$1360 Spent On Abandoned Storage Unit! POUNDS of STERLING SILVER Found!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys so check this out here's what we're gonna do so i bought a unit you all saw the last video i still haven't gone over there gina was real sick gina won't be in this video she's been feeling like crap i told her to take the day off yesterday to get rested up here's what i'm thinking i think i just scored a really good deal on this unit and this thing that i've been doing i just been kind of giving units to resellers to other resellers to help make money on it when we do really good i just i just texted adrian this one looks really good y'all have we even shown them yet no we haven't shown uh 1360s 13 1360 this is a 10 by 10. okay gina was what do you think when i first showed you the unit i thought it was good you thought it was good but i look so i'm pretty good ain't it yeah don't i mean i keep like i don't like toot my own horn i don't like shooting my horn but i told her i said i feel this is vintage collectibles i said this unit might be so good that we might be able to give that other unit to another reseller so check this out see the the only thing i could really tell okay is see those blue kind of case stacks right there okay i saw records or record player i saw this is like dj equipment it looks like there's more dj equipment back there this is old computers but look like this is gaming computers like this right here looks like this it's got the high speed side on it uh with the fan the extra fans and stuff that's what that is that's actually what caden wants so i saw this they wrapped it okay anytime i see banana boxes baby look look what i'm seeing through here that looks like maybe collectibles yeah um what else do i see oh and there was a stack of records here but here's what happened y'all they cut it off right here you couldn't see this front corner of the unit but check it out so those blue things back there look like they're these what'd i tell you they were like hot wheels i told her i said i think this is going to be collectibles babe i said i think those are hot wheel cases in the back so look uh just because look y'all like i studied my stuff don't i you do like my collectibles my aunties y'all i study i study i study uh just right off the bat y'all okay so we spent 1300 something bucks we're gonna say 1400. this is full there's three cases back there yep look what i'm saying tracks look junior uh some oh oh look it's one of those thingamajigs what is that you know them things did you play i don't know all right we'll look at that in a minute yo oh yes i told you look y'all we got this let's see what the years are on these yo this is jam-packed full of collectible cars look at that old corvette digging the colors on these okay also look this is heavy y'all that's one yeah but look at this case i kind of like it um style it's territory corp i do not see a date on it do you are y'all i don't see a date on that okay but look all right so i kind of pre-knew that this was going to be like i saw some more like mixing boards and stuff it looks like maybe back there in the back so you know who i called brian i call brian and he the cool thing is he lives like 15 minutes up the road so brian's a local dj here he's all into the vintage clothing he's always got booths and shows going on when he gets here i'll let him share all that information with you but i went ahead and i just said look man this is by you looks like maybe a dj unit can you come out meet me out here at the unit let's just help my viewers help me understand what this is i'm very knowledgeable on records but not even close to what he is because there's different prints presses different countries pressed them all kinds of stuff so he's going to come out look at that stuff with us but until y'all want to keep on boxing all right y'all i'm like sitting here geeking out off camera okay this is heavy okay this is the first box what are you saying look george harrison y'all that's a beetle record right off the bat what is this ah little isaac hayes boy y'all he's gonna be look in this let's check this out babe i told you collectibles and then i told you collectibles didn't i was let's just read toaster look at all of these freaking boxes look hot wheel cases hot wheel cases uh i lost my glasses but look records these are all records baby records look is this a metal detector never lose suction eh i don't know what that's like that's a vacuum oh okay oh but it's not what's in there yeah oh what is that oh hey raymans hey and it's in there you know what's better it's better than being cracks or crack cracks cracks crack pipes being in there yeah oh look that is tubs boxes tubs oh that's the old record player but look this whole thing is boxes babe i told you you want to crack open a box yeah i came prepared this time i even made a youtube bucket with all the stuff in it i'm thinking we might have hit the jackpot on this unit thank you jesus jesus is way too good to sometimes more than i deserve the great circus train oh that's cool what omg babe look wild animals christy bros big ring wild animal circus train y'all look that's still the styrofoam in it yeah it is look and we got two of them there's no telling what these freaking things are worth i'm already trying to jump to new boxes yeah he was a hobbyist or something you know look this is okay i don't know if i want to unpack all this but look that's a new rotary tool dremel thing um thomas the train stuff i'm seeing in here but look down in this box it's trains that's trains that looks like a train oh there's another plastic thing there oh that's trains too there's a whole big plane uh plastic and close thing down there with more trains first we're gonna just go over here and we're gonna go up top i'm trying to like skip around the records because uh brian is here he's just locked in the wrong place so oh look this is numbered 30 or 500. higher octave music um return to ancient oh yeah it is right there it's autographed okay um those are personal pictures in there so what we'll do is these people are gonna want their personal stuff back so we'll put the personal stuff back but we'll keep that because it's uh let's autograph all right y'all let's go up top uh oh might have our first empty things but you know what i've been trying to get more organized yeah these are really nice i know what this is for a little creme brulee is yeah right there i don't know how to spell it but i know how to make it yo they say fragile trevor pigs 2008 yo how many more pigs we gonna find i know we just found like the coolest pig unit in the world and look these are these are pigs oh look at this one's cool like a little hobnail that's an old jar that is killer babe this is gonna be another like you know what it's gonna be i don't know it'll be a good one look at this look at them nipples those are impressive let's do another one oh look it's more of the older stuff yeah that is super freaking cute that feels like a heavy coin in there i know i wonder what kind of coin that is what do you mean i can hear it can't even feel it all right y'all this is one of them ones old school once you gotta bust it we ain't busting not back all right y'all so another box of syllables pigs yo i hope there's like old toys like action figures the one thing i've never found is like old school like uh moc meant on card like action figures ninja turtles stuff like that like i would love to find that role like gi joe's all right so back in here look more more pigs this was a pig collector too oh how cute is that it's a police oh no it's not a police officer he's drunk what's he doing here i don't even know what's going on right now do y'all know what's going on let me know in the comments be nice about it be tactful because there's kids on this channel let's get this off look all right more oh look i love these look it's the coco puffs guy oh that's fine on that these are fun so um these look like they're gonna be a mix this one is a mattel 1986 so that's these are 80s uh more than likely let's see that's a 1991 so we're gonna have a whole wide variety guys and some of these literally some of these like old red lines old hot wheels stuff like that they can go like in the thousands of dollars for real and so there's some very rare ones so looks like this case probably it looks like it oh maybe not no they're all on there and one should i don't know so look another thing and look uh holds a hundred cars oh that's cool oh man i don't think this is empty look another freaking case babe this is crazy those those have got to be dang this is a great unit oh look more cheerios cheerios what's that ghostbusters no lucky charms so he liked to collect some of the fun ones let's see what else these are cool you also look we got i mean this whole thing it's like a train in that one all right y'all so look we've got this whole case i'd like to know what year the case is from and should be on the 2004. man i just want to know about these records he needs to hurry up um yo what if this ain't even like house stuff what if this whole unit just ends up being collected yeah hobby stuff look more trains babe more train stuff that was 34 bucks right there by itself uh all right y'all we're gonna keep going this way till until my buddy gets here what's this say okay look oh i lied look now i got busted i spoke too soon matches uh that's cool though that's a little sellable a turtle coffee mug we're gonna clear these up we might i can't look i don't make you look at them twice all right let's see what's in here so look old electronics it's like a hard drive yeah absolutely there could be some big ones because this is old stuff blue chip that's for a floppy disk drive i bet you have these fools don't even know what a floppy disk is hey i was i grew up doing the floppy disk okay so look this is a bunch of personal stuff it looks like so we'll go through it pretty careful make sure there's no autographs or stuff oh those personal so we'll set this to we'll take the electronics to stuff out set that aside these aren't records yeah all right yeah those are records let's check this back okay let's see what's up with the bag maybe this is where he put all his gold coins feels like a bowling ball oh what's that books yeah look good old bomb you're gonna try it out not in here you know what happened i do remember hello are those cases oh please be sterling please be sterling if that's sterling we're in the money [Music] [Music] she's like let me see no you didn't want to get dressed you didn't want to work today i'm joking stop i'm joking i told you to take it hey y'all i showered [Music] i was stinky i showered sterling's over i can't read it but i did all right guys we're re-navigating i do not care what's in that box he doesn't care yo but look there's two yeah which one did i get this out of the bottom one the red one okay this is personal tapes i don't care about this either y'all this might have just paid for the unit even if this one's not sterling baby that looks like sterling [Music] original rogers [Music] maybe not that looks like sterling though see look that's sterling silver babe i'm telling you yeah this is a mixture of stuff but i'm telling you right now i can eyeball that that's sterling look that's sterling these are all sterling silver all of them this is all sterling silver thank you jesus are you kidding me right now i am blown away right now this is heavy y'all omg no way sterling silver look how big this is look at the freaking soup spoon sterling [Music] do you realize how much this is right here oh i mean i can only imagine no this is at least four thousand dollars do you think so i bet this is at least four thousand dollars i bet you if the majority of this is silver this is four thousand dollars right here are you recording yeah i can't i'm blown i told you look there's just some units i'm like i have to buy and i remember when i first showed you i could feel you were a little hesitant don't lie because never catching the computer remember this bag was sitting up top and i was like look it looks like maybe goofy or some kind of collectible toys uh so i told her i said i think it's collectible i said i think it's a collectible unit look this is an old anaheiser bush uh crate y'all yo we just found like five thousand four three to five thousand dollars worth of silver okay this is getting too good look that's got a number on it this is a crate whatever it is it's heavy because it looks like it was made for a dolly or a pallet jack yeah so but i'm going to wait on that let's just look in here because i thought i saw a record y'all i am freaking blown away right now okay let's just kind of let's just kind of thumb uh see look is that is that not 80s 80s that is 80s that looks like is that george michael oh yeah cause that's all lionel richie yeah oh babe we might have hit the 80s jackpot dynamite starlight all right y'all so we know i don't know how much babe i'm telling you if you leave four thousand dollars in silver in there and look at this y'all look this is all we've been through i know all right y'all what time is it like 12 something i haven't eaten y'all like i grabbed a hunk of chicken off a rotisserie chicken on the way out the door which was like the calories are gone so i'm like i got to slow down so j i'm about to pass out but i can't stop so anyway brian's on his way uh he got lost i sent him the wrong address it had been autocorrect oh look at this you want to talk about some old discs y'all y'all don't know about these what is this though [Music] amiga work bench boot disc y'all amiga okay so there might be some good old-school like um like doom stuff like that floppy disk and stuff so we'll check those out i'll thumb through them but other than that i consider that personal because this is like what you would have kept your stuff on back in the day going yo is it i don't know i put my glasses on y'all is that a gun case up there that looks like maybe a gun that looks like a double barrel shotgun uh hold on don't get my butt oh maybe it's not i thought i was like i put my glasses on y'all i was like told her that might be a gun yo that says trains records let's let's let's grab the top record it looks fancy oh double platinum oh my gosh babe what you weren't gonna be kidding of me oh my gosh kiss look kiss and these are in better condition y'all who is that's pink floyd is that pink floyd no that's not pink floyd look at this y'all okay i just want to know if this is a gun case okay it's not a gun case never mind false alarm but we still found kiss all right y'all gene is back i just drank some coke did i leave it back there i sure did dang it y'all this unit is the bomb it's pretty good yeah it's pretty good it's vintage right very very very vintage i called the right guy y'all because look at this we found commodore computers who played once i'm gonna let you tell a little bit more about these well the commodores of the games if you remember i would always pull out to where we were at well first this is cool yeah y'all look a wrecker set babe look look look the papers are in there it's all in there y'all uh so all right look back over there one of them had all the original paperwork and oh it's on the bottom yeah who who remembers when you're had a little floppy disk boy that has all the original paperwork look it still is still wrapped in the plastic y'all so that's it on this one did you open that one that's the original you said yeah yo we got an original so these two right here or you know how they re-pop are they making newer models and stuff so we got the original just think back then you had 64k of memory that is so nuts 64k that's one thing i can't even download a thumbnail for that my thumbnails are two there's your own computers but that's how you played your games and stuff that was all ms-dos based y'all looking there's some loose stuff too around look here's another commodore right here uh where's that bucket we found full of the video games we have a texas instruments yeah so right there's a new embod texas instrument stuff uh let's pull this out all right guys y'all check this out look at this all video games what is that still no it's not factory sealed it's in there though look dracula colors are beautiful but what kind of this is the console yeah but look we have one television oh that's so fun i know look at this oh that music the museum in frisco yeah so the brick breaker i guarantee yeah look oh wait what is that no swords and serpents i've never seen that one trucking oh look we got the in television too we got that we got the that's like the super nintendo there's no barcode on the video games oh really yeah look here's a sealed one yep poker blackjack that's probably pretty common yeah i always find those at estate sales but look we got tron turbo uh little ass stroke i remember playing that one a lot what was that i don't remember though it's like a little like the snakes yeah that's one for that all right y'all is that pitfall yo look how many games are in here look at this this is ridiculous oh burger time oh yeah that'd be worse so we got lock and chain triple action look burgers i love burger time do you remember burger time where you ran back and forth and dropped the lettuce you make the burgers now the first time i've ever played this was at that museum okay so look so we're gonna we'll plug these in when we get home but we look we got there i guess that's the original one and this is the second one so i mean right there i don't know i mean i'd say maybe 150 200 bucks just to be safe i think that's what i probably get for both of those all right guys i for real i think this might be my best unit so he pulled out a stack of a pretty good they were all pretty good right well known yeah what is that that's a canon l2 y'all i'm about to freaking we're about to freaking upgrade look at the size of that freaking tripod [Music] yeah so look this there's more cameras and there's new canon lenses in the box so i'll dust this stuff up but this really could be it could i mean i know it's old school but it could still be worth money all right so the good stuff there's some jimmy hendrix jimmy hendrix and there is a whole lot of lead zeppelin and this one looks really good shape this is probably the one i sell the most when i get is the physical graffiti and there are two copies of us so let's get the little sliding as you can see oh that's cool oh wow i don't think i've seen that one fleetwood mac it's hot right now the fat boys yo y'all who remembers this movie hold up we talked about this who is this let us know down in the comments if you remember the old fat boys movie it was great 80 stuff we got some michael jackson some billy idol i didn't see this he was going to him i didn't watch him another another billy idol okay and there's a whole lot of elvis in here there's one of them i'll pull it out gi blues remember that movie there's elvis is always popular there's a bunch of elton john in here yeah let's look at this stack y'all he found elton john what was the jimmy jimi hendrix george harrison beatles and we've got some kiss stuff as we mentioned before he doesn't do he he does youtube like i did when i first started what does that mean where i was going real fast i'll go real fast i'm a record guy he's one of the originals on the channel yeah he was one of the originals oh yeah you were on the channel like when we had it like wait because he did we did uh the first video in the old warehouse back when i made the studio and all the posters yeah hey y'all i'll actually i'll try to uh put a card up here and y'all go check out that video uh hey before i forget though uh if you're local to dallas you've got a little deal going on in richardson yeah today it's a pop-up market i'll be selling records out of lockwood distilling if i don't know when the video is going up but today it's going to be four days four to four to eight i'll be at richardson live with selling good food and i'll be having a lot of records so basically you have an hour to get there go come by say hi see justin sent you yeah found some more stuff look at this old texaco uh riding toy oh that's fine look at this y'all that's so cool it's so perfect time on any toy cat the kevin sears dang all right what else oh we found a xylon phone is that what it was oh god you're excited about that remember yeah i want to play the xylophone two of them uh what else did we find oh guitars yep we got two guitars stickers on 70 stickers this one was like uh i'll show it to you guys served in 75 spirit of 76. is that not killer that's cool y'all i'm talking look at how much we haven't gone through so i climbed back there y'all look that's all i'm finding like stuff like race tracks new old stock stuff i mean trains video game tubs like i haven't peaked in any of this i have no i we could find original star wars figures in here that would be awesome we can find what if we found a vinyl jawa on the card what if we find some shogun warriors that's what i want all right guys so hey uh what else i feel like there was something else that we found that was oh did i tell y'all i found like four g's and silver it's like over here it's like over here there it is all right y'all checking out my silver let's show them the guitar let's go ahead and pop it open i'll look this up later it could be nothing uh aria show them inside the hole [Music] don't get excited y'all some of them just got excited they pulled up the chair to the computer it's hard to see it with the strings all right it's a area cereal all right model number 9410 look i'm a bad habit i'm i'm a badass oh he's yeah climbing up brian he's climbing baby see i thought those i thought the commodore computers i thought those were like mixing boards and stuff and i thought this was like a dj case remember when we found the dj case like that and so i have no doubt there's a ton of records in here uh okay so this one is a ventura i mean it's in good condition you know don't know a lot about it so i'll look it up see if it's got a model number in there model number is v12 if you want to look that up ah yeah these are 45 tommy yep y'all look down in this little case right here got old 45's and it looks like they're they're in the original sleeves that's 80s i can tell you right now through the colors and stuff okay y'all let's see that's why i called him all right we're going to let him look at look this is full of wreckers too so all right look we're at more records oh he's he's excited about these yeah like why aren't you talking about i'll slow down i know i freak you all out but y'all that's how good this unit is it's like you turn like look look how many tubs and boxes are in there i know that's all the way through y'all i promise you right now we're over ten thousand dollars in profit with the silver and everything and look at these you remember how i was just telling you about red lines oh yeah these are sixties y'all look at this is the original set and these are all red lines look what look at these these are you sell that as one ladder no well there's something i guarantee there's several cars that are worth you know a hundred percent there's so many they don't even make they don't make that one anymore they don't make that one anymore buddy so here i'll show you let me i'll pop out my phone real quick and i'll show you real quick a theme song all right guys check it out so i put in red line hot wheels i didn't put any specific ones in so and i just just went by highest so i mean obviously there's some up there look that's they took less than 10 grand for those there we go um then you'll scroll up let's get to the individual do we have this one the uh red line hot wheel classic cord yellow so what i'm going to do oh that's not it is it y'all i will freak if we have one of these but look at how many cases we have of hot wheels there's got to be some of these in there uh see look that one redline hot wheels so what i'm gonna do that's a maserati uh whatever the light blue by local so i'm gonna look all of these i'm gonna kind of get my memory fresh with some of these pictures in my head of like hey what are the highest dollar ones and then i'm gonna kind of browse through here uh red u.s custom t-bird so it looks like we want to look out for the t-bird um what is that some kind of pink is that like a woody yeah woody hot pink um what is that don't if you pull that out of there boy i'll be freaking all right y'all so you see what i'm saying though we're still in the 2000s right here hot peak no it's not no it's not is that it hold on is it got a black roof roof that's it i told you what i'm not playing look oh my gosh look we have it what'd it sell for 2600 dollars hold on i can't get that close 35 bids 2600 that's what this car sold for this car just paid for this flipping unit all right guys so he's going to keep flipping through the 45s and he's going to put a stack here y'all i'm pumped right now because look we still have cases of hot wheels back to the that's not the only one we pulled down was it what hot wheels yeah i don't know but look there's more cases back there he might have the whole collection so i'm just kind of starting here and going forward but we're trying to find him more records since he was nice enough to come out here uh yeah look this whole box is cool sorry babe uh let's just kind of see what's on top crush ted nugent that's good right that's got to get you a little tingly huh a little something little cat scratching listen all right look son of dracula that is pretty killer right there yo he's finding some good records right good stuff okay so look we just found this alice cooper's in the box the original the original and he said it came with what a pair of panties just like a promotional thing because it was the muscle of love oh okay a pair of panties oh alice alice is a believer now i believe oh is it a christian yeah oh wow that's cool praise god do not bid please tell me the panties are in there are the panties in there no no panties no there was something i've never been so excited this might have been a different one but there was one i had this crazy thing he had some wild stuff back then okay so i was just i he yeah i believe it was that's because yeah because this had the uh that's wow where's the one you just told me was the the run dmc this is why i called him because like i was like oh that's the older one right he's like yes that's the first you said it was run dmc's first album right here first full album y'all and it's in really good shape huh well he's like the inside's the important part yeah before it's tricky well this one for djs caden caden would love that there's so many samples that dj's you came out of this record with hard times the rock box sucker mcs especially it's like that so what kind of pressing is this or whatever that's the original press profile records so that's like the first one look at this this is one thing i tell when i see that i can tell this has hardly been played okay because this this would be it still sticks to it yeah it'd be really crumpled oh wow so what do you think a record like that roughly is worth [Music] we'll see like you know like like i said before i believe this is the original but actually you gotta look at that run out code which is yeah the dead wax if you ever want to look up a record with the original one there's just a little bitty etching in there that's going to tell you what it is so they can go to that website whatever it is you can put in that little number and it'll tell you that's 20 to 40 easy so like just 20 to 40 bucks y'all but look so i just started flipping through to see if i knew the names off the bat who's that the bars what he knows so he hasn't been through this spot yet oh your dad look my hook pops up your dad no dad chicago my dad loves you he loves chicago look does he have a chicago out look at this this might be all the chicago's oh we gave him one assigned one all right now that's that's another one pull that not that one yeah all right so there's a deal with this one tell us about it so there's a special insert with this this originally came with rolling papers and if you find it that still has the original rolling papers that's worth money this has the original rolling papers in it what no way y'all chi chi chong rolling papers i've seen that go for a hundred dollars really that's so crazy all right y'all look we're barely in here i'm finding look more look this in the box it's like a texas train it's it's pretty heavy too the tre that goes for earth 100 bucks brand new look this has got coins in it and some currency in there i haven't opened it yet um he found this like an old tour tour guide for from the 90s oh that's cool this box right here look it's got all trains babe and stuff these are in the package this is a loose one but it's got engines and stuff in it but yeah okay so those are all tubs here's another some kind of host scale model stuart hobbies and then there was two more of these in there so many those are newer look what about this one this is yeah six oh that's 69 no that's a debris pop this is no it's that good of condition yeah it's a button that's no this is 69 it's that good yeah they keep the stamp on it but um do you think i don't know okay well he knew about the other one i'm gonna do a little research on that trust but verify that's what reagan said look at this colors i love the colors look at that boy would you rock that yeah these are very 80s bright color oh yeah look here's the shark uh yeah these are these are kind of newer huh these are 80s so it looks like we've got stuff all the way back from the 60s like forward all right so check this out guys look look how many boxes we have to go through like this is all boxes i really do i feel like everything that's here y'all i'm overwhelmed shout out to jesus because he continues to provide for us like no matter how foolish i act um so anyway hey check this out y'all this is way too exciting i need to bring my blood pressure down and i'm just gonna chill and go through some more boxes but you will have to wait till tomorrow so see you then
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 19,832
Rating: 4.9378967 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, abandoned, curiosity incorporated, disturbing 911 calls, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds storage unit, grimes finds wife, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, jeana grimes, justin grimes, locker nuts, police, police called, scrap farm, silver, storage unit auctions, storage wars, storage wars clips, storage wars full episode, unboxing, what the hales, what the hales 2021
Id: 6DwwMV0uSTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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