$1000's In Collectible Antique / Vintage Glass! Abandoned Storage Unit.

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alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds it is Christmas Eve and we just wanted to pop in and say Merry Christmas to you all and stay tuned to the end of this video because we got lots of cards from you guys and we want to open them here with you okay down on the comment tell me they jacked up my beard again I want to keep all the length and then she did the guido thing again like the third person but anyway hey hey check out this unboxing the new stuff you've never seen before and stay tuned to the end of the video so that we can open up these cards and just see all the love that you guys shared with us we'll see a few alright guys so we are back and tenor still wearing the shorts and it's like what do we call him my my so he could be he helps me when I'm depressed and stuff and I can't I can't I can't explain it it just when it affects my brain but Scout will always come he comes and he nozzles he's so dang cute as a he'll nuzzle he can tell when I'm like sad or like I'm just not there and he does he'll come up in nuzzling in the morning that's what it does look like a little scout we're gonna go it looks like it's got a lot of figurines holds a little Scout right there I got this one gonna set Michelle stuff miss miscellaneous and if y'all been watching the series of videos on this unit it was not right yes kitchen [Music] Santa's recording again what is that indoor/outdoor Springfield it's a precision instrument that's kind of cool like is is this a new old stock technically yeah absolutely it's got that thing it look like disappointing I was really hoping to do in here hey do me a favor why sitting there doing nothing or any money we go over there why was I just him before we started from I asked if he goes home and the crawls of the feet one prays I mean cries no you don't hey look I need you to find me a box that says bedroom dresser closet somewhere where you would put bathroom can you go follow me boy somewhere where you would put bathroom that's I'm telling you there's more gold hey actually I like these better bookend oh I think you're right we're gonna be being right in the last like four videos low down we don't know this tiny closet yeah what you got I don't think being a baby he's like putting milk in his hand it's like baby powder you better slap his mom when she picks me yeah I don't know Friday after next next Friday I haven't seen the Friday suited now follows them around with the baby powder going to the bottom of the box no way [Music] yeah they did that was almost crazy dog Milo huh I said almost I didn't say exactly that almost looks like maharat it does almost look like Milo what is nice horn yeah with the talk about dogs [Music] [Applause] let's see how good Tanner is at picking boxes I think we wouldn't just look like this guy falling asleep waiting on a phone call he's talented though he is not drop that booty huh why's he got one she want that dude he had a tough day yeah you do yeah I'm sorry it looks like oh what's the damn George Jefferson I think I do [Applause] he said probably that's enough of that that's like oh that's this whole that's pretty heavy so by default I'm right no china-closet cups and something else bowls put it down actually not in this unit same day same unit last week Mike whenever you saw it yeah let's just self's carpet argued out there what brand is Gibson yep Oh master bedroom hey might have totally redeemed yourself we didn't do this box I don't open your boxes I learned now dingleberry Dave didn't owe me time City open box hey thanks nose whoa whoa got watches oh look Daisy sounds cool look and you know what just in case we've got a Disney watch look at that boom now you get a box with how many subscribers do you think watching I hope has to have myself in the face with tonight one thousand at least [Music] [Music] these are prescription why would you wear these all the time dear yes or no how much did it my perceptions awful my glasses making a mess it's actually it looks new it kinda looks like something you can get from Sam moon it is people love seeing him satchel dude this is what I need I'm aware the next time goes a lot of Units yep put my money and my lights and stuff in here yeah with those glasses on but people are gonna be afraid they're gonna be intimidated they are those guys don't like me because I buy to me it's not my fault yeah oh so where this tiara yep wow that's a tiara we should wear it it's my birthday yeah do you find anything nope you get overwhelmed when you're looking at that stuff it's just a little cluttered oh no gee Bob me or brought me yarn huh yarns what about that that's his bedroom the one you get it yeah I soloed now that's payback told you I didn't get you bet he did something nice I'm getting you back and I went back down knocked some paper out of his hand I said that was paper to pay back he said oh well that was easy but he didn't know that was really cool catbag catbag no I got that guys later huh I said man the cat bad guys here oh yeah if I do that let's go grim look look what we found so far so why does this gold you boo-yeah look there's that glass thing we found the B but there's a glass blue ball look at these fans do these vans are killer like brand-new - others are so cool oh heck yeah I can fit those we got more silver look you got it and see in this video we found cash and a lot of this is dull Joe look at all those gold necklaces and bracelets rings that's crazy alright so what we're doing is is I don't know hopefully the second close by it's on a freakin but so look this is all silver jewelry okay look at this we're putting you all together a silver Christmas sale okay hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds look oh yeah so that's what we're doing I'm not gonna showing you more about telling some really pretty stuff in here in there all right guys let me find a few more boxes we'll grab it alright guys we are back and we got a few more boxes so let's do the damn thing this is actually one that we did see in the unit but we did not take it all out because I was worried everything we're gonna get broke and hoping it didn't cuz this is really pretty I don't know if the white ones are rare because you now see a lot of the colored ones but anyway lucky talents a little dirty but we need to just let that sucker soak oh we did find this will call ball I just love blueglass we've had a lot of this good blueglass we go here was the piggy that somebody said they wanted even though the lid was broke so this is so nice that somebody could probably find the lid so we'll still sell it with the lid just with the other thing that is broken but somebody's asked for the brand there it is FF it's a four quart duck that's employed that could be yeah so we have the lid in here somewhere we'll find it but he's still a phenomenal shape so I bet you could find this little knee there's a little amber basket glass basket that's pretty tender like your hat look here's the Piggy's back I think this can still be fixed you look so just popped right there but that piece is still there it's all right maybe like that yeah it fits like that well you could glue that yeah I mean I think that can be fixed Joe mm-hmm oh wait where did the other piece go it's like something was supposed to stick there oh well no because look see ya stuck right there why be another music root so we're gonna put this in there and will disclose that in the descriptions that's still cool even if you just kind of got that off you some kind of glue remover remover it's not in the box that said it way that looks like Linux it does like total Linux let's see home make sure sit and fall off bat Mikasa ah fine porcelain holiday elegance this is Mikasa did a really good job they did that's nice let's see if there's any bites on it look they still got all their horns look at the trash Joe keep what that's cool that's a really good piece huh I love Noah's Ark one of my favorite stories I thought it all wrong [Music] remember how they leave out the part about the nephrons and so oh yeah yeah oh that's I know there's a big story there in Genesis sixes more kids they left out and then when you get older and you start reading you like what is this business that's why I did when I became a believer I started reading my Bible and I was like I remembered the story right mm-hmm and I was like who these Nephilim who the sons of gods you know who the daughters of men why are they having babies why was that forbidden who these giant people the Nephilim mm-hmm so anyway you go to your thing but Genesis 6 that's not salvation will issue but it's just not taught that was no check this out oh look it's the whole set this is cool you know she put in this you said nuts this going to stay up right I'm pretty end up so you don't like jam your hand and granny doesn't freaking good I like this a lot actually that's cool it is cool nuts it cracking nuts all these items I'm not even gonna get excited did you feels light so it actually might be real huh and she bubble wrap we need that bubble wrap to come this stainless steel still pretty so that's pretty pattern so we'll count those pieces up so it like that but man that would've been cool token sir but that's so nice little set you know start that at a buck you get the box today right yep very fragile wine oh hey I didn't see you back there 2006 it's greatly aged right I don't I don't know why no I mean it's got to be stored properly all right Starbucks tower Starbucks mixed wine imported from Italy that's probably pretty nice all right so under the neck what do you want for Christmas dear I thought you wanted a dog a chalupa what about like high-end wine I have to go buy it or something duly noted I know if his pork to the safe pour it on the bottle okay look at this sellable item going to the sellable tub yes we found two sets of flour all right that was blame Oh good for you oh nice let me say that that's a cool piece it's what she had wrapped up oh look 358 look at the frame right here though but still great new frame 1991 358 is 750 I just love that engraving that's a good piece anything else like it that's cool so far that's fine yes that's fine nice ground fire hmm floating myself give me a few more minutes let me grab a couple more boxes will be rubbish you know yeah all right guys welcome back so check it out look look at all this home-like media we found this baby face I had this it's sealed that's so awesome look we've got Nelly hmm what else we find our head I actually did not know nellyville' was on edge I had this tape I had this CD actually I had both of these days and I had one of these other tapes I had this tape oh yeah Greatest Hits so anyway look this is a bucket full of old media that's kind of cool lot say where he's gonna happen this hey man he's really heavy too hey he's got a brother yes a isn't aren't they normal yeah man look that's gonna be killer lot those are pretty heavy look scared upon him broke so oh this is cool yo well little fishies in there oh they're still in their bag from the past yeah they don't even made it home yet hope they know they're supposed to get him home in 30 minutes we're gonna die maybe that's why my baby died well you probably went running errands and stuff I mean my mom did when I was little yeah that's like you know what that's like buying a fish and then going to run errands is like going to the gas station buy a bag of ice and then going like yeah all right guys we're back so we got 1 2 boxes left we're gonna start with the breaking dollar right thank you Dad I did this a little bit in the unit but we wanted to leave it pretty excited because that's so anyway we waited this we didn't want to undo this over there because guess what will they don't the camera is not even picking up the rain bowing of it but I mean kind of I I think the lights what's making it not rainbow really oh there I turn the suicide I promise you carnival glass is one of the first things I learned so seeing this stuff on be psychic stop reading all the time always brings me back what are you are hiding about hey look it's got a big fracture oh it's still it's not broke broke it's in it's an interior fracture so where you get that on the description so yeah not canary though definitely not disclose that oh my gosh thinking Fire King oh yeah super pretty though why not cuz they just cleaned it just cleaned like 18 that's the matching service so I know it's shaky first of all though yeah we got two of them it was very pretty hopefully we got clean thank you right I just don't like the sound of this hey suck opinion that's right this is Fenton that's got the stick so that is a beautiful bowl Wow Oh chips no thanks man that is nice definitely add that what's this little guy look more down go get his concentration keep it so long enough all right that's gonna be the matching [Music] Jacob it's got the Kroger wagon on is that what was on that art ah just say I don't know but that looks like the same thing in the Kroger - so this is trainsets all of her boxes this options have been pretty right pretty spot-on and hi some jewelry's Oh Santa goes on you Indigo's oh my gosh that's so cute say it again oh no he plugs in the top book he goes in the top right here huh right there and you slide that down there and it goes around in a circle I'm not taking selfies I'm not trying to break this cute piggy mousse yeah the Train is definitely going right yeah okay okay so it's not yeah there's a train down here so those all go around and Santa goes around that it's freaking that's cool okay let's go ahead and do this what was this one laughs they kind of saw this one but I didn't want to take this out frankenz frankenz asthma snorted that's Mikasa wow that's beautiful yes [Music] what is that [Music] hey you're way too young hey way to be all up on her like that am i right he's like sitting yeah look at her hand look at where his hand is he don't look she's trying to stop him [Music] yeah oh come on now get done in the bathroom political there's more private places to do it at your restaurant tables not pleasing footing than dirty stalls but [Music] well McCarver she's looking up in his ear that's a flashlight no that's a phone is it not as a flashlight why she's finger fingers and wings are the first to go oh right she did not need to be stained like that not necessary so awkward this is like a bubble it looked weird in the shadow you know what [Music] yeah she was broke she was kind of cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so that is it let me find on the box we're gonna do one more box where we in this video will be ok alright guys so we are back in we have four cars but we don't know their from because Katie marks them out because I have a problem a dachshund pees you don't what are you going to be dog anyway check it out hard you Pig alright so we're gonna go with this one first we do have more cars up in the warehouse and a package that we will do later this week we just forgot it it's like right when I get info on okay alright I'll see you this is the front make sure there's no anthrax in it no anthrax is on the front oh yeah sure the front warm wishes when wishes you're the one that's always about cards I'm just checking them for money and throwing them this one says hey Grimes - you and your family have a blessed Merry Christmas one jarhead to another Glenn Glenn Lisa Glenn and Lisa YouTube subscribers yeah you will sending warm wishes your way for the happiest a raw double-dog i appreciate that this is go on our refrigerator so we appreciate that all right my turn I'm gonna go a little green screen right smell anthrax all right I wish I could see where this came from this came from Richmond Virginia this one says it's the most wonderful time of year and Grimes family hope the family has a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year from Amanda Smith hey hey Thank You Amanda so much again these are going on our frigerator right in there if you hear all those people in there we got family over both these are gonna go on our fridge so thank you all so much all right let's get a big I'm gonna see that's the one that's gonna have anthrax is know check it out because there's still Boise Idaho they sealed it so the anthrax good good oh is that what that is hey look it's a legitimate concern legitimate concern all right this one is from Boise Idaho leave leave a magic of Christmas I'm wishing you both a Merry Christmas have fun with your kids and keep having and keep loving each other I don't ever shine yes thank you god bless Idaho thanks Rick thank you Rick so yeah we love that definitely going on our fridge too and again we just appreciate this guy's so kind y'all to do that all right I guess the last one last one this is definitely one damn tax right hey you know you keep saying that and then our subscribers start saying it to you do and I saw last night was a poor form joke from one of our subscribers we're gonna be form t-shirts soon guys alright so check this out season's greetings this is from wishing you simple pleasures happy memories and every joy of the holiday season Justin family and crew love the channel Merry Christmas thanks for all that you do skip Thomas thanks hey thanks skip hey thank you for all that you guys do stuff like this yes we do put a lot of hard work into this channel and it takes a lot of time to make it happen but little things like this make it so worth it make it so wow yeah so anyway guys we love you Merry Christmas we will try to put out a video tomorrow but anyway we're gonna get back to family and we hope you do the same and we love you and we'll see you the next unit [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 13,110
Rating: 4.9206939 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Storage Unit Finds, Live Show, Ebay resale, resale value, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Giveaways, Top 10, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, antique glass, carnival glass, antique glassware identification, carnival glass collection, vaseline glass, crazy lamp lady, collectible glassware
Id: GPBqto4y6AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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