FOUND MONEY GOLD & SILVER I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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you guys ready for the granddaddy total George put all the appraised jewelry out here on the dinner table hallo hope you're doing well today today we're back in the 400 dollar unit where yesterday we found gold jewelry appraised gold jewelry and we've just begun to just touch and scrape the surface of this thing this is an incredible unit and who knows who the Hales knows what else we're gonna find today let's dig in back at the warehouse ready to dig in and find out what else is in this unit this is probably a piece of furniture that was in the living room or something along those lines again what we know so far from this individual this is a $400 unit we bought it in Norwalk Ohio and the individual is a female and she loved horses and no next of kin so here's some Christmas items Santa's coming and Santa's coming and see there's something in here there's definitely something in here Oh guess I wasn't the only one shocked this is not a living room drawer by any stretch of the imagination this is we just found the Fifty Shades of Grey drawer that's what we just found no way oh my goodness frisky feather duster I fell so there's a flying everywhere right now all right Adam and Eve top 60 man oh why their feathers everywhere looks like gummy lifesavers yeah these look like gummy lifesavers I should actually I should try and eat one of these if there was an expiration date I would but I don't even they're probably still good so you guys are gonna want to see me eat that after that first drawer no telling what's gonna be in the second drawer actually actually yeah yeah it's pretty pretty pretty telling what is in the second drawer we got balloons but look the expiration date these aren't expired so you can eat these balloons so 2020 that's not bad throw those over there well you can see the collection there we'll just set that up there let's just say somebody was a mushroom collector we'll just go with that over there okay mag boy anybody know what mag boy is it's just something made in Japan and he's like dice like dungeon & dragon dice these might be specialized dungeon & dragon dice for for RPG games role-playing games maybe something like that these might price would be my guess hey man what is going on all right we got to be careful here whatever this thing is saturated I have no idea why all right whatever is in here yes it is stuck to everything you don't want to see what that green thing is all I can tell you is the incredible hawk but no that incredible what's that anybody know what those are is this like this is what you throw in with your dishwasher oh wait that's supposed to be attached there who's like those cleaning balls for your dishwasher be my guess okay I got to get out of here and go get a shower and go get George from radiation George is back from radiation howdy y'all you ready to find out how bad you lost at her competition would tell me what you found today so far just stuff stuff like what the fine stuff garbage just kind of like your unit so I grabbed I just I figured that furnitures probably not where it's at and we're gonna start going through garbage bags ready let's do this dig in good to see you have full up on always about the 115th Oh usually it's garbage but this is good this is tack we won't have to edit this clip out with garbage so this is about what did you say the 15th bag we've gone through and nobody ever wants so okay we definitely found tack we thought this was actually going to be in the in that trunk from yesterday if you haven't seen that you'll want to check that out lots of cool stuff in there we found all kinds of cool things some of this yeah some of the leather is rough but yeah yeah multiple horse items and obviously we know really yeah look at that guy's we found money yesterday too this is just randomly in the garbage bag and a lunch box of junk we got this is just like from medicine cabinet anti-diarrhea b-complex sponge is it appraised this is a pre stuff again oh my goodness look at this this is the appraised stuff again yellow gold diamond okay wait hold a second let's reposition let's reposition the entire camera holy cow this is all-praised this is so ridiculously random look look look look this one says $900 this one maybe just in this bag let's check this is so ridiculous how in the world oh my goodness look at this ring flea market no I think this has got to be your collection they look at this ring it's 14 all of this stuff is real I don't know I don't know well I'm sure it is you just got to find the corresponding label all right this is yeah 14 karat yellow gold opal pendant how much was that one value - total value - 25 all right now remember these appraisals I can't see the carat on that one these appraisals are old appraisals this looks like opal - she definitely had a thing for old bull Wow all right so this bag has $900 on it so a pair of 14 karat gold earrings the value is $50 babe here's the ring 500 plus $400 right there that's that first ring I showed you $400 is that the one you read to me or how did I get the paperback in my hand there's two of them no that was that's 225 bid so that's for something else my goodness this is crazy here's something in here for $300 okay so this bag here I don't want to put that I don't put that ring on the ground that bag is in a garbage bag it holds a second just wrap your head around this okay so all this jewelry is in a Samsonite bag which was in fridge lunch bag which was in a garbage bag all right i'ma hand that off to you all right there's this thing is full okay this thing has $40 on it and I don't see any markings on that one let's check the necklace this definitely feels like gold and yes you can tell the feel of gold once you've done this enough you can tell just by touching it all right I'm gonna set this aside there's so much okay this is these are gold gold earrings gold round hammered this had to be professionally done this has $50 out on the baggie okay this says 75 for these gold earrings she had to have it appraised professionally okay 400 for the set so let's see I paid 400 for the unit i outbid you you had three something i outbid you got the unit this one thing 400 dollars and who knows your hair hold on to that oh man alive alright here's another set of earrings appraised for 175 yellow gold amethyst 125 on the bag 175 appraisal so maybe appraisal value is higher than resale value I'm not sure here's a 10 karat gold ring with a Ruby center valued at 200 $200 oh my goodness how in the world this was in a garbage bag this was in a garbage bag we don't even we we this is so insane we we spend hours upon hours 14 karat gold videoing this takes so much time and most of it gets cut out to give you a show that you can watch in about 25 minutes so all of the bags we've already been through this is garbage I mean it's not garbage were donating to Goodwill's clothing and stuff and then this was in there this is insane all right appraisal $30 earrings $25 this is crazy I have never ever seen anything like this in my life in a garbage bag I'm gonna admit it you won you won this time oh now she admits it now she admits it guys if you haven't seen our original challenge we'll put it in the comments I think these are pearls yep there they are okay I got a baby can you put this is 150 can you put that luster B quality okay the pearls alright these are white pearls that I just showed you white pearls there's the size B quality good luster okay so all of that these are 14 karat yellow gold with rose gold heart-shaped total value is 175 I feel like you hit the jackpot you definitely this is insane it went from stinky storage unit of rotten food to Oklahoma and there was there was a ton around food in the freezer it was so bad we just scrapped the freezer yeah there's boxes with onions growing we have probably did we have anything good in those boxes we were going to show them or we probably gonna edit that out too yeah you guys okay let's find out what this total is this is crazy here's another $400 ring yes yes yes look at this look at this this is just plain dumb luck is that yeah it's cold this one's gold with the star onyx ring star okay a pair of 14 karat two-tone gold ruby and diamond earrings total value 225 they had to be professionally appraised has she had to have taken it in had everything appraised and then she cut up the slips of paper here's something for 295 we'll have to find out it's not in the bag something for 375 something for 350 topaz we may not have everything is we don't know this is just blowing my mind this is just blowing my mind okay a hundred and fifty pearl earrings gold pearl earrings right there 150 appraisal silver chain yeah she's got $20 written on it silver chain this is just wild here there's another one down here maybe this will be the granddaddy big one there's a star in it whatever it is it's necklace my hands are shaking this is just too crazy this is like Jason a thrift traders stash he found this upended this is a 10 carat white gold Eastern star post matching pen total value 375 75 this was in a garbage bag crazy people store their things and this is so insane all right let the appraisals blow away we need those the wind is blowing we got to turn this off and get this cleaned up that was such a huge score that we hurried up and went through the unit whoever packed this unit did a good job of labeling everything and we came across this so hopefully we find more you also have to say that when we loaded this we never saw it so sometimes we were taking two or three or four different totes and boxes in at a time just trying to get out as fast as possible so all the sudden George sees this and my heart pumping you ready [Music] no that's it that's a jewelry box you hear that oh my goodness we want Indian pins okay so that's not you don't have appraisal stickers in here see that they're silver so even old belt buckles like this is an old belt buckle those are silver so there's a silver and gold collection in here oh my goodness I can't believe this okay now we got to be completely and totally honest with them a lot of times I tell you over and over if unit has a mattress walk away it has a funky smell walk away man these are tangled and this unit had a funky smell I bet that's gold and it had a mattress with a stain on it and I still bid on it and the only reason why I've been on it guys is because George was bidding on it guys trying to treat her so it just goes to show you that I am NOT right it's all dumb luck sometimes profiling helps your luck but this is complete and total dumb luck complete dumb luck on this unit we goof around we goof around I don't see the markings on that one but I bet you some of the gems are real look in the next one because this is going to take us forever to get it undone I'm sure we goof around that we're in a competition and we were in a competition but never in the world did we think we were going to score with this much gold and silver okay all right oh yeah do you see all this that definitely looks like world silver all right let's see what we got holy cow oh man Yelp we got the markings okay there's more over here yeah just said it look at how old some of this is it just needs cleaned up there's the markings wow-wow-wow-wow and you guys tell us all the time some costume jewelry is worth just as much as the gold and silver looks cool though this this doesn't look like real pearls see the string in between there that's just string but how that says Jostens okay so that's a senior pin got some jewelry okay I got a bag here of Clips pins I'll look through those ones let's just see if any of these clips have markings yep ah yes yes more gold more gold these pins right here ah this is so incredible this is another this is another gold stash wow man okay this looks like oriental oh look there's matching earrings and it is it's marked but what is it marked I can't can you guys tell what that's marked if if you can tell what its marked let us know in the comments let say Italy something some of you jewelry experts will know look at all this I bet you there's some real pearl in here ok so if you keep the bad stuff in a garbage bag you probably keep the good stuff in the jewelry box right my goodness look there's looks like a diamond in there right in there this is insane this looks real I don't see any markings but it looks and feels real Wow Wow now you know what we're gonna get comments not do these does he ever stop saying Wow I would like to meet the person that finds a score like this who just sits there straight face then goes yeah exactly I'm sorry I'm not excited I'm gonna make I'm gonna make $5,000 just on jewelry I'm not excited at all yeah that's just a normal day I guess that is kind of normal for us anymore but I don't care I still get excited I love the hunt this is silver yeah we got more silver and more silver you're not in the shot down over right there happy birthday to George on Friday oh wow oh babe look look at this little watch did you see look at this down here oh no there's more than one watch look at this guy's okay all I know is some watches can be worth a ton and some aren't worth anything I don't know anything about them I see profits just found a $20,000 watch how to send them two watches have them appraise them for me let's look at the back okay that's ten karat gold and this one is can't tell it's so hard to try and read through the camera well this one looks like it's the oldest one and this one is a gold outer bracelet I found this really poor charm I think we have a gold chain in here too this is wild I think we got a gold chain in there oh look at this brooch what we need we honestly we have got to find a jewelry expert local do any of our fans subscribers viewers hey even the haters can you suggest somebody who could do a good appraisal and maybe even full-out purchase of if I had to guess we probably have twenty thousand dollars worth of gold and silver jewelry yeah she retired she's out of business now so we have so much we want somebody who will buy all the gold all the silver and all the costume jewelry now but it just needs to be cleaned up if you go oh I'll buy it for you Jeremy I'll give you $400 don't bother we want a serious weirdness for business we live and die by this we want a serious buyer if anybody knows the best place to take them look at this there's a moose on there that's got to be gold what's that looks like real bold to pen Wow yep golden this is gold okay these Thai tax man that mousse why strike out cancer that's appropriate baby look at that where Eagles Cancer Fund strike out cancer this definitely is silver on the back it says sterling baby I think there's another box down here there is did we go through all that all right I'm gonna put this on pause we're gonna fill this back up and we're gonna see what's down in here this is a incredible Wednesday okay George moved the other jewelry box off the top Yeah right there and this is a $400 unit with a nasty mattress that's stunk because all the rotten food in the freezer wow this is just insane do you know what I'm feeling right now baby I'm feeling lucky holy cow I'm not sure what that is but that might be gold on the back there is this I think that's a wash blush for your cheeks you can't make me blush unless we're in front of your mom and she's asking me what I'm gonna marry you then don't make me blush a little bit that's a bone a rib bone right yeah that looks like a real pain wow wow wow wow okay so kind of clip-on earrings look at this piece I wouldn't even know where to look for markings I mean I think this is just costume jewelry but how do you know for sure that's the best why we need an expert see we know something about a little bit of something about a whole lot of everything so that's what with the stone in the middle and then we rely on experts to tell us everything that we don't know so we know enough to buy that I wonder if that's real bone pieces are miss oh here's some of the pieces this is just insane you know what there's more there's gonna be even more look at this somebody took a seahorse and turned it into a pen we found another seahorse and you know it was yeah that was what last fall Wow there's another piece here that looks like real silver that's because it's marked here do you want to put this on your teeth I rub them and see if it's real that one that one doesn't look real to me does it to you this is just wild can you believe this you seriously hit the mother lode look at that we have a dime a little jelly we have a dog tag of somebody this is just you think I hit the mother lode now and you should have been hurt earlier today did you find stuff mr. Finnegan is only is that another sapphire or what was the what was she collecting no that's not the same stone it's pretty whatever it is shall we see what's down below yeah is the rest just all costume wow I guess I'm just dying to look down below I want to see if there's any more appraised pieces okay you're gonna keep going through that yeah okay she's going through that top drawer let's see what that sounds good little gallery see she'll see if we can find Oh looks like looks like we have a gold chain with a pearl definitely looks like oh that's good yeah that's absolutely real gold and okay so here's what they always say is you take the pearl and you rub it on your teeth if and it's gritty it's real yep it's gritty it's very gritty so we have gold and pearl right there oh how does it get any better what is this look at this sweetheart there's a box with okay you ready yeah be careful it's so cold all right and you think that's a jewelry cleaner I don't know like a cloth or something not sure what it is matching box Oh yep let's open that you're right it is the same thing see if it's the same same thing there's like a there's an imprint in here I don't know I'm not as smart as most youtubers look at this this is a New York Empire State zip oh no it's not a Zippo it is a Ritz I found a 14-karat white gold band let's see it Wow it's engraved in the band is that elvish one ring to rule them all looks like elvish to me baby I think that's Elvis I think you found the One Ring I'm invisible now I'm invisible now I'm back there you go look at this lighter it says Ritz on the bottom I wonder if Zippo made it though whoa look at this is this it's a second old hi guys this looks like a makeup mirror you guys look beautiful today you guys okay you're looking Hales good today look at that yeah I showed that one already I didn't look at that yet also lighter what's it say on the bottom they'll be able to read it Bronson world's greatest later when they have it on the big screen or their phone they'll be able to read it Oh what do you think's in here this is the last of it yeah well maybe the last we haven't found with him we've got three four more days days still go in this trailer unit okay BAM yeah that looks like gold yeah baby that's a locket can you hold that let's see if we can open it look at that it's a gold locket Wow yeah without a doubt okay let me see if I can get it for them a close-up how cool is that yeah around the Talon Wow Wow this is costume e md what do you think that stands for I think it stands for empted and we got a big L you guys know what that stands for right jinx you owe me a bob this feels real look at that look at that in the middle Wow oh my goodness okay we got a a meeting tonight we got options we got option anonymous tonight the hell they're never gonna believe this we got to tell them about this tonight they're never ever gonna believe this all right you ready to you gonna keep digging or are we gonna go home for auctions anonymous we gotta set up for tonight all right let's do this this is just crazy you guys ready for the granddaddy total George put all the appraised jewelry out here on the dinner table so this is just it's it's flowing it's everywhere and not only that she actually calculated all the appraisals she got more of the gold and the jewelry and she's just got it everywhere it's it's everywhere right now so the granddaddy of appraisal value that we know of that's on paper eight thousand four hundred eighty five dollars [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 323,311
Rating: 4.7811322 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, found gold and silver, gold, silver
Id: hfQ9_amIK8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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