13 Locations You Should Be Using in Palworld

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whether you're looking for somewhere flat just to build or something resource heavy just something to test your building skills and see how creative you can get in a base and today we'll be going over some of the best base locations that you could set up for any type of player you are this is where my home base is set up it is at 26 65 and -224 it is way up on top of a mountain but it has iron here I think it's six pieces but then down here it also has coal that I can get to I can throw my pals down there and they can mine it for me I absolutely love building a -20 00 there's not a ton for resources but there is amazing space to build in there is a dungeon there is a black marketer there is this beautiful waterfall feature if you want to test your creativity I'd love to see other people try to fill this place out obviously we're going to have this location 188 and -44 this is the location most people set up a Iron Coal base to start getting the refined iron ingots this is no longer my base I've swapped to a new base but this base is crazy and at some point y'all might get a little walk through of what this base actually is but for now we'll move on to the next one this is a great stter BAS for iron it has eight iron ores it is nearly unraidable there is one path leading to you but you could block it off pretty easy you can set up multiple layers to this base if you set your P box close to this end you could have a upstairs and a downstairs maybe like a farming a breeding and some iron mining that location is 8 and - 528 this spot is - 39484 it is fairly flat you have an iron node you have different Stone nodes and plenty of space to build it's fairly safe there's only this one entrance that you have to block off but this is also a great spot for a base not just a mining setup this location is 259 and 368 you have nine iron nodes a little water feature at the base you have trees and there's also a chest that spawns here that you're able to loot I think this location has just an amazing view it is very high up you're very close to to the cold area you'll be able to get there quickly and it's just a nice spot for a base setup this spot on the map is - 475 and 87 in this area the whole thing is completely elevated it is completely flat for building and there is a lower section that is also still raised up by this wall 469 and 24 and also one of these adjacent ones 455 and -44 these ones they're all this whole things on a race platform so it's raid proof like a lot of them were this one though it has a few special things with a skill tree with the different skill fruits a chest over here and also a dungon can spawn down here so this base this would be a very good home base and you'd be able to pick up Powers regularly and You' be able to go into the dungeons regularly in all while being raid proof there's three locations that you could technically use on here I like this one in the ice wind Islands coordinates 359 and n it is also raid proof like these other ones it has some iron it has Stone and wood and it's lifted up on these platforms that I was talking about before a lot of other people tend to like this one over here is the same thing but there's an entrance going up but you can just guard the entrance and these are both in the ice wind Island and this one has a couple of iron as well and you could just gate off the bottom and it' be easy solution -30 100 69 this one has eight iron nodes it has some Stone and it has some coal so you'll be able to make the refined metal here it also has a skill tree so you can get free attacks for different Pals this one it's fairly flat you could flatten it up out with couple foundations there's some more iron up top I think this one's a very very good base I think it's very suitable one not quite raid proof but it is very out of the way coordinates 149 and 156 you have this area it's a nice flat area but even if you don't want to build necessarily right here it does have a dungeon right there there with it but even if you don't want to build right there there are several different layers that I'm sure you could find a spot that you like that you could set up a different base this isn't a very resource heavy base there are some around but it's more for the area and being close to the different other areas you might want to go to this base it has access to the desert and it has access to the Arctic fairly close from just the exit and I didn't even see this till right now but a black marketer spawns here big man at the edge of the street you only got like two more chances before you fall off the edge buddy oh your last one then oh you're looking feeling nice yay I really like coordinates 30041 on the map because this area I feel like it'd be really fun to build at there's different layers if you wanted there's the iron right here there's coal right on this side and there's this water feature in the middle I feel like it'd be really fun to build around and to try to make nice and viable but let me see something real quick if I can do this this will be the best base location now let's see will it will it do it wait wait I think it did it yes I can't place it there this is sick no guys now it's legitimately the best base I honestly believe that now you're taking up all this water space that I like would be cool for decoration but useless no no no now you have all that as real estate I can build over this entire thing and so I think in my books I'm coming back to live at this spot I'm marking it as star 308 in35 that is my favorite base I found that in this video that's crazy easy not only can you have this base with the iron and the coal and all that this spot is so good it has one piece of sulfur you won't need more than one piece of sulfur at any point this base is so unbelievably good after this video guys I'm coming back here I'm moving here that's sick all right guys that's going to be it for me today thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed the video let me know Down Below in the comments what your favorite base location is and I'll catch you guys next time peace
Channel: TheGamingDood
Views: 10,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gaming, #palworld, #palworldtips, #palworldguides
Id: Z58iSY01JfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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