Top 10 BEST Palworld Base Building Locations YOU NEED TO KNOW!

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so in this power world video I'm going to be showing you all some of the best base locations that I've come across during my exploration hopefully this video is able to help you out in some kind of way and if you find this kind of content enjoyable consider taking a little bit of your time sometime during this video and leaving a like on it the support is greatly appreciated as always that's totally up to you just leave a reminder here in the beginning but yeah let's go and get into these 10 base locations that I thought was worth it to share all right so this first location will be a nice location on the each you can find some palum right over here that you can mine or have your pals come mine since it's so close to your base here and there's also a dungeon that will respawn here continuously you can find a level 13 dungeon right here enter some rocks for stone and some trees to cut down for wood and fiber up over this way going a little up this hill this location is located at the very beginning of the game it actually looks exact actly like the areaa that we first started at in the introduction cinematic where he woke up on the beach next to the water I believe this is the same location because you can find this place by going backwards from where we first started and power so it would make sense our character did start on this beach and just ended up traveling a little forward to where we actually first start at this base location is a little behind the plateau of Beginnings fast travel point which is the first fast travel point that we encounter anyways this next one we'll also have palum uh nearby but most importantly what makes this spot so great is well first off there's plenty of flat land right here where you can make your base at and look at this view such a nice waterfall coming down into the stream here it looks amazing like I said there's plenty of paldum uh resource that you can collect there's also rocks for stone around and there's trees so you can be able to collect wood and fiber and not to mention there's ore back there too so you got a little bit of everything really right here him food red berries but yeah personally what makes this spot so great to me and stands out is this waterfall with this nice stream here it's freaking amazing and this one is located right here once again in the beginning so this next location from the plateau of Beginnings will be located right over here on the map kind of near Mount flopy Summit Waypoint it's pretty far out here but I got to say this one is worth it to check out because you get to build your base in a cave system and look at this place got plenty of trees you can chop down for wood and fiber got this beautiful waterfall right here inside this cave system and you got this dungeon high level dungeon that you can enter in here here freaking awesome and not to mention there's more let me go ahead and get out my Nightwing you can climb up too if you don't have a uh fly Mount you can just climb up the side of the mountain here but I'm just going to use my Nightwing just cuz it's going to be a little faster than climbing but up here you can find a black market vendor as well in this cave it's got a little of everything freaking awesome let's go and see what he's got keep in mind he will have different kind of Pals you can buy he won't always have the same ones he'll switch up what he has over time but yeah also in here you can find a chest over here and an egg too up here from the chest but I want to also make uh something clear here when you do end up putting your base down at this location like for example here I just placed it here for some reason the Black Market vendor disappeared when I did place my base down I think it's because the black market vendor is in the vicinity of where I can build at in my base so yeah keep that in mind all right so this next one is a really beneficial location if you're looking to get a lot of ore look at all this setting up a base here and having a mining pal just go ham on these rocks you'll definitely get loads of ore over time to work with to make like ingots or something out of them and then you could possibly go sell them for gold or use them to craft with you can also find wood and fiber as well as Stone around in this vicinity too this base location is located right here on the map also when you do get over here there's two different areas you can really choose from to make your base you can make it by all this ore so you can have your pals do some work on it or you can make it a little over here you could still have your Palace do some work but you're just at a different elevation you just have to make sure you place your base more near the edge of this elevated area but I will say up here is flat and you got more space to work with it's more open up here however the ore is closer if you decide to make your base down there but either way you set your base up you'll still be able to get your pals to do work on the ore as long as you make sure when you're first setting your base to have it a little closer to the edge over here of this open area all right so this next location will be a great location if you're looking to build like a castle style base as you can see this is what you got to work with around this vicinity with this defense tower right here as well plenty of flat ground to work with right in here so you have these Fortress walls surrounding your base it's pretty nice and at the top of this defense tower you can find this Effigy here too so be sure to pick that up also you can find a journal down here at the bottom of the defense tower so yeah be sure to pick that up as well and there's a chest over here you can Loot and there's also nearby resources that you can gather from this area too such as trees to collect wooden fiber rocks to mine Stone and yeah pretty good location this location is located from plateau of Beginnings right here it's right by the fort ruins Waypoint so yeah definitely be sure to check this out if you're looking to build like once again a castle Style base you can make it surrounded by these defensive walls all right so this next location I specifically chose just because I really like the area here this tree looks really nice there's water around this vicinity plenty of food that you can gather here as well and also other trees that you can chop down these Willow looking trees look nice in the game you can also find a chest right here that you can open up right by this awesome big looking tree here stands out from the majority of the trees that you see around in this vicinity so what makes it unique as you can see but yeah this area is located from the plateau of Beginnings right over here on the map on this island it's a further Trek away but I got to say this area does look awesome stood out to me all right so this next location will be located from the beginning up here on the map the reason why I chose this location was for one there is a dungeon that will spawn here a decently high level dungeon ring gado and yeah once you beat that dungeon it will respawn over time at least from my experience it did it's also amazing how much flat ground we have to work with at this area makes it easier to build a base up here without running into any complications we got this nice open flat ground area here you can also find uh some other stuff around in this vicinity such as plenty of wood and fiber that you can collect from these trees you can mine some ore down here on this rock and from this or something else that's good to know about is this chest that you can unlock over here it requires a silver key though I will mention that but nonetheless it's good to know that it's there and also there's more ore too that you can collect over and this vicinity let me go ahead and just get on my pal real quick and just fly over there it's right over here it's right by that ore so yeah you can mine those to to stock up on ore there's also an effigy down here as well and some palini just you know random resources around in this area but let's carry on to the next one all right so this next one's going to be another unique place to make a base at it's located right by buy an abandoned M shaft here and this m shaft actually leads to a black market vendor so that's the benefit over making a base here having a black market vendor nearby your base is beneficial because you'll be able to sell Pals to him and stock up on gold easily and not to mention he'll be selling random good pals too and if you don't find anything you want from him at first keep in mind that his inventory does reset over time so just come back in the future and you may find something from him that you may want and I know you are able to capture him and then spawn him at your base which is convenient if you are able to do that however he is a pretty high level when you go to attack him he's level 40 and he's tough so yeah I'd say this is the easier route to go if you are wanting the black market vendor nearby to make some good gold and to find some rare Pals just plop your base down nearby his location and speaking of the location it's located right over here from plateau of Beginnings I currently have my base at the area it's near the desolate Church fast travel Point yeah this is what it'll look like around the vicinity and keep in mind there are resources to collect here as well as you see I got my base plopped right there and it does have this ore that you can mine right here within the base or you could send a pal to go do it ore right there that you can mine there's also ore down here that you can mine so yeah that's pretty handy to have so yeah that's pretty handy to have around and there's also trees for wood and fiber that you can chop at and there's rocks down here in this area so you can get stone so yeah it has a little bit of everything around in this general area and there's also a chest over here right below the abandoned M shaft area anyways this next location is unique because you get to build your base inside a building also there's some resources around in this vicinity too that'll benefit you as well placing your base up here it's located from plateau of Beginnings way up here next to the sealed Realm of the Swift it's located right here on the map the reason why I like this location is because of this building right here you can place your base up here and build around in this building also you know you can find an egg here and there's resources all around such as wood as you can see got plenty of wood around you don't need the flying by the way to get up here you can just simply climb as well the mountain up to this got a beautiful waterfall right here that you'll have around at your base and there's a ore as well that you can find as you can see there's some right there straight across from here so not too far from the location and there's uh an effigy behind this waterfall go behind this waterfall be sure to pick up that Effigy yeah overall I think this is a beautiful location if you're looking for a nice looking area to build a base at this is one definitely worthy to check out all right so this next one is another resourceful base location you're going to get loads of ore setting up your base here I mean look at all these rocks that contain ore that's around keep in mind once again you can place oh wow son of a biscuit anyways as I was saying you can place Pals at your B B and they'll Mine The Ore over time for you just make sure they have the stat that states mining you can figure that out by just interacting with the pal and looking down to see what they're suitable with for working yeah this is a great location you're going to get loads of War setting up a base around this area we have all these rocks to work with and not to mention there's Stone too that you can L here and plenty of trees as well it's a highly resourceful area to check out out this is located right here from plateau of Beginnings I just set up my base right here yeah this is a great location to go to for once again plenty of resources to accumulate over time but yeah I guess that's wrapping up these 10 base locations hope you all found this enjoyable and it was able to help you out in some kind of way I'm out of here everyone as always thanks for taking the time watching and listening until next time peace
Channel: Rifle Gaming
Views: 234,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld tips, palworld best base locations, palworld base location, palworld base locations, palworld building tips, palworld building, palworld gameplay, ore, ingot, palworld ingot, palworld secrets, palworld secret, gaming, gameplay, game, new game, pokemon with guns
Id: 3hHcUm8QOUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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