Tommy Makes Rust 1000% Funnier

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oh god tommy's just looking at me he's just looking that he's looking at me he's looking at me hold on he's gonna slowly back away okay he's following me i'm gonna well i don't know that the stream isn't lagging no no i'm moving i'm leaving i've gotta get out of here i can disconnect in the bush i could disconnect on the bush here we go here we go quit yes hey also sorry to interrupt but before we begin i just want to say this video is sponsored by dell during quarantine i've been uh i've been i've been there i've been i've been there in that in that chair in the corner of my room so um when dell got in contact with me and said hey uh want to not be sat in the corner and instead sit anywhere you want and still have a machine powerful enough to do all your work i said wow that sounds amazing dell and here we are with the new dell xps 13. it's a sleek fast and responsive laptop that lives up to everything i need to do the laptop is ultra light can wake up in less than a second and 40 more responsive than an average premium laptop from 2019 it has a thunderbolt 4 port which allows for 40 gigabytes per second data transfer rate for a single connection premium visuals thanks to the intel iris z graphics card over nine hours of battery life and a three times faster internet connection thanks to built-in wi-fi six technology and this is all thanks to the collaborative work of dell and intel in their evo platform which fits the foundation of this entire laptop and no matter your interests the xps range will almost definitely have what you're looking for and can be relied upon for any pursuit you choose to go down especially at university if you're interested check the link and discount code in the description and thank you to dell and intel for sponsoring this video i hope you enjoy the rest what do you think tommy you enjoying russ it's not enough girls not enough girls tell me do you want you want to live with me do you want to make a house together oh my god i'm going to cry there's a huey going overhead right now um hey a huey hey a huey you're gonna have to elaborate uh helicopter chinook two two two propellers oh now you've said the word chinook i know jesus oh i can hear sneak snag talking to me shut up i think i see you is that you are you in the water or are you on the show i'm the naked guy are you are you being followed should we go into the voice chat no no come into the lighthouse come on we're not going to voice jack this mofo i would hate that oh okay good good good good i'm just go away sneak you're not loved can we come up here come on we're gonna beat him yeah we're gonna [ __ ] kill him i'm gonna beat him sneak i'm starving please sneak help a poor child boy help a poor boy this is me okay you ready i'm i'm the guy with uh the hatchet where did you go what you're the government [ __ ] no wait that's sneaky right here that's sneaky get rocked [ __ ] he didn't have anything he didn't have anything stop it please well you can't even go this way tommy we should leave oh we really will watch tommy he's gonna try and kill us we should go where are you will but you know you've got to like parkour up to the top i'm just a poor boy with i have a fountain poor family spare him his life from his monster i'm at the top please i'm literally starving today sorry uh uh go up that ladder got there well but why would you send a starving man up a ladder i can't believe i just hid in a room with sneak and then knifed him to death i thought it was you i thought sneaky you thought well but why would i ever be a man good question good question you hate men i hate them so much should we damn and they bo should we be the oh i see someone i see someone tommy let's be the men the men's staff if i had a gun i'd be shooting him right now look at him good good he's running men bad men bad ladies oh god there's two guys there's gone a horse i'll take that what is it what the hell what the it's a door controller you know i need a urinal mother now so now we can recycle i need a urinal more than anyone else in this world recycle those things down into into stuff that we i think we should get out of here because i think i think we're we're kind of a hot spot right now sorry i can't hear you my blood is quaking hello horse boy we could offer you riches i don't let's go i've got a post box i've got a [ __ ] postcard good good good i was just about to ask i might just swim you want to come with me well you know i can't swim i basically do you know you know i'm definitely definitely afraid of the fish i will go near rambo watch me okay [ __ ] where are you i'm coming i'm gonna go nab his horse what the [ __ ] you're not even in the water with me hello i am in the water hello hello wait wait wait wait wilbus coming over come round the other way the other way okay well i'm gonna kill will but you do you can't kill rambo you've been abandoned rambu get off this horse get off this horse take his horse take his horse take his horse get off this horse rambo please i'm not going to kill your horse i love horses as much as i love women and boy oh boy do i love women they so hot they say hot every last one of them tell me good get up tommy good lad keep going rambu's dead what i i shanked him to the to the chest you did it i see you you just killed him we're not even in a monument [ __ ] the rules the society told me i couldn't have more than one girlfriend but look at where i am now ramboo i'm sorry for tommy breaking the rules [ __ ] you if you want to live with me i'm not giving you your horse back you will see with me tommy you've got to give him his horse back okay rambu rambu let me take the horse to will but then i'll give it you back because he says i have to no i don't well that says i have to oh oh looks like this horse is gonna drown oh i feel an alarming sense of betrayal i thought i thought we were brothers i thought we were brothers in art do you want to come here come get your things oh my goodness my body shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] stop me okay good stuff you deserved it did you die wilbur wilbur you oh god yeah yeah i i knew from day one you supported you did once you did it's fine it's fine tommy when we move on we move all right i don't i hold grudges hey will but when your back gets stabbed and your children are dead don't blame me hey what's up ramboo come here nice skin you've got that would be a shame if it was to be battered to collect resources look at us we're like brothers we're like brothers don't say that i will cry we're like brothers we're like we've got such a brotherly relationship you and i oh you i'm bleeding now i mean i hit you tommy there's a horse for you oh wait that's rambu's horse okay don't worry i will sorry miss click bubba come look at this come look at this pokers pokers pokers why are tommy can i give you a gun is that a bad move he's giving you a gun a badge give me a gun give me a gun give me a gun right now right now i'm ready to be the gun boys how do i shoot hold left click i am not throwing away my shut wait i am not throwing away i may not live to see our glory please how have you murdered oh double kill one man two deaths two we may not live to see our glory but i will gladly join the fight well i will gladly join the fight and when our children tell our story and when our children tell our story no matter what they tell you i'm being so toxic you are you're being you're the xqc of our server we're thinking i'm thinking we start a religion tommy and i think i know what i want the religion to be about guns no look over there no no no you can't look we're not going to kill you but also we're sorry i just want to say he i want to say there's no killing outside of monuments for a start and secondly i want to say sorry for tommy's actions tommy was tommy was wrong he was a mistake he please aim your gunner shoot tommy shoot tommy okay pick him up pick him up pick him up pick him up i'm getting my stuff back pick me up pick me up pick me up you did what you had to do you did i got i just want to get to the dome i just want to get to the worst of the day revive me wilbur did you just get did he just get shot at us he's just he's just whining at me in vc right now can you explain to me why i keep dying so you walked into an npc area tommy with a weapon out and the npc's shot you quite rightfully they had it coming no they you had it coming i didn't have it coming at all i stoned the rambu to death and all of a sudden my life turned to smithereens gonna try and sneak into the dome and get some food the dome i don't want to get shot i don't want to me neither it looks like we have some common ground bed i feel like you're doming without me and i can't help but feel a little left out i'm at the dome but i'm not going to investigate it yet i'm looking for food i'm hungry as balls they call him wilbur hungry balls though they don't oh chicken i'm gonna knife it to death come on [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i just murdered a chicken are you a psycho no i'm hungry getting rid of your notes why what do you like about vagina i don't that's not a good question i'm opting out of answering that question i'm just drinking dirty swamp water and my body's like loving it wait wait guy guy guy guy where where at the dome of the dome hello have they got a gun i be painless and fast rambo come with us come with us i'm not going to kill you let's kill him come with me rambu come with me my brother in some i want you to repeat after me okay okay hello my friend rambu hello my friend rambub i am tommy what the [ __ ] well you're the reason i have no friends you're the i'm the reason bamboo's alive right now i have very little reason not to hammer you around the head right now tommy tommy will be keepers of the dome right yeah i think think of this weak lulled rambo into a sense of security when he comes to the dome he might have gear next time and we can kill him next time we see rambu we can [ __ ] kill him we could [ __ ] kill him i'm gonna [ __ ] eat your life through him oh my god she's gone boob boy look we can live up here tommy boom boy i'm being toxic let's make it here this is a lovely area you want to live here yes yeah i do i do i do holy [ __ ] can i place a bed oh yeah sure you can do one there well i get in trouble for referring to rambo as boob boy oh no okay i'm gonna do it unless he says to you please tommy stop calling me boo boy no no you just said no i'm gonna do it every single time i see him from now on this is the new big q he's going to be cursed by my nickname hey but look look at that chat i asked first right hashtag responsible i'm an influence to society you are you are very good i reckon if obama met me he called me an inspiration yeah he go you're an inspiration to to young kids tommy you inspire kids and i can go yup wait will but how does a building plan work uh you just hold it and then if you hold right click you can change what you're making holy [ __ ] i'm just i'm holy [ __ ] i'm about to [ __ ] you up window time no windows on the ground floor tommy all right oops hey nice window we got there i see everything oh my god tommy you've i can see clearly now the rain is gone look tell me how about you build the second floor these three blocks are you what you have to work with all right remember tell me we want to be able to look out over the dome i'm the dancing queen wilbur like that yeah look at that hey what do you think of this half wall i play english we got a little little shooting gallery what do you think of this i really hate it it really gets in the way of the what do you think this is stairs just playing hey what are you making this i'm gonna i'm gonna go get some i'm gonna go with someone mamma mia mamma mia i'm like meryl streep but stronger you're not like meryl streep you're not i'm like meryl streep stop saying you're like meryl streep is she a rangan or something no she's not but you're just not like her i'm the dancing queen not her let's make us a furnace they always get the the smartest guys do the dumbest work can i drink this oh no that's fuel tommy here you go drink this there you go there's a water bottle is it fuel i only i'm i'm on a fuel diet i'm like the tin man from wizard of oz hey look at this now will this burn the house down give me the low grade here you go that's that's good i'm on the fuel diet not you sorry can you make us a furnace please mr fuel diet if only i knew how certainly i wasn't such a tin man huh pushed around by society what are you saying what are your words saying this will be my thinking palace what are you thinking about bro i can't tell you it's for me all right we need we need help hey bro tommy oh sorry i was mid think i'm getting some wood why can't i oh my god this this tree isn't here i can't i can't hit this tree though well but i'm stood inside a tree yeah why can't i hit this tree what's happened uh oh oh no this tree is fine this tree is fine someone is hacking is it trouble [ __ ] this game [ __ ] you all [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh okay where are you where are you i'm pissed now after we've got our house secure we should explore the dome i think i'm not sure i'm ready to revisit that past life i'm spiritual and [ __ ] if you don't want to man i'm a religious man will that we still worship the doctor i'm like i'm like marty mcfly oh god let's go back shut the [ __ ] up i bet you're like the old dark aren't you though we're gonna go back all that money stop spending time with women and start spending time time traveling got a lot of metal but not a lot of rock yeah we need the just clear gray rocks is this is this what my life came to yes age 16 mining rocks for an old man oh i've got a little post box now tommy people can give us a some mail oh yeah let me let me give her some mail hey wilber look in there look in the mailbox it is [ __ ] fuel please what what are you doing tommy no i'm live what the [ __ ] bro sorry tommy sorry it's like really light and then can you actually get banned on twitch for what i just drew no i don't think so ow can we go explore the dome because it's almost time to go we'll do it we'll do uh in daylight we need a door oh i need i know what i need right now is a good thing do you want to make us a door i'm sorry i can't hit you over my own brain i need i need a hundred i need a hundred metal fragments no what we need is a hitch and trowel oh what a hitch and trout the [ __ ] the hitch and trout oh you'll see you'll see oh my god how am i gonna oh my is this law our house is now protected for just over a day the trough's down tommy that is so annoying how do you get it it's true it's tommy's truck get away from my truck i'll kill you don't [ __ ] don't try don't try me i know karate you gonna be good yes what was that yes i've never been stabbed before come on right i'm going to get you a key give me back my spear no here's your key fine i'll craft this remove this i don't watch it well it's it's part of who makes me what i am take the spear smash it hey will but hey will we go if you're nothing without that trout then you shouldn't have it say that to me it's a troll then i'll destroy it if you say to me right now you're nothing without that then you shouldn't have it i'll destroy you just like iron man did to a peter parker no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you say that to me say that to me i'm nothing without this trout nothing without that trough you don't deserve it well that's not what i'm nothing without i'm nothing without this trash nothing without that hitch and trout you shouldn't have it well you did you didn't you didn't you don't mean that i mean i'm gonna be traumatized all right i'm spearing it let's go off let's go over the sound of me destroying my life's work this is our first time at the dome tommy are you ready this is going to be this is going to be a universal thing when in 30 years time when we've conquered the universe and they go hey do you remember those guys playing rust started a weird cult that then transcended rust and now everyone in real life loves the dome yeah and then they're going to go well well i sure love living on mars thanks to wilbur i go yup they'll go on they go but why did they have to blow up the moon and i'll go well it was for the dome so we need to do some jumping puzzles tommy oh that's good because i'm excellent at puzzles good oh i just got stuck it's crazy great there are seeds in the crate they're my seeds tommy oh what was that was that was that you yes oh [ __ ] off what what why would you say that are you getting rad stop stop stop when i was 15 years old i ah you okay tell me tell me how about i'll do the dome right and you get handle the dough and you get stone i'll do dome you get stone charge tell me i just got a satchel charge what's that it's a item used to raid other people's houses let's go kill tub i wouldn't we'll do that next time we'll use the satchel charge next time holy [ __ ] that's good that's such a cliffhanger that's a cliff i'm hung i'm hung red suit on red suit on what we should do is we should befriend someone tommy we should go out of our way to find a friend and like find out where they live and then kill him i like the sound of death yeah right well i'm heading home and then i'm logging out yeah log out in the bed upstairs speak later tommy bye bye [ __ ] and then what i just watched you die and that is so funny to me oh i could die to this guy please kill me mr boar yes yes yes that's it that's the way that's the way it's not how you sleep oh there's my body oh there's my pickaxe okay good we've got everything i just need a hundred more metal frags and then we can make a door and then we can slap a lock on the door oh there's a guy there [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] patrol boy okay we're making a wooden door i can't risk it is that nice hello hey hey hi who is it it's not sneak oh hey ramboo how are you doing man i'm doing all right can you can you give me some wood oh one second you're gonna have to let me figure out how to play this game 300 300 wood i'll give you some scrap for it wait wait come on come in my house come in my house it's wet out here come with me rambu get inside get inside please rambu please come in welcome to my humble abode please i don't want to be trapped again we're not going to trap you we're not going to trap you ramboo all right it's just me tommy's actually not here right now yeah i just needed a door and you've helped me thank you i put the [ __ ] door on backwards uh it was that backwards because that's how it is at my house oh there we go that's how it needs to be so now now i can open it and you can't that means it's time to leave and you can just watch me suffer oh okay it's time to leave rambu oh okay goodbye around there it was nice talking though oh rambo
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 4,838,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: 0NqBmCcI1sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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