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[Music] what's up peeps what's up things what's up pussycat we fought out peppa pig today he's wellies look at him right yeah so we're going to go check out another abandoned house as we always do another country lane as you can see there's literally japan nothing right when you're walking in the rain apart from the houses there but yeah it looks pretty cool yeah i thought it was quite good you ready for it yup we never know what we're gonna find what are we gonna find today something like that that's what we brought you to guys an abandoned container it's amazing when you head to places like completely in middle of nowhere oh look at this old is that look at the old barns we don't normally start on the outside of wet in but this time we're gonna look at the old furnitures today here look at the mirrors the dress is broken at the old bed-free [Applause] this place has appeared just already through the window look at the sewing machine how beautiful is that [Applause] that is really close what's up youtubers so this is a pure true true time capsule definitely already looking around mark like you can see yourself like it's it's so old in this place so right behind us would be your front door this is the way in to this place we would have come straight for the front door but in this time we didn't the back door part was completely open so we just walked in but we're starting at the front door so we give you a tour of this place let's go so we're gonna try and find out what we can about this place if i already do we may put it in the intro before this so you may already know before i'm saying this now but let's get on with the video you ready let's go cover up let's go so look the first room we're going to bro check that fire out yeah i was just thinking that fireplace is all nice look we literally know nothing about this place so that's what makes it so cool when we have to like investigate as we go around and explore so many kids toys literally on the floor everywhere oh look do you remember these are banana splits just that's such an old book you can see just looking at some of these knitting patterns and stuff now i remember these my men had stuff like this 25 things to do to make for your babies you know like nowadays maybe people just google stuff and the wombles there oh what is that it's a cupboard in the fireplace that's really crazy like if people have seen that before let us know in the description what's that about why do they have like a little walkway behind it hmm oh wow you can see something's been kind of nesting in the chimney there look at that is that an egg dave turn it it's not and look at the old fireplace kind of gives that um what do you call it i'm trying to think of the name like uh art deco kind of like 70s there's so many books here and as i said like the children's prams so maybe these were left at the grandparents who knows because look at the little dolls here the grandparents actually yeah wow love the beautiful old portraits it's creepy when you hear that oh wow look i thought there was a door end of the way out but obviously there's no bit there bro let's go for it let's have a look it's like an old coin or something oh look also look at the doll and the bear well how cool that is it's probably also been made by the grandma or something knitting and the old hoover so just proves a lot of people in the uk we just now we say we're just doing the hoovering so it could be of a dyson or anything but it's actually a brand we say we'll just do the hoovering and these i've seen a lot of these in a lot of the old houses we've explored the old brass dishes it's a helicopter that helicopter's trying to find us bro love these little gold cupboards you know it's like the little bits and bobs covered you know little things you just put away collect off probably an old toy badge easy unit so many cool things that curries curries doesn't even exist anymore rock and roll giants little richard billy preston d clark some great there and i'm i'm a massive um plasterers and stuff i'm a massive rock and roll fan we're gonna shut this as well the old paint picture there this is how we found this place exactly bro take me through the door let's go watch through the door dude show me around bro you tell me what's happening here assuming this is the living room maybe look at here the molding it's not is i don't feel well this is not the ceiling bro it's just all falling down what films are the place is falling down oh i can't think wow look at mark look at the early radio mark who needs a radio are you ready mark yeah yeah mockingbird is it bush put your bush away mate that is i believe parts of an old camera just makes you laugh hold that in your hand now compared to like you would carry that around now look at how easy it is fun bro you can use my torch if you do oh that's pretty cool look at that that is really cool very very retro just makes you wonder what this sort of thing is recorded the kind of music this last played it's definitely man the heads knew took the lamp off so many things look all the old alderman's bro [Music] all right they look kind of creepy he's like old dolls leave her alone she's armless no all the ornaments all broke i just literally had a bit of sealant fall down my trousers it's the most excitement i've had today look at these just the old postcards i think they're all postcards maybe not buddy is muffin the mule as sexual offense so how does we know there's muffin the mule a sexual offense little christmas decoration bit there what is this elizabeth 1953 i don't know what that would have been used for it looks like maybe like a into a cake or something i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure the free the form i sorry the card clock look at all this stuff here the old pictures there's an old like um symbol there cross punch repair kit here you go bro for your bike because i'm melting oh that is hella still oh it's feathers so many things uh look at this makes you wonder as well didn't it man like what kind of notes are still there in this place i can't find anything to do with names or anything yet okay hold on so we've got a mr c we can't i don't want to say the surnames all right as a farmer's book here notebook nothing in there just trying to find like an old letter or something so in here this is a farmer's notebook just again just the first bit look at the old tv license 149. this is so cool oh look at this oh that's old isn't it look at that yeah obviously look at that old floor cleaner all wood as well look at that as well the british manufacturing that is so cool to hugh bank what is that country music mark country rules here's a well piece this is a really cool thing well i like the way these do these enough a case for the old country music the country girls all the greatest hits quest uh duets country style it's classics so look at this as well rod it's doing its plastic i had that a little uh 45 yeah that's so cool so these are singer sewing machine oh this would have been like an old dresser this part of the ceiling's just literally falling there and there the old tv we've got the granada look at this cupboard they have little christmas decks another place it's crazy isn't it well we see this all the time it just upsets me to think that so many places look there's a little dress still hanging out oh wow another old picture there that nearly missed him so many memories decaying away in it it's a christmas decoration so that would have gone in there all right let's head around let's head out go up yeah bro i don't know where you want to go forever man into the bathroom oh there's a little bear again a bit blue i'm still here in this bathroom that the toothbrushes the cobwebs the little bear i don't know why he's sitting in that in there here we're gonna cover it up and look at all this what is where's traxen this is crazy isn't it look at that bath does anyone want a bath most luxurious bath i bet they're still closed today no you can see that the wind is literally just completely falling out the glass these old smoke pipes clever old camera love these old cameras show me you know just left look at the old scouts look guys this literally this is out in the back garden there it's mad isn't it you see these old black and white photos he's family how far they go back in this place they're really hard to see on camera but so many like negatives and stuff and the decay and all the moths are just eating her away let's go have a little look around lastly much longer is it not easy in the kitchen it's like taking my nose run proper bad you know just the uh i can feel it as well dust in my nose look at his wellies and her when he's bro i've never seen what is this kind of brush for does anyone know it's like so long no oh yeah a little table obviously a little couple probably just sat around here that's all they need it's got everything they need here we've got a ray bearing boil a ray-ban oil ray burn ray burn a little hot that little hot pit so i believe a lot of these they're probably all in there just stay hot all the time that could be wrong look at this what's that would you say belling yeah there's again a little hot stove bit these are open that milk carton oh no way that's the way it's gone look at it bro look everything's still here man a lot of tea bags today look how they used to use everything as well man just put their tea bags in a little uh strawberry jam yeah mark we've got our petroleum jelly you ready for some fun oh look this is so sad when you see this wait there did you recognize where that is in this room so many memories bro it really upsets me when i see all this around the novel john so many things this is annoying but we can't save it can we i like to leave my little tag on the bottle oh wow look these are all phones as we said before you imagine giving a child now and said ring 999 in america 9-1-1 and it's that whole and why did they put the emergency number on the last digit seemed to be like i mean look you'll be like quick quick quick it's coming we won't do the other one just in case no we've got no dial tone what's that that's kind of creepy all right if anyone knows what this part is here it looks maybe is that the chimney stack no it wouldn't be woody it's just there so any notes here anything last to see 1996 do you know what i can believe it yeah the way the decay displaces i look at the tins there man oh that's actually going to fall that's going to fall down there's so many things here as well and you're seeing this place just how we seen it we literally we've not seen any rooms ourselves we're literally going around we use that's how we film all the cutlery and you can see that how long it's been here yeah i can believe it man this place is so so i can fit in my throat as well can you oh my not so much my throat but my nose is running out well look i won't show any of these bills but this is from 1996 1997 this is this is the bill and a name on here okay so it's mr dc it's uh so it would have been a mr mr pritchard but i'm not really getting nothing else at the moment this place i haven't seen anything like a woman's name it's just been him i look at the phillips shave still hanging up the coats you imagine so this is probably the main door they would have used more because of the way the coats are here like and i'm getting this they're all man's jackets as well and all obviously wellies actually know and one well is full of water as well you can see the way it's just leaking down so just coming back through the hallway this is the way the water's dripping literally coming down on us all the time you're upstairs bro huh oh look at this it looks kind of like a wealthy family like a lot of this family maybe would have been or holiday pictures yeah true but look at these beautiful estates man look at that that is incredible so many beautiful pictures in here and it's sad that you know that no one's gonna like look after them now mark she's waiting for you that's a beautiful church chapel war it's like a scrapbook of memories or places they visited or collected like pictures yeah or like postcards or what is this whom the scrolls comrades was numbered among those that was dear to the that's just pretty cool have a little read of that so cool so many oh look at this one let me show them it's got addresses on there so we're not going to show that in there but the jar james you should wonder what's in here as well timberland yeah i could do one of them some nights in bed you know you know everyone's had that moment when you get comfortably in bed and you need that wee and you know you gotta get up so many like checks and stuff but i don't want to go through too much with the paperwork and stuff because that's how places get out guys and we are literally to turn over so many checks here and stuff so we're not going to go through that there's too many dresses i could see straight away that's how i see the ball oh yeah little bear named the film rod you've got two seconds ready one two the rocky barbara poster that's actually quite an old poster as well had i hung that on my wall oh it's a kitchen knife so it sounds like a really old sort of dated knife down there it's weird and it's like they've put this up to kind of you know make it like a bedroom so i'm getting a feeling that was storing stuff up here what is that that's pretty i feel like someone's crawling up my back man so many books like the coral island the little woman and this looks quite an old book i hate leaving stuff like that i just you know makes you want to stay here and tidy all up but i want to see guys and girls we could stay and tidy up so many places got some stuff here something like a couple of little birthday cards that's it health and happiness success is my dear and one so it's obviously been made the guitar doug an engagement car congratulations from doug and may loads of stuff so that makes you look the book of jewish cookery maybe they wanted to experiment a little bit she looks creepy i don't care what anyone says she's not happy about us on you i don't know she looks quite cute actually it's got blue eyes we stomach a lot oh look at that you know like a gift set with your tissues 10 tier tear oh look how old he is that's padded and bear on it and what is that paddington bear maybe yeah that's it i'll break it rip it off but whatever look yeah he's open oops he's what's that piece please look after me this thanks just dear bear yeah look yeah copyright i've seen 1977 yeah he's actually he's actually in really good condition yeah he looks real good oh bless him he's cool it makes me sad like you know you like him i'd like to save him it's probably we'd end up with ourselves like this ourselves weren't we yeah that's right no i don't want to get i don't want to get damaged item in a box somewhere hopefully someone are finding they're not stealing right so next room are you right man oh you put a lot on here is kind of weird oh it's another a room again now he's a very old bear look he is very very old i can't see a maker on him but i think he's got plastic eyes so i'm not sure how old he is but you know he's definitely old feeling the old books as well the fur glove i fold in it love these old trunks man or suitcases as we call them some books in there and all charlotte homes all five pieces just make sure won't remember that our money used to be really big oh that's cool you're painting that's too flat no what no way 2008 just kind of throw me completely off again they've kept all the old packaging look how old some of these are not really but what's the dates on some of these like cowgirl look how old they are it's cool they've kept it's mad when you look back at old packaging yeah 2002. we've actually kept everything all the old boxes this is a bit of a bit of a squeeze to call this one la bamba oh look at the magic robot the old games that's really cool though just so many bits these are small rooms our ass called no ruin furnace abbey wonder where that is i don't know these things is a really claustrophobic kind of room it's a very small i'm just proving that this probably would be just two-bedroom maybe you know put this up and next door maybe kind of put it into a free bed but i suppose you might do rain's car okay amazing is it yeah all right i think it's old toys that's like a shooting thing yeah oh hello scarecrow shooting target guns up on top of that cabinet that's really cool right let's head out look at the old baby high chair so many bits this is like one of the barns i can't really get in there but like it's incredible these [Applause] so many little cool buildings art buildings so exploring another time capsule that place was incredible uh we didn't really find that too much at the moment but i may try and find out some more history i'm gonna try and find out some more history so yeah hopefully at the beginning of this you would have heard the history anyway but for now i'm going to say we didn't find out a lot but it's an incredible find another place we've done and yeah so guys yeah if you're new to the channel check out the rest of the stuff don't forget to hit that don't forget guys to like subscribe and yeah follow us on it doesn't cost nothing to subscribe it means it absolutely well to us my breath can't breathe sign of struggle guys you know i've just had the op so i'm doing alright if you wish to donate anything to the channel as patreon follow us on facebook instagram twitter snapchat we're on it you got it love you all stay safe you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 31,495
Rating: 4.9520073 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses 2021, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Id: upNzmOeGd94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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