I Made a 100 Player Laboratory in Minecraft

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welcome welcome to my new YouTube video [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen it's me dr. Wilbur soot PhD master of rats the Rat King as it were I am The King rat ha ha master of rats king of the rats I'm here with my lovely rats so last time they were ants the time before that they were my my loyal subjects and today they are rats we're just running them through the words I can use to refer to people lower than me which makes me sound like a [ __ ] but that's just what they are they're just rats they're rats that's all they will be and all they ever can be honestly ain't I right techno yep you know the rat man I'm the Rat King techno say it right the Rat King Rat King all right I think that means something very specific but yeah on the rack I'm King around so technically made this lovely maze I won't show too much of it so they won't figure out how to get out but essentially the rats was born here ha ha and they will be greeted by the sign the lovely rat welcoming sign wonderful I say and once they've completed this maze they will be dropped down now the first section of the cage is [ __ ] complex as hell they have to activate these pressure plate stuff these places in these doors and then when both rats are stood on these pressure plates this shall open letting all the other rats up simple right but there's gonna have to be a sacrifice then when they've made it out this section I tell you what dude the experiment is kind of over at least for all they know the experiments over because look they just get a lovely lush area they get all the hay their heart's desire rats love hey bro don't know hey they get some cheese cheese and they get some music a barrel the barrel is a personal favorite although you can't actually jump in it you have to open and I was waiting for a techno quit and if they want to get up here into this section they need to activate this pressure plate they get so play area and it's honestly wonderful this is like the the vibe the cage as it were very lovely very lush everything you could ever want right and this section is kind of an important part I'd say I'm not gonna be the Rat King forever this is for the future Rat King basically this is where we'll choose one rat and they'll have control and we'll see what they can do burn them with fire some verses in the chat burn them with fire they say huh there might be a button for that are you proud of this males Technic you spend quite a long Larry it'll take them hours to get through this always gonna be ruined I'm gonna make the only minecraft comes in around to improvement to sabotage in literally the entire community oh here they come I would also like to mention it is hardcore mode oh my god if a rat dies that's it it's over there's nothing else to it okay we're getting some successes we're getting some people coming through teton oh look here so in this section they've all got to work together they've already figured out the pressure plate part I like this person's doing exactly what I would do and just waiting by the oh one of them's done it well they've done it Zef is on it right so now we need one on the other side look at all these lazy [ __ ] dude oh this is it that's the piston and it's done it's open oh they can enter rat Park this is it wait he stepped on he got off he didn't want to do any he wanted to join okay this is kind of how I was expecting it to go to feel okay let's leave these guys up to it they'll figure it out so rat Park rat pox lovely enjoy it while it's still empty because this area is gonna be [ __ ] full soon I've already got one good samaratin rare Pepe boy who's letting people through oh god this goes literally his skin is a rat with a fan Oscar oh yeah they some of them start to realize that once you fall down you can't get back you are in rat Park forever Oh big wave big wave of people here they come okay this is getting a bit too much now um who's gonna get the cheese though dude who will get the cheese first really unsure about this are these no clocks dude why did we do that have we got one hey loser no cheese for you idiot this is gonna keep going isn't it oh god it's getting full I think we should giving them a couple challenges now only to see if you give the rats a sign what will they say we're giving the speechless a voice why life itself are the duality of man life is suffering your mum gay rat mmm jeez I'm wrapped give me drugs or give me death we can give him drugs drugs listen I mean what would a rat testing facility be without drug testing once if we put a lingering potion of harming down right then just see see who vibes with it Oh pvp's off hold on enable now let's put down the potion and see just see what happens Oh God the rats are just fighting each other they're using this as we opportunity to kill each other we need to turn that off I don't want any dead rats just yet no dead rats yet is anyone trapped in here Oh techno come see the starting room what's the sign they've said yeah I'm just gonna chill here Azara they've sacrificed everything for this oh no my memory oh we got one guy here watching atlas they're not opening it for you you should be able to get through I like seeing the little experiment of how high they're putting us this is the highest one so far and it literally says tool hog we are Kings even a global doesn't think so we are rat King on brain you don't [ __ ] with me alright they're out forever they're dead let that be a lesson to you guys alright I know I always make these lessons yeah you you guys too I know I always make an example right are you're joining there now are you ok you yeah that's what I thought you're out forever when you die look you see wait is Hong Kong mode on Joshy poo this hardcore mode on I may have forgotten we can run them through again I'd like to see if they if they do it quicker now that they've done it once before I'm getting rid of these [ __ ] no blocks bro I'm getting sound Park desk four-seater lever equals tunes Wilbert notice me alright so what did we figure out from that initial test run we figured out they flip in love the note blocks a little too much in my opinion a little too much note block love the graffiti they love the signs they love graffiti they will say whatever they want maybe we should tell them to say one specific thing to see if they'll obey orders you know whilst if we noticed any hmm rats are very susceptible to peer pressure this is very true ok it's just me it's just me right we're gonna remove all the signs you're gonna make me break all of them by hand like a janitor hey Tecna bud Oh God oh here they come oh they're spawning back where they wrote we got in there we got a TP oh we got a TP you will hold on that work they're hot - you've killed them are they like no they're fine they're on a half them a [ __ ] dead um oh that was like a stream I think you killed your rats will but Josh bring them back I want them back all like the majority of the server is dead Oh survival at a fam yeah oh oh that's a lot of there we go and now we TP everyone here oh no it happened again you fool oh this is so laggy okay we every ones back everyone's back we're good we're good right let's TP everyone here and what I won't crush everyone this time so I'll be like right in the middle of the room please say I'm not gonna crush everyone come on I shouldn't be allowed to do this anymore some of them are just exploring no oh this isn't going well Josh please please fix it it's just growing pains it's growing pains of a scientific community it's fine I need some water I need to sit back [ __ ] water actually I need wine okay we're in awesome right now I won't break everything need to get rid of the signs Josh all techno yeah of course janitor janitor it's man I know why I hired you bro get them in get them in yeah they come okay first things first techno bud he shook his head at me get out of here okay he's gone he's gone out you go keeping them in line if they disobey they get knocked out we already got a cheese boy idiot baby okay Denison's listen up I'm going to grant you science you must write sub to Wilbur good rats will be rewarded bad rats punished okay oh my god how are these boys still stuck in the maze right if you're stuck in the maze too long you know what happens it's Kurt filling it with lava count me down techno three two one any video you go through just kill them just kill your good wellgood maze good maze leaving oh we've got one guy no no no sorry sorry no you've just joined but that's not how this works sorry are you ready you're gonna see the most signs that have ever been placed in one go countdown three two one let's see who's good boys and girls all right some - over sir yes up to overstuff - will but that's good all the ones up here we got something will butt or die that's fine - Wow everyone's been good let me just frame someone one second oh wait why should I look away okay well oh let's look at this side Oh where's Connor Gorsky where's Connor gorski's fine this guy here he is hey you hey I'm looking at you huh let's take you sir let's let you out quickly hey um run card at the scene of the crime I can't believe this guy don't stop running or you die Josh if he stops running I want you to flash kill Harry goes well good use of time all right let's go back in let's go back in with the good boys and girls something over and techno blades is that is that worthy techno z-pass oh wow all right he'll allow it good soft wool but God is dead got some good stuff here yeah okay I'm happy and write your name on it right who's the wise guy are you the wise guy he's nodding cool we don't do wiseguys all right only dumb boys honest young groom kill sir she by the sneaking spider okay which is your favorite sign I love this sign sub two techno blades spit find me a better son I don't think it gets better than that but I'll try now this is a decent one [ __ ] off no I like your attitude sir Quetta I like your attitude you know what I think it's important to be assertive ya know right now so in this box is the control room for the rats we have this button which gives the person operating the control room six bread but it will kill a random rat if they click it a hundred times all the rats will die this one replaces the river with lava basically this river turns to lover and kills anyone in it I put into SAP out loud now bond though this one feeds all the rats in the enclosure but it gives you a 97% chance of tp'ing you back into the tank so you lose all your power and then this button is float the boys but it poisons you to half your health so you can only wrestling gives full diamond armor to everyone in the water this one instantly trades your job with on the right so if you don't want to be the controller you press this button you'll get brought back and someone else will be brought here so now that we've done that who is though who was the ballsy guy was a quatre I believe you will be a good King rat so as we know I am the King rat I mean let's be honest but we can have an apprentice rat Suketu hi welcome so to see what he gets up to so hard if he said [ __ ] off know and wag down he turned the river to lava no one was in it though you know we could we could get rid of the bridge we could get oh he's pressing the kill button he got three people dead he's getting their bread yeah I mean let's just leave him to it let's just leave him we're not gonna look him anymore I think we should get rid of the bridge though because you know they need to swim I mean they can jump as well but you know if they miss oh there goes a couple more in the chat yeah we're losing people quite fast I reckon we should probably oh no one though this is the vibe right now we have a controller rat who where is he wait did heat he's out I think he pressed the button that feeds everyone but teleports on my own yeah okay well that was our first rat controller I guess we'll have to find another one what about these guys in this in this container here just real quick step to the back of the tube back of the tube I'm just Cask of Amontillado in you into here hold on there we go oh look at this how lovely when you get out get back I will kill you if you're stood in the way we go and then just like wait no no just quickly and bam there we go so rats we're gonna do a little vote here we're gonna do a little vote right listen to your king if you think I should leave the people in there alive stand on the green if you think I should fill it with lava start on the red I'll be fair it's it's kind of close it's looking like green actually I thought was gonna be way more obvious than this what do you think techno red or green switch to green now what your non-conformist just for all the rats who are choosing not to vote and a set in the river cool right okay tube rats you live I guess you're all boring you're a boring but you live you live too brats but stand on the red side if you're hungry stand on the green side if you're doing all right for food just checking because they've been doing a lot of sprinting and jumping okay they're hungry okay good so if you're hungry I want you to come into this room here I'm gonna start dishing out food okay hey guys welcome welcome everyone pack into this little space here look at this mmm raw rabbit mmm tasty look one for you there we go one for you come on everyone come in here if you want some food oh oh oh whoops that that's not rabbit that's diamond swords I just gave you I just techno press the wrong button and now it's diamond swords and not raw rabbit now you guys in the tube I bet you're happy aren't you look at them they're not the ones being attacked with swords it looks like meat all right tug disabled disabled too many people dying we're running out of rats alright alright we'll get a new rat controller I'm liking minecraft gamer he's doing a good job at standing on this minecraft kima I'm letting you come rat controller let's see what he does with his newfound power I want to see if he'll take the good option or the bad option number two overpower occur well he's got bread now eat kill the man Michael give me what a bread it's your victory eat it absolute power corrupts absolutely oh he's yep he's burning people alive okay uh uh let's do another test you know you like your ravager don't you I love right now I have one right here I'm thinking is it okay well maybe like not just not just [ __ ] not just yet I'm thinking we need to come up with an easier mob that they can fight but it's still got a lot of health what about a wither okay I've an easier mob let's just put a bee in here just see where they go with this all right now two bees oh yeah they've done the sauce this guy's jaw wielding he was waiting these bees are not ready posing much of a threat we'll see how this goes I like how they're trying to hide in here thinking this makes them safe it's just just a bunch of bees bees Oh one guy got stung to death yeah I just found a really large B egg yeah we should spawn one yeah go on I want to see the big big huge B I want to see the big B do it that's not we go that's the [ __ ] ravager Oh oh that's too many now that's far too many how do I can't kill him can't kill them Ted no kill the night Josh removal was just I got you get rid of okay okay we got it I like there two people there's only three of them left actually wait has he been randomly killing this whole time and I was haven't noticed oh he says no he says no he's not been randomly killing okay I trust him there 420 vape master 69 is join the server hold the phone hey King take this we finally found our ruler here take the sharp 1,000 sword rats what you want no consequences in the future when they're saying hungee the same food okay hey chip boys hi oh there's the float or we almost release the tube boys right you boys have the food look at them look they're fine they have the food see now what we do origen them now what we do is we just open this up if you guys want food go and ask nicely from the tube boys oh now it's when we turn PPP oh no they'll figure out just watch I feel like the guys with diamond swords of a slight advantage I saw a baby bee Oh God for 2008 masters going on a rampage although money vape masters here know that I've turned it off oh my god like six kills oh okay we may have extended our power a little bit too aggressively to fall to a debate master he's too powerful we have an option here techno blade we either promote 420 vape master to rack controller or we kill him because he's kind of stopping experiments future experiments from happening yeah okay this man did try and destroy your entire colony so this side is please kill a full 20 bait master and this side is promoting him promote him to controller he did a good job that's up to you oh there's the levitation yeah I think the rats are trying to say that strange pigs sitting in mazes distributing swords there's no basis for a system of government fall 2008 masters giving his apples to ace play oh he's buying out his votes no he's actually buying votes it's working I respect that he's a businessman yeah but even still oh sorry mr. Robin minecraft I still this guy just this guy just wants to die well we had fun for 2008 master I appreciate your time we had a good run is there anything you want to say to him before he goes stat no I mean need that sorry bag see it's the power trip I told you dude I don't know how to say this yeah but he didn't drop a sword wait I think someone in the cage still has a sword right this is not rats we are confiscating your right to bear arms way no don't don't open that don't stop stop this stop who's opened it get out with the oh my god it's like working with animals get out of here get out of here oh I'm gonna start killing people in this hole kill bean get out of here if you have a diamond sword pop it in there if we find anyone with a sword you will be punished I'm just gonna say now we did you deposit this note this has come back I who gave them who gave them notes who gave you paper was it you found us we got three swords if we see anywhere else with the sword I'm gonna make a little cage and then we can pop them in there and then they can fight we'll give you another vote red side is we spawn one zombie in the tunnel Green side is we fill the tunnel with water yeah looks like we're on the zombie train oh there we go okay okay I get in fill xored the King fills it bro they're kind of beating it up I kind of reckon actually how that toddler is getting destroyed drop it to to curb stomp that baby ls3 but they'll build manually disguise isn't working now guys one down two down what if we spawned a Ravager in there no a tightener what is it with you in the ravages brodes leave the ravages out of it man also just rose everyone's kind of picked a little corner I like I like these guys hiding when I enter hiding as soon as I come in hey Minecraft kima how you doing man how much bread of you go ah what do you want yeah that's a lot of yep good bread all done let's give them a sign more food if you have a button that produces food also you have a button that feeds everyone including you but you do have to give up your position see that's the thing he won't want to give up his path he doesn't care about food as long as we keep our bread he just threw on the floor and he still kills weird bloke right I want to test something this guy looks trustworthy hosing just gonna give you something place it down do it can you place it oh oh it's beautiful they can place spawn eggs man this opens up a whole world for us a whole world of Ravagers no tag no leave the ravages also just realize this poor guys pinned in here since the start of the video please help me just got loved' Oh Micro fimo all right I say we give them all the mob no side from ravages what do we give them a Vindicator everyone gets one Vindicator spore neck Oh although there there's one look there's a Vindicator see oh yeah he hasn't figured out how to get into this section oh but this one has oh look there we go oh it's immune you know they don't that really easily but you know what they wouldn't eat it with as easily please right I need to told you I need you to explain what your [ __ ] obsession is with ravages it's just a really cool mod man have you seen it yeah but they're like I don't see how they're useful in the rat cage they're huge yeah but how is that useful in the rat cage it's - wait that was not me no no that wasn't me that you saw me I was right in front of you wasn't me was I I don't even have a sponeck I don't even have a spawn egg go kill her kill the refugee you're gonna make yes ten I'm gonna make you kill the ravager it's got a new vibe right so the the people in there right they give up their freedom for safety so I'm thinking why don't we give people the option of becoming one of them so now when people press the button gamba wants to get trapped up he becomes a tunnel boy and just like that we have the tunnel boy button look press it David press it press the forum totally there we go look David you're now a tunnel boy your life dreams your dreams and accomplishments right here today are sorted I like a little different comfortable boys I mean what we could do do so we can make a little game out of this make it into a wooden button and then we get a bow we just there we go we're just sending people who aren't even close okay so the tunnel is getting all God is full of indicators oh no it's a massacre wait that's a new guy well I'm to the last guy in there they move but they're easy there he stood behind you look that yeah how did a curse you know you can set yourself free but someone else must marry the curse this guy really wants to get out oh [ __ ] it we'll do one more vote this is release tunnel boys this is burn tunnel boys release burn there sing release look out for a little pot from this guy he's he's so he's so stood with his morals as well he's not giving up all right ladies and gents you're free you're free he sticks to his what is this guy's name I'm creative techno we're gonna give him an option and we're gonna give him an offer he can't refuse so the bun on the Left will kill everyone including us actually I will kill every single person in the server right button on the right will give everyone signs so they can write a final message before we restart the server again and you didn't label them yeah okay back here what the hell is happening they've started again there's uncreative look at him with his diamonds I reckon we we give him the option now hi uncreative welcome this is your choice oh you have the button that kills every way he can just jump on the thing and escape hold on I didn't even [ __ ] realize you can press the button that kills everyone I'll press the button that kills you but gives everyone signs so they can say a final goodbye before we restart it again I'm a man did not hesitate he looked left he looked right he looked left he pressed the box okay fair enough justice hey Wilbur hey Josh you're not a good retainer [ __ ] you Josh so what do you think ten Oh what do we learn from that run ah I think all life forms are just inherently bad and that they need laws so that society can function mm-hmm what should we test on this run let's have gang wars I think we're ready for the final round of rats and they go you didn't get rid of all of indicators yeah okay here they are the gang so this is our final run of rats the final rat race as it were I'm thinking we're a lot more mean this time techno what do you think can respond some Ravagers how those techno for the last thing we will spawn ravages just for you will spawn ravages but that's it that's the end this is a lagging mess bro well you know maybe if we had some death to a whole herd and there we go this is the last run-through for real this time we're gonna test the humility of man oh that's a lot of people everything's everything's paused it's like that film click with legendary actor oh they figured out the note blocks the note blocks are black techno yes give us a tune quickly before it turns into a mess give us a to not give us a tune gabot oh my god okay now we've just made the same issue but over here right it's too laggy I think we do a battle royale we need to thin the herd I know than herds you think can have some PvP and ravages everyone's getting ready now oh it's kind of beautiful actually we'll do the walk has give him a second to suit up and then tech note you want to do the honors of enabling the PvP and starting up the ravages yeah we're gonna do one ravager every minute or if we did five Ravagers every minute I'm giving you this don't push your luck Matt it's starting oh look at the cubbyhole crouch gang is peaceful no peace crouch gang will be killed send in the ravages maybe ah you said plural are the server disconnected I've never I've never been so hey if I get kicked I'm OH everyone's leaving the game I think this is the end I'm afraid your ravages techno without crown is this real oh is this real quite your mark is this real hey take know without crown don't look at me i screenshot is this real is this real my brand who did this no my image my image it ended the game you saw my bow and it was too much rehear minecraft client to process ladies and gentlemen it has been a pleasure to have you here with me today follow me if you want to catch another one of these follow me on Twitter that's where I announce these it's been a wonderful time thank you for coming
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 7,827,514
Rating: 4.9630942 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: b3G5Xs-50EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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