Access Denied! Closed For Emergency! $900 Spent On Abandoned Storage Units.

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[Music] check it out I saw this I know I showed this yesterday I think or a mighty just saw it when I was climbing out of the unit but it's the old school Ninja Turtles was the newer product 2010 but that's the the 80s version so anyway that's pretty cool looks like something you threw magnets at I'm seeing something already I'm liking so I'm seeing a Mario Kart yes baby is it in there though the only thing I can't stand with is you can't really shake these one too [Music] hey guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds it is locked out edition locked out because why no one else's fault but our own well actually see this fall alright anyway so guys we are here at the best what is it little warehouse storage here in Fort Worth Texas Gina and I are here the team is back finishing up packing Mugu to catalog that we'll be up and coming later this evening so look out for that but we are waiting here we forgot our code to get in the gate it's back in the truck but we have we have the key somewhere in here to the Dodge Ram so anyway we are sitting here waiting and there's a sign on the door that says that they had to leave because of emergency or they're closed due to an emergency so that emergency has put us in a predicament but we had a code it's our fault so we only have one option to see if they call us back I don't think they're gonna call us back because the number on the paper is the exact same number on the door and I'm pretty sure that they don't have their cell phone numbers on the glass so anyway we are here waiting we're gonna see if we can tailgate someone in or tailgate someone wouldn't be tailgating but you know I mean we'll try to zip in there real fast what's the way it comes out so anyway Gina and I are here in the u all they're finishing up that we're gonna see what other treasures we have we're gonna get these this whole truck loaded by ourselves that way tomorrow we can focus on unboxing and focus on setting up the next ground Grimes finds online auction right alright guys we'll be back in a minute alright guys so we are back at unit 276 we got in well actually we just tailgate well we didn't tailgate we pulled up and had no choice but to let us in if they want it in that's pretty clever alright alright so we got in the owner actually called Seguin great customer service by best little warehouse storage here in Fort Worth excellent customer service so anyway we're back here at the 10 by 50 that 15 I wish was it to about 50 of this stuff 10 by 15 that we spent six hundred seventy five dollars on plus the twenty five dollar cleaning deposit this is the one with the jewelry so let's pop it open Oh kinda you'll see it's right in there so absolutely I'm hoping that's another hot spot in there so here's the dang deal we're gonna start loading some of the stuff up it's just Mangino we got tons of tubs tubs will make your life easier if you look over here we have trash cans so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to do as much of the work here as we can I normally I bring out a team we just throw it on the truck take it back but we're gonna try to process as much as possible so let us get some stuff in and when we find something exciting we'll pop back in and just try to keep each clip from here just telling you about the best finds that we found from this unit after we get this one if it doesn't fill up the truck we're gonna go down to the five by five our five by ten and show you what's in there so be right back [Applause] alright guys we are back katastrophe everywhere you have no idea so anyway we are here's the video or the box that you saw in yesterday's video it had DVDs in it and so what I want to do real quick is I kind of was very curious about the mix of games right cuz we've saw one Xbox 360 game so I didn't know if this was all gonna be DVDs or if it's gonna be videos or movies so look it does look like it's a good mix o Street Fighter heck yeah Oh Madden's in there but I just saw the case of man so this is one of those people who doesn't put their games back right oh that one's missing alright let's let's test a few more cuz I'm curious so I'm gonna just throw some of these in this tub right over here just look original Xbox Xbox 360 here let's test these all right that feels like it might be in there boom Oh in there okay look we got DVDs look some of them are still sealed which one is that sealed the deadly duo I know why it's still sealed we got some DC stuff look more oh that's missing that's two so far oh no saved it Hey it fell discs up so we're good okay so let's look down here oh look can you see down here bud okay so look it looks like it's just a good mix look there's more 360 360 so it looks like it's a good mix pleasure yeah all right spongebob oh it's not in there uh let's test one more do we already test this one I don't know hey here's the deal I think they might be in here I ain't worried even if half of our school get over this CD holder yeah this rod thing okay so we're gonna continue to go this way cuz right here's where that tub of jewelry was so we're gonna shoot up this line load some stuff in the trash I wanted you to see that just to see if it was one video game on top but it looks like it's gonna be a good mix right now we sell what DVDs and stacks of 20 to 25 get about a buck piece yeah usually but hey buck apiece for this box right here there's a couple hundred in there couple of two or three dollars apiece even on games sometimes a lot more if it's premium game so right here we're good we're already in the profit for this guy's we haven't sold the stuff yet but I know how much stuff typically goes for in our options and we're already in the profits so everything we see today is gonna be profit let us find some more good profits show you we'll be right back we're back and it has been like how long like 30 seconds okay 30 seconds so what I was doing is cleaning this box in looking there don't you see we thing I'm freaking out about okay I pulled this up it's an Otterbox case there is something in there in one of the personal boxes I found a iPad box I'm not sure exactly what this one is I guess this is the screen case huh um I think it's the iPad is it well I don't know okay so what is that what do you think that is it's got cameras on the back too okay so I don't know what this is I'm not gonna sit here and do a captain fumble nuts actually I think this might be an iPad babe maybe this is the Oppenheimer's yeah that's the OtterBox so we might have an iPad but check this out baby when I pick this oh yeah whoo look at that that's an iPad that's not bad right that looks like an iPad in the in the OtterBox so two iPads awesome what maybe I don't know if this I yeah at least two tablets okay so what does that mean that means that we should keep any chargers in this box yeah okay guys so look we might have just found like a thousand bucks worth the tablets in here we don't know but we'll see if we can get we didn't even try this me can you open it is that where you turn it on oh no we're trying this thing's on I've never had an iPad what now let's see if their password is one two three four five six y'all check that out Wendy it's turning on can you see that on camera Jack and sit that's a pretty big look at that y'all what is here swatc how's your hand I got gloves on huh teamwork makes the dream work password unprotected now two of oh hey so check it out let us get these in the truck we're gonna put these inside the cab this might have been a G right here I know so Hey we'll be right back all right guys so we are back we kind of started working our way back this way I cut this box halfway open and I saw this that's what I'm using for the info yeah so look so check it out we saw all we keep finding Mikey boxes after Mikey box after Nike box with no Nikes in them look now we're fine an old school Jordans or those LeBrons these are LeBrons yeah those are older - Callie look at these Nikes we did find a LeBron Jersey right so I wouldn't be sure those are nice mr. Connor I like the color so just kind of look down in here look there's more man I don't know why he did this to all his shoes they're not all of them but a big porch and his shoes he also painted him check this out Oh Jordan Jordan all right here's some more Jordans old school I guess then I want to find the Back to the Future pop shoes got some pink ones oh cool hyper distributor all right so look check it out in here tons of shoes oh oh man he wore the crap out of that one yeah that's about how are my shoes so anyway check it out I thought that was my like standing behind us it's just the one block oh I'm super paranoid I'm joking so hey look lots of Nike shoes I'm hoping that we can clean these up I want to pop this clothes open cuz I'm really hoping to find some more jerseys I'm really hoping much is the one of the things the manager said is that they thought he was a closer with so far so it looks like maybe his winter box oh I see a Jersey I was joking but heck yeah that's good I'll see ya fumble we're just leaving Cleveland trash I'm joking so there's a little NFL Browns Jersey this looks like some kind of maybe an morning don't get overly excited over one maybe some killer t-shirts in here some you know or me that looks from over is that a record album or a dog is the only thing on earth it was I don't think your cell phone oh just like that's a little Nike Jersey I don't see any more sports jerseys in here but this is a deep box oh wait that's Jerry's material Oh prices shorts well suits all right you want to see what's underneath yeah get a longer flip that ball heavy China's room looks like maybe stuff that was on top of the dresser something like that no money hope your birthday is like a burrito no no it's almost all books fix a zipper would I need to fix a zipper alright guys so hey just wanted to pop in and show you the shoes real quick let us get these boxes on the truck out of the way we'll see what's in the next group will be right back alright guys we're back and it is windy it was really good uh so anyway hey check it out I saw this I know I showed this yesterday I think or a mighty just saw it when I was climbing out of the unit but it's the old school Ninja Turtles was the newer product 2010 but that's the 80s version so anyway that's pretty cool looks like something you threw magnets at I'm seeing something already I'm liking so I'm seeing a Mario Kart yes baby is it in there the only thing I can't stand with is you can't really shake these one two oh I don't know DS games that well but that might be a twenty thirty dollar game cuz it's Mario Kart no more anything oh look brave is it in there though but yeah guys this is you can definitely tell this unit has not been picked through these are called Stevie's not familiar with it but definitely look them up [Music] the only thing I don't like about kid boxes cuz you know it's probably just ribbons and in detail just because bless me yikes good night okay so two DS game we're gonna keep going up here cuz look that's mattresses mattress boxes actually looks like a pretty clean mattress could be a nice bag we don't know so anyway let's keep going we'll keep popping in when we find cool stuff and test a box with you here and there then that will be Rebecca alright guys so this box said business books and I pull it apart and shoot a bunch of books but this was in here I was like man let's grab the camera cuz last time we found one of these it was full of watches which you'll see at the end of this video I think as long as we make it back home okay so you're a soos is about ready okay let's just go down here yeah once we found Apple watches we're talking two hours make some kind of Iron Man to watch it's a Timex Ironman not sure if that's a expensive one saw cosmetics now what I was hoping for but maybe maybe their goals in here now that's the preparation a store and oh for sure we're gonna pass out and there's a coach thing for the clutch we found all right okay all right so we are putting all the personal stuff over here this is all personal papers picture stuff like that I told the manager that we would leave any personal stuff in there I'm not gonna show this these are high school graduation invitation Brandi something designs maybe find some more Oh miss just not personal it's some kind of menu yeah Oh maybe for a wedding what's that walking by face hello your world simplified how tell me now got me they totally got me looks like it says and personal stuff I'm not gonna show you okay so anyway let me get to some of these boxes get this out of here and we'll be right back alright guys we're back we kind of got here this is all personal stuff we got back here look that's all boxes back there and you know what I say they always hide the good stuff in the back so I'm very curious why they walled this in with with the mattresses and stuff so anyway hey I pulled this box down we're gonna just unbox this real quick we still have another unit we got to get but we got to get back to make sure to get stuff we need to get from the team to get the optional open market in Star Wars sound Simba here is it it's Nala oh that's Nala you see that picture of Jeremy and that peacock there's more no it does not we don't know why that reminded me anyway alright go check out what the hell our good friends over there George's Jeremy go check the channel out if you haven't already I don't know what the hell's you're waiting on good people good Channel all right down here it is Garden Ridge right so it's like a little pencil box with teeth or a jawbone or something dad can quote that whole movie mutilated all right down here Oh Oh fun Dragon Ball Z watch not in there I wonder if it's in that thing it could be oh that's that thing maybe possibly tree oh maybe that's the other tablet we got okay got a box well no unless we got two teeth in it all right look down here we've got some Xbox game ha ha the best movie ever ninja turtles one some fun stuff more movies down here yeah well movie is that n we just watched Rocawear these are your type of glasses right here yeah oh yeah it's got a cap on it that's like a mullet hat that is like a Batman mullet that's pretty cool Cape snapbacks there's a lot of good hats in here it looks like Oh ninja turtles oh that's cool that's old not really oh it's not No oh that's killer though look at this super pop-up right below the pizza place but yeah you know what cuz look that's the cartoon version that's the newer ones okay oh we're always fighting over the house all right we're gonna have to go through this better when we get back we already found a bunch of these backs these controllers should be like 10 15 bucks apiece what else do we go Oh what's this Texas Instruments oh that was usually sell like those yeah Jeremy Jeremy and them just found some of these oh no that was in his picking contest video but this is actually looks like a school property this looks like a higher speed one it did belong to a school TI when Texas Instruments ti-ti in spot alright we're back so I got a phone call but anyway hey and Texas Instruments they're real far from us aren't they they're like 3mins plan is like three to five miles away from a former oh yeah look Oh a newer product but of the old-school 80s I think they started in 87 uh-huh Ninja Turtles giving up the goods oh this is Bruce Lee that he was definitely a Bruce Lee fan anyways we found this Bruce Lee posters or Mortal Kombat Cayden loves this movie it is in there look that's called city clock that's kind of cool maybe you can swap that out with like your favorite bands or something alright I'm gonna go through this in better detail when we get back just because it looks like there's a lot of cool stuff down here just some phone cases too bad that didn't have a device in it like the last one all right Oh step up to my favorite for happy I'm joking ridiculous just cuz I'm here you're here I'm here like a frozen memory card game this is a cool blue color too so Nintendo DS hate you think is gonna turn on like the I don't know what's the dang ball I'm so surprised at that got power for the iPad two years or something that she said that they really the stuffs been here to you okay so it's not turning on but hey Nintendo DS that's killer [Music] huh looks like I don't eat all day yeah he saves his calories for the sim station I was gonna put that in the clip one time and I was like I went back to listen to those waiting I cut the clip out you know like on the news sometimes a little add in movie clip yeah yeah I was gonna make a video like that didn't work I decided it worked but I decided against it no it didn't work out okay looks like the stereos here it's a Panasonic took a brain that's a good breath alright thanks she dances yeah oh wait how do you do the dad Thank You Lee mugger dad come on did she dad you don't have her arm in the right spot I don't I don't know how you suppose dude it's like this but her she's like a arm and like a big head like this me like this yeah I need to go over her heart across her she doesn't she hasn't been yeah what's army alright never mind what could make her dad all right so hey I'm gonna throw some more stuff on the truck because we gotta get ready to head back to the shop we are gonna have to come back out this area tomorrow so we are gonna be back out here let me hop up here real quick we did find a few other things Jess you're on the PSB um no you didn't yeah we found it we found a sony PSP a Playstation 3 oh we did found a PlayStation 3 we've got a bunch of cool stuff nice without putting my phone down but the PlayStation 3 should be accessible I'm gonna get it are you watching me struggle I am are they watching this wrong PlayStation 3 yo okay so we're gonna put that in that tub alright hey give us a few minutes on my pot back here just if I'm seeing these boxes then we've got to get these tubs in the truck get this stuff up and maybe I'll go down to the next unit and give you a sample unboxing of one of the tubs down there that way we can kind of see cuz I'm curious but anyway so we'll be right back alright guys so we are here at 295 this is the five by 10 that I bought for a hundred twenty bucks some of 170 120 something like that we spend 900 total dollars here including the $50 deposit but our other unit we're just it's just right down there a few ways so anyways looked here it is again I'm gonna grab a few boxes I'm gonna grab a few things out of here real quick just to throw in the truck while we're here to get this out the way that I'm gonna grab a few boxes will do it unboxing with you from this unit and then we're gonna head back to del Sol we'll be right back all right guys so we are back here at the warehouse and I almost forgot but I promised you that we would unbox the box of what appears to be watching stuff like that Ches here okay that's the most overrated gas station they got like really sweet nuts like what do they call sugar nuts times we could say nuts in one video anyway they were like all warm they're warm nuts and they're like dusted with sugar shut up that is kind of funny so they're they're warm nuts dusted in some kind of sugar mixture and it is phenomenal so you can go in there get a bag of nuts and they are like really good and they're addicting but that's a Bucky's that's a Texas thing so anyway we're back there finishing up lots packing Magoo is going up at noon tomorrow guys it's going up at noon we have a ton of stamps actually I kind of show youlook stamps trains boom boom boom Lou this more packing Magoo great stuff look at all these stamps look guys we got a lot of duck stamps all kinds of stuff look more trains great stuff like that that's all you get to see for now check out the catalogue tomorrow at noon are you ready to record hey my wife's gonna record so hey let me do this or let me give her the camera all right here's the camera I'm giving you the camera what something that's supposed to be in this box what do you think you're gonna do well I don't know Katie's in - okay all right here's the deal what kind of watch we're looking for the thousand dollar watch I don't so anyway let's check it out you ready mm-hmm what you my Paul the drawers out first yes all right here we go all right so here's the dang deal let's dump this out one time what's the name of that expensive watch man my attention span is dead I mean that's kind of cool that's broke it's got like this rainbow kind of holographic ideal it's a Geneva I mean it's nice but I don't know if I can fix it depends oh I like watches oh this is also a Geneva needs to be cleaned okay [Music] this is a Zandu is that what that says zan do is that right could you say it not really all right Japan movement all right so there's that one yeah for like glasses I did at one point that's a little extreme so look there's a little cup coupling set that's missing a gym right there okay these aren't stamped I'm gonna assume these are like oh yeah look here's one - so what I was thinking is this guy deals in some kind of jewelry so when we unpacked those boxes hopefully we're gonna find that cuz I'm not seeing any markings on this and I've never seen someone have three or four rings of the same kind so that's kind of a Sun right Oh what that gold nugget we're all gonna be nice I wish this chain was real but I can tell it's plated that stings what else we got here nice little bracelet Oh missing a little gem right there yeah okay so got that little earrings I bet those are silver I'm gonna assume those are silver they look like it that's not so so man that'd be nice I don't know that might be silver but deck well no it looks like they might have put in a new clasp on that mm-hmm cuz this just looks cheap that definitely that clasp is plated but that does not match this so that might be real I don't know it probably so aqua sport solar power that's missing a part of the banjo unless it's just missing the pin actually oh right oh so that's for sure silver okay right here can you read that yep nine to five to five all right killer okay that's nine to five as well okay so I'm gonna sick stick those over here this looks a bit shiny a little bit too shiny for silver I can't explain it are you I don't know that might be I'll test it I'll test that link I'll take a magnet to it first all right what else we got I'm making an extreme 360 for Jesus 360 I thought I said three go yeah that doesn't make sense I'm making an extreme 360 for Jesus that don't make it less than happy yeah that didn't make much sense I'm like brother things you going right back to your same habits Yeah right and with that literally the word repent from the Bible means just to turn to turn from something yeah to turn away where's that I need that one watch that's correct man it's exciting is it look at that look at that bad boy is that my style oh wow that's bling she already said no to the cross necklace I put that on the truck on the way home the big cry she said you don't wear them really says you're not doing something right and she straight up said you were no and so because she very rarely demands anything of me I decided I'll just go with it I'm not gonna wear it so okay what ring oh it's plated sorry it's it's kind of neat it's pretty look it's missing a gemstone oh speaking of I got that bag of diamonds I need to go get tested Oh remember a long time ago I found that baggie of diamonds and it's up at the front it had all those loose diamonds or either CZs or diamonds I'm saying check this out look I'll set this one to Ohio time for my friends out there put this one in California Tom right and then you got your photo in Texas like some kind of stainless steel medallion yeah lots of well all the nice shoes and stuff guys there's still a lot more unboxing coming from this unit don't worry today we just we we knew we needed to get out there get you a video and so we we just tried to film really well and get the truck loaded and so anyway we will be running back out there tomorrow that's good just a nice stainless steel kind chain-link yeah there's another fossil watch yes he look same same same same so they were yeah he was dealing in some kind of jewelry look here's another kind of Geneva try it on for you okay I have little wrists Joe look at that oh yeah oh man man that's the major bullying right there I always tell people huh yes another Geneva this one's kind of nice and clean look at that these are nice you also get 15 20 bucks for these lawsuits oh yeah we're looking at $20 long okay what was the name of the other one it wasn't war money was it no you know what I'm gonna say this ain't quality hmm because look at the emblem right underneath the 12 you see it whatever that Eagle is or whatnot yeah it's crooked well you see how it's crooked so either the glue came loose or something but they quality he's not gonna happen like that yeah so you look at a Rolex and stuff like that you see any little numbers or any little small like imperfection that ain't real I'm telling you right but I can already tell look how the diamond set again look at the oh wait guys you can usually you don't have to look at stuff you look at the quality of how it was made like really slow down and look at how things were made yeah and you just see how that's just a little bit off and could have been ding yeah but all of those prongs are just not set even anyway there's more of these rings right yeah baby that's leather all kinds of real diamonds all kinds of real diamond I don't know what kind of brand that it is kind of nice watch a little heavier yeah [Music] make sure some sterling look more Superman stuff yeah he did like Superman or he was just selling it maybe you got a good deal on Superman necklaces it's kind of cool oh look it's got a little Jesus on it baby Jesus look as a magnet oh hey y'all look a silver you ever seen gold silver oh I thought you said cherry do now one of the Rings that but look look how that stuck see we know this is 9:00 to 5:00 for sure right that's clearly stamped mm-hmm that's definitely yeah look so look at that see that well obviously that didn't come with that it's gonna stick to the clasp of it look say look it's strong enough right so that's either heavily plated or that might be gold with different class maybe if he sold jewelry he did that so anyway how many minutes are we up 11 all right Gary [Music] all right hey gold nugget bracelet didn't stick to a magnet means it's got to be real right gotta be gotta be real like to interact let's go let's play too though see where the plates rubbed off yeah so just look simple stuff like that will tell you but sometimes guys don't be don't be fooled by stuff like this because they could just have taken the class puff and if it's quality right they're gonna try to fix it this is the dumbest watch okay it's a pretty good haul here oh are you kidding me with the jerseys everything that I'm and stuff we found out we found work an iPad today new OtterBox doesn't have a passport it's working we found another Amazon tablet it was look like it was freaking new but anyway so yeah we found all that stuff we found the new radio or the Sirius radio fm right yeah that's not a radio yeah XM radio XM yeah it's not gonna be on the radio so anyway guys yeah I think hey let's don't tell them too much you've seen that we've only talked about what sandwich you haven't we're not gonna talk about what we haven't saved and so tomorrow we'll be unboxing the rest of that we're gonna get you two more videos out of the unit that way we can have storage videos for the rest of the week I'm gonna look at the units tonight see if there's anything else killer out there that we can get but anyways other than that make sure to like make sure to subscribe make sure to hit that bill hit all make sure a lot of notifications are on because if not you may not get them for premieres and lives and as we all know not everybody's getting their notification so make sure to do that we'll see you the next unit hey y'all check this out oh my gosh oh look at this this is literally I'm gonna keep this rolling this is gonna be bonus footage look at this look at that building y'all want to see how close this was look at that tree down so you all want to see how close the tornado really did hit to us look at that big electricity and great thing we thank the Lord that that missed it okay so I'm gonna keep rolling hopefully the police it looks like they're gonna let us through here today so this will all be bonus footage guys sorry that's rockin but man Wow I hadn't seen that yet so we could we have not been this is the street that I tried to turn on right on let me roll up the window sorry guys this is the street that I tried to go ride on that morning that I went up and checked the gallery but they would not let us turn on it so it looks like back that way in the neighborhood it got hit this is that big factory I wonder figure this is charmant williams factory I'll probably actually no that is okay said look this is shallow see you just saw that building was probably maybe a mile back that way so we are pulling up on forests and if you see that red building right up there on the corner okay the next building over that little shopping center directly behind that is our shop so grounds fine auction is directly behind that so that is how close it got to destroying our auction house was like probably a mile maybe a mile and right around that corner behind all this stuff it's completely demolished too so really guys that's how close it was so there's your bonus footage tornado video number two will be coming right zoomed in so hey here's the deal there's your bonus footage we will be coming out with tornado - video tornado - video that sounds good that so we'll go with it we'll release that soon because they are starting to open up all the main roads into where the main destruction is so I will show you guys you have not seen anything yet y'all saw that building wait till you see the home depot there's your bonus footage people see it the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 19,351
Rating: 4.9457889 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, nintendo ds, playstation 3, vintage video games, online auction, what the hales, storage pirate, hunting with jebus, locker nuts
Id: cZFjPiQcVTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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