Treasure Chest FULL of SILVER FOUND In Abandoned Storage Unit | Storage Wars

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man that's the vanilla I was cool so here's the dank trunk it is heaviest crap let's pop this sucker open let's see what's in it oh boy ready ready ready for it ready for one two slippery bugger alright guys welcome to another episode of grimes finds this is the we bought six units edition yeah we did hey it was a good day hey the the last few runs we've been on have been horrible but we've got a six units well technically five units ride again we walked into the place and I heard him on the phone very clearly and they were trying to get a unit back the lady was like well we got to sell in 15 minutes anyway so I went over the manager is like what unit was it and so anyway I bought that unit and I will not be digging in that unit because I don't want to be tempted to keep anything and so we have her cell phone number we're gonna call her back and we'll probably we'll do that in a Grimes fine style video to kind of let you know what happened but without bringing any I don't know just unneeded exposure and my in my opinion so anyway be looking forward to that video we do have her phone number we're gonna call her and just tell her hey come get everything out and it's yours and so anyway that but we bought six units total so we have five other ones we're heading over to and where we had no four to seven that one off public storage over off 75 and 635 area I think it's a cool unit the video we're doing tonight I don't know when we're gonna call it yet the picket shoe unit I don't know the collector unit how much that pay for though 175 was it I don't know hey we'll dig the receipt out and I'll show it to you but hey we're heading there since we get there we're gonna pop that door up and we're gonna do the dang thing see in a minute alright guys so we are here g60 1 yeah it's totally $175 and 175 175 175 dollars so here's the dang deal I'm gonna pop this door open my beautiful wife's gonna give you a scan of the room nice and slow so you can kind of get marinade in your head what I saw when I bend then we'll talk about why I bought it [Music] alright yeah so we are back that's a beautiful scan good job here so let me tell you a little why I bought I'll be honest I had Winkies fresh on my mind - Winky Winky and look I did see these and you know how I feel about these but look I was like man if I could find three Winkies and one freaking week oh yeah the bomb so check it out here's why by this looks like either oh my gosh huh I hope that's what I think those are if those are cowhide rugs I'll tell you right now one of those pay for the freaking unit exactly but this is what it said to me was like like a thrift of booth or something like that some kind of collector cuz look I saw WWF down here some kind of box it looks like it's the ring this looks like some maybe baseball cards maybe like a baseball card box okay then I saw the VHS is right that you know somewhat collectible these are outlook goosebumps so we've got some more media here but I saw this little box here I did see this DJ equipment the little amp I saw the projector usually projectors are broke yo okay so I'll tell you right now if this is a good large catalysis dude yeah it's a good large cowhide rug 500 bucks we paid 175 for this unit that is really nice so cool yeah this is the money right here at times - awesome like just where they were doing the hide and they went through the high too much yeah check this one's really nice bro I'd say this will probably this rug right here in our auction will go anywhere from four to eight hundred dollars guarantee you yep so do we let's shut the doors go give video people right we haven't used it we bought here three we bought it to hear this paid for both oh okay the old trunk what else visibly did I see I did see the golf clubs but I don't get excited about them I did see the big picture he's still got his tag I saw the Dallas Cowboy things right now me and me and Jerry Jones we're not talking around it yo y'all are talking though but what'd he do to you I don't know won't listen to me when I'm trying to tell them what see Justin Grimes is the real coach of the Dallas Cowboys it should be look at this here's more look there's that's a projector that balls uh this was the druggie room and that's not for weed that's probably for meth so alright so guys here's what we're gonna do let us kind of get rearranged actually want you to look in somebody let's just look in sponsors alright let's look down here let's see what we owe mom and dad yo we already made our money then that feel good it's all rolling paper thing silver on copper this is gonna be a weird yeah because if I didn't have enough freaking million-dollar beanie babies I they did so we're gonna keep running look here's the little piece bear so that's the tag yeah looks like yes holder once maybe I need that what's the one she's telling about the purple one the Princess Diana that's one that makes this rich huh I think anyway that's money what do you think I think that boxing soda pops yeah I think so that's a couple Watts worth so what's the salient movie I really look at the chart yeah there's there's gonna be cool stuff for me ah cry baby baby you gotta watch crybaby that's like a yearly watched movie in our house yeah I've tried to do the whole diary thing didn't do it why not - so what about the girl who was trying to decide if she liked old what's-his-name he thought Church that was funny that was playing innocent that was pitiful look here's another projector yeah I don't know any of these are gonna work times they their bulbs are already out oh look a Gucci hat hmm they're real of course it's real it's hunter says 1% cotton all right this is made in Italy on the tag cool hey a Gucci Luger she had quality quality items Sydney Opera House do 24 karat gold plated that's a cool don't you think yeah should we set that aside uh-huh all right see if we got some keys oh it's a big TV monitor a bit yeah yeah I was at the kind that comes down from the ceiling wait fog machines and stuff Beauty and the Beast didn't they say Beauty and the beasts head I know somebody said Lion King I don't know I don't know keep up with all the nastiness scooby-doo more Beauty and the Beast Cinderella I love this movie small soldiers [Music] I didn't supply machine that is heavy dude Roscoe Delta Heiser it's got the little remote pad this might be some money yeah might be something digital artists no cuz that looks like this guy for the liquidus got me a fog fog machine yeah boat trash trash ultimate entrance stage two and one looks sealed sealed on this side I think it's sealed yeah I think it is too has no I don't think it's ever been open you know I'm not gonna open this cuz I definitely believe it's in there I think it's sealed that looks original cool I've looked that up not in the chat but down in the comments let me know what you find on eBay the backstage entrance stage WTF ultimate entrance download the free app that's that's mine that could be a hunter but [Music] this beautiful that's emergency like this full of beanie babies we are rich watch out a mini lampshade Chewbacca his box is a little jacked up weird I guess he does some kind of is that's the Harry Potter all tangy I think so it is it sure it is [Music] oh let's tell their secrets that's why they lost the unit plus I wanted pregnant she said you gotta sell your stuff he tried to hide it in the unit oh that's all there Mickey that's older though yeah it is older that's like a no this is like a like old school yeah yeah definitely all those are the type of electronics that Millennials are buying you think don't you don't think so the old one yeah newer yeah some in there well something in there little miniature ones okay we still got the case here with that whoo that's a Booker T a thing Booker T oh maybe not coffee ha Booker T was doing when I still wash it huh really had a transfer yeah we didn't come back prepared we didn't know I was that a right I thought it was a personal it was a bag of purses I still don't know what that is not I couldn't help purse it's a jacket the jacket I was making interesting that's a bunch of purses - she's a bunch of purses look that's fine so he kills anniversary's got a number on it I'll be in here these sound good if it's in here yeah hey pop what I knew this unit was a bomb look we only been through two boxes I know look we got a Star Wars case we probably got a couple Winkies a couple we got a cowhide rug that made for the whole freakin unit times two wow that's a now Debbie Downer was is a pot that's cool yeah that's super cool this was serviced in 1986 that's when it was serviced last look the pendulums in there the weights in there that hangs right there whoa we might be on some money here now we know about our clock yeah we do yeah I told you this you look at that it's got both line heads on it's got both the weights look everything seems to be there dad is a beautiful clock it is there's gonna be probably just cool these people just got first stuck in a box and left yeah I know it's not really a vacation look at all in purses man Wow look at those purses now she was drunk for the last should we make a way Thanks so we'll do the trunk at the last guys the poems of Longfellow what how old is it this is from 1932 oh it looks like the whole thing in here yeah one of them's actually somebody who I met in Denton who actually watches our channel and we were bidding against each other I felt bad but I didn't cuz it's the name of the game but he's super cool guy yeah he's really nice as I'm Stephen Stephen row yes is that right well I wasn't gonna say his last name sorry Stephen you did you say everybody's last names on our video I don't mind people know my name but that doesn't mean you do yeah look PlayStation games huh driver 3 boom don't need to watch the rest of that Oh reality goggles clean all the trash that we have probably lots of yeah oh that's cool that Dennis Rodman bro we take your face yeah it's Dennis Rodman be tell by the nostrils as al rises no I don't think this is Dennis Rodman who is it because I don't think he braided his hair you had the wall just saying look on the bottom out solve it look it's more yeah joke about him what about his lips you know say some look the heat that's pretty cool maybe it's not that's kind of cool it's just a crack look at this yeah I did see this when I was building look that's Kobe uh-huh Kobe Bryant that's a killer cool freakin Bank I know 21 we're getting a full hour this is that Oh McGrady oh all we had to do is look at the back on his I did on the other one but look that's cool these are banks Cleveland I guess that was LeBron yeah cool that's awesome that is too cool y'all oh and what is having a party of a little pin holder that's cool yeah Dwyane Wade I guess that's who that is yes has weight on the back Wow looking at yo little desktop pin holders yeah what I knew this was a collectible you Josh is watching this is tonight oh he didn't even listen I thought he did it worse look there's too much I don't think you bet on this one at all just just my buddy oh look there's another one yep that's LeBron James like we're done we can walk away with this unit and probably triple our money Oh No so we'll be more look that one's kind of cool yeah that's LeBron two NBA Cavaliers that's really digging this you know I got that look no feel feel on this unit yeah we gotta go through some more boxes before we can get a little bit here Squire it is a great name I've got the tags on it yeah hey I mean it's probably only sonic did you say oh it's something goes in there what does the name well yeah I'm not a Trekkie winner Oh like we don't call each other weird names oh oh this is one of those little mini projectors we need to see if that works you know I'm dying I know nope it's your thing hey even I get the kids asked for mini projectors for Christmas yeah yeah what I just saw in there what they did ask for me hey if this works Oh of the kids don't push this one hey man check out this brand Tommy a brand new kids up man I rode the clerk did kicked it around long ready one two oh boy I told you this room what's this presenter with laser pointer these are actually expensive on oh it's in here these can be expensive because I had to buy one of these when I used to preach a lot yeah and they never had a clicker for me they wanted some I in the back to click and this is brand new in the box show I don't even know where to sell this stuff look at that punch out punch out drive DVD compact oh we actually need that what is it for what is that isn't that a it's a DVD thing - oh it's never mind you could plug this up into the oh I don't know if it's Mac and now we need an external hard drive that I know how to operate what's a 8k sound these are expensive I know this is a very interesting very very good news I don't have the grasp on what they were doing with this stuff it seems like a reseller you think so yeah like I'm telling you like maybe [Music] you did that hey guys we're gonna take a break real quick we're gonna get this fixed back up because Gina's just lost her temper again yeah now I'm so violent all right guys we're back Gina picked up her mess she went outside she took one of her pills first of all I didn't even knock it over Wanda - hey I'll rewind this thing is the bulbs go back you know this I know oh you sexy shot form is like I miss cheaper to buy a whole new projection yeah those bulbs cost a lot batteries this weird oh wait now this is a bag with a speaker interesting but tons of batteries meth baggies monster University that goes on that rock this yeah you might be right there's some kind of gold coins in this gold coins [Music] Hamilton it's a new in the box all right always need a mixer okay that's a pretty little picture oh so the teapot yes yeah I wonder where the top is oh oh yeah now we're getting in my style monuments it's kind of cool huh it's like a pewter and monument Oh No found these eight tracks are you sure that wasn't an 8-track player no dear that was not a nature play look Neil Diamond all right little baby oh here's I love these these sell those little mini dice yeah there's there's the power look little bust of Lincoln yep that's pretty cool man I really wish I had tubs oh these are little Campbell's Christmas ornaments yeah $33.99 see more 8tracks beer stein that's kind of cool that's the more HR top of Rolling Stone Joe some a tracks are worth some cash so wow that's really what are these these are like okay so these look like they're all Main Street Liberty Falls it's like banks all in one Liberty Falls it's like because there's a bunch of hazing oh I guess you get the town people this is everything you get so that is kind of cool okay we're not gonna wrap those but there's that you know I love records yep that's all Willie yeah he's getting this was probably someone good that because that looks like goodwill riding - yeah good good unit Oh so it looks like oh my favorite yeah a bond really just random I said oh my gosh Doom Patrol definitely not the ages we want oh yeah oh yeah I'm not complaining I mean think about it every box here is producing like collectibles we need to go through right now another PlayStation games is in there yep yep sure okay so let me figure out what's in this box well oh those are that's a coke hot dog thing I know I thought you already saw that no thrift city he was Thurston I'm tell you this was probably the sign to a store sorry I saw action figure first part yet look it's all faux fur I don't know if they're real food action this is one of those things you put around on your hands yeah like the old school and mittens or something it's kind of cool oh it's a purse too that's wow that's real furro furro huh there's some sports cards okay kind of clean up we'll save this for tomorrow okay old DVD VHS don't know if this work is that the one I threw which one the bank bag yes okay I'm not gonna go through boxes like this right here right now but that's just it's a pretty dirty monitor no oh heck no his rookie card no cards you shut up I did show it to them cool did a good hat Cavan ders oh yeah so yeah we've spent a lot of money on you're definitely not suckers out [Music] okay I see a lantern tambourine tambourine hey y'all know that Justin wants to play the tambourine in the worship band it's the only way to get it to work again my quotes a spiked ball you know where we saw that on huh short time oh really yeah they did this on short time I don't remember sharp Oh Lucy calculate alright guys sorry we're back Gina messed it off anyway check this out I Love Lucy please be me these towels are actually really collectible and every time we finally the freaking broke but not this one this is the I Love Lucy be a pal episode number three in the box [Music] [Music] do you know who loves New Kids on the Block this is vanilla ice know you're thinking about what to say doesn't your sister like New Kids on the Block but yes she loves them but I love them yeah what's their concert yeah but vanilla ice hey y'all tag vanilla ice he's from Irving or plane oh he's from Richardson Richardson rock by where we live hey y'all tagged Vanilla Ice go to his page on tell him hey you know this great guy he's kind of weird I want to get this autograph for the garage - to do know he's so cold man cool super huge fan but look at this what so crying look at this yeah my sister Julie is danhobson her picture this yeah you uh look at this vintage Barbies I Love Lucy Christmas Barry Bonds oh my gosh look at this Barry Bonds look at that Barry Bonds Barry Bonds down there look at this terminator what this is too freakin good John looks like a big John Elway one down there looking star-lord mm-hmm I Love Lucy I Love Lucy look at that big John Elway is that the only thing down in there yeah he takes up the rest of the box look at Big John Elway so cool this is my favorite thing in the frickin thing right now I don't know I have to go on your own come ha mr. wenke or Winkler Winkler not we know hey you said if he watches my channel he'll know oh he follows me on Twitter he does all our on Twitter I'm gonna tweet him yeah I'm gonna tweet I'm gonna tweet him and say hey bro I gotta get the son superfan all kinds of people vintage toys I told you the great unit what's funny is they're kind of laughing I'm here what you paying that much for I know I was you hear that yeah like some of the bidders we're kind of like I could I tried why didn't I hear everything huh and they were kind of making fun of me wise specialist Matt a bomber jacket oh Rocawear oh look at that yeah that's cool that's actually Rocawear huh that's pretty nice actually all right let me I don't want to see you dropped vanilla I that's kind of cool it's on board though uh-huh it doesn't really need yeah [Music] [Music] I'm gonna pull this up because I don't want to break it and talking it back that's an old map but this is like an old this is old old-school Disney poster Walt Disney Mickey Mouse olden days or something anyway I'm not going to take that out because I don't want it to get ripped up yeah another projector this is water there's two of them in there you can put like water in this Mike if you're curling like a DVD Express looks in there I love here's a Wii this actually looks some really good shape placed a check this out DVDs and games there's probably a book I'm holding out um at least 40 all right guys hey let us take a break so I can get I'll see you down for watching me move all the stuff back and then we'll move over to this side and then don't forget the trunk we're gonna show you what's in the trunk at the end of this unit stay tuned alright guys so we are back look we got this cleaned up a little bit we've gone through this haven't gone through this haven't gone through all that and I can tell you right now tabi in it spent once a phone that a couple grand easy already yeah easy easy easy peasy anyway man that's the vanilla I was cool so here's the dank trunk it is heavy as crap let's pop this sucker open let's see what's in it oh boy ready ready ready for it [Music] I know did you imagine songs with sterling I was just say you know what they were going a first third place this is the trophies they can guarantee the same silver yeah silversmith Paul Revere ho Nader good good cheap stuff he was just hoarding this oh you know much silver you gotta have just to do plate man if one of these trades down here we're silver money yeah the acid and stuff for silver yeah still pretty yeah so pretty pretty piece made in Japan to a curse what no - I mean when I go in I will sometimes I check this over I found sterling in there before yeah alright guys so hey here's the dang deal we are like this should be an hour episode right yeah we're about an hour whew are you sure whoo-ahh if we get weird I know what this morning it's like 27 minutes no it's gonna be 50 minutes we're gonna stay here right now we're gonna get you another episode that way you can find out what the rest of this was tomorrow and I so down in the chat or not on the chat we're in down in the comments before you get out of here let me know thumbs up thumbs down 1 through 10 ooh honey sometimes man that was hard bored to say hey so check it out not the chat but down in the comments let me know 1 through 10 175 dollars invested in this unit you let me know 1 to 10 scale how good do we do other than that see the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 22,275
Rating: 4.8804922 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Penny List, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Live Show, Ebay resale, resale value, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Top 10, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, silver found, vintage toy collection, baseball card value, treasure chest found, hidden treasure found, mystery box
Id: TgmnOO1T1dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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