That Time I Conquered SMP Earth

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as soon as you guys will get here we'll begin the trial so there we were a week after SMP earth began being put on trial in front of the entire server you're probably wondering how we got into this situation well I'll tell you but first techno Utah's techno Utah's techno u2 so yeah I've been working with the u2 skies designed this others techno blade figurine like a like a real-life thing but it's not a big deal right no u2's these will go on sale on December 27th 3 p.m. est and they'll be available for $29.99 with free worldwide shipping but while we're waiting we'll be giving away three techno u2's for free if you'd like a chance to win just go to techno blades comm link in the description and do steps like retweeted my tweet join in the youtube subreddit to get more chances to win and flex your own techno yo toes ok back to the video it had been a bad week for the Antarctic Empire Antarctica had turned out to be a barren land of almost no resources no trees no food I even spent 45 minutes transporting a chicken across the globe only to discover that you can't even spawn passive mobs and strongholds so what chicken farm was impossible thanks for nothing Alfred but I refuse to give up on my plans for world domination having three players our faction had the power to claim 3,000 chunks of land which wasn't even close to enough to claim all of Antarctica much less the world but the server map had a little-known feature autofill if you only claimed the perimeter of your territory the map would market all is your land exponentially decrease in the amount of power you need to spend according to my calculations if we push this feature to its absolute limit we just barely have enough but it has to go perfectly and so the day of reckoning began fills aside he was working on something over here what is this my puny high pixel brain can not understand there's no sugarcane there and it's it's making that this is witchcraft I I'm just not gonna ask glad that man's on my side oh it's Phil I'm gonna head to Africa so we can get some cobblestone I'll meet ya we will have a sick-out wait it's no up he's destroying me I was about to say oh let's have a race and then you just like going to your daughter render distance in like two seconds I got flex time the disrespect I feel so fast when you're not there oh my self-confidence is back I'm not that bad I'm zooming up hello because think about the thing you've got is that you have a lot of time to like type and alt-tab if you want to cuz it you descend so slow when the first one you descend pretty quick this isn't this is a flex isn't it well you know on the bright side it takes so long to get to your destination you can really read a lot of your chat you can really get that connection with your you really don't get that with the fast plane because you just instantly teleport to your location that's why I still use this little plane from time to time if I'm going somewhere and I just need to like yeah that's why I'm using a slow play now it's because I love my viewers get in alright we got this techno beau all right we're gonna ruin the server they're gonna log on today and be like what did you guys do yeah we that's why we waited until today cuz you know we wanted them to be thankful for their land before we took all of it where we took all of it it's a Black Friday sale on the earth and it's a hundred percent off Add to Cart all right you're gonna have to speed craft some doors so we survived oh you got a notch Apple I don't log in for like couple twelve this is what I have on me I have 16 or maybe 26 I think and the chest uh chat we choose good allies we choose good allies chat hi this is gonna be our landing pad this is where we can take off for a launch we're gonna dodge Iceland under Greenland and why why does antvenom need that why does it need that land can we turn on a little came that way yeah I'm gonna slash F unclaimed all we have no land now let's make this quick all right Godspeed brother all right I just ripped yep I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good that is not a straight line I'm sorry you're gonna have to leave we're busy taking over the world that's a lot of people will declare war on you I can tell you that right now well where are they gonna live huh every think of that we can't break the chain at any point or our plan will fail you're skipping chunks we're not skipping chunks right guys you're actually skipping chunks you're only claiming every third song oh this is garbage Oh Phil Phil we gotta go back our plane was too fast here we go perfection first try world domination attempt v2 the admin has messaged me through console if you try and claim the whole world I will literally delete frozen - Phil we got to do it now add Vince realize that his plan just backfired I'm ready to go mm-hmm see check the map see if it works all right all right here we go here we go chat we're doing it what does f3 plus G do it shows you the bonus of the chunks it's actually useful it also helps us prevent from drifting out of them I can't wait to claim the whole world and tell everyone to hippity-hoppity get off my property yes the admins on me apparently that's what they're saying the man stop I know you're listening stop it'll be funny yeah it'll be funny Josh come on she'll be cool where am I oh [ __ ] this is Australia I was gonna say this is not New Zealand this is huge see chat I've planned this out all right I did the math I think we cannot hit New Zealand just barely scrape past it I planned this event my plane disappeared apparently that's the admin solving the issue uh well I got a boat at least I'm gonna turn off auto claim and go back to land because I'm not swimming honestly you know what we're doing a chat F Auto claim on we're swimming the rest of the world let's go admins are logging in on a panic when they start getting messages they're realizing what we're gonna do and they instantly realize wait that'll actually work all this is trying to put a spider in our works right I clam huh what slamming it I think he's claiming my clam rlist don't be a boomer I'm doing what the admins can't do I'm taking you down techno plane oh stop don't do this to me did you say you can join I don't do you want to join well yeah sure techno Blakey you invite me to your Antarctic Empire and I will fix the crack I've made in your wall all right I respect the mercenary side of no gave me yesterday that's what you know that's that's what you pushed me over you know how I gave him a thousand bits and now he's there now somebody gives me two thousand bits I gotta I gotta leave again you know how I got you can defect tomorrow but today world conquest come on come on yes it'll be funny all right well we have a lot of power now bill do the admins the admins changed her power they changed we have negative 5,000 power oh we can still claim we're claiming without power the admins are abusing and it's not even working let's be honest this is gonna be just very EF dude this is gonna be no they're gonna let this happen a driver it'll be fine SMP techno blade all right up we can turn I'm headed north I'm headed towards you Phil we just have to connected oh I see the land in Brazil oh I see we did it we connected the beams the perimeter was mostly complete and we flew back to patch the few remaining holes so that it would autofill we also took a brief detour to convince the admits that this wouldn't actually delete everyone's faction data because they really wanted to ban us tell me the coordinates of the diagonal um is at roughly eight thousands Oh 7400 7500 chant t-minus 20 seconds before a world domination is complete diagonal spotted I think this is the trial of the Antarctic Empire is happening in the North France as we speak if you wish Wilbert added everybody up in the discord a trial I'm seeing I'm seeing a lot of people it seemed to be in our territory right now hippity-hoppity get off my property well said Wilbur's not in it Wilbert good guy Wilbur he's not in our land everyone else got to pay tax law and so Wilbur called to order what would later become known as the Sun mallow trials did I get that pronunciation right French people did I did I I don't care get out of it there's a lot of Authority and personas in this matter oh we can we can host a whole middle school musical here I got fallen kingdom ready to play on loop to everyone that's here I'm sure you've all aware of the dynamap and its current form if we could all just have a look on map dot SNP earth calm Oh Antarctic Empire owns quite a lot I'd say yes a good 70% of the Earth's surface now like they left a bunch of the ocean it's fine we this isn't against any server rule this isn't against anything at all this is completely within their rights but I'm happy to say it probably is a war crime how is it a war crime objection which which crime has been committed you've just invaded every single country on the map it appears that they actually illegally put their countries within my borders would you like to begin your defense if you'd like to just just tell us why you don't why you think you're not the traitorous Pig that your skin suggests you oh oh oh I feel a bit of racial profiling here in my defense no rules were broken at any point therefore I'm not a criminal and also you're all in my land this is very rude I did not give you permission I'm gonna have to tax all of you to be here a couple diamonds my defense is I was strong-armed into this by techno blade he said I'm not gonna take Iceland my residence might I add he said I'm not gonna take Iceland and he did he did take Iceland if you look on the map if you currently look on the map there is no transatlantic to be found on the map that's because you disband and I I was afraid that if if mr. techno mr. blade if you would want to call him that I was afraid that he was going to take my land from me so I acted irrationally and I tried to I wanna hear my place koulos oh yes so I will offer you this right are you willing to double Technos sentence as you you're putting all the blame onto him are you willing to double his sentence at the cost of you no longer being you know no longer being on trial right now how is that what what is this yeah okay all this you can you can join the jury thank you thank you for throwing your allies under the bus Jerry I want to get some statements from the jury specifically with their head off with their heads I'm not gonna act as judge jury and executioner just judge and executioner ah okay thanks what I'm making is techno blade I will let you off the hook if you completely disband the Antarctic empire right now what open up the entire Antarctic end portal and you are not allowed to create another Antarctic fraction or own Antarctica or actually any land beyond like eight chunks for our dinner so weak that this feels a little bit one-sided what crime am i being forgiven of exactly a piece I will extend that offer to you as well now Matt I'd like to feedback on that if that's all right listen listen Wilbur you might be able to convince Arliss to betray us because he's been in our faction to like a good 30 minutes but the rest of us our brothers forged in blood all right see we've gone through everything together you can't convince us to backstab all right this is true friendship can I get yes No are you gonna disband the Antarctic empire no can we get just a noise vote here who who votes that we let them off the hook as long as they unclaimed one chunk no kill them just just shooting them with a crossbow I mean honestly they did not break any rules so I would just let them off the hook if they just unclaimed all the lands exactly you're all boomers okay for that nice condition to say that they won't do this again and the people won't do this again may I may I say something the next leg on trial right now take my bite what are you willing to do what's your compromise it all right you know I I'm a just man all right I'll give you guys yes your six land continents back in exchange for some money he has roped you into this as well right now I will let you trip away and and distance yourself from him honestly Wilbur I am proud to stand side-by-side with Phil and techno I'm sure you use friendship again this is a bro moment up here this server it may have only been open for like for like a week but with you two guys this has been the happiest week of my life everyone and so the Sun below trials came to an end with us given back the six continents mostly because I needed that power back to claim our actual base we didn't actually even own the six continents we just made the website look dumb entirely worth that no regrets after the trial the members came together and agreed upon a new set of laws for the server and thus the techno blades law came to pass absolutely no takin over the world well I suppose there was one other thing Wilbur suit has declared war on the Antarctic Empire okay fine I'll come raid Wilbur suit is declared neutrality with the Antarctic Empire alright quick Q&A Technol blade wasn't that trial kind of rigged yeah but it's role-playing they're not actually boomers don't worry about it second question techno blade where do I find the vods of your past live streams excellent question well you see you can find them in the past live streams playlist that is a playlist that exists you can find my past live stream Flay list under my created playlist or alternatively it's just been straight up on the front page of my channel this entire time it's right under uploads it's been right here how can nobody find this [Music]
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 7,417,530
Rating: 4.9741879 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, SMP Earth, Minecraft Earth, Technoblade SMP Earth, Technoblade SMP
Id: lU6sEIGq8qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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