philza makes a podcast w/ wilbur, tommyinnit, jschlatt and more

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[Music] you can't handle me oh i can't handle you hey phil come on come on can we have a nice wholesome conversation that ignores me in it yeah hey hey phil you're excited to come down tomorrow i am it's gonna be pog dude yeah it's gonna be the last sunny day i'm gonna be there i know but it's like gonna be two days of 29 degrees celsius weather when it said it was going to rain oh yeah can you uh stop ignoring it you'll be pretty pretty pog dude i think i'm gonna start crying yeah shall i vlog it what do you think it vlog me wilbur well vlog the the the uh i'll show you guys me vlog everything so vlog everything yeah [ __ ] it vlog me it's just what they do you just go how are you tubo he goes fine are you excited to meet tommy in a couple days yeah we've met before we have to decide to meet up with him in a couple days yeah i think it's gonna be fun you're gonna have a lot of fun with them yeah everyone's saying vlog i've had an idea for how i want to vlog it phil well i might vlog you but with a with a knife i'll go on wait no no sorry in a video game in a video but um of doing the vlogging style like how uh so phil basically getting like each of us has a camera in that game anymore and then we all just film each other and then i splice it all together editing it yeah yeah tubber we're going to play it after stream instead yeah we actually decided we don't like you ah [Music] did you know that um uh i used to run the pub quiz at a pub in london oh really yeah i did i i have a bunch of questions actually i have a i have i have a whole 20 i have 23 google docs of pub quiz questions wait how many pages oh like easily like 60 something pages 17. like all together they each have like two and a half pages each of questions and answers oh my god it took me three hours just to do the 40 questions yeah man it takes a long time it's very fun you it's really good when you when you um get old enough you should definitely do it you should definitely definitely like i don't know i don't know where you're about you're from but like to go to like a pub somewhere and just be like hey do you want me to run a pub schools and then they will go and do it they will they'll say yeah don't just when i think all hope is [Laughter] this one i thought i was gonna have to cry tommy in it i've got numbers by my side tommy in it is on trending for gaming what a world we live in yeah 26 yeah just when we thought it couldn't get any worse the world has to be subjected to more tommy in it i'm actually brilliant you know that's a quote i'm putting that in wait why i missed the cool one [Music] he said i'm actually brilliant didn't you know brilliant yeah that's that's definitely a call yep 100 see the quotes don't have to be like monumentally funny they just have to like sound funny out of context everything i say sounds funny out of context i thought you were just gonna say everything i see is funny [Laughter] hey will give us a tweet whilst we're here um i'm actually brilliant don't you know i just i'm sure you've tweeted that one didn't do as didn't yeah i probably have didn't do as well well then stop asking me jesus the one about sex did have you heard the um have you heard the uh concept tommy of um when you don't want to do something for anyone anymore you purposefully do it badly so they stop asking you yes all right there we go well don't need to sit give me a tweet no yes i understand why give me a tweet he's doing it for me i don't i don't want to give you another tweet for the pride for 11 months i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna why did you stop talking to techno i didn't stop talking to tech no i think i think it was just a bit of it i think it was a bit of a mutual thing like after he literally just left one mcc because what normally happens with the with the discord is that we just sort of hop in whenever we want to hang with people and we realize dream had more subscribers i don't think that's what happened no i love that now i know i actually would like to game with him so many more i miss playing tf2 i missed playing tf2 but valerian's just unfortunately better in every way a lot less hackers isn't there oh yeah that too yeah that's funny because spies on your computer 24 7. don't they have like i love the chinese government hacker bots in tf2 they're insane yeah they they're hacker bots everywhere dude it's like well i see where you just gotta keep searching until you find one everyone yeah i'm gonna get a hack-a-bot just for me pretty much [ __ ] up my obs but then like tommy it was just taking a while to get people in like everybody was busy yeah no i'm taking a rage out on you because just maybe do a quiz and that just makes me angry i didn't make you do a quiz you know i wasn't gonna leave you know if you're on the server i'm not gonna be by your side okay four months so i had to you know now i'm angry you sounded you sound so angry tommy what's my belly to the sad face my friends say i should be gold too though some days i play like a gold some days i play like a gold other days i play like a bronze so it equals out at silver three chat we we we could call techno but i don't know if he'll answer should i call him no that's that's kind of that's kind of rude to be like hey i'm on stream and everyone's asking about yourself yeah that's something but like yeah it's like you have to respect people's boundaries yeah he's just i think he's just up to stuff i don't know what he's doing not that long ago no you weren't here no no no i was in a call with phil you were there weren't you uh no but i did see you guys in a call with schlatt and everybody else who about fundy uh it was you fundy um and uh techno you guys are all just chilling no maybe it's just me then [Laughter] okay i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna yeah i'm actually gonna uh go and just chatting a bit with fundy and nikki before i end the stream and then i'll come back and then i'll come back with phil and then i'm gonna i'll be come i'll be back in a minute beer i'll be back in a minute you always just push trouble to one side tommy you got to be a better friend sometimes you know no no it's funny off stream i only do it on stream because it's really funny because here's the thing here's the thing phil no one in the world is mean to turbo so i thought what if i'm just really mean to him all the time and it is turned out i'm not i'm not gonna stop two kills until one until one day he breaks down and then i'll go that's where you draw the line wow yeah yeah till the day i bring you to tears then i'll stop but until then see look see look see look everyone everyone thinks that things that i don't like i'm in a call with you every day tomorrow i don't you know mute yourself in discord twice if you're in trouble yeah you did it three times yeah so i think we're good here sure tommy sure are you gonna you guys gonna like meet up like ireland well i'm very good i think people people think i no no i play up for the content it's funny if i meet because if no one's it's like why i did you know you was when i was there when i just swore at bad boy halo for 20 minutes that was awesome that was quite yeah just i don't know i think there's something funny in being mean to people who there's just no reason to be mean to i don't know i think it's just isn't that kind of like bully mentality mentality sorry no no because i'm not doing it seriously yeah fair enough for content yeah turbo when have i ever been like toby i hate you off stream never luckily yeah and how many times have you done it on stream i'm back i don't welcome back and yeah okay i like to say that i'm going to finish streaming because i've kind of just i'm kind of floundering now yeah i'm kind of filled and then two hours that's enough so i'm gonna i'm gonna just chat with chad for a second all right man i've been streaming for a total of nine minutes exactly restart my obs oh yeah [ __ ] sucks never mind it's fine ugh i killed nikki [ __ ] it you did what i trapped her in a pit and drowned her why dude you're literally on the same team yeah yeah yeah but i had a knife so you also shot her twice no that wasn't me that was god what the [ __ ] am i hearing i guess in some sense it was me did you just compare yourself oh my god this child dude he's not even 18 yet it's so it's so strange looking at the reactions between because i look at phil's chat and it's all check the wheels and little wheels and then all of toby's just dude why is he why is he why is he still doing this why is he like this you are being articulated such a cute name why would it be someone genuinely just said that in your chat a bit are you just reading my chat yeah i'm not yeah no i just i don't know man it's fair enough no i get it i get it man i get it i'm you know i'm i'm too funny for the law with my knives and my my drowning pits i mean what can i i mean really what can i say what about the drug pond yeah no no that's not yeah like that that got our hand quick yeah [ __ ] will you already cross the line hey phil you excited for mcc [Laughter] sure yeah yeah you guys have a solid chance of winning yeah we're gonna win i'm gonna practice we've been speedrunning aren't we too bad we've been in that call yeah you've been doing very well i can't believe you you're not going to dress up tommy you know what i'm not going to i'm i'm a revolution when would i ever want to betray wilbur just because wilbur said he's not dressing up you know he could have dressed up as a in a business suit and everything it could have been great no no no no i've i'm sticking with my will but outfit i've got to i've got to full amendment it's just going to be me i'm dedicated to the i gave away my discs now maybe you two should get a lumber skin but you can be like distant relations yeah yeah outside yeah good good what just like [ __ ] like a cousin removed one silver from a different continent like allies maybe like instead of uh blue coats we have like green coats it doesn't strike fear i don't know i i'm literally wearing green all the time blue coats okay hi not a bad thing i know dude i tried flute me and scott are down who are you ready will and tommy are just like are you still alive uh yeah i'm just sat here oh you went back to i'm sorry i thought you stopped i wrote didn't it really you were in a call with three streamers and you raided nikki i because i'm i'm just a simp dude [Music] real sims never sleep dude i'm always something nikki yeah i'm not i yeah of course you literally [ __ ] drowned her onto a dream smp it was funny that's as far from simping as possible tommy no you can't go a lot further yeah i didn't even i didn't even use my then murder true what's further the murder no i'm not live yeah no but will and toby are and that combine them oh yeah yeah no turbo is andy's phil and you just you really just went for i know i get it i get it actually i i get it i really everyone everyone on twitter is going crazy i went to go delete my announcement tweet and i'm just saying everyone's going crazy about the fact that me and techno haven't spoken in two months that's not that long that's not crazy that's that's pretty normal if your friendship can't survive two months of not talking to each other then i worry because that's not that long of a time could i run by a tweet by you will i drafted it with jack manifold a while back but i haven't tweeted it yet i thought it was very funny can i what can i can i draft my tweet with you yeah i'm i'm having post-stream sleepiness so he's getting slower now he's like he's going at the first gear shifting that's only funny if you really say it out loud yeah but my whole tweet thing i realized with you it was an audio tweet no that is still funny wait you can wait no you can yeah it's still funny tommy i think you should revert to just doing entirely just uh uh just um audio tweets like just voice tweets yeah i don't think that will perform as well i don't think you'd perform well i think you're just you just don't want to help me with twitter you're in denial yeah i don't really want to help i really don't like twitter tommy you know this yeah no sorry i'll stop asking you just you're so good at my fault probably not if only you were if only you were [ __ ] nice you know sometimes i don't get a will by laughing but i get my i get my my safe phil laugh and that's what i need i mean that's what i need turbo's just on mute let's get you bye dude sorry i was reading i don't really get turbo laughs i just get a little now and that's because i don't get half the jokes yeah i know it could be show will but the videos that you find funny show him discombobulated please oh it's from sherlock though it's brilliant yeah yeah well is that the song where it just repeats discombobulated over and over no they don't repeat it but they just like scramble it together and it's funny it's like days right oh it's funny yeah well i'll put it in a vc i i yeah i really don't think this is funny but i've seen this yeah i've seen this it goes on forever doesn't it well 39 seconds i don't know i found markiplier's commentary very funny on it do you want to watch it together uh i'm too busy looking at my stats on where i am on and trending for gaming sorry god's sick one tommy jesus christ sorry sorry bro i'm on trending [Laughter] i don't speak to non-trending youtube yeah i i only i just i'm so proud of myself hey you ready oh wait dude i can't see everything about me is very cool uh do you have absolutely quickly post it in general because oh hey wilbur your new twitter profile picture is really cool it's only for a little bit i'm going to change it after a while that's why i just wanted to look like a general for a bit because it's cool and i'm laughing i'm laughing dude hey i'm laughing yeah yeah okay what does that mean thank you are we ready uh yeah i'm just getting the video up for 39 seconds phil will laugh at anything man oh but it is funny can you watch can you i want to know if you find it funny okay okay i've got it up it's in vc all right okay three two one play we ain't done yet distract target discombobulated is [Laughter] that doesn't get me it's very good what did you make of that will yes finally i knew i knew i wasn't wrong that's fine you just don't know real comedy tommy i guess you know i watched bo burnham what oh that was brilliant minecraft what i watched dream xd you mean dweme oh no i only call him dween when i'm making fun of him oh you guys no i know when you mix it no no i don't i don't make fun of dream i make fun of the people that spam the words dream in chat because it's a little bit like come on everyone yeah well there goes it there goes my chat there we go brilliant yeah no but have you got you need the laughing crying emoji afterwards oh yeah you gotta really sell it i'll i'll i'll teach him how actually you know you have phil joy oh that's perfect you got like this oh my god get a couple of dreams in there right [Music] in your chat if you need me yeah yeah they they're already going they're already they're already going never mind there it goes we're really just chilling aren't we fellas that's going in the quote book i'm on it at the moment i'm really i'm i'm really enhancing my uh you know and i know what goes in the quote book now you know i've got my understanding hey tommy are you gonna get too big for your boots one day no no because as long as you stay friends with me you'll always make me put you'll put me down so i'll one day i'll be like hey wilbur hey wilbur i'm number 25 on trending and you go yeah well you're [ __ ] at twitter and i'll go yeah you'll be right i'll just sit there staring and then i'll go down and stroke my dog in you know i'll cry i'll cry a little bit i'll be here that is that is something i would do yeah i think you need me to keep you in check no i i've got jet manifold he keeps me in check where's jack manifold the wait is this is jackman i remember i remember distinctly last time you mentioned jack manifold to me you said oh you know what i love jack manifold you know i really do everyone if everyone was like jack there would be no racism i mean it's true it's really true because he's not racist which means just like what yeah i mean i'm not wrong i'm not wrong yeah no jack jack's a real he's a real he's like wilbur but more me like and i like that it's like a cross between wilbur and me and that's what i like about him he was actually an admin in will's discord for three years back in 2017. it's funny it's funny because that was the discord that made me realize i hate discord yeah yeah it was actually jack manifold that made him realize kristen's telling me it was larry that when you said that big man larry big man larry's alright big man larry is that you don't [ __ ] with big man larry that's that's the number one rule of the street i don't know who these people are larry actually doesn't know that i've been making fun of him in front of tens of thousands and he's gonna find out when he does that and i'm really like i don't want to say just going to let him find out when he edits larry no yeah he's going to edit it i'm going to make him edit it and then he'll just be shocked but i'm i'm i'm scared of what he was how he's going to retaliate you know i just don't know he could do anything he could for a single frame he could put any image he wants i mean he sends me in a premiere profile so i'll actually cut through it myself okay you're gonna cut through it free and buy from yeah i'm gonna cut him out i'm gonna go larry you just didn't make the cup big man no no no and then he sends you an adobe premiere project file no i ask you i know so i get all the meat because i like going through it and adjusting well i was being funny about this so funny was saying the reason he doesn't want to get an editor is because he'd like you know they could do 90 of it but they're still that 10 that you just can't do and i thought well if i just get them to always send me the permit like all the really little things that i want to change i can you know do just get it up to that 100 so that i do it you know it takes me a couple hours but it's a bit better i get it i get it in my profiles yeah fair enough if it's easier for you then that's what you want to do put your little touch on it yeah i i like my creative class i i i think it's uh i think my my um my lecturer summed up editing better than anyone else ever could and he said that um an editor's biggest dream is to not have to edit anymore worth it yeah why so who's editing around 2011 to 20 000. okay take it take it from me tuber once you've done it like for once you've done it 100 times the 101st time is is just is just the same as all the other hundred and it's wrong and it's just it's draining it drains me it doesn't mean i just love it so much the problem with editing for me at least is that i really love narrative editing so much i'm i'm so obsessed with it is that like stories yeah like think think jurassic park is really well narratively edited you know it's like really smart i'm really into that but my line of work means that i'm i i'm editing myself playing block game so like i mean like i try and put narrative elements in but i just i'm just looking for someone else to do my job for me was the le mans stuff more interesting because it had a story or no yeah yeah that's why that's why i'm always looking to make like tommy calls it bits but i'm i'm not trying to be funny i'm just trying to make stories hey eric let's go man i'm trying to be funny actually it needs more like stuff in it like tommy yeah you need me to keep you in check no i i i'm actually i'm actually funnier without you tommy i'd say but i make you funnier so it's worth it yeah no i well i bounce off you very very well so yeah but i don't bounce off you very well i i end up just being very quiet with you no you you i'd say in the mcc well you bounce off me but your funniness is in your rage yeah well when i'm on my own my funny my i have a different funniness when i'm on my own you know i could i could i could make an effort to try and be a little you know less less overpowering i think i'd fail right yeah i do like i've got both tubbo and phil's chats open and phil's chat is is laughing and being like yep and yes and then tubbo sorry wilbur plus tommy equals lol and tubbo's chat is saying wilbur wilbur is worse than tommy wilbur sucks they're right actually and now they're all going to go no we didn't say that we no no i actually like wilbur and then some of them are going to take it and go actually like will be more and then dude i'm playing i'm playing with chat like a fiddle dude you just got them to spam yet i've got i i'm so good at just just controlling chat so watch this tubbo's chat just write yep that's not being good okay chat right pog champ okay if you if you if you prefer tommy right right pog champ if you prefer tommy right yep if you prefer now they're all gonna go no because the whole thing is you've just no they're going to say yeah they're going to say yeah look i know they are because they are because you did it first and if i if i if i went okay you do it with phil's chat you do it with first check on you do one first with phil they'll say i just make a child joke and then a little different i i farm so many look i'm gonna i'm gonna redeem my pizza tokens say the word boobs and then i'll get a million cake w okay so every everyone in phil's chat says w then that's what you're saying wait for the boobs to go through i mean i hear it instantly yeah look at it i can hear you spamming the character no this is just the chat this is just the chat you're doing what i do in your chat just [ __ ] spam [Music] [Laughter] give it five seconds and every chat's gonna go back to being five four three two you dismissed what will just said about you there you go yeah tommy's chat is not tommy's not very good at controlling chat i thought you i think you know i really am i really are he's really not he likes to think he is because his favorite ludwig is good at it but that's that's this is see this is wilbur putting me down now this is what he did he's decided he's decided i'm getting too good at what i do and he's going no no i need to trick him into thinking he's bad tommy i have to tell you what auto mod was either tell you to [ __ ] disable like i tell you to do a bunch of [ __ ] on the back end of twitch to save your moderators from pulling their [ __ ] hair out should i tell you what was funny today phil i started getting botted and this guy spam discord links but then i convinced the botter to start spamming twitch prime to tommy in it and he did it it was a win-win for both of us me and the boss really bonded what the [ __ ] yeah so he started spamming he started spamming his own discord link so i said listen butter you i really don't know how to fix this but i'm going to tell you now if you spam use twitch prime we can be friends and then he did it and i was like oh thanks big man that was that yeah and now you're friends with someone who bought streams with discord oh yeah that was a joke did you hear that twitch that was a joke that was a joke from wilbur sutt ah we're all british i'm getting a headache man he's just he just he just i just it gives me a headache i love it when tommy tries to do an impression of me but because he's from the midlands he just sounds like an old man yeah he just sounds like he sounds like he sounds like a [ __ ] member of the beatles listen you can put me down all you want but i've got jack manifold by my side and he's gonna he's gonna motivate me he's gonna go no no you're actually not bad at twitter and i'll go okay it won't matter though girl it's like it's english people you can just tell where they're from like phil will say book tommy is just from the middle and through i don't know where you live and then tubbo's just got seagulls outside his window no they're asleep right now but you know why they're so loud okay because my dad they hate my dad okay so because this one time he tried to move the net okay he tried to move it and now they remember they know and yeah so they haven't been there against your dad one minute they tried to smash a window it was awful [ __ ] what are they sat outside with balaclavas just throwing [ __ ] bricks at your house what no they just like bump into it repeatedly like it's like coordinated attacks like me the [ __ ] dude yeah those seagulls are so much like me bro bumping your head into windows yeah dude i do it it's a as like a mating ritual right hey sneak snack hey sneak what happened to you guys game uh we gave up because phil's stream crashed and it all just went wrong we got grumpy so now we're just back now now we're all just sat here live and i'm bullying tommy in it you know what that's not nothing's new it's okay snake give me your favorite tommy in it billy what do you mean how would you believe tommy if you were in my socks and your i don't want to be in your socks can i be in your shoes nope all right i'll be in your socks i guess um i don't know like the few times i've tuned into the dream s p tommy was trying to harass i think it was tubbo actually to to team up with him and he kept i kept calling him clingy i thought it was pretty funny yeah thanks yeah you're right [Laughter] massage just a big bully oh he's awake he's not back yet oh there he is i was trying to get her eyes out i thought he was i was like what he's awfully quiet it's awfully quiet for normal tommy you know what colors now i've just thought about it i actually do quite miss techno i'm just like he's just he's never here is he and he's just hit me like he's never ever in the cause i just thought who is really well he is when you're not here well take technoblade it's cause he's up to stuff it won't let him live his life bro it doesn't begin to end with us god you sound you sound like twitter bro just let him let him do his own thing man last thing i heard was he was doing like a hundred grand tournament or something versus dream yeah technology's busy training to fight dream for a hundred grand he doesn't it literally doesn't matter what he's doing he's allowed to go away i don't even think it's been two months i think it's been like one month because we did mcc a month ago my friend's edge what do you mean i'm being hypocrite i probably just went on about how you missed tenno and hello you can still miss a friend wait you just can't agree with me you just i i say that no no no tommy you're so trapped in your own head tommy in it you don't hear that you came in you came in and said you came in and said god why isn't techno here why hasn't he spoken to us in so long i said i miss him no you said why your question was why it was a why question that's why i said look in the vote no it was white that's why i responded with let him do his own thing man oh well i meant i miss him i didn't mean why yeah i miss him too yeah no i didn't mean why now i understand why he's not here i just i enjoyed speaking to him and i just think you're a strange child tommy now i'm not sure how i feel about it i'm incredibly normal everything about me they go he's so normie i go he's a he's a real youtube frog and i go yeah yeah i really am i i go where's the super chat button guys and then everyone hey phil i've just read your about section for the first time ever can i read it back to you in a very demeaning way yeah go on let's hear it howdy name's phil aka filzer and i'm that maniac of a minecraft player you may or may not have heard of who plays hardcore mode survival welcome smile yep you know how old that is how old five years oh my god why is the faq old as well uh the faq was more up to date because a lot more people started joining the stream about me i have not [ __ ] touched i bet i can still make it demeaning hold on when's the next youtube video when it's ready i guess that's so much and i honestly don't know when the [ __ ] it's gonna be ready what are you doing in the nether spawn proofing farms basically she's doing it in a very fancy way where did you join hermit craft i have no say in that they're an awesome bunch of crafters though what version are you playing again 1.16.1 optifine pre-release 2. where do you play our real craft no [Laughter] yeah i was very cutthroat with that i was like no i'm so tired of people asking no didn't you have a server currently sorting that out for the new update i need to update that actually it's ready it's already done can i have a go at what you're made of ridiculous 32. yeah oh sure what's mine huh these are the times and day when i will be streaming do note these are not completely accurate mod pack monopoly monday trolling terraria tuesday ah the shot white craft wednesday sounds like somebody needs to update their panels huh here's my throwback thursday five nights at freddy's friday switch saturday and the classic skyblock sunday stream days and times may change the cues of my schedule if you want to be notified i go live join my discord i try to be funny on twitter but i mainly tweet updates about life oh wait wait i've just found the best one this is my personal favorite bit about taboo the donate button donate dontassians i'm not very comfortable come on don tashans don't [Laughter] [Music] incredibly influential gamer i am this is my main social media and where i will post the most i recommend checking this out if you want to see my best content i talk sometimes here but the community is cool worth joining for no tiffs and for streams plus vids this isn't demeaning this is instagram his instagram occasionally posting photos mainly just memeing around on this one what does it seem like i'm in a noir film it was a dark and stormy i was getting minimal dantashens [Laughter] i like someone someone said how does wilbur go from having that voice to his actual [ __ ] body also i hope you're not too hot oh you're not going to update it no i'm going to keep it like that no oh come on it's not that bad no no he thought that's not that bad wow oh remember when little [ __ ] laughs because it's like a mobster [Laughter] hold on i'll be right back i'm gonna thank uh some people that have subbed i've not not thanked i'll be back in a second oh yeah i also love money oh my god dude [Music] hey sneak what's up i when the dolphins eat themselves and then lattice i think is because they saw the dragons so they ended themselves before they came bruh what the [ __ ] no the boy took them that's canon the void the void claimed them um oh it's jack with the thirteen [ __ ] months thank you dude i said heads it's the best said hey phil 13 months now so i wanted to say that i don't really play minecraft anymore but i'm still gonna sub every month uh because i think you deserve it oh dude thanks what the [ __ ] um i also hope you're not too hot yeah i'm a little bit warm but sorry i got fandry with me um i'm gonna be really [ __ ] warm tomorrow i'm heading down to brighton the visit will jesus christ gonna be hot it's like 29 degrees celsius down there [ __ ] the bed ash with the tier three for ten [ __ ] months pog how am i so ten months just realized due to business trip i'll probably miss my 11th and 12th anniversary oh so yeah i love you phil say hi to tristan for me do you mean trick wait kristen she's in the other room she's actually in chat right now thank you for the ten [ __ ] months of tier three dude pog thank you man thank you um i'm sure i'm hoping your business trip goes well and you you can you can crack on with [ __ ] when you get back um all of that sagging throughout the eight months thank you dude uh flower perfect the four months uh and viva i think with 300 bits uh phil i found my old mcp world from around 2011. oh it reminded me of your content thanks for watching looking at that old world after like playing in so many other ones that's awesome um just a weird boy tank with a prime uh jet spice thing with two one for three months thank you dude and via the witch tank for two months as well and for sasa i think the ten months of prime so ten months let's go two months until one year can't wait oh yeah it says six months in a row i was confused hope you haven't been oh i hope you have been well i have thank you man thank you i'm chilling with you we're chilling we're just chatting with the boys just then um we did try to play a duck game and then my obs just [ __ ] melted i don't know what the [ __ ] happened it's done that before with monster on there chat i think i probably just need to update the obs i think this probably isn't up there i haven't played yet but we'll say we'll see um it might just be a case that this pushes me to get uh dual pc setup we'll see we'll see um ability with four months of prime thank you ghost still sank the prime for 11 [ __ ] months thank you dude uh not at april fools is that what not april robinson i thought it was not april fools robinson uh thank me 300 bits said there is a dude streaming placing blocks until you comment in the stream what's his name if you're still here what's his name i need i need to give him i need to give him a break he needs to stop he's probably been streaming for too long uh let me fight this guy's chat thank you toxic dragon for the 14 [ __ ] months of prime pog holy [ __ ] thank you man thank you no message thank you so much dude thank you i'm assuming this guy is probably not around but i'm just gonna check anyway uh robinson let me see uh no they're not i don't think they're here anymore let me just check again oh no they are here chat oh there he is i'm looking for his name now oh okay nevermind i'll i'll keep your window open so i can just say and i'll just pop in and just say hi and then leave uh just taxiing the six months of prime park thank you jaws up uh thank you for the four months said love you daddy bon jour less amy don't know french i um know french chat uh claire's stone in a second four months thank you mate sorry to anyone i missed by the way we just kind of just went off on one trying to get duck game to work and it just [ __ ] scuffed itself on my obs amy's friend oh bruh can i still take the performance again uh said four months this will be the last one for me for a while as i'm going back to college no worries dude do the life noodles chat what do i say noodles uh classes start on my 21st birthday search keep doing the thing i'm sure it'll be a very eventful day for you i hope it works out and everything and you just you make some new friends that'll be awesome uh lava jet thanks for prime for six months as well the boys are back smile i do enjoy playing the games with these guys i wish tech i wish techno was um around a bit more i think he's just busy doing [ __ ] like honestly um i do enjoy playing games with technology he's great he's a really fun guy he's always funny like for some reason like you know how most people you can just chat to them just chill out techno's always got something funny to say or like something that will just make you laugh he's great um mvp my details thing with four months as well thank you non-linear thing with 300 bits as well thank you um alex nine zero one seven think the four months said lost my three months sorry daddy something now no he's doing this actually what it says four months in a row bro you've been subbed four months in a row four months at all you didn't miss [ __ ] alex welcome back dude welcome back let me catch up on what robinson said uh okay i found this twitch name i'm just gonna join this chat and i'm just gonna say something here chat i'm gonna show you it as well give me a sec hopefully it doesn't [ __ ] crash my [ __ ] dude oh my god so slow why is this every time i load up a twitch page it loads super [ __ ] slow me a sec uh is even there no way wait what phil i've been placing so much stone just look up phil's without the number how does he know who told him at this time to sleep the guy who had all the dude who had prime phil oh my god you could even see chad [Laughter] i'm not sleeping screw it okay keep going then wait the [ __ ] i placed so much [ __ ] stone [Music] i've done this for hours waiting yes the [ __ ] am i looking at my dad has found my stream [ __ ] now i'm breaking under the pressure i can't even speed block what am i saying what is he doing this is bonkers dude the title is called still placing stone until fills the chats on my stream and then i'll actually look at chat bruh holy [ __ ] all right holy stone what the actual [ __ ] am i looking at yeah i'm not sleeping no way all right well my son is too stubborn apparently why because i can i was placing he's he's too stubborn apparently i i showed up i showed up and he's still [ __ ] placing stone okay cooperate he was doing like hey guys i'm back sorry hey hey phil actually i'll send this to kubo and phil as well but you you're just not allowed to say it out loud look at that oh okay um you just don't say it out loud because i'm gonna get her let me look at this oh i got excited for no reason it's oh oh oh tommy oh tommy you want to be tommy just doesn't want to be embarrassed oh tommy no i'm gonna make the world's greatest tweet out of it because it's so funny actually i can say on stream i i feel a bit d50 is still waiting okay basically wait will will it be less funny if i say on stream no some people might just anticipate it happening yeah yeah i'll get more likes you're right sneak basically sorry they'll turn on notifications and they'll be like once again basically for the past five days i've been messaging vic star on discord to follow me back on twitter and he's just and he's ignored every single message [Laughter] he's not replied to any of them i yeah and i'm i'm seeing how far i can push it my favorite part about this screenshot is the self thumbs up emoticon reply oh yeah show the screenshot on stream i like it i'll show it i'll show you very bad now i think about it now now i'm you know i'll show it to myself here again it's it's literally just him messaging vickstar every single day for like five days and then adding an emoticon reaction of a thumbs up himself on each single message i guess i'll think of my own funny tweet guess yes i do guess i'll do my own work oh no i can't imagine having to be funny on your own accord that'd be crazy i already sucked that's what happens when you stream by yourself all the time you have to actually like yeah grumpy after stream what's the any psychologist in the chat why do i want to see energy your energy levels go down because you're not exerting as much so you're just like calming down or you're also just disappointed that you ended stream and you want to like keep going it's it's like when you obviously it's not the same but it's like when you're going on for the prime you like sit at your house and you're like samuel thank you for 15 months of prime like not really like you you just give it like an hour or two and you're like i'm joking six months as well well that's that's pretty cool yeah have you uh considered getting rid of them yeah i tried i went i went into the alleyway next to my house to go and get rid of them because i i basically right i thought there was just like i thought that there was like a black splodge of paint in the corner of the of the bait of the alleyway no it was a swarm of wood lice they're just hanging out yep yep bugs so what i did was i got a lucas aid bottle and i filled it with batteries and i i squeezed it on them wait really yes you battery acid oh my god and then i then i and then i took a hoover to the ones that were still alive you know you could just tell them to leave right yeah but it's your property they're legally obligated to leave it's too slow otherwise oh can't wait to show up to this house phil can i describe the doom back to you as while we're here yeah go on so the doom shack okay it's it's in david's room so you will be in david's room it's literally a closet oh my god yeah are you throwing him in a closet it's better than that it's better than that phil oh my god oh [ __ ] hell no i was wondering how david got so [ __ ] quick to the doom shack he showed me he gave me a tour and then this [ __ ] signal died as he walked inside and he came out and it's like oh yeah oh yeah that's another part of the doom shack uh nothing can get out oh jesus [ __ ] christ the doom shack is not only it's an it's another it's it's very it's what's the word it's for some something where you can't get any signal out of it like it's like it's yeah it's a dead zone you it's a dead zone the the um it sounds more and more like a serial killers like murder room i'm just so it's a dead zone uh the door is lockable from the outside but not the inside so we can lock it for you if you want yeah no [Music] uh the mattress fits only lengthways this is sounding [ __ ] awesome dude but the best thing about it is right that i think is that it's it's mysterious um it's cozy it's nice and cold in the summer because it doesn't it doesn't really hold much heat in it um it has the boiler so you can adjust the heating in the house this sounds sweet are you sure it's too late for you to get an airbnb uh i'm gonna be looking at some premier launches i will i will tell you the mattress does have just a little blood stain on it that's not a joke wait how do we get a duvet do we get some sort of yeah you get it you get a sheet you get a sheet because the mattress itself has has a blood stain on it all right if you gotta shoot you're fine it's you've also got you've also got a mattress protector oh wow so it's it's mattress blood then mattress protector than sheep you know that's really what i look for in a in a in a bed we will have to go and buy the sheet together though phil this is gonna be a weird [ __ ] trip oh christmas lights don't think you'll trust my bet carry on kristen spamming pillows as is are there pillows kristen's like really wanting to know if there's pillows we can get any pillows you want so currently no pillows is what you're telling me i'll i can give you i can give you the inventory of the doom shack right now right here right now if you want let me guess what i am not mad i can't come one filament bowl a single filament bulb a what why are you laughing a a boiler attached to the wall i'm pretty curious i'm pretty sure it's a convection heater so it has a big bronze pipes they're quite fun to play with if you get bored they're [ __ ] selling too if you need a single double six foot by four mattress uh with a mattress protector and blood uh there is a single uh a single like coat hanger like one of those one of those little one of those little coat hangers you know the ones uh yeah yeah and and and a about a five foot six roof with a concave ceiling and the entire thing tied up neatly in david's bedroom okay now now phil's a minecraft here's your option you have three options you have one four you have four options okay there's the fourth now you could arrive before so did you know do you know that in the in like game shows where they say like do you want to do you want to keep what's behind this door or do you want to pick another door you know you know they did that this is what we're doing here with you you can keep the doom shack the only option option number two you you take you take the mattress out of the doom shack and you put it in the living room right right and then you you you sleep with fundy not not with him but like in the same room as him i thought you said fundy was going in the hole fundy i can put fundy into okay so we have a hole in the garden but i really don't think i'm saying now i don't think funny will want to go in the hole really seems like the type of guy so what i'm thinking is i'm thinking you can go in the living room and maybe fundy will want the doom shack but if my pitch fails to fails to excite and pleasure fundy as much as it felt to excite you phil then i'd say that i'm saying that the um that maybe the living room is the better option for both of both of the parties the the the filzer minecraft and kristen minecraft party or the fundy party so you can both go in the living room or you could both go in the doom shack i have enough mattresses to go around oh my god i mean if you just cram everyone in the doom would you just pick up like six mattresses from the local junkyard with blood on you're like ah that's fine i have four mattresses if your appetite states you then i can put you all three of you in the doom shack if you smuggle me i'll take the doom shack no no that would be four at that point sneak if we put if you came i can make it work so option one in the doom shack option two in the living room with fundy option three everyone in the doom check no no no no that was that one that's option one a that's option one one a because because you you're still you're still in the doom shack you're just fun these there too now really that's option one a right and one one just one is the just being the doom ship on your own with kristen right yep one well i mean i say on your own but you know we don't know what else lives there um number three option number three incoming ready sound the alarms here's option number three right option number three you sleep on my floor right you have you sleep with you sleep in my bedroom on my floor right now i have a lot of wood lice as i've previously told you [Laughter] so this this option might be negligible oh my god what oh hey scott don't you worry don't worry i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you now don't worry phil i know you're worrying about the wood lies but i have poured toxic bug killer all over yeah a lot of bacteria could you not just move well no the battery acid didn't go on that was that was outside i didn't put that oh okay outside they do live outside but occasionally they're wondering see the issue is right i've got a feeling that the house that i have purchased actually has not been occupied for quite a while considering i found i found a package of petal chips in the downstairs cupboard that expired december 2018. now i'm telling you now that kettle chips take take a while to expire that is true to have them expiring in 2018 indicates that they were probably purchased sometime in 2017. so so that yeah that's what i found right in i don't know how long kepler chips okay but anyway so essentially the issue is that the house that i purchased is so old and it's been so long unoccupied that the wood lice have found a home in my home now i feel like when i begin occupying my home and i make it because wood life's like the cold and the dam right so when i start occupying now i'm not i'm i'm a human being i'm a homo sapien i don't i'm not my my preferred terrain is not cold and damp it is warm and dry right which is which which a wood lounge is clarifying a woodloss would found find that to be hell a woodlots would would would uh you could say it despise that so what i would what i think i would what i think would happen as soon as i begin occupying the space of the house which i have started as of a couple days ago the wood lice are going to move on they're going to find a new place but unfortunately i believe that to be the alleyway hence the battery asset right i feel like i'm in a filibuster right now like you're literally just stalling i'm i'm just confused that this is the place you try to convince me to also come and visit like scotland there's a third i really don't think phil would like this one so i didn't put it on didn't put it on the cards also because there's two people coming to phillips phil and kristen right i'm having to take into account a a duo queue right here okay so what i've come up with thanks for amazing me i haven't seen all right so there's two front doors to my house there's the main front door the main front door everyone loves it the mailman he loves the main front door right he what's so mean chat where the [ __ ] is he's going dude look at that he thrives he thrives in the main front door sneak right and by that i mean that no matter what's going on no matter what the male is doing he will always put it in the main front door but there is a secondary front door now this front door is down a little staircase okay a little brick staircase very nice and it leads and it leads when you go down it and you do a right it leads to another front door right now this front door is littered with wood lice we don't use it oh but if we turn if we take a left at the bottom of the at the bottom of the brick stairs right there's a little doorway now i can't get in this doorway but i have investigated with a flashlight scott if you sleep in the fetal position there is enough room for you in there i've taken a good look i am a six foot tall man my fetal position is still quite large now what i can do for you scott what i can do is i can unscrew the hinges these are very old hinges on this on this basement floor right on this little basement shack i found okay i can unscrew them and take the door off for you now now that's a good way of getting you in but the issue is it doesn't it it creates a new issue in that the issue is now that yeah you don't have a door anymore what kind of house would you purchase so at that point at that point i can create for you free of charge man it's on the house i can create for you free of charge a makeshift door out of black masking tape that i own why do you own the masking tape now what this will do what this will do scott is it will not it will not stop intruders nope but it will stop bullet bubble due to the adhesive properties due to the adhesive properties of one of the dimensions of of the of the masking tape it will stop wood lice that try to get in they will get stuck no it won't stop me sneak you don't understand i'm far too strong i will take them i'm just kidding it won't stop you but like why are you coming in when i'm trying to sleep in the future position no i'm not scott scott please trust me scott i don't know what's so important that you truly have is a house full of bugs and masking tape a bloody mattress i'm expecting one show up at this [ __ ] house and just see the windows smashed in [ __ ] around um we do have a bathtub but i i'm too scared to use it because the water or it looks weird like what no it's neither of those the water's fine and it doesn't look it looks like a bathtub looks like a regular bathtub the issue is right okay so this bathroom this bathroom i don't know who the previous occupant of this house was right and i i would i would hate to meet them i i assume but they decided that the perfect design for a downstairs bathroom is to paint the walls entirely black oh god no no no and there's and there's no mirror in this bathroom so when you when you are having a shower it does feel like the nether void from fills a minecraft hit series hardcore season 4. i'm just trying to way up if there's a sex option of like i come with a sheet and then sleep in a bathtub rather than you can have this bathtub you could totally sleep in a bathtub i you can have scott you can have this bathtub two issues though one psychological trauma i don't know how well no no don't laugh i don't know how well the human mind will deal with being in this bathroom oh my god the second issue okay the second issue because it's on the ground floor the bathtub and alas the ground floor is where my room is alas it's a it the wood lice they find that way well what if i then take some of that masking tape and build a barrier because they can't get through it but this is my house i'm not having you build things in my house sorry okay i just was trying to think of other options you're an endura you're ingenuitive guy scott right but it is your downfall yes i didn't you're right i can't get to my list as my downfall oh yes forgot there's a fourth option let me do my last option right oh sorry there's more across the road from my house isn't it okay it's a it's i believe it's a korean bar but it is also a tavern all right i've i may have doxed myself because that's not very common but i'm fine because it's worth it to get this out to you right you're also going to have a house full of people this this south i don't think anyone would want to rob me scott honestly their house is it seems like they already have look the house the house is not it's it's not furnished it's not it's not good right not the in the inn phil it's a south korean grill and tavern but which sounds wonderful that sounds perfect well a brilliant thing to have phil it's always open and i've never seen anyone go in or out what the [ __ ] are you saying to me right now what the lights are on but no one's ever home bro you can take your chances you can roll initiative can i see the lessons that you like had for this place like it was very difficult to like mentally map for this place it was word of mouth thank you so much empty bunny for the [ __ ] 10 gifted [ __ ] thank you everybody thank you thank you it sounds like a demon house and you want me to draw the floor pan for you on pain yes please oh phil's on minecraft i'm drawing the floor plan on pain okay can you see this with your eyes okay let me see this i do still have them they've not been gouged out by a demon yet so i'm glad i'm glad you're right [ __ ] me dude in this in this house okay um hold on hold on we're going to make a we're going to make a gentleman's assumption here right okay and that you don't want to spend time in the front porch okay yeah so this is the front door it's gonna be right over here right i'm gonna say this is a door bam right oh wow classic it's a classic that's a very common door right now in this front door we have a lot thinner a lot thinner a hallway like so now the hallway is a strange shape you're gonna have to you're gonna have to play along with me here right the hallway sort of comes around like this and then i'm going to use this if it takes too long up like this round like that this is the this is the dividing jesus [ __ ] christ comes down like this up like this right yep there's a door here there's a door there's a door here a lot of doors there's a door here right there is a bathroom there is a bathroom here oh that's where that door goes is that the georgia one that's a toilet that's the toilet right there is a window here and it's the most frightening view i've ever seen in my life it's literally like it's a pit out the window i'm gonna go i'm on i'm on the ground floor i'm on the ground floor and the second floor and yet the ground floor this this window looks out onto just a bottomless pit right i will take a photo of you when i get home i'm not this is there is not every chat thinks i'm lying there is not a word of lie right there is a door here there is a toilet a sink and a [ __ ] shower right there okay the shower the shower drain is in the middle of the room chat this is a weird one this is i don't know here this is a bedroom is that your bedroom no hi i'm back hannah called me what are you guys doing this is the living thank you for the read by the way he's literally in the chat with us right now i don't know if he's listening on that but thank you for the read dude um what the [ __ ] are we listening to the kitchen okay door no door okay remember this okay remember remember here there is a sofa and currently as of now there is also another sofa on top of this sofa why why are you talking like we're in a crime show and you're like giving us the [ __ ] layout of the murder scene oh my table oh it's just the fact that the deeper the house you get into the scale increases which is this is this is the depth of the house right because something i failed to mention to you [Music] now here the most important room of the house the laundry room washing machine around cupboards cupboards vacuum cleaners sometimes in the corner pull out from this [ __ ] down like this dude door this room bedroom right phil i'll give you two guesses what this room is doom shack that is the doom shack now you may be thinking this is fairly normal what you've drawn here wilbur sir is a fairly normal layout of of a floor plan right sorry from maybe the doom chat right are you ready to make the doom check a little more obvious it's very unclear what the doom shack is i think all right thank you slightly offsetting from the wall there is a wall there is a wall and there is a wall right and you're not going to believe me here but door door door this is not a joke this is not a joke this is brick this is what sorry this is carpet and this is this is wood now this door if you go out and around the corner right like this okay there's a little there's a little shack here guess what's in there scott that's you my friend oh that's me my body when the demon kills me and then there's a staircase you're you've been there the whole time scott you've been dead that's the twist who [ __ ] designed this [ __ ] house now there's a door here another one for this door leads to leads to this room right now this room is the best room in the house why because i'm in it okay yeah here's the dreaded bathtub here is the all black bathroom there is a toilet here and a sink right next to it i hate that but it's how it is upstairs with the paintings in the cupboard where you have to duck i haven't done that but yeah i haven't gotten out the paintings there are haunted paintings in this house as tommy has mentioned i have shown in one video anyway here [ __ ] what this is my bed i sleep in this right now you may think this is pretty normal right there is a door here the door leads onto an alleyway the alleyway surrounded both sides like other buildings there is no roads alleyway goes nowhere it is a back and forth alleyway that only connects to my house and guess what at the other end of the alleyway another door wow my computer desk blocks the other door though no one may enter no one may leave so it's like what you're saying is there's already someone in there that can't get out because you're destined right there right there now you may be wondering you may be wondering will the cert what do you do with all this floor space what do you do with all this right right you may be wondering uh several things uh running laying um talking i like to spin uh there is i sometimes i well that's actually where i gathered up the wood lights to hoover them up was in the middle of this floor space the floor space is useful you may be wondering what's hanging from the ceiling will but what have you got hanging from the ceiling fly tape for the flies okay is there also lights are just a fly tape nothing nothing okay i want to describe to you guys the portraits in my ceiling they're on your ceiling they're in your ceiling yes tommy tommy can attest that i'm not making any of this up yeah i know we show we he gave me a house tour a couple weeks right it was horse what does that mean horse horse this is my drawing of a horse right cool wow it's gorgeous can i ask a question sorry well can i ask a question yes do you buy or rent this place you may not ask me any more questions now this horse you may be wondering well why is this horse stood on a curved rod it is not a curved rod you fool it's a rocking horse that's the base of the rock okay it's a painting of a rock yes yes yes yes i will explain it's a rocking horse now i will explain that this painting is is framed in a circle for some reason yeah like this nothing they've wasted the card for this right now seems like a creepy house from like a horror game horror movie on the rocking horse a little girl of course threatened she's not enjoying her time on the horse is that a picture or like a droid it is a painting i think but the issue is it's so lifelike that it could be a photograph from it's it it looks [ __ ] it looks edwardian this picture about the size of your average 1080p monitor oh okay oh no this painting the same deal the same wasted space in a circle right except this time a far far more clarity on the image right straight in the middle a different little girl she is not smiling [Laughter] you may be wondering what why why have they painted the picture of a little girl a small child in a circle and not added anything else here's here's the rub she's holding something i'll give you one guess phil what is she holding what is she holding go on i bet it's it's a knife what's she holding full specifically there's your clue there's your clue she hold it completely large spoons i can't believe it's spinning no i would like to point out so so these pictures in and of themselves i've described them quite creepily but i promise you they're actually pretty pretty normal i'd say i'd say i've every house i've lived in has come with paintings like this so so but the paint the weird part about this creepy part the creepy part about these paintings right is that one they weren't included on the inventory when i when i when i went around to check the house right and number two the worst part the background walls especially in this one in this girl right this background she has something behind her i looked at it for a while i figured it out it's my fireplace from the ground floor these pictures were taken these pictures were taken in my house in like many years ago the background the background of the little girl on the rocking horse there is a window behind her i've i can i know exactly what room she's in with the window like i can tell the wallpaper i can see the way the walls turn it's identical to an actual room in my house right but here's the rub here's the rub again guys oh the second rub dude there's no actual there's no window in that room oh there's no window in the room that that's pictures taken in it probably just got rid of the window a classic window robbery for my safety i'm not going to tell you any more about the house oh my god dude who's going to yours this week it's phil i am i am scott right i'm just trying to think of i'm trying to work in my head how many people i need to replace an ncc is you're murdered um and how many people are you know hopefully hopefully we make it out okay no i'm not confident anymore right i'm not confident double bed why do you think there's already blood on your mattress though oh i'm the blood on the mattress that was me okay oh wow oh i had a i had a spot on my back and i think it must have popped in the night wow that was during a rough time in my life when i was sleeping on a mattress on the floor yeah two months ago see part of me wants to go physically experience this place like in person but like i also told scott going to be there when he visited just so i could see this [ __ ] house like what the [ __ ] is that i mean i'm currently in my office i can't really i can show you my office if you like scott isn't coming i don't think in the office yeah do you want to do that i can give you the key card and you guys can come here they recommended maybe you could sleep in the office right so i'm giving you a tour of the office [Music] heavy in bottles right half eaten half eaten tesco brand meal deal sandwich i love that lovely lovely listen on the table does that come with the honors bananas important very important they're not right yet so i haven't opened them but they are important fantastic tropicana orange juice and they stay at the office hula hoops tricorn hat yeah you have like 20 of a box of about 13 other tricorn hats yes a a neon sign with the electric s on it a neon flan with the letter s on it but alas it requires a battery that i cannot identify and i'm too scared to go and ask so it will remain on there where'd you get the s what the [ __ ] command strip what does the s represent this thing that i found under my desk when i moved in here and don't know what it is oh i know what that is for earbuds it's not these ones oh well yeah you only have one headphone in these ones have a little have a little adjuster thing i did work out they were headphones this one has a little adjuster thing which this doesn't have though so okay there is there's two clocks glasses not having numbers there's no numbers to tell me i'm really not sure if this is six or seven hmm hey will while she did you've got i got him i got a good tweet yeah i'm feeling pretty good i'm feeling pretty pumped up yeah thank god i'm ready twitter will really help i went i went real quiet for a while but i was on i was try harding the twitter you know oh yeah yeah that's really good i want to lose what do you mean blues pretty good right now feeling pretty good what would you lose oh no i don't want to all it is is all it is you know i used to be i used to be very very conscious likes and retweets that tweet is so irresponsible why is it people who go to school are stupid tommy 12 minutes ago i'm right yeah [ __ ] the system dude some kid is gonna see that and he's gonna be like yeah you know what [ __ ] it [Laughter] but i'm trapping out my favorite youtuber told me too [Music] [Music] looking forward to the the trip can't wait to see doom shack and wood lice can you ship me one of those hats no okay can i see it will no why this working shot he's consuming calories now to enter the doom shack told me i think that's what he wants to be eating can't you tell well this is great um [Music] no we're gonna go we're gonna go around and wha i'm gonna i'm gonna go up to loads of women with father and the [Music] no i'm not married though you know i'm still i'm i'm ready i'm gonna go around go where the ladies at we're gonna walk around going hey and they're gonna go hey ladies that'll be that yeah you know what that's that's how i got and i met for the first time and i was like hey ladies and she was like wow he's incredible he's the one yeah he told me i wish i was able to like actually write down this advice and like take it because it doesn't work for me which is sad but it does sound like good advice do it with anyone it's not really gender i mean if i go up to men and say hey ladies it doesn't matter oh yeah depending on how much you like him you go you just you put a word if you don't really like them that much you go a small guy okay oh no yeah [Music] i would go huge to put on an accident but you go hey mr huge and then he'd be like holy [ __ ] he's the one what are you talking about helping scott get a date yeah [ __ ] yeah he's also a master with scott do you want actual advice from the love guru [Music] yeah sure i'm not going to talk about you data all right christ almighty he wins his love on dating shows you really don't want to you you really don't want life advice from him but he just trust me trust me okay just between us yeah all right so all i do is see tell him to and deafen how wait how do we wilbur and duffin how do we go about this you can't hear us in the text chat so what you're saying is if i like them i call them huge and if i don't like them i call them small but could i just not talk to them is that not an option as well no do i have to talk to them yeah no no no no no no no [Music] hey actually when can i get my own austin show i'm gonna oh i mean the love of my life i'll have mine near you but am i allowed to hear wilbur's advice too to kind of like come here just don't take it okay okay well help me with the advice from the love all right here's my scott you don't need advice scott you're a good-looking guy you're really friendly you have a lot to talk about and i've seen you interacting with other men and other people who are like suitors for you and i've seen you have relationships and you've done a really good job with them the issue is we're currently living in a strange time you're in quarantine we're isolated it's really difficult and a lot of us are feeling lonely and like we're in a situation where we're never going to get out of it but it's true and you will get out of it and as soon as isolation's over as soon as quarantine's over and especially as soon as conventions open you can find people with similar interests things will start getting better i promise man the best thing for you right now is to keep hanging on practice your hobbies and keep improving yourself so you're ready that's my boy badass that's my boy chat very important that was more wholesome than i was kind of expecting after the demon house mommy's fighting for it is a little bit easier it requires a lot less effort um but there are very good points i know i've seen them i've seen them yeah don't forget to say hey ladies that's very important no that doesn't work for me remember i'm also trying to remember what men will bracing may romantically talk with there's another option you can go for if you don't want to try my one though it's another wilbur extravaganza of how to get in a relationship invite them to a demon house no no no that's what i do if i want women not to talk to me anymore oh okay so i would take a pen and paper right and why aren't you dabbing them with it tommy no no i don't want it i don't know what direction we got know sorry just trying to just try to help out guys got a couple cake doubles i guess [ __ ] god your day is saved yeah yeah i really i really thought that was a bad one i felt quite bad i saw i felt like three oh yeah oh don't worry don't worry we're all done it was good it was a good one anyway please go on i've got my pen and paper what am i doing no i lost where i was going oh no oh that was it so you get your pen and paper you write down all right so here's what you write here's what you write you're right hello and then whoever you're into you know people are into yeah who what would you write hello and then what like are you meaning a specific name or just men yeah hello you got do you prefer a certain name of i don't know preferably simon and then you go and then you go and then you okay here's what you do so you've got it hello yeah maybe maybe you're david yeah kevin oh you want a cabin a larry oh no you can handle it harry you want to kevin so you ready hello man preferably kevin and then you walk around in public and you get your pen and you go you go can you read this and they go tommy i'm streaming right now yeah are you gonna stay possible you should read something oh okay he's gone if you want to tell you another tale of i can tell you another tale of my horrors if you want that okay so i've got my letter that says hey larry and then or preferably not laddie um yeah yeah yeah okay what's your ideal name i don't know i only know that i don't think i have an ideal name i just know that i don't think i can go out with someone sure no you wouldn't that's just not true no one wants to go out there's someone called college what you got with someone called clementine the only thing i've said i wouldn't is like if i was to date another scot and then we got married and we took the same name it would be very confusing for male because i wouldn't know if it was minerals about what about clementine that sounds like all right so you put preferably clementine and then you're right all right so all right so you write down and then you go around the streets of i guess you'll be in brighton when you go around then down near the beach there all the all the good ones into the beach near the rocks yeah yeah and then and then you and then you get your pen you see and then you just you get your pen and then you start drawing [ __ ] yep i'm just wondering how many clips and then you get it i think i'm going to bump into in brighton i feel like i'm really we're basically just having a chaotic podcast right now i don't know how this happened but we're here now i'm going to decide if he's a big man or a small man all right he's probably going to join the [ __ ] thing people who are big but i wouldn't call him big man all right so for example you'll probably join the voice chat in a second guys what the [ __ ] there he is bundy fundy how tall are you oh whoa that's um i'm 191. exactly so you you take a look at fundy you go medium man but you take a look at sneak how tall are you sick there you go [Applause] six and then gone 66 you go that's a small man and then you go sup small man and then he'll break down wait sex foot is small huge like yeah i'm well big i have achieved verticality don't say that tommy not say it like that the [ __ ] are you talking about well what the [ __ ] what i've achieved verticality i'm too oh wait is fundy also sex three that's what phil's chat is trying [Music] i don't i'm just 191 centimeters is what i know long i'm 5 11. and that everybody you have to keep adjusting your webcam that was a real turbo moment now oh turbo you're a child please don't talk about gender ever i've i've spent so much time on tinder um tommy and that is where i end i really am nothing nothing wrong with that if you ask me oh yeah is everything wrong with that with the [ __ ] part where you have to be an adult to use it i go no no no but they take one look at me and they go oh he's an adult [Laughter] my name on tinder is just a huge man and then i go hello ladies and usually usually stops at that but yeah i was gonna say to messages actively made the conscious decision to swipe right on you well i don't know a lot of my a lot of my tactics don't work very well on tinder oh are you a woman they say yes you say good now get yeah yeah yeah that doesn't matter and then you go hey ladies and she's like it's just me and you go i know she's like wow okay i just i keep saying hey ladies to him over and then they j and then they go why do you keep saying that and i go and then you when you swiftly exit yeah you realize they'll message you back yeah yeah and then i go and then go away and then you keep thumbs-upping your a very own relationship with with all my ex-girlfriends as well as vic star actually me and vic star really yeah yeah i've seen the screenshot yes we know my chat also knows and fundies chat are also going to find out right now tommy's been messaging big star every day for the past five days asking him to follow him back and i guess and guess what and guess what what what does big vic only go and do leaves me on leaves me on red so i go well you just make them quite minecraft yeah but that was his phone on mine oh okay oh i got a big vic i got big vic i need any relationship advice and he goes be more like me and i go oh you're so right uh according to your screenshot he says nothing on the screenshot kinda looks like you got ghosted i wasn't i wasn't going according i just listened if i said it was cool some relationship advice i just that's all i'd need actually when was this last tweet you know if all the ways i thought this relationship was gonna go i didn't think it would go in the direction of me wanting to hear another demon story from wilbur to kind of cleanse this are we not helpful honestly trouble the advice you give i think has been the most helpful i've had tonight oh let's go let's [ __ ] go yeah have you tried grindr i think yeah but you know tommy i might try yours i might combine them and go let me try if you're wearing a big fella and see what happens yeah that's yeah only do you mind if you're wearing armor armor okay but in real life or like and in mine god you're so obsessed oh my god jesus minecraft youtubers cry i mean that is what pays my bills you don't even want to know what pays my bills minecraft no what does that even imply oh my god right jesus okay i'm uh i'm gonna probably head off now um thank you so much will for the think it's the look phil gave when he told me it was no they're saying phil exclamation mark look it's going to work [Music] oh well you're going to feel luck [Laughter] look dude have you poisoned the water hole just [ __ ] look dude i've just i said it once because they were all saying [Laughter] pepe laughs he doesn't know oh oh i see it [Laughter] how the [ __ ] did they catch that so quick jesus christ it's tiny on the screen i can hear you typing another thing all right oh no what do we call this podcast what are the other people in there [Music] you can see oh my just [ __ ] eating people trying to say [ __ ] [Laughter] name a podcast big old comes no it's not old comes it's like giggle big ol comes dude that's so wilbus of you yep bach dude better twitch tv more like worst twitch tv am i right i had somebody asked me like multiple times yesterday why you don't like better twitch tv and i was just like he just doesn't i couldn't explain it he just doesn't like twitch culture right [Music] he's joined with that name but i'm still deaf and so no one can say [Laughter] you know people too yeah surely surely missing out on something i've been missing out on some some likes when i tommy are you the youngest child um oh okay well that kind of makes sense actually my dog was older than me [Laughter] what the [ __ ] does that mean with anything older than me does your dog rank higher in seniority in your family they're like tommy where do you want to go you're like the movies and they're like well sparkles go to the park so i love the idea of christmas around the adult table and the dog's there tommy's at the child's table yeah yeah i actually this isn't very funny are we hitting too is it too accurate something over something i've noticed about about streaming when we just do it whenever i do adjust chatting streams no matter what if we're doing it just chatting stream and the people in it are entertaining all people in chat do is go this is a podcast where can we get a podcast of it it's just like this is what entertaining conversation sounds like chat please it doesn't happen i just like i like the idea that chat is so out of touch with just human conversationalism that they go to like they go to like a [ __ ] dinner party they're hanging out with some people and they're just like this is a podcast oh my god [Music] are we doing it where are you guys it's not a plus just listen to that [ __ ] stream it's like shoving a phone with recording on under people's mouths somebody could literally just form like put all of these conversations into one playlist on youtube and it'd be fine like if you really care like you don't have to make it some sort of like professional like serious thing like we're just talking to each other like how do you make money doing this that's what you don't understand like this you appreciate a conversation with friends you freak no i appreciate a conversation and i know that there's johnny i'll be in the green dollars i'll have my i'll have my my instagram link how can i take club hmm let me siphon this hmm no no no i was only there if it gets like a benefit via clout or followers or no no or if i can give a man advice then i'm not yes that's you're myself i just give all the women advice [Laughter] that was a real good one chat four yeah i think that one will be in the highlights yeah that one will that will be in the yeah i i need i need somebody to make a big ol [ __ ] podcast that's going to be in the heart that's going to be in the i'll i'll get our manager on highlights oh chris is just [ __ ] redeemed three minute add one oh all right let's talk about things that they can only see in the vod now yeah i want to talk i want to talk about how the bar is so low for twitch streamers fashion that i can go on stream wearing a shirt gently tucked in at the front and everyone on twitter will hail me as some kind of god of fashion because i wore it a [ __ ] button-up shirt my shirt is very cute why don't they you should teach the other minecraft youtubers the bar is in hell oh my god that was fine good work sneak once again yeah guys you're missing it you're missing the funnies oh my god that was so funny everybody who's not watching an ad right now anybody anybody who's not watching an ad right now just starts saying they just start laughing just laugh in whatever fashion is funny that way anybody that is watching an ad just has an aneurysm over losing out of nothing oh my god you got ads because they think that like literally like this is like the [ __ ] god of content they're like i cannot believe i'm missing like three minutes of people talking like they always do it's [ __ ] i can't believe it who did we just lose oh thank god no really he was on deafen man he was he wasn't even getting the podcast he wasn't even in the brand he was just there for the client that was all yeah he's he's out of big old comments who saw somebody in chat why don't you like forward yeah i don't like i don't like the word [Laughter] [Music] i can't see everyone everyone everyone spam like like monka tos and like holy [ __ ] tommy everyone act like tommy just like dropped the m-bomb or something everyone just goes crazy let's not have another tommy cancelled on [ __ ] twitter i want to see everyone thinking that like tommy's evil like an evil racist that's yeah and then just keep that up whilst we keep talking for the next hour and then we and then we gotta be dead silent until then [Laughter] contemplation of what tommy just did i can't even [ __ ] tell anymore dude i'm looking but like i don't even know what they look like wait look in looking v6 actually tommy the point of not talking is not talking i'm sorry i'm i've actually never said anything you can't stop dude you can't stop it's not thank you you wouldn't think it is you once said to me tommy you're over yeah he once said and then continue talking because that's not that's not going to end well you once said to me tommy that you are uncomfortable that you you said that you are you cannot be canceled you will never be cancelled it's happening right now just [Music] what did tommy do how to get noticed by streamer pretend you don't know what's going on and type it in chat hey yeah so scott yeah no i'm not a big fan of the words clout or the words fan so is it fan like that yeah yeah no fan i just i find it very demeaning i just think [Music] you're out in public somebody shows up recognizes you and your dad asks you who it was what are you telling a viewer a viewer yeah i'm a viewer i don't know i just fan just feels a bit on my own ass i'm like yeah hey guys me and my fans i can guarantee i can guarantee you i can find so many videos on tommy and calling people fans i think i've done it like once but as you and that's still [ __ ] couple times probably about i mean to be fair i do agree in the fans thing i do tend to see we should join we're just [ __ ] hanging out yeah i don't know i don't know i just feel a bit i don't like going like i don't know hey hey man sue me you know i like that watching the stream phil yeah he can just join this discord he can just take that point he could have just he doesn't want to see himself he doesn't want to be he doesn't want to be on the big old company what do you mean you got something wrong with our with our name taba no no it's just um you know you don't want to be associated with the name big ol comes [Music] right now for the podcast okay so here's here's how we kick the podcast off right tommy we need to fall out with each other and it goes on like reddit all right so say something i won't agree with you lsf dude near you is bad it needs to be stronger than that i'm joking i'm joking but give me something else wow okay keep me saying that i will i will want to beat the [ __ ] out of your with you on politics in a video game what politics do you disagree with me on well done there's so many things like oh [ __ ] what's up no i don't i don't wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna get put out of context on the clips channels you don't understand is that not the entire point of this power scheme give me another one what do you think livestream fails is stuff with contacts um i hate j schlatter that's terrible my goodness awful why give me a different one come on you gotta keep you gotta find something you can find something better than this all it took is me asking why is that awful and then my favorite thing is struggling right now where's chatter just giving him tons of examples yeah no i don't wanna i don't listen listen scott i don't wanna really cancel myself oh i wanna give me one tommy come on like that watch that i think the show breaking bad is not good [Music] you monster no we need to do a more mainstream no reddit or breaking bad is normie so reddit won't care they'll be like that's fair yeah right i agree we need to appeal oh you should you should see you should see it you should see it somebody else said it you should say the wire is not a good show yeah no they know they'd also they'd also agree with that no the wire is old enough it aged like a fine wine so people use it people talk about how good the wire is wait till we say that again wait yeah let's get this for the podcast let's be formal all right everyone quiet because we're gonna need to play music what is [Music] it's my favorite show anna made this show miranda i'm going to cry this is funny wait should definitely be in here now it was pretty funny why are they they're being mean to me like that's actually actually like i was doing the i don't think the thing is sneaking phil i understand i understand that like the low hanging fruit is to go hahaha it was funny but like the joke and what me and tommy were doing there is that we weren't we were trying to imitate the comedy of of of being loud it was funny you know we weren't we weren't embracing it we were ridiculing if you don't understand the joke let me explain it real quick for you again i cannot believe you were being satisfied that's unbelievable because he was he was being serious and it was satire i i cannot imagine that you've ever fading away right now i feel really you're really cross dissolving into a frown yeah you wanna you wanna apply some transitions onto that face again my [ __ ] face hurts from smiling so much oh you're gonna get it yeah yeah get us a clip big man oh jesus christ here it comes all right here we go oh this is for the clips channel did you just dial the slap [Laughter] you all right hey guys what's going on hi man what are you drinking i heard you guys talking about uh uh being loud yeah yeah and funny at the same time yeah that's my forte slat do you wanna have a loud off i'm gonna beat you wilbur and and what oh i'm gonna loud oh you're gonna beat me generally now this is funny man the big old console is really expanding here yeah do you want to make a minecraft butt stream with me you said but yeah you said yeah why do you like this chat why are they like this i think how uh i don't know phil where's the funny me so you're on it's your stream man um chat where's the funny me needs to be louder solid five six what was five five three so it's a three zero eight it was empty it was at least the one get out of at least okay what about um do the new thing slide do the new thing uh what do you what new thing forgotten already i've been doing that for [ __ ] decades wilbur that's the new thing that's the new thing what does that even mean it's the new thing i can't wait to make it you can't just tell me to [ __ ] start beeping in the in the middle of a public discord client but you may be not that kind of person what do you mean you know oh [Music] [Music] i'm not doing it i'm not gonna do it i think what do you mean why would you not look how did you do it like i feel like you're just doing it out of spite now like there's no reason for you not you just don't want to admit tommy you your card got declined on on this month's patreon payment [Laughter] uh oh you're only 10 this month [Music] there we go no no no i cancelled that long ago wait i think i actually have a funny mic on this computer can i try it i have the funny mic oh he tells the sigh of god no no it's only funny when i do it exactly you can't have two people is this what can you hear me scream is it see guys it's just that's just not funny no it's just not funny it was a little funny hey guys yeah i'm also following wilbur because she i just follow will yeah that's all i really do hey so schleich thanks for being the first feature on the big old comes podcast uh we have we have a little we have a little thing we do like we have a little big old [ __ ] podcast in the big cameo yeah a little bit so we we have this we have a little um we have a little tradition every time we get a feature on uh so basically basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna give you uh it's called desert island discs right okay it's really fun it's a good idea so basically what we do is we're going to play your head song no that's we'll make sure what we're going to do right is we're going to ask you right if you're on a desert island what three video games would you take with you it's it's really fun we do it with every guest we have so yeah it's like des island video game discs you know it's it's like a little spin on the classic so we're gonna so i'm gonna do we're gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna pitch it to you right ready before you do that is [ __ ] tubbo in this call because i haven't heard him speak yeah i'm here it's like a [ __ ] time be quiet and proud speak up son sorry this is my first time yeah i was nervous the first time i was around some big ol [ __ ] [Laughter] [Applause] hey yeah if you were on a desert island for one year and you could only bring three video games with you what three video games would you choose um [Music] [Applause] clash royale would be the first one i can't stop playing that i got a clan uh [Music] it's called h3h3 productions on uh on clash royale so the game came out in 2016 warburg and when in 2016 i was a big h3h3 productions fan yeah yeah i know i i think i also play clash royale in 2016. yeah yeah the difference between me and you wilbur is that i i have the willpower to continue playing flash right now for four years [Music] oh one person just came online what's he gonna send in the chat oh he sent the he's wow [Music] yeah it's that's the first game i'd take okay the second game i take would be uh probably skate three uh-huh solid because and i jump off the main clock building and slam my head into the pavement yeah over and over again yeah i like it favorite yeah um and then i'd probably take some kind of mario kart game cool uh yeah well it's been great having you on the big ol [ __ ] podcast slot how would you rate it [Laughter] no no we don't do that anymore what did he say to me i'm done old smok podcast rebranded yeah what is smoke that just sounds like come backwards it does oh wait it is oh my gosh all right well thank you very thank you for watching [Music] i just i just had a joint feeling ashamed you had a trouble i had a turbo moment where i i didn't immediately work out that smoke just comes backwards oh transportation industry posting huge gains today i made several thousand dollars off my investments can we clap that up yeah thank you it's great why because it sounds like a name i would give a donkey schmuck what i don't know anymore or maybe a big fish [ __ ] to a donkey and okay yeah all right i'm not even gonna end this kid are we in the [ __ ] biblical times tubbo [Laughter] is this the old goddamn testament right about now are you gonna you're gonna ride you might need to go to general 2 for a while oh no that's that's where the comes podcast happens oh you don't you don't want to go there i'm rebranding the [ __ ] podcast in general too what to this the discomfort like podcast featuring hell yeah [ __ ] christ there he goes yeah here we go stay there for a while thank you nikki for the red oh just hello nicki thank you for the red nikki nikki welcome to the big old smoke podcast you're our second guest of the week so we have this little thing going on where basically it's called desert island discs uh we're gonna ask you uh what your three favorite video games uh would be if you were okay so if you got abandoned on desert island you can only bring three video games with you which ones you'd bring okay so uh take it away um the last of us definitely why because it's my favorite video game i play i playing at the ninth time currently it's got zombies in it yeah that'd scare you um they do but they're cool i can kill them oh okay i like it what's the second one uh the sims what's that what sims though uh can i choose uh can i choose the sims 3 without bugs yes you can pack this through without bugs let me take that one then um and i don't know um what else are cooking welcome back turbo i know i've been talking run could i could i say and then still play with you guys no no no no internet in fact in fact schlatt you would be playing you'd just be sitting on the main menu screen of clash royale pressing the emote button just refreshing it no there's no internet on the desert island what are you doing that's the emote button baby it's the best part of the game am i right clashes yeah so what's your third game yeah keep minecraft please don't yeah what's your third game neochu she said minecraft tommy jesus christ listen to our guest jesus i'm sorry you should be apologizing all right well thank you for coming on the big old smoke podcast uh nikki no no no no it's like but you but you don't have to go anywhere but you can you know you you're not the guest anymore that's but that's the thing like two or three hours oh yeah you're going to the netherlands are you gonna go meet fundy uh i'll meet some tomorrow i'm gonna go because tommy you know why she's going to the netherlands yeah yeah you're going to go how much funding no it's not to see is to come here to be asked it's it because of yeah microphone what uh nikki he asks are you dating funding oh no oh my god this has been a very chaotic um it's honestly 60 minutes i've been streaming for two hours and 10 minutes and just chatting yeah you would say that was this your longest non-minecraft stream in a while probably yes yep yep i'm not even doing anything i'm just [ __ ] i'm my cheeks hurt from laughing so much [ __ ] hell oh the experience of the big old smoke [Laughter] this call is forever going to be called big old smoke now right now yeah yeah it looks top left it's where we do our talk shows can you go in the events category please phil can you go in the podcast category might as well shouldn't though is there a podcast category i think we're gonna make one yeah talk shows and podcasts yeah go in there oh yeah should we just go in that for now and see what happens let's keep talking hit me with a scenario a scenario you're walking down the street you're walking down the street in two days time in brighton you see we go in webcam mode huh you see fundy he shouts over to you tommy tommy in it it's me fundy live what do you do i go hey fun really you want to know what i do i go i wouldn't run i'd stand him strong i'd have my pen and paper by my side and i go hey fundy you were streaming aren't you you're live right now aren't you yeah yeah you're live actually oh my god i like how i just look below you and will is just blank staring yeah i can i can i can be fun up front on if you'd like phil that if i'd appease you yeah i'm not the host i'm i'm sat in the middle i'm sat in the middle of everyone in the in the webcam thing but i'm not the whole i'm not there i will i'll just stare at you like the direction your character is i will will go put your hand like that over your head so it looks like it's my hand in your web that'd be funny i think it's not that flexible it's really not that important he [Music] oh that's cool holy [ __ ] oh you're playing with us here yeah that's actually really cool you already made that how about this one [ __ ] it looks completely wrong on my engine it looks like you just hold it you're just doing it wait yeah if i did this yeah [Laughter] just wanted to say that i found my wife in chat where are you wait is that one of the hats are we inside one of walmart's hats i think we're in the hat i'm mysterious now now i'm a right-wing uh podcaster on youtube are you hiding your face they have like weird angles and they have like a thing and they go like it's right wing the red one or the blue one hell there's a spider cleaning up my wall i don't know what to do help help help scott you get you you you get a magazine slap it dude i believe in you i'm trying to think about it film it film it for everyone uber for tomorrow dude i just realized i need to get to newcastle train station tomorrow you know i'm going to um technically today tommy are you actually coming to visit will too yeah you want to see the spider or will i just get rid of the spider will what like oh kristen see in that booth didn't it right okay we're good yeah no i'm gonna i'm gonna show up and i'm gonna go hey hey guys let's why are you taking so long you're not even going across the country what's wrong with you it's just around the corner right can i knock on your door no you don't know where i live i do actually no dear except he doesn't live with me he literally showed me the doom [ __ ] shack no i'm saying that as of right now he breached my trust by telling you where i lived oh poor people right now okay i honestly don't know what i missed i was getting rid of a spider that just came back to whatever that conversation just was stopped i'll show you my vlog gun i'm excited to see your vlog gun i actually am is it like a nerf gun or is it a real one well it's not a real gun i don't know how much clearer i can be it's a gun i also don't know the thing is tommy's going to be taller than me i don't know how i'm going to feel about it yeah i'm huge didn't come back i'd run fun fact tommy was that an event i was out and didn't come to my meet and greet so oh i think i was there yeah you were me and two were there and we were there we're right across the path i mean terrible terrible tommy is that the same uh event that you went to you sent me a picture of you like doing this hover hand hey you sent me a picture of you like really young and you're doing like a hopper hand around a booth girl no no no no horrible i didn't do a hover hand i'll tell you that much oh wait no wait no no wait no it was no it was my worst photo it was uh um it was an egx and there was a streamer she was the host for the ninja doctor disrespect and shroud and i said do you know shroud and she went yeah and i went that's so cool that was that was it and then everybody clapped it was it's my worst photo ever it's very funny though um oh [ __ ] hell no wait will's live do i oh yeah no you don't want to watch that the thing is when you actually click on it you can't see anything yeah there's nothing to watch hey will pull it together wait there we go you popped the bottles very loud manifold we could oh we could though i mean this is all good but it ain't but it ain't not jack manafort [Music] [Music] that's so [ __ ] loud dude it really i can't is see anything it's so [ __ ] scuffed yeah it just sort of jumps to like through standstill images with the music playing the background just looking at fish but what are the things that you is the teardrop equal part oh we don't know i'll never know i've not touched candy crush in [ __ ] so long i have no idea what to play like how it plays anymore i just remember it becoming like pay to win pretty much near the end because the the levels become borderline impossible have to [ __ ] buy the stupid candies that blew everything up i got [ __ ] salty and rage quit like oh you're such a boomer even when candy crushes at like the height of its popularity it's still only saying my parents played [Laughter] all right let's see what the first was about and then instantly after getting to you know leveling oh you sound like my mum i don't know what the fuss was all about well do you consider yourself a zoomer a millennial or a zeleno what i i hate i hate all of them i hate millennials i hate zoomers i hate boomers in fact i hate gen x's they're all just they all think they're funny but they're not funny what about dumas who is funny what none of them look so i'll go through to boomers boomers think that facebook and and and haha liberal is funny uh gen x's gen x's are the ones that think that like late night talk shows and and and stuff are funny and then millennials are the ones that go what's your hogwarts house and and like you know and and talk about and they named their cat something like hermione or something you know and then you've got jen and then you've got zoomers zoomers are the ones that think that think like i don't know like a data moshed like ear rape video of a guy like like spinning around in circles screaming is funny yeah i don't realize the other all of them suck in every way i hate all of them a lot you find funny i double i don't think i find anything funny anymore i i used to i remember the first time i did my laugh you lose i was like i was really worried because i was like oh god i laugh at everything and i did and i laughed really quickly on my first show if you lose and now i'm on you laugh you lose number 17 and i just sit there for a whole two hours just staring blankly at my monitor that's so sad nothing works anymore nothing and i've learned the senses of humor of so many it's just they're just bad i hate it all yeah i was i was introduced to the cone name yesterday and it's just um it's just live stream yeah if you ever start a sentence off with i was introduced to the blank meme it's going to be not funny i can tell you now what about glue on roach that made me laugh with glue on roach it was very funny it's just a guy squirting glue on a roach and screaming glue on roach and it was funny you've proven well bruce point oh no you've lunch with us prisoner oh no i i i'm trying to load google earth up but it's not working i want to share my google earth stream okay hold on yourself oh he's gone oh facebook can you hear my mario yeah think yeah i got bored so now i'm on mario you know what video kevin i recommend you the other day tommy and i actually watched it it was one of yours do you want to guess what one of yours was watching streamers with zero viewers no that is a good video it was the one where you packed away your computer into your wardrobe and then called people and then unpacked your computer from your wardrobe i wasn't a big fan of that one look at that look at that right look at this okay should we play that game that i like geoguesser it's the good one kind of like to your guesser so what you gotta do is you guys gotta name something and i've gotta zoom into it in one go without stopping without any of the borders or anything on i've turned off borders and place names i'll give you an easy one to start with stockholm looks like what the hell is it's like it's like up here in it i don't actually know where it is is it this one i think it's this one it's one of the the stupid countries when we find out i was right is it this one one of the stupid countries where the [ __ ] is stockholm oh was down there yes oh i didn't know that i've never been to sweden stockholm was a great saying like what about madagascar it's right there chat welcome to moose welcome to levatican it is where is it where is it for norwegian wait i've zoomed in at the wrong [ __ ] point hold on wait where the [ __ ] is this right this is right nowadays here you go there's the vatican whoa is oh i thought the vatican was that big roundabout no well yeah no this is the vatican oh wait so it is the roundabout it's not there's you can't get cars yeah it's just a plaza what the [ __ ] is in there what the [ __ ] is trouble thinking about now though no no that huge roundabout i think it's in france where the cars go different ways round down it's like some kind of stuff right give me another one give me another one um sorry the hilly coast swahili coast yeah i've never even heard of that oh this swahili i i don't know i don't know i think i assume it's a coast yeah i would i would also but there's quite a few people like weird places for geoguess or something down there i did of course you know chat give uh give will it a place to go and just pick one for my chat [Laughter] the dead sea yeah it's like this one in it was that the red sea it's either this one or this one you said one zoom i'm worried about podcasting i'm worried the members of the talk show and podcast chat i picked one i picked one i picked one i picked one the [ __ ] is the dead sea i picked one i'll uh uh go to cardiff in one oh i've been i've added no zooming out oh which one swansea which one's cardiff you welsh [ __ ] where am i going one of them swansea one of them's cardiff and i i'm gonna go this one's kind of i think it's the one on the bottom so is swansea no this is [Laughter] it's like this one in it oh god it's one of those is this one it's this one in it that's glasgow i'm not i actually don't want to play this game phil phil can you tell chat about how good i am at this game usually chat he's so good usually uh he's the best he's so good at geo guessing and things like google earth he got he bought google he said the scary man's gone let's go can i turn on my camera yeah all right i'm genuinely scared of where he's gonna be is it working twice that's my security camera uh the pulp is that's it hold on i gotta i don't have the lights on it's just darkness for me it's just a void i set up a security camera to look at the pope stereoscopic 3d images i just make sure he's not doing anything well if you look one time in this move cause i'll tell you i'll tell you something that that pope francis he's you got to make sure he's not doing anything what happens if he does do something like what do you do in that situation he will do something this is [ __ ] cursed hey it really is wait do you have two or they like they're just powerful it's the pork in this twin trouble really yeah you never know it's just the refrigerator you're scared i never type in a chain of numbers on a keyboard and hit enter before anything bad happens the magnets dude what is it okay this is disturbing eight uh 15 16 21 42. it's been so long since i've watched that show i can't [ __ ] remember enter at your own peril hello 23. phil i'm just saying if this makes you unnervous like unnerving you've got a horrible week ahead of you just so you're aware everything both on an image is what's you like the first creepy girls in the face it was the flashing dude it was it was the [ __ ] flashing on and on wait i mean that's not gonna be happening there's lots of flashing going on at mine yeah what he said what he said you heard me don't make a joke here or else they'll kick us from the discord wait why we're just not old not old enough five nights at francis there you go chat there's a free one what the [ __ ] oh he's oh he's no longer red oh oh how did you change oh wait are you doing that through your vr camera it looks like you're doing that it's my security camera you can look at the pope in vr i mean i wouldn't put the passes probably out there that's where i look at him i love that i love that taboo sees a light change color and goes that's what that's the question not about why does he have a cardboard cutout off the port but how you does not seem like a particularly weird thing to have if you're very religious would you change it to blue trouble like impressed i'm personally not religious so the cardboard cut out isn't for me but listen to me you listen to me i don't i don't have this because i'm religious oh then why because i got to keep an eye on him what do you think is why do you think i i got two cameras trained on two eyes you don't know what this guy's gonna do what is the hammer there in case he steps out of line yeah i got the hammer hold on i gotta go over there i keep the hammer a little closer to me but i mean it's still still here you know okay so you can hit him he'll know you give them a little one of those uh-huh yep hell now you know this is this doesn't even seem out of like it doesn't feel weird anymore and i'm not sure like i'm not sure if that says something like if i just become numb to it like that this is no standard i got a gun in the room too shoot the pogo do not shoot [Music] oh let's talk more about vic star whilst we're here what's your favorite aspect of him vic star four what is he getting the gun because that's what it sounds like he's getting the gun i don't want him to get the gun i'm not gonna show i listen i understand guns scare you europeans i'm not gonna show it thank you that'd be the last thing you ever see what'd you say [Laughter] it wasn't the pope pagan a pen a painting why did he go pagan not even kidding it definitely wasn't the pope we were watching them because that was completely unplanned i didn't like plan for that painting to fall but it it did that was the banging it's just what he does he could have said a prayer he may have yeah he could have saved you then but he chose not to and that's what's important [Laughter] he's such a he's such an anglican here we go [ __ ] anglican yeah yeah king of england [ __ ] breaks away from the best church on the planet just so so he can divorce his wife get lost get lost this is what i'm gonna keep an eye on this [ __ ] guy in the back because he's still upset i'm editing right now i think the pope cares about that the pope doesn't wait for nobody [Laughter] that's why i got to keep an eye on him now i just realized i can like kind of match you whenever he's in the mood for it that's when he snaps on you oh with this background i see it yeah so you're trying to match the color well another and these oh yeah my nigga's got hearts on gay i mean there's no other way to describe it i'm not wrong i like the pause though you're like you're gonna say mine are rainbows [Laughter] you've got another cardboard what yeah i got more cardboard [Music] did come with another piece of cardboard i'll show that to you now i'm taking off my headphones so i can no longer answer questions about it but okay awesome i'm excited it came with this whoa is that kept frozen in the battles of dingo studios i'm trying to figure out if the extra head is so that you can cosplay as the pope or in case the pope's head gets damaged and you can you don't want to cosplay as the sp as the pope's major well i mean he's got the head well you don't want it you don't cosplay it you just that's not a thing oh my god is his boss i got called by my psychology teacher while i was streaming today that was very embarrassing i've watched they're not real teachers they just go ahead and send the assignments to and then they play eight ball i mean even my uni lecturers didn't call me i mean men were really bad at just communication in general so that might have been why you didn't go to a good enough uni then oh i mean it was free in scotland so yeah it's there is a level of not greatness because it's free no he's not moved yet he's he hasn't moved no no you're good are you waiting him for him like to move i hope to god he doesn't move what happens why i keep an eye on him that's why i set up the security camera i mean if he moves when you're sleeping i got a link to my phone i get it i get an alert whenever uh [Music] or for the pope that's what i say before i do any act i've also you know how pirates uh you know how pirates sleep with one eye one eye open i've begun doing that distressing yeah just out of the blue just in case i'm gonna be honest i'm not very comfortable watching this poop that sounds like something you would say my favorite thing is you're watching him all the time like i know how do you think i feel [Music] there's only four of us with cameras on it's just me jumping very confused and then just two clips that's all that says i know i gotta keep an eye on this guy phil don't play ballerina yeah sure this is weird dude we've been invited i'm watching the pope at half past 12 at midnight is he movin [Laughter] what did you do what was the point what was the action that's where i got a gun phil tell me when you're ready you know hold on i'm gonna move my security camera for a second hey boys hey hey smokers that's what we call the podcast viewers hey smuckers how's it going smuckers your boy wilbur's on his way out he's got a date with the valerian uh hope you guys enjoyed you enjoyed the podcast um yeah we're still here uh we're still here big man big smokers in the house let me know if you can see this [Music] they start stabbing [ __ ] let me know if you can see this oh okay okay that's uh is that why you have to watch him yeah all i know is i get the award and this is what i come back to is your desk made out of like reinforced cardboard it looks like it's definitely cardboard yeah you choose not to dude how do you think i type in the numbers oh okay yeah that makes sense kind of was so did the port bake the hole or did you did you make the whole one you take the numbers and wrong oh he's turning on this is getting too dank dude this is getting a shot is happening you smoked the devil's legs well there's definitely a keyboard underneath i need to put this camera back on the pope you did it you might have ran oh my god the pope is gone the pogba's gone i think he moved a little bit before i have to go right well i've got to go there's a new i've got to go watch this vlog i'm going to go play valorance i think um yeah there's a vlog there's an unwatched vlog in my recommended and you're going to read me here he moved apparently my chats here he said he moved all right i'm out so it's been good smokers they go they go bye tommy smoke and i go bye [Music] he moved that's all my chat's telling me he moved hey phil oh my god [Music] you'll be okay god speechless you're strong you've got boxes of keyboards i want jesus that's okay you've got boxes of keyboards to throw at him okay it's fine the old disconnect button there i go [Music] [Laughter] okay well schlatt's having a bit of a moment it seems um hope he manages to kill the pope you know i mean wish him luck chat wish him luck uh i will see you all friday i'm gonna go visit will down in brighton before that i will play a couple of games of valorant with uh my boy will greedy thank you everybody that's that's something and donated through bits of me i i literally was [ __ ] crying at one point my fears hurts from smiling so much oh god and yeah i'm just going to go chill out with will and the boys and uh play some ballerina before heading off later today early in the morning i'll catch you later okay that was a weird turn i did not expect to start doing a podcast what the [ __ ] happened a lot of the trip what the actual [ __ ] happened for real um i don't even know if i can vlog but i have a camera i might be able to take with me maybe i don't know yeah thanks again um let's see if we can raid someone i guess is anybody still even [ __ ] streaming everyone's got the bed like bruh if we can i can even hit it everyone's going to bed i could send you to uh topple apple's doing some mcc practice if you guys want to watch some minecraft god that was such a strange stream [Music] i rated conor the other day so we'll read topple uh let's see boop right apple perfect excellent yeah thanks for thanks for stopping by that was really strange chat i'll be honest i it was a lot of fun but i did not expect the length to go the way it did um i'll see you friday i don't know what the [ __ ] it's gonna be but like keep up to date on my twitter and instagram all that [ __ ] i'll post random things of just uh scooping about i guess um yeah now try and vlog it i guess i'm not much of a vlogger though anyway catch you guys bye [Music] day [Music] you
Channel: piszisky
Views: 660,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philza, ph1lza, minecraft, podcast, pogcast, pogcasts, tommy, tommyinnit, wilbur, wilbursoot, soot, schlatt, jschlatt, sneegsnag, sneeg, smajor, nihachu, niki, nikki, tubbo, tubbo_, talk show, show, talk, talking, pope, stream, vod, livestream, chill, chilling, technoblade, live, archive, full, wholesome
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 1sec (10141 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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