I Found A Drug Dealers Stash In A Abandoned Storage Unit. (Not Clickbait)

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[Music] well i tell you i was gonna find it here crack yeah yo that's a big one that ain't no bait it's got double holes in it they must have smoked a lot of crack out of that kids don't do crack i told you all what i tell you did i not call this yeah you did go back to yesterday's video i called this like in the first two bags or buckets whatever the heck i looked through i said it was a it was a i shouldn't say crack head but that's the only thing i know that y'all can relate but i told you i was a crackhead unit i told you i knew it yeah so i'm holding this up with my hip look right here that's a safe but here's the deal this is how it was normally in this unit i think there ain't nothing in here this dude was on meth for sure it could be empty because he could already cast out or he could have forgot about what was in him holy [ __ ] i mean it's full yeah it's so full this yo there's cool there's metal and that on there and it all sounds like a jordan you wanna try to give it three drops yeah we'll give it a couple drops real quick cause i gotta know let me do this right here the camera's right there y'all we'll bust us open when we get back to the house but we gotta say baby all right guys i don't think we gotta go to the house move my stuff look right here so i just did the oh and the freaking the lock is bending see it looks like it's been open before so guys give me a minute uh let me see if i can this is all this is a mathematics tool kit it's what i got see look how it's bending up if i put pressure on that side [Music] almost [Music] oh sorry patriot you hurt the picture it's on the side that nobody sees all right guys give me a minute actually no let's keep rolling as soon as you turn it off right i'll pop it open that's how it always works if i can get this big fat daddy in there again yeah there we go that was my nickname high school daddy and i was only 145 all right so let's nail this down some more probably down here they don't look right here they want to see what's going on here they don't care about seeing this all right see right there see it's bending up [Music] i feel like [Music] it's maybe to open uh here here's what i'm gonna do look right here i'm gonna take actually here i'm gonna put straight down on the [Music] block [Music] all right [Music] it's look look right here bend it get in here look show up see right there see how it's dented hold on candy we're almost done [Music] [Music] oh come on come on [Music] we're gonna put the big daddy in there [Music] ah yeah still not gonna show you what's in it till tomorrow night i just said rewind go back i said i would show you the safe i didn't say i show you what's in the safe but just like i showed you uh if the goal was real or not in this video tomorrow night at 7 pm i will show you what's in the safe [Music] welcome to another episode of gratifieds i'm gonna get straight to the freaking point y'all remember that safe that a lot of y'all are mad about said you unsubscribed about y'all look what someone would unsubscribe after that oh people unsubscribe every day over the siblings thank you silly we got back from oklahoma late we planned on getting back from oklahoma i'm sorry bless you getting back from oklahoma then we're gonna run over to the unit grab the safe and then show you what was in it record it we wanted to record it there so anyway while we were getting on the phone or we looked up the time that they closed then it was 3 p.m i assume they all closed at 5 or 6. yeah that was me and you know what they say about assuming it made it out of me so we are heading straight over there right now we tried to call the place but they were already closed so we couldn't go so we looked up for today they're closed as well so look this is past the 72 hours this is my fault i should have looked up what time they closed i figured we'd be over there by at least four o'clock i've never had one close at four but this yeah but at three this is a smaller place though and hey it's their prerogative the rules were clear the time was clear is my fault so if i have to pay the penalty i pay the penalty i had 100 deposit on it but i'm pretty hopeful because these people were very gracious very nice and they actually told gina that the important thing is is that it's just gone so i think they're gonna be understanding but anyway we're heading straight over there hopefully there's not a red lock on it when we get there if there's not one we're gonna go ahead and throw this up in the truck and go through the safe with you guys and i'm gonna tell you right now i peeked in the safe you give me i did too there's round things there are around things and there's things that rhyme well those round things rhyme with a word what's the word that rhymes i was gonna say gold it rhymes with gold yeah pray for us that there's not a red lock on the unit again my fault my bad i hope they forgive me hey guys hey we're in a 10-footer y'all this is the first time we freaking rented a 10-footer i know they're so small so never mind i'm gonna leave that one alone so hey check it out we are in a little 10-footer u-haul we're gonna head over there we're leaving the patriot here because it's right up the road and then on the way back we'll pick the patriot up we rented this for how many days five five days because we're cleaning the freaking garage out we got a lot of unboxing to do this week because y'all we still might find a ton more gold and silver let's head over to the unit and see what's in the seat please they'll be a red light please don't look like there is right there right there no oh yeah about to get it we're gonna get all of our stuff well they had all the rookies to say the safes in here we're gonna get the safe out my battery's dead on my camera so we're gonna take it back to the house and record there little bit more stop yeah boy all right guys all right so look i've almost gone through all this so we're gonna throw this on the truck we're gonna go through it tomorrow it's sunday it's the lowest day we're gonna take it off hang out together right right all right so hey we're going to throw this on the truck and then we're going to go back oh what's it say y'all look all right hey i'm going to show you one thing on the safe but i don't want to actually go get the camera let me see if i can get one scene out of that okay all right guys so we've got enough for what are we on red bar we're a red bar okay uh my cameras to die i don't want to film on my phone so i'm gonna have to go home charge the battery for a little bit but i'm gonna show you one thing in here uh i put everything back in here didn't i yeah you did let's see there's there's lots of things in here that i can show you let's see let me pick one uh so this is one right here [Music] that's what i'm going to show you but y'all this battery's about to die i'll show you this too i think that that's either silver or white gold um anyway hey i'll show you what's in the thingamajiggy it's like coming you don't ever feel paranoid that's what crack does kids don't smoke crack you end up looking like this i'm joking i only smoke crack for like two weeks from a bad influence when i was 22 i think and that was the fastest two weeks of my life and i'll never do it again all right guys so we have made it back to the house and i'm gonna film and this freaking jacket is this duff on this in there you did i found this jacket in this unit y'all look he looks like the marshmallow you just told me that's what you said that's not what i said no you said you i said it i said it makes your legs look little in the top of you but i already have little legs i know you're wearing your joggers you're wearing joggers and a puffy jacket that's three sizes too so here's the deal y'all i'm wearing this in this video because i was gonna keep this but she has killed my self-esteem any or any hope of self-esteem that i would have wearing this jacket out in public so be all is it not killer to be in the auction don't go get my feet on barefoot get your feet i was showing them the jacket hey y'all like it y'all like it do i look like a pear all right but check it out here's the safe no joke i have not taken the stuff out of here i got the little thingamajiggies out of it but the papers and stuff we might find cash i don't know so let's give them an initial look oh i must knock the batteries loose because remember that was working all right guys so hey let me get everything out of the safe onto the counter and we'll go through it together i told y'all that i would do the same video in fact i'm almost doing a whole video on this stick and save cause some of y'all's nasty comments it was worse than being called a pair all right guys i'm just gonna throw some of this stuff up here actually i told dana just let's roll let's roll y'all oh did i film this no i told you about it oh we got to throw this stuff away this is what i was going to call the police officer we were going to call the police so i was going to call the uh and look it's in a what kind it's in like a marijuana cookie bag but it's not nothing to do with marijuana highly illegal and i was actually going to call the cops up to the storage unit and i forgot you did because y'all look use your discretion if i find like marijuana or something or like that and there's no toilet i'm not too worried about that because one i film my stuff right and i can go back and tell the cops and they can see where i bought it but there's sometimes it is smart to call the cops like because this is like a super duper felony and saying that by the time look some of my haters were like calling the cops right yeah it's already gone i promise you hey but i'm going to show you what's in this y'all hear that clinking and it's not a pipe it's actually the illegal substance i'm going to show it to you at the end of this video all right let's get some more papers yo i'm hoping we find some cash yeah yeah her vagina what oh her viagra why would you lock that up i don't know i don't have yo are you recording yeah i don't have my glasses on forgive me i realized what i just said but that's really what it looks like do this right what did it say vegan her uh oh viagra right viagra on a piece of paper real quick so you see that i wasn't joking cross your eyes and try to read it and tell me that it might not look like that word oh it's the observer big guns for small towns all right look you got these [Music] uh oh some more legal substances oh really yeah yo yeah i'm not joking make sure we don't have any cash or anything it's weird like the bills and stuff that people put in stuff like this they're still struggling all right let me show them something cool before they leave drug bags look that's all drug buggies that's for crack oh really yes for cracker because you can break the crack rock up a little bit enough and look how tiny that baggie is because it makes it easy for the hand off or you can like put it in your prison wallet you can hide this in a little lot of places i know way too much about this here i bet you anything this was the drug phone i'm gonna guarantee it yeah because remember i found his big scales it looked white powder on it can you see it oh yeah that's gross [Music] all right hey y'all i might try to charge these up you want to charge these up maybe that's why i had so many phones yo no that's you that's that is the little drop phones you know the little burner phones you just get them and use them for a little bit and you do that so the cops can't trace them all right this is actually in pretty dang good condition what iphone is that uh three four four y'all look do we have a charger for that um yeah that'd be cool but that's a good shape yo people buy these yeah they do oh where's that one thing what thing oh this here's one of the things down here all right guys so check this out this is says 1980. let's see if i can get close look it's a 1880 um it's a s it's a morgan half dollar so here's the deal i need to check so here let me tell you these can be fake okay you saw the gold coin where's the gold coin okay here's here's one of the gold coins that i found in the safe okay i'm gonna show you something in just a minute okay one of the things on your gold and i need to get one i ran out of acid for the scratch kit actually i lost the whole thing i don't even know where anything is i know diamond thing freaking burned up in the fire freaking my big magnet freaking burned up in the fire but the first thing you can do is if you can't tell by eye you can take a magnet to it i have a big magnet on there so we're going to take this to this this gold coin it says 1870 let me set it down for you okay and then there's this one that didn't sound right hey man oh look down in here you can show them no don't show them yet okay so check this one out [Music] liberty 1929 uh so there's that okay uh oh man yo more viagra yeah yeah that's gonna say you want to you want to do a disgusting justin but i'm not no don't do that please uh okay oh whoa yeah look at that you know what that is steroids yeah yeah you know how i know took these for about a year too when i was like 23. it was dumb i know i know look there's a lot of this in here [Music] for real yeah oh i found a thumb drive you know i'm looking on that one y'all want to look on that no i don't want to look on that one yo why you found nudie pics in there don't you didn't you find porn i yeah but not on a thumb drive i know but don't you think that maybe y'all look these are all steroids yeah this is this is straight testosterone 250 milligrams of testosterone this is sustanon and what these do is these are different i'm not hey don't do this stuff this stuff will kill your liver liver think about it your heart is a freaking heart attack it's your heart's a muscle and i'm telling you i was pumping a lot of the stuff in me and the results were amazing and it was great but the freaking is probably one of the reasons why my liver has some problems sometimes you know what i mean so don't do drugs hey man what is in here all right let's see i was trying to see if there's something that's enveloped on some rings okay collection notice oh that's sad how much 363 dollars oh y'all look here's some rings let's see if i can tell what that is where's your stamp that's at least silver it's probably silver that's silver that's some kind of that looks fake yeah that's that looks like a fake pink pinky ring y'all that goes good with my jacket don't [Music] um [Music] why you got a ticket let's see what you got to take it for [Music] oh wait is this a ticket no that's not in the mail hi guys that's my ticket it's a receipt yeah i know that duh duh uh oh is it for the storage unit y'all check it out what uh some of you already probably saw something didn't you oh i gotta show him with some this okay but hold on okay here's this ignore the dirty dishes behind me that's my fault yeah look at this i cleaned the rest of the kitchen right tell them i did my job he did he did i did my job all right so check it out these say copy on them you see can you focus in on these hold on let me flip these over and she's gonna scan around and kind of show you how these are stamped copy all right so these all say copy on them so that makes me think these might be real right here i have to check these uh if these were ccs like carson cities i'd be automatically they're fake but um because they're not cc's i gotta check these here's how to check if these were super big key dates which i just needed to check and make sure they are then you probably assume they're fake if they're not in their general people don't fake like uh what are people not fake people don't fake stuff that's not worth a lot you know what i mean so what i'm saying is if it's a key date it's probably fake nobody's running around faking uh johnny manziel like rookie cars you know what i mean nobody's doing that why because it's trash it's not worth anything you don't spend the the product that you spent on uh what's the word counterfeiting the product would be worth more than his card and i'm just you i'm not hating on the dude he just he stinks he had a bad attitude he couldn't get his stuff right hope he is now man pray for you johnny why am i even talking about johnny anyway so check it out look i have a magnet and they're not sticking that doesn't mean they're real but here's what it means it just means that the base metal is something um that is not uh going to stick to that could it be silver absolutely these actually sell on ebay and amazon for like you can get 20 30 40 bucks a piece for these and we will sell these in the auction but we're going to make sure that we put that they're copies and i'm going to look them up just to make sure that they're not like gold-plated silver because even if it's silver then you're still looking at at least 40 bucks a piece so i'll do a little bit of research on these and i'll let you guys know in the next video uh if these are real that looks like silver to me they do they always look like silver rounds rather than morgan's to me no these are just really nice morgans these morgans look real to me [Music] so here's what's in the bag you already kind of saw some i gave it away but y'all look it's just did you found more well yeah look that's like more testosterone well so what's what a lot of these do like you'll have like what i took i don't even know what i'm telling you all this well i'm just telling you why there's so many different kinds because some like harden the muscle um some like really cut fat like real hardcore uh like testosterone growth hormones are like for bulking there's something for ripping it's wild y'all there's a whole freaking thing but actually when i got into that for about man thank you jesus i'm still alive i've done so much dumb stuff in here just in this video y'all learned i took steroids and smoked crack when i was [Music] young [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 24,275
Rating: 4.8247809 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, best vloggers, lunkers tv, Googan squad, YouTube auction, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, duck dynasty, abandoned safe, safe found, abandoned safe found, whats in the safe, breaking into safe, how to break into safe, sentry safe, open safe, safe open, dumpster diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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