WHATS INSIDE? I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit For $25?! Storage Wars | Mystery BOX | Unboxing |

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alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the that's exactly what I was gonna say that was my first test of the day say something else and I didn't so anyway I think like the screen like so here's the deal look I'm working on comments trying to get comments done we just stopped for coffee right you got your coffee alright so it is 538 we've been up since 4:00 o'clock we meant to get up to the gallery by 5 but that didn't happen I didn't so anyway hey guys so we are heading to the office we got that we're trying to get comments wanted to pop in real quick and tell you we're gonna try a new approach of just a daily not just a daily episode of what happens at Ron's farm from start to get go right and a lot of days that'll be picking up units and going through units laws it'll be unboxing some days it'll be just setting up auctions so anyway this is about our family and our business I guess right and so anyway hey we are almost up to the office we got our coffee I'm trying to get comments we have a goal is I wanted to get to every comment man and I swear some mornings I will spend like two hours and I know I've been doing a standard thing but here's the deal I still have to go in and post that to every person so I'm reading the comments it's just I don't have time to reflect on them so anyway I am sitting here in the truck while jeana's driving and we're gonna get up to the White House and we're gonna try to get a couple hours ahead of the team to start lauding and stuff cuz we've got units to pick up today so here's what you're gonna see today you're gonna see a new unit and you're gonna see some unboxing of a unit that you've seen this pickup but I haven't seen it so it'd be a lot of great stuff and at the end of this we're gonna do a if I remember help me remember baseball card preview baseball card okay so we have a baseball card preview and we will show you that at the end of the assistant alright guys welcome back so it is hey so it is 10:30 so we've been here since 5:00 36 37 38 39 30 10 5 hours already goodnight mercy alright so here's the dang deal y'all we are doing auction pair set up right now it's what we've been doing since then we're leaving here in one hour to go pick up some more units so we're gonna do some filming so you can get that here just a little bit but what I was going to do is I'm gonna kind of show you what we did this morning this was all not like this this morning and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip this around and I'm going to show you kind of the stuff that we set up these two knuckleheads right here Diego what's is the Jacob they're doing descriptions right Katie is timing you're talking about what they're trying to do is they're trying to stay between two to five Lots a minute right to describe and so that's what they're doing and for any of y'all that hasn't seen I'll kind of show you real quick let me flip this around okay so what's going on over here Jacobs got a tape measure but he's got these he's got lot stickers oh yeah so what he doing he's saying like lot three and Diego saying lot three and he's telling what it is right and he's telling what are you telling him on this one what else what kind of their information are you giving them one signature one signature right and so what he just said highlight yellow so what that means is is Diego is over here he's typing these in and he highlighted that yellow because what they're trying to do is get the base descriptions down and then when they're done I'm gonna go back through there and anything yellow tells me that I need to either if it's not in my head I need to do some research and we need to update the description so check this out this is the stuff that me and Katie did this morning you'll remember that little guy so this is all of the stuff not all of this this is the stuff out of the hundred twenty-five dollar unit look there's pee-wee I side to side and sell them could y'all couldn't get him to sign it for me but look ya'll remember all this stuff remember guys we paid a hundred and $25 in that unit for all of this look at all these video and that not slipped game boys look million-dollar freaking video justice hey y'all check out y'all be proud of me look what I'm trying babies look you can get one lot you can get five Princess Diana's for 400 so that's only like 63 thousand dollars worth of beanie babies right that's what it said on eBay we looked it up right so anyway look there's the sword there's look oh there's a clock we still got to find the glass back there in the box and then check it out the shoes myself do the shoes look at all the beautiful Jordans the air forces look at all those over there so what me and Katie are about to do we're about to go to the back and we're gonna finish a lot in this section then we're gonna lock this section and then we're gonna bring furniture in here put it right here and then we're gonna lot stuff on top clean it up boom this room will be done we're gonna get that done today right because the oxygen goes up wind tore I changed it on you a trick question alright guys so hey here's the dang deal me and Katie are about to go to the back we're gonna pick some boxes we're gonna do some unboxing with you and then you're gonna get to see after the unboxing you're gonna get to see storage unit fresh fresh open the door do her dang thing right right so you get an auction tour you get auction kind of setup tutorial blessings right educate educational you're gonna get was so unboxing a storage unit digging an auction preview and educational all-in-one video what that's crazy okay that's how we're gonna try to do every video from now on guys we're gonna try to do it from the point we walk in the door we're just gonna make it like a daily episode of what goes on around here so we're what are you laughing about what oh man was that booby in there oh man alright I don't know maybe I'll put like a little maybe a baby they have like emoji pasties and I like pop right on there just like that hey so anyway me and Katie and Gina are gonna head to the back and we're gonna find some boxes and we're gonna do a little bit on box before we gotta head out of here these guys are gonna go to lunch pick up the u-haul we're gonna head to the units be right back all right guys we're back so here's my beautiful wife here's Katie and we're about to do some unboxing day before we go pick up some more units cuz we didn't have time to pick up all the units we bought so boom here's how it's gonna go if it's a good item that we want to go straight into the displace remember those displays and the shelf so we still got to fill that room up for those guys and they're doing descriptions so if I say hey man that's going in there by itself I keep on the gym don't stop rolling if they're wrapping hey don't pull the knife out just wrap a towel around it and they'll do it when they get here so hey check it out so life lesson they're gonna take the good stuff ever all right so I'm gonna put this good stuff over here jeana's gonna take little knickknacks things we've got Hey look we've got a huge announcement I talked to George George from taking a risk last night and we are gonna announce that on his channel next Sunday it should be starting next Sunday me and him will be going live every Sunday night together and we've got some plans to bring some of you guys on in that on a rotation but we'll tell you more about that later so big big announcement coming so any other little sellable items we're just gonna put over there that's what Gina's gonna do so y'all ready ready let's get to unboxing I still can't what unit should we go to first yeah I did so what's in my unit good today hey listen can I rent real quick lamp okay y'all saw my community board that somebody left a post about that her 10 10 year old daughter has always watched us and she kept asking what's what a certain phrase means that I've been saying a lot more lately and I don't know why but here's the deal I appreciate all your comments I appreciate the ones that are supportive and I appreciate ones that have a different opinion but here's the dank deal it's my conviction it's my show and I'm gonna roll with it because there's so many other things like a joke there's so many funny things to say in the world in four words that I could stop saying could keep that little girl plugged into our channel and maybe learn how to resell maybe she learns to do this but regardless it broke my heart to hear that a ten year old girl was not allowed to watch anymore after I've said we're family-friendly right I'm not perfect the Bible you know I follow the Bible I love Jesus it's not about perfection it's about progression right and if you know by now a lot of you're like don't conform how many videos have I done where people like told me to do this do that and I said it ain't happening it's my show if I do too many things if I conform to everybody's opinion it will no longer be me and no longer be our show no longer be unique but that won't hit my heart directly and that's why I'm making the change so hope that you people who think that's funny we'll stay I'll come up with other funny stuff don't worry but my hopes is is that her grandmother will allow her to watch the show again and if that means not making that joke anymore I'm not gonna make that joke anymore because that means more to me than making a joke so anyway there's that there's that rant so hopefully you two don't y'all be sitting yeah yeah hey hey so look my bedroom you know mama had a bunch of junk in her bedroom she's got big bowls in her dressing everything will see your mama hat in here come on be better than the stuff we had yesterday hey the pig thing it's a it's a dollar item that goes hey look that's kind of cute don't you get out him for the debt for that thing for that thing oh look another item for that thing okay salt and pepper shakers will go in the auction if we can find a suitable value in those that's kind of cute salt and pepper yeah thank you grab some reason start unwrapping cuz I don't like these boxes I don't like that right canister you think yeah hey so check it out I'm not gonna tell you what but we're gonna give you a new avenue to buy things it's gonna be fun big announcement on Sunday big announce [Music] too bad oh yeah it's a piggy bank yeah older got very important pictures I don't know it's been a therapy yeah that's pretty I think this goes okay alright this bed robot and it's already Papa this is do we have any trash boxes over the road can I have that hey did you look in that box hole sorry it's just a box I should be the right one to mess up and tell them what our secret is oh look for a whole week the band's vans I say auction yeah I saw the pricing on the bag I think you was cute until the top of the tree broke up with those little squirrel with a nut didn't do it it's the screen yeah yeah same last seen on TV on TV all right come on don't be so instead Oh camera all right I'll tell y'all secret every time I find a camera [Music] [Music] to repot it's made to look like that old material I just want to say alabaster I'm sure I'm ditching this box but peace out okay we just probably gonna be born hey go with the booby coin okay this one said mom calm and that just fun to say everybody one two three mom but then it says car math and stuff I'm perplexed with this one and lips - let's do a cute box we all that yeah cue box auction or no that's for recipe cards isn't it I think the other side yeah purchasing boxes you don't get that at auction Gina said the stuff from mom calm box does not make it huh yes hey man do we need new what's this very important pictures fragile so either broken glass or she's hiding secrets please don't be all family I'm gonna lift up right here family family probably some part of it short clock all right we'll look these pictures later because we don't want to show a little baby I think it's four seven little toothbrush yeah I think it was like a simpie huh hey we got you know cards sorry I'm like crayon [Music] [Music] what what's a little sign pottery [Music] Wescott's yeah it does it go in some fingers yeah yeah you say it's probably have one of those fold-out things oh yeah [Music] Oh what is it best phone oh these are good almost 17 yep bedroom but yeah bring it down here I've been feeling excuse her pictures too how could she had someone really like my yes Green mm-hmm yeah actually all right this is all kitchen stuff I think there's some good kitchenware maybe I think we're gonna find good stuff y'all stay tuned we're about to head over to a unit in a few minutes we are gonna let a fire alright and y'all had a snowed not in the chitchat down in the comments if you like this format if you just kind of want to see every day like seriously from the get-go what we do every day I mean that's kind of what we do anyway but I will just let you in a little more behind the scene bigger yeah alright diggin this one so far hey remember we have not found her real well we have a bunch of jewelry to go through you think there's rings right all that jewelry there's no ring ring [Music] is it Precious Moments expired no oh look her fishy stuff [Applause] these kind of stuff maybe she's got a box with gold jewelry I told the customer that bought their takes and I was also a guacamole and chips and tell them where they can get their yes I'm - - always this is the box or oh man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right three two are you and there's a game in there think look super mario mario three zelda side sure don't make me look stupid on national TV I just know that that gameboy advance of I bet that works it's a nice condition yeah just needs a battery huh oh yeah look at that with three games the special dragon what do you think yeah all right so we're gonna hey look this first yeah I kept up a big box of charges aha yeah was it a fake money why'd you gotta say that hmm you broke my heart at least let me pull it out oh is it a track sorry Marie said he won't mind I didn't do it yeah you better let her come back and watch my show today yes I am trying hard that's a million-dollar one that people give out for evangelistic yeah it's a track million dollars when you go to heaven when you die you're sure alright let's look back down here this stuff's gonna go over there uh yeah Oh what is it these star wars figures it's not oh man play soccer with Pete around it oh yeah get the ball in there oh hey I like these oh yeah Oh more money I found gold coins clickbait that's quick baby hi guys check it out that's your unboxing so here's the dang deal it's the same I think so can we start carrying that Yuma carry this and I'll like hook a chain to it will you not losing but you won't lose it so hey here's the dang deal we have got to get ready get the truck ready and we're gonna go friggin pop into a unit so again you got a freaking auction preview you got an unboxing and you're about to get a storage unit all on video bearbette [Applause] all right so we've made it over here to odd Delta right Alitalia like five minutes from the shop scared so we're here Locker 277 less than 200 no yeah was less than 200 I just did that that's the only price range today I know that it's less to pay $25 for this I think it was more than a thousand hundreds but you know what I don't know because come you know you left right after this yeah so I think I paid less than a hundred bucks for this unit I know I did I think I paid $25 we'll look at the receipt symbol see who's right anyway so let's just do this the crew is on their way over there actually gonna be finishing up lunch me and Gina got it ready to do a little unboxing in the next year and so what we're gonna do that's ambulance can you give you a little scared of the room now why your skin and watch skin and not in the chitchat band down on the comments below let me know now get it down which I spent over this I have a picture - $25 it was 25 yeah see - it was right he was right now look at the cameras that oh my gosh we just had this conversation she confuses me although I'll be like you know with keys launchers you took all the keys off you put on your backpack oh but it didn't happen that's just a way of our life but it works for us so anyway I paid $25 for this unit you're gonna get a scan of it I mean there could really just be like two boxes of 25 bucks worth so you know a shot anyways we're gonna do this we're gonna give me a scan of it let me know not the chitchat down the comments let me know why do you think I bought it why do you think I spent 25 bucks on it ready all right guys so you tell me right now again down the chat that you've already done on the comments let me know thumbs up thumbs down 25 bucks you know check it out this cot right here is Coleman cot pretty nice it's like Ryan friggin ooh I tell you I do actually so that paid for the unit sorry boxes okay I was hoping there's gonna be boxes Hey assay rumors rumors all right so I did see boxes I saw older TVs I saw older furniture I saw boxes I saw that planter up there still had the tag on it you know there's this box looks like a silverware box actually we're just gonna take this down let's just go for it I love to smell this old stuff ah empty hello pictures like super old yeah you know I need to that car no I love those old cars okay so hey box is kind of gone too but I'll tell you what I'm excited jacket and a starter [Music] zipper things missing but that's okay that's okay hey cowboy starter jacket zipper all still working does it have a little it just needs a little thing on it or you can put a paperclip did a good job all right hey 25 bucks right now y'all let me know you oh we totally got amended starters account we have three items that are worth selling as we've made our make like this hey Cowboys little little watch bag okay it's a car seat and then what we're doing guys is we're gonna pause because we're making these hour long videos and since we already did an unboxing auction preview I want to give you the best of the best of our time is unit so wait so we kind of see what's behind that fabric 15 looks like it goes back pretty far ya know there's the wall right there my luck is that boxes no that's a cabinet that's like an armoire but look boxes boxes boxes boxes boxes boxes boxes that is that's like stitched Reebok Reggie Bush for the Saints I didn't pack a lunch this dude shows up here I'm pretty sure I still win booth that's a big boy yeah what hey 25 bucks is this a party is it did you know well it looks like a design yeah okay so come on back in you okay okay so we got a vintage starter jacket what baseball cards yeah I was hoping no that's probably what this is huh do that a personal paper Oh Christmas why does everybody put Christmas essence storage storage unit why not man best place for hoping I was a Care Bear but it's not okay it's better than this actually so pretty well this is this is I think this is probably the more heavy-duty one that we found so I'm gonna try this out all night and see if I'm ripped in the morning guys it's actually money again 25 bones look we ain't even scratch this thing hey there's doilies okay those lamps we're kind of okay no joking oh they almost look like milk glass or they just white porcelain or ceramic I'm saying all the wrong words that would be close they are kind of nice I like this you get the light right okay I said we're gonna paint these are all it's a cosmetic side it's like a traveling case yep there's a shears got a little extra weave in case extra we've not really that one thing on top of the arm it's a little mini just some of the older plastic yes I do know that okay shoes for wear bass all right so we do we got a couch here we got mattresses I'm guessing there's probably not a lot of boxes in there but there might be actually here that are gonna be another sofa so here's the debut guys let us get some of this situated because if you notice a lot of our width here and we want to give you the best of the best boxes so let us get some of this packed up for the guys so when the crew gets here they can start wheeling and dealing because we still got four more units pick up today and we're gonna record all this today that what we got videos all week so good few minutes from bare back alright guys we're back so look we'll get a bunch stuff out so this stuff has a bunch of kitchen stuff papers there's a lot of hot china and stuff but it's all wrapped up and I'm not going you saw him up the video so this is the first box became this that's my room Lois's room I pop the top off Star Trek playing cards in there a trivet decorations hanging on the wall I think you might paint these yourself hey paper weird drug paraphernalia Oh always interesting and there's a receipt in here from MetroPCS alright screws this is what this little edge crystal or not crystal yellow oh yeah baby yeah hey you're gonna get a you're gonna get a reward at the end of the day I hope so for being good looks and vintagey it does look vintage so we still have that watch how I do we can rock that sucker all day come on where's the Rolex that's kind of pretty too Joan Rivers the lone star watch the one relic that that one says real diamonds oh they are Anne Klein so so some decent watches huh in the box oh it's smashed on the side yeah oh no it's not sorry y'all that's not a smash that's it oh man that's on purpose hey it's not on purpose [Music] [Music] that's pretty this Starling - so hey what's not sterling that stamp can you read that no not in the camera I can't I'd have to put it in front of my eyeball my eyeball look at you you're like how to put your glasses on to read things yeah there's something clearly stamped on there I'll have to see but yeah hey sterling yeah yeah that was going to be awesome but it's not this for 25 bucks pay for what I was hoping that I was that a smashed ring all right here's another one oh boy there's another right we'll get all the Rings out and then we'll check this is a dirty thing this is really dirty at that Smash Ball school I don't see like where that's interesting looking well you know like if it got smashed [Music] there's clearly a stamp on I just can't read it now see the corner of the stamps like right underneath there mm-hmm how do you smash something like that no gold so soft but the thing is is it smashed and if this was plated usually you'd see a bunch of where the plate chipped off uh-huh so that actually might be gold put that right in the pocket it's gonna people go on a pubic old I remember her to call it ready one two is it some type of exchangeable baggy uh-huh that's what it looks like huh yeah like an interchangeable rose quartz tigereye red Jasper oh hey that's actually pretty neat that is kind of a look yeah good all those different things you figured they would have put that on silver [Music] [Music] hey man why that is completely broken half that spark plug [Laughter] alright so there's that box this is off kitchen stuff and stuff this wrapped up man my zipper was the whole time alright so Mike check it out lettuce and do this the team should be here in a minute we'll get this stuff clear we gotta see what's in the back of the unit we'll go through a few more boxes till we get up to an hour on that pyramid [Applause] alright guys so we are here not where you thought we were gonna be so we decided to finish out the last four minutes of this video to make an hour to give you a teaser of tomorrow tomorrow you're gonna get two units as well oh you might get a unit in unboxing I don't know but we are at 54 I paid for this 120 oh I don't know I have the receipt in the car yeah we'll look I think it the 125 150 but I took a picture of it yeah I guess I'll pop the lock 150 150 I bet a hundred fifty bucks so here's what we're gonna do now I'm gonna give you the normal pan I'm just gonna kind of show you real quick come on we can actually walk in this yeah so paid 150 bucks for this I actually have oh I don't see some of these are missing I only need that yeah but we have a ton of these we do have a ton of these so what I'm hoping is is we can clean this bad boy up get it lit make it look nice but anyway just real quick scan tons of boxes the furniture was definitely older I saw a clock in the back don't go too close man showing too much they can't get everything King everything in one one freaking beware game enough this looks like actually sofas might be in decent shape leather sofas but just some solid was this is you know looks like all solid wood stuff yeah people shorter big ol clock back there some bags to go through like Crescent bag but anyways oh hey that is your preview tomorrow what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna start at this unit the video and I don't know where it's gonna end up we've still got several units to pick up I like this very well they paint a bit so yogena thinks that this my person might have bought all this stuff from our auction because she's all lamp that we sold not not all of it I said some of the scythe looks like it could have been from our auction - I recognize them three items okay this lamp that lamp which is 1500 of this and these sweet last time we only had a deuce one oh we did yeah this is actually this has got a lot more than a dinglehopper zone Dingle hoppers this is actually kind of cool I'm hoping that works anyway so there is your preview Oh tomorrow's episode make sure to LIKE subscribe do all that stuff hit the bell make sure you select all and what else do we get anything else okay thanks you see it the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 32,169
Rating: 4.9357944 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Id: eL_j8J8VQtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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