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alright guys so this is no joke remember how I said it has suspicious feelings I was right oh my god huh can you I can slow it down button [Music] you [Music] alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the mystery edition I don't know again but it looks like we found ourselves a mystery so check it out I can't say anything cuz I don't know 100% sure but I've got suspicions about something and could just be suspicions could be speculation could be a complete letdown by the end of this video I don't know but but look if hey have a lot of people told me I should have been a copper detective yeah ok people tell me all the time you should be an attorney just the way that my mind works I'm able to figure things out so I've just you know things just click to me like in the middle of the night and anyway so I did some little research on some things and I think something big might happen today I think that I might be being left at the dark on some things could be intentional could be unintentional I don't know could be a good thing could be a bad thing hey I could be wrong right now you tired me rambling so check it out hey this is the intro to this this this video that might turn out fantastic or it may just be another fantastic storage unit but I'm hoping for a bonus so we see there [Music] alright guys so this is no joke remember how I said it has suspicious feelings huh can you I can slow it down button [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 25 now 50 $50 in to get $50 a will soda can $50 $50 and I'll do 35 and see what happens 35 again 35 30 of Avenue 35 sorry only 2500 dollars richer better number 50 safety bouncer 75 can save me 500 hundred dollars corner 125 where need to be 125 zero to give my 25 last go hundred joining bap somebody brought their hundred dollars number number 11 number 11 all right guys welcome back to Grimes fine so as I was saying I had my suspicions of this and I was absolutely 100% run all the units were trash that's what I thought yeah they were all traffic so check it out they were all trashed we went on a super cool run super cool Arantes was Walt you know he's a buddy of mine but we snagged this one on storage treasure storage shed not four hundred and thirty dollars for thirty bucks with this is only one of two units for the same price so it's a 10 by 20 but what it really is is 210 by tens so let me tell you why why I did on it the ordained thing and then I brought in some special hot you all know how I said they had a weird suspicion DJ yeah yeah you're right I'm about to pop that secret on you say so check it out this is one reasons why I bought it right even if it wasn't jewelry in it it was still playing privately but I had a suspicion that there was in there because down here if you look sorry about the lighting guys but this all says jewelry cleaner I'm not in the chitchat were chatting right now get on the comments below let me know whose voices do you think that was gonna show you in a second but check it out this is why I bought it because look she had jewelry cleaner Jory cleaner watch box right I knew these were purses but look how nice and these you put a persons with yeah she writes very this furniture is probably the late 60s 70s right but it's all super clean right solid wood stuff yep and look how she packed her clothes she folded them up but so here's the dang deal check it out people this is one of two units you're gonna have to stay tuned what the crap what what you return oh my god so check this out y'all they definitely did not take a picture of this corner because I would have spent more on it and I'm sure the guy who has bitten against me would have spent more - I'm not gonna touch it stay tuned to the in his video to see what's going on with the safe don't go that way don't go that way don't go that way don't we got it back up area stay right there okay all right guys so check it out I was on the run and I'm sitting there waiting to bid on some units you had the runs not that you're on the note but the guy who I'm about to introduce you always has the run do you know what gives them the runs but apple juice oh now in there rocks come just goes it up well yeah that would have been nice but what's the point so against each other but check it out not only was this Dainius in the truck there's somebody else somebody else okay so before I introduce him y'all he just started his YouTube career and he's just like a couple days ago yeah you know yeah yeah so trying to help them get to this is YouTube career so we'll just wasn't introduced and introduce yourself I'm new to this whole video thing he's new I'll do ice loggers TV [Music] it's fairly new it's been doing it for like couple days let's go goon squad yeah Hertz also been around for some hurt but check it out also we got two great champ actually long yeah wait we just warm it one all jokes aside I had no flipping clue no flipping clue well Jay was texting me and I speeding how my mind works it's like a freakin crackhead yeah but look it has his crackhead highs on that man thank you surprise y'all ha talk how kind Jerry has been does this dude is just as down-to-earth and so kind dog stay tuned to figure all that out with two kinds so anyway so I invited them to come here and dig in this unit I think you might actually [Laughter] check it out you know the dang deal here's what we're gonna do let us clear some space get some of these clothing out of here what we're gonna do is set up a little thing we're ever gonna do some unboxing with you especially at your like normal we abandon our whole plan we we're moving this box and I picked this up let me shoot all books and I was like man look at this oh my gosh Oh more no that's a c'mere Oh what what else isn't there oh I think oh my god no you know what that is yeah no there's more hey dude you can do no I just don't want to reach over hey check it out so this is my friends first time on our channel we're gonna give you this one you want open this one Oh crunching ground shakes we have little collectibles what might have another jewelry I think that's 30 bucks easy that's older camo is this user yeah yeah yeah so probably shouldn't shook that one that's what you put air freshener in three-point all right so that wasn't that exciting but I'm sorry box wait hold on there's a hallmark CB no okay so hey look this time we're really gonna move some stuff oh wait hold me so got this nothing you know I'm thinkin what I'm thinkin 24 hours 24 hour challenge I was right I was totally right partner watch that pocket watch 14 karat gold older chain where the chances are it feels a little lot is this house that's a little wide there's nothing in there mm-hmm maybe a repot case I don't see much there's home to pour down here [Music] you know this is what let's keep this thing exciting yeah here's the deal normally I'd say yeah so let's go ahead and do this and you pop that open it's not empty novel looks like a little Native American action right now look at that chokers that's beautiful looks like new earth either it's so pretty this well that's cheap this is all yes I played it this looks like silver yeah 925 right there see this is 14 karat no no he's lying don't believe this guy we don't know him that well 14-karat gold let's go Jerry go I like this game I don't know this one's are rubbed off yeah this is definitely plated you can see the bubbles and you can see where it's rubbing off out there that's all right mm-hmm we still got some drawers to dig into that's that's what she said I did not say it Hey Justin's Justin's kiss I did not say I'm 6 videos clean baby you're a six video being around the screw that I'm not break I'm not break hey I'm a break that's all right all right let's go to the next Roy oh look at that little cameo oh that's pretty yeah it's plated with bakelite o-ring box the chairs [Music] all right he's got those I'm digging that right there so Rob costume jewelry anything that's not silver or gold some costume jewelry can actually sell more really depends on what brand it is sometimes thanks would you count that his costume jewelry right there yeah Austin wish so this says three five eight is it European I don't know it might be okay I'll look so any other weird numbers like or like across the pond Stan so use different numbers oh cool it might be a low grade like nine eight nine carat something like that but it's so pretty look at that that's beautiful did okay I think so for but we still got a whole nother unit hey kiss a man I'm rich oh look this is actually my dream money I'll look this model up this is an old Timex in old Tom X's there actually some decent money next door does our silver does not appear to be sore from the naked eye where's the dang dilly-doo hey man has got to be real from Korea all right they make all the good all right are you kidding me more boxes Cameron I need a hand this is my other no no down here I need a hand here you get up oh they'll say on the back will say base metal base metal steal something believe if 49 there's a model number I'll look this up this is older yes speed or something it's a Timex it's an old Timex that's good that's a really nice little anything yeah there's stuff in here there's definitely stuff I can tell you about looking in I just peek it in gold and the light coming through I tell you this precious metal right now gold or silver it's probably silver this is three something Italy 95 yes that's silver that's silver that whole thing is so nice yes definitely oh that looks plenty boy that's plated hold that handsome I oh that's Han come on right there 385 it's like hand what's that say I can't see I can't see a K M K or something I can't really so 18 K about 14 K that's a nice one sorry Mike Hagen is now get he do it hey that's part of this is what we all go through boxes this is Korea yeah that's not really make all the good stuff oh yeah yeah they compete with China for all the best ball okay so we got gold we got silver I cannot believe this yo you got all this out of the jewelry box I'm curious what's in this yeah right now right here piecing this stuff out my money that I spent for yeah I think you did okay I think we've only gone through it okay look for a new box still have a safe you all be check it out we think that this might have been her kit there's a toothbrush and stuff hanging on the side look we think that might be where she was cleaning her jewelry and that's why she had masses amounts of jewelry cleaning stuff so hey let us take a break we're gonna for real this time for real break maybe we're gonna say merely boxes all the way and I'm curious what's in these because I think that might be her jewelry kid I really did let us make some room will be are there [Applause] [Music] well maybe they weren't using it jewelry-making I think you're disgusting for not touching hey you know what so we don't have to take another break let's go in that tub directly below hey hey actually my manager said take a break by looking he's so excited we're gonna forgive him because he's new to this game right great wait let's let the guy have fun hang out in this show we just found out in their jewelry purses she weighs let me find I just want stereo there's a gold this is this is let's see what else isn't that bad boy that's older huh I can't read it you know I can't just that's Tiffany to look like many clans there's bands in there wash pans thank you guys did good with your life here's a black leather oh yeah I keep yelling sorry it's exciting yeah alright that's pretty yeah I found master keys to something it's busted okay open that up it's jewelry cleaners yeah let me tell you something always oh well this isn't in here like these I always check in these cuz I'll find rings in these sometimes the ones with the liquid in it yeah she was a jewelry [Music] tell me who I need to be following here CDs Pink Floyd Hey smashing pumpkin is it who is it who did hey y'all tell me how dumb I am right now tell me down in the comments up chitchat down the comments oh heck yes do you mean who do you went to high school with make sure hotel how nice and name was that's why I knew this was gonna be a good unit you've actually hit anything in it I don't think she's the hider probably not she didn't hurt out her back hurt she'll even Locker ya should even walk her say you know sure are you rolling okay yeah pop that back there yeah yeah all right oh that's a nice one Soni hey easy she didn't forsee be able to hold on yeah oh yeah this is our books maybe she hid some money in here oh wait let's see if this is a jewelry something about money how shoes like doing that she was right like serial killer letters that's what she was done you know you kept the letters up we haven't gotten when you start getting death threats you know you've made it oh my goodness I have so many dead guys normally although depending on how high profile unit I'll throw the papers out when we get back to the shop I'm gonna go every friggin envelope in this freaking unit because she obviously kept all her valuables in here and I don't think we're done fine I'm I really don't what ticket stubs it's kind of fun sometimes kind of fun oh but you know what you know what I saw my son oh there you go you got autographs so check this out in the other unit I saw a massive something I'm gonna tell you because this big it has to do the Dallas Stars pretty cool it's an idiot right next door the first thing this morning what okay shake his head he's like hey good man I saw those don't either all right that look like all paper to the books I feel like she might be the kind of lady that leaves money and her birthday cards I feel like she had a lot going on her name huh oh it's her name ps3 you think the ps3 is in here yep the mayor's TV manuals manuals manuals hey this is a great sign the furniture is nice and it's over there so I'm guessing that there is probably a few Serena yeah when they keep all the manuals like this and file it in like that this is good because they took care of yeah they did this is a great son you saw tossed units this is a cared for blood management we save it huh what's that man she kept all our Hospital notes there's any stories in there she was kind of time dude man she needed a boyfriend someone at church that you should give things under pressure so check it out that's the safe y'all stay tuned to the in this video we're gonna let you know more about the safe yeah [Applause] did you hear that you hear that yo did you hear that yeah hey this will be our second safe in one month the last safe we had had gold and diamonds did a lot of diamonds come on doesn't look very good like a subway Toby oh no look there's more corny whore that just fell out when he opened it what she didn't even lock her safe that's awesome this reminds me of my safe in November they're gonna be so disappointed I don't get to bust this one over oh man you have to lock it up just thinking best I actually love that idea [Laughter] we probably have a good 25 minutes oh yeah look it's in ten more minutes we think Jesus - oh no this is for coins I told you we had these marbles she had these marked for coins where's the freaking point the coin collection is what this oh that's cool it's a glass yeah I like little collectible boxes you know what that is that's about $25 this is beach house heck these are actually can be expensive if they're not all broke that's good that was a good box what are these books I don't know look old [Music] hey hey did we say the camera I just tell you this I can't tell you by his video but camera we've got some mad camera skills y'all have to go to his channel Walker's TV go to lunker's TV and watch the video it is freakin gonna be hilarious wait didn't didn't lunker's TV find the safe - he did lunker's TV found the safe plan - the kind of thing guns guns would you just call me you know what I called you sir these are actually not yeah it's not it's Spanish yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] Crocodile Dundee yeah hey were there in the bar Oh Avon is it the special edition oh it didn't even break hey but look you can chime in this is gonna be someone need look at the Japanese dude this is a nice little thing McGee this is that for a stamp roller look at this this is real hair these are real hair brushes like horse hair might be some CoA oh yeah that's some of the heart you know Japanese roading Wow actually it's like Japanese really bones a lizard a knife this this is actually cool my subscribers look at my face this is a come on I see he's gonna have something in there he holds to I bet she had a nice house yeah it looks like it very decorative wood beads he's gonna do - Winky that's why I thought for a sec hey does actually do really good at our medium hey that's ancient it's got a bar little spritz hey Vaughn pulled me in there yeah didn't say come pull it up try not say it again try not to say it again yeah I wasn't driving it on J what's the natural it's gonna be some touristy Pocomoke ones oh nice Japan I guess so soon very light feeling yeah a lot of very light in my eye sorry it might be repot a lot of the I know Chinese did that a lot pop the Centers uh-huh freaking awesome dude my arm is like killing me I think it's to your back toward your knee I think it's in that red red blanket oh that's actually got to utility until it's not one big long Supreme Court yeah that's actually we said that back from the Saints that's going on the truck this is only like four boxes later chopstick the Lord okay he rush said about you tonight let's set this back in here that's a 500 our box yeah you might wanna we might want to take that whole box with this oh hey guys we're gonna take a break though just because we're getting into some nice fragile stuff and I want to run anything so give us two minutes we're gonna I think what we're dudes will clear this little area and then what we're gonna do is is I want to see what's in those boxes and then we'll be done so alright guys so we are back busting into the box not gonna lie we did two boxes without you in there he said mister coffee that's just what just about my immune system Brooke oh yeah you know what that is it's not it's not a crime spines episode if we don't break I and for you three people on my channel that's to live everyone sorry yeah I don't know total you gonna do one more box we're gonna take a break I gotta take the time and like what is this he's already lost inch or so on maybe but just don't don't run my parade right now sometimes we've been really good taste at the bottom of boxes nothing wrong well I'm trying to not be too close got snake skin you really can't stand that game Hey look no I told you snakes - snakes again I feel like this lady was into somewhere oh look that's its hand there's a lizard skin oh [Music] she's a witch is this a wishing it yes we might want to pray over the unit before we head back hey hey this is where witch beg because you know what your neighbors you shake your skins snakeskins is a shaker harp is on shaker are you gonna rub your your scales I'm just gonna lose me on this box ow I lost you on the box because of all the weird stuff no I'm joking oh okay that's why it's hard to follow two people going through boxes I know it does look like that no it's just it's not personal Jeremy told me many feet oh yeah yeah no she was in defeat probably keep there to keep them but they're connected yeah look there there it's old pictures there's ten times that's ten times yeah yeah yeah it was ten time those are super old what that's a killer book I bet that book goes for over 80 bucks I mean this thing right here is cool this is the unit we were talking about like man we need some good collectors to sell the crap with camera can shoot sorry oh are you careful all the good wood crafts [Music] Oh Porky Pig I don't look that bad Jeremy Falcons besides the head I'm joking don't hit me that's what she said oh look that's Jeremy's first birthday all right good hey baby oh you know what huh I wonder if this is the baby I was trying to see if they were wearing those shoes ah in that thing that was my first youtube video well this was yeah yeah right there I was really hoping to see if I can find a picture of the baby in the shoes there's one of those flips you know like the flip books back in a YouTube video right guys so check it out we're gonna take a break we're gonna see how many minutes we're out that way we can make sure we give you the hour-long video that we promised you I do that bareback [Applause] alright guys so welcome back to this portion of the bonus footage of this episode you're watching right now obviously we filmed this last night by the video you saw last time but we couldn't wait to see what since we're filming now but you don't get to see it until right now so but if we actually spun this what if we closed it and we spin it we don't know don't do that that'd be so brutal it is so brutal hey hey yeah hey so check it out we're gonna do this hey y'all know how we do units you know we open the door and Gina doesn't turn around again we're gonna do around [Music] alright guys so we are back check it out I'm gonna let my two friends go through the same with me right now let's just start taking it out one by one guys and because I'd like to see it alright but I want to draw your attention to something okay there is a bank bag with this needs to wait until the end ok sure I'm positive that's got to wait to the end and then there's also this other lockbox in the safe this should wait to the end just right set this aside right back here I'm a Lennon I mean that's real really yeah these are actually silver you can tell by turn it on the side and if it's layered you'll see the the line this is solid oh I'm spilling Japanese coins okay all right oh these are so I think these are 40% silver right here hey you just keep what do you mean we got a safe full of money in here Oh a mint so I can move the camera over there so these are from Spain y'all remember in the last video we found all those empty containers this is what she was doing with them this is all personal information baby books and there's also surgery here for a tendinitis basically all there's something in there is it nice what is it he said arms are going forward it looks like gold it is is it really 10k thank you excuse me because we know that gold has spot value and as collector value right so this will have a premium y'all this is from 1933 oh that's cool if I can find out what's cool this was way better oh my gosh she's finding more says be a gold coin go ahead open this is from 1989 I can tell you that much [Applause] all right water stinky is 1949 postcard so this is crazy this is actually where I grew up is in Auburn Washington really oh my gosh silver is it - amazing I will buy this what is the silver going for right now I didn't look it up this morning this is we can look it up I want let me let me give you silver cross right now Hey I just told you the story behind I tell you what I'm gonna hold on to this and I might show up tomorrow you see the mint right here mint that's really cool 999 hey and this is this is from the year of born - this is how you from yeah this is from where I'm this is this year I'm born in the city I grew up alright oh no wonder you want to alright so check it out this y'all look at this hey I'll pay you the premium you need I guess hey listen and I have a shirt listen there's two let's let's all stop from I feel like you're a lot like me I really do and so what I'm gonna do is is cut you off at the front and I'm gonna give this to you you once here I love giving so that's yours that's really that's really cool that is from where you're born that's insane that's a little maze hey is there more stuff yes what I just got thank you so much and this is from the year I was born and that's why is so cool all right come on there's a gaming token 1993 Gaming token in Texas Belgium France Great Britain England right over here here swap with me but you ain't know what he's doing he's trying to get close to this I forgot it is not good get away I'll protect this way you guys go through that that's in a little box no I'm about to you got a couple of them son of a guns I've seen these in 1943 1936 these are cool dude look at all these now actually it's not it looks plated these are cool that's a pretty fun man you just got so much stuff here dude oh here's the all-india nickel [Music] all these friends already these worth anything wow these are very light yeah I'll have to look most foreign currency is not no there's a lot of Chinese currency well I mean this is a kind of lot that I found online this is American this is a really pretty coin it's a V nickel 1911 nice that's over 90% silver you can just tell the weight difference on some of these steel penny yeah 23 for it if it's 44 1 if it's 44 I would like kiss you right is the 43 yeah you know why yes yeah so for you guys 43 they obviously they went to steel but after they stopped steel the press kept running right there was still material in there so you there very rare but 1944 Denmark this is cool I'm gonna have fun looking researching a lot of this really cool look he just said like his favorite thing he wants to find his coins and separately because I'm kind of safety one that's so much reminds me of the one that I found Thanksgiving that one that we did oh you think that's so good yo another token no let's go to the casino nice [Music] 53 yeah I don't see silver in here but that's alright that's cool though man I swear if I see that grab won't even put that on yourself be proud of uh yeah so hey I'll wait inside here see what I guess uh it'll go for probably at least a hundred even though the spot owner probably like 50 60 bucks anybody need Forks tonight Oh sterling that's not a stainless not stainless steel okay why would that mean is probably a baby Fork and so they came here long there is no teeth and hair there isn't you want to be spoon-fed all the time let me see and stainless as well so that was probably baby items we've got first we've got this is the co D so this is certificate of death which I kind of figured was gonna be because we also have we've got the last will and testament whoever safe this was okay so I'm not going to show too much in that do you think it says like last thing here we go you're gonna open it Justin I gotta shake you first no don't shakin in three two one [Music] I never know hey check it out guys that was a great video we hope you enjoyed this same make sure to check out tomorrow's video because we will have one more from that unit over there other than that guys we'll see you in the nation [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 77,286
Rating: 4.8648782 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, grimes finds, grimes, lunkers tv, googan squad, lunkerstv fishing, googan baits, lunkerstv truck, fishing
Id: GvDvrhDCP4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 9sec (3549 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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