tommyinnit reacts to technoblade's Potato War video part 3

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the over word off stream but let's see ah okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna watch it if I encourage you all to watch it yourself all right watch it by yourself oh my god this looks sick hog all right open it in a mute tab give him a like give him a comment just if you just comment then it helps just on a register honestly all right now I I can give some insight to this so I'm very excited move the camera a bit higher shouldn't be right over we've come here we go here we go our mind there is no instance of nation benefiting the prolonged war following events would do my deranged individual is it home my name is techno blade and I'm the fastest Skyblock player alive to the outside world I'm an ordinary minecraft youtuber but secretly I've spent the last year fighting to maintain my spot is the number one potato farmer in Skyblock opposing me a squid kid the former ranked number one a man whose obsession with potatoes is rivaled only by my own in my last video I talked about how the newly added rabbit oh my god highest level increased potatoes made by 30% but I knew squid would watch my video to find out my tactics so I left out a few of the finer details you see the boost from rabid pets isn't the same as fly catchers for catalyst you have to be there on the island for the boost to take effect once you log off or go to somewhere else in Skyblock that boost is gone live until you come back but while I was experimenting with the ratchet Shankaran again - interesting facts about how the boost works for instance rabid pets can boost other people's minions if you're visiting their islands as a guest but can only get boosted by one rabbit at a time but the third thing I found was the most interesting and this is what's so five had there's a video abot pets on the same island which one boosts the minions you'd think it'd be the strongest one but it's not if there's multiple rabbits the minions will be blue hell or anyone but long time - whoever's been on the iASO rabbit paths can lose hypothetically speaking if someone went to their Island with their level 100 rabbit when someone was already there with the level 1 one they wouldn't get their rabbits 30% boost they'd get the level 1 0.3% boost unrelated fun fact did you know that squid kids Island is still open to visitors yeah that's right we're doing this together so I my minecraft account slapped a level one legendary rabbit head onto it and shipped it off to squid kids afk pool I knew I had to maintain absolute secrecy I didn't even tell my goons about this I knew one squid got wind of this it would be ok I know I don't know if he talks about this in his stream but the big thing he told me was that he had like an old twitch account that he'd watch all of squid streams with and it was really a ambi and I one time squiddy was streaming and I went I don't know if he's gonna talk about in the video and I went into a squids Jan asked for mod and then he modded me and I went through Technos accounts Shah history I waited until the day I released the second potato war video to start after that video tourists flocked to squid kids island to see it for themselves my alt blended right in every day my all would sit there and squid kid say FK pool to maintain rabbit priority in fact it usually had the rabbit pet d AK minister in the day since you don't need to have the pet out B priority and since the rabbit was deactivated if squid checked his minions during the day he'd find a oh thank you for the 50 pounds holy crap send him some send him some money he'll be all right ad now his name in count 2 a.m. squid would leave his account afk and go to bed and that's when I'd strike over right and his rabbit head booster for the rest of the night and yes I memorize squid sleep and schedule to pull Asafa I mean at this point how is that even a question of course I did what unfortunately complication soon arose squid and I had both been rushing to get our rabbits to level 100 I had a pretty heavy lead and I figured it'd take squid several more weeks to get his there but unfortunately an unknown third party got there first and sold his level 100 legendary rabbit directly to squid of course he didn't forget to brag about this victory on stream isn't the vaad either all right is this the vaad quite using light mode money oh yeah anyways cuz he can be amusing little did he know that while he was flexing on TV it's not the vaad this was live dude you see show his account my art was right there on his island override and it's level 100 bonus but my problems didn't stop there you see squid got an alt account to afk with his rabbit header in his island while he was doing all the things and since the old account had no reason to ever leave his Island it became much harder to keep control of pet priority and sometimes when I had Prime dankness thank you for gifting 20 subs oh my god we're gonna keep watching but thank you very very very much because it was too full for his alt account to join I mean and I lost priority for the rest of the day I was going to counter this by spending $30 to buy assault MVP plus plus since that rain can bypass guests in limits but unfortunately on March 20th my imagination was Island was closed forever the jig was up but by that point I'd already achieved my objective in the two weeks it took him to realize he's so much to talk about 2 million potatoes but I'm pretty sure I lost a few fans over the rabid pet because everyone would just be hanging out they'd just be chilling on my island with their level 30 rabbits activated I'd come see that I don't care if it's intentional or not they're sabotaging my potatoes so I'd kick him out of my island to get priority back and then they'd come back 10 seconds later like what did you kill blade youtuber and I'd be like what will relax dude relax it's not a big deal I haven't really dude he has his own emotes they use us and he always like exclusively exclusively exclusively uses his own emotes through text as well rather I can't tell you because it's an edition of lightness holy crap thank you for gifting another 20 what though Jesus Christ thank you so much dude I'm trying to react Andy oh my god thank you wait come back no the squid closed his Island which meant I couldn't sabotage him anymore but what if I told you that was also part of my master plan you ever noticed how my Island has been open to visitors during the potato war in the last video I explained I made an afk machine on my videos in the wreckage I wasn't online I was actually using an advanced flying from November I didn't even build the manual farm until January you might recall from the first potato or video that minions behaved differently depending on whether people on the island or not because if no one's on the island hypixel is not gonna waste resources a plant server online so they're gonna close the server and then when you come back they're gonna go oh well it's been seven hours it's gonna run a calculation and give you seven hours worth of stuff but as we've seen before that calculation isn't perfect so I ran an experiment and in the experiment I found that someone's on my Island I get 10% more potatoes and there was only one thing boost in my minions by 10% the farm crystal the farm crystal is an external buff so it's not included in the offline calculation so if there's at least one person on my island and squid taken up I get more potatoes now it was easy to get this like I can respect it really laughs oh my god thanks thank you for giving Ted subs holy crow it pushes over to K boys thank you man yeah but he's sorry if I'm breathing pasta as well I'm very excited for this it's crazy even months after the first potato war video came out when the initial hype was starting to die down a bit there would be at least one of my own viewers afk on squids Island every night you know as a joke sometimes that would be on squids Island at an alt account and I'd see someone say in the chat I'm gonna go help techno blade win the potato war and I'd beg them I'd be like no dude please please he fixed that months ago that doesn't hurt him anymore and they'd be like I'm helping an afk all-night squid was getting boosted by my own viewers and there was nothing I could do to stop them cuz what was I gonna do announce that afk and helped him then even more people would afk I realized that the only way to stop this from happening would be to get squid to close his own Island to visitors without him realizing that that's what I wanted all along it took for a long months but it finally happened but anyways back to the street so squid says he closed his eye I'm really worried you know because if he ever decides to not just like bully children and bully like politicians he can just like you know he could take over my because someone filled his potion sister cookie axes a common herring method in Skyblock is to fill people's inventories with useless items like boats but the rookie axe is even worse for players like squid kid who used the Skyblock a danse mod which has a feature which makes it very difficult to drop tools out of your inventory the point is to stop people from accidentally dropping weapons worth millions of gold but it also applies to the rookie acts sold in shops for 12 coins so basically someone dumped in a ton of rookie axes into your hopper system is the worst thing someone can do to you in Skyblock now I've always been interested in psychology in fact I almost made again so after six months of stock and squid kid I developed a bit of a psychological profile of this man she said my favorite ever ever quote he said to me I was any coal we will be fill in him and he went he went in his dead serious voice who's chef screaming farm potatoes who went just out and there he was like I've narrowed squid I've narrowed squid kid down to one of four colleges and then me and Phil just lost it man it's this man I completely believe that somebody dropped rookie axes into his hopper system because it was me but that's not the real reason he closed his Island after all I'd been dropping rookie axes into his hoppers for weeks but he sent that tweet eight minutes after he kicked my ol so I get to thinking why would squid lie about that and I realized squid knows I monitor his tweets but what he doesn't know is that that was my alt account for Miss respective that could have been some random guy with a rabbit and if that was the case I'd have no idea rabbits could be used that way as such him lying in that tweet could only mean one thing he's about to sabotage me so I held a stakeout on my island and guess what eyes always consciously on the like reruns I'm Skyblock account afk and with the level one legendary rabbit truthfully I could have stopped swig before I even joined my Island but I wanted to catch him in the act because I'm always getting comments saying oh my god why are you so mean to squid they don't understand this is war there's no holding back I know that and squid knows that the only difference is that I'm 20 steps ahead he's playing Skyblock while I'm playing Death Note any weebs dankness again thank you for the the 4060 gift didn't like the past I don't thank you so much dude oh my god thank you holy crap can outsmart me with my own strategies because he is yet to realize that he is but a puppet and I the puppeteer dance potato boy dance so anyways I go to my secrets and his secret all the counterparty invitation and then i DM him on no dude accept my invite well this is awkward you actually did accept my invite we had a lovely conversation and then I banned him from my Island get out of here he tried again with another account a few days later I don't have any proof that this account is him but look at that username stinky bozo that's a pretty unusual word in fact I've only heard one person say get out of here I did eventually closed my Island but not before I moved on to the next phase of my master plan if I wanted to borrow more potatoes I'd have to start farm and pumpkins but wait a minute techno blade that's the wrong vegetable wait what do you mean it's a fruit whatever at this point we'd pretty much maxed out the output of our minions the only thing left to work on was the speed we could farm potatoes by hand the farm and skill gets more crops as you level up so I decided to grind it to the highest level I did the math and found that farming potatoes is so incredibly inefficient leveling up farming that it was actually more worthwhile to build a whole pumpkin firm I began the construction of a pump replay large enough that by the time you know he's missing right now is the ping sometimes in full the pumpkins the clogging and would have already regrown I don't even want to tell you how long it took to build this and so I began farming day after day at times I'd first please email break that the people would you know Sheila word of my pumpkin firm and soon reach squid who began farming pumpkins himself but he only saw the surface level of what I was doing you see I wasn't just leveling up my farming skill I was also leveling up multiple legendary rabbits there's a reason I wanted to stop people from afk how he plans the [ __ ] matters just like how I'm dumb it's just because one man - afk every hour of the day because servers restart the game can update your internet can go out and if you're asleep or doing something else thank you until you get back even the most dedicated individual might only have so much many hours of AFK coverage per day and those four hours alone without the rabid pet and farm and crystal cost you a hundred thousand potatoes and overtime that adds up to fix this fall I got multiple level 100 rabbits some level myself and others purchased for tens of millions of coins and then distributed them to goons and diverse time zones I set my island so only guild members could visit and had my head goon go to discord bot at automatic sad five seconds of the rapid account leaving my island at which point one of them could log into the island themselves and boost my minions until I got back after a few weeks we both reached farm in level 50 on May 4th there was a kind of a twitch and among other things the elephant pet which at its highest level could increase crop yield by 25 his voice was not really above to me melting my brain since it allows squid to catch up that much more quickly but I had a plan the recent farming potatoes by hand is so inefficient you rate mentos they don't grow back so 2/3 of the time you spend on farm and has spent replanting the potatoes you just harvested squid kid and his viewers spent many hours trying to find a workaround to this even building an elaborate redstone machine in an attempt to somewhat automate replant and but in the end they failed to find a better method and continued farming normally what if I told you I found a way you see back in January I had an idea what if I had the minions plant for me at the time this wasn't practical for two reasons one I didn't have enough farm and bonuses for it to be worth sacrificing the minions normal output but this was solved when I got farm in level 50 secondly potato minions were simply too slow but since then they've buffed fly catchers take a minute thanking us thank you so much and thank you ant hill for the prime thank you dude thank you for all the gifted by the way oh my god Larry I just want to take a minute just to go thank you so much dude oh my god VIP no I don't like doing VIP for donors because then it's like an incentive and I don't like putting things on for money but thank you so much man holy crap that and added foul flesh a new fuel source which buffs minion speed by 90% even then the potato minions weren't quite fast and I've got a watch technically but I thought to myself if they're only gonna be planting they don't need to waste an upgrade slaw it on a super compact gum so it's measuring 250 million coins to get 48 total fly case that was method could get at most two king size and potatoes per hour whereas my method with double flycatchers even after surprising amount okay that's my selves could get four hundred and ten thousand twenty so throwing in the numbers that's when my head just kind of hours everyday time i expanded why is he just like twitch 3 129 farm and potatoes for almost a year and we were still farming hours everyday with no end in sight neither of us wanted this to continue so we came to an agreement whoever got to 500 million potatoes first would win the potato war i pixel even pitched in saying he'd give a surprise to the winner now i was only at 300 million but i had this in the bag I mean oh my god yes he that's what you know when I was saying like a bag I mean before school on my physics exam when he introduced me to the techno thing because this was when I was like you know I was into slime look at this point right before SMP Earth had properly got into it and he introduced me yeah we gonna he can ask me sent me a thing that was like this it was like it was too much man it was too much dragon squids potato count I accounted for it was it's too much for a normal man was afk covers human grounds for a bar track is all two counts logins and I knew how much he was farming by hand because I was monitoring his farm and experience with a 45 million potato lead and a farming method twice as fast as his own what could possibly go yeah and then six things go very wrong just by the way by the way just for anyone that doesn't know last I was according my and it was the clip was almost kept in in the auto clicker 1v1 but I didn't want to then ask him to for sure iMessage techno if you do it is like cart now potato crisis I've been up for 12 hours believe me I was that was the one message oddity of life changes you know like an enchantment which replants crops after you farm them and an item which automatically compact side and this is not bad you don't have to spend time on that you know two minor changes which just so happened to buff squids farming method from 200,000 potatoes to 1.2 million and my farming method becomes worthless suddenly by 45 million potato lead goes from insurmountable - yeah squid confirm that in a couple days squid starts putting in crazy hours meanwhile I'm sitting here in shambles I was out here with my lab coat on doing the science coming up with new never-before-seen potato ACK and this man just goat admins please free plantain is too hard and they buff his farm and method 6 fault was that it eight months of plotting and scheming just to fail in the bank it was no I couldn't accept that I was going to win this war whatever the cost I mean I think three months of mystical mushrooms we got to work expanded my old replay mode again project here we gotta make 25 for those key frames voices I knew I was playing the game is intended when I realized that the only reason I ever put on one of the strongest armor sets in the game was to use its 3% speed bonus to optimize till in dirt for the next two weeks I did nothing except eat sleep and farm potatoes there were only three neurons each of which cost me millions of potatoes the first was a dentist appointment in the second was when I had to play in Minecraft Championships relax runs on like three insults he goes like run axe bozo no no no like okay so just got so much of it just run some like I'll do I can see the bomb right the thing is I think you me I've won I've won you are bad that people will see it they will go al squid boys their time I had to go to the store the other day I had to interrupt my potato farming because my dad was like hey can you go to the store and pick up my medicine and I was like can I really tell him that I'm not getting his medicine because I need to farm potatoes can I really do look I'm an atheist but when God sends me to hell I wanted to hesitate okay I wanted to hesitate but squid was also farming today and he had even found a way to maximize sends me to hell I want him to have headphones on and had his goons wake him up the discord call whenever I thought this is like this is so far on the other sin other side of the spectrum tui dating it's just unreal I wake up so my guild members could have waked me I log on 12 hours a day farming but it's like such on the other spectrum online activity I can tell you right now that that man is telling the truth he was waking up multiple times it's like his dating normal Internet user potato madman that's why he didn't just use backups like me he actually revealed to me later on that one of my original goons betrayed me and gave him one of our internal document at now because the backup users this is why I was on a two-man operation right there at the top of the first page I have no idea how I've never seen someone use custom fonts on Google Docs but tell my squid logged off an hour and a half ago he should be entering REM sleep just about now it would be a real shame if someone woke him I didn't actually wake him up because I wasn't sure if intentional sleep deprivation was legally considered torture or not so I decided to shelve a strategy so at the time for sacrifice in two weeks of my life I finally reached 500 billion potatoes when these squid was shocked he's at 499 oh he's not dude that's actually a real squid had been certain that he was right on my tail and yet when I won the war I had a lead of over 88 million potatoes how did I do it it's just as Sun zu says all war is deception you see I knew after the second potato war video that things were gonna get more difficult from here on out because at this point squid had a full organization back in him he had goons a cabal of billionaires funding as every amount of hundreds of stream viewers making suggestions on how to farm potatoes more quickly and reporting on my every move so in that video I prepared my final trick I hid my true potato count the number shown in my video wasn't edited but it didn't include the millions of potatoes left uncollected in my minions i also say that my minions now produce 1.5 eight million potatoes but they're actually producing 1.75 million because the rabbit pen doesn't act it boosts them by 43 percent why I don't know it's probably bugged and squid couldn't realize the real number when he got Apple how do you know because he was being sabotaged but the biggest reason my lead expanded by that much was because over those two weeks while squid averaged eight hours per day by averaged 11 in stupid words the very end squid had one of his goons write a program to chart how much I was farming by track and how much experience my elephant pet had but by then it was too late once I won the war there was nothing left to do except celebrate my victory with grace and humility watch me dance squid kid you lose you lose the war after the worthy admins at least is a good sport this guy KUB the potato king it gave out a new talisman which boosted potato minions by 5% a basket for the top 1000 potato farmers and to me the potato crown engraved upon it the words all men can see the tactics whereby I conquer but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved son zu the art of war that NBC is gone now I took too long dead at this video I gained a lot from the potato or patience discipline carpal tunnel I guess my main regret is that I bribed squids discord had been to give my all permission to see into his secret text channels and he never used them all year with the war over squid Japan terrible's potato minions and my fields have gone unfarmed while we were enemies I still respect squid kid I understand now that it is only with a worthy rival that one can reach their fullest potential while he may have lost the war he's young from 70 subscribers to having tens of thousands of fans so it can't be said that he's lost completely for my part I've realized now that ranked number yeah he's lost a lot of time a time I I would say he's come on Tanner isn't an achievement it's a prison which forces you to dedicate your life to defend in the temporary title but now with the war finally over I'm free [Music] it's been awesome of farming potatoes instead of uploading I could have reached 3 million alemão henna blade you've got my like buddy [Music] that links Witkin as well Turner that moment it's pretty well Wow I'm trying to think that the big thing as I remember was he had an old account that he would watch tech squid streams in and then I I went into squids chat was like can you give me mod and then went through his chat history and he just asked him like really subtle questions about I didn't even mention in the video I probably didn't mention half that holy anyway legend Wow well sorry to react Andy and then when this on the vod's tent over christ almighty I had to I had to see it oh my god we're aiding dreaming Wilbur christ almighty Thunder you
Channel: piszisky
Views: 4,323,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technoblade, techno, tommy, tommyinnit, potato, potatoes, war, potato war, finale, video, stream, live, VOD, dream, smp, server, minecraft, archive, squid, kid, squid_kid, im_a_squid_kid, react, reaction, twitch, gameplay, final
Id: g_0Q1uOzunU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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