100 Hours In Minecraft Hardcore: Episode 1

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i'm going to try and survive 100 hours in hardcore minecraft we all know what a hardcore world is it's your everyday minecraft world but if you die you have to spectate the world you get one chance and that's it so i set up a little timer in the corner that tells us how long we've been in this hardcore world and in this series we're going to invite some friends on so that they can help me do some of the more challenging tasks as most of you already know i die a fair amount in minecraft so this challenge is going to be extremely difficult and 100 hours is a very very long time if you transfer the hundred hours into minecraft days it's about 600. but i thought in between hermitcraft series this would be a fun challenge and there's every chance that i don't actually make it so this isn't going to be a one-off one-episode thing 100 hours for one episode is quite literally insane but i don't know how many there's going to be but we're going to is that a lush lush cave so this is also my first time in 1.18 i have avoided most of the snapshots in absolutely months but i do know most of the features so let's get ourselves started and sorted and get this 118 100 hours underway so this timer in the right hand corner is going to give you a really good indication of how much time has passed between clips and everything else and it keeps me absolutely accountable for every second spent in this hardcore world now what i would like to do in this hardcore world is not just survive but thrive i would like to achieve almost everything that there is to do in minecraft i want to get an elytra i want to defeat the dragon it's not just about surviving it's also about challenging myself one of the first things that i would really like to do is explore a bit of 1.18 i've come into this world with absolutely zero of a plan there's i couldn't have had have less of a plan 100 hours is a really long time i mean if i spend 100 hours exercising instead of 100 hours on minecraft can you imagine how how buff i'd be that'd be pretty buff having said that out loud perhaps i should be spending 100 hours exercising instead of 100 hours on minecraft actually you know this timer in the right hand corner i don't know how helpful this is because it's made me realize this cutting down a single tree took like five minutes take a look at that we could not have got much better of a spawn location there's a lovely waterfall over there so i think this area over here might be a really good place there's like a nice ledge that i could create a house i don't even know what house i'm going to create but i'm going to create something i've got to have something to show for my 100 hours in this game but first i definitely want to go on a little bit of an explore around see what there is and then we can decide where we want to settle down something we need for sure is a shield this is gonna save us quite a lot i have a feeling let's go on a little bit of an explore and see what 118 has to offer ah ender pearls this is probably a mistake right messing with enderman my time on last life has served me well give me an end up oh hey i feel like i need a 1.18 wow compilation wow wow wow oh okay careful careful you can't do that in you can't do that sort of mistake in this anymore so while i've been caving i have been thinking thinking about how i'm going to tackle this challenge and how much i really need to prepare and i have come to the unfortunate conclusion that i am going to need enchantments and i am probably going to need villagers i everyone knows that villagers are one of the most broken op things in minecraft but at the same time there's such an awfully long time investment you've really got to put the hours in and we have 100 hours but that i don't want to spend most of that messing around with getting villagers sorted so i think maybe we can get like the bare minimum villagers set up one of the big changes in 118 which i've already encountered is that there are very few mobs in this cave right now and that's because there's light and at the moment mobs will only whoa wow [Laughter] didn't expect that so there are mobs here and they only spawn at light level zero but because i'm in a lush cave and there's all these like ambient lights it's been pretty peaceful we've got ourselves some gear we are ready to go i'm gonna dive as deep into this cave as possible i'm feeling pretty confident in fact we could dive down here is this is this a bad idea oh whoa i know what you're famous for ending hardcore worlds oh my diamonds our first batch of diamonds and it's a doozy more time more diamonds i am loving these caves that was less exciting than i hoped it was just single diamonds we're currently at -17 so we're below zero in a normal minecraft world this would be in the void time to get out of here i am definitely done caving my inventory is full i've got mostly useful stuff and i've spent a good half an hour down in the caves and i want to point out that i survived no we survive and we thrive okay well now it's time to start my hardcore chest monster there we go it has begun this is the only storage system i know oh my goodness can i make one i can make a spyglass yeah optifine zoom plus we just ticked over the one hour mark on the 100 hours in minecraft hardcore mode now here's the thing that's one percent one percent of the entire series is done now i don't know how much we're gonna get done per episode but i definitely need to start making some progress because for one hour's worth of work this isn't that much so we've got to get to work and i think the best way to do that instead of just clearing this stuff in first person is actually get into a quick time lapse and take all of this stuff down super quick clear the area and start preparing for a proper build [Music] yeah this is what happens when you don't have a plan in this game so i don't know what i'm doing here i know that my starter house is going to go in this area here and i've started a way down to the mines but i've stopped because i don't think i can live here genuinely i don't think this is a very safe spot you see these this is just the tip of the trident because for some reason and i'm not sure why there are so many drowns spawning in this area and i've never seen so many tridents flying in my life just to give you some indication i mean there's not many now i wish i was recording when i was fighting them but look i've got three tridents just from battling around here and i almost died twice oh nautilus shell there's another i hear it you hear that that's what i've been putting up with let's see if we get another trident oh my goodness another trident this is unbelievable what do i i don't even need this many tridents i need to know where these guys are coming from uh my point is at the moment that they are spawning so frequently that it's starting to put me off where i've settled i can't believe i spent hour three mostly fighting off tridents this pool is dangerous but as you can see we've got a whole bunch of farms going on we've got some we've got sugarcane and we've got the wheat going on all of this of course is to get ourselves up to the point where we can start enchanting things okay let's quickly get this finished in a second time lapse and have all of our farms ready [Music] oh boy took a while but all the wheat's growing this is essential of course for our cow farm so now i need to do the thing where i go and explore and find the cows and the sheep and whatnot why have i done this i'm gonna get 98 hours in ow and i'm gonna die oh maybe i shouldn't have left at night either 100 hours we can do this four and a half percent of the way there no problem at all quick eat the soup good soup so what we definitely want are some animals to bring back although the further i get away the less enticing that sounds and we want at least one of every sapling sheep and pigs the really long method you're going to get a real insight into how tedious some of this stuff can be in minecraft please please don't die falling down the mountain and we can start the process hey i've got to admit seeing the moon so small is a little bit strange right we've got chickens we've got sheep time to get all the other minecrafty stuff together i spy a village whoa whoa i didn't know chains naturally spawned now another village and cows now i'm far too far away from my base now i'm like i'm about 800 blocks so there's no way i'm bringing all these cows back but i will i will harvest them you know if i was smart i would have not bothered starting with farms over there i could just live here but i am not smart and i am five hours in can i make it oh dark oak okay this is why we don't get tunnel vision because that would have been the end of our series right there oh my what have we found here nowt but a quaint little home that fits perfectly in this game the villagers are living in a tiny tiny house meanwhile the other half this is how they live okay this is an opportunity we kind of can't pass up but we are definitely going to be needing some dark oak saplings ah i forgot about the dangers oh yep you can see me okay play this safe not entirely sure if this is worth the risk on my 100 hours in hardcore severely under geared i can hear more of them and if they produce some vexes i am definitely done well we can always deal with them like this hello yeah that's a party i don't really want to be part of okay casual spider spawner in there not a problem um i'll be honest that looks a lot like me in cobblestone you know what i'll just take some bookshelves and i'll call it a day here we can always come back i don't know that there's anything super valuable in these that's worth sticking around and risking our hundred hours we're only five and a half hours in this is a little in between seasons challenge to see if i can do it if i mess up halfway through no there's no do-overs that's it there are no do-overs that was almost the end of the series right there oh no nowhere is safe oh my heart's going a million miles an hour i think we've got more than enough the only thing i think we've failed to acquire is acacia which i'll be honest i could probably live with for a little live without for a little while i'll take a different route home and if i happen to come across it then so be it there's a there's a there's a few more dangers than i remember in minecraft these days quite a few more just uh death holes okay we have 20 obsidian that's more than enough for an enchanting table and a nether portal we are flying not yet we need an elytra for that and that is on the list the elytra is one of the big things that i am going to need help for we're from one of my guests hopefully if there's anything too dangerous like that that mark my words one of these is probably gonna be how i die i've been so careless and i keep thinking i can do jumps that i can't feather falling feather falling's top of my bucket list for this hardcore series it's gonna save me a lot but yeah i basically want to try and do everything that there is to do in minecraft i don't know about doing every single achievement but you know building a big base more than just a starter base which we're doing now but a proper big base and getting the elytra killing the dragon killing the wither and we're definitely gonna need some help with all that but this is still gonna be hardcore even if my friends come on my guess come on if they die they're banned from the server as well oh wow that's another one that's another one for the wow 1.18 collection wow okay there's definitely some different terrain okay our base should be so oh it's just here finally we are back okay time to unload a lot of this stuff and it looks like hang on oh my i finished i i know that i finished planting all of this stuff must have been like mob yeah mobs mobs jumping this this is all unloaded and there's a torch okay mobs can't interact with torches that's a little strange uh thanks for the wheat a ghost it's just me on the server clearly this was written by someone this this is this is the last live server just repurposed for the hardcore series but i didn't see anyone come on the server and do anything i i did let my friends know that i was making this series and i did tell them that i was looking for some guests so who's done this which one which one of you has done this okay well they didn't steal anything for now the farm can just be anywhere around here it's a bit overwhelming when you start a new world because there is a lot to do paper oh okay i need two diamonds and then i can get myself an enchanting table i have no idea what i'm gonna put here for a base but at least i know my my starter house will end up here so that's that's something we're just about to hit the eight hours mark and i have been busy lighting up this cave and i now realize quite how dangerous these are and i'm very glad that they made changes to the way that mob spawn as you can see it's pretty darn dangerous over there and there's a lot there's a lot of opportunities to die here so what i've been doing is running in placing a few torches and then running away like a wimp what i have been finding massively is that coal is diamonds no coal is yellow wait cole is diamonds hold on let me finish that thought there's more diamonds ah okay this is i can always come back for the diamonds later they're not important right now what's important there's a straight up wall going on what's important now is i show you what oh wow it's what's important right now is that i show you what i've done with the last two hours of my life we've got ourselves a lovely very high quality staircase all the way to the top and i have got myself some farms going i've got myself some bone meal and i've got myself i've replanted all of the crops i've got two lots of zombie villagers whoa i'm gonna pick these up joel he's gone joel's been messing with my stuff these just bounced off me as joel i knew i should have turned the waitlist that's what are you doing why is everyone invading my server this is why you shouldn't tell your friends where did he go oh what is he doing what are they doing like this is this is why you don't tell your friends what you're doing that joe everyone's here why can't i see anyone log in there's no login messages what what's going okay jolt just logged out i'm gonna have to message them i've reused this server from last life so like the white list is still on and i yeah well i told them about it because i was gonna ask guests to come on i guess they've just decided that they want to be on here too i've got invaders invaders in my world i knew i should have started a real single player world unbelievable what is he up to i don't like the fact that he's got tnt either we were supposed to have welcome guests here ones that i get to talk to i wonder if they have a timer as well did he steal anything housewarming present from scar oh you didn't scar coal i need to go so badly yes yes you have no idea how much i need coal i've messaged them and i'm getting some pretty stoney silence from them so uh i think there's some shenanigans afoot okay so before i was uh rudely interrupted i was telling you about the zombie villagers that i've managed to curate today so i've got some here i've got one over there and i've got a baby villager over here this will make up the majority of my um villagers that i'm gonna turn into useful things i'm sorry did they join my world just to mess with me or are they actually are they making videos and do they have a timer they need to message me back i've also created a portal and i've obviously been doing some enchantments as well i have already got efficiency or fortune so i might want to consider doing just a uh i really need to get myself a silk touch which is uh can be annoying so touch yeah there we go silk touch which is perfect i haven't got any efficiency on it but that's totally okay he's still here just wondering the wilderness i want to remind you that this is hardcore mode i don't know how long he's been playing for but scar has survived longer than 30 minutes he's survived long enough to get some armor and some tnt now that's impressive we are watching a professional minecrafter at work okay i think it looks it looks like they're gone and i think it's about time we got a starter base finished remember i'm trying to fit the full minecraft experience into 100 hours not only do we have to survive we have to thrive we are eight hours in and we haven't got a house together so that's what we're gonna do now i need to go and get some materials some sand and get some glass and we are gonna build ourselves a lovely eco home type thing here i don't know i'm just gonna wing it this whole this whole series is a shambles let's go [Music] here we are the modern eco home that i totally did on the fly i i had to redo the glass because i started off making it wider at the bottom and then making it go in and it didn't quite look right this looks okay this looks okay for for a build a starter house that i've put together in an hour or two i think this is pretty good it's not perfect and there's bits of me that are itching to change but you know with a hundred hours in this challenge i can't spend all day on this let's take a little look at what this base looks like from afar you know what that doesn't look half bad we've got the really nice contrast of the wheat on the moss and everything else i think that that's come together pretty well especially for something that's done without any planning whatsoever i kind of like to meticulously plan a lot of my stuff as you already know but with this i just decided to go for it now i could spend another few hours trying to perfect the shape on this but since this is just the starter house i don't think that's what we're gonna do i think this building could quite easily become our villager house where we do all our trading i think we could pivot this into being that quite easily so i want to have a quick look at the nether see what we get in terms of spawn and there's another fortress right there and there's some bones floating that's not that's not too shabby at all now there's one final thing that i want to do before i call this episode complete we are going to claim those diamonds that we ran away from earlier on nine diamond ore not too shabby there might even be more that i've missed yep yep 10 10 diamond door right let's see where this ends up hopefully we have enough for some diamond armor and some to spare 21. so close well i think that is it for this episode of the 100 hours in minecraft hardcore challenge we're going to see what we can do in minecraft in 100 hours so this is a full steam ahead challenge while also trying to survive let me know in the comments below what you think and if i'm going to make it place your bets on what episode you think i'm going to die and at what hour because i can't see myself making it to 100 hours can you 10 of the way in all right i shall see you in the next episode where we shall continue the adventure and try and get a guest on and also get maybe something special like an elytra let's get this done i shall see you in the next episode and good bye you know i still haven't heard from joel and scar
Channel: Grian
Views: 6,817,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, hardcore minecraft, hard core minecraft, 100 hours, 100 hours minecraft, grian minecraft, minecraft grian, 100 days, hardcormode, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft hard mode, hard mode survival, 1.18
Id: tsvd0d1Q5Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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