FOUND CASH MONEY ENVELOPE in a locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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and I just tried it and it is the key this is a lockbox let's see what's inside you previously on locker nuts I bought two storage lockers at the auction because I was curious to find out why did these units come up for auction three times what was in there that the owner paid to keep them twice before there's plenty of junk but digging through it we found a lot of vintage items some cash and even a safe full of coins on the last episode we uncovered an Alvarez guitar in some rare 1980s Star Wars figures what other treasures will we find let's find out [Music] that's transformers it's another transformer again there's another little tiny transformer these are super collectible right now it's disgusting I'll tell you what I cassette is seal this is the transformer head is unfortunate they have all this really cool stuff in here with its disgusting mess [Music] switchblade comb oh man I just found something pretty cool first of all this is getting a little bit bigger I'm starting with a little bit faster I'm coming into a lot of bedding and I'm not gonna be selling the bedding if it's all tore up anyways mice get into it rats get into it here's what it's looking like getting in Oh real quick that Herman Miller box it's down there it's all plastic we're like Tupperware old stuff grossed cups that just all went on there so unfortunately no Herman Miller not in the box anyways what I found was the other side you see this big beam up top right here I thought that was the wall and I'm like this is not ten by fifteen it's a 10 by 10 maybe but now if you can see let me turn this around it's hard to see but behind that is there we go I couldn't even see this is a 10 by 15 holy smokes you guys this is taking me I've been here for probably two and a half to three hours this is all I've done and I'm not working super slow I mean I'm taking the top off you know this was all super high season I haven't gotten that far in I'm getting the top out there's a lot to go through still I'm definitely not getting this done today but I am gonna keep trying to get a full load to go the dunk the thing I really do not look forward to is putting all this back in oh wow I just shut the video off and then I noticed look at this box right here but this is right where the mice were like living the bags on that were sitting on top of this I think that's gonna be a really collectible piece so what else I'm looking around here what else is staring me right in the face that I haven't noticed yet there's a Billy bigmouth all right ways big mouth Billy bass I know I saw the X Box up there okay we saw that from originally the board games the Vans all that was seen before that looks like a nice table leg right there here's some of the stuff that I'm having no problem making a decision on he really stored pillows that look like that this is not the nicest problem you see the pillow cases and as dirty as the pillow that is that went in like this that is disgusting you should have just thrown that away alright guys I just wanted to capture this real quick I've got these to this kind of thing that where he puts this stuff in those bins there I've got three more over here there might be some of you you don't really know but what this is is Lennox these other nice pieces just hate dealing with dishware but I'm not complaining if I get in if I get the price I won't complain but this is definitely looks to be a little bit nicer stuff good condition for the few pieces that filled out gross like this that's rat piss there's just tons of it if I just looked it up I do I don't know what this piece is right here value this piece one this is a salad plate which it might be a saucer but a salad plate is eight bucks just recently sold a whole set of them like dishes everything cups a big set of them sold for 400 so there is some value here man I I just don't like listing this kind of stuff but I think for Linux I'm gonna make an exception okay this never happens to me I got I'm going through this I'm just dumping stuff in here even though I found that card with fifty bucks okay I'll come right back to these right here I told I mean you may have heard me say this before I've said it before I wouldn't say I told you before I said it on the videos before I find good stuff in these kinds of things I find jewelry and I'm sorry I went through that one right there it's mostly office supplies I'm going through this one right here I didn't see all that pick this up oh my goodness guys our 210 have seen videos of guys finding olives all right can you believe it all right when I'm filming that my phone runs out of storage I really got to do something about that ah but what a find I don't find money like that I don't I've seen other guys do it and it's so thrilling so I just went back through that rest of that bin cuz I was just dumping stuff out dumping stuff out and then I saw that microwave this looks like yeah something in there I found like three more envelopes like this but they were all empty so Wow Wow Wow great little fun and but then a couple of the this couple that bought a locker yesterday I showed the lady in my lap in my video yesterday that was their first locker they ever bought and they rent here so they were here to get their stuff and they saw me they want to come over so we're talking they're having fun going through stuff stuff that I got there think it's cool and it makes him excited I showed him that found that money and they've they found a couple things that I was throwing out that they wanted and I said yeah if you want to clean it up some of the stuff I'm throwing away is halfway decent I just I'm on junk overload right now I have too much stuff even for the flea market so they were happy to take it and I'm happy to lighten my load and also give a new life to these items that probably shouldn't be in a in the landfill so anyways um we did find one thing because he was looking at this he's like what is that and I'm like out on them it's like maybe that's a gun cabinet and I was like oh gun cabinet I like how that sounds but when he's looking a little bit closer he goes no you know what that is that's a Oregon it's like a piano but it's he thinks it's an Oregon so there you see the pedals up there there's a couple legs in a couple of the legs right there it looks nice and there's actually a piano store only a few blocks away I don't like pianos they are heavy I'm hoping the organ is not quite as heavy as a piano they are real pain in the move like no joke that's that's about as hard about as hard as it gets maybe that in pool tables but anyways figured out what that is no gun cabinet I would have taken an arm wall I'd sell it but Oregon mm-hmm I don't know real quick wanted to capture just how disgusting those longings so yeah the rats got in there that's why you don't store food if you store food in your locker yards dumb idiot this is all rap food and fragments of whatever they're eating look at that that and I'm standing this far away which is probably two feet away in the the stench of the urine rat urine is very very poignant pungent pungent it's strong that's what I'm trying to say it's strong it's gross even with gloves I don't want to touch it but after you all right Wow look at this is the most floor space I've seen since I've got in this locker back here things are getting kind of interesting I'm gonna get these out these two fans going to dump I'll get this thing out that's gotta go to dump this thing's gotta go to the dump I see the leg down there's totally bent it's toast but I'm interested in seeing what's in this that's that to me speak my curiosity there's another wood piece there we'll see what's in there but this right here so if if you know anybody in this business who knows anybody in this business recently there are some big news here in the Bay Area Northern California in North Bay and that's that somebody bought a unit that had a $650,000 painting in it that is big news around here okay because that's what does that say that says that people are finding treasures real legit treasures treasures that are valuable enough to change your entire life people are finding that right now today's age this is not ten years ago before things you know before even nothing this is now and this is here where I live and I'm sure it's there wherever you live to the it is happening and that's very exciting so I must say this is this is not your run-of-the-mill painting right here I haven't again let me see this again I have very little knowledge of paintings this one that another one of the things that I know I don't really know much about anything let me just be honest with you but I do know that this thing's got some depth in it depth in it which I mean it that looks legit that looks like a real painting this is not a reproduction there's not some print that they made in China and a couple guys like painted a few brushstrokes over this this looks like the real deal and it's not half bad which may be the most important part that's nice I would put that on my wall my wife would tell me no but I would put it on my wall if I you know if I had this say in my home I guess that's not bad either this to me looks like I'm just gonna say it this looks to me like someone who did it themselves someone who's learning how to paint now will probably look these up and this will be the most expensive one and this is some famous painter and we will once again see the limit of my knowledge is not very deep or vast but I say that that's not a bad one you know okay this is a print mmm-hmm that's a glass a little bit heavier kind of makes me wish it gloves on because it's a little sticky on top but that's a nice looking piece it's cool oh it looks like it's signed and it's got some detail in there that's a nice piece if I can clean it up a little bit get the dust off of it that'll sell I don't know for how much but that'll sell this that's a nice looking piece not like this one though this was it's also pretty nice that again last frame I'm I'm pretty sure that means it's just a print see on the back here I don't see anything that would suggest that it's anything expensive okay and hmm it's a decent decent tripod the glass print so these threes not not interested this very interested we have to look this up i'ma have to take this home with me this is what it looks like don't all this stuff has been sorted or just in process of being sorted all this gotta go back to the unit and this is the only space I made right here today I did dent this this was a wall so I did take the top part of that fact but this this is yet to be processed and it goes all the way back alright guys here's a little excitement so I opened the top here this was all files and now they're in there I went through super carefully to make sure I don't miss any money there was not there were some versity because there were some social security cards so this is the better stuff this is lot okay this right here was taped to the lid and I just tried it and it is the key this is a lock box let's see what's inside looks like it's a like a fake casino game like these look like little plastic coins spin just like a slot machine interesting person people work Bank I just come out cash in the bank envelope not like that few bucks [Music] terribly sticky so it's kind of like a Walkman all right then watching out it's a little tiny TV I'm not gonna do much very second this is what we're looking at right this very second okay looks familiar I thought that was electrical tape it's an awfully nice y'all get stuff to rubbin off maybe silver I don't think so I'm sitting a lot of people driven room tonight's a big night because we're gonna be hitting a thousand subscribers tonight that's my feeling we're very close we're like 981 but a little drama at this storage locker I got my owners mixed up I thought they closed at 6:30 turns out they close at 6:00 for a second there I thought I was going to get locked in tonight or at least my car was gonna be a little bit of a panic I was gonna have to call the probably call the fire department or the police department have them come and open those emergency gates that's not cool this place I guess gets robbed a lot or they're having some kind of security problems so they shortened the gate hours they opened in 9:30 so I thought they were open till 6:30 but they are not it is six o'clock at about 6:05 I noticed it was getting awfully quiet so luckily there was a guy that lives there and he opened the gate and he was super cool so he's like good thing I'm here because you would have to call the cops but anyways oh yeah what a day what a day what a day got a cash arm look full of cash in my pocket and that's that's pretty cool so anyways that's pretty much it for day two [Music] you all right not too bad that's a nice little piggy one two three four five $24 and some change that's pretty good all right you guys we got some great stuff coming out this day again including this painting I haven't even really even looked it up so if you guys know anything about this if you would please comment below let's take a little bit closer look so you can get a better idea what it is all right there is the author looks like it says I don't know Marcel Marcel very nice looking let's take a look at the back looks like it's printed it's actually printed on this board right here so the pressboard it's not a canvas and here's what the back looks like [Music] I'm not sure what this refers to there may be just a model number boats at Harbor Turner it says I don't know if I like this original sample please return so why would it be a sample maybe that's not an original sure looks like one but I don't know do you guys have a explanation of what this stuff means right here shoot me a comment down below if you would please I'd really appreciate it all right so a lot of toys came out again these were so much eBay toys are mostly flea market stuff but I've did bring into a collector market and got some decent money again GI Joe toys transformers the kind of stuff people are after three to five dollars some of the Transformers we've got eight dollars apiece condition was an issue on them as with most of the items in here but good money and of course let's not forget about the real money over $400 in cash can you believe that that is so awesome that that would have been the most money I'd ever found in a locker if I didn't find other money in this locker and the sister locker it's just incredible these lockers are just paying and paying in pain and you know what I don't even know what's in the second one we've barely even tapped into that one tomorrow I'm gonna go with my friend Tyler and we're gonna search for some more treasures but until then I just want to thank you guys so much for watching again make sure that you hit that like button show us what you think all right and subscribe if you haven't already but most importantly make sure you hit that Bell icon alright the Bell's gonna notify you when the next edition as well as any future video comes out alright thanks you guys until next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts can you imagine if you live right there well right there alright there and that was your view every morning looking out sunset sunrise boats coming in boats going out mmm evidence they have storage facilities there
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Views: 387,192
Rating: 4.8176231 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Treasure Hunting with Jebus, Found cash
Id: o3K4ngiO0HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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