DreamSMP but we all have Mutant Superpowers

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Thanks for this I have screentime in yt so now I can watch it from here 😁

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Helikopterilentokone 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is there a way to get the mod in this?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KCrimsonC 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would love to play this mod

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ClarkySharky526 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

is there a way to get this mod cause i like it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Firewing669 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
where is it where the [ __ ] are you wilbus we've been speaking like this for 20 odd minutes huh okay he's a superior brit okay okay wait jack go this way this way this way where where is this way okay [ __ ] it i've got a question to axe you death die i got a question fixed off oh my god you're getting right on my blooming nerves [Music] i haven't actually seen what they are yet so this is my first time human a regular human that's just minecraft why would i no i don't want to play no do you think i'm here to play minecraft also a large proportion of my viewers aren't actually subscribed i trust that you probably are but if you just scroll down and check that you still are that would be really helpful because youtube unsubscribes you it takes five seconds and it really helps me out thank you the avian racers lost their ability to fly a long time ago well you know i never had the ability to fly featherweight you fall as gently to the ground as a featherwood arachnid you're able to climb up any kind of wall eletrion holy [ __ ] this is filzer you just start with wings if phil hasn't picked this one i will be pissed shulk related to shulkers the bodies of the shulker outfitted with a protective shell like skin you have access to nine slots of adventure which you keep on death tubbo pit these people are saying okay tabo taboo's a shulk and feline when you're not under the effect of a strength potion you can only mind natural stone if there are more than two no no no no no no endearing if rambu does not pick this one i will eat my hat he did he did oh everyone's so predictable uh whenever you want you can throw an ender pearl that's [ __ ] cool so the downside is that you can't go no pumpkins and you can't go no water that's pretty good oh this is like gameplay impact i guess i kind of want to go for a high gameplay impact i don't just want to do the [ __ ] ass [ __ ] like i don't just want to do the like oh it's oh you know i just now i can run faster [ __ ] off i want something that i have to like completely change my playstyle for nikki's a merlin oh nicki's a mermaid i knew it i knew it from the day i met her girls you can breathe underwater but not on land that's oh that's kind of [ __ ] pain in the ass so nikki and ramboo may never meet they gotta like stand on like the shore with each other that's kind of cute that's kind of really cute actually blaise born late descendants of the blaze the blaze ball are naturally immune to the perils of the nether you're immune to all types of fire though these are the cool ones uh you receive damage over tunnel in contact with water so jack manifold is this okay phantom what do we get to like fly about and haunt people these creatures can switch between a phantom and normal form while phantom as you are invisible you begin to burn in daylight if you're not invisible being phantomized because you have you're free wait nurses ghosts that's just a ghost that's ghostbuster chat are we looking at a ghostbuster right now like real canonical gameplay altered ghostburgh your skin is translucent that's [ __ ] weird why why would i want that while phantomized you can walk through solid material but i can just [ __ ] walk through walls we can walk through walls okay so i'm guessing you can like swap between being normal and like a phantom mode i'm danny phantom i'm daddy phantom what does he say when he changes what's the thing he's changing let's let's morph or something what's he say going ghost we're going ghost we burn in the daylight if we are not invisible we have to be indoors in the day and out at night and then we get really hungry can we get a pole mods like phantom anything else we're pretty much like caught a vampire quarter phantom quarter human quarter danny i love the going ghost it's 97 phantom 40 000 votes for phantom 1000 for other hey up oh oh that's the oh chitchat look at me bro yo it's phantom time hey up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah shut the [ __ ] up do mobs attack me when i'm invisible oh my god and i can just oh wait can i holy [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] tommy yes i'm a [ __ ] ghostburgh i'm freaking out tommy i can just what do you mean come to the surface bro okay let me kill me no i want wilbur i seek death rambu ah hello rambo you leave ender particles brother you've got like oh wait really yeah you've got like ender particles all over you why are you see through oh be careful yeah what if you have a hat can you throw it can you throw it here wait yeah here there there we go i looked it up i looked dashing mm-hmm no no it doesn't no that's a lie i can come up now i can come up now hey oh [ __ ] what oh okay he's just a flying back guys keep keep looking where i was that is terrible can i just do this oh i don't sound we have to use sound it's not funny this is not funny where is he float away tommy what did you pick i chose that where are you guys i'm floating oh i see phil there he is no wait no where did you find this uh in the chest are you supposed to be scared of pumpkins you little [ __ ] little [ __ ] lanterns get me some iron tommy get me some ice wait why do you guys want to scare me this seems very it's almost very bad okay tell me tell me wait can you actually phil think this way yeah keep going keep going feel filled up [Laughter] i knew it i i feel so powerful should i tell you where the caves are independently oh good job tommy good job muggle boy i'm not what are your powers tommy what are your powers well i can fall quit slower and uh i didn't die i can fall yeah phil can do that too uh i'm i'm bound to veganism [Laughter] uh not quite sure what that entails but um perma vegan perma vegan vegan let's see what happens when when i see pumpkins i want to see hey guys tubber we're trying to scar the enderman the chair oh what is that does someone have to be wearing it oh wait i can't see you wait wait wait give it to phil what is going on i'm so good for pranking i can't this is terrible i can't see you that is such a great i can't see phil oh i'm keeping this dude that's such a good this is such a useful item oh yeah what are your superpowers tubbo i get hungry really really quick oh do you want some food you can take mine there you go brother oh thank you but also you see how i'm just wearing iron armor yeah this is actually the equivalent of full diamond okay that's that's so yeah i've got i've got full diamond right now and if i press g i get nine extra inventory slots which i get to keep when i die you just picked the min max option didn't you yep so this is my little tree house this is turbo tree you've you've like you've made this nice yeah have i shown you my abilities taboo wait wait where do you want to live because i'm quite like a neighbor see no no one really wants to live there's someone over there no rambu just built a little pad there so he didn't die in the rain [Music] i know how about this i'm going to be an estate agent i'm going to join the other vc and try and convince them to come and live around the lake yeah yeah okay guys incredibly poorly well i yes but i'm in the nether and can't leave gonna be the ones thank you you're the man you're the man nikki you know where there's a great body of water you could live uh i'm already in one you could live in a little rejected big guy sorry wait you live in the lake hey you have a neighbor tubber you're my neighbor [Laughter] ladies and gentlemen there he goes okay never mind never mind hey nicky look behind you that's not fair you're floaty aren't you tommy how do you have iron i have some you just jump slow jump jump jump jump tommy is that your jump slip at all times wait you're a wonderful time so essentially right in the day i i i burn in the sun yeah i'm like a mole but i burn in the sun can you stay in water that's what i was gonna say i can stay in water so i was gonna say i will come visit in the day this would be like the perfect place maybe i'll make my house like that uh okay i'll see you soon watch out behind you find your value hey yo hey hey yo it's a good old ghost bear oh i found you i found you friends friends where are you oh okay the question of where am i is a very pertinent one uh i'm not yeah i'm not quite sure hey i have to ask that with anyone that's not in view hi hi a ravine awesome wait yeah but phil you can just glide down what glide into the lava fill yeah straight yes here i go oh phil phil yeah phil yeah bill yeah bill bill yeah but what the [ __ ] what did you do what did you just do i have a song you have a panic button what does it do it basically i just launched up into the air it's the best you yeah filzer i feel like oh no no did you swim through the lawn i went ghost into lava uh let me teleport over there real fast i love saying that sentence oh this is fantastic this is your dream right now rambo this is this is my dream except for the water part in the fact that anyone can be invisible to me that is i'm with one of your friends rambo oh awesome which one is it michael gerald which one i'll ask um he just screamed at me and vanished oh that's jeffrey then where's jeff jeffrey he's not he's not great he's kind of a jerk honestly yeah you know what my dream is right now i'm going to make myself a haunted manor oh that's going to be cool it's so on brand it's i i don't i need it very own brand basically all of us have a get out of jail free card aside from tommy yeah like tubbo's like just a tank yeah i can teleport away phil can fly away tommy can slowly fall away there people are calling him a chicken and somebody my cat is dummy he is just a chicken said i've never related more than tommy ever i think we should all live around the lake personally hey i really don't mean we're not makers hey did you manage to you've you've been a good estate agent yeah i'm doing it right now actually tubby are you actually yeah we get we're getting people i'm on fire oh bad bad and bad news bears bad news bears okay we're good we were talking about how tommy is literally just a chicken yeah that is true he really is a little slow he just falls slow he runs quick and he makes annoying noises and be vegan and be vegan i mean chickens are like horrible carnivores have you ever seen chickens in real life they [ __ ] they kill and i've never seen a chicken in real life that [ __ ] brutal dude if the chicken was the size of like a person they would just [ __ ] us up oh god oh no oh no oh no i don't want to die okay we're fine hey guys thanks for coming to see me bro i don't have obsidian jack do i will that's my problem right now hello hi i i'm i keep burning oh no i wish i could give you a food but i don't have any food myself uh i'm gonna make it help can you kill these fish i don't want to kill the fish okay look away hello salmon hello salmon hello salmon i'm such a little i'm such you know what they call it i'm being cold what do they call me they call me the salmon basher oh that sounds very very brutal yeah yeah could be a bit of a salmon basher me bam bam wait are you friends with all the fish um not yet they kind of ca everyone kind of wants me out of here i feel a bit i feel a bit you know unwelcome yeah they're nervous around you yeah they're challenged by you because you're like you know you're like part human oh i see you they see all these humans murdering them with wooden sticks yeah fair enough fair enough i did eat one of them so you know oh that's probably tommy gave me so i i had to you know i would have felt bad if i just didn't accept it i have 10 salmon hey hey well why do you sound like that i'm i'm go there's a ghost in it you got a condition pal yeah i can't i can't go i can't go in the sun jack i want to get you to the surface thank you boys i'm actually already here doing that so he's actually working on that tell me can i help yes yes sure okay if you must sounds like okay fine maybe you don't need me maybe you don't maybe you know you're a bit of a yes man maybe you don't need will be you're welcome do you want to come to the what can you what do you play danny phantom reference is that reference to danny phantom yeah i go ghost and [ __ ] i do oh you're so young you don't know who danny phantom is no you should get older i have half a heart i'm so scared do you think i can ask for some food somewhere you want to just murder some salmon i want to kill them actually this is pretty great pretty rude maybe maybe maybe you eat one just to show whose boss show dominance okay and then and then they'll know not to mess with you yeah yeah yeah look at you murdering your brethren yeah you have been trying to banish me from this land now i will kill you jesus christ dude i may just be a humble ghost but that seems that seems mean to the sabbath he says with a cooked salmon in his inventory you okay i really like the reverb in your voice thank you it's cause i'm dead jack left another oh let's go jack made it oh god oh he dies in the rain oh no i died in the rain so it is [ __ ] okay i'm gonna go bother phil for resources i think phil are you ready mimi hungi hello mimi hungi mimi hungi mimi hungi what the hell is this ah it's just a ravine i found the glitched ravine oh yeah is it is it like super scuffed just a tube the ground tube ground tube round a young boy [Music] the savior of the ground because one day i'll leave you a phantom to lead you in the ground true to join the ground you [Music] i think so rambu one of your brethren just appeared hit me and vanished yeah mike ah good old donald is that jeffrey again no that's donald donald's a prankster why did some pranks donald's nice once you get to know him but but jeffrey's just honestly just kind of a jerk all around right because don't steal stuff beat me yeah but it's like it's like a playful little punch you know i don't i don't trade in playful punches personally rambu well we do we do i'll remember that i'll remember that when i come visit yeah that's the end of the year but remember all of my plans are foiled the moment you wear a pumpkin so you know it's but what i'm gathering is that the haunted shacks are all quite tall right oh oh god no did it stop raining why am i dying oh from hunger [ __ ] oh no okay i can give you some salmon salmon salmon there you go thank you oh you actually saved me you keep calling them salmon yeah that's what they're called salmon what i was saying it was a joke i'm not called salmonella they're not called salmon they're not called salmon at all salmon salmon salmon that's not how they're written i trust you will you know you should never do that never never trust me no i'm gonna keep calling them salmon i don't even care if the language is wrong nikki is right exactly exactly disgracing my language it's impressive it's impressive that you've gone this far honestly i'm impressed maybe i'm just ignorant yeah maybe yeah sorry it's the this the spiderman they just it's the spiderman spiderman does whatever it can to scare me i'm invisible i'm on the ground good good wait i can lead them to you like yep you just did thank you so rude pop cat remains my favorite yeah it was my favorite my favorite beauty tv do it oh you're just going to fly around there scaring people well it's just like a haunted manner in it but i'm gonna be a friendly ghost yay ah it's it's not gonna steal well i will probably still i will probably start okay but only when you're online oh boy oh so i can feel extra stupid yeah by not noticing all right so that's good yes and now my chat is nothing but that yep yep it's the best though so [ __ ] powerful uh i get weakness and slowness jack manifold on tommy in it oh you should go invisible and then hit them and then run away you should i don't know i'm headed i don't know i'm here as well oh no oh so it does have custom things good to know [Music] okay it's time for my [ __ ] it's time for my hey where did we get on do do do do music [Music] where is it where the [ __ ] are you wilbus we've been speaking like this for [ __ ] 20 odd minutes eh look i've lost 3 000 viewers but it's all right i have lost thirty thousand and i don't give up [ __ ] [ __ ] he's a superior okay run okay wait jack go this way this way this way where where is this way you're getting right on my blooming nerves you're getting on me tits you are you will be you're on chat manifold's tits it's all right don't do too much damage i can survive talking like that i've been doing it for too long now it's just it's me now it's who i am it's my identity come with me where are you i'm cooking up some mutton no don't cook mutton jack manifold there's a [ __ ] mutton follow me don't need that mutton i mean i need him in the lamb chops [ __ ] you [ __ ] yourself we're out oh myself between us all i'm saying is ever since these ghosts have been in system ever since they started using vaccines now now dare i call that coincidence i don't know but hey come on come with me [Music] stupid [ __ ] jack will you come upstairs licking like your face jet manifold what the [ __ ] disgusting you're not even past 9 pm gmt tommy what are you doing oh i have to go up to place my bed apparently due to my character need to sleep at high altitude whatever the [ __ ] that means oh you [ __ ] now i'll go get back down somehow trick oh wow you're stupid aren't you you're sh you're horrible i messed up i messed up i fell down i fell down one block hey up jack i've got a deal for you [ __ ] all right what you want what do you want me right hungry i want food for the soul speed boots i got a mutton for you it's in it's an oven in an oven it's in oven so if you want one i'm waiting on it i'm waiting on it hey up there's your boots lads all right you have a good yogurt terrific phil you haven't built my house will you didn't give me enough [ __ ] wood i gave you plenty wood you [ __ ] i left you because they're speaking like i have no idea what language it is but hey yo hey up top hey up well buster it's not quite it doesn't quite hit us no it doesn't where are you living wilbur i'm living next to nikki oh so you're nearby as well i'm very nearby i feel like i've made my house too stubby it's like it needs to be longer at the back house he got back well nice house that was her thank you tubbo that i just made a i made a sir mix-a-lot reference there i don't know if you picked that one up i don't know what a mix-a-lot is can i sing you uh sir mix-a-lot's uh debut track please yeah go away hold on no please please no oh no oh no so inappropriate where is it going it's about just asses i'll give you the radio edit tubber all right okay sing along phil by the way if you know otherwise i know you're old as well so i'll pass here we go here we go la face with the oakland booty i like big butts and i cannot lie you are the brothers can't deny when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist wait a minute in your face you get sprung wanna pull up tough you notice that bubble stuff deep in the jeans she's wearing i'm hooked and i can't stop staring up but [Applause] bins well use me use me cause you ain't that average groupie i've seen them dancing to hell with romance and i've got a feeling i've started way too high but objection disconnected i think i've started way too high on this track and it's about to ruin my vocal cords are you ready here we go right here cuz she's sweat wet you gotta go like a turbo bat i'm tired of magazines saying flat butts are the thing take the average man and ask him that she's gotta pack much back so fellas [ __ ] fellas so fellas said your girlfriend got the butt tell her to shake it shake it shake that healthy butt baby got la face with the oakland booty [Music] i didn't know that's what it was called yes sir mix a lot baby got back i swear the actual song doesn't is an acoustic no it is sir makes a lot is a very famous folk musician i don't i don't think so i don't think that's true yeah the song the song is written entirely on acoustic guitar wow okay i like to i like to keep it true to life original you know when i do covers you know i don't like to throw in creatives as you know well but can you play the electric guitar the what the electric guitar the one that plugs in no no of course i can't oh it's not the same response there electric more like more like forget it [ __ ] wait isn't it minecrafted someone in my chat flew by saying that was hot and i don't know if they're talking about my rendition of sir mix-a-lot or my guttural vomit sound i don't know which one is worse honestly no me neither oh he's still here he's still here get out of here [ __ ] off you can give it to other people oh oh god i'm gonna die oh okay we're fine shaking shaking shake that healthy butt wow [Music] he's just referring to himself it's just him the rest dies hello it's just me alvin anderson maybe maybe should i go look down no there's no such thing as a creeper spawner oh there's a lot of it will blow itself up oh i feel like phil is just like you know just pass this bye phil can you live near us please yeah sure yay you said you have a special delivery uh yeah the special delivery is like um yes guys i'm working on a water tunnel right now oh the water tunnel is my worst night water tunnel is my worst nightmare yeah think about it we should make it like a challenge if rambu if you can get to the other can you not die that's a terrible challenge it could be worse like come on don't need to be so pessimistic about the challenge worse than a can you not die challenge is a can you die challenge this this especially he's right phil mimi hungi bro i just me i want mama bird to swoop in and wait phil we have enough for two beds we can just set our spawn here where's mama bird i'm bringing you hopefully not dead sun i've seen blue planet it's definitely dead there we go i know i saw ah it is isn't it mama bird always dies i know they do and then david amber is like the young must now fend for themselves now must fend for yeah that's themselves it i don't know what you're talking about and i'm very scared like blue planet mother is now deceased have you never seen uh nature documentaries nick i've seen some but in german oh you're missing out british you're missing out on david are you not watching my documentaries can you listen to my cover of sir mix-a-lot's baby got back i like big butts and i cannot lie i'm sorry david [Music] beep beep beep this is crazy you're all crazy oh my [ __ ] god come around nikki i can't go in you're going to swim hey [Applause] cheers [Laughter] we named our tower the pub is like painfully bad tommy the american no it's not stop it it's all right it's all right stop it was a bit okay a quick question what were like half of those words this is [Music] your brother and really hate me hey everyone in there oh it is no you are a terrible person god no stop please please i'm just i'm just i just have to teleport out wait until it's raining just wait let's not actually oh let's wait till it's raining don't worry you can come live at that house i like doing the windows frames gosh phil where are you there you are hi phil is someone nicked my iron who keeps stealing from me oh someone half inched it i'm already robbing tubbo awesome how far away into this i'm taking this he's just deafened in this car i'm trying to look for wilbur i'm told to go find him but he's invisible in here i literally physically cannot go uninvisible for you but you should be able to see me just wandering around i've got parts of fire resistance if you want them yeah right oh i need to go get i need to go back and get them though oh [ __ ] you had to break your boat well you're addicted because i would have died actually frick prick yeah do you like our accents wilbur not really prick [Music] hey nikki i'm just going to litter your ocean why would you do that oh nikki i'm going to litter from above you she's going to happen with this [ __ ] stop polluting my parents settle down settle down youth you might need to clock out soon i'll clock you if you continue [ __ ] you one hi yeah then then you'll be laughing as you practice your fire suck it then it's actually night time so i'm not going to burn anyway right so that we're a waste waste of my resources oh man i'm done
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 7,579,090
Rating: 4.9794512 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: bczh11mBILg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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