I Robbed My Subscriber's Minecraft Realms

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2022 🗫︎ replies
chim chiminey chim chiminey chim chim chim chiminey chim chiminey chim chim very late you can't even see me oh hello it's me The Artful Dodger you dirty crime boy oh oh oh [Music] dirty crime boy is back I love these I look so I look so dapper and British I've been a dirty crime boy for quite a while I think you can say I think it's safe to say that I'm a pretty strong dirty crime boy we need some crime we need some crime I'm saying so I get quite a few invitations to realms as you can see so I came up with the idea why don't I capitalize on this you know it's like this imagine you you like walking through someone's like someone's town and someone's just stood there at their door just with it open just like come in steal steal from me come into my home and rob me you're not gonna say no are you cuz that's free [ __ ] and everyone likes free [ __ ] so look we're gonna go in and steal from them now I will say I got the idea of going on other people's realms from call me Carson he did a great video on where he tossed them I'm not gonna be touring though I'm gonna be straight thievin let's do quarantine first that sounds fun heart heart been broke so many times square right let's do some crime okay they know I'm here they know I'm here okay so we need to get out spawn I can't have them seeing me oh my god I've come to the wrong neighborhood okay okay there's a ninja quotes they will go for high on the black market ninja quotes go for a lot of money on the black market what is this no no none of that please get here we need to get out of here I have the ninja scripture guys keep opening the Bible okay nameplates gone run run run run uh-oh get on the subway get on the subway oh god they have creative mode Oh they've given me creative mode ha fools do they not know my plans right I can just fly now that's brilliant holy crap right this is where I'm squirreling right we get some squirrel us in the chat please guys squirrel zone number one is gonna be right here squirrel it away and then BAM okay good they don't know boom step one complete Bible stolen ladies and gentlemen we have stolen the Bible [Applause] jomama here we go haha get fooled okay let's see who's the fool when I robbed you then it's a big Scottish flag so we're robbing a Scotsman we're robbing a Scots no they're saying [ __ ] England they say [ __ ] England we've got a Rob oh they're saying things about my mother right come on let's just get up here slowly okay here's the plan we're gonna circle around Oh God oh he's got his armor on look at him you see him over there The Scotsman he's ready to hunt me maybe the best we can do is steal some melons on don't say that maybe we can let be a rabbit look will is you're gonna come underneath the melons and steal the melons good good steal from their lands Rob The Scotsman I'll don't say that Matt cool oh no no no no they're gonna see me okay here's the plan now we go this way right see what I've done you see what I've done chat right and then swim and run swimming around and then we're gonna we're gonna hop I just broke their melons it's fine it's part of the stealing pros okay go into the woods we've got a squirrel we have to squirrel it away squirrel begin to squirrel okay we just three logs one for a crafting table and two for a chest burn the flag oh I could steal the flag I'm not leaving till I've stolen the flag now chest obtained ding ding and I need to remember where it is that's part of being a good squirrel ok here we go we've got like a square of red rose bushes we dig right in the middle of it squirrel complete cool done nice good now we're gonna go steal the Scottish flag there it is there it is right look at it stood their ground we need to get round the back and jump onto it from the top I say oh I see him I see him oh god they're searching they're searching for little old me aren't they I've got they're climbing I haven't got long I've just got to do this they know I'm here here we go here we go oh it's not made of wool it's made of concrete oh this is even worse what does it say Scotland stand forever let's bomb England we get rid of this ante huh get rid of the sentiment that's good enough for me oh god I've run aspirin Oh No right we've got to get back to our squirrel spot I see their names right beside me you shouldn't have invited me on to your realm if you didn't want me to steal your Scottish flag they're not following me I think we're in the homestretch now I think this is all we need he run and hide what a hero shut up chat I can make this jump I can't okay we're good only two hearts straight in the middle Bam Bam Bam squirrel complete gone oh the adrenaline I have the testosterone I am The King oh come breathe it will burst suit more like Wilmers bar ah that's too far oh it's nighttime oh the enemies abound oh there's so many [ __ ] people he's looking at me I don't think he knows what I'm up to which is good because I'm gone I'm [ __ ] gone no no no no don't hit your own horse I'm gone we are gone no come on horse go yes see my heart my heart I think we're good we just need a place to squirrel the horse dick don't worry don't worry Pete just I'm gonna get you underground I'm gonna get you not in the paint chips we're gonna get you nice and safe look we're robbing we're robbing come on there must be a pickaxe around here he's outside oh no spider please please spider please you're not making it easy oh no right okay okay don't come in no no no no no no no no don't do it don't come in we're out we're out of here we're out of here [ __ ] okay we've got five dirt five dirts fine we can just find ourselves some kind of iron pick that's all I want I want to take this thing down okay he's looking at me axe is fine for me this is my defense okay look they don't know what I'm up to I don't think okay hmm yeah don't mind me yep you just put some music dude I'm just having a little search through your stuff yeah don't they don't know what I'm up to it's okay hmm have they hidden their good stuff cats that's a puffer fish that won't help me they have nothing they own zero things off go away I'm not you know these guys have nothing I'm just gonna squirrel away what I've got yeah you leave just leave just leave it's fine I'm squirreling I'm just here I'm just hit a squirrel and then once I've squirrel I leave pop it all in here there we go and I'm done [Music] yes I'm the only one oh my god this just stuff to steal sure I think we found the mother lode I'm gonna be rich Bob Jobs house supplies oh my god in Portage yep we just got we need to gather here we need to get out of here they know they know we need to get out wake up we're gone I hear them behind me are they behind me I pretty sure they're behind me take the golden one gold ones good yeah go good good I think we've done it I think we've got out I spent too long in or at my mother lode we need to screw up that's very important right now that was a good haul although they don't quite understand they're doing a question mark they're not sure this is a nice spot this is a nice spot to squirrel he took Kai's horse that he's mad he's mad it's fine though oh there's a deep one we will find you no you want no you want now we need to bury the horse somewhere nearby I'm not mad who you're just disappointed okay there we go there we go bury the horse horse get in good good good good whoa squirreled thank you ah that was a perfect run I love my husband [ __ ] you well we're going on okay someone has just joined okay so we need to we need to go sneaky mode all sneaky-like on this one oh okay that's quite a lot of good things to steal looks like they've been working on this world for a while huh we need to get back we need to get up there alright we're not here to grief we just hit a Rob okay this chest room looks good we do a little bit of grief you know just to help the cause so I just hope this is the way in yes yes yes oh the kid in a candy store okay armor armor is good tools yep always angry he doesn't know what's going on hmm don't worry no no [ __ ] way okay okay hold on hold on looks good to me that looks tasty yum yum yum yum yum okay [ __ ] whoa that was a 10 out of 10 if we have a 10 out of 10 that was a 10 out of 10 on the old Thievery scale I'd say ladies and gents Wow sneaky I want Wyoming Oh quietly I need this I need this button this button is very precious okay that could be useful okay okay didn't take them very long but their hips wiggle wiggle around the back here good good good good good okay it's a cow on a leash in here okay that's the house we need to get to we need to get to there we can drive in there I'll take that sure what's on the jukebox nothing who builds a jukebox without a disk sneak 100 star were taking star can grab this barrel this will be the squirrel barrel good run run the cow the cow he's dead he sees me he definitely saw me there's no way he couldn't see me there okay he's dead Wilbur you got greedy no no I'm going for the cow who's come back round oh no he's not oh yes he is this is far too open dude oh no it's not we got the penis okay we're just pulling it now come come oh he's seen me he's seen oh he's seen all you monster oh we're surrounded Booker the cow we are surrounded oh he's on our tail fine you can have the cow it's fine oh I've got greedy chat I've got greedy we'll be you got really no no no chat I got greedy is he following me still no he's not following me okay we tried we tried this is where we're burying this is where the treasure goes before I deposit that I've got to see I've got to see what have a spoon says dick hard on the butt titty in my hand kiss your neck hell yeah peace out I'm satisfied I'm satisfied with that one I'm satisfied maybe seven other ten whoa SMP mic here we go whoa whoa oh no really look smart about this one so we're surrounded on all angles by grass hair this guy is a threat okay see how it is straight in straight in but no time for sneaky no time for stealth no time for [ __ ] around we've got a steal and run yep yep yep yep yep I can't get out the back oh God oh okay oh these guys are on it there's like 50 of them this man is a goblin okay as long as I can squirrel the armor away oh they are catching up okay this is the plan they can't shoot me if I'm underwater I'm not a [ __ ] boy how are we looking okay we're getting good lead on them ow what the [ __ ] they're still reaching me ah ah ah ah wait I'm gonna spawn all the way back here oh this is the opportunity time to rob here's the trip we get in the nether where they don't see me this is the opportunity chat I'll go why do I go there's some ice over here I can probably break through this they are panicking [ __ ] he's actually Rovi guts ah this is new this is new let's go they are getting mad they are mad yeah we need to just go straight down oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] right we can't dig their next attempt we're gonna dig here two three Bam Bam Bam is this the squirrel run and then disconnect oh that one that one was a tactic they thought they had me when they killed me little did they know that I used the fact that they went too hard on me against them that was a good one unstealable just you try Wilbur okay it's just one guy what is this mushroom levels it Bank is this way what the [ __ ] is going on who brought me here thank you this way sister Bank you're suiting up secret emeralds a secret emerald stash this is the bank vault take these is it good no entry staff only currency I'm coming will but coming where we need to get out we need to run okay we've got the chest chest is good now we need to squirrel when you find a place to school I see them they're there I'm thinking there's got to be a way out of here five star wanted level check you won't you won't find me always walled this can I break this yes the world we're out we're out we're out this is it the heist the bank heist now we need to bury this I say we bury it right the trunk of this tree right here see under dirty crime boy Oh anyone for some crime just hit me up crime does pay remember this always be a criminal crime pays let's do join or boom first I'm thinking straight in here just no no fooling around we haven't got time we don't got time to like sit around and wait see this is what I mean people join oh okay we'll take the armored for defense this is the best stuff so far we take all this I didn't mean to do that sorry I'm in Korea I'm in creative mode [Music] will do not a cult because there's not anyone on it okay uh this is terrifying what the what the [ __ ] is this what is this this way to salvation research nice day five salvaged have seemingly adapted well to the new state we've been able to lower the amount of mind input they are receiving Cappetta yesterday this is despite one member number two who's being slightly more troublesome have we determined they will soon fall in line smile guys I promise this is not scripted this I probably literally swear on my heart this is not scripted I have never seen this what the [ __ ] is this it's dogs pee Dappy dog the [ __ ] was this one say you should feel lucky we're gonna get pee dog out can I just break this no it's adventure mode okay I need a pickaxe I need to get him out I could sleep okay I'll sleep of the door was there another door oh yeah that was that was okay okay so say dream a dream is dream once dreamed dream a dream what the [ __ ] so I've gotta save pee dog breed our prayer follow our words dream dream dream okay sure what's up here some broken matters we outside you didn't really leave us right I can I literally can't leave what the [ __ ] is going on how am I supposed to steal things I am losing my [ __ ] right now can I get back look behind the painting it was a painting oh [ __ ] there was there was it's in here I promise chat swear not scripted no idea what the [ __ ] going on whoever did this though is probably [ __ ] loving this oh there's only one painting in here that's there you're right you're right Skelly still labyrinth I just found a labyrinth how am I supposed to steal stuff right the trick to mazes right get to the beginning you pick a wall and you stick to it so this one left wall and if it's the wrong path then we'll just end up back at the beginning then we try the right wall I have no [ __ ] clue what's going on the stream just took a hard turn yeah I know okay this looks promising oh wait can I see over can I see where I'm supposed to be going I'm actually a little bit scared I don't know what I'm not going to say anything to them maybe I should hello Oh what the [ __ ] oh there's a [ __ ] book okay okay well it's down there your fate is in his hands that's better this better be a safe thing everyone saying well done idiot I know it's gonna be water underneath I'm calling it now there's gonna be water underneath there was don't you [ __ ] don't you give it those smiley at me know your things broken I chat I didn't like that one zero at ten keep going please finish fun I'll finish it we'll finish it oh I'm in wait who's this who are you who are you no no who are you oh I see them they're invisible p-dog when this is my dog that is my dog are you going what oh come back [ __ ] I have a good memory I promise chat up this is less spooky now that it's just a guy with a dog oh my [ __ ] is he lost it is a [Music] [ __ ] loser l dude L for this guy oh here they go you've just taken us to the exit again sit Peter wait I can stop Peter's gonna live in this corner right this is the best I can do to steal Peter's gonna live in this little corner no one will know he's here let's see what's going on a moist beans we don't steal anything that's just already free McDonald's he shut at the moment in the UK let's rob them all items are to iron yeah [ __ ] right all items are for me oh god where is the food kept is it in the McDonald's basement there's a cow there's just a cow huh who the [ __ ] is this Jim John no this passes son I've had my experience with this stuff before we're stealing something else we're still in that cow in the McDonald's we're freeing him we're stealing him this is Peter here we go right how we get you out of here get out get out come on this way this way you that's good look that sheep may have died but we're not gonna we're not you're not gonna have to say mmm you're not gonna have the same fate don't worry we're gonna keep you alive just jump up jump up I know where they'll never find you yes yes they'll never find you in here let's play this way come ignore these guys these guys they live here more exactly this there's a [ __ ] horse here don't mind me mr. Cowell we're just gonna do this no ignore ignore that chat ignore that let me just let me just there we go Oh Oh your halt halt we're gonna send you back to the dragon egg we can just straight-up steal the dragon okay where is it where is it not fair not fair piss realm I'll Rob the piss realm there's no one on this one so we've got free reign again we just gotta be quick really [ __ ] forced okay good Oh for [ __ ] sake right okay this is where we are cool that's a [ __ ] cool Island what goon Island get out of here thank you I'm happy with that Lex and her trackpad right first thing to steal I can see already horse horse ports right you're coming with me good thing we get that out right for a quick escape she'll buy be useful must be something anything anything in here I could steal no nothing to rob port let's go hot when you get up there okay here we go here we go I cook oh oh oh okay we good we good sneak 100 oh I think I can go up I think he jumped down ah free rein okay okay we're gonna go back from a different angle we gotta get in here they're obviously checking down here cuz they know I'm on a steel ramp so sorry sorry sorry get get back over there sorry I can't help you sorry nope sorry can't help you sorry good Oh okay back we go run away - we need to get back up the tree get back okay chat we're just stealing the horse [ __ ] where do I put the Hort there it is there it is no no no no no no that's on that's on call for get in the water me [ __ ] horse let's go come on so we've taken the Hort perfect are they behind us yeah he's trailing us Pete's a bit slow so we're gonna go back and we're gonna hit this place right but we need a plan gently descend right nice we can we can bury it here come on hot and you go there we go down you go little oh sorry just a little bit more nope sorry there we go perfect safe and secured okay we're going on sneak mission time there's the target see it if we can attack it from the [ __ ] ocean what are they gonna do ocean man take me by the hand let's try I'm placing my bets that down there is where the good [ __ ] is I feel like pottery girl is the it's the one hit look she kind of was nice to me come on let's try Gary attention we have a mole on the inside who are you you stole shield hi I'm Wilbur show me where you keep diamonds go go park dude I told you simply is how you get stuff in this game thank you second horse horse number two BAM nice simple anyone squirrel away any squirrel squirrel in the chat another successful heist oh this is 123 hours ago oh there's two on what what do I have [ __ ] this isn't what the [ __ ] hacks okay we're not first or something the [ __ ] going on Oh they've seen me they've seen me [ __ ] we need to come at this from a different angle do not touch B's we're touching B's we're gonna touch the B's boys that's all they care about right now is touching the B's you won't pass them oh thank you touch Oh they're mad touchin B's touching B's touching B's touching your B's but the [ __ ] is run run what can I run oh god I'm on a lead no I first failed heist boys well I'm priests I'm pretty happy I think it's time to retire from the old bank robbing business but I think it might be time to hang it up call it a night you know I'm pretty happy with what I've done today thank you for joining the dirty crime boy tips fedora and I'll see you soon get in my hat [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 7,193,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: AsWkmWk3DC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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