GRIMES FINDS A THRIFT SHOP? | Thrift Store Makeover | Resale Business | Abandoned Storage Units |

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alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the top-secret edition so we've been hitting around for about what two weeks out maybe a week maybe that's in my head sometimes things in my head are a little bit different than how they come out but anyway check it out I have the top secret spiral right here but I black that out so you don't know what's on it so the secret the key to the top secret Grimes finds top secret that's one big top secret so check it out it's all right here we're heading to the office and we're gonna tell you and not only tell you we're gonna show you what's going down at grande spines I promise you don't want to miss this this is a big big deal for my family for our company and for you as a subscriber right of Grimes fines and other than that hey we're gonna head to the shop and let's get this party started [Music] alright guys so welcome back here's how it all came together like one day it's literally Monday so it's been a thought in this crazy mind of mine but obviously we don't have any time we've you know we ring last year were in California we're in Ohio then Jeremy and renamed from storage wars came in bargain hunter strips came in we have to do perfect things so that pushed some options back so anyway we're just now getting caught up so it's been a lot up here and it's been a sketch on paper but here's how it's all gonna come together so anyway what our hopes is is by the end of this video we'll show you a lot of it come together throughout this video it might be a two-part series we're not sure yet so anyway look here's the sketch right so we've had this areas let me tell you where we got got this from we wanted to open a thrift store for a while but we wanted no more overhead I just could not justify the overhead even around here stores are real cheap and I was like man we had some plans for this later on down the road but I think man what a scanner give them scanner scanning okay we've got over oh yeah Oh probably mm yeah mm square feet up here this is their job yeah so down below us is the the gallery where we display everything and display cases and stuff for the auctions so what we're planning on doing is my goal was is to get obviously any business owners to cover all the overhead right so but we wanted to add on different streams of revenue cuz my plan is is in ten years or so to sell the sucker for five million dollars or more and so here's how we're gonna do that we added you all we had that revenue we have YouTube revenue coming in even though it's become so much more about revenue but in reality as a business person it does help promote our auctions you get great stuff hey it's a gift take relationship we love it we love making videos we love hanging out with you guys but it is a revenue stream for our business so we have you all we have YouTube we have the auctions and now we're gonna have Grimes finds third store right yep but here's the day Neal no more overhead right right we don't have any overhead so we're gonna figure out I actually think I'm gonna call I was on here on bargain hunter serfs if you're not subscribed to them I don't know what the heck you're waiting on what the hell's are waiting on go subscribe to bargain under sis right here make sure you go like them and subscribe to them because there's a lot of things that I don't know like what's the quickest I'm not a price stuff but one thing I don't like about thrift stores and I'll be done with this ran a second his thrift stores have they're no longer thrift stores they don't price like turf stores in fact a lot of times we go in there and I'll be like oh yeah they're getting ridiculous and what they're doing is they're teaching people to look up on eBay I guarantee and they're looking at asking prices because we go in there I'm like I don't sometimes I want to walk up to hey I can get this on eBay for like 20 percent of the price you charge but anyway so we want to be real thrift store minded right we want to bring that old-school treasure hunt it's look I know we have an auction house but I promise you there will be cool stuff up here there'll be cool prizes so let me gotta show you so what I've done is since I've sketched out the whole upstairs all the offices and how I want to do it so this area out here oh let me tell you this I'm trying to do this at no additional cost how's he gonna do that the only look I had them bring all the shelves up Shelton here so this is the room we're gonna start with and I kind of want it to be like a treasure hunt I thought about look I've got it like electronics we got decorum or we're gonna have two rooms for the kids and toys will be over there I'll show you in a minute Media books DVDs stuff like that and electronics electronics is right here that's gonna be the corner room I'll show you that beat DVD players hopefully you know we're not gonna we're still gonna put the majority of ourselves in the auction well what I promise you if you come to our thrift store you're gonna have a treasure hunt so I was like man we do want to have it organized but decorum or give me anything so what here's looking at we're gonna keep fresh product it's not gonna be like a storage or a third place that you go in and you're like me it's the same crap every week guess what I can do it whip it out here's the cool thing about it I've got auction company downstairs if I want to I'll slap a lot number on this door Oh boom everything starts at a dollar in the room I'll get rid of it all I think that's what I'll do dang that's a good idea I mean it I'm telling you we're gonna have the hottest thrift store in Dallas because we're always gonna have new product so what I'll do is is BAM it's gone empty now what do we do can you go back up again that's no problem I've got like 14 thousand square feet downstairs full of crap we barely not even like oh my gosh can you barely see that that's how look we've already started bringing some stuff up here if you look in this room this is gonna be another decor more room we're gonna put shelves around the walls probably have some shelving in the middle the kids books you know dr. Seuss stuff I could put some of that stuff in the auction I'm gonna put the majority of an auction but again I want y'all to have fun coming here look I'm seeing Disney like I'm going thrift mine right now for all you thirties you're like looking around like man what can I get hey look beanie babies you can get a million dollar beanie babies here Grimes funds I think I see a Princess Diana polka oh what oh maybe not it's not purple so I can see that wasn't that weird Oh so anyways all right guys so we are back jeana's phone filled up with too much videos what's so anyways this will be another room where you come in shelves gonna be freakin killer stuff and I promise you people I promise you the prices at our thrift store or actually going to be thrift store prices so let's go not asking and West ebay pressure no I'm serious I get so frustrated it thrift stores because I'm like it's no longer a thrift store so anyway this will be the electronics room this was gonna be Jacobs office but let's be honest unity in the office right I don't even need to know I don't need an office I do you need an office if once I get out of the that part of the business but this will be shelving will have what we're gonna do is is we will we are gonna hire one person which we need to do anyway to run the thrift store so we're gonna test all the electronics will have a plug in here easily available for you to test it but DVD players TVs all that kind of stuff we'll have it in here you can plug it in and test it we're not gonna give any guarantee it's a thrift store but you'll be able to test it here and there that's Katie's office we're gonna leave that alone for now for now right no this wait hold on where's the stairs oh yeah okay so this is that's my notes this is for media this will be the DVDs will put book shelves in here all kinds of books records we'll probably put one little table in the center so you can go through records and stuff what I will try to do is I'll try to have a CD player hooked up in here maybe a VHS I might have like a little testing center somewhere I don't know that that rooms big enough so we might have to swap a room but a testing center to where you could so anyway this one over here it's just it's a bigger room so this is gonna be kids toys stuff like that but we'll get all kinds of shelves in there kids clothes kids toys we're gonna not dingy crap not broken stuff we are into our best to check everything to make sure to have dings chips broken crap like that so other than that check it out that's my office over there it's gonna stay right there for right now that's G nice so here's the deal done talking about it that's the plan now you know the plan now we got to get to work the team is downstairs working on shipping me and Gina will be up here working on the thrift store look how safe this square footage how done would it be dumb not to put the thrift store up here so we'll be doing furniture we won't be doing big items because you do have to come upstairs to come to it but anyway this is how often we use this this is the safe and we found all the gold and silver in and stuff like this it was a fun thing so hey here's what we're gonna do me and Gina are about to get busy but like I said I'm trying to do this for no additional cost pretty nice right yeah that's a nice sofa that's a nice couch look at that chair it's got the whole set I'm thinking I'm thinking 400 bucks throw it online sell it off for 400 bucks yeah well I don't think it's a bassett maybe oh there's the brand I think so yeah so it's really good I mean I need some mixes look Rene got all that on there when he was here I don't know what he was doing but that's where he was sitting when we did the light no that was Jeremy uh-huh I don't pay they don't surprise me with J anyway hey but check this out so what we're gonna do is is real quick I'm gonna take pictures of these and if I get it sold today I'll put it in the video show you maybe how quick and flip something so anyway I got these out of a storage unit anyway so what I'm going to do is take pictures of these i'ma throw these up on Facebook marketplace real quick for a price where people are like man I got to get that today then what I'm gonna do is take that money hopefully that four hundred dollars and I'm gonna go buy clothing racks cuz if you see on here clothing but yeah what that it was upside down so all this stuff's got to go anyway yeah kind of get out of here my plan for the racks on the wall no tell us okay so either I'm gonna run two long rows here front and back look we're not gonna be a user store we're gonna test this thing out if it goes really good and it makes a lot of money hey rents deep around this joint but I'm gonna put wall clothing racks on here over there any wall space so this will all be the clothing space because we get so much we actually get really good clothes right so most of the stuff that's donated to thrift stores that's great I thought I have my glasses on haha that's great and all but usually people donate stuff that's not worth loss we get all this stuff out of storage units like name we're talking name brands but guys we're not gonna be like seven eight dollars for this polo sweater he's Tommy jeans I mean we're talking two three bucks dollar one two three one two three keep it simple get people in here keep the product fresh keep it moving and then like I said at the end of the month or every other week we'll just auction everything off up here fill it up again yeah fresh brother so anyway hey let's get started working I got to flip these couches we got a lot of shelf spill beer of it [Music] so welcome back so we just wanted to pop in give you an update it's me and Gina up here as you're saying working the team's downstairs working up on getting shipping wrapped up from a lot of auctions in December and a lot of holiday time so anyway getting caught up we got to get this year wrapped up but anyway what I'm gonna do is is I'm gonna kind of just pop the camera around and I'm gonna show you what we've got done so far and maybe if I can remember tell you what the next steps are but either way you're gonna see it through this journey of setting up the groms Pines thrift store ready here we go all right so while you're on it oh so check it out so this room's gonna kind of be is what I call decor and more there you are again so look this is what we're calling the decor and Maureen hell let me tell you I have like a hundred and billion tons some more stuff downstairs but we're just going through the stuff from this room that when we were going through the last couple units that we had stuff but I have tubs and tubs and tubs of stuff so this is gonna be the kind of decor and more like and what I'm really trying to do is is I'm using my experience like I said is I got a love for this business doing thrift shops so I'm not always gonna put everything in the auction but most stuff goes in the auction but I'm always gonna leave y'all treasures to be found in here because part of going to a thrift store is all about the treasure hunt so I promise you resellers there will be things in here to make money on we're gonna do very cheap we're gonna keep pricing down look we even we what do you call it repurposed whatever that rack was so we're only gonna do we're gonna take the pictures out personal pictures up but just good clean picture frames at work that are more you know just prettier and stuff like that not all picture frames can be going thrift stores there's like shelves and shelves and shelves the picture frame so we're gonna try to clean that out and only give you the best will have lamps but anyway so we'll put a rug in here I don't know what we might put a table in here with some other items on it not sure but so what we but oh man that coffee got to me so what we've been doing since we're going around is so when we go through the boxes we're trying to you know in business the less you touch a product the better right because the less time less energy the less labor dollars right there you go let that's actually a very solid point and a less risk of it getting broken so what we're doing is why me and Gina are going through here what we're doing is we're taking stuff to each room so I'll kind of show you that right now this room right here is gonna be shoes so we're gonna put racks from ceiling to floor right and that's why we're putting this type of shoes in here because we know that that that tubs gonna go in here this is gonna be another room similar to that room over there because I just know I have a ton of this stuff and so what we're doing is is we just got done setting up this is the electronics room right so I think what we're thinking look we got so many electronics like new and packaged stuff you know sound boards I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna leave this TV standing here we're gonna put a TV up and I'm gonna put all the connections down there for HDMI everything that way if somebody wanted to pop in a movie we'll have like a DVD VHS set now I mean if they want to test it they tested so we'll probably leave this here as a testing center so sound good plan okay so what we're gonna do is is we're gonna fill this thing with good electronics we'll probably put a few shelves here in the middle because we get so many electronics where else do we do oh we started the media room huh so look shelf stir disappearance I might need more shelves so we started putting kids toys in there oh look this is gonna be the media room so probably what we're gonna do here is is we're not gonna put every freaking book we find in here we're only gonna find the you know the better books that we think are gonna sell real fast we're gonna put bookshelves on these walls so you'll have books just like that and then you'll have DVDs right and so these are all ones that didn't have something in the case right and these weak they are all in the case check this out look what we found I was in the bottom of the box that's pretty cool PlayStation so anyway that was cool hey I might leave that in here for the grand opening see who gets up here first and baza for cheap so anyway look we found some video games we are gonna keep vhss hey I might sneak a few tally wire or what I call wiki way keys I might sneak a few Winkies up in this joint for you guys to come treasure hunt so but anyway we'll do like vinyl records and these what I will do is I think I'm going to put a vinyl or a bottle a record player in here that way if somebody wants to test it out just to you know make sure there's no like deep scratches it's gonna stop it from playing but other than that this will be your room just like that oh yeah all right so what else have we done is that about we don't well we've done a bunch of and like CDs and stuff you go and thrift stores and they have just like so many CDs like they know they're not gonna sell so I'm gonna pick out the best CDs is that even for CDs that looks one way - what that's for DVDs that's for DVDs but look we got more sales I'm breathing like a frickin in two two weeks two or three weeks I will have not had a drop of alcohol in one year which made me lose a lot of weight but I'm not gonna lie man my candy cereal it don't leave donuts out at night like because all the sugar I was getting from like when I drank I love whiskey and I just wasn't into sweets yeah I think that's cuz I was getting all my sugar from the whiskey right and so but now like angle I I watched my last video and I was like what up Thunder thoughts and so to myself so anyways like man I gotta get back on this so hey check it out man look how cool that room looks down there starting to look like a thrift store so what I'm doing is that I have these posted up on face Gina just got me put in facebook jail promoting an auction so might have trouble actually I need you to throw this ad up on Craigslist now that you do though because what it does it blocks you and then it's not gonna allow me to comment on anything no I can't I can't go in and edit do anything groups now for like 88 days yeah I just got the notification I'm sorry so normally I'd have a whole bunch of replies for this stuff it's alright you didn't mean to do it hey we're just doing our business right so anyway look we're hoping that we can get these gone by the end of the day because like I said clothing racks man I'm telling y'all we're gonna have great clothes but anyway hey stay tuned for more we're gonna get back to work we'll pop back in as soon as we get more progression made and we'll see where we go from there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright guys so we are freakin pressing the record button too early hey check it out so that was a setting up what's gonna be the electronic room right so this room's gonna be a little bit more tedious we haven't gotten a ton of stuff in here because a lot of the electronic stuff I actually have separated downstairs but I've got probably a hundred DVD players VHS players all kinds of stuff we've got video game controllers you know just a lot of stuff like that and so look this is going to be the electronic room we got all the shelving in here let me flip this around so I can show you a little bit better with the plane is all right so we've got shelving around here and we're gonna trot we're trying to get stuff up on shelves right now and then we'll do more organizing once we get the base done but it's just gonna be tedious right because what I want is I want buckets probably on these bottom shelves labeled because I mean we get tons of look just loose stuff microphones look we got a little uh that's actually for lighting over there there's a GameCube up there there's a we we get all this stuff Chargers look there's a PlayStation remote I mean look at this just so much stuff in here look in 64 controllers so what we're gonna do is if we get a fun look that's for a Wii charging station oh look Sega Genesis but these things I mean we get a ton of these man and I got in stores and these are not cheap so but we're anything that's dingy are dirty we're gonna clean it up or it's not gonna go in here we want to have a nice thrift store anyway we get a plethora of alarm clocks well test those clean them up make sure they're nice right and so I don't know maybe we'll do clocks here maybe we'll do then you know video game stuff here I don't know musical equipment speakers we get a ton of these and these are actually have some value but they don't do as good in the auction but look at all this new electronic stuff guys I have a plethora of this stuff a plethora downstairs look we're always getting cell phones I probably have like three or four hundred cell phones downstairs and a lot of these are these like you know burn phones if you know what I mean for this look that's a Samsung but yeah look at that what you could have found in here I don't know which one is the same sense Jeremy but anyway so look just speakers like those were new in the box you got water speakers anyway we don't have a lot of products in here to get your I was gonna say something I probably sounded bad I would look more microphones these are actually legit microphones somebody was freaking eating on that one while they were preaching but look PlayStation remotes we're gonna have a lot of these you know vintage Walkmans things like that there's a Walkman in the box tripod stuff for cameras things like that but anyway so this is going to be the electronic room right so and again we're gonna set up I have a TV out there we're gonna set up a TV here for a little testing area right because I think this it's I think thrifting is about an experience right oh yeah the other cool thing about our thrift stores it's got bathrooms how many stores we go into and I can't enjoy going through the t-shirt racks because I'm 39 yeah and my bladder has decided to shrink to a tenth of the size that it used to be and so let me show you so what I'm talking about experience here to back to the media room right this is gonna be the media room so we got a little bit more done in here we're finding a lot of good videogames and I'm gonna leave those in the thrift store look so we're gonna put another bookshelf like this on that side this will probably be like all vinyl stuff like that and then we're gonna deck this out with more book shelving over here and probably some book shelving over here right you know what I was thinking it's putting I don't like putting shelfs like this you know where they overlap I was thinking about I was think about putting one of these nice chairs in here you know I'm gonna be that guy that says hey if you read it you gotta buy remember that back in the day when you'd read magazines in the gas station Oh comic books yo member I seem to always get that like you know like Barnes & Noble you can read as much bro people be copping a squat on the chairs there for hours and like read the whole book anyway hey they wanna come hang out here that's cool and I got to tell you the really cool surprise but you got to wait till the end of this video and I'll tell you what its gonna be and I actually will look it up online together cuz I got to get one so anyway back to this so all of these have DVDs in them but we're done I promise you I'm probably going to fill that up with DVDs I'll think about getting DVD towers here on each side we have so many DVDs but these they do did an auction - they do we get DVDs in every storage unit though every frickin storage or DVDs so anyway I want to take you all around one more time couches are still here because she got me blocking so we're gonna get all this cleaned up before we leave but I wanted to show you all this I want to get you guys start getting your whistles wet so probably I don't know I don't like this I kind of want like some wood crates here or something nice we're gonna put a rug down here I want to get this vacuum but I just want to you know lit some candles I want it to be a good all right it'd be a nice place to go you know I mean but check it out I'm gonna give you a scan through this room real quick to show you it's gonna be a cool thirst door and it's gonna be priced like a thrift store even though I know what some of the stuffs worth it's about the experience guys it's all about creating the experience and long-term customers and another stream of Revenue look better say Papo Papo she didn't know what Popples are you - I played with Popples oh it took you so long I really I was born in 1986 yo I love Popples so you know you can unroll that look that's vintage Care Bears look there's a Mario lunchbox let's see what else we got look do you know what that stuff stuff thing is that is super collectible it's a hug a bunch a bunch man look lots of hats some of them have hats they have tags on look coach purses down there tons of purses so we're checking the zippers and everything making sure everything works and I said look it's a thrift store right not saying it's gonna have some dings and nicks on it but for the most part it it's good there's old Ninja Turtle wagons missing the roof though like got Snoopy looking at Lucy hey guys right now not the chitchat we're chatting in now downstairs downstairs down below down below in the comments not to chitchat let me know thumbs up thumbs down how do you think this is looking if every room turns out like this we do the electronic section where you can test your LPS you can test your DVDs things like that I think the coolest thing I'm gonna tell you about at the end of the video it's gonna be frequency it's cool to me I don't know might not be cool to yell but I can't wait to tell you but stay tuned to the end so let me know down in the comments below thumbs up thumbs down do you think if we make every room look like this and not only that but every time you come in ground sponsor store for the most part the inventory is all new that's the beauty about it you don't always have to come look at the same stuff you when you come in weekly or bi-weekly basis you'll know hey Justin's on point he's got his stuff together and he's always got new stuff hey I'm gonna have about a billion and a beanie babies y'all get ready to be rich right and so this let me tell you our plan for this so like I said this we're gonna put racks all around the wall in here actually you know I have that little pail if anything shoe thing that they had in pay list yeah it's down there I'm gonna put that in here just for nostalgia but we'll put racks all in here okay and we will divide these up women's and men's shoes I'm sure there's some more I'm sure there's better shear axe but see then I'm thinking no you know what we're gonna do that dear we'll do shoe racks all the way down this wall we'll put one at the end it might be a tight fit I need some thinner ones but what we were thinking for this guy's don't judge me no stuff outta my old office I'm gonna get this stuff kind of squared away but what I was thinking is is this could be a fitting room right that's what I'm thinking because that doors got a door that locks I'll definitely have two or three cameras in there just to make sure they're not stealing anything hey you know what hey you're not paranoid I am when I go into places but you know I am when I go into restaurants to eat like I picked the booth that I feel like if there's a any kind of danger comes in any threat comes in that I'm in the best position to pop his butt before he gets my family right and so I really strategically pick where I sit in church and stuff and so but when I go change clothes it like Burlington cuz I'm cheap and I'm always in there I'm always like checking the vents and stuff to make sure there ain't no cameras no that's a one-way mirror no I check those two but cuz you just pull it off the wall a little bit yeah but that's how paranoid I am because I watched too much YouTube and there's YouTube videos of that so hey anyway let me flip this back around alright guys sorry that was really good annoying so anyway hey me and Gina are about to try to knock out another bit of work and get this place in somewhat order we gotta get this furniture out of there too bad I can't on Facebook anymore you thought try and sell it on my Facebook I don't have as many people on there are you in jail I don't think so oh man they go on their share that post okay let's get these suckers out of here okay so anyway I I noticed cuz usually people will be blowing me up for stuff like that no it's been blowing me up alright guys so hey check it out we're going to get some more stuff down here and then we'll do one final walkthrough of what we got done like I said this is the first day we've started this progress our project we knew we were gonna do this we knew that the guys we're gonna be working on shipping getting all that out I think 50 or 60 packages are going out today that's great and then we got another 50 60 more probably to do tomorrow and then we'll all be caught up but hey thank you for your patience make sure hey guys do me a favor for the most part 99% of people read the Terms & Conditions just make sure you understand that during the holiday what a business day is is if it's a holiday that's not a business day so just just just so you know that but anyway we do our best to try to work in a very timely fashion but again all the excitement at the end of last year we dig it a little bit behind but we're getting caught back up it's going to be a bang in 2020 that's all i'ma say so lettuce but so hey let us get back to work we'll do some more and then we'll come back in at the end of this and let you know how it went and how day one came out on setting up store grab it alright guys so we are back and I thought that I will mix things up because the guys were upstairs no actually they're not upstairs more they're filling the dumpster but we got as much done as we can today I'm gonna take you up there here in a second but I was like man I still got like one run that's not even a number I was trying to make up with a number crap ton that's official Texas term to crap ton zequals issue right and that for you in two and two tonnes equals uh I don't know I'm not going there that's what it is hey look anyway hey here's the thing deal I just went back there and I grabbed two boxes then I saw two have not been open one says winter clothes but when I picked it up I felt a little dangly in the dangly whoa which meant it was heavy so I just was like man let's do an unboxing real quick so we're gonna do two unboxings and we're gonna run upstairs will show you the final product - what me and Gina got done in one day and our plan is to have our thrift store grant opening possibly this coming Saturday what this coming Saturday the thing is I'll show when we get upstairs I'll show you the problems I've run into already yeah I just got to get we have one lady call she just wants the one couch I don't want to do that somebody wants the holding set I'd rather one person come on you got time for all that so anyway what we're gonna do to take that money and we're gonna buy retail clothing racks I'm so excited about that do you know how excited I am about this whole freaking thing yes this is gonna be such a great deal guys oh and I tell about my other idea oh wait I'll tell you all about it upstairs we remind me to tell them yeah about my other secret thing nice surprise which I'll probably like man I don't even give a crap about that that's not a surprise I think it's a surprise I think it's really cool and guess what my sweatshirt tomorrow with my big ugly face gets here tomorrow what I need to order mine how did you see that dude that sent me a picture of him and his tank top no it's on my community board alright oh yeah cadance aww he's like dad your head is really big on that shirt that's ridiculous and here's the deal I look that's not winter clothes Liars gotta put on my glasses for this one all right we're gonna stop talking let's get to business hey now we can say it whatever I just broke thrift store mm-hmm all right hey this isn't freaking winter clothes it's gonna be a billion you know what I just saw kind of frustrating well there's this video right so I checked the trending videos just see what's hot out there right now and I saw this video out there it's got 2.5 million views and dawg hey there one of them Furby people's hey you know what hey you got fur and handcuffs in one place a tail is sure to follow Jeremy knows all about this kinky crap I'm joking he just bought storage unit wasn't it oh so that anyway this video had 2.5 million views on it and it was about the seven point five million dollars found why so not only did they rip all these videos off mic storage auction pirates video to use in the video they ripped videos off of my channel yeah and I come and I was like hey bro if you're gonna at least freaking rip a video off of our peoples channels you might want to give us some credit I saw the one you know the one that big high-end thing remember when I had to go pick up that car out of the storage unit yeah they ripped that clip off our Channel yeah no I was just sitting there watching it you know how they start playing well it said 7.5 million and it had Mike pulling out some money out of a safe and I know that safe I know that unit which was a great unit but I was like that's not 7.5 million dollars and that's Mike that's not the guy who won the money and then I'm sitting there watching the video and here comes the clip of the car that we're pulling out if they would have watched the video they would know that that wasn't an abandoned storage unit was a lawsuit it was a lawsuit one of our clients is a big yeah anyway they just ripped two clips off of it but they have it's got 2.5 million views man yeah it's your it's your stuff it's your videos I want to comment but I might contact them and say hey you need to put my channel in there something because you're just ripping like there's got to be something together that's that's a chat right now but any of you other youtubes y'all know we're still in new YouTube you know we're seriously only six months into this thing so let me know down in the comments so I don't have to go look through the chat let me know what y'all think about that if you can find anything on that but so 2.5 million views and he's ripped clips off my channel and I saw the storage auction pirates you know so they need to split that revenue with you well and they should probably get my credit - yeah whatever I mean with y'all used a lot of clips from his so anyway hey anyway hey pick this up in the morning I'm sorry Texas karate kids hey if you're trying to teach your kids like for real for real how to defend themselves in the streets and things like that in school not that you want them out fighting but if you want them to be able to bend so start with Brazilian jiu-jitsu right most little kid or most adult fights end up on the ground anyway and most people are like wow that just the trunks nice thing he knows what my room's telling me like they did trunk don't make a possum but you're gonna turn they're gonna turn you into a meme I was making fun of Jacob make it more specific than they can like okay maybe with things mixed in Oh ready that's a great movie ready trilogy oh yeah one of them is probably the bonus need DVD oh look how many colors I get a color week in karate I'm joking it took me six months to get my blue belt in jujitsu which was very fast normally takes two years Oh what is that hey crack that open suit though all right so I'm not seeing anything out more karate hey speaking of let me plug a youtube series that I like real quick is Cobra Kai yeah I've heard you've heard of them who's them them him whatever I've heard well I don't know I just said I've heard was it was it like you heard about it like those two close boxes never boxes yeah so Katie I was looking for boxes to unbox sorry that was a disappointment but she says oh I've got to I've got to on open boxes still in the backseat of my car and this is why Gina in her I love him to death but they drive me nuts because what what do I expect if somebody says hey I've got two unopened boxes in the back of the car and since one example this happens all the time I think it's fair of me to say that I expect to see two unopened boxes come into the door this is what I saw this is the one unopened box okay I swear that was a box for real I did and here is the second unopened never be gone through box heck yeah some good stuff in there you're right yeah this is what yard I'm telling you they're on a secret planet drop me I swear sometimes how I do you think it's gonna take I never know that is an accident but this right now is but I tried to talk to know it's just this one thing about look I'm not talking about just this one example this happens this kind of thing happens every day all day all week and that's why about by the end of the week I'm like man my brain is done I'm fried so I'm just a very literal person you know this is rap ooh the roach egg box oh dang it I thought we found a jewelry box store now that wasn't bad I like boxes like this yeah I know what I only like to one person in that live caught it yeah they said Justin you dressed and I was like Shh not everybody hurted oh look a real clock ain't that the building in London glencliff high school I know her name I know what you she graduated oh yeah glows in the dark that's a cool puzzle bro Kurt needs this and now and then he needs a black light freakin imagine like shoving some shrooms under your eyelids and then freaking looking at this under a black light I'm joking germs I think that's acid that people use put her in the you know I know remember what I what I was younger these dudes used to put like they bring these little pieces of paper you know you just put the little drop of acid on it and they'd stick them under there hey look it's Trisha Yearwood home wrecker I'm joking has it been long enough Garth Brooks Garth Brooks was married to another woman and I can't remember the full story cuz I was only like 9 or 10 but I just remember like people calling her a homewrecker but you know her and Garth Brooks are married now they've been married for a long time no country couple when he was bit hot his young crew he had a he was married had kids and then they got I think they might have had an affair I don't know why I have all this knowledge I learned that when I was learning how to tap people's phone like my mom did to her boyfriend I'm waiting to get that phone call I keep putting their joke in there to see if she'll call me I thought that was a horn your book that's what are you look looks like that you want some of that money off that 2.5 million views my band is ripping freaking clips off people's channels you can do a strike how people was for a minute the dude that created MySpace Tom Tom don't look like Tom I don't even know I just thought about that look through the pictures and see if you can find his everyone if it was him his original Facebook but if I had Tom maybe this Tom is a baby right no that's too new maybe that's Tom's kid hey that's Tom's dad that looks like that guy would be Tom's dad Yeah right he's even got a lanyard probably kind of knows computer stuff make your own history hey look it's another one of the baby thigh masters want your baby to have strong thighs just get them working in the morning give me three reps of ten I'm Jevon did I just say I meant in a completely natural motherly feeding way I do that when I'm preaching about box steaks they're alive y'all freaking out that's just the air it's raisins what if it was raisin bran they are not they are I see it moving that's the Eric coming no it's not there's nothing there's one moving oh my god sir brother move we're gonna do this you're making crap up I don't know how many more times you're gonna make me prove y'all wrong moving this is another example of why these ladies don't trust me I'm very well aware of things that this was so down in there the air was releasing out of the bag or the there was air going into the bag releasing all the pressure and the bag was moving because of the air was coming out of it and then the little raisins look the raisins are still living hi man hi don't leave this out for hey let's leave this out for good hey those are drifts tour that's a good solid glass right there coca-cola huh [Music] y'all think I'm joking this is my wife is y'all realize that I feel like I'm not in reality most the time that's usually while I'm like a little what are you doing Oh back to reality that's why I feel like most the time I don't feel like I'm in reality I feel like I'm in some bizarro Superman world with these two all right should we go upstairs we're pleading to show him what we finished yeah let's go just keep it running don't get my but that lady's still all right I almost fell see the walls check this out what if I'm just a dude and I don't even like thrift shop but my wife makes me come in but I'm right here I'm gonna put a little magazine rack right here or TV here Oh playing wine all day all the time so I think this might stay maybe we should give her the window oh wow okay so this is where the displace gonna go we're gonna lock stuff up we'll put the backs back on this and anything that most stuffs gonna go through the auction but we do want to bait right you gotta have guts if you want people to come in here if we got to keep the predicate fresh and good so we're gonna put a chain right here so they can't get my offices sorry so we in here we did get anything done in the toy room we need more shelves which I will go get tomorrow we're gonna put more chefs in here one seating area and we're gonna pack this thing with books by mouth like a little library yeah and then what I think of this once we get all our books packed out I think what I'll do is look at these like these books even have the little Lego action figure so that's cool several of so you know you got anime look you got Twilight cookbooks I recognize this do you recognize this without looking at it where's that bill yeah Museum yeah because if you go if you haven't seen my Holocaust video then go back and watch it but one of the rooms I did a pan of this room and these are all people do people Jewish people from that area but as soon as I saw that man that was such an experience hey go check that go check it out go check out that video I thought it's pretty cool I was just learning how to edit then so forgive me but a lot of people said they cried so but look we got Self Help we got kids books we got Star Wars we got the diary of the Wimpy Kid I still love this one Tarzan's yeah so I'm like I said we checked all these but look the last hero holls holls that's actually a really good movie it is a good oh my gosh what is this doing in here oh well straight out of context Compton a minute Compton a minute kids books all kinds of boom if you like all johor that's great I think Jo probably loves Jesus I just think he's a little off on so who's teaching little uh so look this stuff's gonna go away we are gonna keep the display there and like I said I think I might run by Walmart tomorrow and get the racks cuz we're gonna hang I think we do double racks I think we do Rach Rach yeah boom you don't have clothes hung here we'll do --racks --racks --racks --racks --racks their racks they're rats rats rats rats what about pictures shoot I got other rooms for that good look at that you know any screws we can put in the wall in there true put pictures up the kids room we'll put pictures this room right here we put it but this main area is gonna be the clothing area because I think that's we get such good clothing I think we'll have the best clothing and and I know that we all know the thrift stores right this way I think this will be the coolest bester store in Dallas area parade you know my old favorite one was called urban thrift I know they closed they did closed that's Wow I had my opinion probably why but they always had the best prices and had the coolest stuff so anyway but look how many pictures what we're gonna do is we're gonna do is just screws or nails on these walls a pop-up arm will do shelfs in here we'll probably do thing a shelfs in the middle a lot more stuff this room's gonna end up looking like this room except probably we'll have a lot more dishware maybe we're gonna have coffee makers and we'll test all the stuff it's gotta be clean but again you say in this room three times today but so that were each room should look like this I do want to rug for you ten pictures of mm-hmm I do want cleaner oh you know there's green trunks we have the nice green trunks the headteacher stuff in them mm-hmm know what those in here will keep into the beanie babies though they're just present better so how many minutes we have 22 oh my gosh all right guys so hey here's the end of this video now you know we're opening a thrift store what oh yeah you know what's going right there guess what's going right there I already know do you yes yeah oh it's all my sketch - oh no my sketch you can't they can't read it yeah it good so one's going right here that couch is probably gonna go I don't know I might do a little sitting area in here - but so what's gonna go right here you know the crane games I'm taking the inserts out and I'm putting our groms funds low it's gonna be Grimes finds crane game what you gonna put in it uh silver coins Jewelry vintage Nintendo games like it's going to be the coolest crane game ever is going to be vintage Grimes finds like you know to buy no you should come up and play the game I'll have a change machine up here for you ready to go but so we're gonna do Grimes Pines crane machine and after I test it here I'm gonna try to get it in all the Walmarts thank ya so hey you think big right so anyway check it out how that room makes me proud we'll get more will get more freaking more electronics in here tomorrow I've got I've got enough to fill this room eight times downstairs so look but we can do pictures around to you know pictures so anyway guys hey we hope you enjoyed this video we hope you're excited I know if you're out of town you're like I don't know how that affects me well it kind of doesn't but be happy for us right so make the drive any we had no crap dude I'm telling you once I get this place done we'll have vintage t-shirts I mean we're gonna I'm gonna make this a cool cool thirst or cool place to be so anyway hey make sure to I'm hearing from a lot of other channels a lot of people were like getting unsubscribed on other channels I've noticed it too one not like we lost like 30 like in a second it was weird it was like all at one time but then like later they all came back it was weird so but make sure to check that your subscribe to us so if you would real quick go down and check subscribe if you are click it then click it again in the Bell also hit reminder for that you got anything else dear alright guys so hey we enjoyed this time with you we'll be back - storage unit videos - tomorrow so hang in there other than that we'll see you the next [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 17,093
Rating: 4.9171915 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, thrift store haul, antique shopping, reseller, thrift flip
Id: SeIkKsyx9mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 12sec (3672 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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