4WDing On Its Side! See Shaun's Classic Rollover! 4WD Action #239

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[Music] we're up here at the silly look at this above Coffs Harbor the reason being we want to check out those Hills over there because that's where we're going the reason I'm standing here in the Coffs region goes back a couple of weeks you see we put a post up on Facebook asking for a few of the locals to show us around we've got an overwhelming response hundreds of people but there were two whose knowledge of the area and knowledge in general meant that we just had to have them I tell you what it has paid off these blokes are going to show us coughs like you've never seen before my advice to you sit down grab something cold make yourself comfortable because this is going to be Coffs Harbor four-wheel drive action style and trust me when I say you've never seen anything like it epic does it even do it justice [Music] thank you if you're into tough four-wheel driving and epic campsites then this is the video for you and I've also got cracking news to get 10 off store wide at four-wheel drive Super Center that's 10 off winches spotlights and heaps more gear just keep an eye out for the exclusive discount code in this video and of course enjoy the adventure joining me for a trip that I'm sure none of us will ever forget is old mate Sean Oak in his tough as Nails dirty 30. way down the back is Chris from Superior off-road with a wealth of mechanical experience his skills might just be useful on a trip like this of course breno needs no introduction he absolutely loves coughs the harder steeper and more extreme the better up front we've got our two readers who are acting as guides for this trip Grant any slick GQ Ute and Rowan in his flaming Beast of a G60 starting just north of town where tackling tracks that all costs locals know about and are really at the testing ground for anyone heading up here looking for a challenge a little later in the trip we're going to head out bellingen way to the promised land to cool off straight off the blacktop and we're all airing down right away [Music] I love this space yeah you do it's a bit of a uh it's almost like if you're really into four drives this is Sydney four-wheel drive is backyard after the Watkins makes sense look it doesn't but I'll tell you what does make sense mate this is probably the toughest single series of tracks in Australia I'll be brave enough to call the Border up capital of Australia right here you get no arguments from me oh no you won't get arguments from right now you got a copy you're a big fella how are you make sure I know and I are up here we're frothing like dishwashing water mate absolutely loving it looking forward to it hey Chris you got a copy way back there mate yeah right on way back here well you get a load of this Convoy out front we've got the greatest four-wheel drive ever built and behind it probably the second greatest four-wheel drive ever built right get a copy yeah mate gotcha thanks for the invite for this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it ask of you though it's just one favor can you just drive it about half your ability that'd be fantastic it's not me you need to worry about Graham it's uh Tyrone in the old system it really shows everyone up Ron you got a copy mate yeah I Learned to Drive in a vehicle I was going to say similar to that but it was actually nowhere near it it was a 60 but it wasn't uh yours was a bit of a beast mate I'm looking forward to this boys what have we got up first there Grant uh we're just going to tackle the bottom of Commando and just uh get a feel for it then we we're going to look um head up to mount caramba which is a lovely look out to have to check it out for sure Commander anything at all I've got a story about Commando all right let's get into it boys I'm happy Commando is one of the first DVDs I've ever done with court Drive action yeah and I nearly rolled the 60 but it was a full body wagon I literally had 33s on that zip I nearly rolled it on its side at Commando I never drove it past them first two meters of that track I don't want to know these things right now at the base of Commander yep so here we go seano's already had one attempt in the past and he nearly put the 60 on its side let's see how he goes in round two tell you what Coffs Harbor we've just had breakfast literally just had breakfast just finished your bacon and eggs we've only just stepped off the blacktop in fact if you were to turn everything off sit down and listen you probably hear the trucks on the highway this right here let's go commando I got no idea why it's called Commando I reckon that's pretty tough name we'll go with it I was not called Commando because the Commando roll you know what I'm talking about the boys are having a look they're picking their lines I've got nothing more to say than to shake my head this is Coffs Harbor through and through you boys confident [Music] bring the cars up I like that quiet confidence all right let's get into it come on [Music] no thank you come on with me no thank you sir it'll be the smoothest ride you ever had up here really really serious no still no like a letter a fellow four-wheel drive it down something tells me I can still Grant needs about zero of my help zero in fact I'll probably be a hindrance other than help foreign [Music] 's up first and he set that GQ up to be low light and geared right down I've seen him in action before and his approach is calculated and precise he's going to eat this have a look at that William oh you are kidding me [Music] that's insane that's a tough line Grant's made that look so easy look at that straight up the hill he really did make that look like nothing and this is Commander I really appreciate your help on that one no that's good mate I had you all the way it was you just got to listen to me a bit more that's all I'm saying you know I'll do my best for the next song mate do my best for the next that was ridiculously stable come on what's the secret just loads the way to go in Coffs Harbor yeah just keep them low lots of off-camber stuff here so purposely for that reason that's what I wanted to touch on you've purposely built this it's a low truck it's a very low truck in comparison to what you see running around town yeah for sure and you're driving everything as hard as it nothing nothing soft everything no we like to challenge ourselves don't get me wrong we do winch yep but um majority of the time we're able to drive it so low slow and pick a good line that's the way to go watch your spotter that's it watch my spotter I need nothing at all right are we doing the second bit I'd love to yeah let's get stuck into it those really are some words of wisdom if you're chasing super tough terrain build your truck low and hit the challenges slow hit also helps to be able to pick killer lines like Grant [Music] well and I can hear the Big Boost start up you don't miss that in the forest she sounds like a Mack truck I'm so Keen to see the big G60 in action get a look at that Beast will you what a line I'm pretty sure Rowan just picks the hardest lines to have fun how good is that rig I got a quick question for you mate before you do this yeah how long you had this bus for uh 12 years 12 years so you know it pretty well yeah yeah dude yeah it didn't show at all yeah tell you what you walked up there it just does a thing but yeah once it's locked yeah it's point and shoot really the difference though between your driving ground same line but do this thing moved around you had to really fight it you had to work at it yeah you got to drive it I've got to go faster too I know I don't have gearing the gearing yeah so well I'm impressed so far I'm gonna get up ahead and um I won't spot you you don't need it uh the car spots itself I reckon you could pretty much transplant this truck from here put it into something in America and it would look just as home yep put a machine gun on the roof and it wouldn't look out of place that thing is a beast [Music] super impressive here we go shawno versus Commando round two a couple lockers for this one I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I wasn't a little bit apprehensive I mean this is big Hills big ruts big rock steps and um the cost is really famous for this is one of the most notorious I think tracks in Coffs yeah here we go I'm up yeah mate mate you're back here again you're like an Atlantic Sam and have another crack [Music] oh mate look if I get past that first obstacle it's all positive so um let's hope I get past there okay I've got nothing but uh 100 confidence but I reckon you're gonna eat this for breakfast it's always good to come back I reckon have a crack at something to beat you before and I think you're gonna kill this yeah cool mate I'm gonna bring her up I think let's do it the dirty 30 to the top he won't talk to me oh he's nearly killed David oh Daddy's going down oh that was a committing line that was the first bit I actually really rolled on that bit before okay he's past the point to beat him last time and he did so with ease whoa struth that is some wheel lift right there righto next up stage two the big ruts I saw a maneuver then that I haven't seen since the 2007 Summer Olympics you came down both came up this wheel came off whilst this wheel was off the air the other one came off and you pivoted and came back down two wheels off two wheel drive you're gonna walk up this it's pretty scary though it's pretty steep it is I mean you can see here folks I'm one of the taller blocks you'll meet and I'm only just able to look through the windscreen you're gonna walk up this mate you really are I hope so this is left and just walk up it yeah try not to bounce around too much that's all you really but you're bouncing heaps they just ball ball ball yeah no you're good that was easy walked up I'll leave you with it all right right next up stage two the big ruts you've got this bud this is it arguably the hardest section on Commando the Crux make this and you've knocked the top off it yeah good drive mate good drive yeah good line to start shawno now the big rock step mate this is it the toughest part come on mate foreign the brakes got nothing to do with it this is probably the most gnarly angle I've ever been on yeah they don't get much more oh they do get an earlier shouldn't I really yeah mate I've got D4 running all down my legs do you want to uh hop out Shawna and check it out for yourself but um you're safe to see I was not going anywhere yeah I'll tell you what lucky I have my seatbelt on oh wow wow I don't even know how to get out of you just waiting for a mate Jesus it's not a great situation just to be honest with you I don't think that needs an explanation my number one make sure Sean is okay number two let's just everyone calm down we're gonna make sure we can get the vehicle into a position where it's safe because right now it physically could go back over so I will we'll try it we'll try and get it back up on those wheels or at least stabilize so we can get Shino out and have a look at it that's the thing number one make sure Sean is okay just just uh get ready to get in the car everything's gone quiet I don't even think that it's not good yeah it is moving that's the other side of my car yep at least I made it further than last time you did you're nearly at the top I know I know third time's a charm they say you'll be balls you move next time you drop this yeah [Music] well we've had a bit of a think tank and this is what I've come up with we've got um a winch from Grants going right out to a tree off a um up a pulley block to hold the vehicle and hopefully pull it across we've also got a backup winch which is breno's Dominator on the GU there so if anything does happen which is very unlikely one of the straps to break or something we've got a second winch on the vehicle and I've even got my Dominator out here insecure to a tree up there so at the end of the day my vehicle can't go backwards you can only come across So the plan now is to get it back onto the wheels and then we'll probably have to pull it back off this bank and position it back in the middle of the track there is a lot of Advanced winching Techniques at play here and it really is a team effort the key here is to take it slowly and double check everything as well as keeping clear of all straps Safety First with a dirty 30 back on its Wheels we now need to reposition the straps and winches in order to pull the truck off the Left Bank and back onto the track where it's on some sort of level ground there is a total of three winches all working simultaneously here it's like conducting an orchestra with the 30 now as level as we're going to get it it's time to call Chris in and make sure the engine is okay to crank over having been on its side for quite some time oil or possibly coolant has moved and could have flown into the cylinders I will that's unusual we all know that liquid doesn't compress well so starting an engine with cylinders full of oil will be the last thing that engine does um well this one's fairly lucky actually I'm normally being right hand down being that the air cleaners on this side are normally fill up with oil so we're probably looking at no damage at all beside the superficial stuff which is a win it's good news it is that's what you're saying we rip these injectors out yep before you start it so any oil let's start because what will happen if there's oil inside the inlet it'll want to fill up the valve and as the valve comes up the Piston I don't like lock the Piston yeah sure so just an invaluable meat because of the oil trying to compress the oil diesels need to have glow plugs removed the dirty 30 doesn't have any so direct to the injectors and each one is removed in turn the engine is then cranked over forcing any oil out into the engine bay that's what that blanket is for to catch the oil and make sure that it's free of the cylinders with Chris now giving the all player Sean I was able to get the big rig running with a minimum of fuss that's good work boys okay from here the general consensus was to winch over the rock step to a small section of level ground this will give shawno the best chance of continuing under his own steam it's great to see the old girl back upright and it's just in the nick of time a huge storm front is rolling in and we've now got a limited window to get to the top and off this hill before it all turns to Mush you think Commando is tough in the dry try it in the wet utterly insane grants twin locked GQ is doing it easy he's done this track dozens of times and it shows perfect lines and local experience are worth their weight out here then of course there's Rowan in that weapon of a G60 mate you are making it look way too easy [Music] not to be forgotten breno in the GU is now up it's got to be nerve-wracking having seen a mate go over Game Face Time buddy foreign [Music] [Music] Chris in the D40 great on the spanners and equally as good behind the wheel [Music] that weather closing in he's amped to get to the top and he ain't holding back [Music] foreign [Music] concerned it's a ballsy effort to get back behind the wheel after a nasty roll halfway up a hill like Commando big respect mate [Music] with the rain now starting now is not a great time to have any issues with the 30. enough I take my hat off to you mate big big effort well done Shawna we'll save the proper celebrations to the pub because some Savage weather is rolling in which could shut this track down Sean I was showing away now it's down to Bruno and Chris to follow [Applause] oh my cats and dogs out there brother that is one of the ballsiest drives I've ever seen really to get back up off the ground I'll tell you what point yourself in a hill that's killed you twice it does it is the first time I put it on its side it should have been a good enough home and yeah as it was but second time I got this and I didn't I fell on my side and um I'll tell you what that wasn't even the hardest bit it kept going it was even harder because I was nervous I was scared I was yeah you know I've dented my pride in my car and my everything and um mate I'm just so happy to be at the top of Commando yep we're going on I don't reckon too many people would have stood up as you did there so I was never not going to drive it when you put on its side you got to get up you've got to go right out I'm getting this off this hill mate let's go go captain [Music] well I'll tell you what over the years I've had some pretty intense first days on adventures all around Australia I'm going to put this one down yeah it's the most intense first day of any trip I've ever done we're going to finish up here have a look at this view heading to Camp tell you what folks Coffs Harbor get up here get more for Less at four-wheel drive super center with incredible deals on adventure Kings camping and outdoor gear take your camping experience to the next level with the amazing Grand tourer Mark III aluminum Rooftop tent the rooftop tent that practically sets itself up King's portable gazebos are built Ultra strong with a tough steel frame how easy to set up even by yourself and are available in multiple sizes for the campsite or the job site the incredible new 270 degree freestanding awning can be set up in just 40 seconds and wraps around the side in the back of your car for incredible amounts of shelter hitting the water on a king's inflatable stand-up paddleboard for an insane amount of fun at the beach the River or the dam but warning it's highly addictive plus there's fridges solar panels and more to make every adventure incredible at full drive Super Center you get more for Less [Music] [Music] we're back out in the Hills above coughs and after an epic first day coughs locals Grant and Rowan aren't easing up on the tough stuff but first we might just be adding one more to the Convoy hey Grant got a copy up there yeah mate I got you you ever bring your uh your young bloke out mate mate he absolutely loves it as uh as often as I can he misses out on a lot of night runs but uh yeah during the day we'd like to get him out on the weekends what I'm thinking along what's he uh what's today mate is it school day what's the go would he still be overtime early yeah that's school day today but yeah he's um getting ready for school there now outside what do you reckon we uh we get the little black a surprise mate that would be Sensational if we could um do something with that ear just really wouldn't love it all right well lead the way mate let's go past your place oh man he's going to be ecstatic with this all right yeah let's go get him I'm excited grants young bloke danger these are massive four-wheel drive action fan in fact he watches the DVDs every night before bed good on you mate he helps Grant work on his GQ and he can crack a mean whip to boot excuse me are you Danger do you know who I am can I shake your hand mate how are you buddy Hey listen what do you got planned for today you gotta go to school you got to go to school what do you reckon we just saying no to school going forward driving you reckon give me five yeah yeah yeah in the same height mate I knew that was gonna happen I knew that was gonna happen what do you reckon can we go let's do it eh all right let's go stay with Dad let's go and just like that a day off school out four-wheel driving how good is that I just hope dangers teacher isn't watching with our Convoy complete we head back into the hills that's the great thing about coughs tracks are so close Grant and Rowan have promised us one of the single best water holes in the region only catch is it's a little tough to get to it's just dead set drops away off the edge of the airplane boys look how steep that is down there yeah we can see the uh the diff in the G60 in front of us here going down no the Locker's going up not going down you just want to use lockers all the time oh just in case or no no not yet well I'll give them a bit later right yeah guys here we go foreign this is one heck of a steep descent it's all about engine braking here first gear low feet off the brake pedal and let compression slow you down concentrate instead on picking a good line it's a nice little downhill section it's nice don't speak too soon seanane now that is a slide first eat where I'm just trying not to get that stump on the work boots that gu is just such a capable bit of Kit I love it now attracts steep on your seatbelt locked on Chris has done a lot of work on his D40 and it really shows on Hills like this nice drive mate I grant get a copy my goal is Reapers you're like the one on our right hand side are there any of these got any decent swimming or any I don't know can you access them can you get anywhere and swim all right just up the road up here we've actually got two swimming holes there's a bit of a group there at the last one last one so well you might clock the one that's got a little bit of a jump off today oh yeah [Music] it is absolutely freezing cold I'm going in [Music] here [Music] awesome [Music] well we're nice and refreshed after that swim and now we're heading into the rainforest for possibly the most breno friendly Hill we've ever seen coughs has such a variety of terrain steep shell one minute Rock steps the next then around the corner big rainforest and Crystal Clear streams it's a good idea that you prep your rig for anything because that's exactly what you might encounter out the back of coughs oh that's a cool little track that's nice now that little camera's still going there is it yeah oh sorry Mr cameraman IOU one GoPro whoops brown eye next and we can expect a gnarly line here that's a good drive mate perfect throttle control foreign this is a beaut bit of rainforest but it's almost time to head to Camp the way out however is the hill the boys have been talking about all day even breno is shocked what do you reckon what's the what's the technique here what would you do with your convert for your remote control car we'll see the line and then then we're taking that exact line and most definitely going to need the lockers for this one [Music] how much does danger love this it's so good to say let's give it a go before I'll go that j60 is pure animal [Music] s so close Shawna so close I think there's just too much weight in the back mate let's win hey the idea behind this little setup of course is to get 16 ton of G60 up the front which is going to act as an anchor point and of course we've got a secondary Anchor Point here in the GQ and the reason we're taking these measures is twofold firstly that it all is remarkably Steep and secondly the dirty 30 despite being only half a four-wheel drive weighs more than about four four wheel drives so we're going to double line pull off the back of the GQ as well these are just anchor vehicles and primarily in this country yeah I mean it's just so slippery we'll put one vehicle back no problem at all so hopefully with two we've got a good chance [Music] right this should be good this is [Music] grenade you sir are a weapon another tactic that I like to call um third gear low range [Music] foreign so close buddy that was a good drive [Music] foreign [Music] we've been given the keys to a private property with a perfect campsite overlooking the cops Coast directly above a banana plantation makes sense to go grab a bunch given the monkeys I'm traveling with thanks so much for that appreciate it all right I'll tell you what I know a thing or two about bananas and those suckers are green you can't eat them can't eat those baby right but coal was good enough to give us some real ripe ones yep and um they're the ones what are you gonna do banana fritters they're gonna be the strong way because I don't know if I've got all the ingredients dude I've had your Curry sausages about 18 times now and every single time you haven't had all the ingredients they still come out though yeah not have sausages once I still made them that was a cake it was Curry's persevere of what you got mate not the best bananas in Australia right now that's not a bad key ingredient to banana fritters The fritters will go well so we've got we've got chicken farmer Ella rag style over here that's that's bound to be good you've got your deep fried banana Gristle yep what do you bringing at the time good man you know we got those bananas today yep I've got a bunch of ripe ones off coal you did and I've got to do something with them I can't just leave them go to waste no they're too nice for that look at that so what I'm gonna do yeah fritters for dessert banana fritters cook them well do you need a set of time the problem was I didn't have all the ingredients right so I've done what I usually do and just make stuff up on the floor yeah it's something I admire about you so that look at that that is a look at this put that straighten the hot oil really are there's an old rule that says you can't put bananas on your boat that's correct now what's that about the only Superstition I have so you believe that I do why because um I don't need any bad luck when I fish right I usually take it with you wherever I go so I don't need anything else that could have contribute to my bad life but that is an old it is an old sign yeah and I know a mate who actually had bananas in his boat just once back up and he rolls he's rolled his boat in the bar he's rolled his boat so you've got a lot in common with him all right here we go do you reckon these are done these ones are only much longer yeah better Jackson pulling on it bloody nice come on mate is that good that battle is unbelievable really absolutely spot on wow yeah we go this in all seriousness space I tell you what we've had one heck of a meal tonight we've had uh we've had the old chicken parmigiana um Bruno style and uh and now we've added uh one of those shoulders oh Sean those are bananas in custard and I tell you what neither one has looked terribly appetizing but they've both tasted remarkably good and I'll tell you I've got to say if I was serve that up in a restaurant I would think I had really one alive that just looks fantastic looks great you've done a great job made our cheers get more for Less at four-wheel drive super center with insane deals on King's DIY storage and 12 volt gear to build your dream four-wheel drive whether it's an inverter you need to run 240 volt gear on the job side or the campsite a battery box or a 12 volt control box to easily access your power King's 12 volt DIY gear is what you need to take your 12 volt set up to the next level native battery Kings has you covered with a full range of AGM Slimline and lithium batteries in sizes ranging from 98 amp hour to 200 amp hour all built with ultra high quality components to go the distance and of course you just can't beat King's solar panels and blankets to silently charge your batteries anytime the sun's out at four wheel drive Super Center you get more for Less [Music] foreign hard to sleep in with a bunch of blokes cracking whips next to your swag thanks Boys Still who'd want to sleep with another day on the coughs tracks let's get into it the movie Deliverance is this track remind you of anything have we got the water here mate I reckon it comes from a great big industrial purifier before it comes down here you do it for the tourist aren't you yeah maybe you can borrow this and uh yeah I don't doubt it I don't doubt it that is just a stunning Little River do they get busy down here there's a bit of a hitting Hot Spot all we are now is I'm yeah that doesn't get too busy here um Promised Land which everyone probably know about cares about it yeah it's the last nice cam spot all by yourself well I'm sold mate I'm absolutely sold look at that that is just stunts felt that water on crazy come on man damn it he pulled that God told the man off God and who can argue with a bloke that drives a tank for a four-wheel drive man up indeed the bellingen state forest is an untouched Paradise of Virgin rainforest and Crystal Clear Creeks it's even better than it looks [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] my daddy's beautiful look at that water hole wow that water's gonna be really cold that's gonna be freezing yeah how good does that look I've Just Seen A fish so no one's allowed to swim until I have a quick cast because [Music] you can wait you can sit on the Rock You Can't Swim until I catch a fish this is what it is this is what traveling with seano is all about you pretty much some some people go by times of day when they can eat sleep all those all those basic things which you wanna it's about when we can fish I've got no problem oh there he is that's either a perch or a bass or a barracuda Monday I'm not sure mate but I'm going to try and catch it sure Knight can't take him anywhere that bloke was born with fins I reckon okay mate come on that's enough can we swim yet [Music] I'm thinking on the riding between very cold and extremely um I'm only worried about getting wet and feels yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just can't convey how cold that was that is like it's like water you would just get out of the fridge and pour on yourself absolutely freezing yeah I've done the ice bucket challenge [Music] are you having to get the dirty 30 mate it's probably a good idea [Applause] in all seriousness though a 20-point safety check is a damn good bit of insurance she's looking good bud yeah mate we're getting there hey some roadside repairs mate the old Radiohead is loose it is too loose that's a good pickup yeah just rattled we're lucky that the fan didn't go through it and causes all sorts of Dramas I'll tell you what though you pick up something simple like that for free especially yes you'll save you a hell of a lot of money down the track I mean like you said if a fan goes through the radiator or something like that's big dollars stuck in the middle of nowhere you you know you're gonna have a costly costly bill on a tow truck how much you got to do here we're right to go ready to go yep all right let's go with Chris giving us all a tick of approval we were back on the tracks [Music] away it's just shiny this week all right yeah five knockers or one both put it in there let's do it I'm looking around best little co-driver any bloke could ask for something tells me that danger ain't gonna own a two-wheel drive when he gets his license [Music] the last time Rowan and Grant were out this way on Rocky track they had to help out another poor bloke who had just rolled his truck cost tough as it gets but Grant makes it look easy [Music] well this is one of the more popular tracks around costs pretty notorious too it's called Rocky there's actually a couple of names for it there's a bit of discussion over what you should call it it could be called Rover could be called Rocky I'm gonna stick with Rocky because he's grabbing Rock right here I like a little bit probably this would be the pinch the little the little tough part on the track we had to recover the camera car from here the big 80 um Bruno drove it like an absolute madman but just unlocked didn't quite make it up um I've seen Grant go up it and as everything Grant's done this trip so far it looked like he was going to pick up a pizza from Pizza Hut there's no big deal I have a feeling though this next line could be very spectacular I'm gonna see how we go here but I'm looking forward to watching the boys come up this should be good fun we're gonna drive the rock on Rocky then we're gonna Rove up and over over stick with me clear as mud and Broadway bring up the G60 [Music] oh yeah that seat belt might be a good idea Rowan [Music] now that was a tough line but Rowan made it look like a curb in a shopping center car park all right I had a bit of fun driving the camera truck up here uh the patrol should do it a lot easier I'll tell you what I don't envy Shawn right now I've been in a situations not as bad of a roll and not anywhere near as bad of a role as Sean had but I do know how much it shakes your confidence so full credit to the bloke for getting back up dusting himself off and going back out and hitting some more tracks um you could not blame him for a single second for taking this one easy because I know I'd be taking it easy I'll tell you what I say if you fall off the horse you've got to get straight back on it and that's exactly what we're doing today but yes I roll the vehicle in cops and um well this vehicle today I'm to get back on that horse and don't drive these tracks they're all the same sort of tracks up here in Boston Road steep they're ruttered and um a little bit more gnarly than next unfortunately so you were that close what you're going over no it wasn't really you can't try that again you want to winch it it'll just be a disaster I thought I thought it was going to all happen again then put a winch on it put a winch on it good call Mate good call Safety First all hands on deck let's get this done that's actually that's a good line I'm going to build a brand for those last time up this up this hole you're in yeah so let's see how it goes [Music] nice tell you what that was a pretty ballsy drive on Sean's behalf he's been through the Ring of the four blocks and that was a pretty gnarly angled big winch job as well but many hands lots of eyes got him up piece of pie that was a bit heart and mouth that was almost a repetition of the other day that was a little bit scary I um I think Sean I thought was in his mouth I'm gonna go get the patrol and give it a go hey Graham yep I've got you mate bring her up Bruno [Music] air pick drive breno that was classic mate oh that's Hardy mouth that's wall driving that is something else that D40 impresses me nearly as much as Chris behind the wheel what was that so I got the chance to have a ride in the G60 and this is what I got soft Ops they really put you in touch with your environment Epic oh wow [Music] how'd you go over there I'm buying one I am buying one this is the special clothes on [Music] this is an Old Logging area with a maze of tracks [Music] thank you so Logan being done out here around our state first mate that's a there's a lot of it right around there yeah we've still got a fair bit of logging down and cops and up in the year long area yeah notice even the other day we were all sort of north of it there's um there's a lot of it's being done right through the state forest I guess the good thing about that is that um they maintain a lot of the tracks they're going to get the longer trucks through which means to eat come on uh we're only there they're always longing they're always looking after the tracks with shops anytime for us so it's good and bad in some people's eyes but it's got to be done I suppose we're pretty high yeah [Music] foreign [Music] for one last short steep ruttered climb coughs just doesn't give up it's gnarly right to the end [Music] [Music] thank you all right nice Buddies [Music] [Music] oh Bruno Daddy's some wheel lift mate two wheelies that's a good amount of wheelies [Music] Chris that was a clean line well driven mate wow what an absolutely amazing adventure I don't think any of us will ever forget this trip big thanks to Sean and breno for providing the entertainment and also huge thanks to Chris for picking up the pieces and keeping us all on our wheels and making sure we can continue day after day I really want to say a big heartfelt thanks to of course Rowan and Grant for bringing us out here and showing us not only these tough tracks but places like this in little danger something tells me we've got to keep an eye on that bloke I reckon he's going to be on another full drive action dvd one day showing up whoever it is he could even be me he might even be presenting but I tell you what he'll drive better than I do now let's put an argument to rest once and for all Coffs Harbor has the greatest number of tough tracks anywhere in Australia that's it done and dusted without a doubt but to be able to come down here and contrast all those tough tracks with a place like this Crystal Clear streams beautiful camping I tell you what coughs has really grown on me I'll be back absolutely for sure maybe you'll see me here maybe even be on this rock maybe you won't but you'll definitely see me next time on four wheel drive action forget building your own set of storage drawers all paying well over a thousand dollars for a set elsewhere and get your hands on a set of incredibly tough and unbeatable value for money Titan storage drawers our entire range of Titan storage drawers have been built to handle just about anything you can throw at them all models of Titan double drawers come with an included built-in fridge slide on the left hand side saving you up to 200 compared to some other brands that charge extra for a fridge slide each draw top also has these heavy duty spring-loaded tie-down points to secure your gear on even the most corrugated roads we've put them through their Paces like none other we've jumped on them overloaded them with bricks chucked an engine on the drawers at full extension absolutely flooded them and used them off-road year after year to prove just how tough they are the Titan 900 single drawer is perfect for those who have limited space to install a storage drawer it has internal dimensions of 430 millimeters wide 790 millimeters long and 190 millimeters deep the Titan 900 Double Draw setup is ideal for smaller wagons like Prados pajeros and SUVs with the internal Dimensions identical to the 900 single drawer on each side the Titan 1300 Ute drawers are made specifically for Vans and Utes the internal dimensions are 1200 millimeters long 430 millimeters wide and 150 millimeters High the 1300 millimeter single drawers are also a cracking addition to the back of Vans and Utes the internal dimensions are the same as the double 1300 drawers but have an extra 40 millimeters of depth making them 190 millimeters deep and finally for the bigger wagons like Land Cruisers and patrols the double 1070 storage drawers have internal dimensions of 880 millimeters long 470 millimeters wide and 180 millimeters of depth they come 95 pre-assembled and all you need to install them is a couple of basic hand tools and a couple of hours on a lazy Sunday arvo you can also add optional Wing kits both model specific and DIY so you can finish off the back of your four-wheel drive and have plenty of storage available for your next adventure take your setup to the next level with the incredibly tough and unbeatable value for money Titan storage drawers [Music] if you're after a Next Level 12 volt upgrade for your vehicle or your next camping trip then check this out the adventure King's 120 amp hour lithium battery this uses high capacity brand new grade a Lithium-Ion phosphate cells capable of thousands of Cycles it's paired with a high quality BMS able to Output up to 160 amps of current the future of 12 volt setups is here lithium batteries are super lightweight and still have heaps of power capacity in fact this battery weighs just over 15 kilos that's about half as much as a similar capacity AGM but that's not all lithium batteries have the ability to use their entire capacity from 100 to zero percent and still have an incredibly long life the reason Adventure King's lithium batteries are so good is because they use lithium-ion phosphate chemistry that means if you're using the entire 120 amp hours of capacity in this battery every day it would still last almost five and a half years some cheap lithium batteries use Grade B or even second hand cells to keep the cost down but not here Adventure King's lithium iron phosphate batteries use brand new grade a prismatic cells when these batteries are assembled each individual cell is matched with others and then grouped then those cells are balanced which means that these batteries always function at their best and ensure you have full capacity another major feature of these Adventure Kings 120 amp hour lithium batteries is the high quality internal battery management system this BMS for short takes care of the individual cells it balances them while you're charging your battery it prevents overcharge over discharge over temperature and short circuits a high quality BMS is so important and it's also incredibly important to match the BMS to the cells and the use of the battery a good indicator of a high quality BMS is to look for high current discharge and charge ratings this battery is capable of charging and discharging constantly at up to 100 amps and it can do a peak discharge of 160 amps of current a high discharge current and a high peak discharge current are very important if you want to run things like inverters that need a lot of power when they turn on to fill the capacitors if you're looking at a battery that has a much lower charge and discharge rate they could be cost cutting by using a cheaper BMS lithium iron phosphate is a safe technology unlike some other lithium chemistries and Adventure King's lithium batteries are doubly safe not only are they sealed and safe to use in your vehicle they've also passed a short circuit test overcharge test over temperature test and a vibration test so they're ready to be put to use some lithium batteries are extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures and they can be damaged or destroyed by trying to use them Adventure King's batteries though can be charged anywhere from 0 to 50 degrees Celsius and used or discharged anywhere from negative 20 right through to plus 60 degrees Celsius they use threaded M8 terminals for high power output and easy connection measuring it at 330 millimeters long by 162 millimeters wide and 250 millimeters tall all they fit perfectly in an adventure King's battery box for a lightweight and Powerful portable power station and with 120 amp hours on tap you could run a camping fridge for five or even six days or you can permanently install them in your vehicle for a Next Level super powerful setup that barely weighs anything and for that reason they're perfect for your full drive motorhome Caravan or camper trailer what you need to be concerned about gvm and GCM limits so if you want a safe lightweight super powerful and super long lasting lithium battery for your next level setup you can't beat an adventure King's 120 amp hour lithium battery foreign [Music] [Music] introducing the incredible Adventure King's premium Camp oven stove your new best mate for delicious barbecue or campfire cooking and warm cozy fires whether you're at home in your backyard or at your favorite campsite let me show you all the things that I absolutely love about it and I'm sure you're going to love too this amazing bit of gear has been designed right here in Australia and it combines a camping stove and a portable barbecue into one it can run off multiple fuel sources wood heat beads charcoal briquettes and more when it's time to cook up a feast you can fit two large pots or pans on this huge flat cooktop surface that measures in at 520 millimeters long by 300 millimeters wide that's enough space to cook up a feast for the entire family and because it runs on wood or heat beads you can leave the gas bottle behind one less thing to pack and when you want a beautiful roaring campfire use the included hook tool to Simply lift the two-piece lid off completely and just add in some more firewood the raised enclosed design means you won't risk scorching your grass your deck or even your driveway and you'll be able to use it for a beautiful warm fire at campsites that don't allow open ground fires plus your fire would last longer because you're closer to the heat now that's busy the enclosed design means it's super efficient and you can make the most of your fuel by directing the heat exactly where you want it you can even adjust the temperature of your fire by varying the airflow with these sliding vents on the side a two-piece removable lid on top and an adjustable flue you're always in control remove the entire lid for an open fire or just this circular inner piece if you need extra heat for cooking like searing steaks to finish them off and this up here now that is a real game changer a chimney that extends over 2.4 meters off the ground to direct smoke away from your campsite for smoke-free campfires you can even position the premium Camp oven stove under your awning your gazebo or your shed for maximum warmth and the angular offset chimney piece allows smoke to funnel away rather than getting trapped underneath there's even a spark arrestor on top for good measure there are so many more things to absolutely love about the king's premium Camp oven stove it's been designed to be super sturdy with these four large legs that extend the footprint a foot wider in both directions for excellent stability ability the legs simply screw into the bottom like this and you can remove the middle piece for a lower fire this huge access door swings open with the included hook tool to allow you to easily refill the premium Camp oven stove as required inside you've got this fuel rack that keeps your wood or your charcoal up off the floor maximizing airflow and preventing wasted heat it's a breeze to transport set up and pack down two with no tools required each of the four two-piece legs simply screw together and the chimney pieces pack into each other with everything fitting into the main body of the premium Camp oven stove for simple transport make sure you don't miss the incredible genuine cooking accessories available too like a proper Wood-Fired meat smoker and a clever barbecue Hot Plate set to really take your camp cooking to the next level the stainless steel water boiler too whether I'm at home in my backyard or out camping with family my mates or even by myself I absolutely love my adventure King's premium Camp oven stove it's a portable fire pit it's a wood or charcoal barbecue and it's the centerpiece of every backyard get-together or camping adventure and I know you're going to love yours too [Music] [Music] introducing the insane new adventure King's nine inch lethal LED driving lights these things have an amazing combination of both spot and flood light they have 21 840 lab proven effective lumens per pair that's over 2 000 more than the previous generation plus they have huge light distance performance with one Lux at over 1.3 kilometers these are the LED driving lights that other lights wish they were you asked and we listened you said you wanted even more flood of light out of your LED driving lights to light up the sides of the road the highway and the tracks we went back to the drawing board to redesign the lethal LED driving lights to produce exactly that at the same time we upgraded the lights to the ridiculously tough Kings laser light die cut fast aluminum housings and three millimeter folded steel mounts so not only are these some of the brightest LED driving lights we've ever sold but they're also the toughest how bright try a lab-proven 21 840 lumens per pair and one Lux of 1 342 meters that's real world lumens too not the theoretical lumens that some lights claim they produce that's thanks to the genuine german-designed osram LEDs for simply unparalleled light performance we've also re-engineered the lethal lights with a new 5185 Kelvin color temperature that means they're just a little bit more on the softer warmer side still a clear crisp white light but that little bit easier on the eyes when driving long distances and of course you get all the features and quality you'd expect from Adventure King's driving lights like polycarbonate lenses the same stuff riot shields and fighter jet canopies are made of and an ip68 water and dust proof rating meaning these lights are waterproof to a depth of a meter for an hour plus for the first time ever they're rated to ip69k that means they can withstand high pressure Jets of hot water that tough diecast alloy housing features passive cooling fins and a waterproof breather for longevity and they have the ability to run on both 12 and 24 volt meaning they're suitable for everything from cars and four-wheel drives to trucks and Machinery including the brackets they measure 250 millimeters High 230 millimeters wide and 115 millimeters deep they have an attachment system that uses two eight millimeter bolts on either side to positively lock them in place and prevent them from falling out of alignment and of course they use the same plug as all previous Adventure King's lights which makes them an easy 10 minute upgrade just unplug your old lights Bolt the new ones on plug them in and you're ready to go add in a two-year warranty and you've got a simply incredible set of lights that leave the competition looking a little underwhelming the adventure King's 9-inch lethal LED driving lights are the best value LED driving lights on the market we've re-engineered them to be incredibly tough and Incredibly bright they'll turn night in today and they're on sale right now for a price you have to see to believe [Music] foreign [Music] listened the incredible mt-1 go anywhere camper trailer has just received an ATM upgrade to two tons all new adventure Kings mt1 camper Trails will now come with the new upgraded two-ton ATM but don't worry if you already own an mt1 because a retrofit upgrade kit is available too the mt1 is already an ultra tough trailer with a one-piece 150 by 50 mil chassis that extends right from the drawbar all the way to the back of the trailer now it's even tougher with upgraded suspension bearings brakes and wheels to bring it up to a two-ton ATM the brakes are upgraded from 10 inch to 12 inch electric brakes the alloy rims are now rated to two tonne ATM and an upgraded set of suspension arms also suit the upgraded ATM and for existing owners the retrofit upgrade is incredibly easy to do at home yourself everything just bolts onto the trailer with no modifications needed that extra payload capacity means that you've got more ability than ever before to carry the gear that you need and still remain legal for more information and full detailed specs on the mt1 see the four-wheel drive Super Center website now with the two tonne ATM upgrade the adventure Kings mt1 go anywhere camper trailer can carry more gear than ever before [Music]
Channel: 4WD Supacentre
Views: 46,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4WD Supacentre, 4wdsupacentre, 4WD, 4x4, Camping, Camping Tents, Camping Gear, Kings, Roof Top Tent, Camping Australia, Adventure Kings, Kings gear, camper conversion, Awning Tents, 4wd recovery, Air compressors, awnings, camp shower
Id: sNqNf8cmMkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 11sec (3971 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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