20 Secret Features Palworld Never Tells You About (Tips & Tricks)

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so in this power world video we're going to be covering 20 secret or lesser known features that you may not have known were in the game hopefully this helps you all out in some kind of way this took a while to compile all of this into one video but I feel like it's genuinely going to help out the power world Community but yeah let's go Ahad and get into all of these now enjoy all righty so this first hidden feature is over how you can slide downhills all you got to do is find a hill and then run and then hold in the roll button and you will literally slide until the end of the hill and a good way to get a boost while you are sliding is just to jump and then Glide look at that woo you can pick up some serious speed definitely worth it to utilize this while traversing [Music] around anyways this next feature is over how you can capture merchants or in general human NPCs and bring them back to your base if you manage to capture a merchant you'll be able to trade with that Merchant at your base so it's nice so yeah check this out first off you could find some Merchants over here at the small settlement this is where the Fast Travel points located at on the map so just head over here you'll be able to find a merchant straight down this path at this house there will be a couple Merchants here but this is where one of them is located at at the small settlement so yeah I'll go ahead and attempt capturing this one it's going to get me wanted temporarily but no biggie yeah we're just going to get him low low enough to capture that should be low enough and then I'm going to just throw a pow ball at him only 4% right there catch rate ooh went up a little lower him a little bit more yeah got him so I just call it the wondering Merchant level 30 now if I head back to my base and make him work at it he'll be just wandering around the area and I can go up to him and purchase or sell some things from him so yeah this is awesome keep in mind at the moment other than this human NPCs aren't beneficial whatsoever like for instance the wondering Merchant here only has level one handiwork and for those of you wondering are you able to just summon him and then trade with them anytime unfortunately no he just runs from you and I wasn't able to talk to him when I actually had him as like one of my pals that I could summon from the pal spere anyways this next hidden feature that's worth to know about is trying to Target the back of the pals that you're trying to capture you'll have a higher chance of capturing them if you throw the pal spear at the back of them as you can see it states back bonus 23% of course the of course the spear has something to do with how much back bonus you're going to get the better the spear the more back bonus you'll get but yeah it's definitely worth it to use the back bonus to try to get a capture anyways carrying on this next one is going to be over how to get your mounts to be faster there's actually a few passive skill variants out there that will make your pal faster one of the passive skills is called Nimble and this will increase your movement speed by 10% there's also another passive skill out there this is one of the best ones that you can get and it is called Swift will increase your Pal's movement speed by 30% there's also another one that will increase your pal movement speed by 20% and that one's called Runner so yeah just be on the lookout for passive skills that will increase your movement speed on specifically the pal that you're using for your Mount just because that will help you get around places even faster it's definitely good to know about which I'll be getting into a feature a little later in this video on how to find specific passive skills on Pals as quick as possible it's a nice method to take advantage of if you're looking to try to get specific passive skills on Pals next up here I wanted to get into another passive skill that I thought was beneficial to know about and I didn't realize that it was even in the game until later and that is how you can have your pals to have better work speed they'll be able to farm faster mine faster cut trees faster you get it they'll be able to do anything faster while at your base working and the passive skills that you want to be on the lookout for that will increase work speed one of them is called conceited check that out work speed plus 10% however it lowers your defense but who cares most of the time this pal is going to be at your base working so the work speed is the most important not how strong it is or how much it can take there's also another work skill called serus this will make it so your work speed is 20% faster and there's another one called work slave this will increase your work speed by 30% however if it will decrease your attack by 30% but once again who cares because this pal is going to be at the base more than out and about attacking so yeah having Pals with better work speed that are at your base will help you produce more things faster over time anyways now since we know a few good passive skills to be on the lookout for now I'm going to show you a feature that you can utilize to farm Pals to potentially get the passive skills on them all you got to do is well first off find the pal that you're looking for in this specific area and then how you can make it so you'll get different Pals each time you spawn in is by doing this like for example here there's typically a Nightwing that spawns in this location but as you can see there's no Nightwing in sight at the moment how I can reset the spawn though is just by simply fast traveling away somewhere and then fast traveling right back which only takes a few seconds to do once you fast travel back there will be a new set of spawned Pals in the area and as you can see I got a Nightwing this time around in this vicinity but yeah now all I got to do is capture it and it will state what passive skills it has below when you capture it as you can see here this Nightwing has Nimble which Nimble increases movement speed by 10% which is beneficial to have on a pal that you can ride because you're getting around just a little bit faster than usual and keep that in mind for every other area that you're trying to farm Pals at to get different passive skills on them you may have to travel a little further to get to them but they will respond once you leave the area and then come back so once you capture the pals that you were looking for around in that area and you didn't get the passive skills that you're were looking for just leave the area and then come back and the pals will be spawned back again but yeah work speed and movement speed passive skills we one of the features that I didn't really realize were in the game until later after playing I figured I'd share this all right so all right so this next pointer is going to be over mining some of you might have seen these rocks around that contain ore in them and also you might have seen like rocks around that contain coal and other materials within them and you might have been wondering why isn't my pal helping me mine these I know I genuinely was curious about this when I was first starting like for an example here check this out when I spawn in CA which has a level one mining skill it will not mine these rocks that contain ore it will mine rocks that contain Stone like this one here like for example uh kativa came over here and just started mining this Stone farm that I have set up and well that's all level one mining can do level one mining can only mine the stone rocks it can't mine like the ore and coal and sulfur and whatnot that you may find around in the game what can mine the bigger rocks are level two Mining and up like for example here dud can mine these rocks that contain ore in them which is definitely beneficial see It'll now just go straight up and start mining this kativa will not here's another example this is a level three mining pal and of course this one is also able to mine the Rocks so yeah that's good to know anyways let's keep it moving though this next feature that you might have not known was in the game is how you can actually assign one extra pal to be working at your base like for a quick example here I'm just going to quickly just put a bunch of random Pals down just a bunch of random ones let's just get it maxed out here now as you can see I have the max slots going on so yeah I got the max poels that I can have at my base currently and I can just add in an extra one to do some extra work like for example if I want to make some ingots and I don't feel like getting out a fire type pal all I got to do is just spawn in this one just spawn in a fire type pal and it'll start crafting the ingots for me so I don't have to take up an extra spot or get rid of a pal that I already have working at the base to put in the fire type to do some smelting or something this is definitely a handy feature to know about how you can just have an extra pal working at your base anyways this next one is over how to move your base and the only way to do that is by disassembling the PO box so one way to dis assemble the PO Box is pulling up the build menu and then choose disassembly mode which you can see what button you have to press at the bottom of the wheel there once you choose disassembly mode you can then disassemble the pow boox and you will get your materials back for disassembling the PO box too keep that in mind and now you could place this PO box somewhere else and wherever you decide to place it that will be where your new Base is located at so that's how you move it also it's good to know that when you are moving bases your chest will stay there some things will stay here at your base once you do delete the PO Box you can just get rid of everything to get back your materials if you want to do that it's totally up to you um if you want to take the time to do that and keep in mind you don't have to technically be at your base to disassemble it you can just hover over it and as you can see it will state what you can press to dismantle the base if you want to do it from further away but like I mentioned before a lot of things will remain such as everything in your chest actually you know what on that point that's what I want to get into next is how you can easily transfer everything over to your new base because some of you may have a lot stocked up and you just don't have enough carry space to get everything over to move to get over to your new base a trick that you can do when you're over encumbered as most of you may know this is what it looks like when you have too much in your inventory you literally cannot take a step you can only spin in circles here but a trick that you can do so you will be able to get over to your new base is by getting out a mount that has a boost this specifically works well with Nightwing there may be some others that this works well with yeah first off I'm going to make sure I'm not over encumbered at the moment I'm going to get on my Mount first so then this is when you would you know loot your chest or whatever I'll go over here and loot this chest actually there's not even enough over here for me to be over encumbered oh my goodness I'm just going to loot all this right here all right I'm going pick up this ore okay now I'm over encumbered now how you are able to move while being over encumbered is by using a boost attack the animation will allow you to move so this will make it so you can get closer to your fast travel point to be able to get out of here all right I got a little too far from it all right now I see fast travel now now I can just press B and go over to my new base now if you don't have your new base already up somewhere um which by the way you're able to get multiple bases when you get your base level 10 but yeah if you don't have your new base already made somewhere but you know around in the general vicinity that's in just fast travel to the Fast Travel Point that's nearby where your new base will be located at so like for example say like you're going to make a base over here just fast travel to here and then once you get over here you can make your way over to your base I'm just going to go ahead and fast travel to my second base cuz I already have it made and yeah here I am spawned into my new area that I could transfer all my stuff at I still can't move but now I can just drop my stuff it doesn't matter and then I can just run over to my chest and uh quick drop it all in my deposit which that's another little hidden feature that I wanted to go over that a lot of people seem to miss is how you can like quick store everything in your inventory you don't have to like manually do it one by one I'll go ahead and give you all an example so I just got out wood coal and ore right and you see ore wood and coal over here all you got to do is just press RB if you're on Xbox to Quick stack everything that you have in your inventory that the chest has that you're going to be depositing uh like for example I got ore wood and coal but so does the chest and I'm able to Quick stack all of that into the chest without having to do them each one by one or manually I don't even have to scroll over it it just automatically quick Stacks into the chess's inventory this is definitely handy to know and I totally overlooked this for a while I didn't even realize this was a feature it states how to do it in the bottom right of the chest you see for Xbox it's RB once again anyways another quick feature that is Handy to know especially when you're trying to move bases and you just want to be able to carry more and that is if you have a kativa in your party it'll increase your carry weight by 50 and if you have a full party of civas yeah yes they will stack so you can increase your carry weight by a total of 250 extra pounds if you have a full party of civas this next one I'm going to be showing you all is how to get different bosses to spawn in and by that I mean first off you're going to have to find a dungeon to enter here's one located right here by the rain cette Tower entrance I'm going to go ahead and go on inside here and I'm going to head to the boss inside here anyways one once you get to the boss area within the dungeon a way to switch up the boss in case you don't like this one and you may be trying to catch a specific one or something um all you got to do is just turn around and head backwards just head back to where you came from within the dungeon and eventually an autosave feature will pop up at the top right as you saw there for a split second once you get that autosave feature to pop up you can then just run back to the boss and it should be something different so yeah this is a way where you can get different boss fights to take place inside the dungeon this time I got a rush or out there and you can capture the alpha pal the big one so yeah keep this little feature in mind if you're looking for a specific Alpha pal to keep switching up the type of bosses that you get oh and speaking of bosses you know the different pal pictures that you see around on the map those are where different highlevel pals are at these are like Alpha variants of the pals that you can find regularly somewhere else I will say you are able to also capture these too these are actually stronger than the ones that you find in the dungeon and they're definitely worth it it can just be really challenging to be able to actually catch them all right so this next feature is how you can use the campfire to your advantage like for example here I could just pull up the build menu and go over to food normally the campire fire is used to make food with right however you can also use it as a weapon check this out I'll go ahead and place it right underneath this mammo rest and now build it and once it's done being built the MMO rest will now start taking fire damage and that's some of you may know fire does some serious damage to grass type sometimes the pal will move off the campfire and if that happens just disassemble it and follow the pal and then place the campfire back down this is a way where you can deal damage to the pal without the pal getting hostile with you so you can get it really weak and then attempt to capture it this is also good to do at night because you will find a lot of Pals sleeping you just want to look for Pals that are more stationary or if you do have problems with the pal walking around a lot just get used to where its movement is and just place the fire in front of where it will more than likely walk to just so it walks over the fire and keep in mind you can place way more than one campfire down the more you have down the more damage it's going to do and when it starts to get really low just disassemble the fire all right that should be low enough now I'm going to go ahead and try to capture it from the back back bonus oh it was a fail keep in mind once you do try to capture it the mest will be hostile yeah this is an easy way to capture a high level especially if you're lower and can't really deal that much damage to it you can just weaken it with the fire it won't become hostile with you until you try to capture it and then just go ahead and spam your pow ball at it anyways this next awesome feature is over how to get an unlimited supply of pow Spears so you'll have tons to use all you got to do is capture this pal right here Vixie as you can see the partner skill State sometimes digs up items from the ground when assigned to the ranch however it doesn't say what it exactly digs up it actually digs up at the ranch an unlimited supply of pow balls and you can find this pal right around the small settlement just go over to where you see a bunch of the fall trees and of Vixie spawning around this vicinity so yeah be on a lookout for this this is a great pal to get it'll load you up with a lifetime supply of pal Spears to use to capture different Pals anyways next feature that you may not have known existed in the game is over how you can get wanted you can get wanted in power world if you attack an officer or a random human PC such as like a traitor or something you will get a wanted status check this out bam just attack that all right the officer just came out of nowhere on me but I got assault times one right now and each different officer or Trader or something you hit you get a higher assault level so now I'm at assault times three now they start coming in with machine guns yeah it's insane the higher level you get they start coming harder at at you so yeah they don't give up and the top it off they'll literally follow you anywhere so if you fast travel to your base yeah they're going to follow you over to your base it's going to be a war check this out I'm just fast travel over here just for an example I'm literally up in the mountains too like in the middle of nowhere and they made it up here see look at that freaking crazy and look how high I am right now I am super high up yeah they don't stop stop coming it feels like I'm just going to go ahead and uh choose to respawn just so I get that wanted level off me but yeah that's another little feature you may not have known existed anyways this next feature is over how you can buy Pals one place where you can go to buy them is over here at the small settlement so okay right here on the map and yeah when you get over here you can find one Merchant inside this building which I just used this Merchant as an example of getting wanted but yeah if you talk to him he'll have some Pals for sale that you can purchase from him and keep in mind these Pals will switch up over time you'll be able to purchase different Pals from him not just these that you're seeing you can also um sell to him as well you could choose to sell different Pals to him if you want you can sell multiple Pals at once too and yeah it can add up to a pretty penny depending on the pals you have for sale so yeah this is another feature you may not have known existed in the game you can buy and sell Pals there's also another Merchant you can run into specifically at the small settlement which just brings me to my other feature and that is how you are able to buy an unlimited supply of materials from Merchants like for example here if you're in need of flame organs which as some of you may know you have to uh take out or capture fire type Pals to get flame organs from them and it can be a grind getting a lot of them however it's not so much of a grind just going here to this wondering Merchant and just purchasing as many as you literally want and can afford pretty awesome definitely speeds up time purchasing them rather than having to farm for them and also like the pal Merchant this guy's inventory will also switch up over time so just because you don't see the materials you're wanting currently from this Merchant you may see them over time in the future when the inventory switches up there's also different schematics that you can purchase from this wondering Merchant as well specifically hat schematics right now as you can see there's a bunch of different hats you can purchase from them anyways this last one will be over these fruit trees that you can find around in the world this is what they'll look like and they'll have fruit on them that you'll be able to pick off of it and this fruit will actually teach your pals different skills well different powers as you can see for example here um as you can see for an example here this grass skill fruit it helps one of my pals learn seed mine so all I have to do is just use it and then whoever I want to learn seed mine will learn it Nightwing has now learned a new active skill seed mine pretty awesome there's all kinds of different skills you can teach your pals so something not really that well known you have to find the tree which here is where I found one of them at but yeah I guess that's wrapping up this video hope you all found this enjoyable and something in here was able to help you out I'm out of here though as always thanks for taking the time watching and listening until next time peace
Channel: Rifle Gaming
Views: 173,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld secrets, palworld tips, palworld glitch, palworld glitches, palworld base, palworld tips and tricks, gameplay, palworld gameplay, game, gaming, palworld merchant, palworld vixy, palworld best pals, best pals, palworld pals, palworld skills, palworld base tips, palworld base building tips, palworld secret
Id: tUQeOKRpovA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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