This should have happened a long time ago

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[Music] this is the Berkeley River halfway along one of the most remote fall Drive tracks in the Kimberley region of Western Australia and it has been our camp for the night in part one of this journey we set off from home Valley Station with Ronnie and his dad Colin in a bid to complete the humble Gary track through to Colombo Roo this is an adventure I started five years ago but never actually made it due to a game-changing storm but now we're back we're going all the way so far Shawn : Ronnie Rodney and myself and battled our way north through the remains of the UM B Township over huge salt pans up rocky jump ups and Sandy River beds and onwards to the Berkeley River arriving late at night exhausted from four huge days behind the wheel and here we are preparing ourselves for another big day what's we gonna do a lot more rivers my little bit coming up Serena yeah we got a lot more river crossings coming up now Ronnie's told me that the second half of this track or the northern half really will blow my mind a lot more rivers a lot more creeks across some boggy areas we might even get to wet a line somewhere up there if we're really lucky but all I really care about is the fact that we've still got several more days up here in the Kimberley the rest is unimportant you blokes ready yep Shawn I don't even have to ask you yes all right can we get up get packed up and go that way [Music] the berkeley is a little over halfway along the rugged 420 kilometer or McGary track which means we still have almost 200 kilometers to reach our goal in the northernmost part of the Kimberley we've still got a heck of a journey ahead of us it's time to get moving [Music] well it's time to say goodbye to this burthew river campsite to wake up here this morning look out over all these pools absolutely sensational in fact I actually snuck off down there this morning and had a bit of a swim this is the bit that I've been waiting for as much as I was looking forward to leaving Hungary and continuing up through here it's up past the Berkley that I read so much about as a kid that's that real uncharted territory up through there and I just AM so keen to see it with my own eyes oh it's rocky look at that view over the Berkley that is sensational let's do this part to the illu gory track is a tough and rugged touring track for the most part the driving is fairly straightforward but it's got many exciting challenges that have been keeping us on our toes and testing our skills so far Judah became wet season the journey has been across some very dry lands but now we're further north we're starting to see more and more water about the place I'm thinking this could get interesting [Music] spring water seeping out through the hill we should have something fun at this they'd love to come yeah bring it on Ronny tells us that this water up here is from natural springs and it can saturate huge areas of black soil pretty much all year round all I can think about is our trip five years ago it was the exact same saturated black soil that got us in all kinds of trouble back then but Ronnie's got this he's kept that momentum up through the worst of it okay Ronnie where the heck did that come from you made us that spring are talking about and just be careful at the end there the exit is a bit slippery yeah that looks like fun night mate that was now it's my turn in shorty I'm thinking about that second or third car rule the fog dog kinky down last time and that was the beginning of the end for us after kinky went down we each got balls just trying to recover each other we don't want that to happen again this time come on shorty well over the color of it chocolate brown I made it but we're certainly not out of the woods yet well that's that's that's on the nose that is what I'm gonna try this rockets in our approach and he's not holding back that big automatic in the 79 has got em covered there's a bit of fun for you surely come on in Shawn's followed suit too he's got the dirty thirty up to speed and through he comes that's messy and yep it doesn't a bit of a night or about it understand rocks with this part ready go for it mate all right on this side and guys are gonna pull you out backwards check this out this wet black soil is far from over yet this stretches almost three times as long really slippery in there done it that's a big wheel ruts in there too black soil is notorious for getting bogged after the rains and out here you often hear stories of vehicles being stuck for weeks or even months before the ground is dry enough to affect recovery yeah there we go fortunately for us we've got this and there are enough dry patches around to recover from even if a vehicle does go down okay rocket panties right through like you're not carrying the egg tonight in this car don't you worry about me my lads although this mud could stop us and throw the schedule into jeopardy I gotta say it's still damn good fun it certainly gets the heart rate up and the adrenaline pumping good stuff can't see a thing out these winds right now yay Caramba that is wet and muddy through their might oh yeah made of that water's they all year round two from that spring it's all kinda sillier sure good drive might might have left it all anymore a few low range sections later and rocket spots something coming out from underneath shorty now considering how remote we are right now this wasn't good news [Music] she's dripping out everywhere it's diesel well there's a lot of diesel under there this is not what you want to see I've just noticed I've got a very serious fuel leak under I'll surety here in fact on hemorrhaging diesel we're gonna have to do a bush repair here in the middle of the track and get going again I don't know how much stays alive loss because I money that's noticed and if that's what I've got down there from just noticing it now coulda lost quite a bit which lead us throw fuel range into some sort of jeopardy here Rockets the dress these sort of things before so we'll get this cover off we'll have a look at it and just assess just how bad this crack is and hopefully it's only a pinch and we can weld er up with a bit of chemi world or even use some soap that's an old Bush remedy see we'll see how we go but first things first we got to get this bash plate off here that's pretty big that's what you call a fuel leak on a structure let's try rubbing slope over that now so we decided yeah you're gonna have to do something sooner rather than later this split isn't actually underneath it it's up around the edge [Applause] all right well there you go that's just a piece on ordinary household soap and you saw the leak before it was bucketing out of there I just rubbed it three or four times into the soap and that is you could almost see it cauterizing that and just stopping that leak 100% what I'm gonna do now is sort of sounds a bit counterproductive but we're we're gonna keep the guard off this fuel tank because it took us about now to get this guy off with little bolts into the rear bar off etc etc sounds gonna take a really slow with that guard off I said I can get to this and do the whole process over again if that starts to leak but look I don't think it will I think I've done a pretty darn good job just a bit of household soap nothing more the crack in the fuel tank would have weakened it significantly the reality here is that another impact or even a vibration and flexing could tear it wide open and leave me without a tank altogether not something I want right here on one of the most remote four-wheel drive tracks in Australia from now on that tank is going to always be on my mind as any obstacle could be a potential threat to me finishing this trip under my own steam I think jump out never look at this one day I'll be that night this obstacle is typical of any fall drive track and in normal circumstances we wouldn't even blink at this why don't you drive off the first mate and not that edge off and then I'll just go but gently and make sure I don't scrape the OL fuel tank yeah yeah well watch it right oh we've got a plan plan of attack we send the boys down first take the lip off that tie at that edge really is quite a substantial it's a pretty big drop in there Ronnie take your time with big old evil going over first it should smooth out that drop before I even attempt Shawn I reckon it'll be all right somebody's gonna drive I'm coming off this step at an angle so tonight dropped two wheels off at the same time and potentially smash the tech into the name intact mate there we go we're back on the right Wow the track now for the other guys rockets no stranger to this type of obstacle and he takes it any stride as well Shawn hopefully we're still several hundred kilometers from finding clamber Oh which in essence is of no use to me whatsoever Canberra is not going to be of any help so if we do do any irreversible damage to the fuel tank we've pretty much our towing flat towing shorty from here all the way up to Colombo route and in Calamba route all the way back to Cannon era which would be a distance of what nearly 1,000 K yeah couldn't close to a thousand kind of timing so as you can see I'm quite anxious to make sure that we do make it to come an hour under short events team this would be a heck of a total minutes suck yep that's well it's been anxious we're dropping off that but that worked out pretty well all eyes on and oh no problem Hey colors are dirty 30 just then I spotted a pair of brokers have a look at that they are just an absolutely stunning bird now to be able to come out here and get up close and personal to a pair of majestic beautiful birds like that well this is why we come out here isn't look at that look at them in flight that is typically truly spectacular you can see white man saw birds like that in flight and thought well if they can do it sure we can and I think will ever look as good as that no matter what airplane room they're taking off and I reckon we should too despite having had an incredibly dry wet season there's still an abundance of life out here because the local inhabitants know exactly where to find water soon we decided it was time to pull up and make camp off the side of the track the Sun was about to set and this was the only patch of low-lying grass we've seen in a while it was perfect Sean and Ronny set up a bit preparing a campfire well rotted and I put up our Adventure Kings rooftop tents but we just couldn't help but admire our amazing backdrop and ass Cartman that was changing color in the Setting Sun Ronny was just explaining that this grass that's all around us here is called kerosene grass apparently ignite really quickly so build a bit of a fire ring gonna keep the fire on a small spark or up it doesn't take much I can really see why it's called kerosene grass so the tea's might keep the fire in here it's another farming night here in the Kimberley and I'm looking forward to enjoying the breeze up here on the roof of shorty little tip here that actually rocket showed me I'm actually setting my tent up right now but when you're putting your tent away a really good idea is just to open the zip at the front and tuck all this loose material inside the tent and that way when you fold it over all this extra flap is inside the tent it makes putting it away an absolute cinch if you leave it all hanging out like that when you put it away you've got to try and stuff all that back in here for your bag before you go with the zip but chucking everything in there just makes life a lot easier thanks for that rocket much appreciated [Music] [Music] you know I'll be honest today my heart sank when I saw that leak in the fuel tank and I thought yet again it could be over for me and shorty in completing this track still we've persevered and got some kilometres under the belt but I can't help but sense that running is dead our concern for what might come up for the rest of this track don't go away because coming up we've met that old friend once again blacks waking up here in the Kimberley is just magic you feel so far detach from the rest of the outside world and living in your own remote paradise [Music] that is of course if you don't have a gaping hole in your fuel tank to worry about but I tell you what I wouldn't have it any other way it's all part of the adventure right well good news and bad news my repair on the fuel tank he's working a treat it doesn't seem to be leaking that's the good side of things the bad side is I've just discovered I've got a second hole I'm really mindful of it though we've got a very long way to go over some pretty rough roads not to mention some horribly corrugated stuff to come so I'm gonna give it the same treatment if I get it now before it gets any worse we should be good to go [Music] now I've spoken to Ronnie this morning and we need to cover some ground to get back on schedule he's leading a tour group through here in a few days time so we need to reach our goal in a hurry while the going is easy we're picking up the place but we're keeping focused because around any corner there could be an obstacle born on this one hi Robert just keep an eye on my fuel tank first night the Kimberley region is littered with thousands of little creeks that feed the bigger river systems in the wet this would be in full flow and it's then that these banks become eroded and change from year to year they make member I was telling you about the freshwater crocodiles and you know how you find them up and in some places you wouldn't think that Pete yeah might well mate this is one of them in there I gotta be kidding me we're up on a table end up in your attic they get up here I don't know mate but now I think they know all about rock climbing right according to the VMS we're about 100 meters above sea level so that was a fair way to get here again as we pushed further and further north we're getting back into some really wet country it wasn't long before we came upon another stretch of black soil Ronnie lives the way with all but this time he's not so fortunate no their evil has come on stuck collector away evil just sank right on the belly or I might want me to eat you out no I reckon I could do with a twinge right I'm coming to stop hop myself down here a pretty clean line I'll pull you straight backwards I've got a feeling of deja vu here yes my definitely badly this is what I was afraid of yesterday and now it's caught us out it happened last trip and I had a feeling it would happen again learning from last time I'm keeping shorty far enough back so that I remain on solid ground throughout this recovery Evil's right down to the belly so this is gonna be an almighty winch job but the dominators our workhorse let's see how we go you're all hooked up this wet black soil is caused by another freshwater spring and it's very widespread actually your stalker than you think yeah mate I had a look underneath a time you're gonna take me into a long wheel bus we'll get Ronnie back on solid ground to give it another go if that doesn't work we'll have to rethink and find a way around all right y'all right thank you very much the gram like that is some savage wheel rotation over there oh yeah mate what's your plan I might try to look for another way over yeah any bit of this black area there yeah it is all soft white - maybe I reckon you might sink either way yeah yeah I don't have a whole heap of advice going nuts I reckon this time Ronnie's feeding it to evil and he's giving it all he's got he's taken a slightly different line and managed to stay out of those deep wheel ruts yes don't don't don't don't go yes yeah good drive make good Drive ah finally got through that thing here we go I'm actually going to use a little bit of everything here I could steer with the front and white coat in front of us chips window I just could get muddy through it here we go [Music] yeah sure you weapon she's good fun too good fun all right don't try this low ratio third I think now for a rocket rod he slid out pied but being quick on the wheel he's brought this 79 back on track good work by good drive but I wasn't exactly how I planned it but it goes to show you if you take too big around that you just slide straight through it's gnarly mate all right I'll bring the 33 now Shawn's seen that it can be done and ease into it [Music] but the fully loaded rear of each truck is just suck what that I want to be fair there's already been three vehicles through and that black soil has become extremely boggy she's boggy yeah mate my name's grant kale this is the Nissen recovery service mate would you like cat your Toyota taken into the mother may be the interference in the right rods gonna snatch Shawn forward I've got this now this shorting theory work no problem but I actually wonder if rods got enough purchase from that distance here he goes but he's not got the traction he needs from there pretty soon and rods 79s gone down too this is history repeating itself you ain't promoters well rod make you are what's the word for it waiting for a mic it's stuck Bob stuck going nowhere permanently you mobile leave it here set fight or burn it shorty with me no lucky for us sure knows got a Dominator winch on the back of the dirty thirty time to call it into actually this is a classic scenario where it's showing its value all right I'll get out of the way [Music] so phony map backwards what I'd really like to see him do now is actually give it a real man go yes really get Bob [Laughter] Collins gone two rods of risky with a perfectly executed snail recovery know this I love this night I was born for moments like this going backwards yes [Music] but his confidence is short-lived he just couldn't avoid all those walnuts I think you got fair the last time all right see lumber right but I rock I don't I'm ready foot further the last time I made reckon that's natural work now this time we're keeping rod out of the black soil so that he can try and affect another snatch I'm also going to use a tree trunk protector to spread the load and give some extra length to that snatch this time it worked I'm really not the sort of person that makes fun of people but in this instance I'm gonna now the basic is that every single time you got bogged on the only one actually blazed a path through and cleared the mud for anyone else made it through like an absolute GP that's what happens when you drive a roller skate yep the wait yep yep I'm gonna give you a chance to go for three more excuses to go for it hey I got through you got me stuck when I back back a quick check of my fuel tank and we're back on the track covering ground travelling with Ronnie and Colin is amazing this is just one of a number of occasions where they've stopped the convoy to check out the different and interesting finds along the track we've looked at old machinery vehicles and a whole variety of plant life that have different uses out in the bush but this one was particularly useful to ask grease monkeys I don't mate all we need here is just to add a bit of water yep and you will see the soapy residue come out of it and yep hopefully if you see my hands there yep nice and dirty yep after that there'll be almost what is your face mate oh that must be Sunday and I'm gonna stop calling you told me before this is actually called a bird tree yes this he is full of honey that the head when a little honey bird comes in he lands like this and he puts his beak underneath there and sucks when he's sucking there that pollen right here so when that honey bird goes to the mix tree pollinate this other tree to double-double reaction on this one but look how perfect daddy's it looks exactly like a little miniature bird yes show me more yeah I will and friend the Bulgari tractor versus a huge variety of terrains from sand to rock to mud but what I find amazing is the constantly changing scenery each one as spectacular as the last so much tropical and here it can't believe integrated spring area very swampy kind of stop to explain all this thick greenery got a rubber the rolling going on there [Applause] we've covered a good distance this afternoon and we've reached the George River and near it is a very special place that Collin is keen to show us it's an Aboriginal cultural site and therefore Collin has gone ahead to gain us permission from the spirits where to meet him further along the bank just the walk alone and I know we're in a very special place right here [Music] but this is a pool that skews off from the jawed river and it's simply stunning it was actually nice to be on foot for a change and stretch the legs for a bit but soon enough we've got to where Colin was waiting for us I want to welcome to the fact fiber food and I want to show you something special down here all right some rock the George River stretches some 112 kilometers and along its course flows over the jewel drop waterfall of the famous King George Falls I can really see why this place has been so special to the Aboriginal people throughout the years [Music] a lot of both you guys here to show you the rock hard here this place calamari and the other name for it is Python polish you see this beautiful little European people no none of these painting is called bread short the bread short but we as Aboriginal people up here this this painting is called we am now we've got a lot of people coming up here especially the geologists people wanted to find out how old this paintings are we as average young people living in Australia that we here been we've been here for a long time that's what I can say we're very old but when people come along as they put a date on it you know we're not gonna we're gonna oxys geologists and that the people that come and study yep and to find out what the day at the moment is they all arguing about you know some time this painting is a lot older yeah and they arguing about no no it's wrong you know so I can only say you know comfortably about 40,000 okay but it's a long time yeah it amazes me that that's obviously west-facing it's been there for 40,000 years and it hasn't faded much no that's pretty important you put it on a piece of paper up there that's been printed with a laser printer wouldn't last a week facing West incredible it's just such a privilege to be here to see these paintings I've known about these for many many many years in fact when I was back in high school like you about these paintings but this is actually my first time today but I've laid eyes on I'm not saying them before so I'll be looking forward this the whole trip and when Colin said oh it was quite some time ago now a couple of weeks ago he said he could take us up here and show us things I've been looking forward to it ever since and they haven't let me down one bit so yeah for me heck of a privilege don't I feel ever get back to see him again so I'm really gonna soak it in right now but not for too long and that song has just gone down we're gonna find somewhere to camp so I think we'll just take another minute check these out and head off [Music] Collin knew of a place we could set up camp fairly close to the gorge so we got set up got the campfire happening and then we're just about ready for a feed I've got I got I've got two big things of tiny taters yeah look we've got peas and corn right you have got mobs peas and corn I've got some asparagus the ten of this barracks could take some opening because I use it to hold the door open while I was fixing his beets ha ha ha oh you might need to wait it'll work it'll be nice and simple yep mostly looking forward to this I'll go get him all right done well it's a night of the menu we've got steaks but it's not any old steaks it's locally sourced fresh Kimberley Scotch Phillips takes now what you're thinking yeah it's a pretty simple recipe but bear with me look at the show you will rock your world remember when you used to go to barbecues back in the day and you had a crazy uncle he would be having a few beers and he'd be constantly flipping things and yet somehow we made the best barbecue naved that's because they wouldn't hire me I just gotta leave those dates no no no you've got to do it quick and constantly turn them every 15 seconds is my rule until you told me this I had no idea that was such a science behind cooking a steak ins and now made I'm a true believer often you're off because I've tasted the results all right what Sean I was doing here is oiling the steak not the body but because as soon as your oil the barbecue plate the oil burns that's a terrible idea it's almost red-hot are you gonna put it straight on yeah you're probably right look at that now the other trick to you for the purists out there you could use a set of tongs to turn those over when you use tongs you grab one inch you bring bring it up you turn it over it does break the filaments and the fibers inside there and it makes it less I'm laughing because there's a lot in the steak you just keep on it you just keep flipping it every 10 15 seconds it's crazy I know I mean the other thing a lot of people struggle on with cooking the steak is just knowing when it's ready for me like a medium rest they go like it yep you know to be born inside sort of thing yep yeah actually there's actually a method that I find reasonably well if you get your hand and you hold your thumb and your index finger together just lightly you're not push them together and then feel that that's a rare steak so when you push that steak it should be approximately that yeah that one there that's medium-rare that's well done and that in my opinion is over cool make that bad boy is without a doubt that is yeah that's ready oh you gotta play a big box we've rested that for a little bit we have rest of that yep I'm gonna do now a bit of salt and pepper absolutely now sit on both sides yeah that salt and pepper together mate yeah you're a bit of a fancy wallet all right and what we'll do with this one we use this on purely for a taste test or a mouth-watering look at that are you like you could have give me a spoon knife to cut this butter knife gonna cut through your leg just literally just falls apart don't go so I'm gonna say I'll just say never go that night yeah you gotta be sensational mate cooked that's cool absolutely perfect look with that in mind on a check on all those events going let's see there you go guys that might be the single best steak I've ever tried what I want you to do I really want you to try this one at home let us know on the forward of action Facebook page how your web and trust me will change the way you cook steak let's test him back make sure you stick around because coming up we've worked hard and we played hard in a bid to complete this adventure today we packed up our gorge of a camp it's sunrise and our plan is to claw back some time between here and Colombo route King George crossing right here not a lot of water at this time of year on it everybody shut up or so he thought I'm glad yeah he gets a bit they kill a bull bar and everything disappear big right price as these rivers flow during a wet season erosion can occur causing the riverbed to change over time yeah boy this one however is just a bit of fun and it looks like some of us are having a bit too much fun ah well it's good to give the four B's a bit of a wash we're all through but it wasn't long after that Rodney spotted more than just water dripping from shorty my bush repair was starting to fail the old soap trick did actually work for quite some way but but it's going along luckily you're actually going along with stony sections through here and um rod noticed a bit of a drip coming out from behind and I reckon we've just taken it as bad as far as soap can go plan now is to drain the fuel out I don't think I've got much in there we've got a 20 here I think it'll even fill this up and then we're gonna degrees this tank and then we're going to put some some chemi world over the top hopefully that will adhere to it and stop this once and for all so we've danced all the way it is at the moment and being as close to running out as we are we want to save every single drop that we can Ruffin bond air and clean with alcohol twist break hook cut off the amount aggressive we need to start to do a chemical reaction complete repair within three minutes of that the trick is to get the surface of the tank as clean as possible and then rough it up so that the chem well can get a good hold notice I'm using a grass barbecue brush that's so that I don't cause any sparks and ignite any vapor that might be hanging around to activate this stuff you have to need it all together to get the chemicals in it to react yeah I'll squeeze it on make a plug it looks like it's going on there well good work rod that's that's really stick that's really sticking to a perfectly good man well done so I was redecorating my fingers I reckon that job though sweet note right I should take about well it should go hard in about 45 minutes but we might give that a bit longer two hours or so yeah just before yeah before we miss trace it once it's super hard you actually file it drill it you can do all sorts of things you'd normally do with middle it's amazing stuff so I'm going to put that drain plug back in yeah and then and then we'll test it so here we go looking at the VMS it's with some mixed emotions that I noticed we are now almost under 100 kilometers from plum borough of course got a fantastic trip I don't want to do end but I'm really keen to get up to Colombo and have a look at the beach up there I've heard it's beautiful of course we've still got a fair ways to go when I say just under 100 clicks that out here still means we've got a lot a lot a lot of room to go home to kilometres when you're only doing 10 15 guys in there is still a mammoth drive you do the sums pushes stop and every now and again to look at things and see how we go though this track ain't finished with us yet [Music] [Applause] soon we come upon another relic of this tract okay just on the corner here there's an old forty shorty yeah returning back to the earth followed of it what an absolute based night yeah this one the Koala Jason's Jason's 40 Metro vanity into garbage or deer and didn't quite make it free bloody good job to get this far with my back tires on it we managed to cover a lot of ground since fixing up my fuel tank again and that afternoon we arrived at the Drysdale River the Drysdale rises in the Caroline ranges and flows in a northerly direction into the Napier Broome Bay right near Colombo Ruth right now the main crossing is very shallow although again there are some holes to watch out for the fishing around here is pretty good too which I know Sean is already aware of by the sound of things all you can think about is wetting a line hey Ronnie you gotta call me up that far mate yeah babe like you wouldn't know of any um business spots down this way would you there that night running you know I've given him one of your secrets are you yeah yeah my time what um grab the Jamie and quickly come out and spot if you want ya spot Ronnie into the big balls don't move through the show like you're a very small man in the big river Ronnie on that line made as good a grab from this angle I cannot see Seana there's a lot of angles you shouldn't say all wrong this is pretty day Pete Dave Hall but after that it gets pretty good the great thing about traveling with Ronnie is that he knows all the best spots including access to a great fishing hole and an awesome place to camp tonight right from the banks of the Drysdale we've just got to get across safely first come down on that line mate I can't see anything from here this is a this is unique for me shorty is not taking on water it's not something I'm used to surely normally that's water bubbling up everywhere it's pretty good that is a really good river coughing that's a long way to end this thing Shaun's doing a good job of guiding us around all the big holes in the riverbed nice one mate could work rods held up a bit on that exit oh that's nasty that is nasty that's exactly what I've been wanting to avoid right fellas I'm coming across that guy it's just Shawn to bring the big dirty 30 over now he knows the way by now they tell me that and I tell you much you know it was any what while Shawn disappears to the fishing hole the rest of us set up camp and enjoy yet another glorious Kimberley evening [Music] look at that well here we are nine-tenths of the way through this trip right now I kinda just thought we crossed the dry-style maybe a quick camp and get into Columbia ooh now check out this campsite I did not expect this that's not the best campsite you've ever seen I don't know if I can handle the best I honestly don't cuz this one here it's too good too good well that's not often you get to do the trip as big as this one and then to share it with some absolutely fantastic mates and then on top of that to celebrate a bit of a milestone and a good mates life I'd like to bring rocket up here rocket come on down here right I had a bit of an idea a couple of days ago I'd like to present this got the date got B birthday and everything yeah stuff a lot is a real keepsake right oh no that's my mother won't really thank you very much good on you might forget that no hurry well it's not every day you turn 50 I'm a long long way I'm roughly halfway there [Laughter] we had a great night down by the Drysdale telling a few yarns about past adventures [Music] but we're up again at sunrise to prepare for the final leg of our journey a few maintenance checks and we'll be heading out okay it's time to head off but as we're climbing out of the river we hit some extremely soft sand Evil's gone down just at the top now look I think all it's gonna take you some max tracks to get out of this one first to dig away a bit of the built-up sand and then position the max tracks in front of each tire that's the way a little extra help from us and evils out know the sand was so soft during the recovery evil as buried one of the max tracks Anthony how we can't find it they do actually come with ribbons to avoid this issue we've got lazy and we didn't use them you know ever rocket ride has come up with a great idea he's grabbed the window stays from his rooftop tent and we can use them like avalanche probes look at the depth you can get on that and it's worked look at that here's our last max track that was inspired thinking my friend networked a tree I'm going to market these there's max tracks finding poles now we're all going to hit this with a lot more momentum to carry us over the top who me did it weigh tag a good on boys so much more challenging after you guys went through because you cheered it up it was really soft so much more challenging alright that's good that's good listen back on the track and we have pretty much home and hosed the rest of this track is almost two-wheel drive I gotta tell you I'm feeling pretty darn good about it right now Ronnie however had one last stop before we headed into town and it was just what we all needed this is not our worry Ella worry beautiful place a stunning sport this freshwater swimming hole is just outside Columba row and it was great to finally get a good wash and cool off I tell you what if you think this looks good on TV you should be here after so many days out bush this is like paradise reborn Ronnie said to be worthwhile he wasn't lying or where this is said safely this was it time to meet our goal and I haven't had much experience loudly but I'm thinking those things are buildings yes you know Jesus feels great to be here Windom to Columba revived in bulgaria track there's not many people who can say they've done that so congratulations to everyone it's my second attempt absolutely stoked to be here you all did a really good effort there coming through this country and yeah welcome you that was cover the toughest slot was for driving I've ever done tell you what we couldn't have done it without you Roley did : hats off to you guys you did a great job of getting us all through in one piece I can get a haircut here after picking up some permits from the office in town we made our way to McGowan's camp this was to be the end of the road for us and our final camp of the trip get a load of this boys what an absolute beautiful spot look how flat that water is just the right time of day arriving just at sunset to where the land meets the ocean right at the top of the Kimberley was unbelievable this might be one of the best things I've ever seen I never see fish look at them I've been waiting five years to come back to the Kimberley to finish what I started and now I've done it but I just couldn't have done it without Ronnie and Collin if you want to do a trip that you'll remember for the rest of your life get in touch with Ronnie at just over the hills tag along tours and book your own Kimberley adventure trust me you will not regret it [Music] [Music] well there you go five years in the making and I'm finally watching a West Coast sunset after having driven the humble Gary track I'm gonna say it now once and for all that is the single best four-wheel-drive track I've ever driven anywhere in Australia it's not a big call come up and do it and you'll see for yourself you might catch me up here because I'm definitely doing that track again but you know the drill by now if you don't I'll see you next time four-wheel drive action [Music] for more on this adventure and to find out all the details that you didn't see on camera read my article in the mag believe me you'll want to know this stuff if you enjoyed this DVD don't forget that you can watch every episode of four-wheel drive action and it's available for download in HD from our massive online library there are over 100 episodes available for your viewing pleasure also if you want to keep up to date with four-wheel drive action then like our Facebook page you'll get heaps of videos epic pics competitions and more get involved your weight regret it you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 895,578
Rating: 4.9206386 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, camping, diesel, petrol, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, mental, explore, kimberley, desert, tour, outback, western australia, wa, epic, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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