I already know how to eat identify well I don't know how to eat I don't know how to identify and [ __ ] now if I could just figure out how to get this kid off my if I jump from a high enough precipice the kid will mysteriously disappear from my back hey uh other kid where are you at where are you at ah there you are okay mother yah father poo but but that's impossible get this again grab that say let's inspect this strange oh it's not a beehive at all it's a fiber thing uh kid I don't know if I can carry two kids on my back wee well let's find out kid uh I'm gonna apply this on you I guess no I'm on myself okay I'm gonna run uh because apparently idiot drop that did I just try to Oh I thought I was trying to attack someone with it okay kid um okay analyze Clan member well it's a little late for them uh okay kid kid all right you know what nope I I hear some flapping that kid's fine oh this is the same goddamn thing okay I'm guessing I just can't do anything oh it's a food African giant mom bin I love Mom bins who doesn't love Mom bins let's eat this up nah kid shut up shut up I'm eating oh it's my neurons my neurons are gonna grow wow simulated nutrients from the droop kind of food great that sounds like a feat every one of these is mine okay stupid idiot shouldn't have been born a child should have been should have been an adult so can I do like literally anything about this baby situation uh apparently not okay I'm gonna grab one of these eggs though can I grab an egg I got a neck I've got I got it baby oh I got it that Bird's gonna be so mad but it don't matter I got the egg oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey you killed one of ours I'm gonna eat your babies look at this thing look at this look at that I bet it's delicious I bet it's delicious I bet it's fantastic yes I'm gonna eat the it's come full circle [ __ ] I don't feel good oh man that's raw egg brown I'ma lie down oh drop child bye evolution this game is now starting to get fantastic I am all about it oh kinesics wow gather all clan members and have them follow you that's amazing I don't know if I want to do that I've kind of LED people that are deaf but I'm gonna I'm gonna call this one a good place to stop I have successfully eaten two pair three pairs it only killed two other Apes abandoned the baby in a nest as a distraction and I have exploded my neurons and Pooh has exploded anyway thank you for watching this game it's weirdly fascinating you know it is weirdly fascinating I had no idea what it's about but now that I'm here I'm kind of I don't know it's weirdly fun maybe I could eventually uh try to figure out a way to make this all the way to humanity so I don't even know if that's is that an option is that a thing that can happen I I have no idea thank you everybody so much for watching if you like this let me know down below if you want more of it let me know down below I'll I'll just leave this one up to you guys so thank you and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,068,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: return to monke, meme, markiplier, simulator, ancestors, the humankind odyssey, ancestors game, simulator game, monke simulator, funny games, hard games, jungle, survival, survival horror, evolution simulator
Id: Dc-JrDRnlf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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