TommyInnit's First SMPEarth Stream Ever

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fellas I'm gonna be honest with you I'm a little bit nervous right now there is a call with all the famous people I've ever I have ever watched and they are they aren't just sat there just sat there I mean this is I my god okay chap I don't know how many of you there are I've just had to restart my pc because frames frames frames frames but we're really gonna try this one we're not gonna leave the IP I'm not gonna be the guy in the leeks the IP we're gonna get going I'm gonna end up in a case I'm gonna undeath on and I'm really gonna try and not ruin everything I really don't want to be that guy so don't okay let's log on that's indefinite everyone be chill be chill oh my god oh my god [Music] okay I need to make sure my deaf and HOH key works I don't know what's happening I'm live can you all hear me guys guys put one in the chat you can hear me put two in the chat you could hear all of them there is so many where is that well I'm not even to your slash arts light is on we've got to find him we've got that Korea's there's my friend junkier there sparkles there's oh my god haha okay so you can all hear them that's awesome that's awesome okay this is this is gonna be rad thank you big boss and exiting with of other primes okay Oh does it work there's my master plan work it work I swapped costume okay again we gotta go we gotta go back to casual mode Heights you hi everyone on the tube okay let's go back let's go this is out really cause she's already conscious got the cape on um cape on okay there's just already cached like a like a player well I'll see oh god I've got it okay okay edit these constructs all of his videos I'm acting like thank you reset for the boys for the boys Jeff where's it say how many oh my god I'm on 115 it doesn't even it's in like a whole new place now okay I want to go back to the old twitch stream thing I know - the old like dashboard I could see everything so much better I like look at my viewers realize this so all the beside I am very very happy right now I can't even a chat so there is a great day to resit if ja here's the link layer if you want to set up a command for that that's how you pull up the map in Italy oh my god 204 MC oh my god okay Charlie act casual which I mean I ain't no fan I ain't no fun I'm just a youtuber just an influencer like everyone else that's not really casual yo guys let's go ciao what do I want to go why do I want to go what do you want to go and we're going to your resume okay okay okay we're in Europe you know I've got to get to Britain oh my god hello its me Dimitri bald hello thanks for all the donors I read them woman oh where are we I don't see anyone I'm completely and utterly alone your next attack no I'm next to her really let me go find him thank you thank you I really did Leo thank you so much Chad I was in a call with techno the other morning we discussed potatoes it was awesome all right now let's let's chop down this tree am I really near techno I really need techno who am i near chat pull up the map pull up the map Tanner was in Africa oh okay okay always that call is very crowded I'm gonna bounce into it into it into a VC by myself and just sit there one deafened just waiting hoping someone hoping someone joins come to your who went to your Europe I want to know who my enemies are Oh God okay we got a 10 on vo me hello no I went to Europe I went to your I think we got it I gotta pull up the dine map so we can meet up no I want it I want to kill someone I have a thirst for blood okay the way kill tech no need for me I will I will sorry I'm trying to paradigm map where are oh my god there's so many people there's people and dude okay oh oh that's me that's me you're my near major Kara who's near me Nick Nick's running near me um all the way over there I love it okay where did the most people go a lot of people went over here it's just it's just captain and techno where am i okay okay this is pong this it pogchamp pogchamp thanks for all the subs okay y'all so guys i'm back i'm just all this is really setting oh it's up top oh you know i'm so by will we love to about guys ready nemi you know he's ready nemi msg junkie junkie I thought we were gonna go for Britain I was under the impression whoo yeah why don't we only have four slots I gotta tell chip to make the slots bigger I mean on update map error is there a problem oh wait I was just down time first time okay I'm gonna go on defin in a minute I'll join some of the calls and be like what's going on you're so close to Cara China no I know new colors oh the night is setting already the nights never meant to sell in the British Empire the Sun never sets on the break I'm already going against my my values I saw you in techno stream that's what I like to see I'm gonna scam techno I'm gonna scam it chap you didn't know this is very for anyone that's watching on the tube this is a huge minecraft server with all the famous people thank you hey let me read out the subs crook thanks for the prime Leo place with the t1 thanks for all the bits for 70 I let them read out I'm sorry if I don't read all the donors its techno scamming time shop I don't want to die here's the thing chat if you die you can't use the teleport thing again so I've got to make sure I place my bed and sleep using my PC right now oh it's just me alone and they where are they all I see if I can join anyone's VC and be really awkward no no one else is I'm just gonna I'm just gonna sit here alone in my Ashley I'll join the main call on nothing I guess Nixon the main call Jo mom Jim mom am i right jack am i right can I get a bog okay we got to make an axe we've got in mind I want to be the first to is the nether enabled there are there's so much happening right now there is too much for my brain to process hi everyone in shop I am only streaming on Twitch right now I want it I want to be the first to get full gold and diamond and kill every no that's not don't tell anyone I want to do that I want to find techno I will just your folks oh boy is it gonna be a pagas moment you know I'm about to conquer you are you're about to watch the world conquer oh my god the one on that call I could join the cause of it sorry that whenever like I get a bit quiet that's because I'm looking at all the calls when is J shot live I'm not sure lots going on today I think he's waiting till like after do you're close to catch 20 blocks away already who is this person let me go let me go investigate my surroundings I want to assert my dominance who is care who is care where are they cha I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna stab him to death know that okay no I'm not I'm not let me get on top of the mountain oh my God look at me Jesus shout direct me to them use the mouth thank you so much leo for all the donors should I be should I be should i be alert I'm gonna be alerted stay hydrated okay okay Southwest okay f3 okay okay South where I'm gonna go find my opponents South what Southwest this way I think yeah yes blood blows already oh god wait what's that myself the time I don't do this oh wait I'm looking at the map oh they're really near they are actually running it I'm gonna go find them oh oh wait wait I don't know where the animals are oh there's a lot of wheat crikey Mikey the Sun hasn't set yet I'm gonna find him cha oh oh well that's not good every eh oh I need to get some wheat so I don't starve to death hold it they chopped down those chalk reloading all chunks it'll be back up ASAP uh-oh live map is down oh no nice server oh god I'm gonna get van they're gonna get banned thanks for the follows guys live it lag shall I just spam lag in chat now will probably resolve it can we PvP yes in Easter pass that that's the question we don't want to know I asked before we started hacks aren't allowed chat so the majority of my plans went downhill but it's okay these jokes are weird but I don't mind Oh old calls we start with state don't even worry about it shout where is the where is the woman are they a woman I don't know it doesn't matter it's unimportant and they're dead that's all that matters they are the prey for I am the predator oh my god I can't call myself a predator and I'm not I'm not a prett Oh craniotomy is there any calls I can join no no yeah no yeah where's creosote I don't I don't know I'm a find people can I swim oh I'm swimming go to waste I'm trying I'm trying that the chunks are weird this is just for me oh oh relog okay well she sends me back to spawn oh yeah I do want to use the texture / slash menu okay woah oh oh no it's done ah guys gosh guys okay okay we're good menu what's my menu misc vehicles what do you mean sharp what why is that how do I get it how are we there's planes I use purchased a plane what what I beg your pardon uh guys oh wait let's curry Neos Chuck did you guys say I was close to curry Neos just so we're all clear we went to Europe right i cranial yes I think I'm close to you look I mean you have to map I know it's down is it what it's it's working for me where is he he he ignored me he's gonna he's gonna face he's gonna wish he never ignored me tree tenant create a faction maintainers in Africa you think I'm gonna be able to okay I need to go down this iron oh my god captain's but I want to join the Kingdom of Jordan ignored cranio sustar away now no crania is a dead man walking that's not creative let me go back to the main call on nothing what are the other calls that people are in oh there's my friends you guys will go to your us hey we're yeah we're going oh did you guys choose your thing as Europe because that's where I'm at look at the dine map okay just travel across the ocean I'm just trying to find my first victim but no one seems to be coming I'm not sure I'm not trying to kill but I mean I'm good colors to it let's see someone happens to walk in my way once we all meet in Spain we're gonna have to have a meeting about where we're going that sounds good that sounds good dynamap is welcome one sec Paul Paul am i oh we sits really close he's like he's really close he okay which way do I go child which way which way is it this way I'm gonna find him I'm gonna find him I'm gonna I'm gonna betray all the people in my call now I just want left left okay I could have died I could have died okay I'm gonna find him I'm gonna find him and I'm gonna scare the living daylights out of him well I care fight which from so access the disco so if it's cool do it I sign we stand Carter kill them all ha ha guys guys guys that's yeah am I going the right way am i near him am i near him I want to find my first my first ally or victim no would you me no oh wait I'm really near acai he has a sin his name so he must be cool he must be cool just to get a second face and flex where's the moon where's the ass cha cha where's the ass am i near him no no oh wait I need to go down river down river I'm looking at the map okay this way this way I'm gonna go find him I just want to find people I want to assert my dominance he's down river right yeah yeah here's a case this way he's this way ah sand so O'Kane we're gonna need that shout I think I'm going the right way believe me what I say and I know I know I know a whole lot about this minecraft server Kingdom of Jordan CaptainSparklez sure I'm following down the river I'm following down the river you are oh i'm inc i'm inc this is gonna be oh he's gonna be in he's a dead man walking and it's just gonna have a fun time downloading all these vods oh my god i sorry where are you oh god I really sound bad okay let's just find him you know maybe we can make peace with them ja s don't spot Buffy come on van bop timeout Buffy go Tommy I'm trying oh wait I passed him oh he's back this way he's back this way okay okay let's not hold the sword that's not hold the sword let's be friendly hello friend okay let's ask him to go to vc2 hello ass I this guy's this guy's in for what oh hey man hey what's going on what's going on so you know I guess you're pretty new here - a little bit yeah no I understand so have you got any any valuables you have you got a sword yet yeah really yeah okay well this is gonna make my next move very good outside can you just wait there please hello again friend so here's what I would like from fun Oh watch out buddy watch out I've got you I've got you oh that was me that was on me you're so strong thank you thank you yeah hey I'm glad we're I'm glad we're getting off to a good start my friend now why I'd like from you is I'm trainer you know you're obviously a lot weaker than I am I could you know let's be honest video I could take you out so I was wondering if I could have some of your items not not as though as if as a peace offering from you to me Oh mm-hmm you know you've got the blue tie I've got the red tie maybe we could even be partners but I just a peace offering yeah I have some pretty flowers you want some pretty flowers I saw a I'm gonna wash you again I'd really like some vials now how much steak have you got that cuz food is gonna be a valuable resource in taking a perverse once a cleft I have been sprinting for millennia you see I've been I've been a little boy no that's good that's good I'm heart rate up heart rate up I feel a sigh oh sorry sorry sorry I always I take things too far I take things too far sorry my entire chat spamming kill you I don't want to kill you a sigh but you know nobody good that wouldn't be good we're friends we're good friends yeah I did I I'm glad you see it that way too you know what I like you outside I think we should I think we should work together you you think we should work together huh you seem you seem like a like a like a nice gent yeah I mean you know I try I'm sure you try I respect it I respect it what I'm thinking is what we can even work together or you can be my enemy now there is no in-between so what was it you'd like this to go huh hey get back here don't you sort of a we had a friendship he left the call he left a call okay screw that guy he's made of he's made a big mistake I'm telling you now sure I'm dead he betrayed me when I'm at my love when I'm at my lowest point he is going to die he is going to face the consequences of of betraying me oh oh boy oh man he does not know what he's just dying he shot he is he has made a grave mistake tell you are now I never forget I should have killed him I should have killed him when I had the chance only sorry everyone sorry chow sorry I'm gonna smell some iron Revenge iron screw down screw that guy I always joined another VC you know I'm not gonna enjoy I'm gonna hi Cara hi what's what's thought I think we're near each other oh really yeah yeah I was just I'm speaking to my buddy si but I think we're near each other your turkey she's turkey okay I'm gonna okay all right no I'm not hey hey Cara listen listen Cara I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make any moves um you know I'm a peaceful guy okay Connor I'm gonna I'm gonna go now okay she was she was weird what a what a freak oh my god she just was like I'm gonna kill you and I was like nuh-uh you know oh my god oh my god she go oh my god si is very close why you were spamming si is play he was a nice and gent some very good threats may eat but he was on the whole night to say we had a pretty good first stop apart from the whole kill the eager chat is the real Buffy telling me to to kill the eagle I hope you all know that remember that remember that in the future you you really see Buffy's true colors that Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I need some more wood I need some more wood that car a person that's another person that made a threat to me she's going on the list she's going on the list they are making I'm telling you now shut by by doing as they please they are making bad decisions red alert si is sneaking up on you read it I don't I don't buy it what that whoa oh my god what god okay I'm gonna make a shield I'm gonna he doesn't even know he doesn't even as soon as I got this yield okay I believe you all now I believe you all I believe you let me you know hey si you coming back for more yeah si sorry I don't know this is sorry I owe me oh you remember me si I can't believe your name's a sigh and you haven't told me this whole time oh I hate you so anyway I like Italy it's nice over here on my heel these are Louie Vuitton shoes than my a than my country's made out of ice I just wanna flex sneaky you associated with this this ice guy hmm they'd be very very careful about what you say next why yeah I just Hey it's just friendly we just done sir dancer sneaked yeah but like I'm allergic to dancer okay okay I see how it is I see how it's been nice meeting you sneak he's a dead man that's another one on the list that's another one on the list I'm getting out of here I'm gay I don't know I don't know what's happening here but I'm out I'm out I'm out a pouty it's just the ocean okay okay I'm gonna make him mine I think cuz I'm gonna need to settle down sneak watch out I don't I don't see no sneak Schneider thanks for the prime croaky thanks for extending your tier one is Vinnie thanks for the prime bone dinner thanks for the prime Ben each a says go Tommy I will Oh clay remember to set your bad spawn bad sponsor easy easy clap oh sure I'm not even scared if sneak is coming for me all right I spoke to him he doesn't even know what banter is he doesn't even know what banter is Jesus man I'm not scared of that guy techno blade noticed you office that's pong should I should I'm your message techno for the meme boo America oh that's a really good name Marika yes okay I'm gonna make my mine here let me just let's just establish let's make a dominance sign I want to be known as the alpha male of this server the Jesus man the fit MC of this server Tommy in it's mine don't break bad you have to leave it okay there we are okay a tack no just just giving in greetings just just just greeting him just letting him know what's poppin Wow shall I end this day do I send it do I send it he called you a cheater I called him my bro we bros now alright chat alright the deed has been done the deed has been done I just called him techno boomer to his face we'll see you never dies now he ignored you yeah I'm Betty ignore deny cause you a fake friend and a cheater he called me a cheater CaptainSparklez is heading towards you already oh oh oh oh I don't want to kill the captain I'll threaten the captain that's I'm checking the map where is he he's close sneak and I saw you oh no my brutal never enemies oh look there's that that's the woman he was there's the woman let's cap let's cap full iron do not mess with them okay on my way my way I'll apologize in two time there's the woman I'll hit up tight now in due time I'll take a stroll on over to Africa okay we want to get to you Levin y11 shot what this good that's not that's not part of the female that's not in Minecraft glowstone in the K I don't think so buckaroo chef start saying buckaroo what do you think about it what think about that I think it's funny and I'm really happy with me saying yes more glowstone at y17 that's not spawn the plane if I know how I will fly down over to techno I'll wait no a techno chat coming to my stream who's this Tim attainment is that some BTech Tommy in it Jesus crashing the plane entertainer hey I feel safe chat I feel really quite safe I know because I don't want to spawn my my plane down here I'm not gonna kill the ego Yoshi you same Yoshi as editor Yoshi sorry yeah I'm not sure why Yoshi used to it wow that's that's not in mine this isn't no that's not how earth works stop spamming kill the female a guys guys see counter see counter time it's see counter time there's antvenom in the girl and Venom's in the caught with a girl I could go I could go I could go say hi are you gonna make me lose twitch boner I sigh coming towards you as I wouldn't dare si is gonna make a big mistake if he comes anyway did that ass boy I don't want to I don't want to see no more of a sky swim mine oh I could I could swim mine oh he's gonna that's my oh that's my master plan you guys are so right thanks guys I have three crafting oh my god watch this chat any of you the aren't familiar with the second channel your minds about to be about to be blown wash this you ready look at that oh my god and now we get the diamonds Oh take it back think about no I'm not gonna keep messaging Tanner he'll go upset oh that's the girl the girls in the call I want to go back and good enough good enough thanks right no no no why would I x-ray how close is the cap to me oh he's not far I could go meet up with the camp I want to get diamonds first I want to offer him diamonds but for a Tommy coin all right we're gonna go this way now to confuse us ask I stopped having malignant in it oh hey Jack you guys oh is it working away oh no sorry everyone sorry it's not working well I guess I guess I won't be where we doing any any advertisements today [Music] that was really bad I want to kill the girl give me your money my god it worked it worked the money's the money's coming in thank you thank you thank you Kip's cow and squid for the primes I'm gonna get redstone I'm gonna I'm gonna trap some people and get millions of views on YouTube what's gonna happen oh that's not cool stop with all these how much must I pay you to kill the good don't kill the girl I'm not I'm not gonna count immediately I can't actually kill the girl you do know that well no I can but I would just I'll probably get bad faction power rate has been decreased damn it damn it man that's really gonna that really hits hard I really want to go and meet the cap but first I want diamonds are diamonds while y11 in this oh no I don't have a faction I like such a boomer please kill the captain I'm not gonna kill captain sparkles oh my god damn I'm ivory I could tell myself on three years ago I'd be an opportunity to kill captain spike Jesus we're getting no one replied to me I just got completely ignored by all the famous oh and then no diamonds are there no diamonds maybe diamonds are a why higher Oh those immediately finds emeralds maybe emeralds can be my currency my coin who's closer to me I'm just checking the map the girl is not too far who else isn't far Gras oh I see the friends wait let me go say hi to the friends they're a huge cool hey guys I'll be with you soon I'm just trying to collect some reason beef with a sigh and now I'm gonna happen I'm gonna have to kill a science Nina sorry everyone I'm yeah that's that's what's going on with me I'm just yeah no no I wait for wrong yeah hi Pete well yeah so I'm just gonna I'm gonna settle the beef before I come and join you guys cuz I wouldn't wanna like bring that into our and you found community so yeah alright guys peace out peace out there are 10 Clips chat you could be clipping this right now I'm starting beef with a sigh how do i twitch prime just done like a two-year stream sure I can't find any I think I'm on the wrong why I don't think diamonds in your Levin I want to go find a spy again he where I was intrigued by him oh oh my god oh my god what was what it that would what kind of a prank was that thanks for the follows by the way chat make sure to hit follow and subscribe to hear all the I don't know I'm just saying what will the suits out I've scared him out that was all me chat can we get some claps start a war it looks like I already have white everyone going weird about tomo-chan I'm so tired but so awake you know I've done a four I did I had a two hour music exam today was one hour but still I've had all my exams this week and yet here I am streaming minecraft with all the famous people ever now and the pics gone music we don't need no music you think how do you think I'm gonna make highlights out of it with some friggin copyrighted X playing do we have me oh no I don't know I mean oh oh I should go up to techno and play this oh and then I'll play the swear and ask him why he swore didn't hahaha oh that's a good idea that is eight Matt Watts chip what's question oh my god guys a big call I'm gonna join your on Mount Everest Hey looks like to me what what why the diamond spawn cuz I can't find any they typically spawn at the normal vanilla why okay however however in mountainous regions it spawn a slightly less because you ever um say for the fact that their caverns are bigger oh yes yes planes a lot yeah but don't know no they don't really I've not the same amount I feel betrayed no no no no no singing revenge sing revenge when I go and meet up with spark how close am I to everyone now oh he's near he's actually in it I want to get like a lot of iron I'm gonna go up to surface shut this isn't working for me uh-oh beam a moment I want to go know check I'm gonna go meet sparkles I get it's been 40 minutes and I've not really accomplished anything but I gotta go meet spark stop no I'm not going I'm not okay I'm not killing anyone because he's slightly older than me goodbye like 20 years uh-oh nighttime and I've lost my bed Oh Frick I had to have a drink Oh Frick shat oath wreck Oh zombie our man uh-oh let's let us work out we're spark oh my god he is a bit far okay no no no no we're fine oh I can okay I can go down the river I can go down the river that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna sail down the river and meet and meet my hero just like a wise man once did all right we're going down we're going down I don't want any more of this ass eye business how did tell no find diamonds am I going the right way it's very unclear oh and I think it's up Laird let me refresh I'm trying to look at this map chat guys I need you all on the map telling me if I'm going in the right direction oh I am I am right so this should be a clearing around here is that it oh I think that's it I go down here see the problem is the chunked don't load so it's like I want to go speak to cap chap this is a personal dream of mine uh-oh am I going the right way I know I'm going towards the cab that's the plan that's the plan okay where is he okay now I've got to go left sorry I'm concentrating a lot right now I'm about to go go speak to two captains but oh no a sigh is near okay okay uh oh oh let's bounce let's bounce what you going - I'm gonna go meet captain I'm gonna say hi then I'm gonna walk by this is gonna be oh it's raining this is good I'm gonna be like it's gonna be like all those romantic movies all right we've got a we've got a long bit of sailing to do now I'm not going towards a sigh oh wait am i I don't think I am it's very hard cuz the chunks don't load so it's hard to work out where you going okay now I'm going the right way I've just got to basically head this way for like five minutes that's good this is good oh that's not good what is that oh my god that's a horde I'm out I'm out I want to do some more mining soon as well but first we just gotta meet the cap let's play some let's jam to some beats raspy ride getting bored oh yeah - I should find a new Miss spotlight October 2013 saw the game but like my god the is this and and that's why we start watching cuz that's that song I hate that part of this song like it's just I just hate here come on man okay what oh my god oh my goodness oh no need to go downstream downstream downstream we're going to meet the spark the spark - my night am I going the right way am I going the right way chap tell me on the mouth I keep having to tap out way I think I might be cabinet sparkles is at Jerusalem is the home of Jesus real Mon master thanks with the twitch prime tell me what I need to stop oh oh oh oh okay it's this way it's this way I want okay now sure I don't want him to see me as as a noob so I'm just gonna smell some of my iron and make a chest plate just so he doesn't think I'm a I'm some sort of boomer I'll give him some I I'll give him emeralds I'll call it ah ah I'll call it a friend ruled as they token of our friendship that we don't have yet but we will stop calling it's boggles of boomer this is a weird situation okay he's not he's not very far now maybe I set up a base on the other side of the water to him oh yeah I'm entering his country I'm totally just stumbling on in oh oh oh no chat now I'm nervous techno is going for hey you have a really poor aim what are you doing buddy buddy lag lag can we get a lag spam oh my god the cap just moved an inch closer he is coming he's coming oh no I haven't got my alpha I haven't got my alpha chess player yet no no hold your ground captain Jordan knows no he doesn't know he doesn't know we're fine we're fine we're fine I'm just gonna go greet him okay we're out for now we're out for now bro what's going on what's going on Jam um check via the editor chat okay we're gonna go we're gonna go say hello we're gonna go pay him a visit okay I I'm getting nervous now I'm getting windy oh my god we have a sword mess up I'm not gonna kill the captain I'm not gonna kill him I'm not gonna kill him okay let's let's clear our throat let's drink a bit of water and let's get ready for a let's not hold a sword let's not let's not this look intimidating but not not threatening you know Oh oh my god clutch clutch clutch let me go out of business mode so he doesn't suspect a thing okay creeper hey cap let's tell him to VC - you might not be here to contact I'm I'm not hoodie Hey who goes there and why are you happy oh oh oh is this your kingdom this is the kingdom of you set foot inside the Kingdom of Jordan oh my god oh my god sorry well my chap told me to kill you but I said it wouldn't I said you know I wanted to I wanted to become friends I'm trying to make allies you know I'm trying to determine who's the good in war and who's the pudding buddy yeah yeah for sure the Kingdom of Jordan is a peaceful people who will only be aggressive if provoked yeah yeah exactly okay okay I see how things think so what is your country I just hmm I don't know I haven't decided yet I'm gonna I'm going with the flow my friend you understand oh my god yeah he's he's kind of been wandering around a little bit Jordan has a few mobs in it you know yeah you want me to take him out for you a bounty you feel free to try it's a little bit of a risky play but I'm captain with you and captain I think I don't think you understand how good I am at Jules you don't even you don't you don't even know did you say how good I am at Jules like you can do you can do rings and stuff like that babe wings what are you on about you said you're good at Jules no I said I'm gonna Jules O'Doul's oh do I sorry you see I hear injury we have a different dialects okay okay watch it watch it how okay it's chill don't worry about it though is it children can no oh he's on me he's on me buddy yeah he's uh there's a bit lag going oh you got the nice I've got in there thanks thanks cap I'm taking him out for you I appreciate that no no you if you want to establish an ally ship this is exactly why warden hey here's what I'll do here's what I'll do I'll hand you this pearl this pearl will be a symbolism of our of our ally ship this sounds great to me yeah watch out watch out creeper oh hey you say the thing say the thing it's it's right over here dude you are literally in creeper I'm on ah this is this is good this is good yeah exactly dude it was actual it was destiny that Jordan the capital of Jordan is Amman in case yeah chill for sure so it's it's incredible how this all works I like it I like it you've got you've got a nice plot going on here you know what you're doing you sure know what you're doing all right man I'm well how do you be I uh you know I help you out iron back can't give me my iron back that you just needed whoa hey we're friends this is what friends do for each other this is what this is no no that's not how we do it it's not how how much was it how much was it it was all of the iron that you probably have in your inventory right now hey man look at that have you seen my I ingest plate I have yeah you've probably used all the iron before all that so I'll take yeah yeah yeah so I'm an I'm an iron hard guy okay so I'm not I didn't I didn't steal your iron you did you straight-up pulled a Skippy right here dude I need my iron back okay okay was it six it was yep that looks very cool okay we're still allies right right sorry okay yeah that's good that's good me too yeah we're still good we're still good allies good for but if you if you come across a guy cord ass I just kill him on sight okay okay there because I'm not I'm not the kind of cap this is kill him I'm sorry I'm not an aggressor dude this is this is one of the policies you just gotta take him out he's a bad guy I'm sorry that you feel that way dude but we uh we are pacifists unless provoked I mean you were close to the patient he will provoke you I can just look at him and he will provoke this outside guy he's bad he's bad stuff count okay dude I'll keep it in mind I'll keep in mind everything keep it in mind cap keep it in mind okay all right I'm gonna head out now establish you know an empire all right Kay okay it's been very it's been a pleasure I'll uh I'll see you in due time I'll see you in due time yeah just robbed CaptainSparklez you know meat shop just uh just an average today I really hope this chat don't hey me yeah jam you can edit this one I saw you in shop but make sure you're gonna yeah you're gonna we're gonna want this out by Monday so you gonna have to be downloading or leading everyone else's vaad as well especially as I Jesus I want I want all tabs on him I've no idea how I'm gonna title this is this a nice place to start about not be near the woman not that I have anything against women listen I am me the woman oh sure I'm neither woman is this okay am I am I gonna be okay making a base near the woman not that okay not listen there's anything wrong with the women per se just you know female POG am I gonna be okay Israel I'm in Israel yeah man this is I'm gonna I'm gonna yeah this is I'm gonna set up here yeah this is good this is good I don't want to unite with the girl I'll have to inform my buddy cap that there's a girl on our premises he won't be too happy he won't be too happy acai is in Italy I want I don't want this ass I die ass I I want to establish that we're enemies we are enemies I'm just establishing that we are enemies just so he knows just so he knows ja I won't be having any of his I'm what what the hell was that what the hell was that oh it was a stick it was a stick surprise stick okay let's get back on let's get back oh hell woman ah she hits back Oh God hi you dare make claims in my territory this is your territory no no no listen here Cara listen to me I Ari listen to me I know CaptainSparklez we're friends okay that's right so he'll he'll have you he'll have me yeah best friends Who am I say oh no we don't have to do that we don't have to let's stay here no that's no that's hey junkie Hey just bein oh I'm trying okay I've just been me now this is this is this is woman hair and she just won't leave me alone well I feel like you're bothering people cuz you're going over like after like you're being oh sorry it's too late have you guys heard of a sigh Jesus don't get me started on a sigh oh my god stop stealing my oh my are you allowed to kill people is that in the rule book oh you are Cara I'm gonna give you three seconds to run Tommy you can't do this I'm gonna give you it I'm gonna give you three seconds you come in here steal my crafting tables I'm gonna give you I'm gonna three Cara you're making a very a very no I didn't mean to okay it wasn't meant to go down you can mean bounce by just heading to Spain me a Liza camiĆ³n cat it's my shot miss might shout okay it's them not me okay don't listen I'm already coming oh my Tommy okay you can make amends we can I can i okay okay business business did you say business did you say yeah yes Tommy knows a little bit about oh boy okay okay bye bye bye Cara whatever bye bye car excuse me see you man see ya wouldn't want to be ya huh in a bit yeah hey Cara hi Cara hey cara cara just so you know me and you me and you this isn't over this isn't over hey hey hey okay good luck good luck - good luck have fun okay Chad I feel like we need a bit of solar time just to digest what's happened literates I'm not gonna kill the woman that's going be gone and the woman I'm gonna get I'm gonna get bant Jack I editor make sure you include this I am NOT sexist I do not hate women I value everyone equally Cara she's great but I value her equally okay and I want that too oh my god stop stop make sure you include that editor I can't I can't have I can't be on trending oh my goodness okay I need a bit of time to digest now so we've befriended cap me and Kaplan the closest of friends as I am i near him IRA old god I'm gonna oh my god to get oh my god chance to get to get to Spain I have to cross through ass I territory uh-oh uh-oh we're gonna have to sneak through this one Oh Frick okay we're gonna we're gonna have to turn on sprint for this one let's get the dynamic fov on okay cha we're gonna be fine they were leaving the woman be she was nice I just don't want to I just don't want to start any problems of anyone you know I like people um you know I think it's safe to say people like me so I just don't wanna I just don't want to start any beef I've already I'm already on a thin string I'm on thin ice with CaptainSparklez so yeah really I've got to start making some allies and not some enemies of the right after I stole his iron and he compared me to scary that was bad that was bad eh is bad Leno in chat it's bad linen shop oh my goodness we found a cave tonight okay let's get back on our chest plate where's Lynn ooh where's Lynn ooh I sure hope he's watching me I sure hope he's proud yeah all I want to do is Cap'n the girl talking oh god oh no oh oh Cap'n the girl talking oh it's fine it's fine I already hope they don't I'm gonna I'm gonna hop in vc3 by myself you know I was invited to this on the last minute and I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm gonna be here much longer so we need to need to make the most of this Tommy's losing his voice he is cuz he I did like a like an hour stream before this on the tube they are flirting thing are you sure sure sure they talking about me are they talking about Nietzsche techno roasted you What did he say what did he say what did he say about me tell me what he said word on the street is that Tommy has weird feet I shut him up all your favorite youtubers and Tommy unit really really heard your you're chatting hey remember when you swore in that mine minecraft parody haha yeah I I hope you remember that ahaha I've exposed them I've exposed him you swore and I remember I hope your stream unsubscribe doubt oh my god I took it to the next level I did not hold back oh god oh oh oh this is bad I feel like I've made a lot of enemies in a short period of time oh no woody hop in vc3 I want to make amends with techno if there's anyone I need to be friends with it is the blade stop saying Tommy has weird feet I really I can't I'm taking over the world just for a second I want to make amends come on me in techno we've been friends for a long time come on tack denied boomer you have made a terrible decision he is dead wait that was my oh that was his brother okay vc3 okay thank God okay we're all good we're all good bro good real good here okay let's we can revoke him off the list techno hey what's going on I'm currently being followed by Jamaica Tech I think they might be on the Jack Attack dude I don't know Jamaica tax I was good I'm back in the name yeah aggressive pursue yeah he's a thing here's the thing blade um can I call you blade is I okay no no blade is my father's name okay okay okay yeah blade jr. blade jr. here's the thing I've made I haven't I've made a lot of enemies in a short period period of time blade blade jr. and I'm really it's it's not going well for me so I was hoping we could be cuz I know you're gonna take over the world I know you can you can out PvP call me Carson but I'm just hoping we can hey mommy hey wits making no no no me mean blade Junior we on enemies man seems like a lot of geopolitical conflict going on here that I can't afford to get into because I have no okay okay ten no here's the thing junky can use I can afford to be associated Tommy you're a dangerous individual I promise I'm not this is the end-all be-all you either gotta clean up your act or you're gonna be hated by okay okay here's the thing okay with counters the idea he just goes straight to North Korea embrace your role take oh no I'm not okay I know I can explain a sigh he made moves on me okay as I is the wrong in here and then and then cap CaptainSparklez we had an ally I killed a beast for him a beast this is immensely interesting go on hey lore is being written no no I made amends with him and then I don't even know what happened with Cara she was just the server's been open for 30 minutes how many enemies have you made to investigate this man's vibes everyone no no no techno techno please we can there's there's no need for a vibe check tell me this is all a mess no no I will I will I will I will man I will I'm sorry III just want to say as a cat I wanna say I'm sorry do not bother this poor man no means hello friends we've established and how long it's going it's going pretty well may I ask who's asking drunk ah there's some person that seems to be following me I don't know whether I should be alarmed all I want to say it's not he's not me it's Prince Knight all I want to say is you know si he is a villain okay he is definitely the I'm not he's not nice I just want to establish that he's the villain not me not me demonic attack that's a peaceful name right I'll be at Spain shortly junkie I don't want to all right I don't want to cause college eyes to Cara apologize I'm good now I'm coming can I get do I still have a place in Spain you just go to vc6 and we'll discuss okay good good alright hey Cara I just want to say I'm sorry I regret all my actions well don't worry if you're allied with Jordan I am now also allied with the Kingdom of Jordan our awesome so we're all a noise oh it just it doesn't manage it really is a manager in Turkey and then he's like well cap CaptainSparklez is my friend and I'm like oh let's go let's go talk if he's your friend and he's like no no that's okay it's fine it's so good it sounds like we've made amends that's good we've made amends for sure for sure alright I'll go I'll go let the boys know thanks guys thanks guys scream on YouTube where I'll get like 300 view by stars hey guys okay good point I just I just made allies with captions but yeah yeah who's the who needs a vibe check now huh alright ratio for you to allies to enemy now he's good it's looking good my enemies are si news and my allies account a CaptainSparklez and a Karen so okay how did you make enemies with losing hair power a car a car in a carriage wait a minute Karen took the kids so yeah so I've made so I've made some allies now so I think we can I think gosh can I come to Spain awesome awesome we want every member of Spain to be here so we can finally talk about what our goal is our mission state then get on right track we promote statement dude are you running a corporation I we're running a nation my nation corporation not like Tommy just had head through the lake to get to us I'm coming I'm coming through the lake so like all right I'll be I'll be there in a jiffy all right I see it seems things are going well for me I don't know about you guys but I think things are going pretty well for me I have the most allies on this server when I need to go oh my god that is a really far boat journey yeah so I've got to go around Lake ass I a round sneak snacks base and end up here in wit with the boys with the boys unless I don't do that where's tag now where's blade oh my no he's on the other side of the map no no no no no that no that was I was kidding I was kidding we'll go we'll go past us I passed sneak and end up with the boys all right this is good this is good things are coming up Tommy in it sure I'll tell you now go - latch that's not on you but when he is you know I'll be there you know I'll be there it'll be very weird to see I conflicting personalities as he realized as I'm just him and they're less funny fun what you mean use my plane what do you mean use my plane slash menu vehicles shop purchase complete what such a V oh how do I fly be at Ship West ship definitely Oh God I'll God they may be going the core with just take off with your mastodon feet stop go to Lee garage what does I even mean warning do not lose circle vish you will lose it forever what a circumvent chant what a circumvent that even me well that word mean Oh God ask fit no no I've already made enough enemies I don't want to accidentally make enemies of fit that would be really bad circumnavigate I'll circumnavigate I still don't know what that means but all right all right vehicles let's fly left click to spawned the vehicle you are trying to enter is lot how do i unlock my vehicle how to unlock vehicle and this is gonna be awkward now because I'm gonna be enter seat 1 the vehicle this lot you can't change you you have to leave it on shut up Karen the vehicles that one locked enter you are trying to via crush the plane oh how do I fly how do i oh god why is happening hello help help me Oh am i flying I can't quite tell oh no I'm certainly drowning no no no no no this can't be happening to me let me reach it let me ring ship really quick why did I thought it would be in a water boat chip oh he hasn't picked up what's his I G n this is really bad guys okay so if I hold space and hold W such V leave V stop oh no oh no who's in a oh oh no um guys I really helped to alarm you but I am stuck in a plane under water just help me please leave it I'm trapped I'm trapped I'm drowning but I was I'm stopping what happened and I really don't know yeah I my trunk didn't load and now I'm stuck floating and I can't get out no gee I think chips here yeah I can see him please will you help my resource bag isn't loading right you got to rejoin don't even worry about it oh we're good we're good destroy weeds yeah here's what I'm gonna do Chuck I'm gonna make a pillar I'll just make sure I subtitle it this will work this will work we got to make a bit of a landing dock I presume let's make sure we get down oh I dropped my signs oh Jesus man Tommy in this plane fly place that will show them I've got to make sure I watermark everything that's how real youtubers do it menu vehicle garage okay now how do i if anyone like cake okay how do how do I enter the vehicle's menu before enable server resource no I haven't started yet oh yes it is the nikah NICUs storm oh oh okay left click to spawn right click how do I enter guys like you did last time that doesn't alright I don't know how Oh knock vehicle ok how does it shrunk enter vehicle seat one ok how do I fly okay I'm gonna really try this now how to fly okay we're going we're going we're going oh my god oh where where it were a flight we're a flight Oh guys I didn't say the N word guys what's uh exit your vehicles that's easy for you to say broadcast help how do I leave a tank you're fine yeah guys I'm sure I'll be fine up here but all that is holy I do not know how broadcasts ah oh did I did I mean guys yeah I got in the plane and then the server crashed I mean this is a wonderful first day like honestly this is so much fun yes someone it's very funny alright so I just get over here Tommy got the whole enemy power that's not too great yeah just don't tend to Zaman listen you make it sound so easy always back I'm back did I crash the server I show home now where am I I'm drowning I need to get back to the dock back to my my flying Bay oh goodness gracious okay that's it oh I definitely want to keep that redstone China in sync you n-word that guy's name was n IC K a as a mage buffering so bad chat are we buffering or is he a boomer no more flying oh yeah I'll see about uh-oh why is it not going up okay space to go up oh oh we're a flier we're a flight this time oh my god okay you can't really see anything in f1 oh I'm gonna go I'm gonna go I'm gonna go fly into a sorry where is he where where am i flying to say one if you can hear me where am i where am i oh no I'm headed back to spark boys Sparkle Sparkle okay Poli so how do I go down Oh ass and then space to go up and then w - oh this is all I can't really see anything I don't really know if I'm gonna I'm gonna crash off am I going the right way what way do I need to go this is really weird you can't just keep saying why um Who am i heading to you right now let me refresh the map I think I want to go more this way according to the map but I might be wrong I think I'm going the right way guys I am flying to Spain make sure to fly from like the sea so that we can win I'm coming in alright this is epic I'll BRB you're going to Cara oh no not Cara not Cara McDonald's intern I don't think it's the Internet I think they have low lag on so okay alright alright no no I'm going the right way I've got to go more this way it's gonna take a while and I'm pretty sure boats would be faster but this is awesome now we know I can fly to technical aid advertise Twitch Prime and I will look at that Sam thanks for the Twitter prime 369 subs can we get a pogchamp oh god my throat's gonna hurt so much at least I'm befriended CaptainSparklez today and that was pretty awesome if I say so myself let me just check the discord check I haven't upset anyone I look best oh look they're all talking they're all talking i subsidize a like quack it's hot Sam hey guys it this isn't really not look at our size new faction eros poss tail I don't get it I just don't get it oh sure I'm not sure this flying thing is working out for me oh wait is the map down oh oh sure I'm gonna crash and he's make sure I tab in don't have to read oh no it is all I'm gonna fly over I sigh I just don't move very fast than anything I'll do that once everybody gets here we can actually talk guys I'm on my way you are okay I'm gonna try to do this um yeah I am I'm just I'm just traveling traveling - we've got so much in common so much alike okay okay I want you yeah well so well so you people in do British people actually say and Bob's your uncle is that a thing yeah yeah it kind of is my uncle and where's Joe oh okay Pete I'm gonna defin oh my mother's calling me I can't pick up I'm flying a plane mum I'm just flying a plane in Minecraft are you okay oh you're at the door okay alright I'll be two seconds all right we're gonna have to fly really really high so I don't okay please by God don't let me crash alright I'm gonna have to run back as quick as I can and hope I don't crash wish me luck good luck have fun oh please don't tell me a crash please don't tell me you're crushed I'll be good we did it we did I am the master of air travel oh my god guys I'm about to be flying above you yes oh look around look around I'm in my mink it killed lot do you guys see me you guys see me in my plane the Tommy 'mobile I'm looking he's coming from not from the sea but from the land right I'm coming from the land kpop I don't excuse myself I'll be right back gentlemen all good friends how do I land guys are you not pressing W I know I really am this is not oh wait you can sprint in the put oh my god yeah that's me guys how do I leave crash help me guys what's up oh I'm out I'm out you have to look at that this landing last one fly me around I'm in the passenger no no no I'm just warning you [Music] well the slip mate thank you Oh guys I bring valuables beyond your interpretation of my Tommy I knew you would be a great one take one you know me take one loo yeah yeah you don't get anything all right sorry you had to mute it for a sec that the mother I'm back guys sorry my mother's just arrived home cracking open fills up this might be friends yeah I don't think we're in spin it doesn't matter because this is we make our oh yeah going on nothing we're just excavating we are going to kill everyone Tommy we really gotta work on your aggression no nobody there oh that dead man walking yeah you guys want a sword I brought mom saying that not channels getting a bit cramped alright let's look on the data well oh my god hey no just down haha oh wait is techno jam attack and fills er aha alright everyone went to your room no one went up here no one went up here who's over here Oh James and poke love to see it alright let's see who else went why are they I'll spawn Wes cap Oh Cap'n Cara I want to go back and see cap I'll be honest with you chuck I miss him I miss his Musk here we are all there's all us an Inc who else is near dink he also said that I might want to befriend look chat I just want to know why Schlacht saying up base quackety spicy alright guys I'm back okay so Taylor we really just need you over here and there's not in this voice cat keys in techno blades voice yet techno blades pvping no what PD pig you wanna you want a PvP Luke you want a PvP no I don't trust me buddy it works okay so if you're not my niece and right now you're useless that's true guys Spain what should we call ourselves the Spanish fellow Spanish inquisitors I never seen explorers are very low and I don't have a bed I don't think our priorities are set straight there is an enemy in our midst ass I and I want I want him dead listen man we could talk through this we don't have to resort to war already no no I want to kill a sigh that's my goal no no it's fine it could be a personal quest no no there's no personal things here man anything you you want to start a proxy war is that what you want I don't know what that means alone is that a British person Hey yes young-min making fluidity no no screw those guys I'm gonna go kill us I and I'm gonna show him who's boss I'm sick and tired of the treatment of the British okay I'm not I'm not sure I'm enjoying it's that gumball yeah that's the infamous gumball have you guys stop making fun yeah yeah yeah act like you're on the moral high ground have you guys have you guys stop making fun of God gave a chocolate listen have you have you stopped making fun really good fish Wow no no no you don't owe made a terrible I'm rich prime if you go to Austria why why no Chuck it's revenge time it's revenge how do I our Matt oh my God look at this I in vain [Music] um all right all missing anytime bumbum bumbum no no okay I know I hate being up I hate living with Spain cuz they don't want to kill anyone all I want is war okay is that too much to ask nice take that point out that let's trade him let's rate him use a chip I don't know is it spice inspire yeah it's fine they've already found the stronghold I'm going out of did they do uh-oh Spain's in some trouble sounds like you guys need us what you guys need a war hero you are where's the West the gate guy dude you can start making moves once we have our first diplomatic meeting okay sounds good can you go I would just want to make a pre move that we stopped making front of the bridge cuz you know what tomato Pete Pete now I've had a GU pick one of us for being fair people can't change okay honestly ain't going guys guys look at me I'm gumball guys look I've had a couple quarrels in my toe ha no no no that was it that was a skeleton fury anything I've had a couple crawls in my car since that is talking about how much Spain hated the British already he also said that Spain took over Florida and that's a week you guys heard of the British Empire huh yeah you want me to teach you what's the first letter of your brothers YouTube yeah wants me to tell you nobody mentioned that for a sec I like Matt shut up Darren P is there a way we can talk right away to Vegas shut up I'm in our own on eatin these are the people that are in a unit how do you find you what Taylor are you close I just got up to the surface I'm gonna I'm gonna ask y'all oh okay I'm gonna ask P if you want sir if you wants to star in your rebellion cuz I'm not I don't wanna know should I should I I feel like you guys are making me start all of rebellions today yeah like like an abnormally large amount of walls it's probably not good practice it's slime sick oh no I want to meet call me Carson and J shots and I want to kill them no no no no no no I don't want to kill anyone shot we need we need to take a breather okay cuz we're just we're just taking things too far I'm back guys I'm back it seems like you guys are making massive mistake time or war criminal IVA convention around could be consequences I think I'm good Jenny convention I'm sure I'm gang along with fronts where are people on the map let's have a look because I I'm considering doing a lot of things I miss cap I'll be honest techno wait I have a question like a solid question you know when you go to the border do you come out on the other side of the border so if I guess oh you do yes it's their communication oh yes Pete with me yeah talk about that we got to get on our feet all right I'm sure I might have to go that chat sorry Spanish the Inquisition oh it's been a long day I might have you asleep oh I have to go meet some people cuz you guys are you go I don't think we have the same intentions no no what are your intentions is it Spanish Inquisition again no it's just Spain Spain fellow Spain's I just think no listen Taylor you're you're damaging our relations with Tommy right now yeah and you want you want a relationship a me trust me trust me yeah we do so just stick around wait for Taylor to get all right all right how long are you gonna be Tyler everything hinges on you getting over your chain words then like an hour that we've been on this Pete sniff my feet I don't kiss can I can I speak to you for a second just about not not about you guys just he wants to murder you no no no no I know ready can we just look at what we don't say that over here yeah that's not I don't we have a lot of gun stuff here don't worry about actually that's just a tail on it I don't like that can i one voice Chad jumping for all right I'm on my way okay let's just hope we didn't under hey Pete yes sir I'm not sure sir Wow okay I've already got a prairie straight I'm not sure what do you think about the Spanish Pete I could care less about the Spanish become care let me neither and that's I don't want to I kind of think me and you have a you know I like the way you think Pete we have it well what is it you're you're doing night my goal simple I want to go ahead get a nice base established over in Greenland and then begin to branch out from there getting resources trade that sort of thing yeah I'm not looking for world domination oh okay now I can work with that that's fine I mean not yeah anyway you know as you still you're still learning honey I mean we all are I guess that's how life goes exactly exactly exactly Pete I don't know I just want I want you to bear this conversation in mind I'm not people seem to be taking a hostile take to me and I want to make sure that me and you are on the clearest of conditions the friends allies it it sounds like we are yes good good let's let's keep it that way Pete I like it all right let's just don't tell them about this conversation because I don't want them to start thinking you know I really don't think there's anything to tell buddy and I'm God's honest truth okay yeah you know you you want to be friends I want to be friends yeah yeah no you're right you're right you're right sorry I look into things too much all right good I'm glad we've got an allied ship going Pete no worries we're good we're good I want to I want to keep this going remember this remember this well thank you thank you no thank you Pete thank you so and I'm happy to joke around and kid with you and that's all it is is I joke about you know you being British you can feel free to joke about me being a Yank I have no yank yank what what does that mean that means I'm a Minerva I've I've never heard that terminology before you haven't nice not yeah I'm not familiar with a yank a Yank I've heard wank like wanker but never know wankers entirely different than a Yank ok ok so oh my god I've just had a really good idea let's go let's go back to the other let's go back to vc6 hey hey junky hey junker hey I think I think we should start in order to repay for the crimes you've committed to me I think I've had a discussion with Pete and we've decided we're gonna call you junky wanker yeah we haven't gone down like any players ok listen so what so we just want to have the fun globe-trotting alright so you can join us here we're just trying to get everybody together I think I'm gonna go to the middle of the mouth and make a base you can B's okay I'm coming up to the surface now I'm sure they're not like close to beating it right no very obscure ok if you think they don't know what I don't think they know that the writ is weak Nick wait up for me I don't know enough Janice yeah what do you think I should do I'm not sure techno wants to make it ten I made it pretty clear he doesn't want to make an alliance he was like he was a like nah bro when I when I offered he was one might even say he was rude world domination Oh God okay um let's let's take it one step at a time guys shout what should we take no found the stronghold already out okay let me go on the map where am i okay I'm really near all of our friends let's just go this way hello will is with Phil techno and fill it our team Oh God oh-oh-oh so much for world domination holy crap techno and filler a team um I'm done so I'm guys I'm coming back I take back what I said about world Dominic yeah I'm gonna try and steer away from what my stream shout one and follow what I want what's what do you want I think I just heard of a French flower that's the only reason I want anything okay you're gonna die this is it no water what do I want like that's a good question what's my balance only got three thousand five wait how do you see what your val is oh I am zero you get it with emeralds oh I have lots of em Val top o Inc T has the most money really Misrata and Bert and Grunk has five grand Wow why is Rob there inks on there twice Taylor Taylor I forgot the I forgot to clear your money no no no I I cleared the only people that have an a balance left over stage I'm going the wrong way I've just realized I'm getting the complete wrong way okay gotta go this way so much shot you were meant to tell me was your name Tommy unit snow with the tier 2 coming out some pogs in the chat oh no ok get the we'll get that we'll get the rule not park not Park monkey ass I'm gonna have to sprint Oh guys I'm in a bit of a pickle how did you do I'm coming what I ran the I was trying to run to you guys oh I call this the MLG I am really good at Minecraft POG I want to go and meet my Spanish friends it's Tommy streaming with techno it's you're looking that way if you can't beat them join them I'm sure they're gonna want me uh that's gonna be my best bet if I want world domination is to join fill in techno they already have a Brit though they already have a Brit and what guys I'm coming I'm just climbing it alright if you can't beat them see them yeah I just want to know when shouts on watch that's doing I'm not obsessed I'm not obsessed with him I just want to know what he's doing oh my god that one wait just hit me into that creeper if I have arrived I just a crazy thing then II won't see that no no you have a plane right Tommy oh I have a plane are you guys what do I do with these emeralds no given to me so I can buy a blend how do i how do I sell them and rule no just give them to me no no I'll buy a plane so I already have a place yeah but it can only hold up to two people I'm gonna give up Reynosa baby I'm gonna rename it to the cockpit can I have a minute okay here right here this is the established area okay this is not the original area No selling all my emeralds how much money do I have 1 point 4 K I'm rich I'm rich I'm bashing up the other seat plug in I got ya what we doing where do I sit are these the leaders of wise Grunk welcome to story I'm off I'm off I'm off this is not a place of battle oh oh sorry guys I believe I know any room all right that's country to me or emeralds while you're at it no III already sold them okay listen oh you can just rush out here today to discuss our nation of Spain should i we're gonna give everybody roles we're gonna see what everybody's gonna do dude Tommy I say you are a great combatant you are great combatant that is what they say junky junker I'm gonna kill everyone Oh God I know that's actually a mystery that was oh my god turn your hat off on your skin why are we not are we business mode right now or not I never get changed in front of people right now okay so this is our game plan Tommy is the greatest Explorer on the service and adventure so he's a great adventure ambition I propose we go travel the world before we settle down we go see the side we see interesting I agree with you we got interesting people hopefully Oh junkie we're already talking look at me back to my island I say we leave the tea okay today you are the weakest one you must you must stay colonise tea okay we need that we need more money to Ted by another plane I have a plane you have a plane we have an optical oh my god we have guys I'm out if anyone wants to hop in my seat to let me know guys sorry them's the breaks them's the breaks sorry everyone me and Luca oh my god yeah may I through here I'm the plane God you don't swear junkie don't swear it takes a long time to go anyway turning around we're going we're going to meet here shall we meet I've already magic I really want to jump out like for that comment you can like my parachute chip in me over the bed all right we're going the right way we're going across that we could go meet who should we meet who's across the other side I would really quite like to meet fit MC Luke you know that in real life spit Florida in Spain used to be extreme enemies when Spain took over all right I've never flown a plane before Luke Luke can I ring you back yeah which way can you ring this code this code Luke I think we should I think we should bounce away from them I think we've got a good thing I think we've got a good thing Luke how debt no no no you're in here for the long haul Luke I can't get out sorry sorry oh my God look at the map okay you know what we're gonna turn around me we're gonna turn around we really have to fly for a long time I'll Drive I'll Drive okay me once that guys I'm turning around we're okay can we not like I said backed away from each other yeah coming back I realized how far away can we come in back I'm taking it back I'm not gonna hold Luke captive come navigate vehicles everyone's you gotta like get out of the vehicle done circumnavigate let's go what circumnavigating it turns go south go south dummy okay you say so boss okay you're in the backseat driver oh my god Luke I'm gonna I swear to god we ship how do you do fuel it seems like fuels still a thing on its it's not you don't need to worry about it it's permanently 50 percent it's no Luke Luke I am I'm gonna drop you off and I want you to get out but I didn't drop out it I don't think this is where baby look I appreciate all you've done for me find a thing the oil trees Oh Luke I trust you Haley this is this isn't looking good for us man they're gonna like me it's me no it's not you it's me cause he's nice he's that professors too many peopie am i'm holding down ass look Luke Luke Luke you you get out you get out and then I'm gonna go we're leaving they're leaving on a plane yeah you want to stay with me look at the dying man going to Iceland we're going on today where are you going no I need you how dare you leave me all right well I expected speed to keep CaptainSparklez you getting out Luke you getting out is this welcoming out and I'm flying this this is my plane you have to stop you have to come to a full stop Luke you have five seconds to get out or when we land I'm going to kill you oh yeah yeah you just steal my own plane sorry Luke sorry sorry I didn't want it to go down like this I'm sure will become comrades again in the future but you guys should start off the same intentions of me because it your plane I know it now I'm stuck here and you guys are far away how do I fly up woods don't tell them Astra's we would know I'm going on deafened stay with them oh God I don't need them chat what do you guys believe in me huh all good today wait Tommy while he flies your plane and you just spawn it midair oh no wait go to Pete I don't know Pete there was a there was a strange tension between teeth I want to go see techno what okay guys sorry everyone I think I think I don't know you guys just seemed to you abandoning scheme I'm not abandoning you is that I'm taking a leave of absence not for long I'm gonna go I'm gonna go meet up with Jordan I don't know what no I know what I want I know what I don't want max guys nice so I'm gonna kill it here's why one I want to make a base in the middle of the world where we can be allies and Spain can come over and stay any time because we are allies how's that is that cool I want to jump on making it lantus at some point all right do it so it needs to so are we good hey guys are we good we can be friends we were allies yeah you bet you have an alliance awesome force you have to make your own fit all right we have we have how many alliances we have now chat we want to go to the middle of the map now chat where is the middle of the map oh god it's like here well I'll try viz I think I need to push old tribe out I think I want to go there I want to go there on top of that mountain look at that okay we've got a long way to go oh I'm so flying a plane oh we could chat do we want to go to alt drive and start our base or do we want to go pay a visit to the cap go to tack no no I don't want it I don't want to bug time though he's guy's own thing going on cap I checked at no stream how many the users taina one if it's more than 10,000 I'm gonna be a bit 23,000 oh my god oh okay I did my bit in front of 23,000 people oh wait oh my god I'm about to fly over a site yeah I'm gonna pay my enemy a visit that's what I'm gonna do yeah boys we're gonna go find a spy oh my God look how quick I'm going I want to go me a sigh we're in quitting the planes are going much faster now oh my God look at this I've got such a momentum wait was that a sign who was that I just flew over someone did you guys see that you guys see that I'm circling so has a pacer sneak oh I'm not interested in mr. ass I'm going I'm going for that ass we're going in we're going in let him know no actually don't let us know I want it to be a surprise attack okay that was quite the treat okay I'm above ass all right we're gonna depart from the plane okay what's slowing down we're slowing down this is good this is good oh is it okay men you shall we're about to go pay him a visit how'd it pathetic 100 viewers 170 for me okay I just need to go quit wait I just need to go afk and take it take a quick way I'll just leave that call and just be completely obnoxious wait you worded we're talking about the brown yeah the brown note is this frequency that makes your bowels like your remember fit was warden are you guys where I we were listening to the back it made us pucker I'm not gonna lie you know they tried to do it on Mythbusters and it didn't work I'm a a word for me I answer I mean my couch became like a brown it went from being like a polystyrene go travel of everybody leather couch real fast I better get a plane soon I swear to God I don't like this time unit guy anymore dang bro y'all live like this in the province of twitch prime yeah what's the what's the shield recipe I forget it's uh it's like a give me your resources I'll make it for you no I got this it's hard to explain it's like a why I guess okay I'm back sorry Chang had to go for a week I've been holding up for so long so how many of you is the real for you guys I'm just I'm sorry I'm just wondering or someone in chat said does it lie how many enemies has he made now what did they say whilst I was gone sure where's si that's fine look at this we're close wait ah I'm table some cool other cool respect the tab sure we are close to us I I'm gonna go in I'm gonna get him don't let him know they said they don't like you I don't believe you Pete didn't say anything because I like people am I going the right way okay okay they didn't bite you hey did you guys say you didn't like me there's no wall who doesn't like you you guys can't say that did you oh wait one sec hey vici where's us I now he's running come back si we can talk come back si I just want to talk to him he's trying to outplay me I found his bass that's I I'm coming down you're mine as I I'm gonna have to oh is he trying to trap me Oh SRU you have made a a big mistake let's talk what are there only three B C's ass alright no yes yes oh why are you running you were running from you man why would I run I'm just walking I thought we were Hey I know we've had I've got a request yes sorry I'm not barging in on your guys's parade and I'm a my cool yeah I'm I'm really mad why why you're sorry living this life okay yeah here's the thing man take off my other one side let me just get changed here's the thing si I I kind of want to be your friend you know you say I want you to take back everything you said about my feet and then we'll be good yeah I mean I'm sure your feet are normal I would say in like something I heard him somebody I'm sure they were lying them you know I'm sure they were they were being a dum-dum liar I'm sure for you - fine I'm sure they're actually kind of pretty do you want something like a picture I'm scared yeah I'm gonna go now it's been really nice catching up with you yeah I'm sure I don't feel like we've made peace I'll be honest with you buddy if you do feel like the picture you know yeah I'm yeah I'm definitely gonna go now uh sigh goodbye Mia why what a weirdo what a weirdo oh my god oh my god what stop spamming kill him finish him no no I'm not gonna kill him chant we've gotta set up a base at some point Stephen I just happened to be in the neighborhood of the medics are you really ready cuz you were sure you were sure sneaking up on me that sword of yours why I was just looking at your knee I want you I want you to look me tight I want you to look me dead in the eye and tell me you weren't gonna try and kill me yes you are you're always blind no no no my chat okay give me one reason not to not to take you out right now my chaste mommy kill them kill sneak kill ass I but I'm not gonna I'm gonna be the bigger man here and get tell me why tell me why telling you I tell you aren't you the one that's supposed to say why you're the bigger man no no see I'm gonna kill you are you I don't know I don't know I don't want any we're gonna oh holy spiders that's a lot of watch out behind you sneak what kind of land land is this I just want you to be okay that's just can we can we handshake no that sounds gross less handshake I think I I'm gonna shake your hand whether you like it or not kind of sounds a little yeah it's a little iffy I'm scared now I'm gonna go oh oh this closely this close to getting in your boat that would have really been something now would it yeah that would have been I already would have been one for the reports I understand okay what did alright sneaked to internment on this island other just gone I hope we can be allies i I think you should stay away from us I he's not he's not good for you Kamath gonna do me I don't yeah I'm waiting what on discord yeah okay you're supposed to send me in the picture or something oh oh you oh you oh my god I'm out why why Widow run request bail oh my god Jesus menu I want to go set up a home shut I'm unlocking the vehicle Tommy don't leave me on ride that's all he didn't even accept my I'm out I'm not gonna kill a sign not yet when I kill him it will be grand and people techno and PETA shady Tenno and Peter che diae ciao which way am I going now I want to get our old tribe am I going the right way actually up Jesus that's far I'll spy these there too let's go let's head on over there you go Tommy what Jam attack Toland stop with the toes is that why is everyone just ah I don't mind this ceremony despite me s wife you have collabed in the past Oh No okay we're flying over the woman that's all remain calm guys remain calm his will but still online he's not he's not I hope I sure hope there's some clips for me to watch after this stream of other streamers that would be awesome oh he immediately left he sets up on minecraft server that's his fault you know when he worked and when he wakes up and it's been completely colonized by me don't don't tattle okay ciao if you check the map now we are making our way down the town so we should hopefully be arrived my ultra what are they in a call I can just say hello my discord no I don't want to authorize Logitech G what the hell hey cookie colonize the whole of Siberia I'm gonna get a pass are they in a call I think they may well be hey guys I'm just I'm heading on over is that cool with you guys yeah well you guys have got a base in the middle of the map and I'd really like to have you got have you guys really sad that up as you're home yet or is this still up fer wait Tommy I have a proposition for you oh there's no business okay so here's the story real quick taking away the fields are killed me they stole the long did they Oh fie fie I don't know if you know me but I am really good at combat I've I've made more enemies than anyone in this server do you see where this is going I want to recruit you along with blue stank we got to fly to the South Pole and I've been inventory of snowballs right now and just bombard them from the sky I think Pete's there as well I might have to pass on this one me and techno have kind of became allies where's outdrive oh oh that's a rip dude well what happens okay it's a gay what happened hello hey hey what happened to old tribe cuts on there the song now I have no idea I don't seem on the map I see him on the map he's next to used by P uh yeah I saw him in gay I don't know well I'm gonna go I think I'm gonna befriend ultra I've go for it I can't get inside my brain for something you'll be good man yeah no I wish you the best of luck on your travels I'll maybe I will assist you on the earth the techno blade I don't even know what you call it attack oh the camera cause it's like coming home I okay alright okay I'm making my way look look look look at that look at that hey cookie Billy with the two months can we got some pogs we got some pogs for the twitch for earnest dollar there we are Oris like the following savage killer thanks for following all Shrive I'm just gonna say his name I've entered kpop that kami uh-oh I'll try I am coming I want to befriend Japan is that a threat nope an ally request it is don't listen no no no no no can we speak you went past no I didn't let me refresh the map is the map down no oh god I actually did go faster yes sir I want to speak to al trife I'm arriving at his humble abode shortly it's up here it's up here docks from life you said that about a million times now hey man if he did feel free to come up but please if you do actually know where I am don't leak any location things or anything cuz that would be really bad so that's just that's cool if you want to come up feel free but please don't say anything about location cuz you may be well be lying but let's just watch your torture alright we're taking a land we're taking a land and going to meet mr. tribe techno found the portal okay I am coming I'm just gonna I'm not no I'm not threatening him me and I'll try we're gonna be friends I can already tell right / menu despawn how close am I to altar I've Hindman oh they're all up there I need to go this way hi Kris are you in a VC first stream hog how many screens you got three monitors screen YZ not many I'm going to find all the rancher Jesus man I mean oh my god it's any midnight holy alright I'm making my way up there land I'm going to go and find them course to end portal of Wantley Oh write that down that'll you nod write that down send on this good I just want to go in me I'll try from you / he's very funny he's a funny guy I was listening to him on the way to school I've entered Japan it's not even a joke by the way I wasn't uh listen to the goop cast on the way to school oh I'm close now I'm close now let's go out of business mode okay we're good [Applause] there is is that I don't know that spy fee uh he's old tribe hey guys ah yo guys hello what happened with your plane um yeah that's the long story it doesn't flying conditions apparently we going to meet it have you guys claim this area uh all right there is a little mountainy area up above would you guys be ok if I if I claim that you can just join the the faction you want me to join your panel drivers that way yeah okay only if you want I can't I can't claim it all well I think I would prefer to the Allies rather than listen claiming this I have bad news for you in the land despite the stables don't do wage will still work try and throw a snowball at me yeah mr. tribe I would like to set up a a neighborhood just down the road and I'll be happy to visit you anytime would you be a girl I think it would be nice to keep the land all under the same the same father it's not this island it's not this island it's just slightly above if you have a look slightly above do you mean like off the Chinese Peninsula or do you mean that I'm not Geographic guys my cats telling me I want China I can have chat thank you man thank you but if you're trying to get Sapporo probably not how you just you just hit me as a fist bump can I be see you I don't know sir how's that okay I don't know guys immune voice colloids cool oh you're trying to call me oh my god faster than line one otherwise so quick what the hell oh hey mr. cha right hello I don't want to I've made a couple enemies in the past couple hours that I wouldn't like to remove I'll tell you all drive I've I've done some bad things I was wondering if we could be allies sure good you you will not regret that decision okay I don't there is a lot of planes around us you seem to evolve taking abode in a in a war field he's gone he's off so I think I'm gonna go up north and start a base would you would you be intrigued north you see this little island not the one above but the one up and to the left that one up and to the left so you go up a bit into those like a big bit with like a clearing it might be a mountain you see that like quite far up like like across the sit upon me across on this sea are you is it AB is it like above Korea oh sure I'm not Geographic Monica I study history not the history of our world all right Ryan I'm trying to figure out where this guy wants can you help me de Cohen what he's trying to say hey hey Ryan hey Chris hey what's going I like it you're mine craft brewer moment that was guys can you please counteract these perennial stabs with your rocking chairs I need froggy to actually check I want to see my frog eater I need some froggy chairs 4.99 is my price to pay for froggy chair everybody shares the best emote on twitch a small price to pay for frog I'm gonna make a base now I'll try just do but if you look on the map it's above where I'm going then to the left so that Island and then across the sea oh so you're above suit so you're heading towards the island of sup Hall in Hokkaido how do you know all of them oh my god I'll try verse 15 and speaking of Japan uh he was trying to fly to uh like Europe from America and plane crash yours now quite literally that is just what happens okay so you're going like north-northwest right into this little yeah Oh am I here have I arrived oh yeah this island that I'm on now is this okay the one that is vlados Stark yeah it's fine what what what yeah you're fine where you're going why Vlada stock was that I don't know that's just some territory from Russia no well am i rushing now oh my god but yeah you could have that small island above Japan Yeah right I appreciate that yeah that's good why the is chip on my island I want to be able to claim my entire island the chip is really just throwing a nail on this alright oh he's made it maximum 500 excellent I can claim most of it now I'm gonna set up my base now thank you thank you ultra of course I pre I like you on goop I what I listen to goop I like are you very really you're very funny I'm funny you one of the funniest the heist that all my I don't on the way to school this morning I was listening it was it was very funny oh thank you thank you I appreciate it I don't appreciate chat with froggy chair all right man I'm gonna bounce now I appreciate you letting me take this we're gonna I'm sure a lie ship is gonna gonna only grow over time oh of course alright talk to you later see you later bye nice guys nice guys techno is three-chord dope oh my god what whoa whoa okay that's not minecraft he is with techno tell Pete to put in a good I don't need him to tell me to me and techno already the best of buds I don't I really don't need P to say anything more than what's already been said the my only my only worry is that sparkles big spark is gonna gonna turn on me I've got to set up my base now sure I hope you know that's what's happening next cuz if I'm gonna be the most powerful man and yeah I'm already the strongest man in hypixel Skyblock I've got good to be the strongest man at SP earth I hope you all know also I'm probably got a stream on this daily coz this is very very fun natural gaming the Twitter prime yes sure dogs if you actually are at my school no one knows about my channel so I would appreciate if you just come up and say hi are you Tommy and then I'd be like oh my god yeah and the music not was fine but as you know it's not really strangers on the Internet that would be strange no one knows you should join techno and offer them help prices to the moon don'ts at bass here why this is a splendid place Sean that's a following I think that's added to Sean based on your two-hour handle so why the chat isn't this a good place to to base a good place to base I just had to tell cave maybe it's zero zero I think this is good look cha-cha let me let me evaluate we're near mr. tribe who is a good G we're basically smack bang in the middle of the map as far as it goes we could go a bit further down but then would be a bit too close to two ant and I'm only like ten minutes away from Tecna which i think is I think I'm gonna set up shop here ciao this is good oh I'm gonna go make a base / f chat watch like call my faction it has to be this name is gonna go down call it in ink die call it in ink in its empire thank you you behaved with a prime chat do I call it in it empire in ink in an empire chat we need your name oh my god that really is loud this is a wonderful powerful buyer I can't call it in ink because it would you it will be just me there won't be Rudy or turbo up one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven I'm not very good at oh I'm not very good at making house as you see trustworthy we're gonna need some chests finally I won't take offense no no it's not that you'll take offense it's just I'm morally have an obligation to yeah music was good thanks done we're more focused on the minecraft now trusty dusty business empire the init foundation sherry I'll look it up that's perfect that is perfect hog hogs in chat please go I leave a window hole do I want to make it what no no no I won't we want business empire I'm not your business empire has a good flow to it oh gee thanks linear speak to you I'll probably ring you in a bit in its empire so if you want to use the prime so plug in it and yeah BK thanks to the prime Dom alpha domination that sounds a bit alpha business alpha business that is a good name chat tell me that's not a good name it's alpha business a good name yeah oh yeah it's for a country isn't it in its Inc in incorporation the country business babe where the business where the business takes place oh yes business BAE sounds like a fortnight man oh my god that is awesome thank you darkly and I who isn't pocketing shop earlier we've got to make a nice base by the way you don't have to be streaming to buy on this which is quite awesome cameraman laughs you were going to Spain Oh what lots happened since then chat what's happened oh this is gonna make such a good video this has been the first stream by the way where I've done something that isn't Skyblock and the entire chat hasn't been why aren't you on skype or so I'm guessing people a lot enjoying this if that's my that's the only way that people know galaxy with a twist Prime thank you should have missed it oh okay well until this point no one has said about sky blonde so I'll start chat with the shack and then it's gonna transform into a Gallic Galactic castle so many USSR's oh my goodness where were the slaves I don't think we're gonna have any slaves on this one I only barely got in this time I don't well but to be like oh he's the slave guy and I'd be like oh I know laughter I have to really think hard about oh look at this isn't this 9h I've been playing Minecraft for so long oh my god luckily my Fulbright makes it so you can't really tell what's happening no it's not I disagree I think my house is awesome yeah this has a very Tammany feel yes yes turn off all bright absolutely not do we have any sound no we do not it's some time oh I need to have claimed this area don't I yes all right what you got to do I'm a fractions player you got to go to every corner of the base and do that command these more windows I'm gonna get more windows but I need to sand oh wait can you F set home we can teleport that's awesome that's swag now we can finally mine oh my god this is awesome the wood can still be destroyed is any wood in it we need sand to to conveyed glass slash faction Ally that doesn't work oh yes I sent him an ally request come on cap a lie junkie Bianca I like techno blade ones like Spain Antarctica I'm just I'm just business value yeah what's the business BAE BAE of course Jesus 10 I already killed the ender dragon no he did not no he did not I believe that he has a plane I do I simply do not believe that yeah he is une claim it I quit tennis for Tommy's that's good but you could always have his up so you could tell me what's happening the biggest thing is ass I I don't want him getting in he's just claiming land and fighting around really I'm gonna go ask him if he wants to be my Ally that's the VC's folk f home has been disabled I made that happen mr. Wars oh I've already set my home it still works yeah you're right I just claim some of this area around boomer admins bad mins oh no I got corn nuts it's not gonna that's not gonna resonate well okay let's get down Abed what a red bed to convey power ciao red flower let's go awesome makes Jerry stripclub mark - there isn't Jerry stripclub mark 1 oh my god you always want their bed next to the chests that's true so if someone tries to steal your valuables you can just like ping awake and believe haha I think I want one of the chests on this side yeah look at that bad spawns that fresh spawn /f sets born was it a set spawn ok I've already got mine my hand thanks attaboy I didn't know there was a VC limo for ya hey guys oh no not yet not yet things are going well for me pretty good as menu everything's in slash menus it's the direct I'm gonna leave that call they seemed a bit they seem a bit politic see I went in told him everything was going well and then and then bounced yeah we're gonna need to make a farm we need to make sure we have a sign that conveys that this is my Tommy in it's very powerful home that implies alpha nurse yeah boys but if I saw someone's home was very powerful I wouldn't I would certainly not go in I don't know about you guys but very powerful business home it's not a business home this is just a home business may be done here but that does not make it a business home this man is good at reviewing and guiding conflict that's what they say you see I can't it's full unless they all had it on over to vc5 oh I'll hit him up hey blade hello innit can I speak to you for a second I'm gonna be as positive as I can he won't suspect a thing what VC should we go go to vc4 bring your men if you must she's loggin all right I'm provided to him today position techno wants to kill you what do you mean tena wants to kill me chai is it liking for anyone else or is it just Inc China doesn't want to chat that was awesome not like Inc awesome he doesn't want to kill you Tana wants to kill me Oh join BC yo guys how are things going for you I mean because business Bey is making moves who's gonna join your country no one joins my good you don't join my country my choice where are you settled in the smack-bang middle of the map he's already smart but he's like kind of China I'm China right that's the business true no no someone sold in China my friend might oh you did yeah I'm just uh I'm just making a farm that's good oh it looks like I'm techno and Phil and spicy and are all in Madagascar on anymore world trotting adventures mister um who do I run into a spy and sneak and sneak tried to kill me him that was yeah that's awesome sixty-six roses boys sorry I need to I need to ask something with the blade that's not gonna get down well with anyone no one like that there's 50 seconds oh and does he have a big delay chance here if you delayed boomer let me know what he said let me know if we're him let me know if we're if we're on the lead know what coming here you're back why did you need me why did you need me oh man oh we should you guys just streaming by the way all of us oh except for me yeah I'm stream except no sorry I that was Bobby you should keep a diary on you and like write it and it was what you doing the server I pissed off on my someone's gonna make fire getting started history yeah there's a oh I'm excited to read through those after with June my mother gotta make content happen maybe they've got a whole lot to document yeah day one is gonna be it's gonna be a chill but once it starts kicking up shit's gonna happen well I'm what have I done I've man so it started with a breath well it started with me a lying a crazy story goes that's when I fell out with a sigh and that's where I be started and then I became friends with an antique I piss off like okay sorry everything my challenge today that you call him a sigh oh that's water fan Pete does not oh yeah anyway so I beeped with mass I for some time and then I met sparkles I robbed captain sparkles and he was not happy about that but then we became friends after I saved I'm what I am but I just have a strike you started that is a horrible steal just are just six iron yes I know that because my dad came in here and said he was exiling you for stealing yourself no no he wasn't no no we befriended we're friends were friends and then yeah not as like not the first thing you did no no the first thing I did was same is like my friend I saved his life from an Enderman and then I tried robbing him and then he caught me but I blamed it on slip on I didn't blame it on anyone just not me really did I didn't I didn't blame I just said it wasn't me and then it was just me and spark yes of course he didn't believe you I was rolling with the punches and then sorry what did you say goofy Spain is gonna be like a huge trade oh yeah did you accept my ally requests oh oh we're in a I see how things if you do you think it's gonna be business oh my god I've been doing it wrong oh Oh Oh God what'd you do I've just been I'm very I'm on the best at farming is infamous poops gonna be honest MP you know he doesn't play that much well anyway yeah so I am Ivan Brendan Brendan knows well no actually I didn't befriend no tanto didn't like me so is anyone still listening to my story oh no no no he didn't dislike me he was just a word that I was quite the controversial player fair enough and then yeah so I need to become allies with him and then oh my god so much and then Spain of course I unexpected Pete but I can't tell you about was awesome you know sorry about that no what no I thought I my intent wasn't do it Maurice lose oh you say he's just being very quiet yeah and then I am sorry yes I wanted my toe picks he wanted my toe picks by I declined it was it was very it was concerning and but then all is resolved now all this result oh I'll try them as well and that won't try them spicy thank you ms o li CH on the ground society hmm my base is coming a well coming along very well look at my farm cha look at my farm I'm thriving my really try I'm just thriving hey can a horse a brand I'm excited to go to war with that no not that I will do that take no one cares I'm gonna meet my you don't have to keep going until the two times two wars oh yeah oh no a list just me just mean me in the business bay they've claimed the street Jesus man tenors going ham oh oh well I'm having a good time he can't he certainly won't be claim if he claims any of my riding then I'll go to war I wish to discuss an ally ship he well now yes but once I once I get Tanner blade in the tile all my look techno on ultra ever having a dogfight are left hanging tilt not too long now it's very very late and I've seen for about three hours today and also had a music exam very very server be pulling a spy fee he's having a plane fight I want I'm very excited to see all this and see myself in the shower afterwards Oh food is low this is not good I'm gonna need some bone meal oh oh I'm gonna have to go on a killing spree having a plane fight okay I'm glad I'm not involved in that Tommy try it typing after nap ah what's that you are here your function oh that's cool I need to go kill some skeletons to get my I need steak and he's near me I'll try this like Cap'n the girl is together again shot Cap'n the woman they're in Jordan land I thought whoa what is that I thought we were gonna be oh okay okay guys thanks Cobb up cap is getting it on say that you simply cannot say that oh god I haven't shut my phone notifications nothing of interest Pete laughed does that mean there's a spot in the visa no he doesn't I've got to keep my eyes on it I think I did okay on music I don't know it's just long oh I'm dying all right just open the plain menu there we go all right well we use none of our fuel in that huge dogfight all right just coming to check out the shenana to check out our empire [Music] all right fair enough you can use them as an experiment to see how much power you lose when you kill someone hello gentlemen I'm in listening for a little while listening in you know me I was wondering I've heard you guys have you guys are pretty powerful one might say yes a little bit a little bit so I was wondering if you'd be interested in an ally ship with business bay I feel like your your country is a bit controversial we want to house the geopolitical advantages of starting an alliance or anything oh my god yeah okay okay we want to be sure what we're getting into here all right is this like a defensive pact a traitor guys are you saying that an F ally techno so what does that entail like if we get attacked like the Treaty of Versailles you know mmm yeah yeah yes all right I took history famously successful Treaty of Versailles you know it tell Mike okay like the like the League of Nations yes the famously successful business okay look we can go on and on time but then look no I feel would you be okay with me a lying maybe Namco Lee techno techno where is way more knowledgeable nice and easy you've got to take some take some of your own strides you can't let this mind control you all right well I'm seeing a lot of do not trust Tommy Tommy okay no one time in termination tena we've been friends for a long time now I argue for the first time like two days off the camera I think I think we're gonna work well that one kind of radiation in a thriving business relationship don't you don't you this guy is just trying to be flat what is this oh my god how dare you call me a copy okay listen listen how many continents do you own to have the right to negotiate with us put it this way cut now I have a lot of iron I have a whole lot of iron and I'm willing to Africa and that's our next target so wait Africa is in is in sparkles is in the cap captain sparkles claim all of it I don't know well I'm friends with Mike with 36 join us techno you can call me don't please don't call me a slack copy that's not still with me now alright Tommy do you have leather put it this way tight now put it this way I will have leather leather leather if you are that's not a yes it's not well it's not no hello hello aunt madam hey man hey Anne do you want to be allies man you want to be allies man I think I kind of do and let me allies antvenom let me send you it I already did and honestly like they're trying to talk about about you and I'm not appreciating my chat talking bad about you know hey we're getting along this is mean you we're bonding right now mr. an we're bonding no no I'm not laughing at that and it wasn't you it wasn't arguing no no I wasn't doing my hire jet Tommy untrusted techno spam sounds like a scam very Sammy no they just follow the leader okay they see one one green name says Tommy scammy and that's the whole shot game trisomy ten there um no really trust me man same all the greasers i trust me i want to be allies with everyone that's my that's my goal I'm out of food I want to be the passive it's not what and you want to be allies and I do you awesome I sent you an I sent staff your names down yeah Oh actually okay oh and that's we're gonna have okay well what's that I mean I was a whole different faction earlier wait you have a problem with stall waiting no no I'm getting down the this I copied your hair that's not yeah I'm like wait a minute really embracing the role all right I'm about at whatever this is at the center of Antarctica no no I can you know I'm gonna I'm gonna break the trust I'm we can be okay with now we can no no I mean oh god no oh it's all falling up oh okay guys would I lie to you my church shows yes no no no yeah but you gonna tell no that delusional that delusional all right I feel like they know more information than I do yeah getting the same thing from my chest okay yeah I'll leave you guys ignore them what do you how do you feel about a lion I'm totally good with that idea that's good see you to see my child that's bombing Tommy trustee so I don't know there is a lot lightening my undivided attention oh no you see the thing is techno to get the potatoes you got a lie with me and and we see antvenom does this man speak okay speaks for me that's not that's not right yeah I feel like it's kind of pushing this bouncer I feel like we can negotiate around there was a lighter than a wheat so we good we we all allies I think the guards are angry with Tommy I turned off my sounds it was I'm in denial see see that's the project in the gods not having a partnership with you with the bad karma because it goes against the God's will I ain't messing with Zeus I mean I'm climbing up right now to the very top of the high Grunk see me and Grunk vouch for me we're allies right hello hello hello greetings from the sky we've become very popular are you sky burger I found I found a plane and I wanted to see us weld it and can I show you for a sec I am under submit why is there fire arrows on the ground I think we just gotta talk they don't worry about it scary and can you hop in vc4 I'll see if the venom joins me all right what's hey hey here's the thing about tang note this is a big you heard of hypixel Skyblock yeah i know about his reputation and what he's done there Oh tight no yeah Technos yeah oh yeah yeah I know yeah he's the only one with a bad reputation on sky block I'm a bad reputation he has a poor opee what's happen this innocent soul called swig kid he just he just obliterated him all he was trying to do was farm potatoes and techno bullied him here's a question is it a competitive game yes very very end he deserves to be bullied because it's a competitive game and that's the way it is oh my god okay wait I see sneaks plain sorry I need to go back and now it's so good I'll join I think I should be friends we will be should be allies you good good you can't prove that we're not the beginning that marks where the mountain is is in render distance but he's not there I know sir I just spoke to an he said he'll give you potatoes if you ally with me that was his exact words I that's a great start how are we still won drag I mean I think you weren't very going Josh how sperms are we left the vehicles the vehicles locks don't worry nobody's taking our sick whip our amazing great high and South Hill where are you I'm totally persuading techno right now he is totally falling right into my this is this is what we want this is what we want Oh like weren't you doing main in uh yo guys I have I have a question a query if you will um sometimes people to say you want to kill me I don't think you should trust everything you hear Tommy same goes for you same good Tommy scammy no come on mine I'm saying a lot of people in Antarctica and your mics me too by the way it looks like you're trying to talk Oh oops my bad the people kept looking at my plane then looking back and I'm like I think he's trying to know I was gonna plant these patek know is gonna kill me ready you don't even name me on the map he's down there in Antarctica I think we're good oh no no I'm not necessarily living here a lying with them yeah but I'm just circle I'm doing okay we're just exploring the places with with my plane thank you thank you don't forget thank you thank you chat what what's my play here what's my play it seems that techno wants to he wants me he must be dead I'm kind of like I'm alive for three hours holy oh my god oh my god it's midnight what uh oh oh my god I know realize that twitch Prime oh my god what's my play what's my play okay hey hey everybody what a sigh all ten Oh guys everyone either so he's not into my call and single-handedly saves me from Coppa haha we actually came in fulfilled that he deafened Wow if you need if you need more swear words in your content I can do yeah we can hit yeah why is everyone chillin at our base because why not it's kind of really far away from any sort of valuable resource so if I didn't know there's a lot of people chilling here that's why I flew here I wanted to see what was going on outside where do you want to go next my guy feel like planes are a bit overpowers yeah no it's we just flew for an infinite distance no punishment that's fine fine I guess I'm just gonna spawn my plane and get out of here because I don't have to deal with hunger problems if I just fly everywhere god I love being rich oh my god you guys just wait so you'll buy your first plan you'll be here someday I don't know you don't know yet you guys want me to leave a potato on your face before I go like a potato so that you can have more potatoes later yeah sure okay well I don't know if I can put it into a chest that's the problem but well no I can't I appreciate it no I did not say I was saying you begged me you got on your knees and begged for feet of course I will why am i hearing the word symptomatic rocks mouth I don't like that feels wrong right yeah so guys who wants to be my Ally I'm looking for allies not not a dime oh yeah wit y'all yeah I didn't roll over it I think I am no yeah we're definitely the UH free to be nice to Greece Italy wouldn't we just fly around in our plane I don't come soon sorry and get chased around by Tommy apparently I didn't remember that being part of the deal but we should form a mutual defense pact against Tommy like if he tries to talk to any of us we got an all over to where he lives I've had to uh I've had to boat over to Greece three times because he just shows up in a sighs territory um I don't want to I wouldn't scare you guys but yeah and he keeps refusing to son I know that I know the captain really messed up only thing we have an ally ship yeah captain said he'd kill anyone he was rude to me that was his event would I'm quivering I'm quivering so hard yeah like my mouse cursor is vibrating right now I'm so scared Wow I didn't really know how to what to think of that but well I don't know either that's why I'm shaking I have no idea what's going on I just want to be I just won power allies I was ten ten people going to my call what's going on all right aside let's go hey let's go find somewhere else yeah that's you want to be allies we'll go farther and bother I don't know what that means I'm lost in this game nothing but bad things you're Charlie you Chad well no but technically teleported out of there Oh to cancel my chat with my child right and I know it because my shot of being incredibly nice about me and saying I am trusty and a nice guy so you create chaos no my childhood guys good guys and you know just overall great your chat on the other hand now no offense I don't look like an ally with someone that doesn't like my show no I'd like you to know I'm a member I'm a member pturner felt like you were gonna say something else I not working out no no no don't think about come on so guys what will it be a lie or no Ania I feel like we're gonna have to have some time to discuss this amongst ourselves oh no I'm following weeks I'll out definite you can have a couple of minutes just to think I respect that I respect him I feel like we need a little bit more than a couple of political consequences don't worry Lehman land that's really all right I really think billions should claim more of Antarctica first I think you guys are overthinking this just say yes just say yes I feel like yeah I feel like I feel like you're gonna say no if we get pressured into it if you guys get into a war okay put it this way but it is know I'm a good guy you guys tell me tell me I'm a good guy did did you just come here for validation this has already gotten out of hand okay Oh seems entirely in hand no it's not so what'll it be I'm just not seeing the geopolitical your techno Tenno you chat want me to all right chat I'm gonna need a or name yes now that you've been calling me Tommy trustee no I didn't know yeah or an a come on Chad don't let me down I'm a member I'm one of you guys I'm one of you guys well my chatter all yeah is my Cheryl that happy man they're good guys hmm yeah I'm seeing all our na no you just focusing on the next no I don't think it's focusing on the entire chat saying the same not true wait I saw a singular a passerine with it di was it di Thea would fellow no it's not you know or than a there's an overwhelming amount of me I think I think you guys you two are being pessimistic okay cuz my job my job is a whole lot yet so you're gonna think about the good things for the bad things it's two versus one during I think it's important to focus on the bad things in life cuz you know if you miss it a pretty flower it doesn't really matter but if you miss one bear you're there right are you trying to compare me to a bad because if so no I think bears would make a much more useful Ally due to their bold in power I said oh my god I'm just not seeing the same benefit hmm I need to go get more dirt I'm starving to death just walking around idly feels that what do you think cuz I think Tanner's lost the plot the more you go downhill is war allowed on this server let me ask yes now this is this plan because if we go to war we're gonna like destroy him so hard we'll have two hanoks him and I don't want to annex this country you ain't destroyed I'm claims my land booty yeah oh yeah yeah I've claimed well you actually claimed a thousand chunks did I it doesn't even know my chat Tommy's you Anna claiming 100 and I did that oh no really oh my god I did Oh claim so much land in this game I don't understand you want to be you want to be ten on my chat spamming pig a cool copy about okay you copying pick a cool no I think they're talking about you but it seems unlikely I can't think of a single thing me and pickle have in common gosh well it's like you calling me a Jason I copy its vice versa you know I said you were pulling a JSON I can yes would you like to buy my cryptocurrency this sounds pretty similar it doesn't know no means you guys when when worse comes to worse when antvenom declares war on you when Stough are you gonna be are you gonna be the guys that sit there going oh no I wish we'd have teamed with the business bay and could have taken him down i watch your PvP credentials 1000 i i'm i'd killed do in a duel once and tapo finalist hard to believe the footage is out there you want me to I can send you footage of me killing deer I don't care about killing deer oh oh no yeah well that was a lie but the other thing yeah I'm not finding like any any holes here I'm looking oh I'm telling you bill if you came down to business bay that would be always beyond belief Oh share me with hey look is the business bay like what here are your antenna I'll ask you this what isn't the business bay really I mean it's a trading hub isn't it's a moral high ground we're all beacon yeah moral beacon I couldn't have said it by myself yeah so what will it be I'm gonna be a no on that one chief let me just do a thousand bits and told me to tell you that my chat all right guys [Music] guys guys please please I uh I really hit the join button if you want this alliance to not happen Oh what which primes if you want this guy prime shotgun raids if you want this to happen ah do you know who's shotgun raids this yes that's good that's good no chat you're not mean you're not made to say twitch prime chat you meant it ok no you guys so what would I think we've came we're coming to a conclusion now echo a so is it gonna be a yes then some dude just sent me a hundred dollars and the message was leastwise so will it be a yes ten oh okay I didn't want out the result of this one sex knee I'm just about to start throwing ice if you don't hold on I have something way more important oh I become quietly a dad and said that somebody somebody wanted an enchantment table correct correct mmm I'm listening you got wet I I may have may or may not have an enchantment table I could I could stop and bring by the only we can just get one on our own oh nothing that's awesome alright Jack am I being Cringer or should I keep pushing I'm gonna plug my twitch oh my god I don't want to cringe them out but I really I need an ally ship now more than I've ever needed it with a sigh on the on the other end of the table push it okay okay a lot of it is coming in my chair hey fish yeah are you looking for an ally okay well let me let me know if you you guys seem capable but somebody told me you directly asked if if I could give you one that's clearly a fat cap but just let me know so are you guys oh those damn it I heard you needed a guinea pig to test out how much power you lose on a death so I've come to offer myself for sacrifice thank you thank you this is deeply appreciated I also brought Florida sugarcane oh yes yeah buddy pretty good hey fit hello who are you this is not a good day for Tommy no no this is fine I'm imagining fit i was i was driving like it's fun trust me on this one i know just fit my friend how it how do you feel about an alliance what a cool kid sorry I'm a Florida man I am a lone wolf you know I just I make crystal meth in my van and I'm like wow okay Cece did you hear that okay okay okay I was I was not gonna I was you know that's taken me aback again I'll leave you alone techno feels that my last shot do you guys want to want to team up you know me they okay have you guys heard of war have you guys heard of war yes yeah yeah that that okay all right no boy it's been nice talking all right we'll keep keyboard click keep your eyes peeled you know tread lightly tread lightly okay we will and we'll be sleeping soundly I just made enemies with techni blade yeah I know he wouldn't team with me obviously why would he Tommy how much land how much do you know how much land he has claimed yet a lot we're thinking about removing a goobers thinking about your scrapping the fact see now I think making it so that there's like tags next but not like haven't yeah that would be cool because then he can just factions good but it's like it needs to be modeled better people are taking the whole we own it now that's our colony but now yeah hey revising me for so we all agree I will throw at the power yeah I'm sorry guys okay all right I'm almost there all right let me just consult oh now they didn't sound like they're oh oh no oh they didn't seem like they are there any there Eddie took in that apology not good not good Apple knocks thank you for the raid of 12 anyone here from techno please thank you I was going to say you anger techno yeah he didn't he didn't sound too happy when I called him a pinnacle copy and everyone joined the call haha oh it's me better thank you for the sub they have the moon important I don't know what that means this is that end of your reign okay well I've claimed my land ja I think we're gonna we're gonna find someone to read that was fun that will be a highlight and a half I'll be uploading tomorrow probably streaming here tomorrow too thank you guys so much for watching that was pretty Swank should we rain our booty antvenom yeah guys let's send antvenom a love no CaptainSparklez even not antvenom i have an ad why do I have an ad I have ad block oh my god CaptainSparklez is playing an ad break you see you scum oh my god God okay we'll be fine thank you for the twist promise well choco why I'll be in my disco and if anyone wants to chat I'll just wait till it's ad breaks done so you guys don't have to all right we're gonna raid up sparkles everyone I hope to see you all over there hog POG champs so you're from tell me we really need to secure this I'll be streaming tomorrow night thank you all for watching job has been immensely fun I'll be in my discord I hope you all have a great night and I'll catch you guys you're in Noel my god
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 292,586
Rating: 4.9025064 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, SMPEarth, smp earth, technoblade, minecraft smp earth, smp live, technoblade smp earth, captainsparklez, wilbursoot, itsasaii, minecraft smp, minecraft multiplayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 27sec (12087 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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