1978 McDonald Relic Found? Abandoned Storage Unit!

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there is a ton of trash but there's a lot of cool stuff well I'd like to say maybe creepy so it was cool stuff right so let's recap I think this is probably one of the coolest things we found I'm gonna switch sides for the light oh hey where're we on this way where we fell no when we found these I don't know I don't think we work okay so we also found [Music] hey guys and welcome to another why do I do that every time I think does Jesus do that I think I think he does they clap for one video I got way out of control clapping so anyway there goes our intro so anyway welcome to a special edition to grimes fines because every episode lately has been a special edition right yeah cool right yeah you know I got screwed here Jacob David alright Leo's Tommy's hurting him so he's in the party I mean he'll be back soon to help us right so hey real quick we are here in what city with and we are in Dallas Texas we're about about an hour away from the freaking shop but we're really only like 19 miles from the shop that's now it's traffic by anyway we're here at unit 60 something special about this unit it's not mine we're here helping a friend if you remember about three no not even three or four videos we've been knocking videos out huh so probably about 15 maybe 10 or 15 videos back you saw where we were over at a new YouTube channel or is it he's starting YouTube wall back kinda like us right we started with seven a half months ago cubby almost nine million this YouTube's hard I can't do it in tandem with my business and put the energy into it but luckily we got blessed to meet what the hell storage pirate auction is actually responsible for you get me back into YouTube speaking of storage fire if you haven't checked out the pirate booty option it is alive right now check any video the links everywhere pre-registration is longing on and we've got like over 300 people in there bidden but we expect that to go way way up because we still got five days but make sure to go do that make sure also to go to my future channels like subscribe hit the bell make sure to go to the junk Simmons channel like subscribe hit the bell he's going to have several videos coming out about this unit and speaking of judgment come on in say hello alright so we're here wow you explained it well last week I had this well couple days ago actually we bought this unit for $50 and I believe it is a crazy artist unit it's a 10 by 20 which is right what about the right yeah you guys your shops full of weird oh yeah yeah all right oh yeah there was some more of that stuff so I automatically bid I couldn't even help myself so if you haven't seen the video go back I can't remember what it is but there's a weird creepy doll on the thumbnail and me and him are on the thumb go back kind of see how we met how we've been working in it's just kind of here's deal it's kind of like the pirate auction right we flew to California he's got a killer locker what you spent on this 50 50 bucks and we still don't know how big it is we know it's at least in by the morning oh yeah right I was worried it smoked crack this morning [Laughter] let's so here's the I'm gonna keep talking while you pop the lock open hey this how good this unit might be he put to the freakin locks on whoo so here's the deal so I was watching him premiere last night on this video he had texted oh there he is say what ugly still millions lockers but we're gonna get that going I'm so here's deal what was I saying before that hey you know why cuz I clap a lot and I say here's the deal and now I'm bout to say uh-oh about 1022 times probably when we get in here so here's the deal he bought this this guy's already got a huge shop he's got a shop outside of his big property he's got a perfect setup go watch the video or money orders it's fine it's really cool organized quarter is what somebody's very organized for so here's the deal dude's got a lot on his plate this is what we do we handle mash lots of stuff so we came out here with team up on this once we get into this we're gonna fill out the paperwork same thing we did we're gonna say 50/50 right we're doing he purchased the unit but here's the deal people buy what he bought it for 50 bucks I brought two trucks I brought a freaking crew crew that's been knocking it out of the park the last freakin today I'm showing them our talk oh yeah Texas heat I do y'all hear I explained to him take some time then make your work area we what are we big on what do we do to a work area before start work crap prep it we prep our work station and we're taking prep into a whole new level because Texas so check this out okay we got our tubs out I'm trying to make this video as long while we're doing this bond talking so much is education when we started this channel we said we would always be an educational channel to with entertainment but why because we know there's millions of people after they want to resell it so some people just thought you don't know how to get started so guess what we're trying to teach you how let's pop to say oh my gosh let's do this litleo space he just bit his bottom lip I didn't know if he was flirting with me or he thought the unit was just like what the heck is going on look at this so this is probably for like a bobcat or something a mid-sized cat not a midsize maybe a smaller bigger than a small Wildcat so check this out he's feeling all these these are what go underneath taxidermy right hey what is Katy's favorite thing to touch hey if y'all go back in the video she hates taxidermy so check this out you started popping some of these boxes open is really weird like they color coded their stuff okay check it out we got books right older books we'll go through those because we're gonna try to maximize this one thing I do see is I think this may have been more than a taxidermist oh yeah white clear white white white yellow this is weird old wallpaper looks like you got paint here's the deal this is totally a unit that I would buy this is absolutely unit I would buy why it's a massive stuff and it scares other people they took the time to wrap it it's a bed oh it looks like a spindle yeah it's a fruit so check it out they took the time to do that no telling mounted 1993 uh what is this a table so here's the deal uh here's the deal who says that who did I get that from George told me last night from what the hell's here's the deal I think it's George doctor yes Alex didn't I think he always says here's the deal I stole that from him I filmed the clap from GV I don't know what I stole from pirate yet but i'm cherylin steal something from them I stole two dare me Jeremy from Jeremy so I'm stealing something for Mama fair accounts hey y'all wanna just do a little bit of unboxing right now yeah let's do it all right guys we're gonna pull these white bodies down let's make a road here a road here and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a row of boxes here because we know you want to see some unboxing and let us do that we'll be right back and we'll just do some unboxing yeah as we go and every load that's what today's for you got anything else all right we'll be right back yeah look right here we're just taking off this top section and so right now it's a little weird I don't know what they were doing with plastic but all of these boxes so far here's a deal right now let it be a bus oh no what you think just do was save them plastic either we don't know here's the thing about these unit this one's gonna be an emotional roller coaster I tell you right now I'm gonna cry out a bit of already cuz it looked cool you spent 50 bucks on over you might try the formula I'm on I still like that we got stuff wrapped in plastic see hey that's how you do it right there see how that looks like it's just a big like centerpiece for like a buffing yeah maybe blends the whole duct there so this stuff we're going to set aside anything breakable what these tubs are for or either for a trash or there for good self items all right we're an auction house for word YouTube channel table just all kinda furniture leg hey I'll tell you what if this thing ends up being a bust you're coming over and we're making a bunch of heart all right hey let's pull some more boxes out we'll get them on that we started doing it like I said we're gonna do the first time it was all shredded plastic yeah that's old fifty or twelve hundred at $12.50 all right want to get this back and research I don't know but this is really cool we're gonna set this aside that this definitely got some age good call David hey David filing enemies look like some maybe some kind of molds or something US Patent Aqua Medic division plastics coming Long Island City then look like there might be some there's a foot it's not allowed no more hey so for real this time we're gonna take a break we're gonna get boxes lined out that way we can do bring you the best video the best content possible hey guys welcome back so hey look look who I got to climb on top hey check this out though ideal toy company it's a skating monkey I'm hoping when you find the front of this book where you put the batteries for 200 bucks yes we're missing a hat and we're missing a part of the boob hey even that one without the Hat so plugs so hopefully we'll put on this will find the weird look you're right look they put rabbit fur yeah I don't want to I don't want to break the ear on that yep so check out the back this is what we're seeing okay so check it out guys here's what we're seeing uh look galvanized bucket right maybe a big well bucket or something oh so we got it out flames that's the kind of stuff that's gonna sell we do bit eight you can still bid on it you can still bid on it because you might just get it might get up so high and you're blonde I'd rather have the 200 bucks someone's gonna pay for the crazy piece I don't know man that's weird have you ever seen Leo put it on hey don't get you sweaty hot dogs on the fur I'm joking I was gonna say that is cool I bet they came up a ride or so let me say underneath yeah hey be very careful looks like it's cracking is that poor okay so hey this is killer is there any stamp on that or anything that's really cool so let's set that aside that's got to be hey our now is that its dad that's wearing that all right Katie so hey here's what's gonna happen we are going to keep on boxing let us get the first part of this auction or auction this storage unit out onto the truck and then we'll be right back welcome back so as you can see we're about what five feticide maybe yeah so we're about five and a half feet of this thing so anyway I just pop this open here's what I saw on top Justin what you think laptop what we got I do see comic books in here comics mostly comic and even some other look green eggs and ham sam-i-am any old letters ooh vance dance so we were just talking I thought I found some stamps mm-hmm and we didn't it was weird stuff again all right let's see what we got looks like some newer Disney stuff Scrooge 1939 on these brothers on the letters awesome hopefully I don't know we'll check them with 42:44 Oh check it out Archie and the Ninja Turtles that's cool yeah it's ours a lot I have that one oh yeah you have a crafter contest yeah all right so let's just kind of look down here we will unbox this better when we get it back looks like a lot of ephemera stuff it's good stuff in here [Music] all right there's that force more creepy stuff oh look at that killer freaking stool with that wood bottom on it that's gonna be a cool store right there oh yeah so look there's a ton of freaking junk in this unit I think we're gonna have a pretty kind of cool like oddities yeah freakin sell never done one before but hey my example target market people who like weird stuff like this it did say it was the junk simmons unis you said a lot of drugs more black plastic crap this is weird guys this is so freaking weird all right it's all color-coordinated plastic pieces hey here's the deal so you get all the molds right yeah when you mold stuff they're gonna want to separate in the college unless you're going for some kind of weird like a Fetty pattern or yeah so he's probably melting I'll splash it down into those molds and that's what he's done in case you need libels we got some good cupcakes here so we have been fine and art actually here let's go do an unboxing report out someday literally is hump day and we got a body wrapped up in here we're gonna wait and see that's just weird hey let's unbox it yeah okay so I did pop this box open and I saw that it was let me help so let's see what we got in here put it on us you're squeezing right here oh yeah work blood queen McFarlane Toys not worth the time okay I see a case honey - oh look nice all these are like 70s yeah this is yeah wiener dog pull go ahead that strawberry it's got a $13 more that looks like strawberry shortcake well looks like maybe it was a American Greetings for Hey look man yeah there's a big market okay this was a dude cases are he's probably making like dioramas are some that's a weird ring green out cat someone's gonna buy that for some reason have you noticed your Bobcat here house cat hey little wood art they started work on that guess it's probably a mom and child it's probably what I'm gonna go for either that or it's a guy who just decided this never mind that's bad I was gonna make a what's his mailing middly completely simple right it's gotta have three eyes three eyes anyway oh okay hey if I pull one thing it's kind of also gives few minutes let it get some more stuff out here and pop all right guys hey welcome back so I'm gonna be real honest with you we're about halfway through this unit now with a fine enough bunch of trash but we're finding some cool stuff too so real quick I had the junk I'm running get his camera he doesn't know what I'm talking about no that's everything okay he didn't night he didn't know what's in here I did see something it is wrapped in plastic I don't know if the guy made it or if it's original if it's an original something if it's what I think it is y'all wanna know what I'm talking about sure I think what I'm seeing right now is a Ronald McDonald head I think it's either a clown it's wrong McDonald but the dudes staring at me real creepy like he wants to tell me a cheeseburger so hey Leo come here Leo's taller so I don't want to break it all right hey you see can you see it from over there I can yeah if that's what I think it is here do that guys that could be the money if that's that for some rule is real and if it's Ronald McDonald which it might not be I might not be X I'm thinking in my mouth it what is it paper mache okay oh maybe it is McDonald's I think there's just an older one it's older came up late 70s what if this cod yep the bolts are on the right ah lo got it off the playground let's go outside Gaga's after this okay okay hey right when I was getting discouraged I don't know what camera to watch I might watch my camera camera camera lenses whoo David go pull the plastic off of this baby that row no with this for a blown up blow it was the balloon was the only thing I remember that oh yeah cuz look it hooks onto the okay somebody get the phone out and look up brother or mommy go see what would you call it helium head toppers out there number helium topper oh wait look 1977 McDonald's hey yo this could be worth like two grand this is definitely the centerpiece of the auction so far I think so so far McDonald's what we call it helium this is definitely got some helium that's what I would assume put in 1999 teen 77 helium there's a happiest oh that's it let's see that's not a soul jet 510 bucks for a real good one for a real good one 93 139 350 what does this one have the weird eyes there's a couple of different woman says 90 77 yeah okay 300 hey here's the thing what the way the auctions go I'm gonna build up competition we're gonna try to see if we can get woman all right okay hey I still think this is gonna be easy 200 bucks so here we go hi we're deficit all right we're gonna pose with that with the heads on alright guys so we are gonna keep digging in empty some more out hopefully we'll find some more stuff like that and if we do we'll be right back try now yeah yes and Paz I just run my mind go ahead okay okay so welcome back we are colleague skin around so check it out so we are I am about four feet from the wall we have gotten to all these boxes I'll tell you what we found we found a bunch of just crazy crap so we're probably gonna have like some kind of oddities so actual fall camera actually be pausing here to go along alright so this is the kind of stuff we're finding just I mean doll heads boxes and boxes full of things that say heads but here's the thing judgements on a little research where I do more just to confirm everything are suspicious but this unit might have belonged to a famous artist we know the name matches the famous artists we know that the art that that artist made matches a lot of the weird crap refineries so chances are it probably is so hey it may look like there's not a ton in here but if we can draw the dots or connect the dots to that artist then we've got some of the pieces we found acid peaches peaches 95-pound peaches in any way so we are about 10 pounds lighter and I figured with that let's get a little bit more unboxing because we've got back to here Jake hey I'm and each other we're gonna move through these real fast so I'm gonna hand them down to y'all and we'll kind of browse through we are finding some boxes we found some old McCoy wall pockets or wall planters things like that so there is some good stuff in here it's just it's a matter of getting them back from going through research Oh already that is killer it looks like a it looks like their I don't know if this is older like a baby with [Music] look Moorehead faces yes would you planners okay so check it out let's check out one more so these are a head basis these are killers happy berry this is gonna go in the 17th clear hey this one check yeah yeah these are great the Jase the Pirates these orange oxen pirate look at that hey speaking of storage auction pirate guess who might be here tomorrow elves storage by George Tucker yeah so hey we got to get this crap done all right be very careful with this easy take it easy lemon squeezy the boxes lid is still attached all right go hey David help him down with that please so that's pretty definitely got a more modern sticker on it planners and things cool we'll look it up okay the secret looks older maybe 70s about 80s that's a 1987 head base still got the thing on it we'll look up that brass all right hey so this one says guns I'm joking hey there's no things you don't do in this game and that's one of them all right so this says jugs let's just say memory jugs hey hey it's better dude it's your favorite is the boxes you always Thomas in Germany oh yeah it's a baseball game like a pinball machine oh this is why man I wish you could be a man I should probably get on this what Jacob said now whatever works yes every marriage is different all right so we might be into something here hey what was his name Poonam this what I try to shake the innocent but he passed away right hello hey so there is a ton of pain it's like three shows don't worry he's sitting out there smoking a pall Mall which he could be doing a commercial yeah I don't know what he's doing you were doing a whole episode are you just trying to get on a table Stan I'm on it though all right now we got that under control so check this out I don't know what these are worth oh this is all paint he did the paint and let it dry so this is all paint there's no he's probably using those cutting them and stuff hey y'all can start grabbing any of that stuff out there and putting it in the truck - well I'm just saying I want all that stuff right there while you're wait just go ahead and start throwing boxes on the truck well that kind of stuffs gonna go on our 17-footer but like all this loosey-goosey stuff david you big brain what do they call it crowd really quick see Glenn's alright maybe they had to go stuff in the back wrapping paper I'm gonna do three more boxes there ain't nothing or give you down hello describe but we'll do some one box answer oh we do have that one for 200 all right guys so here's the deal you're all up in my grill hey we're gonna be right back because we're gonna get this loaded if we find something cool we'll pop back in and we will stop at the end and do a recap they're back customer so we are back and we're still alive but barely be doing this how to crap in here oh we're about taking on water Kito look sexy here's the I joke about here's what we're doing stuff we're literally in the last box it showed him as we pop this off what I didn't show you yet what do you love Jacob that's a ghost yeah that's fine no that's the horse all right all right I don't know what that was all about but that was cool oh boy here we go all right so that's just digging here who's this I feel like she's somebody this one was really creepy this is the one that creeped me out when we open the box just like an Annabelle doll or something no what was Annabelle's that Raggedy Ann I never said Annabelle was right right in but that one looks like Oh where's that Borden that's Borden in it that looks like a Borden frickin looks like a hey this is nice though right a little Borden coughs my okay [Music] is that a beaver what is it that's a weird beaver all right well we definitely had the most pretty cool this for this tank oh that mater here's the deal all this stuff is like bits and pieces because this guy yeah well here's the thing they might be coming back another company wait that's the original toys RS there won't be the new they're hoping on all the people that grew up on Toys R Us they're still gonna go there or I don't know or they may rebrand it right so I forget though I would need to start a whole new company all right you're gonna get turtle turtle II do that I've set that before in video definitely okay if I ask a turtle e one more time to worry when was my return and totally yeah what was I just totally totally tubular that's totally totally turtley I swear somebody yeah Cookie Monster oh look every night baby no what was it that lambs Lambchop so job the lamb chop job see younger Blake up lamb chop play chop was a big things not a real amp this song that doesn't in that looks like doc McStuffins it's just why once of the win and then he's getting to us I didn't say man well you gotta act hey let's go out here oh boy let's finish this video up because it's hot we need to get back to the forgot now Roman didn't like to give any morning all right so hey we are here we were walking out of the unit in case it has stopped filming thank you so now we're back and we're going to finish this video so here's some of the cooler stuff that we found on this unit I think we decided it was a 10 by 25 and you got it for 50 bucks we got it all packed up you see in there okay just a few things this 26 footer is packed our our 17 footer with the lift gate we brought it in case we have some big heavy stuff and so invite us help there is a ton of trash but there's a lot of cool stuff well I'd like to say maybe creepy stuff it was cool stuff right so let's recap I think this is probably one of the coolest things we found I'm a switching sides for the light oh hey where we on this way where we film them when we found these I don't know I don't think we work okay so we also film these in the strangers so my two favorite items of this locker and here we done tonight I don't know we've been to this house before I did shop back oh so this might be for my it looks like a night wicked 8283 ish I don't I'm not gonna try to mess with it too much super cool though that's that's super I want to get it into some community yeah we'll do that and we're gonna put this on a headlamp this is my favorite piece every job yeah and then we had the bunny in my way oh look at these you see it kind of but I don't think they saw it and it art so this will be our intro check out these it's got the people's names and the dates and stuff on it there's 84 they're like 80s so these are all like mold pretty cool so these are legit coins we're going to be something in there man I don't know I might want to take this apart because look there's Mercury dimes that are 90% yeah buffaloes are yeah there's some mercury has mercury head these are 40-ish no that's a 37 Nazi coin I saw there's another Nazi coin there and this is foreign but there's no telling what's under and this suckers heavy maybe I don't know if it'll bring more if it's which it's not if I had to look I guess maybe there's maybe 20 or 30 mercury dogs if it kept that consistency no we're sewing it in Lord alright and then I hate whoever buys it if you only tear it apart it's got some real slow you knew we did find support I'm not gonna show you this it's got Hooters on it so we did find a box of old masks on the camel we did find I don't know if we show gel these we were filming oh yeah but I don't think we showed them close down the lid we found about three or four more boxes been up all that boxes now we didn't and so you had some old McCoy oh yeah there's one with plastic wrap one too we've been a lot of nice older pottery a lot of older McCoy and stuff like that like I was saying no chips no dings that I saw up so three y'all saw this we did find some black americana stuff I don't know if we're rolling when we found this day we shouldn't type beds but no Bobby yeah it's really weird dude had a thing for heads for sure I don't know if we were filming when we found this yeah I found a John Wayne like wall wall sconce thing yeah it looked like there's probably gonna be some decent partner I got you Baca cool Wow Boy Scouts that's older stuff okay so check this out some old Boy Scout patches literally are worth like two or three thousand dollars apiece some of the older Leonie was especially had anything so look oh wait what was the artist thing later Torres graffiti Diablo that's pretty cool I don't know if they can see this alright guys I can't be able to see my screen alright guys anyway we did find some cool bases and stuff like that we had several of these boxes to the hotel pottery so anyway hey we're here we're gonna get it back to the shop we're gonna go through it and we're gonna get it in the next round spot option and we still don't know wasn't a few boxes cuz we just kind of were loading so many yeah so anyway we'll go update unloading there won't be today we got to do that gives us alone and premium 45 minutes that's that's one up - yeah but all right we got enough episodes - the rest week we got the thrift store challenge which I think just happened yesterday what's that yeah it happened yesterday yeah so the thrift store challenge the $20 challenge between me Gina and Katie airs Thursday night and then we've got another storage unit for a Friday night and then we'll have this one should be Saturday night or Sunday but anyway I don't know we got a lot of these on you know you got any final words it was really creepy I have a lot of fun with you guys and I hope to collab some more on Grimes fire thanks man thank you I mean so make sure to go to the junkman go like subscribe all his videos he's getting more content up there y'all be patient he's figuring this whole thing out just like y'all were patient with us when we first started so let's make sure let's do it tell people about him he's here in the Dallas area so you'll see them a lot on our channel but doesn't that we'll see you the next unit [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 13,717
Rating: 4.9093485 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, found, relic, mcdonalds, mc donalds toys, vintage mc donalds, vintage toys, hoarder, artist, weird videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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