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then walk away nostalgia just whoa and then you're gonna tell me imma open this and I'm a fun pee-wee Herman I dunno hey no you don't look alike at all no still not he's got that one huh never leave that yo are you all folks no oh [Music] alright guys welcome back to another episode of Grimes finds this is day two at the 175 dollar vintage collectible somebody just outside so my mom's just start rolling y'all if you didn't see what I found in this unit first of all we pulled out a huge cowhide rug yeah that was a very first thing we pulled out paid for this unit easy yep easy easy peasy but check it out go back in Nara now don't leave stay with us after this go back and watch yesterday's video I'm telling you I feel good about it so hey we're just we're staying here we're here one more episode down so let's dig in so everything oops everything here and out there showing up there who went through this just records 8tracks vintage toys in the box include him in hell highs yeah I'm betting still reaching vanilla ice hey y'all go tweet do whatever you gotta do show up at his house let him know I'm a huge fan we're growing YouTube channel and I would like him to sign my Barbie doll of him I am I've been a super dude when I was 10 years old man I was Jim vanilla ice so anyway how cool would that be if we get him to sign that so anyway hey let's just pop in the boxes oh man I'm always more wanky I don't know a lot about say good who you know does Jacob I was gonna say Jeremy what the hell's Jeremy Basra Fame Jacob collects all of the gaming systems he does okay so let's look in here look more PlayStation 2 games yes we found Harry Potter's wand why would he leave that in a storage silly oh that thing - that little projector right about given to our kids out of a storage unit for Christmas how with us like a little hot spot it uh-huh yeah that was my nickname in high school oh you know video games it's the other part of the yeah we found vintage - yes right seeker playstation racemania oh no Tarzan I heard another car bullets what goes with bullets can you in the thing is is if we find a gun in this unit it's gonna be random yeah I get paid every time someone clicks on your video that's what someone actually said okay so that yeah look at these oh please these are nice oh please yeah I got the number on the side good many organs that's what it is we look has the organ petal mini organ yeah leave it up to Justin Grimes [Music] [Music] not creepy dolls Ashley Bell maybe that's a good call that no I don't know much about dolls no neither but she came with her own little case yep hey what's up stinks in there does smell the devil smells like old lady house all right okay yeah band hats I hope I'm so cool I'm guessing you're not maybe guess that's really cool put little dolls not technologies angles more of these freakin plates I'm so disappointed all these plates are broke but they could have been nice ones mm-hmm actually I probably were so hey I didn't do it you're blaming that crap on me man you're slinging stuff around diamonds [Music] do you have the bicycle did I don't know look at this mixing board Oh notes for colors like the thing we added for what they remember at Stillwater when I used to change the lights to match my oh well find some more comics too well it's mostly books huh yeah and some random things but looks like a kid books [Music] choose going back Oh Pikachu you think we do for this no he's so big oh that's her chick for a child you just labor a chick SS first I was gonna say child and then I tried to say kid and I said kid and said I don't know where we got hats Raiders this must be the trash box a.m. yeah it's trash boss ha ha the only reason he says I was cuz I went to Baylor yes that's right he's hiding this friggin cool look there's more of these uh these gonna be money right here then I'll vanity mirror and an old urn that's super cool hopefully at the top that's killer actually Keep Calm hi Lou the one it's a good a good hat and then only god can judge me so true okay wise words to Bob Myers bunch of wires Oh figured these boxer was holding those books we can fix it we can fix that he's so cute why would you put that in there Bo I made that gun case yeah this is some strobe lights in here yeah watch box where's that Laura Scott you don't know no set that down going from that to a little bit wrong and rise hey thing oh [Applause] alright guys we are back now so Li Jing's fault she did me yeah alright ready ready so what I did is I took these two boxes I'm ready but the two boxes so I just thought she went to turn the lights on I put these boxes already one retires we can we can retire oh look it's Daisy that's all guys look at that it's a Venus active stylist they all have the tags on it yeah it might be actually you know there is I'm not a lie there's a few of them they're still you know we're bringing em but we actually might have one because we freakin good lord have mercy we even got squid worth being a baby hey Squidward now we just need a krabby patty trying to stay to the end of the video that is what he considers just a little Phillip speaker those oh those were Samsung right no logic they just fell out of here they were obviously Richards oh that's nice that's for what leather all right smashing smashing them letters on that leather oh yeah you give you a box for sanyo [Music] cover our trunk no we gotta do our translator class [Music] possibly here goes yes yo check it look more DVDs man lots of DVDs lethal weapon for one my faves because of Joe Pesci actually let's go here Oh more yeah it's one of huge video things that's kind of cool it is in there oh it's a tape recorder man that's not cool I think this is the kind of recorder my mom used to report her ex boyfriends on the phone come on now you know what a man jesus knows you're lying jesus knows you're lying I look paperbacks look Star Wars might be some more comics known the bun joint - yeah is your collectable books oh that's something you like okay now let's go this way oh my gosh I thought that the polar hauler Oh buttonholer oh I thought you're just kidding no I thought I said the butthole that's weird they got doctors for that people mm dispenser he's kind of dirty we can clean him up he's not the rare one - he's missing though you remember which one's the rare ones are no look at these big coins we've sold these big coins in the auction before that's actually kind of cool look just a bunch of them in here to bring a bunch of tubs there's a lot of cool stuff there's old Jim Beam you can let's get that breaks that's cool the submarine won World War two anything military political I usually don't get excited about these old being can look war it's a Cantor Cantor but political and the military once I do so actually I do the coin but it's an actual curse you all not a jacket look at all them chickens that's what everybody look at all them versus West a signed copy I feel like he signs a lot of his books he does he did but I didn't even know no he does he's on a lot of those political guys sign their books which makes you wonder did he yeah that's cool there might be some money right there I've never seen the scrapbook that's kind of cool to actually like take a gander in here you got me oh no these are all well I can't get in there I think I might have hit Katie one time all the time she reports me well you're probably thinking about it more though you got an excuse for everything sometimes it's okay just to say hey remember ham Clifford Clifford the dog wants creepy kids I can tell us electron yeah hey what's is the Ernie no no no it's not bert or something more current Kayden watches it he does yeah it's a show and he's got his friends with that real boy I think [Music] that sucks crash & Bernstein yeah I don't know if it's crash sucks broke there's a Billy bass in there oh never seen the cat that is a silver plate Wallace [Music] it seems like all this stuff's are in their boxes yeah whatever that was I just broke a sword every time it's engraved right there there's a there's a name on it and there's a stamp oh that's neat can you read that actually might have a loop in my pocket if not I'll look when we get back yeah that's Walt huh huh that's pretty cool coins let's try to break that 1916 Roseland hmm gonna go with the teapot yeah all right rice oh I found the piece back that's the million-dollar beanie baby all right that was one of the more desirable ones at one point oh look jeez how many of these can we find oh yeah we found some that I don't think they're coming now I'm gonna want to know what's down there alright guys hey here's the dang deal give us a break let me move this stuff around so I don't break anything and you don't have to look at my tuchus alright guys so we are back check it out I gotta cleaned up Gina had his run to go peepee I did and give me a coke coke zero and so anyway I cleaned up and these are the last boxes that we're gonna box with you so let's just get down to actually unbagging I'm bagging and I did see that poking through the hole when I was hoping it was again so Nintendo GameCube cool okay but we've got a PlayStation 1 Oh joystick action yet little Nintendo zapper PlayStation game in there alright so that's good it's in there contender to Oregon or in ps3 hey it's in there Spartan so lots of video game Joe oh look there's a lot more on you too looks like yeah there's these handful down [Applause] already I love that movie oh it's in there it's in there oh yeah okay we got a time video again this bag right here will bring in what these yeah so that's what we paid for it no don't fall no they don't oh let's keep going oh yeah yeah I don't care about the look that goes to 64 that's what this is I don't really do animations PlayStation lunar 2 box set looks like it's all in there Genesis man to bug's life we don't care about actually that's a really good movie PlayStation games okay Oh Jurassic Park we're just talking about that PlayStation 64 boom I hope they have golden iron here huh thing is we haven't gone through all these boxes properly yeah so there's really no telling anyone keys in there I haven't seen any Winkies no Winkies chests but only yours baby Oh mater the only only whose Tetris all right look jeopardy Tetris is great what this is crazy oh here's some glass 64 games Oh Donkey Kong that's a good game oh yes I am there Crusaders Roger Clemens sister yes yes yeah this is nuts I did not expect this my new is like yours unit straight down straight down metal gear Ghostbusters - anticipation gauntlet - look here's another box set oh that's the first one so we've got one into that oh yeah yeah Game Boy Color that's the second one of those we found this week this one's got the back - yeah that's great okay oh my gosh holy cannoli okay captain Skyhawk hoops maniac mansion 10-yard fight got you remember the game super jeopardy [Music] these are pretty dingy but I'm gonna clean these cybers football Sega some baseball The Simpsons it's just how about it so we got miss pac-man yeah yeah my more ps3 Kirby's Adventure it's in there yo this is the freaking I look frickin eternity is all the buttons are still on it where's the damn power good oh wait it's on it's on Wow batteries are dead but it works I mean it works that's you oh yeah Mario duck huh yeah pro-wrestlers oh my gosh is more will a fortune ultimate basketball yo cup owner bucks easy I bet an auction we've got at least at least 500 uh-huh video game stuff we're gonna clean all these up know what that is what it's the best storage nose in town the best storage nose I'm telling you them dudes out here look at this alright we got this this in a trunk lift right ready let's go how are do you know I like you so certain that nostalgia and then you're gonna tell me dude I'm gonna open this and I'm a fun pee-wee Herman how do I know no you don't look alike at all still not he's got that one huh never leave that yo you all folks know 100 [Music] world a lot of people hated this way it is alright yeah you know what this was this was this was a part giveaway you think so yeah these hats they give them away at the park with all the signatures on them no not the signatures on there but they could have got it at the park yeah maybe they had people sign in there maybe he's down by the dugout so that's cool so we found retro games vintage toys antiques autographs signed balls haha books and they bought these balls and they had him signed say they bought the balls for $6.99 at the park yep and had them sign so what we'll do is we'll take this back this has one that has my signature art this has one two three four five five signatures on this ball right here that's good look at this one that's got one two three four five six might be seven but for sure six signatures autograph balls baby chat which handed down the common one to ten 175 dollar investment do you think I was silly for buying this one to ten you let me know 10 being the best okay so that's kind of cool little like coin coin tray [Music] you know the clinics will lose I know how nice what is shop all right Clint Eastwood autograph yep what this is crazy hurt my self-esteem maybe laughing at you oh that's auctions are being mean to me yeah there's something people check it out this is one of my favorite that is cool that's still pretty minty in the box and I see a plaque it looks like an older baseball player you see it openly assigned sons anarchy don't really know this show oh boy I think I tried to watch it once and I just you got like the comic oh look what's a little font is oh that's cute very cute little fondue set floral mist Hellboy in floral mist [Music] alright guys we're back sorry Gina's phone ran out of space rubber band things bracelets alright so I don't really this is really cool yo and it's kill or do you remember the Rocketeer yes I love the rock 3ds garbage it's on Disney Plus yeah this is since Walt Disney are here ah this is killer yeah that's killer mm-hmm and here we got the Hunchback tape okay so check it out looks like one laughs oh no there's two nope well that one's not signed stan musal that would have been great mm-hmm he's a hall-of-famer that's a great play got this Mickey Mantle plaque so that's pretty cool let's put these together one it's one of 10,000 limited edition prints and tell somebody that's possible it's definitely possible all right actually that's cool that's bad one of my favorite items oh yeah that's I didn't know us oh yeah this is a great unit this is this is one out of six that we bought can I tell you we spent less than a thousand bucks on all six units I was playing smart today and I'll tell you right now this unit right here easily easily paid for the rest of the units I promise you that this unit will at least make three grand so this this unit right here pay for all the other so anyway let's check this bad boy out and I'll be back there's babies in there Hey look Johnny's fine it's got to be worth a million huh [Music] said anything good to classroom it's 2015 [Music] is it's over is it a stainless steel oh yeah that's stainless steel pretty sure so but it's got collector body this is University of Texas it's a 1927 University of Texas bring oh that's cool yeah that's got value yeah so oh wait maybe no that maybe that's the year they started right yeah it says 2012 on there okay okay still got a little collector value all right let's see whenever I was bidding on it like obviously you saw the first video yeah you can see but this is what I pictured like when I'm bidding on it this is like when I pitch you're seen in boxes when you see these things miscellaneous curtains ah blankets and dolls and decorations but get ready for wait not blankets Stephen and mom what ah ha ha you gotta be kidding me Hilary nutcrackers oh wait no I got a bobble head did not ha ha at the thing God is too funny yeah I was a bubble head the gel bobble head yeah yeah what the hell's class that's too funny okay this is a blanket y'all okay we've got some baseball cards see what years we're looking at see if they put anything special little ken griffey action hmm great it's an eight I've you know I'm never found I don't know if I've ever found greatest cards look there's some autographed ones to look at get old get normal to the wind blows so these are these are signed okay that's kind of cool hey Grady cards on it that's cool Jamal Mashburn I remember him the three.js okay so I'll thumb through these later these are 80s definitely a lot of 80s goes in these could be a few little gems in there but more and more not but I'm just glad it's not curtains Pokemon fans Wow look at all of these freakin Pokemon cars there's got to be one of every freakin thing in pokey pins these might be worth some money yeah yeah we have to go through these there could be some of these we need to find that jars over that way all right sign Dominique Wilkins that's cool card do you know who's doing look at these cars these are like too deep oh it's yeah you it's for trafficking Martha Stewart I'm definitely going through this card y'all so don't freak out my niece asks for a typewriter for Christmas Thanks that's pretty good oil look at that the graphics are so good on it something broke out here I don't know we'll keep it there figured out this it's pretty good condition hey this is a great great unit you got one box left oh we do this box did you oh c'mon RJ's here this is nice he's our pig oh yeah has he got seeds and special ones hey we gotta look those up mm-hmm I bet there's I bet there's one of those Charizard you think so yeah but the question is is it worth getting great Hey all right guys hey I'm getting old she's getting old it's gonna be real awkward if we try to get up for right now so how many men's with Oh we're pushing 50 heck yeah all right guys so check it out this is one out of six units that we bought one so stay tuned all week all next week we're going to be bringing you great storage unit videos hey guys we're almost to 15,000 make sure to subscribe hit that Bell select all because you know we only do premieres we're trying to stay on our eight o'clock schedule to be consistent so just do that other than that we'll see you at the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 25,048
Rating: 4.8062563 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Penny List, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Live Show, Ebay resale, resale value, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, video games, gaming, live gaming, retro video games, nintendo, super mario, sega, fortnite, pokemon, vintage pokemon
Id: 1Cfs9oZRH2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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